Joss offers cautious hope for Big Damn Sequel

UPDATED: Thursday, August 16, 2007 11:38
VIEWED: 27523
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Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:30 AM



Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:
Definitely hopeful to hear.

But I REFUSE to purchase it from Amazon regardless of who it makes money for. Not until they agree to stop selling those dogfighting and cockfighting videos, which last I heard, they still refused. I will not support cruelty for anybody!

I've pre-ordered one from Universal itself, JWA.
No Amazon evil in between that way.


Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:42 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dogjoy3:
You know this is already posting on Nathans my space page, that's why I came back here to check the threads. Its spreading and it will spread, the news that we have to buy the new DVD and what Joss said! We can spread things around with a quickness, lets have faith!

Don't take life so seriously, It isn't permanent.

Wouldn't ya know it? I found a gift card to Best Buys just lying around in my wallet, not being used or nuttin!

Lemmie do the math.....

Gift card + New and Improved Serenity DVD = old Serenity DVD donated to the local library.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:53 AM


I'm with you! I didn't know that about Amazon, thank you for the heads up, they wont be getting money from me! May the Gods smile on you , always!

Don't take life so seriously it isn't permanent.


Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:55 AM


FollowMal: Good to hear!

Zoid: I mean no disrespect to you as I say this, but that makes absolutely no sense to me, that he's "working his way out of a career". If you'd do a little more research, you'd find that FIREFLY/SERENITY and GONERS are not the only things he's involved in right now. He's done, or is in the process of doing, tons of other outside projects. Some are BUFFY and ANGEL related, some are not. There are other threads on this site that link to those projects, if you wish to read them. Also, he's said countless times that he loves tv, misses tv, misses the actors of all his shows, but that tv doesn't necessarily want him. He's an offbeat kind of guy, and most tv execs don't understand it.

Dogjoy: I only found out myself about a month or two ago. My aunt read about it in a magazine.
"Are you ready to be strong?"--Buffy Summers

"There are three things I don't do. Tan, date, and sing in public."--Angel

"In Joss We Trust."


Sunday, August 5, 2007 9:41 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
With NBC being in Universal Studios' 'family tree' -- along with SciFi Channel --

...Of course, V-U (Vivendi-Universal) would have to prize the TV rights -- which don't expire until 2010 -- from F*x TV's deathlike grip, but...


You forgot USA. You know the Cable channel whose motto is loves characters or something. And who fought with the Sci-Fi channel for the rights to show Firefly and (out bid) won. Who already owns the rights to show Serenity.

AND you know that 2010 doesn't seem that far away anymore. And TV rights doesn't effect Straight to DVD and then show it on a cable channel rights.

And does anybody know if TV series rights are the same as Cable series rights?

Serenity sequel, sequel, Serenity set we can tour/have weddings/have shindigs at Universal Studios and where Firefly like episodes could be filmed for Straight to DVD and SciFi or USA Channel.

We hold til Mal gets back.


Sunday, August 5, 2007 10:02 AM



Originally posted by Anonymous1:
Serenity sequel, sequel, Serenity set we can tour/have weddings/have shindigs at Universal Studios and where Firefly like episodes could be filmed for Straight to DVD and SciFi or USA Channel.

We hold til Mal gets back.

This reminds me of how much my friend Hera enjoyed her trip to Vancouver and her tour of the SG-1 and SG-Atlantis sets. They don't of course allow weddings and shindigs, but fans do get to tour them.
I'd love to tour the good ship Serenity.
I'd center a vacation around such a thing.


Sunday, August 5, 2007 10:40 AM


This is like a breath of fresh air - this tiny sliver of hope...

We are browncoats, we've done the impossible before and I think we can do it again...

as for me... considering I'm a very poor college student I will only be able to purchase one BDCE but I've already told everyone I know about it...

You can't stop the signal


Sunday, August 5, 2007 11:20 AM


To tell you the truth, I'd be satisfied if we could get Firefly audio adventures. That helped keep Doctor Who alive.

The Soup -- always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Sunday, August 5, 2007 12:34 PM


I already pre-ordered the new DVD on Amazon to help support Glad to hear Joss is still hopeful for a sequel as well. I would really like to see a "collector's edition" of the series as well, especially with more commentaries from our BDHs.
Anyone looking for a quick way to say thanks to Universal for supporting our BDHs can visit If you want you can upload a picture, or just quickly send a note saying thanks.

