Is anybody else getting nervous?????

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 17:00
VIEWED: 8005
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:27 AM


I'm suprised at the seeming lack of discussion about this.

From all sources that I have ever read (and which has never been disputed) is that the contract for all the actors to make a sequel runs out at the end of this month. That's only 11 DAYS AWAY!!!

Joss has stated last month, in so many words, that Universal told him that Serenity is in the black.. and that the hopes for a sequel probably rests with this DVD (the Collector's Edition).

It all seems to make sence... if Universal is on the fence about weither or not to greenlight a sequel that they would release this collector's edition prior to the final deadline and use that as a last minute guage as to weither or not to greenlight the sequel.

Ok.. all that being said.. it's only 11 days away!!! Isn't anyone else getting nervous???

I won't ever give up hope that we won't see new content about the Firefly verse. I will take any book, or comic book, or even a spin off tv show that would ever come our way... BUT.. if we ever want to see these actors to play these roles again in this universe we love so much... THIS IS IT!!! I would believe that after September 30th.. even though we have done the impossible.. and lighting could strike twice.. I would have to face reality and belive that the hopes of ever seeing a sequel would suddenly approach zero. Not impossible.. but getting all nine (or seven ) actors back together would probably be a sceduling nightmare (they need to make a living.. they can't hold out for this forever).. not to mention they probably would be more expensive. And I am guessing that any sequel we get will probably have even a smaller budget than the first movie.. so more expensive actors.. surely wouldn't help.

So after September 30th... I belive we will get more Firefly.. in one form or another.. but I wouldn't bet that it would be with these characters being played by these actors that we love so much..

Anyway... .. I guess I will just hold the line.. and my breath.. for the next 11 days!!!



Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:48 AM



I don't disagree with you on any particular point.

We don't know for sure that the actor's contracts expire, that's just what we all think from something Sean Maher said in an interview. I suspect it's true. But it's possible their contracts could be extended.

Sales of the CE do figure in a sequel happening, this came directly from Joss' mouth. I think the sales have been pretty good ( when available! ) for a Collector's Edition basically designed to double dip into the fandom's pockets.

I'm not sure Uni is using sales of it as a gauge for a sequel within a close time frame. TheOneTrueBix ( who is a bastion of accuracy ) pointed out that truly it isn't enough time to gauge sales if they're doing it to beat the deadline on actor's contracts.

I'm afraid the way it is, is the way it is.

We will all just have to wait and see if Uni approaches Joss and the actor's to do more in some form. Our chances have been slim to none for quite some time. There are folks all over the 'Verse who say it's unreasonable to expect anything more.
I'm sort of unreasonably cheerful like that, so I'll just stay here and hold the line and see what happens.

( Oh, and I'll be spreading the word like always, representing my fandom with pride and buying the CE, cuz it's something I CAN do! )


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:51 AM


Fingers crossed...

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 7:03 AM


Coming back to add that there is an almost identical discussion occurring over at the OB (Original Board) where some of the original Browncoats you've seen in DTI post daily and one of the members who is a numbers cruncher and an admittedly "cynical and pessimistic" person says that the contract ran out long ago on the actors, that the September date is a "myth".

So worrying about the contract expiration is moot if she's right.

We will just have to spread the joy that is Firefly to new folks and hope, as we always have.

Anyone else have any information about this?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:09 AM



Originally posted by Smaug:
Isn't anyone else getting nervous???

Nope. Contracts expiring just means that when the sequel does get made there will need to be new contracts. That's maybe a few hours time on behalf of legal and some phone calls to agents sprinkled with insincere expressions of affection. No worries.


'Geeks can't admit that anything worthwhile was invented before 1981. Soon, "making cocoa" will be called "milk hacking."' - Lore Sjoberg


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:11 AM



Originally posted by daveshayne:

Originally posted by Smaug:
Isn't anyone else getting nervous???

Nope. Contracts expiring just means that when the sequel does get made there will need to be new contracts. That's maybe a few hours time on behalf of legal and some phone calls to agents sprinkled with insincere expressions of affection. No worries.

I completely agree, contracts are there really to make sure the actor's have to come back for the sequel but unlike other actors our Big Damn Heroes would do a sequel willingly probably even for free.


Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 10:49 AM



Nope. Contracts expiring just means that when the sequel does get made there will need to be new contracts. That's maybe a few hours time on behalf of legal and some phone calls to agents sprinkled with insincere expressions of affection. No worries.

Well.. I would like to believe that it was that simple.. but if it was.. why would there ever be contracts like this in the first place?

I'm not saying you couldn't make new contracts.. but then it's up to each actor's willingness and ability to agree to it. I have to believe that they all would be willing.. but that doesn't mean they would have the ability to. And how hard is Universal willing to try, at that point, on a movie that is already shown that it won't be a blockbuster? No matter how incredible it would be. Sure.. we all know it will make them a small fortune in the long run.. but studios don't seem to care about that.

Smaug.. still nervous..


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:29 AM



Originally posted by Smaug:

Nope. Contracts expiring just means that when the sequel does get made there will need to be new contracts. That's maybe a few hours time on behalf of legal and some phone calls to agents sprinkled with insincere expressions of affection. No worries.

Well.. I would like to believe that it was that simple.. but if it was.. why would there ever be contracts like this in the first place?

Why are there ever contracts? To provide a written record of responsibilities between people engaging in a financial relationship.


'Geeks can't admit that anything worthwhile was invented before 1981. Soon, "making cocoa" will be called "milk hacking."' - Lore Sjoberg


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:42 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

I'm always nervous when it comes to Firefly. Never know if there's going to be good news or bad news. Seems the last good news we had was the release of the CE. I don't think we like being in the dark too long.

Maybe it's 'cause Joss is busy with Goners, which is a good thing. I don't even know what it's about, but I want to see it.

BTW, Drive eps are still downloadable, right?

Find here the Serenity you seek.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:58 PM


I dunno 'bout Universal's /option/ for two more BDMs bein' a myth...

That said, I don't think Joss is gonna say anything until Universal tells him he can.

The fact that Joss hasn't said much about the sales figures at all, could be interpreted as a good sign; if it was just business as usual, he'd be out there, thankin' us Browncoats for snappin' 'em up like umbrellas in a thunderstorm. Instead, Joss is keeping real quiet...

Then, there is the sudden and, to my way of thinkin,' atypical price rise and/or lack of easy availability on Firefly and Serenity DVDs. You don't raise the price on something that's headed toward the dumpster, flans. It seems that those who produce the DVDs have re-revaluated their market value. As for availability, especially of the BDCE, well, it seems we have exceeded supply with our demand. Yeah, I know sales figures are not so hot; however, you can't sell what you don't have in stock. Also a good sign.

So, always the eternal optimist, I am increasingly hopeful about Universal's option on another BDM. And, if Universal, for some reason, decides not to opt another movie, another studio might very well be interested in those rights, say, Warner, which, apparently, is wildly happy with the (relatively modest) sales of Babylon 5: The Lost Tales, JM Straczynski's (admittedly modest) initial direct-to-video opus for that franchise (also scrood by F*X, also VERY GOOD sci-fi television).

So, we're gonna HOLD! Don't lay down arms, not even if Universal decides it's gettin' too hot for air support! We can win this war, get our independence (and, our BDM), and, all go home and eat fresh bao outta purplebelly helmets...

Ermm... I mean, yeah, let's see what happens.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 1:13 PM


Well put FM!!

We will have another movie...

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:11 PM


Well, all I know is that I'm going to go crazy with printing out flyers and posting them up for Firefly and Serenity and sticking them in mailboxes and whatnot (that's legal, right?) and get people interested who haven't even heard of this wonderful 'verse.

As for the actors... even if/when they get more expensive, I'd be very surprised if any of them said, "No, I don't feel like doing a sequel unless you pay me an exorbitant sum." They have all stated that they would love to be involved - in a second, without a shadow of a doubt. They love this 'verse just as much as we do - even more.

