Just want to get the lay of the land...

UPDATED: Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:11
VIEWED: 3572
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007 5:46 PM


O.K. so I'm a newb, and I just wanted to get a feel for the place. As for me, here's where I stand and why I signed up.

My take on most things called cult hits is that they're usually a mess o' garbage fawned over by a small knot of sad lowlifes. As Joe Bob Briggs once said before a MonsterVision flick on TNT: If we keep calling them cult hits every time they suck, people are going to figure it out.

When Serenity came out, I was dimly aware that there had been this show called Firefly that it must be based on, and I'd caught the very last five minutes of the very last episode at some point, which was not enough to form an opinion. In fact, without knowing the background of it, seeing an episode end with two girls playing jacks on a spaceship seemed a little new-age artsy for my tastes. (Oh how wrong I was.) Considering that Serenity did not exactly smash the box office and that every series is coming out on DVD lately, even when I bought the movie based on the promise of Joss' dialogue alone, loved it, and immediately started seeking the DVDs of Firefly, I still didn't realize what a huge grassroots movement there was supporting this brilliant show.

So when I started rooting around on the 'net and found critics referring to Firefly as a cult hit, I decided that was a cult I very much wanted to be a part of.

So here I am. I'm a fan of literature, and something of a buff when it comes to looking at series and films as literature (since they are) and analyzing them as such. Too few people see it that way. That said, I could write a dissertation on why this show should have gotten the highest ratings of any sci-fi show on any station at any time ever, but instead I will just say that Firefly is the only show I've ever heard of in which the science fiction is the setting, and not the story. I'd never even realized that was an issue with other sci-fi until I saw Firefly. I wish everybody would give it a chance. Any of them as did so with half a brain and a scrap of imagination would certain take to it with a passion.

Anyway, that's me, lookin' for a response to get the lay of the land. To any as wants to post back, I'd feel greatly obliged.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 5:59 PM



Originally posted by SchoolboysWink:
I will just say that Firefly is the only show I've ever heard of in which the science fiction is the setting, and not the story. I'd never even realized that was an issue with other sci-fi until I saw Firefly.

That's a key point that many who passed it up missed. Buffy and Angel are similar. Stories about people, just fantasy settings.

Welcome aboard.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 6:27 PM



Originally posted by SchoolboysWink:
O.K. so I'm a newb, and I just wanted to get a feel for the place. As for me, here's where I stand and why I signed up.

My take on most things called cult hits is that they're usually a mess o' garbage fawned over by a small knot of sad lowlifes. As Joe Bob Briggs once said before a MonsterVision flick on TNT: If we keep calling them cult hits every time they suck, people are going to figure it out.

When Serenity came out, I was dimly aware that there had been this show called Firefly that it must be based on, and I'd caught the very last five minutes of the very last episode at some mes to looking at series and films as literature (since they are) and analyzing them as such. Too few people see it that way. That said, I could write a dissertation on why this show should have gotten the highest ratings of any sci-fi show on any station at any time ever, but instead I will just say that Firefly is the only show I've ever heard of in which the science fiction is the setting, and not the story. I'd never even realized that was an issue with other sci-fi until I saw Firefly.

We love to talk and particularly about Firefly, you're gonna fit right in.


I wish everybody would give it a chance. Any of them as did so with half a brain and a scrap of imagination would certain take to it with a passion.

It's been my experience, that passion is exactly the right word. Folks tend to fall in love with Firefly. That's the best way I can describe what happened to me.

We all wish everyone would give it a chance. More folks liking/loving Firefly is the path to more.


Anyway, that's me, lookin' for a response to get the lay of the land. To any as wants to post back, I'd feel greatly obliged.

Well, we're glad you've joined us! This is a family and you'll find yourself feeling at home here mighty quick.

I give virtual browncoats to them that find us... sort of a hail well met greeting...
'sides if you're gonna be a Browncoat, you gotta have your browncoat.