"She is starting to damage my calm" -Jayne Cobb


Sunday, August 5, 2007 3:36 PM


Serenity was only $130,536 below Budget. It is entirely possible that that $130,536 has been made up since 2005 and not been posted on Box Office Mojo. The studio could be adding up film rental fees and ticket sales. The Can't Stop the Serenity screenings would have accounted for at least $23,500 in film rental fees. 47 screenings x $250 each x 2 (2006 + 2007) . And Serenity keeps screening. It just had two midnight screenings this weekend. And there at least two more around the release of Serenity Collector's Edition.


Sunday, August 5, 2007 4:35 PM


I come past here everyday in hope of news.

To get that hope from the lips of Joss himself is a funny feeling.

I had this small feeling that Joss had forgotten about Firefly and given up after achieving Serenity. Clearly he is still very interested in the verse.

When that S.E comes out I will be buying $100 worth. I always said that I would spend any amount of money to get it back and here is my/our big chance.

People who have the in bulk. I have worked in retail and I know that bulk buying usually tells the owners "shit, we have to buy more of these."

The studio does not make money on copies sold to us, it makes money on copies sold to the retailer. So if you go pass a shop, buy the last copy, buy the last 2 copies, MAKE THEM ORDER MORE!

I loved scrolling down this page and watching the wheels slowly turn on a 'browncoat plan'. This is our big chance and I now have a great feeling.

Good luck everyone, I eagerly await the next 2 months


Sunday, August 5, 2007 4:59 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
People who have the in bulk.

I plan to do the same Bringitback. Fortunately I have many birthdays in September and I have folks I cannot wait to share this movie and the new commentary with.

And I intend to be a long term that it's not just on one day, but for weeks afterward.

I know everyone can't afford to buy in bulk, but if you can afford to buy one, please do.
And say thank you to Uni for this.
This is our chance. We have to grab it.


Monday, August 6, 2007 3:22 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Well browncoats, here we are. We're still holdin', waiting for word and now the word has come. Joss says our hopes of a sequel rest on this special edition dvd. We want another film the SE dvd has got to sell.

Word is it's only on region 1. That news ain't all that great. That means it's up to us Region 1 browncoats to do the impossible. AGAIN! We know better than assuming anything. We know better than to expect a lot in the way of support or marketing from Universal. Suits me fine. Leaves all the credit for it's success to the browncoats who have carried the signal so far.

Time to dust off those brown coats. We want our girl to fly again it's up to us. It's going to take each and every browncoat here, on every other message board, those that don't post, and those who may not even realize they are browncoats yet. We have to spread the word like never before. It's time to utilize those guerilla marketing skills like never before. We need to do every single thing we can to insure this SE dvd is a success.

I ain't asking no one to mortgage the family farm buying every copy at the local Best Buy. Buy as many as you can without stretching the budget too thin. If that means just one copy, that's something and it puts us one step closer to a sequel. If you can afford more than one, I urge you to do so. The SE dvd will make a great gift and there is only 140 days until Christmas. There is all sorts of reasons to give a shiny gift like the SE dvd.

Spread the word. Tell everyone you know about the SE dvd. Spread the hope Joss has given us to every message board, community, and site you visit. If the signal dies here it is because we didn't hold like we promised we would. I know we all want the story to continue, so let's get out there and do our part to see that Joss has the chance to tell it.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Monday, August 6, 2007 8:11 AM


The Special Edition is up to 59 on amazon's best seller list. Last week it was closer to 100.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, August 6, 2007 8:25 AM


Quote: What is the future of Firefly and Serenity?

Joss Whedon: The Serenity special edition DVD is coming out, because the DVD keeps selling so well. They cannot keep it on the shelves. They tell me this themselves. This is good news. One hopes that it might sell so well that one day somebody goes, ""You know what? I could put this up again."" Maybe not on the same level, but with what you can accomplish now with special effects every week, it becomes astronomically cheaper to get things done…In a heartbeat I would do it, with these guys. I'd do animated. I'd do it radio. I'd do whatever it took to work with these actors again and to write those characters. Right now, there is nothing in the wind.


