Imponderable Watercooler: High Maintenance Women

UPDATED: Thursday, June 14, 2007 07:30
VIEWED: 6117
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Monday, June 11, 2007 2:12 PM


Previous thread:

Current thread:
(Look here, big dummy)

The firsties race is on. Who will it be?

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Monday, June 11, 2007 2:14 PM



'Tis me, Grampa!!

*Does the firsties dance*

And for all of youse who were wondering, the firsties dance looks like this:


How is everybody?! Hope your world's shiny kiddos!!

~Do YOU know what the chain of command is?~


Monday, June 11, 2007 2:15 PM




Okay, now I'm gone.



Monday, June 11, 2007 2:22 PM


Geez I wish I danced that well.

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FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Monday, June 11, 2007 2:28 PM



Originally posted by FlyVote:

Geez I wish I danced that well.

Admittedly, Mal's dance is what I try to aim for...and in my head, I think I manage it quite well.

But if I began to do my version of the Mal dance in, say, a public place...with lots of people...I think they would either laugh, call the police, or hurl bricks...

Maybe even all three, just to be on the safe side.

~Do YOU know what the chain of command is?~


Monday, June 11, 2007 3:34 PM


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FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 2:42 AM


Morning, Coolerites.

Well...I'm coming to you from my living yesterday my days of "working" 20 hours a week but getting paid for 40 came to an end. I was downsized. It's not unexpected, and has nothing to do with my performance.

The furniture store simply isn't doing the business to support 2 full time workers. And I didn't have the seniority my cow-worker does.
My boss was kind, and waited until Kevin was employed, and I thanked him for that. He is giving me a glowing letter of recommendation, as are several of the managers. It was quite emotional, but I understand he made a difficult choice. He owns the company and has been paying himself less than what I made.

I've already updated my resume, and emailed it to a few choice jobs I found on the Net last night. I'm going to continue the job search in earnest today...right after I make myself more coffee.

Now, if I can just keep away from the cigs today...



Tuesday, June 12, 2007 2:49 AM


*hugs Mavs big and holds her tight*

(I have been getting some work out of the way this morning, and avioding nosey co-workers, so I haven't responded to your e-mail yet)

I just know that you won't have too much trouble finding something soon. As skilled and talented and resourceful as you are, some company is bound to scoop you up soon.

Stay away from the cigs! We all know you can do it. Remember your co-worker walking to his car and his black, crispy lungs.

*hugs her again for good measure*

I was a bad, bad man yesterday...



Tuesday, June 12, 2007 2:53 AM



Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Morning, Coolerites.

Well...I'm coming to you from my living yesterday my days of "working" 20 hours a week but getting paid for 40 came to an end. I was downsized. It's not unexpected, and has nothing to do with my performance.

The furniture store simply isn't doing the business to support 2 full time workers. And I didn't have the seniority my cow-worker does.
My boss was kind, and waited until Kevin was employed, and I thanked him for that. He is giving me a glowing letter of recommendation, as are several of the managers. It was quite emotional, but I understand he made a difficult choice. He owns the company and has been paying himself less than what I made.

I've already updated my resume, and emailed it to a few choice jobs I found on the Net last night. I'm going to continue the job search in earnest today...right after I make myself more coffee.

Now, if I can just keep away from the cigs today...

You will stay away from the cigs today. Otherwise you will have me to deal with. :concernedface:

And you will get by this life-bump. I just know it. Looks like the Mavourneen household will have change, change can be a bit disturbing but it will all work out.

Edit: How could I forget? *hugs*

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FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 2:55 AM


Morning all. No, wait, it's aftenoon. where has the day gone?

In that case, good afternoon everyone



Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:37 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Morning, Coolerites.
Well...I'm coming to you from my living yesterday my days of "working" 20 hours a week but getting paid for 40 came to an end. I was downsized. It's not unexpected, and has nothing to do with my performance.
I'm going to continue the job search in earnest today...right after I make myself more coffee.
Now, if I can just keep away from the cigs today...

