Wondering what sort of fans Firefly attracts?

UPDATED: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:16
VIEWED: 21703
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Tuesday, June 24, 2003 4:26 PM


Ok, Ruthie, it's your turn to cough up more information about yourself. Or at least say, "Wow, you guys are great," or something.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:37 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
I care about Firefly and boys.

Hey! These are good priorities. Take away the "and" and these are my priorities. Mmm. Firefly boys.

Stats on the legally insane Jaynehead: I'm 23 years old. I was born in Dyersburg, TN and have never lived farther north than Kentucky. Yee-haw, y'all. I'm a Libra who may never enjoy long walks on the beach again due to the horrendous sun burn I got today. Between Dr. Who on PBS with my dad and Stephen King bedtime stories with my mom I was sort of programmed from birth to be a fan of all things sci-fi, fantasy, or horror.

I seem to be a bit of an anomaly though since I was never into any Trek, except Wrath of Khan, love Wrath of Khan or Star Wars which seem to be the Big Two of Sci-Fi fandom roots. At least I can blame the being a girl thing on not reading Lord of the Rings as a kid. A book about a bunch of guys with a ring? I think not, hand me the Robin McKinley and shut up about this Frodo person. And now I'm just rambling.

Hmm, where was I? On the TV front the first show I ever became absolutely Firefly level obsessed with was Due South(kisses LJC) followed closely by Buffy and Angel and finally Firefly. I only have Angel left. Don't cry for me,, there's always Tru Calling or Fearless. Yep, I'm screwed.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:08 PM


Damn, I'm bumfoozled and amazerated! All these library employees! Hell, I weren't even aware there were so many different kinds of librarians!

Did I miss the Dewey Decimal revolution?



Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:04 PM



Originally posted by Dutch:

Speaking of Zelazney... would anyone else LOVE to see Whedon could do with the Amber series?

The Amber series started out really good, but got worse as the series progressed. Especially after book 5.

Book 1-5 are Corwin's series and 6- 10 become Merlin's series. Merlin can't hold a torch to Corwin.

Morbid and creep-ifying I got no problem with.


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 4:53 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Succatash
Sorry, Ruthie. I'm actually quite normal most of the time. Well, half the time.

I'm sorry...half the time? is it me, or does Tash spend more than half the time apologizing for something?

I found the way, by the sound of your voice--so many things to say.
These are only words. Now I've only words. Once there was a choice.
David Sylvian


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:27 AM


Cute, Channain. Woe is me.


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:32 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Succatash
Cute, Channain. Woe is me.

awwwwwww, poor Tash.

we love you just as you are, you know that, right? you just can't keep scaring the mundanes, man. one of them might be as crazy as we are, they just don't know it yet. these things take time...seasoning...tequila...

I found the way, by the sound of your voice--so many things to say.
These are only words. Now I've only words. Once there was a choice.
David Sylvian


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:35 AM


Hi Ruthie,

I am female, 32, and originally from East Germany. That means my discovery of all those famous SF writers came relatively late, after the iron curtain was lifted. Man, I even read Star Wars (smuggled by my cousin to me) years before I realized there is a movie :-).

Actually, "western" SF came quite as a shock to me - a lot is so brooding and dark. The "eastern" SF was all positive, like in the future we all will live in peace... Close to Star Trek, when you think about it (which I was able to watch, although black&white only).

But I have adapted (even though I really recommend to read Stanislaw Lem, his "Star Diaries" are cult!) to the new world open to me now. A friend of mine made me watch Buffy (I was hesitant at first, I mean how does "a teenage-series where they kill vampires" sound to you?), but since then I am a die-hard Whedon fan. In fact, his shows are the only ones I watch regularly. With Firefly and Buffy gone and Angel in summer break, we haven't even switched on the TV for two weeks!

Well, more time to read, then. My favorite authors are Robin Hobb, Tanya Huff (girls, if you like great female characters, their books are a must!), Neil Gaiman (you surely know his "Sandman" comic books, but I also recommend "American Gods") and - dare I say it - J. K. Rowling. And Waltraud Lewin, but as she is an Eastgerman author, you guys probably never heard of her :-). Writes the best history novels, though...



Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:18 AM


Okay, might as well open my big mouth. I normally just lurk around here. The first movie I ever saw in a theater was The Empire Strikes Back, I was six months old. My mother always watched Star Trek TOS as I was growing up and I saw the majority of those movies in the theater, too. So suffice to say, any movie/tvseries/book with at least some sort of scifi turn to it, I'm probably familiar with. (Anybody else remember VR5?) Course I have a low tolerance for BS so once a show goes downhill I get bitter. For example Seaquest (3rd season when Roy Scheider was replaced and all they seemed to talk about was aliens), Sliders (3rd season when all but one of the original characters was gone, and all they seemed to talk about was the alien-like creatures) and ST Voyager (when it just went crazy, 2nd season I think. Of course I still tuned it every week to see if it got any better. However, Joss's other shows have proved themselves in the test of time, so I'm sure Firefly would not have suffered from the sam horrible fate as the shows I mentioned above. Especially since he wasn't/isn't interested in using aliens.

Oh right, demographics,
Female, 23, single, teacher
That enough for you?

Ok, what else?


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:01 AM



Originally posted by Drakon:
utopia is a word and probably one of the most accurately labeled political concepts out there. It is greek for "no where"

"My kind of stupid"

Did you ever stop and realize that a utopia is a totalitarian dictatorship?

There is no social mobility in an utopia.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:01 AM



Originally posted by Drakon:
utopia is a word and probably one of the most accurately labeled political concepts out there. It is greek for "no where"

"My kind of stupid"

Did you ever stop and realize that a utopia is a totalitarian dictatorship?

There is no social mobility in an utopia.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:13 AM


Hi Ruthie, welcome to our merry little band of lunatics.

I'm male, 38, married (wife is a fan too), have twin teenage daughters and FIVE cats. I'm a mailman and my wife is a librarian.

My favorite SF authors include Heinlein, Asimov, Bradbury, Niven, Pournelle, Allen Steele, Nancy Kress, and Joe Haldeman, to name a few. I've been a fan of Firefly since seeing The Train Job (the first ep that aired here in the US). I've liked other SF TV shows, but none as much as Star Trek TOS. Until now.

Raspberry! Only one man would dare give me the raspberry...LONESTAR!!


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:56 PM


yep, Plato thought a "philosopher king" would be ideal, and in a way he is right. But in dealing with humans, such don't work and has led to a lot of death, suffering, wars, famine, pestilence and other such waste of time, energy and resources. Power corrupts.

Dictatorships are the best kind government, but sadly also the worst. Democracies and republican democracies mediate the flaws inherent in the political structure as practiced by humans.

But what is worse is that, is that it is static. Life is a verb, and people are first and foremost living critters. People change all the time, and expecting social relationships to stay static, is simply unrealistic.

And why utopia will always be "no where"

"my kind of stupid"


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:00 PM


Here's more about me: I just bought a home from Utah Home Builder, I'm pretty excited.


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:11 PM



Originally posted by Archer:
With the exception of Maniac, Succatash and myself, they're even mature.

Dammit! I was hoping to be immature too!

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:14 AM


Wow - I do seem to have started something here!

Great to get to know you all!

As someone said earlier, fans seem to come from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. There are some common themes - that Heinlein connection is interesting!
It sounds as though everyone shares one or two interests with everyone else (apart from Firefly!), but we are certainly not look-alike clones!

Perhaps this is why Firefly had difficulty in 'finding it's market'. If it was assumed that it was SF, and therefor would appeal only to young males, and then didn't hit the target audiences in that demographic, it was assumed to be a failure. I'd say that the group LEAST represented in this thread is young males!

The mistake here, of course, was assuming that young males are the typical SF demographic!
It's a viscious circle, if the only SF on TV is slanted towards a certain group, and is made to appeal to that group (Have any of the other UK viewers been sickened by Sky One's current 'Beam Me Up Totty' mangeling of Star Trek?) - and then anything that group doesn't like is cancelled - then of course all the TV SF left WILL appeal to that group!!

