I dont think Book is a former aliance.

UPDATED: Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:56
VIEWED: 2242
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Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:54 AM


Is it possible that he could still be a part of the aliance? We know the reputation Firefly class ships have amongst the alliance, ships favored by smugglers due to an abundance of hiding places. Book was not interested in where he went, just what kind of ship he was going on. Is it possible that he thought he might get aboard and see what he could see? The only reason I'm asking is, None of the passangers were alowed in the cargo hold in the pilot. It was the only place they couldn't go. We know why Simon and the lawman was there, but why was Book? What was he sneaking around looking for?

We often hear that Book is in an abbey or somesuch, but we never see him. The only time he took to fighting was against an enemy of the aliance on skyplex. Do you really think a former alliance agent would warrant Priority medical treatment as seen in safe? I would tend to think it would be reserved for current agents only.

Anyone else have theories on this?


Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:28 AM


I’m not sure but if I’m recalling it right the cargo hold wasn’t the only area the passengers on Serenity in the pilot eps weren’t allowed to go. They weren’t allowed on the bridge or engine room either. This isn’t odd, it’s standard regulation even on ships today. So keeping restrictions on where passengers and visitors can go on a vessel is no strange rule.

As for Book being an Alliance spy there is much debate and theories on that point. It’s fun to see what folks come up with and I enjoy hearing their ideas no matter how outlandish they are ( I have a few of those myself).

Another point, I don’t believe Book chose Serenity to follow the Tams. That’s not to say that he wasn’t a spy or government agent. First, he didn’t even know at that time that the Tams would be onboard. Second, he looks as if he were about to walk away until little Kaylee talks him into coming aboard. Third, there was a gov. spy signing on as passenger (by the name of Dobson) already. Book could have been onboard as a government entity with the duty of investigating illegal activities on planets like Persphone and if he were he, by accident, was invited aboard the ship carrying the mother of all of them or should I say sister.

Anyhoo, just some thoughts, Z


Thursday, May 31, 2007 7:13 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
I’m not sure but if I’m recalling it right the cargo hold wasn’t the only area the passengers on Serenity in the pilot eps weren’t allowed to go. They weren’t allowed on the bridge or engine room either. This isn’t odd, it’s standard regulation even on ships today. So keeping restrictions on where passengers and visitors can go on a vessel is no strange rule.

Mine is not so much a question of why he could not go there, but why was he there. What was he looking for? Or was he waiting for something to happen there?

I agree he wasn't aware of Simon going on board the ship when he decided to go. Maybe he had a hunch due to the type of ship, he could find something of interest?


Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:14 AM


I don't think he's current alliance. Serenity pretty much locks that out as an option.

Select to view spoiler:

Seriously this shouldn't still need to be a spoiler but whatever. The alliance kills him. Not very nice to an agent. The argument that they didn't know he was on haven makes no sense if he's working for them. He obviously would have reported back to them at some point. Then there's the fact that he shot down an alliance ship. Also not something their own agent would do.

Nope can't see how he could be current alliance.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 10:24 AM


There exists such a thing as "friendly" fire.

OTOH, he could have betrayed the Tams during the series, and seems to have done no such thing.

If he was working for an Alliance agency, then clearly the Alliance has a serious problem with its internal politics.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:08 PM


As far as not betraying Simon and River, He had made statements regarding how terrible the things she had gone through were, and I could see him not wanting to put her back in that position. I guess I'm seeing him take on the mantle of a shepherd, as cover, then after seeing the effects the alliance has on the "litle guy" he grows ino the role of protecting his flock.

Maybe it would help if I explain that I dont see the film as episode 15, but farther down the line.

"You're not going to bring people into a movie if you're explaining all the time what happened before." - Joss Whedon

Maybe he means what happened in season 1, as well as what would have happened in seasons 2,3, and 4. Just we havent seen them yet. I just cant help but think theres more meaning behind the title shepherd, than just a word to replace "preacher" or "Missionary"

Then again, Maybe I'm crazy. It wouldn't be the first time.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:17 PM


I think whatever Book's backstory is... it's probably a little more complicated than him simply being in with the alliance.
Maybe a popular theme but... what was Book BEFORE he was a shepard? He might not have ALWAYS been a man of god?
Also... keep in mind that I haven't finished watching the series yet... I'm only halfway through (hey, I'm milking it!) But here's another question. When Book gets patched up by the Alliance in Safe, and he's back on the ship talking to Mal... Mal wants to know why he just got special treatment and Book says "I would surely like to..." Meaning he'd like to tell Mal why but couldn't. Then fast forward to Serentiy when they meet back up with Book... Mal hints at his past again and this time, it's not such a friendly response but a flat out "No I don't." Maybe there's something there?

And one last crazy thought... what would happen if Book was the person responsible for defeating the Independants? Might explain why he is so highly revered by the Alliance. Dun dun dunnnnnnn!


Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:33 PM


I'm pretty sure there was a long, complicated backstory to Shepherd Book, but Serenity was the end to it, at least for now. In the series, Shepherd Book was defensive and secretive, and refused to acknowledge suspicions from the rest of the crew. When the movie came around, Joss Whedon wasn't sure whether he'd have another chance to wrap up the Shepherd's story, but there wasn't time to explore it during the movie either, and the result of that is the Shepherd's openness. He admits to his ties with the alliance ("Wasn't born a shepherd, Mal"), and then dies. It doesn't explore the story, but at least it ties up loose ends in the short term.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:38 PM



Originally posted by ilikechips:
He admits to his ties with the alliance ("Wasn't born a shepherd, Mal"), and then dies.

Respectfully I have a question...
How does his statement about not being born a shepard infer alliance ties? It might mean he just KNOWS about the alliance... not necessarily that he is or was one of them. He could've been a theif like Mal?
Not arguing... just asking... maybe you caught something I missed.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:56 PM


There are plenty of hints that the Shepherd had previous alliance ties, and this is the point when he seems to confirm those suspicions. He (probably) once was tied to the Alliance, but by the time he joins Mal's crew, he's a Shepherd and that's all he is. I'm not saying he was definitely working for the Alliance, but it's the most likely suggestion given the Shepherd's treatment in Safe, his knowledge of weapons in War Stories and Early's line in Objects in Space ("That ain't a Shepherd."). My own opinion of that line in Serenity is that the Shepherd is telling Mal that he has done a lot of things, and been tied to the Alliance and worked for them, but right then he wasn't anything but a Shepherd






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