Your #1 and 2 ALL time Hated Movies?

UPDATED: Friday, June 1, 2007 04:31
VIEWED: 27850
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Monday, May 14, 2007 9:14 PM


1# Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
2# Star Wars Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith

I'm sure many people feel the same way, these films made the Star Wars series CRAP

check out my MYSPACE at...

Darkfly Auer on Second Life(Online Game)

Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:49 PM


Pulp fiction. My brain hurt watching this movie.

And Jaws because it gave me nightmares including one dream where my backyard filled up with water. I swam through the water to an orange tree and a shark bit my bum off.


Monday, May 14, 2007 10:01 PM



mazaen wrote:
Monday, May 14, 2007 21:49
Pulp fiction. My brain hurt watching this movie.

And Jaws because it gave me nightmares including one dream where my backyard filled up with water. I swam through the water to an orange tree and a shark bit my bum off.

Pulp Fiction is a classic! and there are plenty of worse films than Jaws too...

The most recent pile of trash I sat through was "Little Miss Sunshine"..

The worst book rapage in history would have to be "Battlefield Earth".


Monday, May 14, 2007 11:01 PM



mazaen wrote:
Monday, May 14, 2007 21:49
Pulp fiction. My brain hurt watching this movie.

And Jaws because it gave me nightmares including one dream where my backyard filled up with water. I swam through the water to an orange tree and a shark bit my bum off.


Pulp Fiction is a classic! and there are plenty of worse films than Jaws too...

The most recent pile of trash I sat through was "Little Miss Sunshine"..

The worst book rapage in history would have to be "Battlefield Earth".

Damn Right Pulp Fiction is brilliant, Battlefield Earth is CRAP but not my worst movie's look up a few posts to see my worst

check out my MYSPACE at...

Darkfly Auer on Second Life(Online Game)

Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:00 AM



Darkfly wrote:
Monday, May 14, 2007 23:01

Damn Right Pulp Fiction is brilliant

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish, and the tyranny of evil men. BLESSED IS HE, who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I WILL STRIKE DOWN ON THEE WITH GREAT VENGEANCE AND FURIOUS ANGER, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers, and you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee"

Heh heh.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:04 AM



Darkfly wrote:
Monday, May 14, 2007 23:01

Battlefield Earth is CRAP but not my worst movie's look up a few posts to see my worst

Ahh but have you read the book? My comment was that IMO Battlefield Earth was the worst movie made from a book.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:18 AM


I would have to agree with the earlier posts about highlander 2. Sean Connery is egyptian in the movie so what's the crack with all the dodgy bagpipe music when he's doing something. Ahhhh . "Cheese Gromit" springs to mind.

I'll throw in Anaconda as my second choice. It's just awful. Even a fit looking J-Lo can't save it. seriously, it's awful.



Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:20 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Darkfly wrote:
Monday, May 14, 2007 23:01

Battlefield Earth is a CRAP adaption but not my worst movie's look up a few posts to see my worst

Ahh but have you read the book? My comment was that IMO Battlefield Earth was the worst movie made from a book.

Yeah your probably right about Battlefied, can't really think of that many bad book adaptions though I found Blade Runner dissapointing & Harry Potter are crap books & crap films

check out my MYSPACE at...

Darkfly Auer on Second Life(Online Game)

Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:20 AM


A Phantom Double Post, Attack of the Double Posts, Revenge of the Double Post, A New Double Post, The Double Post Strikes Again,Return of the Double Post, I'll stop now by the way the Star Wars Series is Crap thanks to the first 3 Episodes


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 1:37 AM


The Saw movies, gross, icky, ew!
I know the head make-up guy for that movie he says there's gonna be about 7. That's right 7! Those movies are just gross and stupid and the puppet mask thingy gives me nightmares!

What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women...


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:09 AM


1. Battlefield Earth. When we got out of that movie, a friend put it best when he said, "I think I'd have been better off just putting $8 down on the ground and walking away from it." And I have read the book, and it wasn't that good either. Not as bad as the movie, but it still stank.

2. The Nightmare Before Christmas - I took a date to see this movie, and if my date hadn't been a huge Tim Burton fan, I'd have walked out of the movie.



Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:35 AM


Have to go with

1. Double Jeopardy - Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee Jones. Utter Crap

2. Pearl Harbor - How can you make a movie about an unprovoked surprize attack, and try not to offend the attackers? Oh yeah, portray them as victims of an over-controlling ruthless government. Well, that and Ben Affleck.

