Male and Female Imponderables - 77% (aka the song about Johnny's Mandate)

UPDATED: Monday, June 11, 2007 14:14
VIEWED: 5108
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Monday, June 11, 2007 9:42 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
*glomps almost everyone in the thread as he heads out the door to go home*

Is it possible to manly glomp someone? If so, Jimi, *manlyglomp*

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Monday, June 11, 2007 9:48 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:

He (in his own words) is a skinhead with friends. I know there are varying skinhead factions, but at face value... yeah.

I will assume that she is not of the pale skinned variety then? Cuz that could also put Hate-Crime into effect so she really needs to tell the Police about it if she hasn't.

Man I wish I could do more than give (very little) legal advice!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, June 11, 2007 9:48 AM


Someone better keep an eye on RIMG. I think he's gonna go Punisher on us.

Seriously though, and speaking as a peace loving violence shunning hippie, anyone who did something like that to someone I know would be looking at the business end of one almighty hippie-hissy fit. I'm not saying I'd be violent (although I do have a hell of a temper) but I would do absolutely everything in my power to send him to jail - and make him miserable as hell until he gets there.

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Monday, June 11, 2007 9:55 AM


Eesh...big stuff, little stuff...

NVG: I don't even know what to say other than my thoughts are with Mindy.

Just stick by and be her friend. If you try to fix anything it will probably just make it worse. I would suppose that what she needs right now is comfort from those she loves.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, June 11, 2007 9:59 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Zeek - I can only see two things (but that could just be my narrow view at work).

1) She's happy in her singleness like CK said

*glomps CaliforniaKaylee*

it's okay to be single; just because it's unimaginable to you, doesn't make it impossible for someone else.

2) She's had an unhappy happenstance like DtH said

*double glomps DesktopHippie, y'know, just 'cause (no offense CK: *glomps CK again just to be sure...*)*

perhaps to the degree of NVG's friend's trouble.

You say she already knows how you feel. I would let her have her space because if you push it, she might feel intruded upon. (True for either of the two scenarios.)

Well I'd imagine I'd know about #2 if it happened. Not from her really, but her friends are gossipy. They'd tell me.

Also, I wouldn't be the one to push it. I'd push her friends to push it. I guess another point is that she has mentioned wanting kids. There will be a clock factor at some point and you don't want to take a look around and find out all the good guys have rings on.

I'm sure I'm over thinking it, but at the same time I'm obviously right. Cause it's me.


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:07 AM


I felt funny moving on in my last post, so here is follow-up...

Zeek: maybe this girl is okay being single. Maybe she's harboring a crush on a certain guy in Texas, but is too shy to say. Maybe she is very private and doesn't talk about people she's seeing. Maybe she's been hurt and isn't looking to date until she is sure some guy is worth it. Who knows? There are many, many reasons why someone might not date.

I haven't dated for quite a number of years. Last real date was over three years ago. It bothers me occasionally. I'm just too busy for it too bother me often. The only time it gets to me is when I think of my future and being alone...but that quickly fades because my brain knows there is no guarantee that being with someone means you won't grow old alone. Everyone dies alone afterall.

So, I'm becoming a spinster...but dammit, I'm happy. If the right guy comes along, yeehaw...if not, I'm still happy, despite what others think of my life. I know that even without a man to validate my existence that I am a decent human being.

If you like her, open the lines of communication. Start talking to her more. Persue her, dammit.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:10 AM


I love skinheads, no matter what you do to em, you never feel bad about it later.

Ride down from Asgard to the battlefield,
Bringer of the valiant dead who died but never yielded,
Carry we who die in battle over land and sea,
Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla,
Odin's waiting for me.


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:11 AM


Naw dude. No offense intended to anyone, but she's wonderbread. Or, as she loves to remind me for saying it, she's Brady Bunch white. That is what leads me to belive that if he's actually a skinhead, then he's of the dirt bag, don't care how he makes the white race look, tweeker variety. Any real skinhead friends would punish him for his crimes against his own race.

