The Newest Bad Firefly Review at Amazon

UPDATED: Sunday, April 11, 2004 08:24
VIEWED: 5454
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Friday, April 9, 2004 4:28 PM



Tedious, April 9, 2004
Reviewer: A viewer from Vancouver, BC
I can not bring myself to sit through an entire episode of this show, although I have tried to watch nearly half of them! The program bores me to such a point I can not even keep myself awake. What I espeacially can not understand is how out of the nine or so characters only Simon interests me at all. I can never tolerate how Joss Whedon's shows swap good dialogue for semi-witty wisecracks. Now I have heard a feature film will be made. Just goes to show one how the world of the cinema has run out of ideas.

Yep, bad reviews are beginning to show more often at Amazon. We need to counter this by getting our fellow Browncoats who haven't done a review there yet to get one done. Remember, do not cheat and post multiple reviews. One review per person. We need to bury this review because people will make their decision based on that review. Especially if it is the first review on the list which it is the first review on the list.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, April 9, 2004 5:05 PM


Why did they bother buying the dvd if they don't like Whedon's writing?? some people really baffle me!


Friday, April 9, 2004 5:34 PM


OK, I tend to lurk, but I thought I'd mention that I just went over and added my own review. Can't remember why I hadn't done that already, ut it seems like now is a good time to submit my own thoughts.


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:07 PM


Good idea, I haven't reviewed yet either (altho I just ordered my second set of DVDs, I decided my brother needs them for his birthday! LOL)...

So I'll go do that now to help bury the stupid bad reviewer....


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:29 PM


Ok I haven't reviewed yet and I bought a set from Amazon so I'll do it tonight.

I don't get these people that come across as either having a grudge before they bought the thing, or sounding like they never bothered to watch it from beginning to end. I'm cool with legit gripes or it just not being someone's cup of tea, but sometimes I wonder....I mean if you have an strong aversion to Joss Whedon's style of dialogue why would you watch this show and why would you bother reviewing it.


Friday, April 9, 2004 9:51 PM


"What I espeacially can not understand is how out of the nine or so characters only Simon interests me at all."

I actually find Simon to be the most boring character. He's really plain compared to the others.

"I can never tolerate how Joss Whedon's shows swap good dialogue for semi-witty wisecracks."

I don't know anyone who can write better dialogue than Joss Whedon. I don't know any TV critic who doesn't recognize that Joss writes astounding dialogue. That's one of the reasons why "Hush" is such an outstanding episode. Joss couldn't rely on what's normally his forte, but he still manages to create one of the best hours of TV ever. And when Joss wisecracks, he's more than semi-witty.


Friday, April 9, 2004 9:54 PM


Anyone who doesn't appreciate Joss Whedon dialogue is insane. Him and Aaron Sorkin are the best in the business, as far as I'm concerned.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:09 AM


America loves a winner!

Ok, something smells here. First of all, why go to such troubles to write a bad review on something if you're not a fan ? If you don't like ( or even GET ) it, so what ? Leave it be.

2nd, this guy goes on about how he doesn't like Joss's writing.
-" I can never tolerate how Joss Whedon's shows swap good dialogue for semi-witty wisecracks."
- The way I see it, he has an ax to grind w/ Mr Whedon. Perhaps an ex lover is a real big fan of Joss's work, so this poster is trying to gain an ounce of revenge by trashing Joss and his work , out of pure spite.

I've read this sort of review more than once. It seems to follow a pattern; Joss can't write, the story is boring, yadda yadda yadda. Sounds almost like a coordinated campaign, than a legit non fan of Firefly. Maybe 'Tedious' is just one of those sorts who simply doesn't 'get' Firefly and can't stand it when others are enthusiastic over that which he doesn't understand. Or maybe he still thinks that Jessica Alba is bound to return in Dark Angel( another show I liked, btw) and that by trashing Firefly, he can somehow convince the powers that be that D.A. needs to return. Or it could be this clown is just looking for a life.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:03 AM


Tedious' bad review said more about him/herself than it did about Firefly. Someone posted a review in response to Tedious:


I'm puzzled as to the previous reviewer's remark that Firefly was 'tedious'. I think it is a reflection more of the reviewer's short attention span than anything, and sadly indicative of why Fox canceled this show---too many people these days don't have the patience or attention span to get into a tv series that is well thought out, with an evolving story line.

I actually would rank Simon (the doctor giving up everything to save/help his sister) to be one of the LESSER interesting characters because his motivations and intentions are clear (admirable, but clear). There are two characters (Book, the preacher, and Inara, the 'ambassador') whose motivations/history are only alluded to over the course of the series. The hints to who they are are subtle and tantalizing, and forces the viewer to start thinking for himself/herself. To me that makes them, adn the entire series, interesting---not tedious.

Perhaps the reviewer was expecting something different from the misleading Fox promos? "A space hooker and a girl in a box"? I suggest that pornos might be more suitable if reviewer was.

Don't suppose the author is someone that posts here? If so, good job! I think you're spot on!

Also, there are 790 reviews currently at Amazon for Firefly and it still has an average of 5 stars. Pretty damn cool, if you ask me.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:09 AM


well frankly I was assuming the 'tedious' reviewer (true in so many ways) was a woman...
there are a lot of 'fans' who were pissed off at Joss for
breaking Buffy & Angel up
killing Tara
and these people are bitter and fanatical!