Edit - I had a friend who saw Nacho Libre for free and went to the ticket counter after and demanded her money back - it was that bad. I never saw it based on this rousing recommendation.

BOOM Shakalakashakalaka BOOM BOOM!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:36 AM


Nightmare, really? To my entire generation, that's a movie that has so much magic and power. I'm surprised to hear someone NOT liking it. Mind you, there's been a few films mentioned here that I actually liked that I don't mind.

But getting back on topic, I don't have a #2, but I do have a #1, which goes too...


That movie is without a doubt the lowest of the low. It is without a doubt the biggest insult to human intelligence ever created. A $100 train wreck of awful jokes, lame special effects, no script (to say a weak script is to imply that there were actual pages written), horrible concepts and just an embarrasment for everyone involved. This movie is my litmus test for bad movies. If someone says that blank film is the absolute worst movie ever made, I intentionally seek that movie out to see if it's even worse than WILD WILD WEST. There have been a few, but nothing so far has surpassed that cinematic equivalent of cyanide.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:02 AM


I'll admit Wild Wild West isn't brilliant but its at least a 3 star film for me, made me half at least a dozen times

check out my MYSPACE at...

Darkfly Auer on Second Life(Online Game)

Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:42 AM


Heh. So many choices, so little time.

I'm a little surprised at some of the selections, though... A History of Violence??? Great film!

The only movie I ever walked out of was "Thief", some movie with James Caan. And we wanted to flee so badly it wasn't even worth it to stop long enough to get our money back.

"Dances With Wolves". I've tried, I really have, to watch it, and have NEVER managed to make it past an hour. What a piece of overblown PC revisionist CRAP. Ew.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:05 AM



Originally posted by Sister:
Sorry Chrisisall...hated it (solaris)...and, actually loved for "DING...fight?" no thanks, it's pointless and life is too short - we like what we like and we don't like what we don't.

It's okay, Sis, you're not alone.

I hate this movie, too, but for me it's a sensory thing.

Solaris had the most irritating sound design & dialogue I've ever experienced.

Two types of sounds grate on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard: Whispering/mumbling & gum chewing: All the actors whispered or mumbled their lines, and Jeremy Davies was constantly chewing gum (and gesticulating weirdly).
This movie was miked so well, every tiny nuance of all that was drilled into my skull.
Sheer torture!

My other choice is Virus with Jamie Lee Curtis.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:42 AM


Cast Away - Two hours of Tom Hanks talking to a volleyball.

The Scorpion King - Well make that anything the Rock stars in.

The Mummy - I swear if this franchise ruins Jet Li I'm gonna be pissed.


Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:22 AM



Originally posted by Kinetic:
Edit - I had a friend who saw Nacho Libre for free and went to the ticket counter after and demanded her money back - it was that bad. I never saw it based on this rousing recommendation.

BOOM Shakalakashakalaka BOOM BOOM!!!!!!

Then tell her not to watch Envy with Ben Stiller... Trust me, she want interest on her money...

Oh and "Everyone walk the dinosaur"

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:01 AM


1. Ultraviolet. After I watched this, I had only one question. Why?

2. Anything with Eddie Murphy (Except Shrek)

But you guys should feel blessed that you are spared Leon Schuster movies. He's a local film maker and for some strange reason, very popular. (May you be protected against a South African sense of humor) Think Police Acadamy 8 but with elephant sh*t. And it won't be a movie unless someone has to stick his head up a rhino's ass.

Sucky sucky sucky...

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:04 AM


1. 12 monkeys (sp?)
2. Bloodrayne

I just wanted to contribute, I'm trying to be less of a lurker


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:18 AM


Oh god there is so many i hated

1. The Punisher (remake with Thomas Jane) I was a fan of the comics but this remake (There was one done in the 80's with Dolph Lundrin which was HOT) sucked the big time. Jane cannot act. It's set in Tampa- when it was supposed to be a NY based comic. Bad guy was John Travolta(why why why) and the plot was thin at best.

2.X-men 3 - Another comic book based movie that missed the mark. Jane Grey becomes the Pheonix-yes but come on the rest of the movie was off canon and were way off base where certian characters were concerned(Prof x dying?Magneto and Rogue losing powers? COME ON) and other dissapearing (Where did Nightcrawler go?) and all the big egos in the movie as well- With Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman vying for on screen time. And excuse me WHERE THE FUCK WAS GAMBIT?