Stupid brain is working in a negative pattern. Creative, but still negative.

As for my part, I've made sure not to jump into the fixit spot. She is with her loving sister and warm/cuddly yet ultra protective fairly well trained brother in law. A very good place for her to be. I might be taking a trip to see her in the next few weeks. Call me whatever you will, but if'n it's around the 21st I might be able to make the CSTS screening in Des Moines. Might be a thing to make it to after happening to have took the big damn show with me.]

ADD: A figurative smile for ya CMH. Thanks.



Monday, June 11, 2007 10:12 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:

Not to lighten' a very nice post but when you said this the opening to Hee Haw popped into my head. When they would do the opening and closing of the doors with different people behind them talking.

made me smile

(just realized that he admitted to being old enough to remember Hee Haw)


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:14 AM


Hey! Chris is here!

What's up, Chris? Still not dead? Want me to go over and take potshots at ya to speed things up a bit? I've been practicing with my brothers Wii

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Monday, June 11, 2007 10:18 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Naw dude. No offense intended to anyone, but she's wonderbread.

Eh no offense. I am pretty whitebread my own self. Except in the summer. Being all Shirtless I tend to look a little more whole wheat by mid June.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:22 AM


No K, I watched Hee Haw as a kid and have been conremplating the purchase of the Hee Haw box set.

And RugBug, the yeehaw thing started a definate riding sort of picture I had you quickly delete from the muddled mess I call a brain. Way WHOA on that one.

Before I go to lunch I wanted to tell DTH I missded ya. Hugs.

I have been in a good mood and hanging at the fetish shop a few days a week. Not because I have a man crush on the owner whom I've known for years. But because There is a very awesome geek girl who is a ball of fricken sunshine hanging out and BSing with me lately.

If y'all didn't see my comment on the tag, Geek girls are so fricken hot.

Just had to get that out.

See ya's.



Monday, June 11, 2007 10:22 AM


Hell, I'm Irish. My natural colour is a kind of a pale blueish shade. It takes me three weeks of tanning to reach white.

That's how you can always tell an Irish person from any other Nationality on the planet. When naked, the Irish always look like plucked chickens.

EDIT: Hey to all who said hey and glomped and everything. And NVG - this hot geek girl missed you too

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Monday, June 11, 2007 10:29 AM


DTH - Bring it.

NVG - Aren't Greek women also very hairy? Like, right above Italians, but right beneath Armanians?

Well, I guess it don't matter whatcha like on your pizza, as long as the sauce is the same.

Ride down from Asgard to the battlefield,
Bringer of the valiant dead who died but never yielded,
Carry we who die in battle over land and sea,
Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla,
Odin's waiting for me.


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:30 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Hell, I'm Irish. My natural colour is a kind of a pale blueish shade. It takes me three weeks of tanning to reach white.

That's how you can always tell an Irish person from any other Nationality on the planet. When naked, the Irish always look like plucked chickens.

EDIT: Hey to all who said hey and glomped and everything. And NVG - this hot geek girl missed you too

I think the Scots can give them a run for their money there like.

They may think their sins are original, but for the most part they are petty and repetitive.


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:39 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
DTH - Bring it.

Oh, it is on!

Having a Kitty Pryde day. Been reading Whedon Astonishing X-Men trades!

EDIT - Very true, Odds. In fact, I think I may have stolen the "three weeks of tanning to go white" line from a Billy Connolly routine!

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Monday, June 11, 2007 10:41 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Hello. ::waves to all::


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Originally posted by nvghostrider:
That and how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Toosie Pop.


"One! The Correct answer is 'One'"

Or, since I've actually done this, the number is around 1,800 for me (but then my orthodontist says I have a small mouth, so less for most other people). Maybe a 1,000 - 2,000 range (He-Man to toddler) if you actually just lick? ::shrugs::


Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Hell, I'm Irish. My natural colour is a kind of a pale blueish shade. It takes me three weeks of tanning to reach white.

Blue? That's... odd. I'm pinkish white, and I don't tan; but blue? Poor circulation? That just sounds like a bad color.

