Serenity VS. Star Wars Ep. III??

UPDATED: Sunday, July 11, 2004 16:42
VIEWED: 18644
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Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:56 AM


acording too the approximate release date of Serenity, and the release date of the last star wars movie, Wont serenity be coming out just a week or two before StarWars?? There are two ways to take this:

1.Serenity will catch the Market, and get the starwars audiance ahead of time, cutting into star wars's gross

2. Serenity wont take in much money, as many people will be waiting for their long awaited Ep. III, going with the old favorite instead of the new guy.

Comments? Questions?


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:00 AM


I dunno. Personally, I am so turned off from Eps I & II, that I just might not go see Ep III at all.

I am hopeful that reveiews and word of mouth on Serenity will be so good that the casual movie-goer will chose it over Ep III. Or alternatly, again given good reviews & WOM, the rabid SW fanboys will go see Serenity instead of taking in a 2nd or 3rd viewing of SW.

"I'll be in my bunk..."


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:02 AM


well personally I won't be standing in line for episode III of Star Wars! I was disappointed w/episode I, but episode II was a complete rip-off, I felt I should have had my money back...

so no way am I thinking of throwing good money after bad by bothering to see Star Wars III in any theater (and I don't think I'm alone in my disgust, I don't think he'll make the first week $ on this one that he has in the past).

In fact I think there should be an online campaign to get people to go to Serenity instead!

Make it clear that we actually want good writing and developed characters, and jokes that are funny!


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:07 AM


Thats A cool idea, any one with even jsut a half-hump of skill at web desighn willing to help? I can see it now: hehe, sorry, imagination working.

I dunno, a website persauding ppl t give serenity a chance would be awesome, I have no webdesighn skills so aw well...

People only beleive somehting if it's in a movie.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:08 AM


Note that the above post dosent actually have a link! I didnt expect it to do that

People only beleive somehting if it's in a movie


Saturday, April 10, 2004 5:31 AM


America loves a winner!

Reality check here. While SW eps 1 and 2 were large disapointments, one can't escape the fact that SW is still ingrained w/in an entire generation. When those of us over 30 hear 'Star Wars', most instinctivly harken back to the 1st movie.... a disillusioned kid from the farm named Luke, a beautiful princess, a swashbuckling smuggler with his "walking carpet" side kick, some mysterious old hermit who lives in the hills, Darth Vader, the Death Star and something called The Force. As bad as these latest installments by Lucas may be, we'll always have that thrill and wonder that made the original movie.

However.... IF Joss and Co. come together and put out a damn good movie, and IF it is actually MARKETED well enough so folks will hear about it... Serenity will could easily make some of its own damn noise, when SW once again fails to live up the self generated and undeserved hype.

and oh,btw... YOU! Fox TV.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:11 AM



Originally posted by arcbeatle:
acording too the approximate release date of Serenity...

Where did you hear Serenity's release date announced?


Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:33 AM



Originally posted by arcbeatle:
Thats A cool idea, any one with even jsut a half-hump of skill at web desighn willing to help? I can see it now: hehe, sorry, imagination working.

I dunno, a website persauding ppl t give serenity a chance would be awesome, I have no webdesighn skills so aw well...

People only beleive somehting if it's in a movie.

I'd be glad to help with this. Did a quick search of domains: is available. is available. is available. is available. is available. is available. is available.
Any other ideas?


Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:50 AM



Originally posted by Duke:
I dunno. Personally, I am so turned off from Eps I & II, that I just might not go see Ep III at all.

I am hopeful that reveiews and word of mouth on Serenity will be so good that the casual movie-goer will chose it over Ep III. Or alternatly, again given good reviews & WOM, the rabid SW fanboys will go see Serenity instead of taking in a 2nd or 3rd viewing of SW.

Here's my take... I'm a rabid fangirl of the SW story - and I was horribly disappointed in Ep II. I will go see Ep III in the theater when it comes, but more for tradition's sake and a sense of closure than for any real desire to see Lucas muck it up again. (What in the tien xiaode was he thinking with Ep II?? I mean, really!)