*unsolicited massive "luv you bunches" hug*
Okay: caffeine good, nicotine bad. Repeat.

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
We didn't have a terrific weekend here at the store, so I'll be back on by 11 AM or so.

Sounds like you got milked real good one last time before the last goodbye, though.

Bestest of the best for you sweetheart.

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:45 AM



You forgot vewy vewy pwetty Jimi. And you was a bad man yesterday? How so? (Got a delivery slip yesterday. Hooray!)

Sorry 'bout the layoff Mavs. All the strength in the 'verse to ya on the smokeage thing. I always had the best luck with licorice.

Any flavor but black. YEEEUUUCCCKKK!!!

Howdy Jonny.



Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:05 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
You forgot vewy vewy pwetty Jimi.

Yes, I did. Brain is a bit scrambled today.


And you was a bad man yesterday? How so?

Verbally and mentally abusive to Ami, fought all day until about 2 am.


(Got a delivery slip yesterday. Hooray!)

Sweet, let me know how you like it.

MsG wanted me to tell everyone that she won't be around today, and that she misses everyone.

As for the title of the thread, and the corresponding Imponderable from the previous thread, I prefer a low-maintenance woman. Someone you can just kick back with, or go hang out without hours of prep time. Someone who'd be happy just watching a movie, or playing a game, or sitting and watching a storm.

Not that hours of prep time is bad, as it certainly has it's place, but not all the time.


Dew. Be. Dew. Be. Dew.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:15 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

And you was a bad man yesterday? How so?

Verbally and mentally abusive to Ami, fought all day until about 2 am.

No no no no. You can be stronger than that, Jimi.

MsG wanted me to tell everyone that she won't be around today, and that she misses everyone.
Let her know that we will miss her!

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FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:05 AM


Aww, Mavs! *Giant hug* That sounds like one of the nicest layoffs in history (I've seen more than my fair share ), but man does that suck. I know you'll land on your feet, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that the wheels of change move quickly, and get you out of this icky in-between time. I'm so sorry luvs.

I meant to reply again yesterday, but I went away for an hour or two and the thread exploded! Picking up a couple of things that were mentioned yesterday... I tan because I value vitamin D more than I fear skin cancer, heh. I know I've mentioned this here before, but I'm trying to get used to defending it. And I read an article over the weekend that said that sufficient vitamin D significantly reduces the risk of cancer, how ironic is that? And like Rugbug, I still equate tan with healthy (though the California girl thing of having really pale blonde hair and really dark tanned skin kinda freaks me out). I think media would need to stop portraying tan as beautiful and healthy for us to start to move away from that subconscious idea.

As far as "high maintenance women", I always thought that was a strange phrase to use to describe that type of woman. I don't think I'm high maintenance in the classic sense (though I suppose I could be the "worst" type, as laid out in "When Harry Met Sally": a high maintenance woman who thinks she's low maintenance, lol) -- it takes me five minutes to do my hair, from blow drying to out the door, and I'm working on getting my make up down under 3 minutes. I've gotten my nails done once, for a friend's wedding last summer (didn't even get them done for my own wedding!), and while I liked the massage-y aspects of it, it would be weird to go on my own, and the polish flaked off pretty quick, so I haven't done that again. I'm pretty easy going about where we go and what we do, and as long as I have my pill case I can go on an overnight trip at the drop of a hat. I can entertain myself, or just veg with hubby and watch random TV.

But I am actually kind of high maintenance in the sense that I take a lot of repair, lol. My health takes a lot of maintenance, and can be pretty emotionally taxing as well. I try to be even lower maintenance in the classic sense because of that -- for instance, we're going out of town this weekend, and I know we're going to be able to pack all of our stuff into one carry on bag, but I'm also trying to figure out where to put my cane (dubbed "Citizen Cane" in our household, lol) until I need it after the flight.