"I beat up a couple of false b!Xes earlier."
-- Joss, 28 June 2007


Monday, August 6, 2007 8:26 AM


I JUST read that myself and forwarded it on to a bunch of people. Gives a little bit of hope, but disappointing that there is 'nothing in the wind' yet.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, August 6, 2007 8:27 AM


Thanks BiX!

Again, the DVDs are selling well. Now we just need to make sure the SE sell just as well.


Monday, August 6, 2007 8:30 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

If your local library does not have a copy of the series or the movie this is a great opportunity to buy and extra copy and *donate it to them. At $18 that's pretty good signal boost for the buck.

*ask them to put it into General Circulation.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, August 6, 2007 2:31 PM


Got the message, Joss.

Just ordered 5 Big Damn Collector's Editions, directly from the Universal site:

...gonna spread some Shiny 'Verse love late August!!!

Let's get busy, Browncoats.

In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream.

Er, unless they're a REAVER


Monday, August 6, 2007 3:13 PM



You know what? I could put this up again."" Maybe not on the same level, but with what you can accomplish now with special effects every week, it becomes astronomically cheaper to get things done…In a heartbeat I would do it, with these guys. I'd do animated. I'd do it radio. I'd do whatever it took to work with these actors again and to write those characters.

wow this one is even better IMO. When was the last time he spoke like this? With such optimism and desperation?

The wheels are indeed turning.

A Quick question...this S.E will be available in australia right??


Monday, August 6, 2007 6:37 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
The wheels are indeed turning.

A Quick question...this S.E will be available in australia right??

sorry mate it is only in America for now, i know im an Aussie too and i want it BAD

so we just have to get all the fine folks in Americaland to buy it, we can be that little voice from Australia that tells everyone "Buy it man, just do it"

That was when i found out my pants were on fire, and that's my Courageous story.

[url] [/url]

- Jimmy the Blindoutlaw


Monday, August 6, 2007 8:49 PM



sorry mate it is only in America for now, i know im an Aussie too and i want it BAD

so we just have to get all the fine folks in Americaland to buy it, we can be that little voice from Australia that tells everyone "Buy it man, just do it"

very dissapointing, i was looking forward to this for a long time.

oh well, Ive got a great feeling about our revival anyway.. What a story it will be when it comes back


Monday, August 6, 2007 9:25 PM


I thought our special edition was your (AUS) regular DVD, no?


Monday, August 6, 2007 10:09 PM



Originally posted by Shavenyak:
I thought our special edition was your (AUS) regular DVD, no?

well our DVD does have alot of the stuff the special edition has, but i doesnt have the R. Tam session and the cast comentaries on it which i really want to hear and it is also in a very shiny new case

plus i want to do my bit to get a sequel

That was when i found out my pants were on fire, and that's my Courageous story.

[url] [/url]

- Jimmy the Blindoutlaw


Wednesday, August 8, 2007 10:02 AM


What Would Mal do ?

ok.. I'm 50, not a trekky or any other crazy/dressmeup with a laser gun fan. I make decent money in the corp world, fathered 4 kids, grand dad this year..musician on the side with some national credits..etc..all this to say that I've passed over Buffy (love the movie though) and other Joss stuff through the years and never even saw Firefly when it was airing...when the movie trailer hit the theaters I thought it might be a cute flick for a date night with the old was..and it was again..and I ordered the DVD collection immediately and the movie when it came out. I fly frequently as part of my work.. I pack several DVDs for entertainment and change out the assortment each trip...except for my Serenty/firefly set. those travel with me every time and I have rewatched them more than I can count. Something about the intersect of the actors..from the very first shoot til the end...the general premise, etc..the lack of stupid monster alien makeup, and the total ship set's an adult series, a bit dark sometimes, but also with some nice wit.
I wish I had 5 more seasons to watch and a couple sequels to boot. The story just hits me right. so thank you to Joss, and all the great folks that brought what you had and could to the market. You have created what is my all-time favorite. I can only hope for more...ET

Play Loud! ET


Wednesday, August 8, 2007 2:27 PM


My hope was dwindling (anyone who has read a few of my older posts knows this) but I always prayed a miracle would come, looked for some angel to shine down, now maybe this is it. I'm not gonna get too excited (had too many dissapointments in my life) but this is indeed shiney enough news to get me... well hoping again. Been a hell of a long and tiresome fight from the beggining, now maybe it was all worth it. Though still.... no Wash and Book. Not gonna look at the negative here.