I will also see Serenity - probably in full costume, with a large group of browncoats - MULTIPLE TIMES when it hits the theaters.

If Lucas bothers to get off his pigu and do something notable with Ep III, great; I may decide to see it a second time - only AFTER I've seen Serenity at least 4 or 5 times...


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:58 AM


Considering that Firefly appeals so well to 95% of Star Wars fans (hell, Mal's a very Han Solo-esque character) I think that if they make sure that Serenity doesn't come out within a month of Episode III (they'd be crazy to release it in May), they will steal a lot of Star Wars' thunder.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:03 AM


My hubby suggests...

I think Ep 3 is going to do incredibly well - look at the first three movies - ESB didn't do so well, but RotJ did awesome. PLUS, three sets up New Hope - and I know that's the reason *I* want to see it.

Everyone wants to see the 'birth' of Darth Vader, so it will do really well.

I'm going to first in line for Serenity, tho, and I'm dragging everyone I can along with me.

I might be looking forward to seeing Ep 3, but it's nothing like how bad I wanna see Serenity.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:06 AM


America loves a winner! now I like that one ! Of course, it loses its meaning to folks not familar w/ Firefly. What we need to do is attract NEW folk. isn't bad ( thoguht 'three' needed shortening to '3' )

How about....

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. Worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:01 AM


I can't wait to see Star Wars. I'm not expecting an Oscar winner, just some good lightsaber action.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:36 AM


Tash, that's just weird!

I'm with the "Let's see Star Wars, not expecting greatness" crowd. It certainly shouldn't get worse.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:33 AM


I've been devoting the past few years of my life to trying to forget about Eps 1 & 2. I won't go to see three. The whole Yoda fighting thing kind of tipped the scale. "Yoda's fighting...that's so cool!! Wait, why am I tolerating this abuse of my childhood?" (with apologies to the Abriged Script people). I remmember as a little kid seeing the original movies. I took in Jabba the Hut and all that on my parent's knees. Literally.

I imagine there'll probably be alot of people thinking the same thing as I. Firefly is like a breath of fresh air, with all the crap that's been produced lately (trying to forget the ending of Matrix Revolutions. And the middle. and the beggining. )

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:09 PM


Firefly vs Episode III (the clone bores...Zzzz)??

Godzilla vs Bambi.

Nuff said.



Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:13 PM


This is a cross-post of mine, from a different thread, written a couple of days ago, but it seemed appropriate for this topic. Sorry, if it's rehash to anyone...


Firefly: Serenity will be a top-ten grosser for the year 2005.

Why? Because "Star Wars III: The Inevitable Conclusion" will bomb. Remember -- those of you old enough to remember the first trilogy of the SW saga -- that Anakin becomes Darth, the universe is plunged into the utter darkness of evil, the Jedi are destroyed ("You are the last of that dead religion, Lord Vader", cough,cough, choke), Amidala dies/runs for her life with her twins Luke and Leia because of Darth, etc. Total downer ending for the franchise.

The next factor: In addition to the growth of the civilian fanbase of Firefly through DVD sales, proselytization by fans (me included), and the efforts of sites like FFFn (good job Haken!), our military men and women have found a resonance in Firefly's story and characters and will be at theaters in droves. It'll be a love-fest between Browncoats and our heros of American freedom.

So, between the spillover of those disappointed by the stilted dialogue, wooden acting and utterly depressing conclusion of Star Wars wanting to see thrilling, thoughtful, and witty sci-fi, and the turnout of Firefly Faithful and their beloved American heros, I think we'll get boffo box.


That's my prediction, and you can throw it up to me anytime you like. Anybody who disagrees, just let me say, "I find you're lack of faith... Disturbing".



"River didn't fix faith. Faith fixed River."

- Senator Richard 'Book' Wilkins, Independent Congress
author of A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence


Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:24 PM


Umm, as an afterthought, how is Lucas going to explain the transformation of the whiny, pimply, angst-ridden Hayden Christensen into the spine-chilling Darth/James Earl Jones? (voice only, I know, so don't start) Is he going to get a testosterone injection? Acting lessons? A spine?