But we can ignore them...the over-all reviews on Firefly are raves, and anyone who reads two or three reviews will see that this is worth their time & money!

I am disappointed tho that my review I submitted last night doesn't appear on the Amazon purposely leaving that bad review up there? Why do they do that??


Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:10 AM


What caught my attention on the reveiw was how he claimed "Simon" was the only one who was interesting. IMHO it's telling me that he compares himself to this level of candor and that this person puts him/herself above all us simple, little people. If he was looking for William Shakespear..go see a play.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:38 AM


My review wasn't accpeted. I think they still have a grudge against the review campaign some fans did a while back.

If you can get your review posted, go for it. But be prepared to be ignored.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:07 AM


Ok, I'm going to play a little Devil's Advocate here.

I can see why someone who didn't like "Firefly" might be inspired to write a review on Amazon. If they feel like they got especially screwed over because they didn't like the product, and they want to make sure they screw over the makers of the product, then they might try this. It's kinda like what us Browncoats do to FOX TV with our hate-filled posts (see my sig .)

Of course, it's not like I agree with the reviewer. I'm just tossing an idea in the air.

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:34 AM


I agree with earlier post, if you know what buffy and angel is like in terms of humour and stuff, and if you didnt like that, why bother to go and buy it and then slag it off???? I dont normally buy a DVD or see a movie without having read a bit about it first, and I doubt someone would spend the money for a DVD in same manner without some research. There's always one gotta be awkward!!!


Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:33 AM


Another Negative (be it very confused) firefly review on amazon

Makes me embarased that a fellow UK firefly fan (at least they liked the show... i think) could be so ignorant and not know the shows history, all 11 fox screwed with episodes and all

And also as they couldnt figure out how to work the amazon star system...


Firefly, a word of caution, April 10, 2004
Reviewer: Mr. Robert Jones from WREXHAM, Wrexham County Borough Wales
I enjoyed the series very much, and was surprised to see that there were some episodes that were not aired, and that was the main reason for buying this set. However all of the episodes that are in this collection WERE aired on the Sci-fi channel in the UK. I don't know if this is true in the U.S.A., but this makes the cover statement at the very least misleadind. There is even a reference to 'Objects in Space' in the special features section as having been aired. It's possible that they mean the DVD versions are different to the ones that were aired, but if that's so WHY DON'T THEY JUST SAY THAT!


Sunday, April 11, 2004 4:58 AM


i think just saying 5 stars average isnt doing it justice.

9x 1star (not counting a review that was full of praise but only 1 star.. obviously forgot something)
4x 2stars (not counting someone complaining about the dvd being fullscreen instead of widescreen.. did i miss something?)
5x 3stars
23x 4stars (not counting a complaint about the "aired pilot" not being on the dvd.. as far as i know thats train job which IS on the dvd)
do the math for the 5 star reviews..

hint: it's pretty much 95% of all ratings with only 2.25% being less than 4 stars.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:32 AM



Originally posted by Jared:
i think just saying 5 stars average isnt doing it justice.

9x 1star (not counting a review that was full of praise but only 1 star.. obviously forgot something)
4x 2stars (not counting someone complaining about the dvd being fullscreen instead of widescreen.. did i miss something?)
5x 3stars
23x 4stars (not counting a complaint about the "aired pilot" not being on the dvd.. as far as i know thats train job which IS on the dvd)
do the math for the 5 star reviews..

hint: it's pretty much 95% of all ratings with only 2.25% being less than 4 stars.

I sit corrected I didn't actually take the time to go through the statistics and seeing that data is truely amazing


Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:45 AM


I think you all are looking at this from the wrong point of view. I don't know about you, but I look at bad reviews that are done by obvious morons and see them as ringing endorsements for the show.

For example, there are a couple of idiots I work with and if I hear them complaining about a movie that was 'slow and boring' my ears prick up. It never fails. The movies they hate are always top drawer.

So anyway, my idea is this: Lets get on there and write really bad reviews with lots of spelling errors and worded like a complete moron wrote them.... Oh wait, someone already did that for us!


"..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith


Sunday, April 11, 2004 7:46 AM


Sort of like when I saw a review saying a movie wasn't good, because it didn't have enough explosions.

One of the problems with the internet is that all of the whiners and nuts are over-represented. Unless that's a good thing. It's hard to say.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 8:24 AM


Well guys lets face it...what is the point for Amazon to even have reviews if people don't write both good and bad. If only the people that like the show were to review it then why would anybody want to read those reviews or at least base buying the product on what they read there. Certainly everyone won't like Firefly, so that must be demonstrated in the reviews in order to have people get a well rounded view. Another point I'd like to make...TV is for people when they want to make there brains go numb for a couple of hours and that is why with a handful of exceptions most TV shows are designed to do that. Take the reality shows for example. Like I said there are exceptions, but this is a general rule and it has been proven scientifically that TV lowers brain activity, unlike say listening to music (at least complicated musical pieces) or even playing on the internet or Video games. TV is the worst. So most people who are watching it will naturally feel awkward about a show that asks you to think a little bit. As you can tell by my horrible writing here, that I too watch more TV than I should.






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