So I'm just going to KEEP BUYING. ::grins::

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:55 PM


Fingers and toes crossed for the sequel but im still a little un-sure whether or not i actually want one. We've all come to know and love these characters from watching the series and the first movie. And even losing one was a huge thing. I dont know about anybody else but at the end of the movie right after Mal had his final conversation with the operative and was talking with Zoe, that ship suddenly had a big feeling of emptiness about it with Wash missing. Him missing from the sequel would be HUGE. As well as that i wouldnt want to risk the sequel being bad. Right now the whole thing is still amazing and magical to us all because of the way we were left. If the sequel is made and then proceeds to bomb its may ruin a lot of peoples' love for Firefly. Leave everyone with sour feelings about everything because it was the last new addition that people saw. But on a more optimistic note ive got the perfect solution for assuring the sequel. Sense the sequel is primarily counting on the sales of the CE DvD's everybody go out and buy 500 copys at full price and we'll have our sequel in no time. :D


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:29 PM


Post needs pic of the hope for more Firefly/Serenity rests with the Serenity Collector's Edition DVD (Release date: 8/21/2007)
and Joss Whedon interview at Comic Con 2007


Originally posted by RahlMaclaren:

BTW, Drive eps are still downloadable, right?

Episode 1-4 available from itunes, and

You can watch the Drive episodes 1-6 at


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:36 PM



Originally posted by CitizenofJanetown:
Fingers and toes crossed for the sequel but im still a little un-sure whether or not i actually want one. We've all come to know and love these characters from watching the series and the first movie. And even losing one was a huge thing. I dont know about anybody else but at the end of the movie right after Mal had his final conversation with the operative and was talking with Zoe, that ship suddenly had a big feeling of emptiness about it with Wash missing. Him missing from the sequel would be HUGE. As well as that i wouldnt want to risk the sequel being bad. Right now the whole thing is still amazing and magical to us all because of the way we were left. If the sequel is made and then proceeds to bomb its may ruin a lot of peoples' love for Firefly. Leave everyone with sour feelings about everything because it was the last new addition that people saw. But on a more optimistic note ive got the perfect solution for assuring the sequel. Sense the sequel is primarily counting on the sales of the CE DvD's everybody go out and buy 500 copys at full price and we'll have our sequel in no time. :D

In regards to the problem of the crew casualties inflicted in Serenity, there is an answer.

The following is a quote from Joss Whedon, himself. I found it in Serenity: The Official Visual Companion, page 36, column two, first two paragraphs: "By the way, there's a strong possibility that everybody would return for a sequel. How is that possible? Not my usual way- there are no amulets to be had for love or money. But there's every chance you could see these characters again."

See, also, the picture caption at the top left corner of the same page, which reads,
"Below: Alan Tudyk as Wash, a character who, according to Whedon, could return in a sequel."

I trust Joss to do it in an original, clever, acceptably non-cheesy way.

Can't stop the signal!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:00 PM



Originally posted by CitizenofJanetown:
Sense the sequel is primarily counting on the sales of the CE DvD's everybody go out and buy 500 copys at full price and we'll have our sequel in no time. :D

You got that figure way too high.

For example if all of Nathan Fillion friends bought 500 DVDs...

36085 x 500 = 18,042,500 DVDs. Don't need that many DVDs bought. $20 each DVD that is like 360 million. Don't need that much.

How about a 52? 36085 x 52 = 1,876,420 DVD.

Hey, if all Nathan's friends just cough up $1,109, got $40 million right there.

Also Joss has said in any sequel, all nine crew will be back. Didn't say how. People think flashbacks. I think River can see/hear ghosts.

Also Joss said what comes next doesn't have to be as big as Serenity. And there are plenty of stories in the 'verse. Before Firefly. After Firefly and before Serenity. And after Serenity.

There is money to be made in the 'verse. Universal or somebody else is gonna realize that someday. Sooner or later.

Remember Desperate Housewives Sunday.
Chuck on Monday.

Anybody have an idea when Summer's show is going start. Jewel's is starting on September 28.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:55 PM


Feeling hopeful myself for a sequel in some shape. Remember there are new comics coming out later this fall too, if I remember correctly.

So everyone, buy multiple copies of the CE, buy all the shiny stuff that's out there (just got my PVC Mal, Jayne and River. They are guarding my wireless modem right now along with Steggy and Rex) and keep your finger, toes, feet and everything else crossed.

