Life Onboard Serenity: The St. Clair Job

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 15:17
VIEWED: 21780
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007 3:05 PM



Epiktetos shot a quizzical look at Jake and... Burst into laughter. "You... You hah... Ha... You really have it all mapped out huh?" He stopped for a moment in order to catch his breath. "So the loot is just sitting there? All wrapped up? Gee, that's kinda opportune ain't it?" He cracked up again, though less exuberantly. "But the real treat is you actually expect me to play a part in this? Let's get one or two things straight: I ain't crew, and I ain't your personal bootlicker either. I'm a gorram passenger, I pay the gorram fare and I've got no desire to get myself killed taking part in some moronic endeavor." He let his words sink in for a spell, and then carried on. "You know, I happen to have a certain expertise in heisting, and right now my expertise tells me that juh guh jee hua juhn kuh pah!"

JUH GUH JEE HYA JUHN KUH PAH: there's nothing in this plan that isn't horrific.

OOC:Sorry for the numerous mistakes, I'm learning as I go.


Thursday, October 4, 2007 11:06 AM


"Fine then, don't. Pain I'll need you to come with to pick up the slack."



Thursday, October 4, 2007 12:01 PM


Pain tuned out the incessant whinging and twiddled his thumbs until he heard Mal speak.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Fine then, don't. Pain I'll need you to come with to pick up the slack."

"Will do, Cap." replied Pain, giving the man a salute while sitting in his chair, feet still on the table.

He was itching for some action and really didn't feel like staying put and playing guard.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 4, 2007 10:01 PM


OOC: My connexion was kaput all day, and when I managed to get it running again I found that this very site was down! I was so enraged, and now that it's back up I'm too tired to post Oh well, shit happens.


Friday, October 5, 2007 1:54 AM


John grabbed two pistols from the small cade behind his bed and holstered them. He was thrilled that finally they'd be working again. But a nagging thought preyed at him. Something always went slightly wrong and he couldn't help but wonder what it would be next time. He was worried, also, about the two new men on the boat. He could trust the one a little, but the other he only let on as a favor and would rather he got off. The ship shuddered as it hit atmo. He pushed his fears to the back of his mind and walked to the cargo bay.



Friday, October 5, 2007 9:19 AM


Pain's Bunk

You woke up this morning
Got yourself a gun,
Mama always said you'd be
The Chosen One.

Pain stood in front of his weapons' locker, surpised that Jayne hadn't looted it when he left. Pain held his .44 semis in his hands, making sure they were loaded before strapping them into his leg holsters.

She said: You're one in a million
You've got to burn to shine,
But you were born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

After his pistols were secured he reached into his locker and took out his assualt rifle. He checked the 30 round mag before slapping it back in and chambering a round. Next Pain loaded a grenade into the grenade launcher underneath. He knew it was overkill, but it was better to play it safe rather than sorry. With that covered, Pain made sure he had extra grenades in the grenade pouch on his belt, before shoving a half dozen extra mags for his rifle into his dusters' pockets.

You woke up this morning
All the love has gone,
Your Papa never told you
About right and wrong.

Before leaving Pain took the double shoulder rig out of his locker, closing the door afterwards. Giving himself the once over, Pain decided that he was ready and left his bunk, slinging the shoulder rig over his shoulder.

But you're looking good, baby,
I believe you're feeling fine, (shame about it),
Born under a bad sign
With a blue moon in your eyes.

Not spotting the little man who needed the rig, Pain headed down towards the Cargo Bay, his assualt rifle concealed under his duster ready for action.

Cargo Bay

You woke up this morning
The world turned upside down,
Thing's ain't been the same
Since the Blues walked into town.

Jayne saw Pain enter the Cargo Bay and said "Got enough weapons on ya, Pain?"

Pain raised an eyebrow at Jayne and replied "Do you?"

"Ya bet yer pigu I do." replied Jayne.

"Good then." replied Pain, taking the shoulder rig off his shoulder.

"So who's that for?" asked Jayne, eyeing the rig.

"The little guy who likes to knock over big mercs from behind. I think he might be behind you" replied Pain, smirking at Jayne as the other big merc looked behind him.