Well blegh, now I'm in an icky mood. I'm going to go make coffee and help my mom plan our full family Walt Disney World trip. Back later.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:11 AM


Lots of positive thoughts for you Mav. I was downsized a few years back and it turned out to be a really good career move! Hope it works out the same for you.

Banners, Avatars, LJ Icons and other fun stuff at


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:12 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Hi to them's that's still here. Seems like we're dwindling a bit at the moment. I'm hoping that it's just a dry spell and not something else. Last year at this time I was barely a lurker.

Hair on me: Upper body not exceedingly so; a bit of chest hair, bare back and I assume average arms.

Positively furry legs. Thankfully it's very light blonde so you can only see the shadows, making them look blurry. Oddity that's either genetic or male-pattern. I have anti-Hobbit feet. That area between my ankles and about mid-shin/calf is bald. Completely smooth. Didn't used to be. About the are where you would find socks to be. My grandfather from whom I get my color (skin and hair) had bald legs. But his were bald all the way; no upper leg furriness like me, so the genetic thing is kind of dubious. I'm thinking maybe erosion.

Hair on other guys: Back hair on guys is like no hair on cats and dogs. I feel bad for the victim since there's nothing they can do about it, but no. Not crazy about the sight of it.

Other then that, guy hair is unremarkable.

Hair on girls: No back hair again. I'm not at all turned off by hair anywhere else. (being in the Ann Arbor area has proven to be an endless parade of style variations only Leary and Warhol could appreciate) I once found a hippie girl cashier at a shop in town hear to be very exciting (I guess "exotic" is the closest explanation I can come up with). Likewise faint little leg hairs pose no problem. Longer dark ones could depending on the whole package. I believe the stigma comes from our mental association of unshaven with unwashed, which sometimes is VERY much the case, and that can be revolting but that depends again on how far past the shelf-life date we are: milk that is about to turn is not the same as spoiled milk.

As for High Maintenance, some might claim MsQ (or MsG) is high maintenance because they take the time, effort and (eep!) money to make themselves positively presentable. For me, they are "no maintenance" because they take care of themselves regarding those matters. I get asked an occasional opinion or have to fasten an occasional hook in the back, but other than that, nothing is required from me.

High maintenance then, IMHO, are those who have to have everything done for them. Unable, or more likely, unwilling to do for themselves, they expect others to do things. Tsk, tsk. Where is the self-reliance or the self-respect in that?

I don't she any high maintenance ladies on this site. Not on the threads I participate in anyway.

/rant (who'da thunk I could go on like that??)

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:31 AM


Just one little comment on the thread title.

Is there any other kind of woman?

I think nighttime is dark so you can imagine your fears with less distraction.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:34 AM


Mavs! Eek. I'm sorry to hear about the downsize...although how cool was your boss to wait until hubby had steady income. That's REALLY cool in my book. Hope the job hunt is short, relatively painless, and ends it career oportunities that exceed your wildest dreams.

CK: I probably fall into the WHMS 'high maintenance but thinks she's low maintenance' too. Not really on the getting ready part...that takes approximately 30 minutes from shower to out the door...and I'm rarely dressed in anything that can't be up for sponaneity (shoes always strike me as a sign of high maintenance-ness. Don't know why... If shoes can't be worn all day they belong on the high maintenance list. And yes, I know by my definition that msg and Mavs are HM.)

But, my HM issues come with how I expect myself and others to be treated. I'm also a bit of a know-it-all (I don't think so, but others tend to. ) and I like debating, which others call 'argumentative.' And I'm not necessarily afraid of confrontation. Heh. And I shut people out quickly if they are clueless or rude. I tend to not be able to look past obnoxiousness to see a person's good traits (most of us have 'em somewhere...I just won't try too hard to find 'em). So yeah, I can be high maintenance. But once you've made it into the circle of friends I'm pretty easy. I don't get my feelings hurt easily and I don't expect too much at that point.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:51 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
But I am actually kind of high maintenance in the sense that I take a lot of repair, lol. My health takes a lot of maintenance, and can be pretty emotionally taxing as well.