Oh, and also watch and email or write Desperate Housewives, Chuck, Stargate Atlantis and The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Tell them that Nathan, Adam, Jewel and Summer are the reason that you are watching.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:22 PM



Originally posted by Smaug:

Nope. Contracts expiring just means that when the sequel does get made there will need to be new contracts. That's maybe a few hours time on behalf of legal and some phone calls to agents sprinkled with insincere expressions of affection. No worries.

Well.. I would like to believe that it was that simple.. but if it was.. why would there ever be contracts like this in the first place?

I'm not saying you couldn't make new contracts.. but then it's up to each actor's willingness and ability to agree to it. I have to believe that they all would be willing.. but that doesn't mean they would have the ability to. And how hard is Universal willing to try, at that point, on a movie that is already shown that it won't be a blockbuster? No matter how incredible it would be. Sure.. we all know it will make them a small fortune in the long run.. but studios don't seem to care about that.

Smaug.. still nervous..

I find myself agreeing with SMAUG on this one. I figure contracts to sequels are signed by the actors to lock in their money just in case the movie becomes a smash hit. In the past it has happened often enough that the star of a Hollywood hit will like to price themselves above the bar of what a studio is willing to pay. Whether this is true with contracts for the BDM or not, or an expiration date was set could be just plain here say. Is anyone for sure?

I have a belief that someone has their eyes on the prize. If Universal is just leaching what they can get I do think that there’s someone that has an interest in this product. An interest also in seeing it make more money. Hopefully that will be in film form with the same actors playing the same roles. The verse of fans grows bigger every day. I never get tired of the newbies coming onboard. They bring renewed sparks with their excitement and vigor. I’d like to say that getting any good new would be like getting a dose of Serenuty-Viagra. But we need to remember that no news does not mean no more FF of any kind. We Hold!



Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:36 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Smaug, ain't nothin' to be concerned about. If the contracts expire before Universal decides to do a sequel, whose to say they can renegotiate new ones? A contract expiring doesn't mean we are doomed to no more Firefly / Serenity.

Buck up trooper. A lot of us have been out here in the trenches for a long time and faced a lot darker times than this. We hold, we spread the word and Joss will see to it the story is told.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company
[img] [/img]


Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:19 AM


Nervous ? Hell no.

Anticipation ? You betcha.

Cantstoptheserenity was a huge success. How many other box office flops have pulled in more than $110,000 for charity ?

DragonCon - well done to all who participated. reference the DragonCon dates and the Amazon ranking for Firefly - it soared to #3. The Browncoats in that parade recruited dozens of new fans without ever meeting them.

We have shown time & again that we are a viable and active franchise. Our numbers grow every day, we will be heard.

The keys are:
Have patience
Spread the word
Support Browncoat activites
Be nice to people, not everyone see's Firefly the way you do

If you feel a need to do something, send a postcard to Fox / Universal thanking them for Firefly / Serenity and asking when Season 2 / sequel is coming out.

I want my trilogy, and Season 2, and a plastic rocket...


Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:10 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Smaug, ain't nothin' to be concerned about. If the contracts expire before Universal decides to do a sequel, whose to say they can renegotiate new ones? A contract expiring doesn't mean we are doomed to no more Firefly / Serenity.

Agreed entirely. Plus, I think _all_ of the cast would leap at the chance to make more movies, even if it was at the same price as their original contracts.

Now - if the option to produce Serenity movies was left to expire by Universal, that might be a bigger worry. I can see Fox upping the cost.....


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:17 AM


Yeah, I'll admit I'm feeling nervous. But I'm also reminding myself that if Versal DOES take advantage of this contract, we likely won't hear about it for months.

You know what the secret to flying is? Love.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:22 AM



Originally posted by Roy:
If you feel a need to do something, send a postcard to Fox / Universal thanking them for Firefly / Serenity and asking when Season 2 / sequel is coming out.

there is a good one. attack em with snail mail. add in an email attack as while.
maybe one of the people around here that designs banners and such could design a "thank you" note with all that plus thanks for the se. postcard size, letter size. print and send. and send email too. firefly is up in the amazon rankings, and the se is out. alot of talk after dc. on a bit of a publicity high point. maybe time for a some mass fan mail.

forgot to add. someone said they were putting flyers IN mailboxes. don't do that, it is illegal.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:48 AM


I'm not nervous. It's dead. We aren't going to get anything else. We never got enough people to open their eyes and go see the BDM or watch the series. We just don't have enough people to make it worth studio's time and money.