"Ha ha. Very funny, wise ass." replied Jayne sarcastically.

Pain gave Jayne a breif smile before his face returned to being serious. Bad things were about to go down and Pain knew it.

But you're one in a million
You've got that shotgun shine.
Born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

Song: Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix) - Alamba 3

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 5, 2007 9:51 AM



OOC: Great post Pain, love it

"Good!" Epiktetos said. He was just about ready to turn around and leave the room when an odd thought struck him. "Oh yeah, one more thing. Is there a functional shower setup on board?"

Roughly twenty minutes later he was all clean and steamy. He wiped the moisture from the mirror and gave himself a long hard look. "Apart from that vividly purple cheekbone, you don't look half bad," he thought. He gave a mental shrug and moved his gaze toward the crumpled rags that lay scattered on the damp floor. "These sure need some dry cleaning..." He fastened a towel around his waist and crammed his worn out clothes in a ball under his right arm as he went looking for the laundry room.


Friday, October 5, 2007 11:05 AM


THe gang assembled in the cargo bay as the crew touched down. River joined them, shortly and they stepped out onto the planet. They were in a small ditch and teh only buildign in sight was a large house. THe captain walked to the house and his crew followed.

"WE go in through teh back, move quietly adn quickly. Don't let them know were here."

They approached a small back door.

"Do we have codes or something" John asked.

"Knock knock" the captian said before opening the unlocked door.

"Security doesn't seem to be an issue." John remarked as they stepped into along hall.



Friday, October 5, 2007 2:04 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain's Bunk

You woke up this morning
Got yourself a gun,
Mama always said you'd be
The Chosen One.

Pain stood in front of his weapons' locker, surpised that Jayne hadn't looted it when he left. Pain held his .44 semis in his hands, making sure they were loaded before strapping them into his leg holsters.

She said: You're one in a million
You've got to burn to shine,
But you were born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

After his pistols were secured he reached into his locker and took out his assualt rifle. He checked the 30 round mag before slapping it back in and chambering a round. Next Pain loaded a grenade into the grenade launcher underneath. He knew it was overkill, but it was better to play it safe rather than sorry. With that covered, Pain made sure he had extra grenades in the grenade pouch on his belt, before shoving a half dozen extra mags for his rifle into his dusters' pockets.

You woke up this morning
All the love has gone,
Your Papa never told you
About right and wrong.

Before leaving Pain took the double shoulder rig out of his locker, closing the door afterwards. Giving himself the once over, Pain decided that he was ready and left his bunk, slinging the shoulder rig over his shoulder.

But you're looking good, baby,
I believe you're feeling fine, (shame about it),
Born under a bad sign
With a blue moon in your eyes.

Not spotting the little man who needed the rig, Pain headed down towards the Cargo Bay, his assualt rifle concealed under his duster ready for action.

Cargo Bay

You woke up this morning
The world turned upside down,
Thing's ain't been the same
Since the Blues walked into town.

Jayne saw Pain enter the Cargo Bay and said "Got enough weapons on ya, Pain?"

Pain raised an eyebrow at Jayne and replied "Do you?"

"Ya bet yer pigu I do." replied Jayne.

"Good then." replied Pain, taking the shoulder rig off his shoulder.

"So who's that for?" asked Jayne, eyeing the rig.

"The little guy who likes to knock over big mercs from behind. I think he might be behind you" replied Pain, smirking at Jayne as the other big merc looked behind him.

"Ha ha. Very funny, wise ass." replied Jayne sarcastically.

Pain gave Jayne a breif smile before his face returned to being serious. Bad things were about to go down and Pain knew it.

But you're one in a million
You've got that shotgun shine.
Born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.

Song: Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix) - Alamba 3

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

Jake drops down quietly from the chains in the cargo bay between the two mercinaries. Snagging the shoulder ring off of Pain, he asks "So... who are you two looking for..." as he slides the pistols into the holster. Grinning at their shocked looks, he follows the rest of the group out into the ditch, twiriling a pair of wicked looking knives he'd.... BORROWED from Epiktetos, then slideing them into sheaths on his belt.