3. Ghost ship- I love Gabriel Burne and weirdo horror movies but this movie was the pits. You have a ship that has been floating out in the Ocean for decades(oooh this could be good) and then you add ghosts(oooh better) but then the movie deevolves after that...meh

4. Wayens Brothers movies- need i say more?

5.Star Trek Nemesis- They Killed Data! You bastards. Worst Trek Movie (Besides ST5:The final Fronteir) Worst Plot.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:58 AM


There are a LOTTA movies I can't stand, whole GENREs I won't spend time or money on. But only 2 that I really hate

1. Starship Troopers. I read the novel when it was new, and found it amazing and inspiring. Read the screenplay online, and halfway thru, said, " This is an insult. Veerhooven totallty distorted what Heinlein had to say. Never gonna watch this, or anything derived from it. " At least that's the censored version of what I said.

2. Chapter 27. This ain't even been released yet, and may never be. The story about the man who shot John Lennon, because he wanted to be as famous as Lennon was. Don't wanta hear about it, ain't gonna go see it, ain't gonna read reviews of it or buy anything that has anything to say about it. AND I will not ever acknowledge that man's name. For his punishment, he must be consigned to nothingness.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:06 AM



Originally posted by Tinadoll:

I love Gabriel Burne and weirdo horror movies

I've been asking that question since the FIRST X-Men.

If you like wierd horror check out damn near anything by Takashi Miike, or this movie called Suicide Club, in the opening scene 54 smiling schoolgirls join hands and jump in front of a moving train.

Oh yeah, I loath American remakes of great Japanese horror films, just look at what they did to Dark Water.


Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:27 AM



Originally posted by zerokiryu:
If you like wierd horror check out damn near anything by Takashi Miike, or this movie called Suicide Club, in the opening scene 54 smiling schoolgirls join hands and jump in front of a moving train.

Oh god that sounds poeticly beautiful..


Oh yeah, I loath American remakes of great Japanese horror films, just look at what they did to Dark Water.

..And Audition...and The Eye ...


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 9:14 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Mine are:

#1 Class of 1999

#2 Return to the Posidon Adventure

*BTW my high school was used in the Class of 1999*


O.K., River got me curious as I had never seen either one of these movies, so I watched "Return To The Poseidon Adventure" yesterday. She's right. Absolute crap. (couldn't find Class of 1999)


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:39 AM


Premise: Something shocking is going to happen... BASH! Something shocking is Happening....BASH! BASH! Oh my god something shocking just happened BASH! BASH! BASH!!!! over the bloody head again and again and again!! One of the most melodramatic and insignificant films I have ever had to watch. A simplistic message, thrashed out over and over again!!!!!

2: CRASH (David Cronenberg)
Two hours of watching Cronenberg's perversion! Irrelevant dribble from someone who should know better!!! This may aswell have been written by Joe Eszterhas (he who wrote Showgirls)

There are of course worse films out there but one thing that really gets my goat with films is when they presume that the 'Taboo' is somehow intellectual and by intellectualizing (for want of a better word) it that this somehow elevates a film to some kind of cinematic significance. Thereby garnering a slew of simple minded reviewers claiming it is a: "Must' see film", if one regards oneself as a serious film fan....

Well in the immortal words of SPIKE..... "BOLLOCKS!!!"

Give me 50's sci-fi, give me Indiana Jones hi-jinks, give me Airplane belly laughs or Starman sentiment, or give me..............Give me........


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 3:38 AM



Originally posted by Peulsar5:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Mine are:

#1 Class of 1999

#2 Return to the Posidon Adventure

*BTW my high school was used in the Class of 1999*


O.K., River got me curious as I had never seen either one of these movies, so I watched "Return To The Poseidon Adventure" yesterday. She's right. Absolute crap. (couldn't find Class of 1999)

Keep looking for the Class of 1999. It's out there and it is a terrible movie. It was shot in Seattle where I live and the school they used for it was my old high school called Lincoln high. In the movie they changed the name to Kennedy High School. I guess the whole idea of it was that it was the year 1999 and gangs have taken over most of North Seattle, and most of the schools zones were considered "red zones" Not even the cops wanted to go in there, but some of the schools were still open for business, but the teachers kept getting killed off, so the state sent in some "Special Teachers" who all just happen to be Terminators. You can already guess where this is going to go...