That's about all there is to it. It's sad, but I think we should just trust that Joss will make something new that is great in it's own way.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:49 AM


Im not sure what actor said what, when... but i think there is some confusion here.

There is a difference between the actors contracts expiring and Universal losing the rights to make a seque! Actors contracts expiring wouldnt hinder a sequel much as everything can be rengotiated. Universal losing the rights to a sequel is a bigger deal, it basically means that anyone else could then bid on a serenity sequel as the rights revert back to fox and the creators.

So in short it depends which of the above scenarios we r talking :)


Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:12 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Smaug, ain't nothin' to be concerned about. If the contracts expire before Universal decides to do a sequel, whose to say they can renegotiate new ones? A contract expiring doesn't mean we are doomed to no more Firefly / Serenity.

Buck up trooper. A lot of us have been out here in the trenches for a long time and faced a lot darker times than this. We hold, we spread the word and Joss will see to it the story is told.

Speaking as one of those above mentioned Browncoats, I agree completely with BC1. It's just like the good Preacher said... you have to have Belief!

Trust me... I know what I'm doing!


Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:16 PM


I agree, that its not the same, with Wash missing. To sad!


Thursday, September 20, 2007 3:51 PM


" Be nice to people, not everyone see's Firefly the way you do"

Yes but they should lol


Thursday, September 20, 2007 3:59 PM



Originally posted by BrownBug:
Actors contracts expiring wouldnt hinder a sequel much as everything can be rengotiated.

This is precisely why it IS a hindrance. The actors likely are locked into particular deals under that original option. Once expired, some of their agents will insist upon more money than those original deals. Given the tepid performance of Serenity at the box office, it's doubtful Universal would want to shell out more money for the actors' contracts.


"I beat up a couple of false b!Xes earlier."
-- Joss, 28 June 2007


Thursday, September 20, 2007 11:58 PM


I'm not that nervous about it. I'm sure Joss will continue the story in whatever format he can get his hands on.


-My shiny Serenity video.


Friday, September 21, 2007 3:55 AM



This is precisely why it IS a hindrance. The actors likely are locked into particular deals under that original option. Once expired, some of their agents will insist upon more money than those original deals. Given the tepid performance of Serenity at the box office, it's doubtful Universal would want to shell out more money for the actors' contracts.

Which is exactly my point and why I am nervous. I'm not saying a sequal is impossible after September 30th... just that the likelyhood, in my opinion, suddenly become pretty close to zero.

Yes.. I KNOW that all the actors LOVED working on Firefly and Serenity.. that's one of the 100 reasons why Firefly is what it is.. everyone from Joss down to the key grip.. you could just tell LOVED and believed in what they were doing. And the actors may even be willing to do a sequal without asking for more money or even accepting less.. I am not questioning their willingness to do it.. but they also have to make a living.. if they are already doing work that is paying more.

Let's look at it this way.. how many of us would be "able to" take a 50% pay cut to go work another job for a few months? Even if it's somethign you loved.. sure you might be willing because of your love for it... but would you be able?

And of course.. there can be disputed that the September 30th deadline is a "myth" and not accurate.. maybe the contracts already did expire or whatever. It's just that I have heard that deadline quoted many many times.. and even though that's may not be absolute proof.. I have never heard or read any absolute proof that it's not.

But, until I hear otherwise.. I have to go with the Sept. 30 deadline.. and yes.. I am still nervous..


I'm not that nervous about it. I'm sure Joss will continue the story in whatever format he can get his hands on.

And I will be their to.. even if it's just Joss doing a drunken ramble on a blog spilling out all his ideas for what would have eventually happen to our BDH's.. I will be there.. But I just want to have my BDS!!!

I gots to get me more of Mal and Inara... they got the short end of the stick in the first movie.. I need my sequel so they get their time to shine... probably right before Joss kills one of them though.. trying not to think about that possiblity..



