What's wrong with our country, and how're you gonna fix it?

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 17:02
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004 6:01 PM


It's very simple. You fix this country the same way we fix other countries. You invade, for whatever reason comes up on the magic 8-ball, don't bother declaring war. Then set up an " interim " government for however long it takes. Best served at room temp so no one notices.

It's a nothing part til you don't got one, then you have to go to ebay.....aaaaagh!


Thursday, March 18, 2004 4:40 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Now I think that the whole point of the two party system was to have one on the extreme right and the other on the extreme left. That way they'd balance each other out. perhaps I'm a fool for asking this...but is there any benefit in having political parties at all? Or some factor I'm not aware of that necessitates their existence? Because it seems to me like we'd be better off if candidates ran for office based on their own beliefs about what's best; and nothing else.

Or maybe not...?


Thursday, March 18, 2004 5:29 PM


I've often thought about that as well, Steve. Whenever I ask people who they're going to vote for, they answer, "The Republican candidate." I always pause for a moment because I'm hoping I'll be given a reason for this choice.

After several seconds have passed in silence and I finally say, "Well, what do they stand for that you like? What makes you want to vote for that candidate?" The response I get has always been the same: "I'm voting for him because he's the Republican candidate. I dunno what he stands for."

It has always seemed to me that this is a supremely asinine way to determine who you're going to vote for. However, that seems to be the strategy that everyone I have ever talked to about politics employs. The candidate gets a person's vote only because they are a Republican or a Democrat. They know hardly anything about that candidate's views on certain issues.

Now, this could be because of the age of people I'm talking to. I'm in college and all the other people I talk to are around my age. Perhaps the breadth of people's views expand as they get older. However, I have often wondered if eliminating the party system would even be an effective way of getting people to look at the issues...eliminating the parties altogether could have some complications attached to it that I'm not even considering.

"Two by two, hands of blue." -River Tam


Thursday, March 18, 2004 7:45 PM


Well, you kinda need parties as you do need groups of people that you know have a known set of values. This of course comes with some variance but with the party system at least you know basically what you get when you vote for someone. I think this is defiantly needed at the federal level and to a good degree at the provincial/state level. At the municipal level I don't think that it is needed as we can look at the individual because the individual actually matters there. Wow, I said level a lot

That being said, the more parties you have the more it forces people to think about who they are voting for. Off the top of my head we have the Alliance, Conservatives, NDP, Liberal and I think the Green party (to a certain extent). I'm not sure if this is going to stay this way as we have had somewhat of political chaos lately. One party is gone and another formed but some others don't like that so they may... Well, you get the point.

You can think of it paralleling religions. No-one really believes the exact same thing when they attend church or temple or whatever. But there beliefs are similar enough that you can call them the same thing. Basically if someone calls themselves something you can basically know what they believe.

This is needed with government on a large scale. No time to find out what everyone thinks.

If you truly love the memory, you must set it free()!


Friday, March 19, 2004 9:41 AM


hehe..Amen to that.. However, I'm from New York where they feel that education isn't the priority, a child's pride is the priority. 14,000 3rd graders will not be allowed to go to 4th grade. Why? Because they can't read..who's fault? Some say the education system, some say the Parents. There are folks in the New York educational system who feel that holding these 3rd graders back would hurt their self esteem. I say free education is great, as long as the folks who are being educated are there to learn.

Those who strive for mediocrity will only find mediocrity. Those who strive for success will meet with success.


Friday, March 19, 2004 10:24 AM


'Whenever I ask people who they're going to vote for, they answer, "The Republican candidate.....I'm voting for him because he's the Republican candidate. I dunno what he stands for." '

Ditto... oh, except that it's usually people who say they are voting for the Democrat because he's Democrat, not Republican, who can't give me an answer. Look at the union voters who vote democrat just because.

Generally speaking, there is a fundamental difference in what parties stand for. Sometimes the candidate isn't the most shining example of a party philosophy; however to elect even a poor representative of a party you don't agree with is to give strength to other individuals and ideals in the party you don't support.