Now as to getting the word out to mainstream audiences. Everyone's idea's are great, but has anyone ever considered mass flyers posted on buildings and lamp posts and community bulletine boards, you know the way local bands do when they want people to come see them play in a club. If you have a good printer and enough paper you can make your own, or make a copy and go to your local library and make copies (color or black and white) I sometimes make posters for my brother's band and this is what he does.

Then there's making pamphlets (and depending on how far you want to take this) just make a general information on the DVD, the show's DVD's, what it's about (fans have always been better in describing the show then the studios) and placing them on car window shields. Some may throw them out but others may go, Hmmm, what's this? and read it. At the very least make an addendum asking they not throw this in the trash and give it to someone they see on the street. Maybe too much? It would get the word out to the general populous out there who don't go on the net or lurk in Browncoat forums. Putting up flyers in schools and campases is a great way of getting things out there too. Well, just an idea or two.

Maybe we held long enough.... and maybe those are our angels flying overhead. I'll hope. For now.





Wednesday, August 8, 2007 3:45 PM


I just dropped in from another entire galaxy, probably, but I was wondering if (surely there must be) the proper conspiracy theories have yet been put forth regarding Fox screwing up the show and cancelling it. There must be somebody suspecting that the storyline involving River hits a little too close to home, correct?

The US government (Canada too, who knows who else) and CIA and some major psychiatric research institutions had a Cold War program during the 40s-60s in which they experimented with the minds of high-IQ children, mostly children of families connected with the military. I don't think they're ready for the story to come out for another few decades. Most anybody with any credibility who gives it any publicity (Google "Valerie Wolf") either dies of a sudden aggressive cancer or "commits suicide." But it's coming out anyway, quietly, because the few who survived with enough sanity and determination to save themselves are showing up in therapists' offices all over North America with similar stories.

(And because there is an Internet. And you can't stop the signal.)

More survived than you might think. They selected for high IQ first and courage and strength second. I don't think they really selected for sanity anywhere along the way, but some of us couldn't help ourselves. I was the only one of four Army kids in my family to get through the decade and a half of excruciatingly painful therapy it took to get myself sane enough to get within shooting reach of my goal. My sister and brothers are casualties. They'll never know what it's like to be truly human.

My goal being, as you can imagine, to ensure that some time within my own life or the life of my kids, the story will come out, and those bastards will go down. (Probably not literally. They're old enough to be dying of natural causes already. Mostly. I think Jolyon West may have had a late-life attack of conscience. Before he died of a sudden aggressive cancer.)

Have fun with this. It's true, every word, but don't take my word for it. In fact it's probably best for my health if you treat me like a lunatic and don't believe a word I'm saying. Make fun of me, in fact. Please.

But if this post is'll know why. And I'm sure you'll understand why I'm not going to stick around and keep myself visible.

Have fun...Joss keep fightin the good fight! (But please, please please do me a favor--when you shoot a scene with people dancing, make sure they're all dancing to the same beat, and it's the beat of the music that's playing. It's like nails on a chalkboard to someone with rhythm, watching those scenes of yours where people are all bobbing around randomly like idiots.) (Although I admit it works for the Animaniacs.)

(Spoken in full admiration of your talents. I have all the seasons of Angel and Buffy too.)



Thursday, August 9, 2007 3:50 AM


Send a team. The best. Very exciting! :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, August 9, 2007 2:05 PM


Just wanted to say - can completely relate. Not the same age, but not so much younger. No kids. Although pressured by friends - didn't really get into Buffy. Never watched Angel. Thought Alien Resurrection one of the worst things ever written - hoped someone butchered a much better script and this wasn't all Joss. But Firefly/Serenity. Watch them over and over.
Anyway - wanted to respond to your post because when I first had the courage to post, it got lost in the ether and everyone should be affirmed for standing up and being counted and sharing their story. Bravo!


Thursday, August 9, 2007 3:47 PM



Originally posted by pshaw:
Just wanted to say - can completely relate. Not the same age, but not so much younger. No kids. Although pressured by friends - didn't really get into Buffy. Never watched Angel. Thought Alien Resurrection one of the worst things ever written - hoped someone butchered a much better script and this wasn't all Joss. But Firefly/Serenity. Watch them over and over.
Anyway - wanted to respond to your post because when I first had the courage to post, it got lost in the ether and everyone should be affirmed for standing up and being counted and sharing their story. Bravo!