Friday, October 5, 2007 2:28 PM



"Hello? Anyone?" Epiktetos had been roaming all over the ship for a irritatingly large amount of time and his patience was growing short. Where the hell's the freakin' laundry? Do they even have one? "Helloooo?" And, apparently, most of the crew had already gone off ship. Darn... He let out an exasperated sigh and reluctantly donned his pants. "Gorram captain's a total Sha Gua. He goes out and takes all his gunslingers along, leaving a bunch of greenhorns and a wanted criminal to guard his ship. Gao guhn! I could take'em all out without thinkin'. Too bad I ain't got nobody to fly the damn thing..." He ditched the towel and resumed his search.

A little palaver between Epiktetos and his imaginary friend ensued...

"You really thinkin' about snatching this ship?"

— "No, I'm not. Unless you know how to drive it."

Don't be silly. I'm you, remember?

— "Then what's your point?"

How can you even consider it? These people bailed you out of a world of trouble! Literally!

— "Oh, don't you feed me this moralistic crap!"

You owe them.

— "I'm glad you feel that way."

"Well so do you, dumbass. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation."

— "I hate your guts."

"What else is new?"

While Going through his stuff, Epiktetos advised himself that his backup knife had gone missing. Gorram it... Jake Wolfe was in for an earful.

]SHA GUA: Fool

GAO GUHN: Extraordinarily clever


Friday, October 5, 2007 4:49 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
While Going through his stuff, Epiktetos advised himself that his backup knife had gone missing. Gorram it... Jake Wolfe was in for an earful.

]SHA GUA: Fool

GAO GUHN: Extraordinarily clever

OOC: *coughs* KNIVES... *coughs*


Friday, October 5, 2007 5:12 PM


OOC: Knives? I have only two of them and you had already BORROWED me one earlier (in the marshes). One, I could let go of; Two, well, you better gear up for some action. Comes a time when a man ought to fight for what's his


Friday, October 5, 2007 5:16 PM


OOC: Oh yeah... forgot about that one... pretty thing *looks wide eyed at the shiney knife, like a small child with a cool new toy and grins*.... I personally can't wait for some action... and I wanna see Pain and Jaynes reaction to Jake dropping from the cargo hold cealing to the floor...

PS: Give a guy a break... Jake didn't really have an opportunity to go and buy himself more clothes or gear, now did he? Especially seeing as he has NO MONEY!!! I promise to return them in good order and I will buy him some clothes and gear of his own after getting his cut of the job...


Friday, October 5, 2007 5:37 PM



PS: Give a guy a break... Jake didn't really have an opportunity to go and buy himself more clothes or gear, now did he? Especially seeing as he has NO MONEY!!! I promise to return them in good order and I will buy him some clothes and gear of his own after getting his cut of the job...

OOC: Neither did my guy! In case you haven't noticed he had to leave Persephone in a bit of a hurry. He does have a little cash handy, granted, but he doesn't take kindly to thieves! Well... Thieves as in people who pinch his stuff Thieves in general are shiny


Saturday, October 6, 2007 2:38 AM


They walked quickly, Jayne and Pain in front followed by Mal, Zoe, Wolfe and river and John brought up the rear. If security seemed lax before it had reached a new level. They're were no cameras, Alarms, or reaslly anything. This one was going to be easy.



Saturday, October 6, 2007 8:40 AM


"Is it just me or does this seem a little too easy?" asked Pain in a hushed tone, while keeping his assault rifle angled at the ground in front of him.

"Yeah. I ain't likin' this one bit." replied Jayne in a similar tone. He continued as they moved forward "Nothin's this easy that don't spell trap. Don't take a gorram rocket scientist to figure that out."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, October 6, 2007 10:24 AM


Doc sat infront of a monitor screen, watching the would be theves.
So they think they can just waltz in here and steal mygoods? I don't think so.
Rising from her chair Doc turned to leave, but a voice from the other man in the room stoped her,"Where are you going?"
Turning back to face him she said,"Why, to clip a firefly's wings, that's all."

Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.