It was freaky watching those killer, terminator, teachers cyborgs having a shootout with those kids in my old science class... Something like that does something to your head, or at least mine. Really, really bad movie!!!!

"Return to the Poseidon Adventure" was so beyond bad that it makes you wonder why they even made it. BTW, I saw that in the movie theater, and this was the 1st movie that I ever felt that I should walk out of but I didn't because I had paid good money for it, so I sat there and watched and felt victimized. "The Bow-People?" LoL!



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 3:55 AM


I don't see a lot of movies in the theatre. The upside of this is that I manage to not see lots of the worst ones.

Sometimes, though, one slips past the radar and the one that I hate the most is Excalibur.

It was attempting to be authentically medieval and failing awfully and annoyingly.

Then, a guy leaves his horribly inauthentic armor on while making love....


That was it for me. And, that scene is nearly at the beginning of the film....

I was actually reduced to muttering at it out loud much to my husband's and friends' embarassment.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:04 AM



Originally posted by Sister:
Solaris (w/george clooney) was So bad, and soooo forever set the standard in my family by which all movie suckiness is judged. It's the Solaris Scale of Suckiness. 10 being Solaris...

There must be two Solaris movies with George clooney, because the one I watched was phenomenal.........


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:22 AM



Originally posted by Canter:
1. Ultraviolet. After I watched this, I had only one question. Why?

ME to... why oh why? Then it came to me... to get money out of horny nerdy 12-18 year old boys wholikes vampires and Milla Jovovich. That has to be it.

God theres so many movies I just have blocked out of my memory. Reading this thread brings them back. Not shure if I like that. Its funny though how people actually watches movies "recomended" here just to see if they are as bad as people say they are.

I disagree with a lot of people here, but thats just to be expected. People dont like the same movies.

I would like to add two movies that annoys the hell out of me


I liked the comics damn it, and then they go and rape them like this... grr!

John Constantine just cant be american, he just cant and Keanu Reeves.. not the greatest actor in the world. It could have been soooooooo good but alas it was crap.

Same goes for Spawn. It shouldnt be difficult to make atleast a half decent movie out of this.. but clearly it was.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:28 AM



Originally posted by Tinadoll:

3. Ghost ship- I love Gabriel Burne and weirdo horror movies but this movie was the pits. You have a ship that has been floating out in the Ocean for decades(oooh this could be good) and then you add ghosts(oooh better) but then the movie deevolves after that...meh

Was that the one where everyone got beheaded by a wire at the beginning. If it was that was the only memorable scene. But that was kinda cool though. And does it have anything to do with ghost Rig... havent seen it but the cover is about the same only with an oil rig instead of a ship... Clearly someone has tried to find an original "oh my god its scary and we cant get away" location for a horror movie. if the rest is just like every other ghost movie ever made you have to try something right...



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:32 AM



Originally posted by Constance:

Originally posted by Tinadoll:

3. Ghost ship- I love Gabriel Burne and weirdo horror movies but this movie was the pits. You have a ship that has been floating out in the Ocean for decades(oooh this could be good) and then you add ghosts(oooh better) but then the movie deevolves after that...meh

Was that the one where everyone got beheaded by a wire at the beginning. If it was that was the only memorable scene. But that was kinda cool though. And does it have anything to do with ghost Rig... havent seen it but the cover is about the same only with an oil rig instead of a ship... Clearly someone has tried to find an original "oh my god its scary and we cant get away" location for a horror movie. if the rest is just like every other ghost movie ever made you have to try something right...


yeah the wire was the best scene. Thats about it lol


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:38 AM


when i see previews or clips or whatnot, i decide if i want to see the film. so ive manage to avoid seeing movies i hate. heres what i do hate about films though. i watch a lot of medieval period films, braveheart, king arthur and the like. the one thing that really honks me off that every time someone pulls a sword, it goes "shing". go get a sword a pull it, it wont do that, and it bothers me to no end when i hear that sound on a film because i know its so contrived, a sound effect invented by a bored foley.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:07 AM



Originally posted by Tinadoll:

Oh god that sounds poeticly beautiful..

It was.....


..And Audition...and The Eye ...

OH GOD!!! They're remaking Audition!!! Another movie ruined by Americans...

The Eye will star Jessica Alba.


Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:10 AM



Originally posted by SpacemanSpiff76:
when i see previews or clips or whatnot, i decide if i want to see the film. so ive manage to avoid seeing movies i hate. heres what i do hate about films though. i watch a lot of medieval period films, braveheart, king arthur and the like. the one thing that really honks me off that every time someone pulls a sword, it goes "shing". go get a sword a pull it, it wont do that, and it bothers me to no end when i hear that sound on a film because i know its so contrived, a sound effect invented by a bored foley.

Doesn't depend on the sheath?


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:16 AM



. And does it have anything to do with ghost Rig... havent seen it but the cover is about the same only with an oil rig instead of a ship... Clearly someone has tried to find an original "oh my god its scary and we cant get away" location for a horror movie. if the rest is just like every other ghost movie ever made you have to try something right...

My wife and I enjoyed "Ghost Rig", which we still refer to as "Ghost Pig" after the clerk at the store's misreading of the title. "Ghost Rig" is the American name. The movie is British and set in the North Sea. It is low budgety and stock horror-y but has a fairly tight script. A fairly satisfying ending that isn't telegraphed.

Need your clock cleaned?


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:44 AM


The wire decapitation was cool. Ill have to see Ghost Rig then.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:45 AM



Originally posted by SpacemanSpiff76:
the one thing that really honks me off that every time someone pulls a sword, it goes "shing". go get a sword a pull it, it wont do that, and it bothers me to no end when i hear that sound on a film because i know its so contrived, a sound effect invented by a bored foley.

Jayne's knife makes that sound when he pulls it on Dobson, but it's barely audible.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:53 AM



Originally posted by zerokiryu:

Originally posted by Tinadoll:

Oh god that sounds poeticly beautiful..

It was.....


..And Audition...and The Eye ...

OH GOD!!! They're remaking Audition!!! Another movie ruined by Americans...

The Eye will star Jessica Alba.

They remade "Audition" -It was called Hard Candy and it starred effeminate actor Patrick Wilson

Jessica Alba needs to commit Sepoku!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:34 AM



Originally posted by Tinadoll:
Jessica Alba needs to commit Sepoku!

I agree.



Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:51 AM


Like right now.

That she-demon


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:20 AM


I got a new one to add to the list last night - unfortunately when friends brought it up as thir favorite musical...

Moulin Rouge *shudder* It's visually pretty, but the over acting and whacked out weird lyrics and insane camera work make it impossible to watch more than 5 seconds. I know they were trying to be different with it but...

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:23 AM


What about Dare Devil? A few years back when this movie came out people were screaming and crying because they thought it was so bad. I personally didn't think it was that bad at all, but I like Ben Affleck, so what do I know?



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:28 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:

There must be two Solaris movies with George clooney, because the one I watched was phenomenal.........




Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:41 AM



Originally posted by mazaen:
Pulp fiction. My brain hurt watching this movie.

And Jaws because it gave me nightmares including one dream where my backyard filled up with water. I swam through the water to an orange tree and a shark bit my bum off.

Holy crap! Those are both in my top 10 favorite films, ever.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 9:31 AM


I love my captain


Originally posted by SpacemanSpiff76:
the one thing that really honks me off that every time someone pulls a sword, it goes "shing". go get a sword a pull it, it wont do that, and it bothers me to no end when i hear that sound on a film because i know its so contrived, a sound effect invented by a bored foley.

Oh God, I hate that too. The most you should have is genereally a slight hissing noise.
Have you ever seen the movie "Ladyhawke"? I like this movie. I really do. It has a good story and is well cast. Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, and a pre "War Games" Matthew Broderick. There are issues however. The armor and -Oh GOD!- the helms in that movie are so horrible and just about everything worn by the Bishop is just so wrong! I wanted to punish the costume designer.

This should link to a pic of Rutger Hauer in one of the helmets I mentioned. When the visor is down he looks a little like a medievil Robocop. And just imagine it in gold, which is what the bad guy wears.
My other big issue with this (and many other films) is how the broadsword is handled. Rutger hauer has a massive sword in this movie that he tend to throw like a spear. At on point he hurls it about a foot into a tree. First off, that's physically impossible for a human being. Secondly, sword don't really work like that. They're not balanced properly for throwing. It would also be damned hard to get it out. Later he throws it through a man and pins him to a wall./ The sword is up to the quillions in the gus chest and the man has his back flat to the wall so presumable the rest of the sword is sticking out the other side of the wall.
Ladyhwke isn't the only movie to do such things just one of the most obvious. It. Is. Not. Possible. The only way filmakers should be able to get away with this is if either the sword or the weilder is magical.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:01 PM


What about the Rocky or Rambo movies?