Right on PSHAW couldnt if said that any better,
i got friends that never really got into Buffy or Angel and they love Firefly and Serenity, it just shows how great FF/BDM really are

That was when i found out my pants were on fire, and that's my Courageous story.

[url] [/url]

- Jimmy the Blindoutlaw


Friday, August 10, 2007 3:07 AM


What Would Mal do ?

thanks much Pshaw...nice welcome.
Not much of a forum haunter...gotta be something that really tweeks my interest for me to poke my head up on any forum...but wanted to be among folks that "get" Firefly.



Monday, August 13, 2007 4:58 AM


It's typical of the verse we love! Mal sets up plan, it all goes bad but he gets the job done anyway. Our sequel will happen I believe though not the way we expect it to. I expected Serenity to be huge, it wasn't but here we are with hope. They can't stop the signal!!!


Monday, August 13, 2007 9:13 AM


What Would Mal do ?

and there's the reality of the show to the general public... most "sheeples" are content to live in the plastic world that the government sets up...take away whatever freedom as long as I can live in relative safety and comfort. I'll pay whatever tax and fees you tell me to, and think the way you make me. The general public is not comfortable with the existance that our Serenty crew lives and doesn't want to relate. They are uneasy in the presence of "armed" citizens who will take action for a greater cause as it may disrupt the tranquility for all.
No light sabers, no crazy aliens spouting proof that the human way is really the better way. Serenity shows us as the humans we are..the good and the ugly on both sides. The acheivements we can attain, and the failures we will try to hide and forget..both at the cost of life and liberty.
Serenity is where my heart lives and I "get it". But I don't expect a majority of the world to get nor accept the space that Mal lives in...I onlyhope that it was a wake up call to some.


Monday, August 13, 2007 10:40 AM


I completely agree Oldguy. I just wish that people really would heed wake-up calls like that more often than they seem to. The worlds so full of half-blind unimaginative average-joes/janes content with turning their heads from or ridiculing things they don't understand. I've turned half of my family into fans of the show, my mother most of all to my surprise, not big on scifi though she is an X-files fan.

Also I just pre-ordered a couple copies of the collectors edition. Not from Amazon though, long story but I'm boycotting them, if your really interested go here...
Seeing as it doesn't relate directly to this discussion I'll not go into it further, may do a post later though if I have free time.


Monday, August 13, 2007 11:20 AM


Great posts there from OLDGUY and StrangeBird. I can only agree with both of you. I've managed to turn my older sister in to a full on Browncoat, she just got it right away. My brother really enjoyed the series and the movie and my Mother too. She was really worried they'd all get killed in Serenity after Shepard and Wash fell. It was great to see such enthusiasm from her as she has no time for sci fi in general. All we can do is keep telling everyone about the 'verse just like Captain Joss asked us to on the intro to Serenity on the dvd. 'We're just too damn pretty to die'. I wanna see that ship fly again. Believe!

They Can't Take The Sky From US!!


Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:33 AM


What Would Mal do ?

don't want to give a wrong impression...I got a lump in my throat when Scotty cranked up Amazing Grace for Spock's casket ejection...and as bad as the acting was across the board, I still enjoy most things Trek. But even my favorite Trek Next Gen..look at the cardboard characters of that first season compared to Firefly. Joss direction, the complete ship set, etc all make for a character interaction that is deep and complete the very first episode. I didn't have to wait for them to "develop" over several seasons...everyone seemed to know their character, their space, and where they wanted to take them, right from the start. Yes it's great acting, it's great set work, and directing, but I also believe it is the nature of the story'd world that immediately gave them a place to exist. Firefly is more unique among the Scifi offerings in this respect. Joss captures the world's around him in a way that I've not seen since Blade, full, simply taken for granted. His scenes are leveraged by the actors, not relied upon as crutches with special effects being the only star...instead, his worlds and scenes are true stage props and space to act in...Man i miss it!


Thursday, August 16, 2007 11:38 AM


Time to dust off that browncoat.

"Dude, you never wanna f*ck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith






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