Saturday, October 6, 2007 11:57 AM



Epiketos drew his six shooter and gave it a fond look. The stuff Kaylee had given him proved to be potent, as he had managed to scrub away most of the sticky. It was a rather sizable piece, around twelve inches in length. It featured a extended barrel and a reinforced handgrip as well as a matte black finish. It was a threatening sight, and he had grown somewhat attached to it over the years. "I remember at first I was barely able to lift it with both arms..." He smiled as he reminisced. It sure was a relief to have it back in working order, especially considering the crowd he had fallen into. The one that got your helpless pe-gu off Persephone... He sighed. The unearthly voice had a point. He was indebted to these people. He'd have to make it up to them, sometime. "But first, I need to find me shirt," he said under his breath.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:10 AM


THey walked into the shipping bay cautiously. John tried to be worried but he couldn't sense anything bad. They walked toward the two large crates and a third smaller one. Zoe and MAl grabbed one of the large and Pain and Jayne the other. Wolfe grabbed the small one and walked toward the door. No sooner had they taken two step then an alarm began to blare.

"Gorramit!" Mal cursed. But, John turned and fired one of his pistols nailing Wolfe squarly in the foot.



Sunday, October 7, 2007 10:52 AM



Epiktetos was standing on the edge of the ramp when he heard the sirens go off. "Well that figures," he grumbled as he slipped on his raggedy shirt. He tucked the mallet under his belt and began to sidle toward the warehouse.


John turned and fired one of his pistols nailing Wolfe squarly in the foot.

OOC: Wha... Why?


Sunday, October 7, 2007 11:35 AM


Well the sirens alarmed John yeah lets go with that



Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:58 PM


Suuuure, John, suuuuure.

"Told ya it was too easy." remarked Jayne, as he and Pain stopped, the crate still in their arms. Looking at Wolfe who was on the floor clutching his foot and screaming, Jayne continued "And to make things worse we gotta injured person to drag back." Looking at John, Jayne said "Thanks a lot, John."

"Enough!" shouted Mal, giving Jayne his "I'm the gorram Captain do what I say" look. Looking to Pain, then back at Jayne, Mal continued "Get these crates back to the ship." Turning to John, he said "If you're done shootin' people in the foot, may I suggest you put somethin' on that wound and get him to the Infirmary ma shong."

"We runnin', sir?" asked Zoe, hogleg in hand.

Mal looked at her and said "'Less you wanna stay and chat with whomever owns these crates we're stealin', then yes we're runnin'."

Ma shong: Now.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 7, 2007 3:39 PM


"NI TA MA DE QING WA CAO DE LIU MANG" Jake screams, writhing on the floor.

Seeing John walking towards him he pulls out one of the .45 calibur pistols from his shoulder holster and aims it square at his face.

"Chiu se..." he growls at John.

OOC: Geez, I go away for an 8 hour shift at work and I come back and I get shot in the foot...

Ni ta ma de qing wa cao de liu mang:

Select to view spoiler:

fuck you frog-humping son of a bitch

Chiu se: go to hell/go die


Monday, October 8, 2007 10:00 AM


"Sorry I shot his foot, I missed. Now stop being such a baby adn let me look at it" John said after numerous accusations. He pulled out a bandage and began to wrap the foot. He had only grazed him.

"Missed?" Jayne said, "What were you aiming at?"

"His head, its creepy. Mal, we can't leave this, St. Clair will kill us." He reached down and grabbed the light package. In the end they had to leave one of teh bigger behind and rush back to the ship. They dumped the goods in the cargo bay and tried to shut the airlock.

"Mal, it won't shut!" ZOe cried.

"Of course it won't," a mysterious man said. He stepped onto the ship gun raised with 8 equally armed people behind him. They all wore Browncoats.



Monday, October 8, 2007 10:46 AM



Epiktetos witnessed the crew's running act—and Jake Wolfe's wrathful limping—, but didn't make his presence known. "Not with this pack o' mavericks hangin' around." He wouldn't expose himself as long as he could avoid it, especially since a group of hostiles had already occupied the ship. So he concealed himself among the thick bushes and waited for an opportunity to present itself.


