Life Onboard Serenity: Once More, With Feeling

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 11:10
VIEWED: 28114
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:53 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a text based RPG, anyone can play anyone can join.

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, post it as a spoiler.

NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME! Please apply in italics: char's name, char's bio, vital stats (height, weight, eye/hair color) and a detailed physical description Maybe a brief background


Name: John
Age: 23
:Height: 6'1"
Weight: 163
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Long and Lanky muscular though not visibly.

History: Raised on Three Hills by a single mother. At age 10 he came home to fing his home destroyed and his mother and little brother missing, presumed dead. He moved in with his best friend Kaylee and her family. When he found out the reason that his mother disappeared he took up her mantle and continued her work. John is an empath like his mother. He suppressed his ability after the tragedy of losing his mother and when he gets it back, he is flooded with remorse for his mothers work. Seeking to redeem himself he sets off to find the one person who ever made him feel at peace, Kaylee.

He found Serenity and was slowly accepted into its crew. Through the recent tragedy of the BDM he has stayed loyal to the ship and forged a friendship with River a powered individual like himself.

That was long but yours doesn't have to be as long. The Mother thing is vague for a reason if you want to know your character will have to find out.

6 months after rebuilding Serenity...

Mal got the crew jobs herding cattle for food and gas. Zoe walked around stone faced just barely living. Kaylee and Simon were together constantly the only spark on the cold boat. Jayne ate, slept, and worked it was hard to tell if Miranda had changed him. Inara kept to her shuttle workless but loyal to the ship. River flew the ship and John watched them all, quietly. Everyone else had left Serenity.

John yearned for the fire the ship once had. He wanted to take real jobs. He wanted to laugh again and to just feel...something. The ship was empty, dark and cold and he wanted to fill it with its warm, full, bright, old fire. It was time to go to the place where the crew could find real work and new crew, someone to fill the emptiness.

He approached the captain warrily. Tightpants had been crankier than usual. "Mal, we need to go to Persephone"



Tuesday, September 18, 2007 2:28 PM



Name: Epiktetos, affectionately dubbed Spooks
Age: Early 20's
Planet of Origin: Unknown; Grew up on Muir.
Affiliation: None
Occupation: Thief, assassination (very occasionally)
Weapons of Choice: Throwing knives (or any other sharp-edged object), caries a pistol in a hip-holster, right side.

Appearance: Caucasian features, shoulder-long black hair, dark green eyes. Just about 6' tall, 150 pound-ish. Narrow-framed, rather wiry and lithesome. Quick metabolism keeps his belly in check, though he isn't the type of man to care for that sort of things. Truth is, he isn't the type of man to care for much at all.

Bio: Enslaved a birth. Spent his early life as the property of a border world livestock mogul, the late Edwin Mahassa. Vanished 4 years ago in the wake the massacre that occurred at the Mahassa estate. He then managed to get himself offworld, possibly by stowing away on some tramp freighter. Has since resorted to professional thieving to make a living. Epiktetos is currently wanted on Muir.

Character: Stealth proficient and uncannily patient (natural traits that were further honed by an existence of servitude and brutality). His mental state seems stable enough, though his connexion to reality is said to be a mite... loose. Otherwise, his demeanor is rather apathetic and introspective, with an ounce of eerie playfulness.

Interesting facts: Shows surprising aptitude for arts, especially music, and occasionally boasts a sneaky sense of humor. Isn't fond of using firearms, as he finds them blatant and messy. His speech can be confusing.

Best known for: Odd relationship with time and space. Spectacular knife-throwing skill.

Education: Appears to have a basic understanding of language and mathematics, probably self-taught.

Fighting style: Prefers to get by on stealth, quickness and brains. His athlescism allows him to perform some impressive stunts, but he lacks the brawn required to be effective at close quarter. He is slippery, though, and has good instinct. As far as guns are concerned, his aiming isn't without peer, but he's a lightning quick draw.

EDIT: Oops. Italic fixed.

EDIT#2: I just thought the bit about the fighting style was a nice touch by BC07.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007 8:14 PM



Epiktetos didn't even blink; He drew his piece and shot the man square in the chest, sending lead and bone fragments tearing through his heart muscle. He had left the place before the body hit the floor. This was bad. Disastrous, even, if he actually allowed himself the time to ponder over such futile gradations. Couldn't do that right then, time was just too gorram precious. "Quick strides, leap from shadows to shadows; Stay in the murk," he told himself. He needed to clear out, couldn't stay on Persephone any longer. Sooner or later his name would start to crop up. It was, from that day forth, unavoidable. And he had no intent to stay put waiting for all hell to break lose. He flipped open a sewer trapdoor, took a deep breath, and hopped in. He made his way to the outskirts of town without so much as a backward glance, mentally lashing himself for drawing out his sojourn to such an unreasonable extent. Spending that much time... anywhere, was highly unhealthy. He, for one, should know that. Hell, he did... "Past is just that, past. Stay focused," said a familiar voice. The voice of reason, maybe?