I can't help wondering if Joss W approached the BBC for funding. Being driven by non-commercial concerns, the BBC is able to sponsor programming that falls outside the normal boundaries. What it does seem to be good at is finding INTELLIGENT programmes, and Firefly certainly fits that description!


Thursday, June 26, 2003 1:14 AM


Hey all

Just fitting that my post goes under Ruthie as I want to agree with her as to why FF as become my new obsession since the demise of the Xfiles. No other show will probably replace my lurve for finding the Truth with Mulder and Scully. For a whileI had a thing for Farscape ..very briefly but lost interest somewhere...and hooked onto SG-1. But by chance one evening sat down to watch Firefly ( Our Mrs Reynolds) and voila! , I was hooked I found a new love! I have been visiting here since then and it is the first thing I do every morning before I start work.

BTW, i am a 35 yr mother one 3yr old boy, married and a business executive ,leading a very hectic life in Capetown, South Africa. However FF is the only luxury I afford myself when time allows. Since I have no ability to write fanfic , I absolutely gobble up writings on FF sites etc. So to the FFff writers keep them comin`!

Fox for cancelling one of the most interestin` shows since the X files..they should`a stuck with it! From reading all the posts, it seemed to attract diverse fans from all age groups, countries and tastes..does`nt that say it all!

The show had a great storyline , great ensemble acting and character development ..."like a box of chocolates you knew what you would find ". Lastly , I must admit that the no 1 attraction for me on the show was the Mal/Inara `Ship and I would have loved to have seen how MIR would have developed over time.

In the mean time , I`ll keep my fingers crossed that Serenity and her crew will fly again...someday soon

MAL : [EE-chee shung-hoo-shee.] Are you saying I'm doing this deliberate on account of you? There's some reason I don't want you on the job?

INARA : Is there?


Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:23 PM


Hi. *waves shyly*
Umm..I'm from the "other" board.
Thought I would pop in and say hello.

In answer to the question: I'm in my mid-thirties, single, no children, 3 cats and 1 dog.
And have always loved scifi. Starting off with Asimov's I, Robot and read most of his stuff through high school. Also, my other favorite scifi writer is Andre Norton.
I love all kinds of scifi A or B ratings. Started watching FF because I knew Adam was going to be in it and I've always been a big time admirer of Adam's. I've watched most of his stuff (95%). *hangs head* I'd watch more but so darn hard to find some of his movies on video/dvd.

Well, anyways that's pretty much it.
Oh, love playing PC games like Diablo I & II, Warcraft(all), Sacrifice (just started), Baldur's Gate II, etc... if its strategy, roleplay, action/adventure and some sim types, I likes playing.


PS. Pardon me while I'm learning the ins/outs of this here board. ;-)


Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:24 PM


Hi. *waves shyly*
Umm..I'm from the "other" board.
Thought I would pop in and say hello.

In answer to the question: I'm in my mid-thirties, single, no children, 3 cats and 1 dog.
And have always loved scifi. Starting off with Asimov's I, Robot and read most of his stuff through high school. Also, my other favorite scifi writer is Andre Norton.
I love all kinds of scifi A or B ratings. Started watching FF because I knew Adam was going to be in it and I've always been a big time admirer of Adam's. I've watched most of his stuff (95%). *hangs head* I'd watch more but so darn hard to find some of his movies on video/dvd.

Well, anyways that's pretty much it.
Oh, love playing PC games like Diablo I & II, Warcraft(all), Sacrifice (just started), Baldur's Gate II, etc... if its strategy, roleplay, action/adventure and some sim types, I likes playing.


PS. Pardon me while I'm learning the ins/outs of this here board. ;-)


Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:24 PM


Hi. *waves shyly*
Umm..I'm from the "other" board.
Thought I would pop in and say hello.

In answer to the question: I'm in my mid-thirties, single, no children, 3 cats and 1 dog.
And have always loved scifi. Starting off with Asimov's I, Robot and read most of his stuff through high school. Also, my other favorite scifi writer is Andre Norton.
I love all kinds of scifi A or B ratings. Started watching FF because I knew Adam was going to be in it and I've always been a big time admirer of Adam's. I've watched most of his stuff (95%). *hangs head* I'd watch more but so darn hard to find some of his movies on video/dvd.