Originally posted by RugBug:
But, my HM issues come with how I expect myself and others to be treated. I'm also a bit of a know-it-all (I don't think so, but others tend to. ) and I like debating, which others call 'argumentative.' And I'm not necessarily afraid of confrontation. Heh. And I shut people out quickly if they are clueless or rude. I tend to not be able to look past obnoxiousness to see a person's good traits (most of us have 'em somewhere...I just won't try too hard to find 'em). So yeah, I can be high maintenance. But once you've made it into the circle of friends I'm pretty easy. I don't get my feelings hurt easily and I don't expect too much at that point.

CK and RugBug, I know that I am high maintenance when it comes to emotional issues (I can variably be a user or needy or a taker or soul-sucking); I have issues with people who don't care to take the time to get to know me *eyes RB very suspiciously*, but offer very little of myself unless it's relevant and harmless, or I am directly asked, (I also do not hide my secrets; just don't put 'em on the marquee) or I have an ability to help by way of experience shared. I can also by kind and generous, but the closer you are to me, the more apt I am to hurt you. I hate humankind, but I love the people I know. Except mine enemies. (Back to the crime question again...?)

Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
my cane (dubbed "Citizen Cane" in our household...)

Haw!! I like it! You should get it flamed like House's.

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:08 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Haw!! I like it! You should get it flamed like House's.

I love House's new cane! Right now I just have the one for traveling, so it's a basic folding one. But if I started to have to use it all the time, I think I'd have to have as many canes as pairs of shoes (which is only like 8 for me, but still), one for each look/mood. And flames is definitely a mood.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:32 AM


Thanks, everyone for the well wishes. I'd forgotten just how awful looking for a job can be. But, I've sent out a few resumes, and am hoping for responses soon.
What's that Stuart Smalley SNL affirmation? "Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"

I'm trying to have a positive attitude about this all - a very Zen "This will all work out ok" as a previous time I thought a huge door had closed, it was actually opening a huge new chapter in my life. I must admit, me and significant change aren't the best of friends.

I've got a terrified 70 lb dog in my lap. He heard thunder. Poor thing hates storms.

I need to find another outlet for job searchiness. Ok, I've covered hotjobs, monster, careerbuilder, craigslist, and washingtonpost. Anyone else know decent job search sites?



Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:36 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
But if I started to have to use it all the time, I think I'd have to have as many canes as pairs of shoes (which is only like 8 for me, but still), one for each look/mood. And flames is definitely a mood.

Begs the question of course, what are the other seven? (which in turn begs the answer: "Bashful," "Doc," "Dopey," "Grumpy," "Happy," "Sleepy" and "Sneezy") DON'T GO THERE! I'm still mad at Disney for Underdog! And the fact that plans for Disney World were mentioned in your earlier post doesn't sit well with me either...!

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:44 AM



Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I need to find another outlet for job searchiness. Ok, I've covered hotjobs, monster, careerbuilder, craigslist, and washingtonpost. Anyone else know decent job search sites?

Don't overlook the good old fashioned yellow pages. You are looking at a restricted area to stay near your home and the yellow pages might help you find out what is in your area. Many companies will post openings on their web sites but not on Monster/HotJobs. Some may not even post openings, but have a location on their site to contact for careers. If (pull out of hat {asshat} example) you like leather you might just discover that Wilson's Leather is in a business park that you've never noticed. They may not have an opening, but you could email and ask. Easier than literally pounding the pavement (if anyone does that anymore), but does require some work. Start a notebook of companies in your area and note those that you contact.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:58 AM


The flame cane would go with my steel-toed three-hole Doc Martens. But those shoes double for a couple of different moods, and depending on what else I was wearing I might go with something more like this as well:

