Three wishes for a sequel

UPDATED: Friday, October 19, 2007 14:19
VIEWED: 10951
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Saturday, October 6, 2007 11:15 PM


Simple game really. What are your three (only three please) wishes for the sequel that has been dominating our thoughts?

Who would you like to see back? What mysteries solved?

For me it would be:
1. Two back to back movies giving Joss a proper length to include all those little moments that made Firefly so wonderful but weren't so prominant in the BDM. Four hours instead of two should be enough to let the characters live instead of merely resolving the story arc.

2. Some screen time for Ron and Alan.

3. A story arc that isn't epic, more to do with living on the ragged edge rather than facing down the big bad alliance and heroic Capn Mal. See my comment re. point 1. - my life - my work


Saturday, October 6, 2007 11:55 PM


1. I want Joss to write a movie that opens up the opportunity to keep the franchise alive after a sequel.

2. Ron and Alan to get a gig..especially Alan

3. I would love another 'oner' (one long scene)

With all that being said, I would just be happy to see anything at all.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:18 AM



Originally posted by hughff:

For me it would be:
1. Two back to back movies giving Joss a proper length to include all those little moments that made Firefly so wonderful but weren't so prominant in the BDM. Four hours instead of two should be enough to let the characters live instead of merely resolving the story arc.

hence my preference for 'serenity the series' - a dvd based set of 'movies' (dodging the licensing issue that way) from universal:)


2. Some screen time for Ron and Alan.

only if it's done right... post BDM


3. A story arc that isn't epic, more to do with living on the ragged edge rather than facing down the big bad alliance and heroic Capn Mal. See my comment re. point 1.

i'd go for a mix - i like the tough edge of the BDM - and the wonderful little moments of FF...
post movie - they are all genuine outlaws - lottta possibilites...

i want Tim to get a crack at writing (seems fair)
and i want me some badger...

(obviously, i'll take anything - i trust the Heroes to come up with the goods...)


Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:48 AM


1. Wash & Book to some how be in the film and for Book's past to be revealed.

2. Some sex, Simon and Kaylee sex kinky style or maybe a threesome with River, Kaylee + River, nice I'll be in my bunk

3. Another Sequel and for it to make a ton of money

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Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Sunday, October 7, 2007 1:15 AM


With every day that Joss doesnt quell these rumours I get more and more excited.

This is going to happen people.

We are guna get our boat back


Sunday, October 7, 2007 2:38 AM


Only 3, hmmm but spread over 2 movies.

1. Inara's background, what is she running from ?

2. River unable to control when she switches to *weapon mode*. She can't be a solution when the crew get into a tight spot.

3. Jayne to turn on the crew - I mean really turn on the crew. He cannot be trusted when the money's high enough & Niska has plenty of money.

To get Wash back without flashbacks: A ghost, perhaps only River can see him & Zoe occasionally can sense him.

Leave Book's background unknown.

I want my trilogy, and Season 2, and a plastic rocket...


Sunday, October 7, 2007 2:47 AM


1. More talkin', less shootin'
2. Backstory--I don't mind flashbacks at all (especially since they worked so well in OoG)
3. More world-building for the 'Verse.

(My favorite ship is Mal/Simon so I don't really expect it to turn up in a movie.)


Sunday, October 7, 2007 4:47 AM


1. Some kind of Mal/Inara reconciliation.... or something...

2. Books backstory...

3. Wash getting back into the show somehow...


Sunday, October 7, 2007 5:10 AM


Three wishes. Okay.

1. Book's "duplicate." An evil version of Shepherd Book.

2. Wash didn't die. (STEERING COLUMN!)

3. Inara kisses Mal.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Sunday, October 7, 2007 7:15 AM


1. that it will happen
2. that it will happen
3. that it will happen ;)


Sunday, October 7, 2007 7:40 AM



Originally posted by Sister:
1. that it will happen
2. that it will happen
3. that it will happen ;)

Well this is the easist one to agree with.

1) If three movies then maybe the second one could tell a lot of backstory kind of like Out of Gas (everyone's favorite ep) for the big screen and then set up for the third movie that carries the story of the crew to the end

2) I want to know why Mal got that shot from Simon

3) More about Earth-that-was. I still think there is some kind of cover up going on with what really happened. Earth just being "all-used up" is way to vague. Something bigger is going on here and bet if River was put in the room with the right people she'd figure that stuff out.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

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Sunday, October 7, 2007 7:55 AM


1. More pi gu-kickin' River. I'd love to see more of our paranoid schizoprenic.

2. How Zoe coped with

Select to view spoiler:

Wash's death. I dunno why I bother with the spoiler alert. Everyone knows it by now! lol. Anyway, I'd love to see how a warrior woman copes without her husband by her side.

I'm sure Joss could add some fresh spin to that...

3. A Jaylee angle perhaps? hehe. I love Simon but won't it be nice to see Jayne all mushied up as well?^^ it really limited to 3 wishes only?*saffron* We have *saffron* lots more!*saffron* But anyway, I'm *saffron* happy with *saffron* whatever they put up. *saffron* I'll just be glad *saffron* if they brought my favorite crew back. *saffron*

(did anyone get the subliminal message? lol)


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:17 AM


Roy Wrote:


3. Jayne to turn on the crew - I mean really turn on the crew. He cannot be trusted when the money's high enough & Niska has plenty of money.

Nice. I like that one.

My three are:

1. Alliance take SERENITY from the crew.

2. Alliance use the confiscation of SERENITY as bargaining for Mal and Co to do Alliances' evil bidding. (whatever that may be at this stage not sure... But something that conflicts with the ethics of Mal in particular.)

3. The crew turn the tables on the Alliance and retrieve SERENITY and head off into the black... Outlaws again!


Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:42 AM


1. A plotline set on, or incorporating a core planet ala 'Ariel.' It would be cool to see more of the core worlds again.

2. The return of Yo-Saff-Bridge!

And.. *Drum roll.*

3.Mal finally getting his pony and plastic rocket! Nah.. Scratch that last one.. I'd probably like to see more background on Book or Inara.


[IMG] [/IMG]

[IMG] [/IMG]


Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:01 AM


3 wishes.....OK.

1.) Movie starts with the awakening of River in the dining area with Wash and Book tending to her....first movie was one of her visions. Brings both characters back and leaves the Firefly verse still intact. She briefs the crew of her premonitions which sets the second movies tone and creates a harder, more military like Mal. An attack Mal, rather than a react Mal.

2.) A vengeful Mal sets a plot in effect which, using Rivers memories from "key members of Parliament" pits the Reevers and the Alliance in a full scale war. (much like the segment in the first movie but on a grand scale) While the independents rebuild on the vacant yet fully functional Miranda. This now gives the opportunity to bring in favorite characters from Firefly to side with or assist Mal. Patience, Badger, Nitzchka....possibly even "The Operative" from Serenity to name a few.

3.) with the Alliance being ravaged by my brother Reevers, Independent forces, with the assitance and knowledge of Book, seize the opportunity to move toward the central planets and set up cells within the Alliance and set the stage for the eventual final showdown and eventual fall of the Alliance in "Serenity 3: Brave New World"

Yeah....that sounds about right.

Oh yeah....Mal and Inara finally get together. Come on, you know you want it to happen!

......I brought the Grenades.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:32 AM


1. Combination Book backstory + Zoe pregnant with Wash's baby (bring both them in)
2. Inara's past revealed
3. Jayne turns on the crew.


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police
- Vote JonnyQuest/Causal, for Benevolent Co-Dictator of Earth; together, toward a brighter tomorrow!


Sunday, October 7, 2007 10:22 AM


1. More of Jayne’s background, family life ect... Rather than having him turn again, I’d like to see his character grow. He already turned once and so much has happened since then, I really can’t see him doing it again. If anything, maybe the crew thinking he sold them out, and it turning out to be not true?

2. More problems for Mal and Inara (something to do with her past?). I don’t want to see them together until the very end, if at all. I’m weird like that.

3. River coming out of her shell, interacting with crew more.

Oooh, I’ll add one more. The crew on Londinium!

I’ll leave the intricate plot, obstacles, and development of villain(s) up to Joss because it’s what he does best.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 10:45 AM



1. Alliance take SERENITY from the crew.

I like this a lot, however Joss uses it. Maybe as a cliffhanger between Serenity 2 and 3. Think about it, what would hurt the fans most and create the most drama? Take away Serenity. That'd be really good drama.

I'm not sure about all the talk of Jayne turning. I know it was a plot of the show but I think after what happened in the movie Jayne is pretty solidly with the crew.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

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Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:17 PM


These aren't so much wishes, but what I'd like to see

1) River empowered (but still batshit crazy), and with the help of the crew kicks some Alliance Ass.

2) Inara's backstory revealed that ironically leads to a stronger bond between her and Mal that paves the way for a more mature relationship based on respect and trust, hence creating character growth for the both of them.
But, I'd settle for Hot Monkey Sex between the two of them, if that's all there is time for.

3) Now, this really is a wish: That Simon can return and practice his profession with the finest equipment available. I watched Ariel in HD last night and he was phenomenal in the Trauma Center when he saves a patient.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:51 PM


I'd love a gorram BDS! (Big Damn Sequel). Or do I? Whether it's nobler in the mind to cherish a story that remains comfortably locked inside the inevitable untouchability of history, or to air things new amidst a sea of praises, and by disappointment, end them.

I'll keep my fingers crossed. Here's what I'd like, at least, if we get one:

1. I want the original crew. No Nathan, no Summer, no Jewel... no me.

2. I want Wash back, but in style. No bringing alive as a clone, please; and certainly don't pull out the old "It was all just a dream" crap. I could go for flashbacks (my preference), or a psychic contact through River, perhaps; although the latter has Ghost Dad potential written all over it -- and we don't want that.

3. Don't go for the cheap big show-down with the Alliance. Be original.

Joss being who he is, I'm fair sure I may get some of my wishes. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, October 7, 2007 1:05 PM


2) I want to know why Mal got that shot from Simon

I think that one's pretty straight-forward: *everybody* had to get shots for fumphering around on dangerous planets, it's just that Mal never got around until having his until the last minute. Possibly because he has a squick about injections.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 1:41 PM


1. Wash to get some new super guts like Tracey and be in the sequel.

2. A brown coat home world thats off the map like Miranda, possibly even on earth that was, cause who would be looking there right? With Mal's notority after the Reaver story he would definitely be contacted by a browncoat uprising

Sure that ideas a bit Star Wars like but where else are they going to head on the epic front.

3. More River fight scenes, because Summer is just wonderful to watch. Sorry Summer guess that would mean more intense training and ice baths.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 1:51 PM


1) Ron and Alan, of course.
2) Badger. Fanty and Mingo were great, but Badger was sorely missed.
3) Vera.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"That's the buffet table."


Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:00 PM


Ron, Allan could be in a sorta flashback, being a critical past interaction which didn't seem like a big deal at the time, hence not incuded in the existing story. Or, this could be the time between Season 1 and BDM.

Either Alliance confiscates serenity, or some ship switch ala Star Trek Search for Spock and Return Home (?? #3 & 4).

Alliance has some residual subliminal messages floating around, keeps River from being totally in control of herself. But she'll have her moments - we won't know if she'll save the day solo, or with help from other BDH's. Of course, although the operative tried to convince the Parliament that River was no longer a threat, the message was out, that doesn't mean Miranda was the only secret River absorbed from visiting Senators.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 11:28 PM


Only 3 wishes? Tricky!

1. For a guarantee of 2 films to "complete" the "trilogy" (like Lucas got for eps V and VI) so that Joss can a) relax and b) create a better story arc

2. Some gorram western stuff

3. Hmmmm - tricky - this would have to either be:

a) return of some old favourites like Yo-Saff-Bridge and Badger


b) A spin-off tv-series ;)


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Monday, October 8, 2007 4:26 AM


Well.. there's quite a few ideas I have for episode ideas.. but when it comes to just one big story for a movie.. I have to just leave that to Joss..

But if I have to widdle it down to just THREE ideas that I would like to see in the next movie..

1) Badger.. out of all the characters from the series.. he's the one I owuld most like to see.. plus he is the one who could just make an "appearance" and not necissarily dominate the whole movie. I love yo-saf-bridge.. but I think it would be harder for her to only "make an apperance" yet not be a major player in the movie.. and if all we get it two hours.. I don't want a good part of it dealing with her. Badger would be easier to weave into a coherent story that makes sence without him being a "major" player. You could show Badger for fewer than 2-3 minutes in a couple of scenes and not have it felt "stuck in".

2) I want to know more of Inara's back story.

3) Ok.. the most important one... Mal and Inara need to have their moment. Their time to shine. They got the short end of the stick in the first movie.. so now it's their turn. However.. I only want to see the promise of something more.. I don't want them to actually "be together".. I just want them drawn closer together... and ALMOST be together.. It's all over for one of them (as in probably being killed) if they ACTUALLY get together.

I know this wasn't asked for.. but this is what I DON'T want to see..