I mean Darth was probably the most menacing villian of recent film history. Christensen comes across as a petty vandal or shoplifter, at best. I'm sooo scared!



"River didn't fix faith. Faith fixed River."

- Senator Richard 'Book' Wilkins, Independent Congress
author of A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence


Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:51 PM


yeah, I think an artificial spine comes standard with the head sized helmet and voice alteration kit....

That was the problem with this whole prequel story arc...we knew exactly what was going to happen and Lucas just isn't a good enough writer to throw in any curves and surprises (Lawrence Kasden did the screen plays for those first ones that were so brilliant). Fact is Lucas needs to hire Whedon as a script doctor....



Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:55 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

Umm, as an afterthought, how is Lucas going to explain the transformation of the whiny, pimply, angst-ridden Hayden Christensen into the spine-chilling Darth/James Earl Jones? (voice only, I know, so don't start) Is he going to get a testosterone injection? Acting lessons? A spine?

For the NASCAR fans amonst us, that's like Jeff Gordon becoming Dale Earnhardt.


Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:28 PM


Thundar wrote:


For the NASCAR fans amonst us, that's like Jeff Gordon becoming Dale Earnhardt.

Very apt analogy.

I have a mental picture of myself standing in line to see "Serenity", right beside a poster for "Star Wars III: The (sudden but) Inevitable Betrayal", which features 6'1" skinny streak-of-piss Christensen with the original 6'7" David Prowse costume hanging on him like daddy's britches on an 8-year old...

It's too rich...



"River didn't fix faith. Faith fixed River."

- Senator Richard 'Book' Wilkins, Independent Congress
author of A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence


Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:49 PM


I'm afraid there is very little star wars left at all thats good, I had a great hope that EU (the books an sutch would continue witht he same quality as before, but unfortunatly, George Lucas wanted the authors to do a little thing that mesed that up permenentally called "Yuzzun Vong" Alas, It was some time ago I had any fun adventures to read or watch, (ive turned to searching out old copies of the good old classic star wars books that made EU so much better than the movies, like Galaxy of fear, I Jedi, the Jedi academy stuff, young Jedi, Heck even the books based off the first too movies are wonderfull. But the Yuzzun Vong, Its just so Corny... predictable, trading good plots and character development for lots of gore and unplesentness, and when readers get bored, Kill one of their favorite characters! unfortunatly, that menas they have to kill a fan favorite EVERY BOOK!!

sorry, had to rant

People only beleive somehting if it's in a movie


Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:59 PM


I too was really looking forward to new star wars films and am old enough to remember first three films when they came out the first time. Back then he had none of the money, and limited special effects made from what he could, and they were basically legendary. Now he's got all the money, all the special effects, and terrible terrible films overall. Yes they look good, have some awesome moments, but that doesnt make whole films good. I wont be queueing either to see Ep III, will go to see it on big screen for size and sound of it, but not in a rush.

I hope Serenity does really well and I suspect with the rabid fans, myself included, it will do good money at box office.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 2:43 AM


No doubt "Serenity" will make alot of money. Loyal Browncoats going many times to see it, and newbies going because of the excellent word of mouth.

My only fear:

The over use of CG,digital,etc that killed the Star Wars saga.

I hope they can keep the perfect balance of FX and "realness" the tv series had.

'nuff ranting.

"That's the buffet table....."


Sunday, April 11, 2004 4:16 AM


From what I have seen about Ep. III with Lucasfilm focusing on set & prop design, costumes, and all other visuals before even having started the script, I think it is clear that we will have another eye-candy picture with no substance. Which is truly a shame given how good the original trilogy was.


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 4:43 AM


This came to me in a vision, you might say. I was thinking to myself last night "How's this Christeonsen kid going to get the whole Darth Vader voice going?" and then it struck me; there has to be some kind of sith power he uses. I can see it all now.