"A witty saying proves nothing." Voltaire


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:43 AM


I'm talking sort of paleish blue. Look at the inside of your elbow - that colour!

Also, I'm exaggerating. Actually it's fantastically sunny over here and I'm a little burned on my arms and neck. I don't sunbathe, but I walk, and I got quite a bit of sun!

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Monday, June 11, 2007 10:44 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Hell, I'm Irish. My natural colour is a kind of a pale blueish shade. It takes me three weeks of tanning to reach white.

That's how you can always tell an Irish person from any other Nationality on the planet. When naked, the Irish always look like plucked chickens.

Well I have Irish in me so that might explain why i am really pale.

Seriously, i have never, ever had a tan. I go red and then straight back to white.



Monday, June 11, 2007 10:46 AM


Careful, you don't want an Odds tan, forearms, back of the neck and bridge of the nose special.

Just makes you look like a berk, but I don't have the attention span for sunbathing.

Anyway blue is a traditional colour for skin in lots of bits of Britain Yingyang, s'perfectly healthy, just shows you haven't been your holidays yet ^^

They may think their sins are original, but for the most part they are petty and repetitive.


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:47 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

DtH...Nekkid? Hmmmm. Never been with the blue race. Wonder what alien ways they might employ.
*jots reminder down in notebook to ask DtH to fill out questionaire - must create "other" box for "plucked chicken"...*

Yin! Yang! My favorite split personality! Pink is nice but the blue is eerily beautiful. Etherial befitting a place as magical as the Emerald Isle. Me I got too much gypsi or something to be blue. I am positively pale but I can be coaxed into tan taupe/beige after a summer. But the burn to which our ruddy counterparts refer is more oft the result.


CMH - I have an old post to put up to catch up. So since as oft as not we ask about skin and hair when comes to self and preferences (I am not a practicing skinhead of any sort except by hair(un)style), Are we Browncoats hairy? Do we prefer hairy (face, head, chest, legs, pits, whatever) in our partners?

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:50 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I'm talking sort of paleish blue. Look at the inside of your elbow - that colour!

Also, I'm exaggerating. Actually it's fantastically sunny over here and I'm a little burned on my arms and neck. I don't sunbathe, but I walk, and I got quite a bit of sun!

Oh, good! I was worried there for a minute.

Sun? The bright fire-ball in that one place I don't go... outside? Why would you expose yourself to that evil burning?

"A witty saying proves nothing." Voltaire


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:53 AM


Ah yes, Odds. Here in Ireland, we call that a "Farmer's tan." And since I wear tee shirts rather than strappy tops I usually get them. Then when I go swimming I'm white where the tee shirt covered and red everywhere else!

*edit* Yinyang - like I said, I walk. I don't drive, so I walk to work, use public transport like a good little hippie and that usually involves waiting in the sun. Hence the burning.

I'm not a sunbather. Never been my thing.

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Monday, June 11, 2007 10:57 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
Careful, you don't want an Odds tan, forearms, back of the neck and bridge of the nose special.

At least you're a guy. I end up with Brown, brown arms/shoulders but tank top and sports bra lines (meaning two sets of lines across my shoulders) and white hands with a very distinct line at the wrist from my gloves, and the rest of me NEVER seeing the sun. Wearing dresses in the summer is an ordeal of hiding tan lines and disguising white legs.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:57 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Hey, that's a good question: why do people sunbathe (or, alternately, go to tanning salons)? It's like asking for skin cancer, and I don't see the attractiveness of tanned skin. But maybe that's just me.

"A witty saying proves nothing." Voltaire


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:59 AM


Hey I'm in the translucent category too ( as is obvious from my avatar pic)
NV see your email:) and much hugs and such...ok now hot fetish girl??? do tell??? I shall not jump up and down right this second but I see dating on the horizon???
Zeek- could just be she hasn't met anyone who ( ok looking for a delicate way to phrase this)gets her going..Most guys don't really have an effect on me ( even if they're really attractive) It's a specific attitude/aura/ whatever that gets my attention and it's kinda rare so I dated casually but no more than 3-4 dates per guy for most of my early 20's ...