Just some backstory. I hope I can make this character come out right. I'm basically experimenting with the english language right now, as this here is my first dedicated effort at producing something vaguely resembling prose. Almost every single word is a struggle of its own! If it turns out that I suck, then you can just... kill me off, or pretend I never existed. Or you could be kind and allow me to catch up


Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:35 PM


Name: Jake Wolfe
Age: 25
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: thick brown hair, worn shaggy and wild
Build: Sinuey and Muscular, build is more of a dancer or martial artists then a laborer

History: Abandond at a young age, Jake was in and out of correctional facilies for as long as he can remember. Taken in by the alliance for a new "human weapon" program, Jake's project codename was "Wolfe."

Jake was put through genetic manipulation to increase his strength, speed, stamina, and healing abilities; and was "upgraded" with a better sense of smell, sight, and hearing.

Jake was used to test many of the "readers" combat skills untill the day he managed to break the lock on his cuffs. Killing the guard that came to give him his daily food, and cutting a path of destruction through the labs, Jake finally managed to get free.

He has been jumping boats and ended up on Persephone, where he has been trying to lie low, and look for another boat to keep himself one step ahead of the alliance agents searching for him.

Because of what he has lived through, Jake does not trust others easily; however, if you can gain his trust, he is loyal to the death.

Training: Other than the upgrades to his body, Jake has been trained with many different small arms, primarily pistols and revolvers, and been highly trained in both unarmed and blade combat.

His fighting style is that of a Martial Gunslinger:

Martial Gunslingers prefer to fight in close quarters, preventing their enemies from striking from a distance. They maneuver themselves to get close, maximizing their firing potential while reducing the capacity for themselves to be hit. They are masters at being close to a target but maneuvering angles for maximum firing arcs but doing it while tumbling around enemies, under them, and over them. It is not unheard of for one to jump in the midst of an enemy squad, take every one down at point blank range and walk away with nary a scratch.

However, to do that, they must get close, study their targets. Make every shot count. They sometimes use two handguns, firing often without even knowing a target’s exact position. They master studying a scene in seconds and knowing exactly where to stand and in what position to offer the greatest level of defense while also make their handguns lethal with even a single shot.

He also incorperates his unarmed, and blade fighting styles into this style, creating a flashy "dance" of death for any who choose to oppose him.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:35 AM


More backstory.

Sundown had come and gone by the time he exited from the stinky cloaca, his smell over-saturated. He could hardly see beyond arm's length, and hence quickly gave up on assessing his surroundings. First, he had to get out of this dump. He picked a direction and started walking, only to trip and fall to his knees with a resounding splash. "Great. I'm now waist-deep in... god knows what." He got himself up, trying hard not to think about what kind of local color his antics could have aroused. Rumors had it that people actually lived out there, ex-convicts or runaway slaves, mostly. Animalistic outcasts barely friendlier than reavers."And I've heard about... alligators, too...." He winced at the thought, then shook his head and clenched his jaw. His stay on Persephone was nearing it's end, one way or another.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:38 PM


"And why do I need to take my ship to that hell hole of a planet."

"Cause we need work" Mal started to interupt, "Real work tht pays cashy money. Face it Mal Serenity isn't home any more and if your too scared to do anything about it I will knock you out lock you in a closet and get River to fly this boat there myself!" he gave the captain his death glare which after years of training was highly effective. Mal gave him his own death glare. John knew he had struck a sore spot.

"Fine, we'll go to Persephone."

"Thanks Captain you sure are swell"

"Say swell again and I'll change my mind"

"Fine" And with that he walked to the engine room to see if anything had broken while Kaylee and Simon were...busy.

The ship shuttered as it hit atmo. John made sure the engine made it through and for the first time in a long time, he smiled.



Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:54 PM


Name: Bella Roland
Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde with streaks of light brown
Tall and fairly thin, doesn't really have any muscles, but doesn't really have any need for them

History: Born on Beaumonde, Bella always knew she was meant for a life in the Black. At first, her two year older sister didn't share her dreams, but then the war began.

During the war, the two talked about how neat it would be to live in the Black and usually pretended they lived there. At the end of the war, Bella's sister began making trips into the city to learn the mechanical trade, and Bella wanted to go but wasn't allowed as she was considered too young.

A few years later, however, Bella was accepted into a prestigious flight school where, over the next four years, she learned all about piloting. She discovered she had a knack for flying and loved it immediately.

Now, a fully licensed pilot, Bella is out of school and ready to start her dream job - a pilot on a ship, traveling the Black.


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:14 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
More backstory.

Sundown had come and gone by the time he exited from the stinky cloaca, his smell over-saturated. He could hardly see beyond arm's length, and hence quickly gave up on assessing his surroundings. First, he had to get out of this dump. He picked a direction and started walking, only to trip and fall to his knees with a resounding splash. "Great. I'm now waist-deep in... god knows what." He got himself up, trying hard not to think about what kind of local color his antics could have aroused. Rumors had it that people actually lived out there, ex-convicts or runaway slaves, mostly. Animalistic outcasts barely friendlier than reavers."And I've heard about... alligators, too...." He winced at the thought, then shook his head and clenched his jaw. His stay on Persephone was nearing it's end, one way or another.

Jake awoke with a start in the small cave he had found in the banks of the river when he heard a splash, followed by a whispering voice. Crouched low and moveing quickly and quitely, he snuck up behind the person that had fallen and, gently slideing the knife out of the mans belt, he grabed him by the arm, putting him into a containment hold which droped him to his face and held the point of the knife agianst his throat.