Pamde: Obi Wan, I was talking to Anakin this morning and suddenly his voice has become very deep
Obi Wan: OH Hell, he's using Sith powers.
Padme: Really?
Obi Wan: Yes, he's clearly used the dark side of the force to make his testes drop.

Yoda: OOHHH, forcing puberty he is. Not good is this. Take lightsaber up I must
Fop: *Leaves Theatre*

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:09 AM


i wouldnt worry about ep3.. after all the info and spoilers etc. at i can imagine how it will look like. fights, battles, action, some more fights and maybe a little fight in between. all you here them saying is "ohh, and wait for THAT fight, its awesome" "boy, we are making such a great battle sequence" "you wont believe seeing x fight y", yadda yadda... they claim 60-70% of the movie will be fights and action. must be a pretty long movie, all the fights they describe might be hard to squeeze into a 2 hour movie. and if you dont mind spoiler but really want to cry about your raped childhood memories, search the net for grievous or watch clone wars ep 20 *sigh* (ok, ANY clone wars ep will make you cringe, but..)


Sunday, April 11, 2004 10:25 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Reality check here. While SW eps 1 and 2 were large disapointments, one can't escape the fact that SW is still ingrained w/in an entire generation. When those of us over 30 hear 'Star Wars', most instinctivly harken back to the 1st movie.... a disillusioned kid from the farm named Luke, a beautiful princess, a swashbuckling smuggler with his "walking carpet" side kick, some mysterious old hermit who lives in the hills, Darth Vader, the Death Star and something called The Force. As bad as these latest installments by Lucas may be, we'll always have that thrill and wonder that made the original movie.

Well said, man. Well said. The Original trilogy is the best.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 10:33 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

How about....

Hey, I'd buy that one if I had the money! I've always had a soft spot in my soul for the Alliance, as well as other intergalactic, fictional, oppressive regimes.

Yeah. I'll admit it. I'm an Alliance fangirl.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 10:37 AM



Originally posted by thefop:
This came to me in a vision, you might say. I was thinking to myself last night "How's this Christeonsen kid going to get the whole Darth Vader voice going?" and then it struck me; there has to be some kind of sith power he uses. I can see it all now.

Pamde: Obi Wan, I was talking to Anakin this morning and suddenly his voice has become very deep
Obi Wan: OH Hell, he's using Sith powers.
Padme: Really?
Obi Wan: Yes, he's clearly used the dark side of the force to make his testes drop.

Yoda: OOHHH, forcing puberty he is. Not good is this. Take lightsaber up I must
Fop: *Leaves Theatre*

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood

I have two things to say about this:

(1) This is so funny!!!! HAAAHAAAHAHAAAA!!!!!!

(2) Have more visions! Now! I command you!


Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:17 PM


Picture, if you will, this exchange taking place at the local theater:

SouthernMerc: Tickets for "Serentity," please.
Vendor: At what time, sir?
SM: I told you, for the movie.
V: Yes, but at what time?
SM: What do you mean? You gonna play it whenever I want? Shiny!
V: No, sir, I mean what time today?
SM: OH, sorry, all of them.
V: *blinks* Excuse me?
SM: What, ya deaf? I said all of 'em.
V: *pauses* Yes, sir. Um, "Star Wars Episode III: Soulless Destruction of Childhood Memories" is also playing today. In fact it just came out, weren't you waiting in line for that?
SM: Hell, no. Is that out yet? I'll have to catch that sometime when "Serenity" isn't playing. Oh, wait, it's playing all day tomorrow too, isn't it?
V: Uh, yes.
SM: Well then,*drops down wad of cash*, hook me up. I'll be back Monday before I head to work, so save a few tickets for me!
V: o-OK...sir.

Jayne: "How big a room?"


Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:40 PM


SoutherMerc wrote:

"...SM: Well then,*drops down wad of cash*, hook me up. I'll be back Monday before I head to work, so save a few tickets for me!..."

Can ya' dig it? I know thatcha can!


Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:24 PM


This topic was brought up before and it will be very hard to say how well Serenity would do against SW Ep3 if they came out too close together. I did see that SW Ep3 is coming out May 19, 2005... a Thursday. If Serenity comes out near the beginning of May then it could very well pick up early summer boxoffice numbers like what happened with X-Men 2. If Serenity could hit anywhere from $35-50 million in the first weekend (budget us $35 mil) then I think the Powers That Be would consider it a hit.

Here is a list of other films that have release dates, albeit it's not set in stone... so where can Serenity fit in best?

Music Inn (2005) 1 January
Racing Stripes (2005) 14 January
Amityville Horror, The (2005) "
Because of Winn-Dixie (2005) "
Suits on the Loose (2005) 28 January
Dead Meat (2005) 1 February
Irish Vampire Goes West, The (2005) 10 February
Constantine (2005) 11 February
Love of Time, A (2005) 14 February
When Hearts Run Wild (2005) "
Elektra (2005) 18 February
Son of the Mask (2005) "
Star of Bethlehem, The (2005) 3 March
Comanche Stallion (2005) 4 March
American Identity (2003) "
Robots (2005) 11 March
Cinderella Man, The (2005) 18 March
Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny (2005) 1 April
In the Wake of Identity (2005) "
Mission: Impossible 3 (2005) 6 May
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) "
XXX2: State of the Union (2005) 13 May
Star Wars: Episode III (2005) 19 May
Front Runner, The (2005) 6 June
E-Girl (2005) 12 June
Racer X (2005) 15 June
Batman Begins (2005) 17 June
Fantastic Four (2005) 1 July
Bewitched (2005) 8 July
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) 15 July
Emperor's New Groove II, The (2005) (V) 20 July
Pink Panther, The (2005) 22 July
Green Hornet, The (2005) 1 August
Handyman, The (2005) 1 September
Wallace & Gromit Movie: Curse of the Wererabbit, The (2005) 30 September
One Is the Sun (2005) 20 October
Gingerbread (2005) "
Red (2005) 31 October
Victor (2005) "
Curious George (2005) 4 November
Cars (2005) "
Bond 21 (2005) 18 November
Diary (2005) 1 December
King Kong (2005) 14 December
Threading Over Dark (2005) 24 December
Camino del diablo, El (2005) 25 December
Marx Brothers, The (2005) "
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, The (2005) "
Payback Man, The (2004)



Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:37 PM


Well I am hoping that the previews sstart showing up at the same time, helping to get a buzz going for Serenity. Also I dont think having "SW Ep. 3: All Your Moneys Belongs To Us" out at the same time will hurt Serenity, I mean what do fanboys do while waiting for a movie? They talk about other movies! Well, that and who would win if the Enterprise D and a Star Destroyer get into a fight, but that is another story.

Anyways I think it is good thing, so dont get in pissing match with SW fans, they have us outnumbered. :)


Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:47 PM


To answer your question, SamuraiX47, I think Serenity would best fit in as an August or September release. Joss should avoid putting Serenity out in the Summer season. It wouldn't be a good move to try to compete for attention at that level. It'd be better to bring the movie out at a time where it stands a chance of being in the Top 5 for as long as possible.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:36 PM


Well if you check the imdb forums

it would seem that there's already plenty of internal strife amongst Star Wars fans. I say we take advantage of this tactical ouverture and swoop in and devastate their numbers. If we plan it carefully, their whole infrastructure will crumble, fan sites will go into disrepute, lines at the movies will erupt into riots, with plenty of plastic light-sabre bludgeoning. And when they're ultimately confronted with the terrible piece of fei-oo that is EpIII, they will be reduced to empty shells of geeks, at which point Serenity can swoop in and save the whole Sci-Fi genre, and we browncoats be heralded as the Big Damn Heroes we are.

Ain't. We. Just.


Monday, April 12, 2004 1:32 AM



Originally posted by Mutt999:
No doubt "Serenity" will make alot of money. Loyal Browncoats going many times to see it, and newbies going because of the excellent word of mouth.

My only fear:

The over use of CG,digital,etc that killed the Star Wars saga.