Well, anyways that's pretty much it.
Oh, love playing PC games like Diablo I & II, Warcraft(all), Sacrifice (just started), Baldur's Gate II, etc... if its strategy, roleplay, action/adventure and some sim types, I likes playing.


PS. Pardon me while I'm learning the ins/outs of this here board. ;-)


Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:32 PM


Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.


Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:03 PM


Looks like someone's computer had the hiccups!
Welcome all newbies and former lurkers.

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Thursday, June 26, 2003 10:10 PM


Hey, I'm 49, married forever, three daughters, two dogs, six cats and (drum roll) a history major. I grew up watching westerns with my Dad,which provided me with the inclination to watch Firefly the first time add to that a love of Star Trek and Dune (odd combo, I know)but I was hooked.
The thing that attracted me to Firefly was the witty dialog, it holds up well to being repeated, as my husband is want to do. But more it was the realistic view of the future. No replacators with instant food,no beam me up Scotty. Life as it's always been, despite the hardships and the grit you find people that you trust and little things that make life bearable. It also helps that the characters are people that you would really like to know. My husband and I (He's 52) have spent afternoons decussing the characters,plot,technology and historical background of this show. It's a damn shame that Fox didn't realize what it really had.


Thursday, June 26, 2003 10:15 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.


Nice to have you Ruthie, and all you folks from the "other" board as well.

You can call me Maniac. I just turned 30. Not married. Living in Utah. Working for the IRS.
Love reading everything I can get my hands on. I suspect, if you hang around here for any amount of time, you'll find out how I am.


Thursday, June 26, 2003 10:34 PM


Hey, I'm 49, married forever, three daughters, two dogs, six cats,and (drum roll) a history major. When I was growing up I watched westerns with my Dad which gave me the inclination to watch Firefly the first time add to that a love of Ray Bradbury, Star Trek and Dune(odd combo, I know) but I was hooked.
The dialog is so witty, it bears being repeated which my husband does frequently (makes our girls crazy,probably one more reason to do it). The thing I liked most was the realistic view of the future. No replacators with instant food, no beam me up Scotty just life as it has always been. People making their way as best they can despite the hardships and the grit. For most, life isn't easy now and that won't change in five hundred years. Technology will go to the affluent and every one else will just get by.
The other thing that attracted me was the characters, these are people you would really like to know. My husband and I (he's 52) have spent afternoons discussing characters, plot, technology,historical background and favorite quotes. We have never done that about another TV show. It's a damn shame Fox didn't realize what it really had.

I'm still flying, that's enought


Friday, June 27, 2003 4:41 AM



I'm a tech support guy for a company that makes fishing sonars & GPS units. But in the midst of talking to bubba, I like to surf Firefly sites. Already customized the desktop and all sound files on my computer at home. Fell in love with the Sernity crew & passengers from the get go. After 2 episodes my wife was hooked too. Love the quote of Joss saying. "Is a TV show morons." Nevertheless, went to pieces when it was cancelled . Then a friend showed me some episodes of Farscape on CD. Told him of my love for Firefly. He said he would see what he could do for me. Within a week I had three episodes in hand. Of course my old old old CD drive had trouble reading them. But through patience and persistence and 45 minutes of starting and stopping I got them downloaded onto my 4 gig harddrive. But Finally, I had Firefly again. Now, I show the episodes to my friends who always respond the same way, "Why the was this cancelled?"
So now, I continue building my collection of Firefly stuff, and look forward to having a very "Shiny" Christmas . And of course the only movie I could long for more than the LOTR series. (no I don't speak elvish) Well, that's my story. I'll drop by every now and then just to gab & keep up on THE GREATEST TV SHOW TO EVER COME TO TV AND THEN BE RIPPED MERCILESSLY FROM THE NETWORK WHICH GAVE US "american idle (sp intended)" But I'm not bitter. Keep Flying!

Mal: “Mercy is the mark of a great man. (stabs Atherton) Guess I'm just a good one. (stabs Atherton again) Well, I'm alright.”