1) Finding out that either Book or Wash lived. That would dominate the movie.. I don't want a "In Search of Wash" movie. If they are shown.. do it in dreams or flashbacks.. I don't want to find either of them alive. I have seen very well thought out and creative ways people have dreamed up of how Wash could still be alive. And I know Joss is the master of "ressurection" stories... but in this case.. I don't want it to happen. I hate that both of them died.. but I see why it had to happen.. and it also streamlined the crew to allow for more character work in the sequel.. not as many characters to focus on.

2) I don't want to see the operative again.. unless it has something to do with revealing more of books past. But I am actually ok with never knowing exactly what Book was. Some things are better left unknown.

3) I don't want to see River in perfect control of her powers.

Many more.. but if I have to limit it to three of each.. .. but I will simply be happy with "More"..

Still not getting my hopes up just yet...


Monday, October 8, 2007 4:31 AM



A vengeful Mal sets a plot in effect which, using Rivers memories from "key members of Parliament" pits the Reevers and the Alliance in a full scale war.

I don't think that is Mal's way... and yes.. that's better than a plan..

Mal only did what he did because the alliance was after him and wouldn't stop... along with his dislike of the alliance. Now that it's finished.. if they don't bother him.. he most likly won't bother them..

He just wants to be on his way... if the wind blows north.. he goes north..



Monday, October 8, 2007 5:54 AM


1) Wash & Zoe's baby is on Serenity
2) Niska gets his
3) Lenore is retrieved, and re-programmed to become a crew member


Monday, October 8, 2007 9:38 AM


1. Make it a prequel
2. Mal and Inara interaction
3. Book's past

"I wanna go to the crappy town where I'm a hero"


Monday, October 8, 2007 10:38 AM


Okay only three?

Here goes

1)A movie- prequel, sequel - just give me one

2) Mal and Inara together some way,shape or form. A kiss would be great- too much would take away from the third film possibilites. But I want them closer and to tell each other how they feel! Please!

3) More back story for our crew- Inara-what made her leave Sihnon? Book's story, even Mal- what was his life like before the war, did he leave someone behind when he went to fight? Could this person appear again? Someone from his past that causes conflict between Mal and Inara ( though they still have to be together) or draw them closer together. And Jayne's past- where did he come from - we know his Mother sends him packages and knits him things and that he sends her money. Does he have a big family on a moon somewhere- Zoe- flashbacks of her and Wash- how thier relationship started would be interesting- to contrast the adjustment and pain and loss with the good memories of what was.

Okay I guess I have to stop now.

Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it.


Monday, October 8, 2007 10:52 AM



Originally posted by Smaug:
I know this wasn't asked for.. but this is what I DON'T want to see..

I only have one thing I do not want to see, and it's what I keep seeing people ask for. No prequel, and please don't say that it was all a dream!

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Monday, October 8, 2007 1:16 PM



Originally posted by ladyserenity:
Okay only three?

Here goes

1)A movie- prequel, sequel - just give me one

2) Mal and Inara together some way,shape or form. A kiss would be great- too much would take away from the third film possibilites. But I want them closer and to tell each other how they feel! Please!

3) More back story for our crew- Inara-what made her leave Sihnon? Book's story, even Mal- what was his life like before the war, did he leave someone behind when he went to fight? Could this person appear again? Someone from his past that causes conflict between Mal and Inara ( though they still have to be together) or draw them closer together. And Jayne's past- where did he come from - we know his Mother sends him packages and knits him things and that he sends her money. Does he have a big family on a moon somewhere- Zoe- flashbacks of her and Wash- how thier relationship started would be interesting- to contrast the adjustment and pain and loss with the good memories of what was.

Okay I guess I have to stop now.

Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it.

Sounds perfect! Please write the outline and send it to Mr. Whedon.


Monday, October 8, 2007 3:32 PM


(Temporarily removed until I distil it down to three...)


Monday, October 8, 2007 6:58 PM


I'm wondering exactly what is meant when some of you mention prequel.
Do you mean prequel, as in before the Battle of Serenity Valley? That would only leave Mal, Zoe, and Tracy.
Do you mean prequel as in the 6 years between The Battle of Serenity Valley and the Pilot? That still leaves out Inara, Book, the Tams.
Do you mean prequel as in "interquel" of between episode 14 and BDM?

I normally don't like these, anticlimactic, but Lucas did start off with Episode 4.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 1:36 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
I'm wondering exactly what is meant when some of you mention prequel...

I normally don't like these, anticlimactic, but Lucas did start off with Episode 4.

This is my problem with a prequel. It's the easiest cop out ever to make Wash and Book still alive. There are comic books coming out sometime this winter that fill in the gaps between the last comics and the movie. Make me a sequel. Continue the story. Don't pull a George Lucas and make the back story worse than the ones we came up with on our own.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 2:31 AM


I don't have a problem narratively with a prequel--they all must have been doing *something* ten years before Serenity-the-Pilot, even though they were doing it on several different planets. However, I do think it would be tough for NF to play the innocent young recruit (or SG to play a seven-year-old)...


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 9:57 AM


I have more than three and no way to narrow it down. So I'll just list a random three.

But first, wasn't Badger's crew killed by the Operative in the BDM? I thought they were part of the "kill everyone who's ever given them refuge" scheme. Maybe not.

1.) Zoe has Wash's child and constantly tells the baby stories about daddy Wash including how they ended up together. Complete with, yes, flashbacks. And perhaps Zoe could be a little lost or buggy but trying to hide it from the rest of the crew. Talking with her infant son could be her therapy.

2.) Jubal Early makes a reappearance. He didn't die floating around in space. And he's been looking for revenge ever since. Though that might be a little too similar to being pursued by The Operative. I just REALLY liked his character.

3.) With all their other havens destroyed, they take refuge with a crew member's family. To me it doesn't matter who. I just think it would add a hint of the show's human element to what will probably need to be another epic movie. Maybe it could be Jayne's family. Only they don't know what he does for a living so he has to pretend to be a do-gooder while he's there. Like maybe he has a Big Mama who smacks him on the back of the head when he says something rude. That would be high-larious.

I could go on and on -- but I won't. Happy wishing!

Oh, and I love the wish about Serenity being taken away.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 11:30 PM


1. For the whole cast and crew to be back.
2. Niska. I miss the "reputation not so solid" guy that he is.
3. Yossafbridgejubalpatience and the guy who played the sherrif/marshall in train job and the loud mouthed mayor in Slither. He's pretty cool.

Seriously though.... just three? How about Mike Rowe of dirty jobs being a surprise character?

If wishes were horses... we'd all be eating steak but yeah... nothing wrong with wishing.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007 8:31 AM


By prequel I mean, after Jubal Early and before BDM. Call it an in-between-quel or whatever, but that is my wish. Inara leaving, Book leaving, River exploring her mind reading skills and all that stuff.

Might not sound much like box office action hit, but it is nevertheless my wish.

And then more movies!! Duh!

If I get one more with Wash and also including Book's past we can then go on and explore lots of Mal vs Inara fun, River craziness, Jayne turning on them (and then it actually being like when Angel fooled Faith! ;) ), Zoe getting more interesting screen time, meeting Jayne's insane-while-knitting mother, Wash made into a Reaver but is really good and all that hopla

" I wanna go to the crappy town where I'm a hero"


Friday, October 12, 2007 8:25 AM



Originally posted by kjippo:
By prequel I mean, after Jubal Early and before BDM. Call it an in-between-quel or whatever, but that is my wish. Inara leaving, Book leaving, River exploring her mind reading skills and all that stuff.

Check out the comics.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Friday, October 12, 2007 9:24 AM


1.) book's past revealed
2.) full frontal nudity...come on we have one hot crew...who doesn't want some nudity?
3.) blue sun storyline. Have them come after river or something. Nothing epic just the crew trying to escape their clutches.


Friday, October 19, 2007 7:08 AM


1. For the sequel to be in the form of a TV series.

2. Nobody dies. Not our crew, not Badger, not Yo-Saff-Bridge, not Monty, etc. I don't even want Atherton, Niska, or Patience to bite it. I only want to see all these characters again.

3. More exploration of Inara and the Companion's Guild.


Friday, October 19, 2007 7:33 AM


1. Mal and Inara are brother and sister.

2. Their father is actually Niska.

3. The first two wishes never come to light.


Friday, October 19, 2007 2:19 PM



Originally posted by Adamwankenobi:
1. Mal and Inara are brother and sister.

2. Their father is actually Niska.

3. The first two wishes never come to light.

Um, yeah. Who needs another Star Wars?

I like the thought of Jubal's being picked up by a passing ship and all. Also Atherton-- it's too much fun to hate the guy!

As for fundamentals:
1. Inara/Mal need some reconcilliation. Zoe needs a baby. Jayne needs some love.
2. River can't be all better. It takes away from the angst of her character! But I do like the idea of her hearing more than one secret and the subliminal messages still out there.
3. Wash, Wash, Wash. Book has had his fun in the sun and we can all talk about him with fondness, but Wash has a real tie to our BDH Zoe. I'll even take Wash as a ghostly presence!







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