And yeah yeah, bite me on the Disney stuff. I'm a huge Disney fan, but they're a big enough company that I can forgive some movies (Parent Trap remake, AirBud) while adoring others (Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella). I got engaged at Disney World and went back for my honeymoon, so I'm pretty much a lifetime fan of the Disney parks. We don't have any Disney characters in the house, but our entire decor is inspired by several Disney World locations (the Adventurers' Club, and Adventureland in Magic Kingdom, mostly). This upcoming trip will be the first time I've gone with my family in six years (hubby and I had just started dating when I went away for that trip, and exactly a year later we went back for our honeymoon, lol), and the very first time for my brother's wife and new baby. We're going to have a crazy good time, Underdog not withstanding.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:18 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I'm trying to have a positive attitude about this all - a very Zen "This will all work out ok" as a previous time I thought a huge door had closed, it was actually opening a huge new chapter in my life. I must admit, me and significant change aren't the best of friends.
I need to find another outlet for job searchiness. Ok, I've covered hotjobs, monster, careerbuilder, craigslist, and washingtonpost. Anyone else know decent job search sites?

I dunno, seems like conflicting feelings. I will just try to be reassuring and say please don't worry, fret, bother, stress or any of those things. You have more going for you than most people I know (I know a lot of people) and it'll show. You will go out and knock them dead.

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I've got a terrified 70 lb dog in my lap. He heard thunder. Poor thing hates storms.

My Shiloh is the same way. 6 year old lab...

Rocky is a...Boxer? I'm trying to remember.

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:22 AM


Of course Rocky is a Boxer. What the hell kind of question is that? Like asking if Rambo is a Soldier...

Ride down from Asgard to the battlefield,
Bringer of the valiant dead who died but never yielded,
Carry we who die in battle over land and sea,
Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla,
Odin's waiting for me.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:24 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Of course Rocky is a Boxer. What the hell kind of question is that? Like asking if Rambo is a Soldier...

(and I mean that in the manliest way possible...)

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:34 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:

OOOOOOOOOOOH! Dark Shadows! Barnabas Collins! The coolest, kiddo! I know it's not "the cane" (his had a wolf's head), but it so put me in mind of it.

And yeah yeah, bite me on the Disney stuff.

I get that. Lion King is in my top 5 movie list.

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:42 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

And since I have the floor for the moment, and its close to the end of my broadcast day, I would like to present...
Loose ends from another thread…

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
That said, every war in every age has always been about men too old to fight deciding to send men too young to decide to fight for them.
None are acceptable.


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Jonny - There's been plenty of leaders in the past who went to war with their men. Alexander the Great comes to mind most immediately. It's a reason I think that having military experience should be mandatory for all potential presidential candidates.


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
I just don't have those same feelings for the people who have sent you into the dust while they sit in the air-conditioned rooms deciding what losses are acceptable.
None are acceptable.


Murder. I'd be very choosey about who got it, but it'd probably be a politician. If that were the case, I'd also want it to be very public.

I think Alexander could be put in the “exceptional” category but I get your point. I stand somewhat corrected. My real issue is with the selfsame politicians you are, er, targeting, not the generals (necessarily, although not all of them are squeaky clean). The days of kings being generals and generals being kings are no more.

Originally posted by FlyVote:

Originally posted by Nicodemus:
G'evening Fly! (I will insist on saying good evening rather than g'morning for the next 115minutes, at which point it will actually become morning here).

Good evening! I'm not so centered in my own time zone (like too many people I know) that I can't appreciate the zone you are in. It might slip my mind at times, but I know that this board has lots of members from the U.K. and from Oz. (And other places) I keep a clock on my PC set to Melbourne time for a business partner of mine in Oz.
Good evening, good morning, good afternoon, and good night to everyone!

Good for you, Nico and good for FlyVote, too. But, see the trouble with OZ is not merely that night is day; winter is summer, they drive on the wrong side and their toilet water spins in the wrong direction, for crap’s sake! Any one of these would be forgivable on its own (except maybe the toilets), but when combined make for a very contrary image. Which they seem to revel in. That’s not even taking into account the weirdo wildlife they have down there. But gods! they have the neatest people down under!