Friday, June 27, 2003 5:30 AM


My real name is Greg. I am 24 and saving money for my first home. I live in Michigan about halfway between Flint and Lansing. I have always been fond of science fiction.
I enjoy:
• the early Twilight Zone episodes
Star Trek (both original series and TNG)
• the Star Wars movies including Episodes I and II
StarGate SG-1 though I was disappointed with its sixth season,
• the cancelled but brilliant Odyssey 5
• the first four seasons of Earth: Final Conflict
• J.R.R. Tolkien's stories of Middle Earth (The Hobbit being my personal favorite)
• the first two Alien movies
The Matrix
Dark City (one of the best movies ever made and no one seems to remember it)
• The Terminator movies even though the next one will probably be a disappointment
• The Mad Max movies (Beyond Thunderdome is my favorite)
Blade Runner
Minority Report
• the works of Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, and Kurt Vonnegut

There are quite a few others. I look for sophistication and originality in whatever I watch and read. I knew I had to see to Firefly, because I am a die-hard Buffy and Angel fan. Before those shows came along, I had no idea it was possible on a television show to do the things they have done. The biggest and happiest surprise is that Whedon and company have kept it fresh for years. They haven’t repeated themselves, and we can count on getting something new and unique. Thus, when Firefly came around, I could recognize the innovation behind it. The result was unprecedented. Given enough time, Firefly may have become Joss Whedon’s best show. The weirdest part is I have never liked Westerns very much. Something must have clicked here.

Excerpt from My Genre Geek Resume:
~huge Odyssey 5 fan (despite its cancellation)
~dangerously obsessed with BtVS and Angel
~former Andromeda fan


Friday, June 27, 2003 9:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You must be my twin! (except I already have a twin...)

Female, mid 40s, scientist.

Likes scifi -started with "Rocket Man" (Corey), "Podkayne of Mars" (Heinlein) and "Wrinkle in Time" (L'Engle) and just kept going. Likes MZ Bradley and CJ Cherryh, not too wild about sword and sorcery tho.

Other ppl I know who like FF are a secretary (male), a chemist (male) and engineer (male) who all like scifi.


Friday, June 27, 2003 2:16 PM


I just wanted to post and say that the twice-mentioned Due South is great (when will S2 DVD get here?!?) as well as Kurt Vonnegut who was mentioned somewhere. For those of you "just collatin' data, as they say," I'm teenaged, female, and quite possibly partially comprised of cybernetic material.



Friday, June 27, 2003 6:53 PM


I like this "getting to know you" thread..

I'm a Canadian, Male
long time sci-fi fan (it's been a while since I read the classics but always loved Heinlein, Asimov, Phillip K Dick.)
Big movie fan! You name it, I've probably seen it. That's a lie but I'd like it to be true
I'm a little weak on my foreign films, though I try.

I've never been hooked by a show like this before. Certainly not enough to seek out a community online. Only something as fantastic as FF could inspire all of us to keep checking in and keeping the faith. Peace.


Friday, June 27, 2003 7:10 PM



Originally posted by Archer:
Gotta say, Koffee... FF is not in the typical mode for SF tv, but not for SF literarily.

Ah, I see what you are saying here. My main experience to sci-fi is through the mass media outlets. I haven't really read many literary stories on the topic. My main experience with "sci-fi" literature was being made to read A Wrinkle In Time back in school. Sorry, but I hated it. I have always prefered reading something historic than anything futuristic / sciency / technologicly influenced. Basically a diference of shooting arrows vs. shooting lazer guns. Just a personal preference is all.

But hey...differences are what make us great.

I think that is why I have taken to Firefly so much. It is the western side of it that I love the most. They are still shooting bullets, still riding horses, and still wearing those cavalry style "tightpants". Plus it is the first show me and Ry have agreed on in along time. He gets his space ships, and I get my six-shooters. A happy combination.

P.S.- Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this.

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Sunday, June 29, 2003 5:59 PM


Hi everybody. *waves* My name is Rachel, and I'm a seventeen year old girl from California. I'm a bit of a sci-fi/fantasy geek; some of my favorites include Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Michael Crichton, and Orson Scott Card, to name a random few. (Another, lesser-known favorite of mine is James Schmitz; if anyone out there has read The Witches of Karres, we need to talk!) I am a fan of the original Star Wars trilogy (hate the prequels, though). I'm also a lit nerd, so Jurassic Park sits next to Jane Eyre on my bookshelf, and Wyrms is next to Wuthering Heights. What can I say, I'm weird.