As for the rapist- may I suggest castration with a rusty cheesegrater.

Edit- ok as for the hairy/ thing , girls with hair ( except on head) eeeeeeeeew!

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:00 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

I just posted a ponderable but ye must look up a bit. (you people are just too quick...)

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:08 AM



Originally posted by msg:

As for the rapist- may I suggest castration with a rusty cheesegrater.

Edit- ok as for the hairy/ thing , girls with hair ( except on head) eeeeeeeeew!

Agree with the castration MSG! But something more painful maybe? Like drizzling Peroxide on the grater with each new passing?

As for the Edit...... *flees* before an inappropriate question blurts out!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:08 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Hey I'm in the translucent category too ( as is obvious from my avatar pic)

It has been mentioned to me by a person of authority that as pretty as you are in your avatar, that the picture does not do you justice. I find that fact easy to believe.

Edit- ok as for the hairy/ thing , girls with hair ( except on head) eeeeeeeeew!
A forgivable aberration.

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Monday, June 11, 2007 11:12 AM


Aww that's so sweet thank you Flyvote:)

Kelkhil - the answer is yes and usually by waxing...does that help?
As for the why...I wear a lot of skirts, and I think if you're gonna wear a swimsuit there shouldn't be any visible..ok you got the idea.

We actually have a woman at work ( very offense DTH) who has never shaved and her hairly legs, armpits, etc just kinda make me go eeek and wish to drag her to the salon post haste...

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:15 AM


I must've missed hairy girls comments somewhere. Hairy girls = yuck. And hairy, hairy guys = yuck. I admit being horribly shallow, but if you guys expect me to shave my offensive body hair off, I want you to get rid of your's too.

Hrmm, maybe there's a clue as to why I'm still single.

Yingyang: I like to be tan because I equate it with being healthy. On a very basic, and non-scientific level, if you're tan, it means you're outside and active. If you're pale, it means you sit inside all day. 'Course, this applies more to old days when there were no such things as sunblocks. And probably back then being tan was a sign of being poor because the wealthy worked indoors.

Even still, to me, tan is pretty. ('cept when you're lindsay lohan orange. That's just creepy and sad.)

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:17 AM


Rugbug- yes I heartily approve of back waxing ( love that scene in the movie Hitch) and that orange bottle tan is kinda creepy. Though I do use self tanning lotion ( the gradual kind) 'cause without it my pallor is a bit unsettling ( what with the dark hair and all it's a bit too high contrast)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:17 AM


Well, I can assure you that my legs and armpits are shaved. Not my arms though, which one of my friends does. Although her hair is much darker than mine. And as for anywhere else - I leave just enough to tickle someone's nose

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Monday, June 11, 2007 11:20 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Aww that's so sweet thank you Flyvote:)


Kelkhil - the answer is yes and usually by waxing...does that help?
As for the why...I wear a lot of skirts, and I think if you're gonna wear a swimsuit there shouldn't be any visible..ok you got the idea.

We actually have a woman at work ( very offense DTH) who has never shaved and her hairly legs, armpits, etc just kinda make me go eeek and wish to drag her to the salon post haste...

I agree. Hairy legs/pits is just too masculine. As to "other parts", I can go either way.

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Monday, June 11, 2007 11:20 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Are we Browncoats hairy? Do we prefer hairy (face, head, chest, legs, pits, whatever) in our partners?

Well, looking at the big picture, things like shaving and waxing (mostly for women, of course, which is unfair) seem silly, because the hairs on our body are natural, and are only unattractive because of the way that we've defined attractive. We've been in-culturated (yeah, not really a word, just work with me) with this idea that smooth is good (and its inverse, rough is bad), and because we're tool-using creatures, we've made things to deal with it.

Having said that, if I were to date, ideally (speaking as a heterosexual female) I would want minimal chest and back hair. But, I would get over it, I'm sure, if that wasn't the case.