Originally posted by Nicodemus:
Well, simply subtract 30 minutes from the Melbourne time, and that's me.

Oh, yes. I forgot about partial daylight savings…It almost as if they were from Indiana!

Originally posted by Whitefall:
Anyhoo.... my girlfriend and I are still going out and such, and we're both going to graduate high school at the end of this week (woo!!)... anyhoo.... since the first kiss thing two weeks ago, i've barely kissed her at all, and... well, I'm torn.
I have this idea, that we need to find ourselves a private space for a few hours and just learn how to kiss, though that'd be the most unromantic thing ever. not make out so much as learn how to kiss, so we dont keep bumping heads and then feeling silly. i've looked online and seems like the entire known universe already knows how to kiss, and it comes completely naturally... and for us it doesnt. and it bugs me. one thing i can glean from online info is that kissing universally improves the more you do it, but we're not going to get comfortable with it unless we practice and we dont practice because we arent comfortable with it. urgh!

Please don’t confuse real romance with what you see on the movie screen (see below). Head bumping is only one of a thousand missteps we are capable of during and after courtship. It’s part of the fun of it all. It’s supposed to be fun. That’s the whole point! “Ouch! You’re on my hair.” “Wait a minute, wait a minute, your purse is digging into my side.” “Leg Cramp!” The list goes on and on, not even mentioning knocked over furniture accessories and the like.

so maybe i have a related question: how did you guys LEARN to kiss? not what was your first kiss so much as how did you learn?

Well being an odd duck like I was I can hardly recommend either of the following anecdotes as, erm, “recommendable”, but you did ask. And please realize in doing so I am not only opening myself up for some very obvious ridicule, but variants of the “EEYEWWWW!” response. I hope you appreciate it.
I first watched how they kissed in movies, just to see how they did it. The danger here should be self-evident. You don’t watch porn to see how to make love. Don’t watch it to learn anything. Real life is just not like that. Romantic movies are not like real life either, anymore than any of us really look like movie stars in real life. But movies provided me with the mechanics of it all.
My first “lips on” practicing came from pretending my favorite plastic-headed doll (yes, this goes waaaaaay back…I got the doll when I was almost five:), whose head was about life size, was my girl friend.

(It’s the one on the right.)
*begins to hear barely audible whispering from the audience*
When I was about six or so, the girl (a much older woman of 10 or so) two doors downs and a frequent playmate asked me to play kissing with her. I readily agreed and for a while it was our favorite game. It apparently served me well in later years because, so I’ve been told by more than one person, I really good at it. I practiced often since the first grade. Forty years later and you can stills now and again.

and in case you hadnt guessed, my confused feminist self isnt particularly assertive, and my beloved nuclear-family girlfriend is often very passive when it comes to intimacy, which is frustrating, because she's told me she wants it.

Women want intimacy. It’s part of the wiring. Men want independence. The difference is they know how to be both and we don’t know how to do either. (please notice the choice of verbs here.) You don’t have to be good at being intimate. Just being intimate is all she wants. She’s not looking for James Bond or Mal Reynolds. She wants a partner who isn’t afraid to reveal himself to her, fault and all.

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:59 AM


*wanders back from his bunk*

That was mean MSG! I didn't really want an answer! Although I think you might have set the record for longest time sending someone to their bunk (24+ hours)!
Will you marry me?
Oh wait we are both happily Married!

Does that answer your hair question JQ? (see previous thread for details)

Mavs - Sorry to hear about the downsizing. I am real glad you had a great Boss to keep you afloat while Hubby was still searching though. Them's Bosses that are hard to come by there!

Hey RIMG, got me some Brew yesterday! Waiting for it to cool properly before I partake though. Maybe tonight. Thanks Man!!!!!