"Who are you, are you following me, and are you with the alliance," Jake growled out.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:44 PM


OOC (Out of Character): I should have the history for my character up sometime tomorrow. Apparently it takes awhile to type up something detailed, when you only have a hour on the computers at the library and you have to post something on another site.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:50 PM




Jake awoke with a start in the small cave he had found in the banks of the river when he heard a splash, followed by a whispering voice. Crouched low and moveing quickly and quitely, he snuck up behind the person that had fallen and, gently slideing the knife out of the mans belt, he grabed him by the arm, putting him into a containment hold which droped him to his face and held the point of the knife agianst his throat.

"Who are you, are you following me, and are you with the alliance," Jake growled out.

He was halfway up when when he felt them: Alarm signals, shrieking inside his head. "Something's wrong..." Every single voice in his head was urging him to move chop-chop, yet, he froze... And felt a twinge of horror as he sensed one of his knives being slipped from his waist belt. "Think. Quick." He ducked, a mere split second before his attacker tried to pluck him into a hold, hence dodging most of the blow. The aggressor still managed to grab the back of his shirt, and pressed him down furiously, holding his head below the water. "Thinkin' ain't doin..." He tried to break free, but he was no wrestler, and the other guy clearly had some hand-to-hand combat know-how. He froze again, albeit for hald a second, when he felt the cold touch of metal against the skin of his neck. The savage man uttered something in a low, inarticulate growl, which Epiktetos, having more immediate matters to attend to, readily ignored. The wong ba duhn meant to end him with his own knife! "Thank God I always keep a few spares handy..." He relented for a moment, feigning resignation. The man's hold softened. Taking advantage of his newfound freedom of movement, Epiktetos reached for his ankle scabbard, seized the knife that rested there, and jerked it up. The blade thrust through something soft and warm, and the man let out a rather satisfying cry of pain. He then broke out from the wounded man's grip and ran for the shore. He heard the bastard come after him again, howling something fierce. "I think I stabbed him in the crotch..." he thought, his face twisted in a wicked grin.

Your questions got lost in the ruckus And huh... please don't beat me up? I'm sure we can arrange something... Or at least make sure I can still walk? I got a ship to catch, you know.

EDIT: And huh... How am I doing so far? Am I making sense? Constructive criticism is strongly encouraged!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:25 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:


Jake awoke with a start in the small cave he had found in the banks of the river when he heard a splash, followed by a whispering voice. Crouched low and moveing quickly and quitely, he snuck up behind the person that had fallen and, gently slideing the knife out of the mans belt, he grabed him by the arm, putting him into a containment hold which droped him to his face and held the point of the knife agianst his throat.

"Who are you, are you following me, and are you with the alliance," Jake growled out.

He was halfway up when when he felt them: Alarm signals, shrieking inside his head. "Something's wrong..." Every single voice in his head was urging him to move chop-chop, yet, he froze... And felt a twinge of horror as he sensed one of his knives being slipped from his waist belt. "Think. Quick." He ducked, a mere split second before his attacker tried to pluck him into a hold, hence dodging most of the blow. The aggressor still managed to grab the back of his shirt, and pressed him down furiously, holding his head below the water. "Thinkin' ain't doin..." He tried to break free, but he was no wrestler, and the other guy clearly had some hand-to-hand combat know-how. He froze again, albeit for hald a second, when he felt the cold touch of metal against the skin of his neck. The savage man uttered something in a low, inarticulate growl, which Epiktetos, having more immediate matters to attend to, readily ignored. The wong ba duhn meant to end him with his own knife! "Thank God I always keep a few spares handy..." He relented for a moment, feigning resignation. The man's hold softened. Taking advantage of his newfound freedom of movement, Epiktetos reached for his ankle scabbard, seized the knife that rested there, and jerked it up. The blade thrust through something soft and warm, and the man let out a rather satisfying cry of pain. He then broke out from the wounded man's grip and ran for the shore. He heard the bastard come after him again, howling something fierce. "I think I stabbed him in the crotch..." he though, his face twisted in a wicked grin.

Your questions got lost in the ruckus And huh... please don't beat me up? I'm sure we can arrange something... Or at least make sure I can still walk? I got a ship to catch, you know.

EDIT: And huh... How am I doing so far? Am I making sense?

OOC: Yeah, your makeing perfect sense to me so far I was quite honestly suprised when you told us that english wasn't your native language in your info sheet... don't worry, we'll try not to hurt eachother TOO bad...

"Huh choo-shang tza-jiao duh tzang-huo," Jake howled out, clasping a hand to the cut in his upper thigh to make shure the cut wasn't too deep, then, with a snarl, Jake dropped low, and cut in towards his opponent faster than would seem possible, heading left but strikeing right, he caught the man a glanceing blow across the right thigh, then faded back into the darkness of the night...

Jake began whispering, just barely loud enough for the man to hear, as he circled him.

"I can see you... I can smell your fear... Alliance assassin, you shall DIE"

Jake then lunged, rushing the man from the front, and, just as he was about to hit, rolled around him and stabbed for a kidney...


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:30 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
OOC (Out of Character): I should have the history for my character up sometime tomorrow. Apparently it takes awhile to type up something detailed, when you only have a hour on the computers at the library and you have to post something on another site.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

OOC: lol... yeah, apparently real life gets in the way of RP'ing quite a lot... *shrugs* can't wait to RP with you bro, looking forward to meeting you and becomeing a part (albit, probably slightly suspicious of the group, at least for a while) of your fine little crew shortly here, see ya around, I'm shure


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 7:38 PM



OOC: Yeah, your makeing perfect sense to me so far I was quite honestly suprised when you told us that english wasn't your native language in your info sheet... don't worry, we'll try not to hurt eachother TOO bad...

"Huh choo-shang tza-jiao duh tzang-huo," Jake howled out, clasping a hand to the cut in his upper thigh to make shure the cut wasn't too deep, then, with a snarl, Jake dropped low, and cut in towards his opponent faster than would seem possible, heading left but strikeing right, he caught the man a glanceing blow across the right thigh, then faded back into the darkness of the night...

Jake began whispering, just barely loud enough for the man to hear, as he circled him.

"I can see you... I can smell your fear... Alliance assassin, you shall DIE"

OOC: Thanks, it means a lot It has been said that I write dangerously...

Epitktetos bit back a groan as metal cut through his flesh. He lost his balance, if only for a moment, and wound up on the ground, thinking his time had come. Mercifully, the dumbass freak seemed content to circle him, growling and muttering ever so indistincly. He shook his head in disbelief and got himself up, even taking the time to wipe the mud from his butt. "What? You hit me from behind, but you won't finish me if I'm down?" he said with a scowl. The "thing" answered by throwing an arm at him. A very shiny and pointy arm. Epiktetos wasn't surprised, in the strictest sense, but he had to admit that the brute struck with impressive swiftness. He didn't have the time to properly evade the blow, but still managed to put his belly out of harm's way. The blade hit nothing but air, only Epiktetos was still off balance and dangerously close to his opponent. Another attempt was forthcoming. It was a matter of seconds. As he saw it, he had two options open. He could go for the man's carotid with the knife he still held in his left hand, but his striking arm was out of position. That left one, although it was gamble. He reached for his holster and, in one smooth motion, shoved his piece up the guy's nose. "D'un yi shia!" he snapped. Both men were brought to standstill, as Epiktetos was very much aware off the sharp metal edge that hovered less than an inch away from his ribcage. "Well, it looks to me like we have reached an impasse," he said, marking every word. They stayed like that for a very long time.

D'UN YI SHIA: "wait" or "hold on a second"

OOC: Now would be a grand time for some male bonding, don't you think ?

EDIT: I'm loving this.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:32 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:

OOC: Thanks, it means a lot It has been said that I write dangerously...

Epitktetos bit back a groan as metal cut through his flesh. He lost his balance, if only for a moment, and wound up on the ground, thinking his time had come. Mercifully, the dumbass freak seemed content to circle him, growling and muttering ever so indistincly. He shook his head in disbelief and got himself up, even taking the time to wipe the mud from his butt. "What? You hit me from behind, but you won't finish me if I'm down?" he said with a scowl. The "thing" answered by throwing an arm at him. A very shiny and pointy arm. Epiktetos wasn't surprised, in the strictest sense, but he had to admit that the brute struck with impressive swiftness. He didn't have the time to properly evade the blow, but still managed to put his belly out of harm's way. The blade hit nothing but air, only Epiktetos was still off balance and dangerously close to his opponent. Another attempt was forthcoming. It was a matter of seconds. As he saw it, he had two options open. He could go for the man's carotid with the knife he still held in his left hand, but his striking arm was out of position. That left one, although it was gamble. He reached for his holster and, in one smooth motion, shoved his piece up the guy's nose. "D'un yi shia!" he snapped. Both men were brought to standstill, as Epiktetos was very much aware off the sharp metal edge that hovered less than an inch away from his ribcage. "Well, it looks to me like we have reached an impasse," he said, marking every word. They stayed like that for a very long time.

D'UN YI SHIA: "wait" or "hold on a second"

OOC: Now would be a grand time for some male bonding, don't you think ?

EDIT: I'm loving this.

OOC: Nah... I think you squeeze the trigger, just as I stab you in the lung

Jake glared at the Alliance assassin sent to hunt him down and finish him, just as the others from his "failed" project had been finished. If looks could kill, the man would be dead a thousand times over.

"Do it, you tyen-sah Alliance hwoon dahn" Jake snarls.

TYEN-SAH: goddamn

Select to view spoiler:


(trying to keep it PG, and not quite shure how you all view that word)


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:41 PM




— "Yi dwei da buen chuo roh... What is it you got in your head? Do I look like Alliance to you?" he said dryly.

YI DWEI DA BUEN CHUO ROH: Big stupid pile of stinking meat.

OOC: Did you get my PM?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:52 PM


Looking shocked, and slightly suspicous, Jake backs off slightly.

"You mean you weren't sent to end me?" Jake asks as he slowly twirls the knife, staying on the balls of his feet, so that he can spring back into action if it is needed.

OOC: Yeah, haven't read it yet though


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:18 PM



Epiktetos let out a annoyed sigh. "Now ain't that rich. I don't figure you're worth enough for any self-respecting bounty hunter to wander through this rotting wasteland," he said. The other didn't flinch. "That's a no," he added. "Besides, I ain't no bounty hunter. I don't fancy head hunting." He thought for a moment. " 'That why you attacked me? You thought I was sent here to kill you? Alone? At night? With so much as pistol and a some silver to defend myself with? Are you rutting delirious?"

OOC: Ok then I'll just... post it here! "I noticed that you don't have an avatar. Now, I don't know if you are into character avatars, or avatars altogether, but I cooked up a Jake Wolf avatar, it's on my photobucket @ I won't mind if you don't want it. I just have an awful lot of free time, an odd sleep schedule, and a newfound fondness for photoshop. It's yours if you want it!"


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:28 PM


Jake can't help it, he smirks at the mans tone, then, he starts laughing.

"Well... I could probably be seen as delirious by some... hell, probably MOST of the ruttin' world... but, yeah, generally I follow my gut reactions, it's whats kept me 'live this long, ruttin alliance hwoon dahns..." he mutters, trailing off into silence. Suddenly, he spins the knife in his fingers and throws it with incredible accuracy just over the mans shoulder...


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:36 PM



Epiktetos didn't flinch. "Well. That was all kinds of freakish," he said evenly. He took few steps back, keeping his gun squarely pointed at the man's torso, then risked a backward glance toward where the gorram lunatic had flung the knife.

EDIT: OOC: Have you checked out my photobucket yet?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:52 PM


"Was just me, but I thought you wouldn't want to be a late night snack for momma gater there..." Jake says evenly, as he walks over to grab the knife embedded to the hilt in the creatures eye.

OOC: yeah, I really like it, only problem is, I'm a bit technologically inept when it comes to this site and images... no clue why, but I just can't figure out how to get your avatar on for mine


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 10:19 PM



Epiktetos warily stepped out of the man's way, keeping himself at a respectful distance. "Huh. Thanks," he said. "Now that we're friends... do I get my knife back?" The man gave him a stern look. "No, I think not," he finished with a half-smile. He lowered his weapon. "Now, I truly find this fighting to the death and then a chitchat thing to be most pleasurable, but I really can't hang around any longer..." his voice broke off into a frail chuckle. He took a moment to gather himself. "I'd ask you to turn around first and climb back down whatever hole you came out of, but I already know you're not gonna." He took a deep breath.

"You got a name?"

OOC: Shiny! There are four links displayed next to the image. Just paste the Direct Link into your post and the image should show.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 10:24 PM


"Names Jake... Jake Wolfe" he gives an almost... feral... grin as he slips the blade into his belt, "What about you?" He asks.

OOC: I belive, and I speak only for myself here, that Mob and I are just doing some backstory RP and trying to find a way onto Serenity


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 10:54 PM



"Name's Epiktetos. No, don't you laugh!" He added, his face torn between a grin and a scowl. "I think it's... greek, or something... Anyway. Here's how it is: I'm a bad bad man. I've done some filthy things, pissed some people off, shoot a few others, and now I'm on the run. I'm heading for the docks. Lookin' for a place to lay low until I can catch a ride and get off this rock. Now, I'm not saying I trust you, or anything, but if you really got Alliance trouble my advice is: don't get stuck anywhere too long. And judging from your looks, I'd say you've just about done your share of hiding in the trash. So, I'm proposing..." pauses shortly "...that you accompany me to eavesdown. That way you can watch me, I can watch you, we both ship out and nobody ends up stabbed or ridden with bullet holes! How's it sit with you?" Oh yeah, a gamble.

OOC: Okay, I'm off to bed. It's allmost 5 AM back here!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:16 PM


"Heh... yeah, well, I'm not even shure I can fully EXPLAIN what all I've been through, and as to the "keep moving," bit, I kinda figured as much. I've been jumping ships, from this gorram Acadamey place to here, then some... friends caught up with me, so I had to lay low on this moon... part of the reason I thought you were alliance, killed a few more of the hwoon dahns and was figureing they'd send for more help on this rock, 'parently not, or at least, not yet..."

OOC: yeah, its 45 min to 5 here as well... sleep is good on occasion, talk to ya tomorrow, and hopefully we won't be dominating this bored much longer... no offence to you, but I'd like to meet up with the rest of this motly crew as well


Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:16 AM


The ship landed with a jolt and the starnge smells instatnly filled John's nostrils. He had never likeed Persephone but he knew that it was an easy place to find good work if you know who to talk to. He walke into the cargo bay to see Inara leaving her shuttle.

"Inara haven't seen you in ages how ya been"

"Fine have you seen the captain?"

"Why you got work, good for you, he's in the bridge with River"


John walked to the screen to fill the ship up. THen he sat in front of the ship and waited. Sooner or later he'd find someone who needed this ship.



Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:57 AM



"I'll take that as a yes," he decided. "Come on."

They didn't reach Eavesdown until noon the next day. Upon their arrival, Epiktetos was downright worn out. "Merciful Buddah..." he muttered through clenched teeth. "I need a drink. And a meal. And, wuo duh tian ah! I need some rest." He collapsed on a nearby crate and shut his eyes closed. He dozed off for a few seconds, then kicked himself back to his feet, cursing his own foolishness. He looked around for that Wolfe fella', but realized that he had, for all intent and purpose, vanished. He sighed, relieved. "Fair enough," he said. "Yi lu shwen fohn to you." He then spun around and strolled toward the docks, eyeing every ships with thoughtful consideration. He was shopping for something inconspicuous, but still dependable enough to handle the trip. He wandered around for the better part of the hour before he caught a sight that stopped him dead: A Firefly was refueling at a nearby station. Grinning ecstatically, he sauntered down the thoroughfare toward the battered ship.

YI LU SHWEN FOHN: good journey or bon voyage. Which mean EXACTLY the same thing. Does that seem right to you?


OOC: Would you say that I'm abusing the pronoun "he" ?


Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:10 AM


Jake wondered why Epiktetos was tired, it wasn't like they had went all that far, or all that fast. Raising an eyebrow as he watched him collapse onto a nearby crate, Jake shruged his shoulders and walked on, looking for a boat that would give him good vibes, and one he could hopefully stow away aboard... He wasn't exactly the most savory looking character at the time, and he had no money to his name with which to barter passage.

Walking among the ships, he passed a Firefly, when he felt a slight familiar tug at his mind...

Turning abruptly, Jake made his way to the Firefly and slipped by the man standing in the cargo bay ...


Thursday, September 20, 2007 12:08 PM


On Persephone's unfamiliar docks, Bella was soon lost in the crowd looking for their ships. Though she hadn't had anywhere in particular to go, she had hoped to be able to at least find her way, but it seemed that was not to be.

So she was reduced to wandering around, looking for somewhere to go, hopefully to find a job.


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Thursday, September 20, 2007 12:24 PM


OOC: I've got some stuff ready, but I'm waiting for the story to kick in before I post more. Meantime, I couldn't help but notice that John doesn't have a dedicated avatar So, yeah, you guessed it, it took it upon myself to ply you with one. I don't know if you're interested in that sort of stuff, as I said before I just have an awful lot of time to kill . So much, actually, that I made two versions of it. You can find them on my photobucket @, Psychicavatar and Psychicavatar2.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:18 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
OOC: I've got some stuff ready, but I'm waiting for the story to kick in before I post more. Meantime, I couldn't help but notice that John doesn't have a dedicated avatar So, yeah, you guessed it, it took it upon myself to ply you with one. I don't know if you're interested in that sort of stuff, as I said before I just have an awful lot of time to kill . So much, actually, that I made two versions of it. You can find them on my photobucket @, Psychicavatar and Psychicavatar2.

OOC: lol... Mob, you have TOO much time on your hands bro... go find yourself a girlfriend (just playin' man )


Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:20 PM


I'll probably use this occasionally, thanks!

John watched the people until Mal, Zoe, Jayne, and Kaylee fingers laced wiht Simon's. Kaylee walked towards him and sat nearby.

"And what do you think your doing." Mal asked him.

"Watching people" John replied nonchalantly.

"And why"

"Cause someone might need a ride"

"But Were not giving rides hench why I didn't say John get us some passengers. See I'm the captian that means, supossedly although you have always seemed to have a problem with this, that you should ask me before makign decisions about my ship"

"But some people might need a ride"

"Fine, Kaylee don't let him let any criminals or alliance agents on my boat" Mal said and turned and walked into the heart of the city. John was right about one thing he knew that they needed work and unfortunately there was only one person to talk to on the planet who would hire them. Harold St. Clair.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:12 PM



Epiktetos stood and watched as people disembarked the ship. The crew looked rather... raggedy. "'Could be a problem. Or... not." A tall man parted from the bunch, promptly followed by two others. They were moving away quickly, and Epiktetos focused his attention on the lot that guarded the ship. Three people. Two, he corrected, as one stood and retreated back inside the ship. A man and a woman, both of them young but still a mite older than him. The girl was pretty enough. The man uneased him in a way he couldn't fathom. He dismissed the impression and took a step forward. "Howdy!" he called in a convivial fashion.

OOC: You're welcome. I actually like making these, so if somebody else wants one feel free to ask.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 3:06 PM


"And then he...with the his nose" John and KAylee could barely supress their laughter as they remenised. The voice startled them. "Howdy" it said nonchalantly. "Hello" Kaylee said. John looked over the man quickly. Then he turned to Kaylee and shook his head no. "What can we do for you?" he asked turning back to face the stranger.



Thursday, September 20, 2007 3:19 PM


Walking through the halls of the ship... Serenity he belived it was called... Jake kept tracking the pull on his mind. Finnaly following it to the bridge, Jake sees a small, black haired girl sitting in the pilots seat...

OOC: please note, that Jake is kinda... tormented... just a bit so it'd be appropriate if River were to freak out and start spouting gibberish about how they changed him and whatnot... also, for some strange reason, I see it as appropriate if Jake were to meet River first, and then have some form of altercation with whoever is left on Serenity as security, but it's still up to you JTTF, seeing as you appear to be the crew narrator for now... and I simply don't think I could pull off a good River


Thursday, September 20, 2007 3:33 PM



"Just wondering... You takin' on passengers?" he asked with a charming grin."'Cause I'm contemplating relocation right now, and this is one mighty fine boat you got there." Kaylee's face lit up at that. "Someone who knows his ships sure knows fireflies are the bomb," he added, resting in his fists on his hips and giving the ship a connoisseur's look.

OOC: To YESMYNAMEISKALI Hi! I don't think we have been introduced yet. I'm the resident enthusiastic looney tune and custom avatar maker (I'm on a roll, I just posted a few pilot avatars on my photobucket @ feel to use them! Or not. Do as you please!) 'Lookin forward to RPing with you!


Thursday, September 20, 2007 3:34 PM


Hey ya'll (I can't belive I just said/posted that John!) I'm finnally posting.

Name: Katarin Moss a.k.a. DocRagnarock a.k.a. DocRock

Age: 27

Height: 5ft 4.3in

Weight: 120lbs soaking wet

Eyes: green

Hair:[u/] Light Brown,curly/wavy, layered, just below the top of the shoulder (john, it's like mine)

Build: Not heavy set, but not petit either, built like a swimmer and marching band member a.k.a. she has muscle but it isn't in you face obvious, and she has more endurance then brute strength.

History: Known to her contacts and friends out in the black, and on boarder worlds as Doc, or DocRagnarock, this cheerful 21 year old was born and raised on the Capitol planet. Taught by tutors, Doc received an expansive education, she also picked up a few things on the what to do with you're knee to a guy. However when the war broke out she secretly supported the Independents. Prevented by her family's opinion from doing anything publicly, Doc was forced to secretly 'barrow' money from, well from her father's business. Forced by the knowledge that she didn't really fit in and her parents didn't really care, Doc made her way throughout the Black. She got by and put to good use the skills her childhood friends had taught her, she also met John. The friends had a falling out a few years back, and have only met once sense. Fun, sweet, and nice as she is, Doc doesn’t hesitate to kill you. She'll just say sorry while doing it.


Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as haveing a wide target selection.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 3:37 PM


"Kaylee" John said sternly. When she looked he once again shook his head no. This man was trouble. His morals were screwy and hehad an odd feeling. This man was trouble. "Well we could be headin a number o places so maybe you should wait around before boarding." Kaylee said keeping her cool.



Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:10 PM



"Oh anywhere will do, really," Epiktetos replied with a friendly chuckle. "Hey don't give me that look! I ain't a fuge or anything!" he added. He could sense the man's cautious distrust. Distrust? Hell he wasn't even lying yet! Well, not entirely. "I just have a powerful urge to depart, and I can pay the fare!" Kaylee's gaze went from John to Epiktetos and back and forth, as it was henceforth obvious that the ongoing matter was going to be settled between the two of them.


Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:59 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
OOC: lol... yeah, apparently real life gets in the way of RP'ing quite a lot... *shrugs* can't wait to RP with you bro, looking forward to meeting you and becomeing a part (albit, probably slightly suspicious of the group, at least for a while) of your fine little crew shortly here, see ya around, I'm shure

OOC: Can't wait either. Anyhoo here's my character's history. It's a tad long and I apologize for that.

Name: Simply known as "Pain" to family, friends, and enemies.
Age: 38
Height: 6' 8"
Weight: 275
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown and very short.
Build: Musclar with very little body fat.
Home Planet: Santo

History: Born and raised on Santo, Pain lived with his folks in the prairie town of Tumbleweed. At the age of 8 his folks perished in a house fire caused by a lightning strike. After that tragic event, Pain went to live with his uncle on Persephone, who owned a small and profitable courier business (still does too). It was at the age of 18 while making a delivery run on Santo, that he met a young, attractive mercenary, simply known as Fly. They quickly became friends and a year later they became boyfriend and girlfriend, a relationship that would last for 15 years. At 25, Fly brought Pain into the mercenary trade when she needed a getaway driver and he was in the right place at the right time. Since then Pain has been a mercenary, getting shot, stabbed, and almost blown up more times then he cares to imagine. He's made a lot of enemies as a mercenary, one of them being a corrupt Fed named Womack.

A few years ago on Persephone, Pain happened onto a Firefly Class ship in need of some crew. Spotting the familiar backside of his ex (who remained friends with him) walking up the cargo ramp, Pain decided to join the motley crew. It was on this ship that Pain eventually fell in love (well it was more like lust at first, but it became love) with a beautiful hacker, named Ertia. In the months that they had been together, the two of them were literally joined below the hips. If someone needed to find one of them, it was pretty much fact that you'd find them in their bunk, in Shuttle #2, the shower, or somewhere else on or off Serenity, going at it like two rabbits during mating season. It was during one of these escapades that Pain was kidnapped by a former lover, a female pirate who captained a ship called the Tiger Claw, while Ertia wound up getting beat and raped to the point that she developed amnesia. During the time he was captured, Pain found out that he had a daughter, named Anna, by this former lover. One night the ship came under attack by a military vessel. The ship suffered major damage, but Pain and his daughter were able to escape by taking a stolen ASREV stored in the ships' cargo bay.

Instead of heading back to Serenity, Pain went back home to Persephone where he spent some time getting to know his daughter. After the events of the BDM, Pain came back to Serenity where he learned of the events that happened to the crew and to Ertia. Suffice it to say the two tried to make it work, but things weren't that simple. Pain and Ertia decided to end their relationship and go their different ways, both leaving Serenity soon afterwards.

Hobbies: Taunting Womack, drinking, shooting, hanging out with friends, rutting, shooting, drinking, blowing things up, and long walks on the beach.

Weapons: Pain has about 60 guns to his name, although he currently has a third of them in his possession. He has everything from handguns to a heavy machine gun. Some of his favorites include the two black .44 caliber semi-autos (based on the ETW Desert Eagles) he carries in his leg holsters, the pair of 4.6 x 30mm caliber SMGs (based on the ETW H&K MP7) he carries in slings, and his assault rifle with grenade launcher (based on the ETW H&K G36K w/ AG36 40mm grenade launcher).

And here's a post....

Eavesdown Docks

Pain was walking amongst the crowds at the Docks pushing a grav cart loaded down with his things, when he spotted a familiar Firefly Class Transport. He recognized two of the people immediately and a smile creased his face.

Moving through the crowd towards Serenity, Pain thought "The lone wolf's returnin' to the pack."

A slight breeze blew past him, sending the edges of his worn leather duster fluttering in the wind, revealing the two large pistols strapped to his legs.

Shielding his eyes with a hand as he stood at the foot of the cargo ramp, Pain smiled and said "So I here you're lookin' for passengers. Mind if'n I come onboard?"

OOC: I'll be back tomorrow.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, September 20, 2007 6:43 PM


OOC: Just me... being all "stuck in an interaction with a character who I can't write worth a damn" someone? A little help please


Thursday, September 20, 2007 6:57 PM



OOC to BC07: Sure, I'll help you as best I can What is it you require?


Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:31 PM


OOC: I need someone who can do a good River to have some form of freaking out interaction with Jake... lol, and then some security comes to beat on me or something


Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:52 PM



OOC: Okay, so you're having problems with dialogues (and understandably so, River is maddeningly hard to write ). We can work that out... Do you have a general idea of what you want to happen over the course of your "interraction"?

PS: How about my new avatar? I got my man a face

PPS: I apologize if my getting excited about such trivial matters irritates you. I'm one quirky fella

PPPS: I won't beat you up. Pinky swear!


OOC: lol... Mob, you have TOO much time on your hands bro... go find yourself a girlfriend (just playin' man)

Yeah... I just can't help it! I'm a passionate man and I enjoy creative work. I guess what I mean is... "Yeah? Well put up with it !" (just playin' buddy )


Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:47 PM


OOC: Well... I don't know... I'm just kinda thinking about haveing her remark on how they were at the acadamey togather, and something about a beast being awoken and unable to be controlled, and, huh... just generally having her freak out and having Jayne or someone come to (try) and kick his pei gu...


Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:32 PM



OOC: Maybe if you should make things simpler if you don't feel like you can pul it off. First, River is a psychic, so Jake doesn't have to say much and neither does she. Assuming that they share some innate understanding, I'd say you could get away with two or three lines of dialogue, or no dialogue whatsoever! I just wrote out a short piece that pretty much matches that description. Do you want me to post it?


Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:44 PM


OOC: Well... not feeling particularily "River-ie" tonight... some nights I could probably pull River convos off fairly well... but I just can't tonight... so please do


Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:57 PM



OOC: Fine, here it is. There's no dialogue though, I warned you (albeit in a roundabout way). Plus it's fairly short... What? Am I happy with it? Not terribly, no.

She felt him before she saw him: malevolent and bloodthirsty, exactly like she remembered. Trailing her, precisely like in her nightmares. River started to shiver violently, as her fear and anxiety got the better of her. So close! She felt a stir in her stomach. She had to get out! She had to run! But he was already so close... Standing at the door. Watching her. She panicked. She sprang up and, without thinking, sprinted toward the doorway. Her sudden motion seemed to startle the beast, has it didn't react as she stormed by it. She didn't notice, didn't care. She raced down the stairs, running like the devil himself was on her heals.

OOC: I left it as open as I could, and I wrote it strictly in River's perspective, as I didn't know what you had mind for what happens next. So, what do you think?


Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:15 PM


Startled, Jake watched the young girl run past, eyes white with fear. How had she known he was there? He hand't made a sound... she just got up and began running...

OOC: poetry in motion friend thanks for filling in for me, 'cause I can seem to do River well, situation has to be right for me to actually be able to make a good River conversation... By the way... like the new avatar, but I think I prefer the old one better... my personal preferance


Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:38 PM



OOC: Shiny! And you're welcome! I'm confident that in time I can manage to write River okay, I'm just not comfortable enough with the english language yet. Oh, and further on with the whole avatar thing, I already have a few others designed, and I plan them to be part of my character arc. Hopefully it'll all make sense at some point

For now, though, I'm gonna switch back to the first one.

EDIT: I'm off to sleep. See ya tomorrow!


Friday, September 21, 2007 2:07 AM


"Pain tell Kaylee that this man is wanted and the captain will kill me if I let him on this boat." The awakrard phrase just blurted from John's mouth, "And nice to see you" Kaylee then wrapped Pain in a giant bear hug. The man who they did not know shifted uncomfotably.







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