I liked Rambo 1, but the rest of the movies were pretty bad.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:22 PM



My other big issue with this (and many other films) is how the broadsword is handled. Rutger hauer has a massive sword in this movie that he tend to throw like a spear. At on point he hurls it about a foot into a tree. First off, that's physically impossible for a human being. Secondly, sword don't really work like that. They're not balanced properly for throwing. It would also be damned hard to get it out. Later he throws it through a man and pins him to a wall./ The sword is up to the quillions in the gus chest and the man has his back flat to the wall so presumable the rest of the sword is sticking out the other side of the wall.
Ladyhwke isn't the only movie to do such things just one of the most obvious. It. Is. Not. Possible. The only way filmakers should be able to get away with this is if either the sword or the weilder is magical.


You should suggest this on the Mythbuster's site Kayna. I can just see Jaimie or Adam trying to throw a huge broadsword at a tree or maybe Buster. Seriously, you should post there.

Anyway back to the topic, there are many movies I hated that I wouldn't watch voluntarily (though if they came on tv and I was bored I might watch it back and forth between other shows) But there are two that I saw that I refuse to watch andonly if I was offered a LARGE sum of money would I watch again.

The main one If Event Horizon, I even hate saying the name, it started off well, Fishburn was great and commanding and there were times it reminded me of the original Alien movie, but then it got gory and the story unravelled and it was all I could do not to walk out. I was with my brother, and he said if you hate it leave (he wasn't very sympathetic) kept telling me I told you it was going to be scarey. But this wasn't just scarey, it made my stomache turn and it was all I could do to keep my popcorn down. So stupid me I stayed, did the hands over my eyes thing, but occasionally took a peak (and regretted it. Just stupid doesn't make sense un-nescessary gore. It had two kinds of impact. One, ever since that movie anything Sam Niel is in I can't enjoy because I keep seeing him as the psycho killer, and 2, for a year (yes a year) I had nightmares of this film, I kid you not. Just the most horrid dreams, and it's telling how terrible this movie was because I'm feeling nauseous revisting it.

Forget the million, I'm going to have to have all the gold in Fort Knox to rewatch that film.

Then there's the second one I was stupid enough to see with anoher brother that again was gratuitous, nauseating and actually very demmeaning and negative towards women. Sin City. I don't understand why people like this film, men I can it's got all the action and naked chicks, but many women like this piece of fey-yoo and I can't understand it. One of the worst pictures to come out in the last 5 years that from beggining to end show women as sexual objects to be exploited and abused, not to mention that pedophile getting away with torturing and killing other young girls while a cop is forced into admitting he did it to save one of the victims, and there's one scene where Bruce Willis pulls a guys **** off, well again it took a lot to keep my popcorn down. And now there's talk of a sequel? So how many women and children are going to be abused in this?

I think there can't be any worse films that makes me physically ill (even Pulp Fiction had some cleverness to it's violence) And though many will find this strange I'd be willing to sit through Star Wars 1, 2, and 3, then watch these two horrible movies.

~*Peter* Peter*; power *re-peater*~

*Petrelli for President. Together we can soar.*





Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:18 PM


I still to this day do not, and will not understand why Pulp Fiction is such a good movie and how on earth did it become a classic watch? It was a pretty bad, brutal, and senseless movie; I don't get it.

I made certain to watch it 6 times just to make sure I didn't, or hadn't missed anything. I simply don't like it, and I put it right down there with "Picnic at Hanging Rock" as a totally pointless film. Others on the other hand seem to like it. I guess in this area I'm clueless.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:18 PM


I do agree with a lot of the selections here, but my worst two are both the fourth installment in each series.

The Crow: 4 (not sure the real title) I was medical standy by on this and the producer threw us off the set before the hanging sequence because he didn't want to pay for paramedics. I only watched it because I was there for a bit, and it had David Boreanaz in it.

Urban Legends: Bloody Mary. I did medical stand by again for one of the scenes. I am suprised that someone didn't die in the filming of this movie. Everything kept breaking while they were filming and when the producer showed up you could smell the alcohol on him from about 20 feet away. I was actually in this one for about 10 seconds, I am the medic (without glasses) who is about to pick a corpse up off the road. If you watch close, the way they spliced it together we get the stretcher out of the ambulance about 3 times.


This is just another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety...breaks the heart.






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