Friday, September 21, 2007 4:49 AM



Originally posted by Walkdogger:
I'm not that nervous about it. I'm sure Joss will continue the story in whatever format he can get his hands on.

Yeah I just don't expect anymore live action Serenifly anymore. I'm guessing there will still be some comics once in a while and if we're exceedingly lucky maybe an animated series.

I'm very pessimistic about getting all these wonderful actors and actresses together again. They're just too good and are being pulled in too many new directions.


Monday, October 1, 2007 4:29 AM


Well.. Sept. 30th has come and gone.. All I can do now is wait for a month or so.. to hear weither or not they greenlit a sequel to Serenity. If they did.. we might not hear about it for a few weeks.. I can still hope.. for a little longer..

All I can think is that if the Sept. 30th deadline was real.. and Universal didn't greenlight it.. that's probably it for ever seeing these actors all together playing these characters ever again..

All I can say now is what I said yesterday..

Dear God..
I've asked for a lot of things over the years..
A lot of it simple things I wanted as a child..
Or just things to get me through the day as an adult..
And I have asked for infinitly more for other people..
But deep down, I have only ever truely dreamed of and wanted... one thing... You know what that is..
I wanted it more than I wanted to breath..
I will never understand why I wasn't deserving of what you know my soul longs for so bad..

I've lost my love..
I've lost my land..
I am in a place I can't stand..
And I don't even have a sky to soar in..
I know there are a million things in this world more important to billions of people..

And I have to admit I do feel sometimes as if it's nothing more than a long wait for a train don't come..
But if there is any way you could throw a dog a bone..
How about opening the eyes of the execs. at Universal..
To creating something that won't be a jackpot..
But infinitly more valuable..
A gift..
To touch someone's soul..
if only for a little while....



Tuesday, October 2, 2007 1:34 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Smaug:
Well.. Sept. 30th has come and gone.. All I can do now is wait for a month or so.. to hear weither or not they greenlit a sequel to Serenity. If they did.. we might not hear about it for a few weeks.. I can still hope.. for a little longer..

All I can think is that if the Sept. 30th deadline was real.. and Universal didn't greenlight it.. that's probably it for ever seeing these actors all together playing these characters ever again..

No need to be so down Smaug. We pretty much figured that the end of September would come and go with no word at all.

Joss said that the word from Universal is that the hopes of a sequel rely on the sales figures of the CE dvds. The dvds did not come out in time for Universal to get a real feel of how well the dvds are doing. We need time to push sales and get the kind of numbers that Universal wants to see. Those figures will be rolling in right through the end of this year.

With the holidays approaching we are presented with a great opportunity to really push the CE dvd and get the kinds of numbers that will get us our sequel.

Just like pretty much everything we have gotten from Firefly so far, we browncoats are going to have to work for it. We'll have to bust our humps, but hell, the story is worth every ounce of effort we put into it.

So, rather than all of sitting around wondering what the end of September may or may not mean, let's get out there and push some dvds. Now is the time for guerilla marketing strategies.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company
[img] [/img]


Tuesday, October 2, 2007 5:00 PM



The dvds did not come out in time for Universal to get a real feel of how well the dvds are doing.

We may never know for sure... but it might just be possible that if Universal was on the fence they might have been thinking "If the CE sells 50,000 units in the first week.. then the sequel is a go... if not.. then it's finished".

I told someone recently that Firefly and Serenity are a "money tree". 40 years from now they will still be making money. And may even hit the top of the sales charts (again) even 30+ years from now as lists of "Greatest Sci-fi" moves inevitably pop up from time to time and of course Serenity will still be in the top 10 or even top five and may even be number 1 on some lists... causing new people to check it out who may not have heard of it. But that's the problem .. it's a money tree.. it's not a jackpot. And unfortunaly all studios care about.. are Jackpots.

All they care is that some movie sells 500,000 copies in the first two months of release.. doesn't matter that it's sales effectly drop to zero after that for the rest of time.. and doesn't mater than Firefly and Serenity might sell millions over the next few decades.. It's not a jackpot.






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17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts