Life Onboard Serenity: Once More, With Feeling

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 11:10
VIEWED: 28109
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Friday, September 21, 2007 5:57 AM



Epiktetos took a step back as the hulking man addressed himself. He wasn't one to be put off by a mere piece of muscle, but this man was outright enormous. A shadow passed on his face, as his glossy getaway plan was starting to lose some of its luster. He had caught most of what the younger man had said, despite his lousy attempt at discretion, and could see trouble on the horizon. He was just about ready to wave good bye and turn tail when he caught the sight of movement inside the ship's cargo bay. He leaned forward to assess it, then felt sudden and intense pain as his face crashed into something hairy and... wet? He was thrown off balance and to the ground. "Ai chr jze se duh fohn diang gho!" he roared. He got up, wondering which huen dahn had hit him. Instead, he saw a tiny girl sprawled in the dirt, sobbing and looking mighty terrified. "Huh?" he uttered reluctantly, blood dripping profusely from his broken nose.

AI CHR JZE SE DUH FOHN DIANG GHO: Crazy dog in love with it's own feces.


Friday, September 21, 2007 6:34 AM



Epiktetos glanced up and gasped in astonishment. Jake Wolfe, off all people, was standing at the other edge of the ramp, rigorously still, staring at him with a blank expression on his face. His arms slowly rose up. Epiktetos blinked interrogatively, then advised himself that his gun was no longer resting against his hip; It was firmly clenched in his right hand and squarely aimed at Wolfe's muddy face. He cocked his head to the side. Gorram voices in his head were playing games again... His mind went back to the girl weeping on the ground, and his eyes widened in horror. "He couldn't possibly have..." He seriously considered pulling the trigger, before his brains caught up. He just stood, unrelenting, feeling a powerful need to hurt someone.

OOC: TO BC07: Is this okay with you? 'Cause if it's not just tell me i'll delete it. I just like it because I think it shows another side of my character.


Friday, September 21, 2007 7:01 AM


Jake rose his hands slowly and waited for all hell to break loose, seeing as a man that the rest of the crew barely knew had just drawn a gun.

OOC: It's cool friend, think I'd rather have you pointing a gun at me rather than the rest of the crew, if only for a short while ...Purely out of interest, what is your character thinking my character did to poor River? Or are you gunna hint at it with the next post?


Friday, September 21, 2007 9:26 AM



Originally posted by John: "Pain tell Kaylee that this man is wanted and the captain will kill me if I let him on this boat."


"And nice to see you"

While Kaylee still hugged him, Pain said “Kaylee, that guy there is wanted and the captain will kill John, if’n he lets him on.” As Kaylee let go of Pain, he continued “Nice to see you too, you two.”

Pain was about to address the stranger when he was hit by something shadowy. Pain tilted his head to one side as he watched for a moment.

Kaylee squeezed Pain’s left hand and said “Ain’t ya gonna do somethin’, Pain?”

Pain thought for a moment, then said “I think I’ll see where this goes first before steppin’ in.”

Sure enough when the stranger that John had been advised not to let on, drew a gun on the other man, Pain knew what to do.

Stepping between the two men, Pain faced the one with the gun, his arms folded across his chest ready to draw his SMGs, as he said "If'n you want to shoot the man behind me, you're goin' to have to shoot me first." A smile appeared on his face, as he continued "Of course accordin' to the Surgeon General, shootin' me is bad for your health."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 21, 2007 9:47 AM


OOC: Hey Pain, good to hear from yah... not trying to tell you what to write, but I don't think Epi or I were actually fighting... Epi just kinda drew on me after getting his nose broken by haveing River run into him... *shrugs* just throwing it out there, if ya feel like changeing your post


Friday, September 21, 2007 9:52 AM


Edited my post. Is it better now?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 21, 2007 10:03 AM


OOC: Yes indeedy... sorry if I came off as a jerk or something, but you were haveing a fight goin' on that neather Epi or I started now, if only he'd get back and let on to what he was thinkin' Wolfe did to River... I'm truely intregued


Friday, September 21, 2007 11:00 AM



Epiktetos frowned. Either the man was a keen observer, or he was incommensurably stupid. Probably both "Fine," he replied, holstering his weapon. "But you might wanna be careful about showing off your backside to that one." He nodded toward Jake. "I knew you fought dirty. Hell, I can respect that. But there are limits to what an man can abide." He gave the other a grim look. "What the hell did you do to that girl?" Everybody's focus shifted from Epiktetos to Jake. If looks could kill, the later would be dead a million time over (OOC: I couldn't resist)


OOC: Yes indeedy... sorry if I came off as a jerk or something, but you were haveing a fight goin' on that neather Epi or I started now, if only he'd get back and let on to what he was thinkin' Wolfe did to River... I'm truely intregued

OOC: A fight? Thank god you acted! I don't fancy being pummeled by a government-grown genetically enhanced borderline psychotic assassin


Friday, September 21, 2007 11:24 AM


With everyones attention shifting to him, Jake begins to growl low in his chest OOC: remember, he doesn't much trust other folks and glower about him... Chopping off a quick "Nothin'" Jake begins to shift his weight, dropping him lower to the ground and his hand begins to slide for his blade. His eyes are quickly takeing in his surroundings...

big fellas got a lot of guns, but he's faceing away, Epiktetos's got his gun on me, young womens scared, young man is... apprehensive, little one is ok, scared and crying, but ok...

Jakes eye's begin to dialate as he rushes forward, bulling into the big guy and knocking him forward onto Epiktetos, and snagging one of the guys big pistols in his free right hand as he falls, and the long, thin throwing knife finds its way into his left hand...

His Alliance training kicking into overdrive, Jake stands protectively over the downed reader, his project was ment to be a guard dog for the readers, a solid rock to their swift flowing stream.


Friday, September 21, 2007 12:07 PM



"And I thought I was pretty far off..." he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. He managed to squeeze himself free and stood up, methodically wiping the dirt from his disheveled shirt. Once he was done, the others were still taking in what had just happened. He sighed and, holding his gun by the end of the barrel, smashed the butt of his weapon against Jake's right temple, knocking him out cold. "Well, that should take care of it," he said with a satisfied grin.



Friday, September 21, 2007 12:11 PM


Getting smashed in the side of the head, the last act Jake pulled off was to fall ontop of "his" charge, shielding her with his unconchious body...


Friday, September 21, 2007 1:28 PM


"Should've saw that one comin'." muttered Pain, as he picked himself off the cold metal floor of the Cargo Bay.

Dusting himself off, Pain unholstered his other pistol and said to the stranger still standing "Let's do this again, but without the "gettin' knocked down from behind by the unassumin' guy" part." Cocking the hammer back on his pistol as he aimed it at the stranger, Pain smiled and said "Drop the gun or I drop you."

Edited to add: Well I'm off folks! See you guys in the morning or afternoon.
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 21, 2007 1:39 PM



Epiktetos unclasped his fingers and the gun fell to the floor with a resounding clang. "Done," he said, raising his hands.

OOC: What's that site you're advertising for?


Friday, September 21, 2007 1:51 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
OOC: What's that site you're advertising for?

OOC: It's It's a Firefly based play by post RP site that I play on. Now I've got to go.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 21, 2007 1:55 PM


OOC: Awww, maaaan... and I didn't get any good ass kicking in on OR by Pain and here I am all layed out by a cheap blow to the head, and probably crushing poor little River... see ya around Pain!


Friday, September 21, 2007 4:16 PM




OOC: Awww, maaaan... and I didn't get any good ass kicking in on OR by Pain and here I am all layed out by a cheap blow to the head, and probably crushing poor little River... see ya around Pain!

OOC: Yeah... Sorry about that. And trust me I am! 'Cause if I hadn't knocked you out it's likely I wouldn't have to wait for Pain to return for the story to move on Oh well.


OOC: *twidles thumbs* Good thing I have a book to keep me occupied today seems we won't be moveing along with this story till Pain gets back, possible, or JohnTTF, 'cause he could have the Captain come back and wanna know what in the sphincter of hell is goin' on on his boat

OCC: Yeah! The whole waiting part is killing me


Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
OOC: Bumping us, why? Well... 'cause I'm SCARED!!! lol, this topic isn't on the main bored anymore... we LIVE for the main board

True, one could think that we are winding down


Friday, September 21, 2007 4:25 PM


OOC: *twidles thumbs* Good thing I have a book to keep me occupied today seems we won't be moveing along with this story till Pain gets back, possible, or JohnTTF, 'cause he could have the Captain come back and wanna know what in the sphincter of hell is goin' on on his boat


Friday, September 21, 2007 10:23 PM


OOC: Bumping us, why? Well... 'cause I'm SCARED!!! lol, this topic isn't on the main bored anymore... we LIVE for the main board


Saturday, September 22, 2007 4:28 AM


Oh yeah River's having a panic attack

John ran into the ship, the captain was going to kill him if he didn't get this sorted out soon. While walking past the concious criminal he turned. " Grab him and get off this boat now. His eyes glared at the man. "You don't have to go anywhere just off this boat." Ignoring whether the man listened or not he walked to River. Pulling the man off her he looked into her face. "River are you okay"

"scared and crying that's what I am"

"Kaylee, get Simon, just calm down River its okay the bad man's leaving." John attempted cautiosly to slip into River's mind. It tended to be a mess but he needed to know what set it off. The feeling he found shocked him, recognition



Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:52 AM


At the movement, Jake stirred and groaned.

GorrAMit, that hurt... where the hell am I? ...Oh, yeah

As the last several moments played through Jakes mind, he contimplated the best way to "wake up" without setting anyone off.

Well, least the 'lliance got one thing right when they were working on me... Jake mused, as the headache and swelling on the temple were already going down, due to his increased healing factor.

Cracking an eyelid to peer around, Jake was suprised to find Epiktetos leaning, in the shade, against the side of the ship, with himself resting on the ground just infront of him.

OOC: Mob... remember, Jake really didn't SAY anything about himself or what had happened in the bridge, and the defencive bit could also be construed as... I dunno, him going to attack River or something... so if we are to have a talk about this... yeah, being a suspicious bugger and slugging me are NOT out of the question


Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:57 AM



Epiktetos arched an eyebrow, visibly perplexed, but complied. He grabbed Wolfe by the ankle and dragged him toward the exit, the blooding pouring off the unconscious man's head wound leaving a macabre trail in their wake.

EDIT: "Phew, he sure weighs a good deal more than he looks," Epiktetos said, wiping his brow. He eyed his "load" carefully, making sure it was still kayoed good, then leaned against a bulkhead, taking a moment to think. His guts told him that these people were the decent sort. "Yeah, they're a mighty righteous bunch of bandits," he thought with a smirk. Too bad they were at odds already... Jake stirred, drawing him back to reality. "I don't believe it," he started, "S'your head made out of concrete o'what?"


Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:22 AM


Harold St. Clair was an alliance man. He worked mostly to squash Independents who still had hope for the long dead war. Mal kept his cool as he entered the room, Browncoat billowing behind him. "Malcolm Reynolds" St. Clair said with a smile "I see you've come to help me squash the infidels."

"I come for work and pay don't really care much if infidels are involved."

"Yes always just work, well lucky for you I have some"


"River!" Simon ran into the room and towards his sister. John knew he would take care of her. He walked back out of the ship and turned to the recently conicious man. "Firstly, buddy" he said to the other man gaze still fixed on the first, "You tried to protect River and so you've earned my trust...a little, so you can board whenever convienient. Now you. River knew you from somewhere. Don't deny it I know its true. So answer me quickly or I swear I will kill you. HArsh maybe but you have some connection to the freindly neighborhood alliance and I don't like them. So tell me. Who are you?



Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:28 AM



"Nah don't mention it, I was merely protecting myself!" he corrected with a smirk. "But trust is welcomed."

"Now you. River knew you from somewhere. Don't deny it I know its true. So answer me quickly or I swear I will kill you. Harsh maybe but you have some connection to the freindly neighborhood alliance and I don't like them. So tell me. Who are you?"

—"Watch him careful, he's a springy one," he advised, although he doubted his warning was needed. There was something oddly disconcerting about this guy, he just couldn't put his finger on it.


Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:54 AM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
Now you. River knew you from somewhere. Don't deny it I know its true. So answer me quickly or I swear I will kill you. HArsh maybe but you have some connection to the freindly neighborhood alliance and I don't like them. So tell me. Who are you?


Jake bristles at the word "Alliance," eyes narrowing and a low growl escapeing his lips. Standing slowly he begins to speak.

"Jake Wolfe... don't rightly recall my REAL name... don't rightly recall any-damn-thing but that the Alliance... MADE me like they made that little girl in there... Made me to be a guard dog for her kind... her project."

Jake glares at the man "And if you want to end me, good luck..." he then turns and begins to walk away. As he turns, Epiktetos and the other man notice a quick flash of pain and sadness in his eyes, as Jake begins to head back out to the town proper.


Saturday, September 22, 2007 8:31 AM



"Oh, ain't that heartbreaking," he tought. "He looks almost... puppyish." He sneered at his own wits, then gave a mental shrug as Wolfe strode away. This man was big ball of problems. Plus he obviously had heaps of unsolved issues to deal with. "You're one to talk..." said a disembodied voice. He smiled. "That I am."
—"Come on now, where's your good-hearted sympathy gone to?" the voice inquired with a fair touch of sarcasm.
—"Hmm, I don't rightly know, I think I might have left it at the wasteyard," he countered in similar fashion. He turned to the crew. "'This boat has a name on it?"


Saturday, September 22, 2007 8:43 AM


OOC: I'm gunna be gone most of the afternoon, see ya all later tonight


Saturday, September 22, 2007 8:58 AM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
"'This boat has a name on it?"

"Serenity. Ship's called Serenity" replied Pain, pulling a cigar out his duster and sticking it in his mouth. As he lit it, he looked to John and continued "Unless of course you're callin' it somethin' different now."

He hadn't been onboard for even a hour and already he had gotten his pigu kicked. All that aside all Pain wanted to do right now, was get his stuff onboard, smoke his cigar, and get something to snack on.

Moving down the cargo ramp towards the grav cart loaded with his stuff, Pain blew out a puff of smoke and said "Hell of a day so far."

OOC: Later, BC2007!
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 22, 2007 9:36 AM


OOC: I'm a bad bad man... I decided to e-mail my prof and say I was sick... I was already gunna be 3 hours late, so I'm stickin' 'round... now, to figure a way into the ships good graces, or have River be in danger or... something so that I can get off this ruttin' MOON!!!


Saturday, September 22, 2007 9:47 AM


"We now call it the Happy Ship of Funtime and Overall Hilarity." John knew the man would be back, but right nowhe had more important matters to deal with.

"Why is there a gorram trail of blood on my ship!"



Saturday, September 22, 2007 10:21 AM



Epiktetos sneered "Serenity? That has to be some sort of joke..."


"Why is there a gorram trail of blood on my ship!"

What now? "I guess daddy's home." He straightened himself and flattened his face, readying himself for whatever was to come.


Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:54 AM


Dust floated lazily through the air dulling the worn colors of the market. Stalls were closely propped and displays gave tantalizing hints of what could be found further inside. Crowds of folk from the port nearby made it hard to navigate through the space. Among those coming planet-side was a woman. Simply dressed with well worn but sturdy attire she blended in. Her dusky purple blouse was partially covered by a worn olive green coat. Reaching down to mid thigh it concealed the top of the sandy brown gun holster strapped to her thigh. Weaving her way through the crowd the woman ducked into a dingy building. Above the doorway was a sign that proclaimed the building to be Joe’s Bar. Making her way through the dimly lit room, she headed towards the bar. Claiming one of the barstools for herself, she ordered a beer. The conversations in the bar blended together, but one voice stood out, the newscaster.
“Just recently our esteemed Prime Minister, Clay Moss, made a public announcement. He is offering a reward for any information that may lead to the finding of his daughter. As the public may not be aware the Prime Minister’s daughter has been gone for several years, and not heard or seen from for at least a year. The Prime Minister also has a younger son, David Moss, who was the last to hear from his older sister, K…” BANG! Smoke erupted from the newly formed hole in the screen. Recovering from the shock, the barkeep turned towards the woman.
“ Why in the hell did you blow a hole in my TV?!!!!??”
Nervously the women answered “I didn’t…” The bulky man glared pointedly at the automatic pistol in her hand. “I mean...I’ll pay for it?”
“The hell you will, little woman!” As he yelled at her, the owner of the bar pulled a shot gun from under the bar and took aim. Looking around the woman could see that several other people had pulled guns as well. All were aimed at her.
“ Tzao gao (crap)!” And with that Katarin Moss took off running.


Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.


Saturday, September 22, 2007 12:20 PM


"Well Mal its simple." John said. "Nose bleed."

"Nose bleed?"

"Yes Pain tripped and his nose started bleeding."

"John do I look like an idiot?"


all of a sudden a woman ran past the ship she was quickly followed by a collection of barpatrons. The woman was strangely familiar to John but he couldn't quite place it.


"Do we have work" John interupted.

"Unfortunately." Mal said.



Saturday, September 22, 2007 1:22 PM


OOC: I'll have a post up tomorrow afternoon.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 22, 2007 1:45 PM


Walking away from the ship, Jake heard the sounds of an angry mob behind him. Turning to adress the crowd, he was nearly knocked over by a petite woman, who appeared to be running from the crowd. Catching her before she fell, Jake looked over the top of her head to the crowed, who had slown down and were forming a half circle infront of him.

"Hey there boy!" the big man carrying a shotgun shouted. "You got someone there who needs to make amends," he continues, while sliding the pump of his shotgun with a menacing CLICK-CLACK.

"...and what did she do..." Jake asks, a slight smirk on his face, and a dangerous glint in his eye, as he slowly moves the protesting woman behind him. "Kill your wife, or something?"

"She blew a hole in my ruttin' tv," the big guy continues.

"oh, no... not your tv" Jake contines, sarcasim dripping from his voice as he begins to shift his weight, dropping him closer to the ground; as his eyes dialate, and his voice takes on more of a growl, suddenly, Jake BLURS into motion, smashing the leader in the face with a hammerfist blow to the nose, while grabbing the end of the shotgun, and slamming the but of the gun into his solar plexus once, twice, three times, then rips the gun away from the gasping mans hands, spinning and smashing the butt across the face of the man running at his back with a bowie, twirling the scattergun in his hands and uppercuts a third man in the jaw with the butt as it twirls around, he fires the primed gun into the air, throws it into the crowd, and follows it in with a flying kick, dropping the two men who had caught the rifle by smashing their throats with the length of the gun. Landing in the middle of the crowd of men, Jake shifts into a more classical fighting stance and waits for them to come at him.

four armed men down in a matter of seconds, no, I'm not loosing my touch Jake thought to himself as his smirk turned into a full out feral grin.

"Come on then..."


Saturday, September 22, 2007 2:31 PM



Epiktetos blew a sharp whistle at Jake's display. The buhn dahn most certainly had a knack. He was still facing at least half a dozen armed men, though.

"Awh, I'd really rather not get involved," he thought as he unsheated his knife.

"No really." He slit one of the men's troat open and stabbed another in the stomach.

"Standing back idly would be good." The next man pointed a six-shooter at him, forcing him to duck for cover.

"Always been more of a spectating guy anyway." He glanced up and flung the knife into the shooter forehead.

"Oh, stuff it and fight for your life."

BUHN DANH: Idiot or moron


Saturday, September 22, 2007 2:43 PM


Suddenly Jake notices a hole appear in the crowd to his left, assessing the situation out of the corner of his eye, he notices the Epiktetos has joined him.
"What took you so long, eh?" jake asks, as he snaps a sidekick into one of the mens forheads, crushing bone, then plants one booted foot onto the falling mans shoulder, draws the mans revolvers; and, useing him as a springboared to launch a backflip over the crowd, opens fire, dropping five more men with neat holes in foreheads, throats, and cheasts.

OOC:Hey, if your going for the whole "kill 'em" instedda the hospital deal, guess I can too


Saturday, September 22, 2007 3:18 PM



OOC: I'm very much for the "kill as many you can if you're going to wind up on a hospital bed anyway"

"Kwai jio kai" he shouted back from behind his crate.

It quickly appeared to him as though he had willingly thrown himself into a wolf pack Pun!?. That alone was bad enough, but to top things up he really had no weaponry to speak of. He frowned furiously. For all his swiftness and wits, he was no martial art artist. If he was going to survive this, he would need a weapon. He looked around, thinking anything would do, when his gaze settled upon a sturdy hammer that rested on a nearby stall. He snatched it, snuck up on one of the mobber and readily whacked him on the back the head. Would the fun ever stop?

KWAI JIO KAI: no talking


Saturday, September 22, 2007 3:40 PM


Still wandering around, Bella caught sight of a fight up ahead. So engrossed was she in the fight, she didn't notice the person in front of her until she walked straight into him. "Sorry," she murmured, eyes on the ground. She could feel her face growing hot, the blush growing darker by the second.

Finally, she got her nerve up to look up at the person she ran into. His eyes were green and seemed to draw hers in for a moment before she glanced away, back at the ground. "Sorry," she said again, louder this time. "I'll just be going now."

She turned to leave, and her eyes caught sight of the ship. She practically spun back around. "Is this your ship?"


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Saturday, September 22, 2007 3:50 PM


Revolvers clicking on empty, Jake notices two fairly large, well constructed combat knives, one in an enemys skull, the other in said enemys hand, snatching both up, Jake switches styles up yet again, running up to a man and stabing him at an upward angle, straight into the heart, he ripped the blade out as he twirld in a clock wise rotation, hiting one man high, in the throat; and the other man low, across the femerial artery. Spining back the other way, he throws one of the knives into the back of the skull of the man faceing Epiktetos, and, running up to re-claim the blade, he slashes open the backs of a mans legs, slits anothers throat, stabs a third in the top of the head and throws him into a fourth, grabs the second knife, and guts a fifth man as he cuts his throat. Haveing made his way to Epiktetos, he stands back to back with him.

"Lot more then you were expecting, hey?" He questions as he gives him an almost insane smile, looking around the square, he notices that most of the men are dead or severly injured, and the others in this brawl are helping their friends and getting away as quickly as possible.

OOC: Well, we took care of 25 guys, seems to me like that would be a good number to stop with, but, hey you want the madness to go on, go right ahead, cause now you have someone to watch your back, and we could make an even bigger mess


Saturday, September 22, 2007 4:02 PM



OOC: Well I'm thinkin you've done just about enough of flashing those shiny martial skills

Epiktetos was swinging the hammer all over the place, crushing knees, elbows and ribs in a crescendo of muffled cracks and pained howls. "I think I'm getting a feel for that thing," he observed. "I might as well keep it, maybe give it a name..."


"Lot more then you were expecting, hey?"

"Could say that," he replied caustically. "This ain't really my sort'a thing, either," he added a bit more peaceably as the mob cleared out.

"How'd I fare?"


Saturday, September 22, 2007 4:20 PM


Jake grins at him "Not bad for a xiōng shǒu in a straight up brawl, we could work your martial arts skills a bit, if you wanted to... and if you don't go off on that ship, or, for some odd reason, they decide to take me on..."

"Thanks... for comeing and watching my back, never had anyone to do that before..." Jake says sincerly.

XIONG SHOU: Assassin


Saturday, September 22, 2007 4:46 PM




Not bad for a xi?ng sh?u in a straight up brawl, we could work your martial arts skills a bit, if you wanted to... and if you don't go off on that ship, or, for some odd reason, they decide to take me on..."

"Huh thanks, I reckon you got some sort of an authority on the matter."Xiong Shou? He didn't view himself as Xiong Shou.


"Thanks... for comeing and watching my back, never had anyone to do that before..." Jake says sincerly.

"Oh. Well, don't expect me to make a habit of it," he said, tongue in cheek. "You seem more suited for the armed rescue thing anyhow. I'm more of a picket."

He rubbed his very sore chin. He had a pretty severe cut on his right forearm and more than a few serious bruises. Still, he stood there, grinning and trading wisecracks with a man he barely knew. How crazy is that?


Saturday, September 22, 2007 4:55 PM


"I'm thinking first thing we work on, if anything, is your dodgeing... look at you, your a mess..." Jake drawls, a smirk evident in his voice

Hang on a sec, here I am jokeing with someone I barely know, who the hell IS this guy, hell, I almost feel... human...

With that in mind, Jake checks over his own injuries. A few bruises, a few shallow cuts, and the burning of muscles being used for the first time in a long while. As Epiktetos watched, the bruises began to fade and the cuts close themselves up; looking days old instead of minutes. Ignoreing the startled look on his friends face, Jake begins to walk over to the young woman.


Saturday, September 22, 2007 5:35 PM




"I'm thinking first thing we work on, if anything, is your dodgeing... look at you, your a mess..."

"You know, dodging, I'm actually quite good at. Brawling, not so much. So dodging in a brawl... 'Guess I end up somewhere in between..." he trailed off as the bruises and cuts on Wolfe's body began to fade. His eyebrows arched in response."Now what would you need dodging for! Cheater... Oh, and, by the bye, you're a total freak."


Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:03 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
"You know, dodging, I'm actually quite good at. Brawling, not so much. So dodging in a brawl... 'Guess I end up somewhere in between..." he trailed off as the bruises and cuts on Wolfe's body began to fade. His eyebrows arched in response."Now what would you need dodging for! Cheater... Oh, and, by the bye, you're a total freak."

Jake shoots Epiktetos a look "Yeah, like you're none better, hittin' me on the head, thinking I did something to that poor girl... Which, that reminds me, I have yet to pay back..." Jake says with a mischevious smirk at his new friend.

"In all seriousness though, you try spending nearly a lifetime in a friendly Alliance Millitary Acadamey, and you let me know how sane YOU come out if it..." Jakes face darkens a bit at this.


Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:14 PM




ake shoots Epiktetos a look "Yeah, like you're none better, hittin' me on the head, thinking I did something to that poor girl... Which, that reminds me, I have yet to pay back..." Jake says with a mischevious smirk at his new friend.

"Yeah, well, she's just that: a poor little girl. What was I supposed to think? You're not what I'd call benevolent-looking, you know, and she looked all manner of freaked out." He paused "I think she broke my gorram nose..."

"So what happened? She saw your face?"


Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:16 PM


"I... don't know, she was freaked before she even saw me... mabey... she saw my mind, or my soul... eather of which I'm shure would frighten anyone..." Jake replies, utterly serious, and utterly depressed

OOC: Me'thinks we should edit this convo up a bit, Jake wouldn't be haveing this kinda conversation infront of anyone other than people he trusts...


Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:43 PM



"Hold it now, we're not that well acquainted yet," Epiktetos said teasingly. "I'll stick with the theory that she witnessed your loathsome mug and turned tail," he decided.

"You sure are looking mighty horrific," he added after eyeing him for a instant. "Not that I'm doing any better at the moment, mind you. Broken nose and all..." he winced as his body detailedly reminded him of all it had just been put through. "I'd love myself some" -grunts- "icepacks, and a gorram bath, come to think of it." He eyed the cut on his arm."Some thread an' needle too... You know that's probably gonna leave a lifetime scar? Hey! 'You listened to a word I've said?"

OOC: Which part are you thinking about? Are you saying you don't trust ME yet ?!


Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:48 PM


Shakes himself out of his depressive funk and teases Epiktetos "Awww, come on ya GIRL scars aren't so bad... and, yeah, a bath would be gorram nice... I'm a bit... fresh" Jake grins

OOC: Nah, just isn't the kind of thing he'd talk about infront of strangers, being DocRagnarock, or, as we call her (since we haven't really meet her yet) "the girl."


Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:11 PM



OOC: Do as you see fit and I'll adjust my parts accordingly.


"Awww, come on ya GIRL scars aren't so bad... and, yeah, a bath would be gorram nice... I'm a bit... fresh."

Scars? Hell, he had scars. Hundreds of them. They just didn't show. "Yeaaah, hum, sorry about that. I was thinkin' aloud," he replied after a moment.

He nodded toward girl Jake had just stopped before. "So who's she? An old fan of yours?"






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