Monday, October 8, 2007 12:53 PM


Watching the intruders freak after the alarms went off was imcreadebly amusing for Doc, and so was watching the lady try to close the hatch. Thanks to a little toy of theirs, this crew wouldn't be going anywhere. Scaing the bay doc saw a familiar face
Damn!!! I can't let him see me. I'm just stay behind Mark. Moving behind Mark she drew her trusty pistol and prepared to confront the crew.

Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.


Monday, October 8, 2007 12:59 PM


OOC: Gee... wouldn't it have been nice if I WASN'T shot in the foot about now?? 8 on 1 really isn't all that bad odds when it comes to Jake, hell, some of 'em may have even been able to injure him... I'll post an actual response when I get back from school...


Monday, October 8, 2007 1:06 PM


I could kick his ass. and we kinda, you know, planed for you to get shot in the foot.

Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.


Monday, October 8, 2007 1:32 PM


You're right Jake if only that idiot hadn't shot you.

"Reynolds," A man behind the leader said, "thought you were one of the good guys."

"War's..." MAl began.

"Long done...yeah yeah" John interupted, "Doc I'm not a moron and I'm a psychic I know you're there."



Monday, October 8, 2007 1:40 PM


Physcic, right...shit. doc had totally forgotten that John was physicic.
Maybe if I ignore him/ act like I don't know who heis or what he's talking bout the rest of the crew will think his crazy. Somehow Doc douted that, but she proseded to do it anyway.

Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.


Monday, October 8, 2007 11:58 PM


Is it OK to bump an RP thread?

OOC: I've been going through some older LoS threads tonight and I dug up an interesting idea. Oath, if I remember correctly, had suggested the implementation of a cast list in order to "help the 'visualizing' of our characters." Although the idea didn't get an awful lot of support the first time around, I'm gonna bring it up again because I've seen this done on other online RP boards and I think it really helps make the characters less anonynous. Only, I think we shouldn't limit ourselves to actors, and really pick any face we deem suitable. Professional athletes, famous musicians, your neighbor's nephew... whatever, as long as we can put faces on all these shiny names


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 3:14 AM


For now I'll say Anthony Rapp of Rent fame, may change

The independent group looked back at John bewildered. "Doc don't play this game. Why're you hanging out with a bunchof ndependents anyhow?"

Once again no one reacted.

"Doc come on, look I let your littel friend onboard. Ok so then I shot him, but you might have too."



Tuesday, October 9, 2007 11:53 AM


I believe I had John Cena playing the role of Pain.

Pain wanted to get in some hurt, but with eight armed goons with their guns aimed at him and the others, the stakes were just a little too high for his tastes. That and Pain really wasn't in the mood to get shot at. So there he was standing in the Cargo Bay watching and waiting for something bad to go down.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 1:14 PM


OOC: I'm gonna go for John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.


"Doc come on, look I let your littel friend onboard. Ok so then I shot him, but you might have too."

OOC: I'm confused...

OOC: As you can see I have a banner ready Want one?


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 4:26 PM


OOC: DUUUUUDE!!! Nice banner!!! lol, yeah, I'd like one... problem is, I don't rightly know who I see playing my character... YET... I'll let you know if I figure it out... As to the friend comment, I'm a little confused as well... I mean, I don't know... are we friends Doc??? All I did was step in when a lady was in danger (ahhh me and my damn chauvinistic/chivalrous actions...)


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 5:17 PM


OOC: Yeah, and how about the "Ok so then I shot him but you might have too" part? I just can't make sense of it (though that's probably not JTTF's fault...)

As to the casting issue... Do you mind if I throw some names at you?

What about James Badge Dale? He played Chase Edmund in 24.

Or maybe Ian Somerhalder? (Boone ~ Lost season 1)

Just want to help is all


DUUUUUDE!!! Nice banner!!!

OOC: Thanks


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 5:52 PM


o.k. let me explain this to y'all. John owed Doc a favor. Wolfe helped Doc out in a fight, in her sense of honour that means she owes him. So She calls in her favor from John to playback the dept she feels she owes Wolfe by...getting him off the planet. Then she goes on her merry way, never expecting to see him again. But then she 'bumbs into' John, and...yah. Got it now.