As for "hairy" females? Eh. I'm lazy, so I got no cause to complain (though I always wear pants and t-shirts, too). It might be a little weird to see at first, just because it's not something I see a lot (especially in high school), but I think I would get used to it.

"A witty saying proves nothing." Voltaire


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:22 AM


RAmen Chris, good point about skinheads.

Kel, forget the peroxide, let's get the 18M HCl.

I am 3/4 Irish and the rest German/Scandinavian, so I go from white to red to white, with my arms sometimes getting a little dark from driving in the car so much (well, my left arm).

EDIT: I am minimally hairy, for some reason my chest and pit hair is soft and there isn't very much of it. The beard is a bit itchy though, if I let it get to long.

Emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness
And cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like me


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:26 AM


OK I like that word ... in-culturated:)
I'd agree, but I just like having smooth legs and such... plus I might have a small bath and body works addiction and smoothness works better with lotion.
OK losing feeling in my legs what with MisterG's computer desk funnels all cold air directly onto my legs ... going to sit in another room for a bit

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:35 AM



Originally posted by msg:
OK I like that word ... in-culturated:)
I'd agree, but I just like having smooth legs and such... plus I might have a small bath and body works addiction and smoothness works better with lotion.
OK losing feeling in my legs what with MisterG's computer desk funnels all cold air directly onto my legs ... going to sit in another room for a bit

Hairy legs would keep you warmer. Just had to note that.

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FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:38 AM


Not a whole lot warmer, They just make you uncomfortably sweaty when it's hot. Otherwise they don't do a whole lot.

(Yes, I have hairy legs, I always took the point of view that I'd gladly change that, so long as someone asked first, they never have)

(Other then the legs [and a bit on the arms] I'm a bit hairless, but i tend to be a lazy shaver, so a few days stubble isn't unknown, but looks dreadful)

They may think their sins are original, but for the most part they are petty and repetitive.


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:42 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
Not a whole lot warmer, They just make you uncomfortably sweaty when it's hot. Otherwise they don't do a whole lot.

(Yes, I have hairy legs, I always took the point of view that I'd gladly change that, so long as someone asked first, they never have)

(Other then the legs [and a bit on the arms] I'm a bit hairless, but i tend to be a lazy shaver, so a few days stubble isn't unknown, but looks dreadful)

I would mortify some people. It looks like a brown bear is hiding right behind me. I'm wise enough to keep my shirt on.

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FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:45 AM


Oh goodness. Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read CMH's post. Sometimes those hits out to left field knock a player out.

Didn't make it to town. Hafta go after work. But it mostly feels good to hang out with a female that I have no issues with. Well, that and I need some parts for a PB gun and have to search for a book suggested by her greatness the Ninja Kitty.

I almost forgot. The mention of HK reminded me that I GOT A NEW MARKER. Honestly, she is the baddest bitch my arsenal and worked some strange and incredible magic Saturday night/Sunday morning. Already considered Diana as the name at the top of my list. Should be pretty easy to figure out who she's named after.

As for the hair thing... Fortune (and genetics) smiled upon me as most Natives really don't have much body hair. Thank Gawd!!!

In High School the Swedish exchange student mentioned that alot (she emphasized alot) of guys where she's from prefered girls who didn't torture themselves with deleting body hair. Something about bare skin being sticky in bed. But something tells me I'd shriek if I found a Chia Pet on a girls chest or lower back.

Making a large man shriek and a dark man blush are difficult things to do.

ADD: Caught up on my "Missed 'cause I type slow" posts and realized DTH just make me blush with the tickling of the nose comment.

DTH: Ultra hot geek girl with incredible amounts of talent.



Monday, June 11, 2007 11:52 AM


Odds - There is no part of my ancestry that can be traced to anything except for English, Scottish and Irish. Suprisingly, I'm not all that pale, but I deffinately know what yer getting at. Even so, Scots usually have enough hair to offset the pale, whereas the micks are mostly hairless.