I don't completely except the premise that these people don't have any rational anyway. I think many who get asked to justify their choices do not answer honestly either to avoid controversy or because they just don't care to talk about it.


Friday, March 19, 2004 12:34 PM


I have been avoiding this thread like the plague, and finally gave in today . Man, by and large everyone is being so nice, I figured - what the heck?
I saw all the talk on education, and it neatly segues with what I'm currently reading: A Brain For All Seasons: Human Evolution & Abrupt Climate Change by William H. Calvin. He makes a really interesting point in the book about the public school issue, and I'm going to put the whole whopping quote in here, because there is NO way I can paraphrase this!! (sorry!)


There are many reasons why public schools are neglected. The one I find most troubling is a curious aspect of practical genetics, one that an evolutionary viewpoint helps illuminate because it is nepotism at one remove, with all the same long-run disadvantages for the community at large.

Take two high-IQ parents, say 130 each, and consider their offspring. While it is true that a child of 150 IQ is more likely to come from such parents, it is also true that their average child may be only 120. (This statistical law is called regression toward the mean; it also works to bring up children of lower-IQ parents closer to the 100 average.)...

This is the familiar problem with family businesses and lines of royalty: the second and third generations often aren't as smart as the founders. More intensive education can, of course, help make up for any performance differences between parents and offspring. In this odd, unexpected way, high-IQ parents feel more of a need for private schools for their offspring than do average parents, because they want their children to do at least as well as they themselves.

The problem is that there is another way of helping the less-well-endowed offspring of those who have made it: decreasing the competition. It helps explain the generation-ago puzzle of the mother who was against admitting women to medical school; she thereby helped to double the chances of her on-the-edge son getting admitted. If there are spaces for only one percent of the population, eliminating females meant that twice as many males made it in. And who can be sure that their child is in the top one percent?

Discrimination to reduce the competition works, alas, for any sizeable group. And while one naturally thinks of the twentieth century racial-religious examples in higher education, it also works with the following group: those who cannot afford private education, but have the talent to compete with those who can. By slowing down the competition, those well-off (and often influential) parents can help their kids to get ahead. An effortless way of hobbling the competition is to neglect public education.

This is, of course, not in hardly anyone's conscious reasoning - it's not intentional so much as conveniently incidental....

If you think quality public education is expensive, consider the costs of ignorance and polarization, of an intelligent underclass that becomes stubborn, apathetic, and perverse.

Whew! (I left some little side-comments off, because they didn't really add/subtract anything.) Feel free to get the book - this was all on pages 174-175.

Sooooo...kind of changes the perspective a bit, don't it? Do I want the federal govm't deciding what and how my kids - if I had any - learned? Bunch of old white guys in suits who by-and-large come from that privileged class? Nope. Not a jot. So what does that mean? I guess we all need to be more directly involved with our schools. I don't have any kids, but I could always mentor...

I believe anyone who has no control over their volume, should be shot. This is directed toward the little b*****d sitting in his car outside my house, who doesn't think noise is the same as trespassing. errrrrgggghhhh!!!!


Friday, March 19, 2004 3:57 PM


ok i wont lie 2 u guys, i didnt read the thread only the title of it, i mean come on 106 posts is alot to read, espessialy if u havent read a book since the fifth grade.

heres what i think is wrong with the world today. i really wish that there was no such thing as countrys, other languages im all for but other countrys and boarder lines have done nothing but cause trouble anyway, i just wish that there was no such thing as race and we would all just learn to live with each other and not fight so damn much i mean come on, its pointless men dieing cause of some stupid war that they didnt even start, i dont know whats worse dieing by someones bullet that u couldnt even prevent or fighting for a cause that u dont even belive in. i was once told 'everybody dies someday jin, someones carring a bullet for u right now and they dont even know it. the trick is to die of old age before it finds you.' you know mabey there would b no bullet if the government and this world wasnt as f**ked up as it has become.

xie xie ni

'im the best damn pilot ur ever gonna c van, and im only 16' - Jin


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