Became a Whedon fan after my parents got me hooked on 'Buffy', then quickly became addicted to 'Angel' as well. I've been watching 'Firefly' since the first episode aired in the US, and I cursed a blue streak when it got canceled. Now my television viewing is essentially limited to 'Angel,' 'The Simpsons,' and, once in a while, 'Smallville'. (Occasionally, when I'm in a masochistic mood, I watch 'Seventh Heaven' or the latest FOX drivel.) I used to watch 'The X-files,' and I had a growing interest in 'Farscape' that was abruptly killed when my family stopped getting the Sci-Fi Channel.

I am absolutely addicted to 'Firefly' fanfic, which is what kept me lurking around this site for awhile -- there are some very talented people who post their stories here. Finally decided to start posting, so, uh, hey. I just want to say that you guys are a great community and I look forward to becoming a part of it.


Sunday, June 29, 2003 6:14 PM


A little off topic here,

I loved Due South as well, could you picture the Nothern Pikes doing music for the Firefly movie??

Something between " Kiss me you fool " and " Shotgun Morning " likely.



Monday, June 30, 2003 7:15 AM


Hi all! My name's Cheryl and I generally lurk, but this thread drew me out I'm 24, live in the lovely city of Vancouver, BC and am deperately hoping for some good news on Wedneday! I do HR/compensation type stuff, which right now means I decide what certain positions should get paid. Oh, the power

I'm not a huge sci-fi fan. I mainly stuck to X-Files, Red Dwarf, BtVS, and Angel. Loved Due South (and I see I'm not alone), and lesser known Canadian shows like Made in Canada and Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy. I also watch Law and Order (original recipe is still the best), and my reality tv Survivor and Amazing Race.

Let's see.... what else.... I read just about anything - history, business books, and, ehm, romance novels. I listen to country music. I like figure skating. I miss Firefly.


Monday, June 30, 2003 8:34 AM


Hello all...

My name's Mark, and like a few others on the board I'm a native Californian, residing at present in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm 28, male, single, once-upon-a-time-web developer, sometimes writer, and part-time Macy's employee. Retail, bleck. And I'm a bit of a liberal activist.

I've been an avid sci-fi/fantasy reader and watcher for a long time -- Heinlein (well, some of it, anyways), Niven (but mostly his collaborations), both Vinges, Lawrence Watt-Evans, S.M. Stirling, George R. R. Martin, Kage Baker, Connie Willis, and J. Gregory Keyes top my reading list. Weirdly, though I watched quite a passel of Next Generation episodes in my youth, I never really found myself as enthralled by the later expansions upon the series. My favorites were more along the lines of early X-Files, Strange Luck, Babylon 5, Farscape, and the ever-cheesy yet still enjoyable Invisible Man.

And, of course, Firefly. Firefly had such an unusual blend of on-the-edge living, old mixed with new, and enough anti-authoritarianism in these "interesting" times to provide a welcome escape. Fascinating characters, cool setting, great effects, and a wondrously talented cast combined to form a glorious blend of the familiar and exotic.

History doesn't always repeat itself. Sometimes it merely shouts "Weren't you listening the first time?!?" and lets fly with a club.


Wednesday, July 2, 2003 11:09 AM


I'm kinda scared about posting in this thread... I don't think I'm the typical Firefly fan. I'm 14 years old, and I'm dangerously obsessed with Buffy and Angel (my parents want me to go into therapy...i'm not actually sure if that is a joke) and anything Joss puts out. I absolutely love everything I've seen of Firefly so far (we're up to Out Of Gas so far in the UK) and it gets better every week. Even at this early stage, every character is beautifully developed and realised, the acting is great, the direction and writing and melding of different genres is all just amazing. Every week I watch in disbelief that a show like this can be cancelled while so many other terrible shows go on for years with huge, braindead audiences.