I know I have missed more of the discussions today. Will catch up on the longish posts as soon as time permits.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 11:09 AM


On that independence thing, I love the haters forum on another site I drop in on. There is a thread titled 'Hating on you guys with women that love guns'. despite mildly hating on a few fellas for their women with like minds I got a friendly correction:

Originally posted by nvghostrider
Doods. Isn't this a haters forum? I'm so hatin' on some of ya'll out of supreme jealousy.

You guys suck!

Okay. Hating done. I too am lucky enough to have women in my life who love firearms. Just hoping a marryable one comes along someday.
Don't you ever think that again. Marriage gets in the way of multiple girlfriends and guns.

Another reply:
If she loves guns, then you can't get away from her for a couple hours by going to the range.

I just thought it was funny coming from guys who have each been married at least five years.



Tuesday, June 12, 2007 11:14 AM



I think Alexander could be put in the “exceptional” category but I get your point. I stand somewhat corrected. My real issue is with the selfsame politicians you are, er, targeting, not the generals (necessarily, although not all of them are squeaky clean). The days of kings being generals and generals being kings are no more.

And I get yours. I suppose the generalization that "politicians send others off to die for them" is definitely truer than saying "politicians lead the people they send to fight into battle".

Ride down from Asgard to the battlefield,
Bringer of the valiant dead who died but never yielded,
Carry we who die in battle over land and sea,
Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla,
Odin's waiting for me.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 1:41 PM


Well, I'm out for a few days. See y'all later.



Tuesday, June 12, 2007 2:34 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

I think Alexander could be put in the “exceptional” category but I get your point. I stand somewhat corrected. My real issue is with the selfsame politicians you are, er, targeting, not the generals (necessarily, although not all of them are squeaky clean). The days of kings being generals and generals being kings are no more.

And I get yours. I suppose the generalization that "politicians send others off to die for them" is definitely truer than saying "politicians lead the people they send to fight into battle".

See with Alexander you have a leader that rode with his people. He didn't sit idle in a "House" and watch his soldiers get slaughtered. I call BS on this one. If you think an incursion is important enough to send your own people to it you should "Man Up" and be willing to die for it not just sit by and watch.

You will never see me talk politics openly so hopefully you can wrap your mind around this one.

CMH - I commend you for wanting to go back and serve. You are honorable and I respect that. No one can take that from you nor should they! You are a Soldier!

The Honorable Soldiers are dying! Long live Politics!

Never forget your Oath and hold true to it! You have a Solem Oath to protect the innocent, make that count and due us proud.

*Stands at Attention and Salutes*


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 1:04 AM


mornin' Imponderables.

Looks like there is no CSTS event in Atlanta this year, at least according to the lack of information on the Atlanta Browncoats site I am assuming so. Not sure if I will try to make it to one farther away or not (I still have yet to see it on the big screen).


Dew. Be. Dew. Be. Dew.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 1:48 AM


G'morning, Jimi!

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 1:50 AM


mornin' Fly, how's your world ?


Dew. Be. Dew. Be. Dew.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 1:56 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
mornin' Fly, how's your world ?

Tired. I had a doughnut night. Sleep - no sleep - sleep. The hole in the middle was rather large. :-(

And you?

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:07 AM


fair to middlin'. It was a long day, and I still haven't caught up on sleep from the night before when I didn't go to bed. At least there is trivia tonight to look forward to (should have gone last night, but Ami was tired too and I let her rest).

*sigh* I missed my wings (until next week)


Dew. Be. Dew. Be. Dew.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:15 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
fair to middlin'. It was a long day, and I still haven't caught up on sleep from the night before when I didn't go to bed. At least there is trivia tonight to look forward to (should have gone last night, but Ami was tired too and I let her rest).

*sigh* I missed my wings (until next week)

Buffalo chicken type wings? One of the three things my wife ever cooked. She made some HOT wings. I might just need to bug her to cook again. (eeep!) On second thought, I'll continue with the cooking.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:32 AM


Yeah, I usually go to Buffalo's on Tuesday nights for trivia and 35 cent wings. I love 'em.

You and I seem a good deal alike, as I am the one who prefers to (and is better at) cook and such.


Dew. Be. Dew. Be. Dew.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:38 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Morning Gents (and any lady lurkers about).


Oh, Donut sleep. Why the big donut hole? Or would that be TimBits sleep? Not sure about the etymology here...


Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:49 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Yeah, I usually go to Buffalo's on Tuesday nights for trivia and 35 cent wings. I love 'em.

You and I seem a good deal alike, as I am the one who prefers to (and is better at) cook and such.

I sometimes tease that my wife "burned the lettuce salad again", but when she puts her mind to it she really isn't a bad cook. She just doesn't like it. On the rare occasion when she cooks, she does by recipe with specifically shopped-for ingredients. She doesn't have a natural feel for cooking, though. If a recipe were to erroneously list "add two cups of black pepper" that's what she'd do. ;-) I, on the other hand, just put together whatever is at hand and eschew recipes.

She assists well. We have some fun times in the kitchen.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:53 AM


mornin' jonny.

Fly - Mine is the same way, she can cook if she puts her mind to it, but otherwise she is happier not doing it. I like to play around and experiment with meals, adding things on a whim sometimes.

LOL, 'burned the lettuce salad'. We used to tease my dad about burning water, because he actually left a pot of water boiling so long that the bottom of it got scorched.


Dew. Be. Dew. Be. Dew.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:15 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Fly - Mine is the same way, she can cook if she puts her mind to it, but otherwise she is happier not doing it. I like to play around and experiment with meals, adding things on a whim sometimes.

Somewhere I posted four recipes that I documented for the Big Damn Chefs cookbook. The really tough part was in documenting what I do to make something, since I cook by instinct, not by measured amounts.

I invented Mudder's Milk(shake) specifically as a submission, and revamped the other recipes with a lean toward browncoat style. I submitted the recipes, but I am completely unsure of the status. Sending them to the BDC address was a bit like dumping them in to a black hole. Nonetheless, I sent, so there is the possibility that they will be published in BDC II.

I found the thread:
Mav's cups are exceptionally nice. I might use them at a wedding this summer.

Try the pears with Ami, if you are so inclined. And if you are a chili-head I just dare you to make the Shan Yu Volcano's Edge Chili. Now that I look I see that you saw the thread...

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:22 AM


Yes, I plan to try all of those recipes, when I get around to it. Saw the mudder's milk recipe too. I have a recipe to actually brew some Egyptian bread-beer, which I need to get off my lazy duff and do.


Dew. Be. Dew. Be. Dew.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:29 AM



Originally posted by FlyVote:
*snip* Mav's cups are exceptionally nice. *snip*

*looks down*

Why, thanks for noticing!



Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:34 AM



Originally posted by Mavourneen:

Originally posted by FlyVote:
*snip* Mav's cups are exceptionally nice. *snip*

*looks down*

Why, thanks for noticing!

Eeeep! I didn't mean to say that! I meant to say that your breasts are really nice.. Aaagh! Your cups! Very tasty. Your companion cups! The little tarts. Aaagh! I'm not calling you a tart!!


---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:41 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by FlyVote:
I, on the other hand, just put together whatever is at hand and eschew recipes.

I don't eschew my meals until I'm at the table...

MsQ likes to "experiment" in the kitchen. Cooking after all is only a specialized form of chemistry. And I'm very lucky she is good in the "lab". If she does work from a formul, er, recipe, she'll doctor it so much, it doesn't resemble the original. Did I mention her folks were from the South? Sometimes it involves the old standby: here's what's in the house, make something from it. (Worked for Apollo 13...)

Originally posted by FlyVote:
We have some fun times in the kitchen.

...frequently not involving food...

...and perhaps sometimes involving food...

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman






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