Oh and the whole 'so I shot him' thing, I have no idea. Ask John.

Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 5:56 PM


I really have to think about who Doc is, to put a face to the name

Don't think of it as being outnumbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 6:42 PM


OOC: Thanks for the input, I was in total disarray Let me know if you want a banner


Wednesday, October 10, 2007 12:17 PM


OOC:Literate bump

Epiktetos couldn't make out what was being said, so he furtively moved nearer to ship. No shooting had taken place yet, so he reckoned that there had to be some thought-provoking chatter going down.



Wednesday, October 10, 2007 7:01 PM



OOC: *timid voice* ...guys?


Thursday, October 11, 2007 6:06 AM


Bumpwhiz on a Bumproll

OOC: Hey guys you gotta give me something! I'm going stark raving mad here!


Friday, October 12, 2007 1:43 AM


Mornin' Bump

OOC: 49 hours


Friday, October 12, 2007 9:13 AM


The silence was almost maddening. Pain's trigger finger was getting itchy by the second as time ticked on by. Was John and his lady friend just going to stare at each other, or were they going to speak? Pain decided to distract himself by picking his earwax and flicking it at Jayne, who was also getting impatient.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 12, 2007 4:05 PM


"So much for the thought provoking chatter," Epiktetos thought as he got closer. He could feel the soaring tension that filled the air surrounding the two parties, as if they were both waiting for something to happen.

OOC: Hey Pain you want a banner ?



Saturday, October 13, 2007 3:04 AM


Sorry Guys I was on vacation, so moving on. Oh and BC07 if you want to have a charming "Why'd you shoot me!?!" conversation with John later he'll tell Wolfe.

"Look Doc I'm not going to play this game" John said frustrated

A Browncoat stepped forward. "YOu mean young Sally isn't one of us."

"Not in any way" John said, "Actually last time I checked she was more Alliance friendly. You all are probably just the place to hide where "No one" will find her."

Mal looked confused. "Wait so you joined a revolution so that you could hide?"



Saturday, October 13, 2007 4:24 AM


Epiktetos wasn't one to forget a face easily. Truth to be told, he was blessed with a phenomenal visual memory. He had thus recognized the woman John called "Doc" instantaneously. "So they know each other... Intriguing." Things were slowly falling into place. Serenity's crew had at least three experienced fighters lined up, all of them visibly itching for some action, plus a couple of mind-reading patrons as well as a fuming government grown assassin. "I betcha' he could take'em all out without breakin' a sweat..." If violence happened he had little doubts as to the outcome. He grinned and unholstered his weapon, slowly taking aim...



Saturday, October 13, 2007 5:07 AM


"Well, isn't this a jolly perdicament," Jake thinks, hideing his grin as well as he can. The longer he reasts on the floor, the faster his healing ability got to work on his injuries. Right now, he felt that he was back to about 85%, the injury would still slow him down, but not enough to really cause a problem.

"So, Captain..." Jake says with a grimace of "pain" in his voice, "Whats her story?"


Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:16 AM


"How would the gorram Captain know. I've known her for 7 years and I don't know" John said to Wolfe.

Then finally Doc acknowledged her identity.

"I liked the coat."

"You joined a revolution for a coat" Mal said disbelievingly.

"Not suprisin" John said. "So Doc your comin with us, right?"



Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:59 AM


"What the HELL makes you say that, John. Why would I want to be part of a crew that has flags on the Cortex every Gorram week. And For your information, John, yes I am one of them, last you checked my family was more Alliance friendly. And as you said, you don't know my story so back off. And, it's a nice coat." Throughout the encounter John had steadly made her madder, so finally Doc just let him have it. Pulling her gun, Doc kept down by her leg, but out of the holster, she had a feeling things were about to get worse. The guy that had helped her out in the fight before was laying on the ground with, aparently, a bullet wound, but Doc could tell was faking the pain,and was ready for action.

Don't thhink of it as being out numbered, think of it as having a wide target selection.






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