At school, while other kids talk about how awesome 2 Fast 2 Furious ( ) was, I'm writing outlines for Buffy and Firefly fanfiction. I have a couple of friends who watch Buffy and Angel, but I haven't got any of them into Firefly. It's just too slow for them...I totally don't understand it, I just need to show them Out Of Gas and I know they'll be hooked. Anyway, i've babbled on for too long... i'll leave the grown ups to talk, lol. I think I'm gonna go watch Out Of Gas again...

You hear a word I been saying?

He hasn't. Because he's looking across the lot at something else.

Across the lot sits Serenity, dirty, broken-down, and entrancing.


Wednesday, July 2, 2003 11:10 AM


Crap, crappity, crap crap crap. Double post. Please forgive me, I'm kinda new at this...


Monday, July 21, 2003 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Josh294:
I'm kinda scared about posting in this thread... I don't think I'm the typical Firefly fan. ... I have a couple of friends who watch Buffy and Angel, but I haven't got any of them into Firefly. ... show them Out Of Gas and I know they'll be hooked.

Josh, be welcome here. We are not ones of whom to be frightened. The only thing we really have in common is a sense of despair that Firefly is not on the air but garbage like Anything for Love is.

If Out of Gas does not get your friends to love the crew on Serenity, then ... get new friends! Everyone at their best behaviour, even Jayne.

And it's all about Mal.

"Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?" Zoe, War Stories


Friday, July 20, 2007 11:59 AM


You are not alone. I just finished watching "FireFly" the entire series again. I am now watching "Angel" the entire series again, am at Series 4 Disc 3. It's a long look, but worth it, especially "The Special Features" there a hoot. I am a 44 year Female Engineer and love Joss Weedon and David's work. "Serenity", the movie is a must see if you have not seen it. It brings the entire FireFly series together as only Joss can do :)




Friday, July 20, 2007 12:15 PM


I, too, am a proper grown-up. 50, with 4 kids the oldest at 19. My sci-fi loving teenage daughter gave me my first hit of Firefly.

Come on, Ma, it's almost as good as Miles Vorkosigan.

And it is --


Friday, July 20, 2007 2:03 PM


Well I wouldn't consider myself a grownup but my years negate my protests. I'm 28yrs old, female and single. I at the moment love FF and am watching Supernatural too.Also I am single.


Friday, July 20, 2007 2:19 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

OMG... the names! This thread has to hold some kind of record... LOL

5 greyhounds
1 cat
Buffy and Angle (Joss) fan

In 2003...
Lurked on
Hadn't been to Dragon*Con yet
5 greyhounds
1 cat
Buffy and Angle (Joss) fan

Wow! How things change.

"Wondrous is our great blue ship that sails around the mighty sun and joy to everyone that rides along." -- Jeff Lynne, Electric Light Orchestra.


Monday, July 23, 2007 8:15 AM


I'm a 23 year old male nuclear engineering student, *spent 3 years working as a carpenter, don't ask* i despise most television and watch less than a half hr a week/month. I found out about firefly, like most, well after it was canceled, and it's cancellation is a confirmation of every reason I and most of my friends have given up on television.

I think the kind of people that are interested in firefly are the kind of people that enjoy they very rare combination of plot and action.


Monday, July 23, 2007 8:42 AM


Geez, I don't feel so bad ;-) I am 51, teach at a State University. I have four college degrees, three kids, 2 cats, 1 wife (and she is insistant that it stay that way) ;-).

I tend to lurk on these site, not from a desire to be a hermit, but rather not enough time. I don't watch TV as a rule (we have no cable) and, like others, found out about the series after it cancelled.

I am also dumb struck when I look at things like "reality TV" and compare it to Firefly. I have high hopes that something will come out of the Browncoat movement like a message to Hollywood that says "WAKE UP! At the rate you are going, only morons will be left watching TV".


Monday, July 23, 2007 9:18 AM


Wow, ain't we just the strangest folk?
Thank God that I hate normality
Myself, I'm 16, a guy, and almost but not quite a metalhead. Almost, mind.
I used to be really into SF, but now am more into Fantasy type stories ('Cept for Firelfy, o'course! ). Oh, and we musn't forget the Anime and Manga- blame my friends for that.
Oh, and a big welcome from me, ya? Always good to bring another 'Coat in!