*hands SchoolboysWink a browncoat from the storeroom*

Make yourself to home!
Someone will come along and offer you strawberries and introduce you to the galley.

( Banner courtesy of Beth'll )


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7:02 PM


Welcome, Wink!

Thank you for the comments. They make a lot of sense.

We are a friendly bunch here, and happy for new faces.

Let me send you to my personal favorite of our threads:

Oh, if you happen to be at Dragon*Con this year, come up and say hello. I'll be the one with the "The Real Me" t-shirt.

TheRealMe, Captain of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 8:57 PM


Welcome home.

Browncoats, aka fans of Firefly/Serenity, are a friendly bunch. I highly recommend the fan documentary Done The Impossible. It tells the story from Firefly to Serenity. It was made by fans about fans for fans. Its only 79 minutes and it is very well done.

You can order it on Amazon or directly from the website .

If you need anything just ask.



Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:53 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site and to the ranks of the browncoats SchoolboysWink! Glad to have you here an posting with us.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 2:34 AM


Hiya, and welcome aboard, Wink! Love seeing new folk, with new stories of how they got here. I STILL suffer a deep sense of guilt that it took me years to find the show...(saw the movie first just LAST YEAR on cable)..then husband found/bought the DVD of the shows and we had a marathon watching session...all the while disbelieving that something as good as Firefly was freakin' canceled!!.... We've bought the DVD's and movie as gifts for family/friends and every occasion imaginable. In the process this week of re-watching with a friend who's visiting from Australia (he's hooked!)..I'll be at Dragon*Con marching with the 76th in a few weeks...if you're there, come say hello. In the meantime, have a look around this often...loves us the newbies!


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 4:16 AM


Heya wink. Always good to have new faces about.

I think nighttime is dark so you can imagine your fears with less distraction.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 4:39 AM



which the science fiction is the setting, and not the story.

Well put! I'm neither a Buffy fan nor an ardent Joss follower but I fell in love with the show after it was off the air and boy am I glad I found it.

Same as you, if someone told me to watch it simply because it was a 'cult' hit or simply because it was from the mind that spawned Buffy the TV show, I never would've given it a second look.

While I was late to the series, I was first in line when the movie came out. Pre-ordered my tickets, and those for my friends, just to ensure I would see it.

This is a good group here. Much varied in taste and opinion but bound by whatever it is in each and everyone of us that Firefly reached in, grabbed hold of and wouldn't let go.

Welcome aboard!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 5:31 AM


Hey welcome to our little corner of the verse...we're glad to have you here.

If you're looking to chat about random things, there's the Browncoat Bar and Grill and the Imponderable Water Cooler... If you just want to be silly it's the League of Psychic Nutcases... otherwise the threads are pretty much as they seem. Glad to have you on board!!

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 7:48 AM


Welcome! I'm also a latecomer but the OBs (original Browncoats) are very tolerant.

I haven't been involved with many other fan cults (on or off-line) so I have little to compare but it seems to me that Joss fans (and Browncoats in particular) bring a lot of other, non-scifi background to their discussions. Especially since we have such an international membership. A thoughtful, literary analysis of episodes is always welcome. And if you stay out of the real world threads, people are remarkably un-flamey.

There are the favourite moment threads and what hooked you threads and episode dissections. Feel free to start one and I guarantee there will be others to join.

Holding 'till the Captain gets back.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 7:50 AM



Originally posted by Sister:
then husband found/bought the DVD of the shows and we had a marathon watching session...

Any tips for helping me convince my wife to sit down and watch the show? I got her to watch Serenity (theatrical, not pilot) as prep for her character for the Serenity tabletop RPG I was going to be starting, and she liked it well enough, but I haven't pitched the idea to her yet of having a Firefly watching marathon. (It would be the best 12 hours I've ever spent, though.) Any ideas on how to bring up the subject convincingly would be great. Sitting with my girl watching Firefly all day is a lit/sci-fi geek-dream come true.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 8:00 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
*hands SchoolboysWink a browncoat from the storeroom*



Wednesday, July 25, 2007 8:46 AM


...cloudy, rainy day...(or cold and gloomy...).. build a fire in the fireplace...
have fragrant stew or chili simmering...
brownies baking...snuggle into your fav jammies or soft, warm throws... have snackies to nibble while watching...serve chili in bowls (makes your hands nice and warm..)while watching...remove and wash dishes for her...pause and rewind any and all particularly wonderful about why they are wonderful...resume watching. Put another log on the fire (if necessary)...serve dessert (brownies or whatever...)... make her some tea...clean up the brownie dishes and tea cups..kiss her and tell her that she reminds you of all the best parts of the women of Firefly. Seems simple to me.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:06 AM


Tell her there is a strong romantic thread running through and a loving married couple. Tell her it's funny. Tell her it's sexy. Tell her there is an episode with a formal ball. Tell her there's another episode where Mal is nekkid. Or just show her some of the pictures of Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin from this or any other site.

And you would probably really be interested in Jane Esperensen's (sp?) book Finding Serenity. Thoughtful essays on elements of the show and a hi-larious send up of Fox executives. Dispite my problems with Jane's name, you can order it off from Home. Doing so contributes to the running of this site.

Did it suddenly get hot in here?


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:12 AM


Welcome home! Glad you made it.

If you haven't already found the OB, here's the link:

Also, if we can use your help on voting Firefly #1 TV Show of all time. To vote go to:

Again, welcome and enjoy.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:14 AM



Originally posted by SchoolboysWink:

Any tips for helping me convince my wife to sit down and watch the show?

Definitely show her shot of Mal from Trash.



Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:09 PM


That will certainly hook her. I was hooked in by the scene in Serenity (the pilot) where Mal just walks up the ramp and shoots the Fed. I went "Huh?"

BTW every time you watch Firefly or Serenity you will find mythological and literary references galore. I seem to find a new one each time I watch.

If your wife gets hooked and develops a Nathan Fillion obsession there is the "Appreciating Nathan" thread over at

If you both get really obsessed or just want something to do check out NathanNation also over at

We are a guerrilla marketing group and have several ongoing projects, including promoting the Hero project that Nathan and Martin Firrell are doing.


We also have a really, really cool project that's going to happen soon." target=_blank>Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:11 PM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:24 PM


Howdy SBW grab some mudders milk and enjoy the forum glad to have you onboard.

How to get your wife to watch the show with you? Hmmmmmmmm....Ok I got it. I don't do this for everybody so consider this special.Nathon is a good friend of mine so I'm going to call him and ask him to drop by your place and watch FF with the two of you. I'll tell him to bring beer and ask Jewel to tag along. Hope that works.

Z, btw I'm only joking. I won't tell him to bring beer


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:40 PM


Welcome Welcome Welcome.

Just make a lovely dinner, poor some wine and put in the 1st Firefly DVD. If your wife is intelligent and refined (and of course she is if she chose you) she'll fall under the spell.

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 6:06 PM



Originally posted by SchoolboysWink:
Any tips for helping me convince my wife to sit down and watch the show?

Seriously, I wouldn't try to convince her to sit and watch the whole thing.
Start out by asking her to just watch the first disc. That's about 2-1/2 hrs of invested time. She shouldn't balk at that -- that's how long it takes to watch an epic movie.
Once she sees the first disc, she'll willingly watch the rest. That's how it happens with all the people I've recruited.
After the first disc, they beg to watch the second. Then I send them home with the third. By disc four I tell them to buy their own set.
Trust me, it works.


Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:11 PM



Originally posted by Sister:
tell her that she reminds you of all the best parts of the women of Firefly.

You had me until that part. I may not have the livin' of many years under my belt just yet, but in my travels through the Black I've learned that trying to compliment a woman by comparing her in any way, shape, or fashion to another woman, no matter how well-intentioned or flattering, is a one-way ticket to me sleeping alone.






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