DTH - You just had to pick the dumbest X-man character, didn't you? Alright, I call your Kitty Pryde and trump you with a Rambo.


That's not just any Rambo, either. That's Rambo part 3 Rambo, capable of destroying an entire Russian tank brigade by himself.

JQ - I am hairy on the legs, chest, and forearms. Compared to most of my friends, it's not a whole lot, but to the rest of the world it's like I'm wearing a sweater. I'm proud of it, though. Having no hopes of attracting a female anyways, I am free to make the decision that hair is ultimately a manly trait, snuffing the whole metro-sexual thing once again in favor of Old School Manly Traits. I prefer to keep a beard when I'm not on active duty, although I've found keeping my hair short to be preferable in terms of comfort and safety.

Ride down from Asgard to the battlefield,
Bringer of the valiant dead who died but never yielded,
Carry we who die in battle over land and sea,
Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla,
Odin's waiting for me.


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:53 AM


NVG - *bows* Thank you! Thank you!

On that note, I'm done for today. See you all again soon!

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Monday, June 11, 2007 11:55 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

DTH - You just had to pick the dumbest X-man character, didn't you?

Spoken like someone who has not read a single panel of Joss' run of Astonishing X-Men!

*phases Rambo-Chris into some rock and leaves him there to chill*

Kitty is awesome. She is the most awesome awesome who ever awesomed. Except maybe for Batman. Read Astonishing! She is absolutely kickass!

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Monday, June 11, 2007 11:55 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
(Other then the legs [and a bit on the arms] I'm a bit hairless, but i tend to be a lazy shaver, so a few days stubble isn't unknown, but looks dreadful)

Stubble isn't bad male hair. Stubble is good male hair...IMO. :D

Bad male hair equals excessive chest hair (truth be told I like a non-hairy chest) and back hair. That's about alll that makes the badness. Well, that and excessive nose hair, ear hair and crazy ass eyebrow hair.

Back when I was a cyclist, I dug on the male shaved legs. But only on cyclists or other athletes. On regular joe it would be...odd.

DTH: I don't think I could ever shave my arm hair. It's mostly blond and not me. I suppose if I was asked to, I would consider it.

Do many women wax their arms?

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, June 11, 2007 11:59 AM


Rugbug - I only know the one girl who does, and she's pretty obsessive about hair anywhere other than the top of her head.

As for stubble on guys, one boyfriend of mine once went a couple of days after shaving. After a night of kisses my face looked like it had been rubbed with sandpaper. I had to tell my workmates I'd fallen and grazed my nose and chin! He kept it clean shaven after that!

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Monday, June 11, 2007 12:00 PM


oooh hot geek girl...that has potential:)

Now I've gone off mentally trying to figure out how you'd make bare skin sticky...I've found it's more a slippery thing with bare skin..

I turned off the air conditioning ( well turned it up) much better.

this whole hair thing makes me think of the high maintenance/low maintenance thing...everyone do you prefer a more high maintenance or low maintenance partner??? Also what would you define as high maintenance

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, June 11, 2007 12:01 PM


Depends on the stubble Rugbug, mine tends towards the straggly and patchy after more then a couple of days, however we're very happy together, me and my follicles, we have an arrangement.

And yeah, I wouldn't exactly go shaving them without a reason or an excuse, but someone asking could be a valid enough reason to my mind, depending on, you know, circumstance.

(Just so's you know CMH, yep, I am in their thrall, but I can live with it)

Edit: High/Low, uhm, I don't know really, depends on what you mean by them, never really got those ones

They may think their sins are original, but for the most part they are petty and repetitive.


Monday, June 11, 2007 12:01 PM


stupid internet double postie...

CMH- ah I see gotten yanked by the hair huh? or just avoiding it ...for those who don't know, if your hair is long it's easy to grab during hand to hand and use to yank you's why I do close braid when I do Kempo.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, June 11, 2007 12:03 PM


Hey, I'm sandwiched between MSG and MSG

They may think their sins are original, but for the most part they are petty and repetitive.






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