We move for all mankind,
A million miles from everything we've ever know...
We're on their hearts and minds,
A million heads are bowed to bring us safely home...
Hemmed in by emptiness,
A million ways that everything could be undone...

My Master went to the Moon in a Rocket of Flamin' Cheese!


Monday, July 23, 2007 12:10 PM


Finally got my computer running!! It died, y'know. Power supply. My daughter asking "What's that funny smell?"

Anyway, I'm 50, female, Canadian (Toronto) have two kids ten years apart, went to university for the first time at age 35 and wasn't finally booted out until 2000, discovered that there isn't a lot of call for specialists in human evolution, went back to school and became a teacher three years ago. Job market here is crap so I teach part time at a small independent school and supply teach at Canada's most elite private school, Upper Canada College. Haven't run into any Browncoats there yet, but then I've only been supplying there since March. I'll find out this fall.

I've always been a fan of sci-fi movies and found Serenity. It blew me away. Only afterwards did I learn that there had been a series related to it. I don't watch tv sci-fi, the last series I watched with any regularity being Star Trek Voyager.

I'm trying to figure out why Firefly/Serenity has struck *such* a chord. I really don't know.


Monday, July 23, 2007 1:53 PM


Hello Ruthie:

I am a 55 year old single male. A mechanical designer, so I am in front of the computer most of my life if you include coming to websites such as this one. I am an avid reader. Never with out a book. I read every thing. Science of course. But I also read a lot of military history and even an occasional Shakepearian play. So when I say everything I ain't kidding.

I started watching science fiction at age five with Buster Crabbe as Flash Gordon. Along the same time there were other shows like Rocky Jones Space Ranger.

Later would come Men Into Space. Twilight Zone and Lost in Space.

Then the big one, Star Trek.

I think the reason I like science fiction is the freedom to create any type world or story that the writers imagination can come up with.

Don't be to worried about some of the post you see here. We like to have fun and play games. We tease alot, but we are serious about Firefly.

Ah Firefly.

I discovered Firefly when I went to Best Buys to find a new DVD to watch on a Saturday night. I pulled the Firefly collection out and saw Ron Glass was in it. I have always been a big Ron Glass fan so I bought it. Little did I know what a treasure I had found. Shortly after that I decided to find out if others knew about this program and I went on the net and discovered this site. The rest is history.

If you have read all these posts then you most know you are now known as a Browncoat for the uniform the Mal and Zoe wore in the revolt. Better than being called a Firefly.

So welcome to this site and join in and become a part.

If you reqire any help, please ask. I am not the most knowledgeable but there are plenty of people here who can give answers to almost anything. From facts about Firefly to tech help with your posts.

Once Again Welcome:


Thursday, July 26, 2007 8:48 AM


So, to sum up, FF attracts all kinds.

Blackbird fly into the light of the dark, black night.


Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:14 AM


Cool thread! Shiny to meet everyone. I'm a 36 year old male actuary. Actually, I haven't passed all the exams yet. I took several years off to have 4 kids and move 3 times. I don't recommend Arizona because its too hot in the summer. Great place to visit, but I just don't want to live there.

GThing nailed it for me. I grew up first watching Start Trek TOS and Star Wars. I couldn't get enough. I'll watch anything with a Sci-Fi hook - Last Star Fighter, Damnation Alley, Lost in Space, V the mini series. My favorite shows now are Numb3rs, Lost, BSG, Heroes, and just about anything home improvement (I love getting my hands dirty).

My favorite authors are Vonnegut, Clarke, Asimov, CS Lewis, and Tolkien. I'd love to see a Foundation movie. I liked those books better than the Robot series. I minored in Philosophy and English in college so I enjoy the classic novelists as well.

Oh how I wish Firefly could go on.


Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:16 AM


I think we're all the same type of people here we love well written beautifully acted character driven story telling along with a tendancy to fall for lost causes and who knows making them found again.
Plus we all fell in love with a rickity old ship an her crew
Age sex and background count for nothin in the verse

He's lookin to kill some folk






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