I hope they can keep the perfect balance of FX and "realness" the tv series had.

I'd be afraid of that, too...except it's friggin' Joss Whedon we're talking about.


Monday, April 12, 2004 1:51 AM


You are so right Steve:
Lucas may have no respect for the written word
but Joss will always place the writing first!

Particularly when he is the one writing and directing it! LOL


Monday, April 12, 2004 3:54 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Personally, after seeing Ep II, I am not expecting much from Lucas for Ep III. I will still go to the theatre to check it out, but it will be several weeks or more after it is released, and during a matinee on the weekend.

As for Serenity, I will see it several times, and pay full price to go, and take friends each and every time. I will follow Nathan's advice though and sneak in snacks.

I am not overly concerned as to Serenity being released around the same time as Star Wars. Joss is one crafty individual. I think he & Universal will be wise enough not to put the movie in direct competition w/ a franchise like SW. I would think that if the movie has to be released sometime in the spring that the best bet would be to release it either several weeks before Ep III or a month or more after Ep III premieres.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, April 12, 2004 4:10 AM



Originally posted by embers:
That was the problem with this whole prequel story arc...we knew exactly what was going to happen and Lucas just isn't a good enough writer to throw in any curves and surprises (Lawrence Kasden did the screen plays for those first ones that were so brilliant). Fact is Lucas needs to hire Whedon as a script doctor....


I agree with Embers. How can the EP3 be anying BUT a downer given what has to happen:

Padme (sp?) has to die
the republic has to fall
Anakin has to become evil

Now there's a recipe for a rollicking good time! My personal prediction is that somehow the republic or the Jedi order will be responsible for Padme's death. This will (far too) conveniently explain Anakin's turn from being good or bad.

I won't know for sure though..... I'll be watching the BDM with as many of my friends as I can beg, plead or cajole into the theatre.


Monday, April 12, 2004 5:20 AM


*Prepares for verbal beating*

I'm looking forward to Episode 3. I liked Episode 2. After several more watchings I'm beginning to accept Episode 1. I love seeing an expanded view of the Star Wars universe, battles between two powers at their best and beautiful effects. I also accept that the original trilogy was all about the visuals, had bad George Lucas dialog and bad acting. I also know everyone wanted to see Yoda have a lightsabre battle. Don't deny it, as a child that was your ultimate Star Wars dream. They had no big plot twists (and don't count Darth being Luke's father, which has been done a million times before no matter what people think).
The originals were not great films but, it's a series about space wizards and that's always going to be cool.

Why I'm going to enjoy Episode 3:
The characters are so far apart from their Episode 4 counterparts that there's going to be some cool stuff going on to get them there.
Tom Stoppard (oscar winning writer) has supposedly rewritten 80% of the dialog.
Good acting. Yes Anakin is a whiny little b*tch, but he's written that way. I swear Ewan McGregor is Alec Guinness' illegitimate son. Ian McDiarmid is brilliant. Portman is the only one not acting in these.
Ewan McGregor (who panned the first 2) says this is a great film.
The birth of Vader.
Star Wars are the best childrens films around. Yes, they're kids films. Get over it. The prequals (and even the originals) weren't for us, they're for children.

Why I'm going to enjoy Serenity:
Great writing.
Great acting.
Great action.
They're grown up films
It's a Big Damn Firefly Movie!

Personally I'm going to see both a lot of times, but if Episode 3 is better I'm going to see it more.

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at


Monday, April 12, 2004 6:26 AM


Unfortunatly, I don't think Serenity has a chance vs Starwars. Star Wars is a kid/young person moive.. that is what lucas turned it in to. He has the toy market, the cartoons on Cartoon Network.. it is very popular with the kids.

Now, that said, I want Serenity to be geared for an older popuation. I don't see a reason that the older star wars fans (me included) cannot enjoy both movies. I can assure you , I have taken the day off from work to stand in line for the midnight showing of Ep 1 and Ep 2 (of which I loved both) and I will be in line for Ep 3. If they have a midnight of Serenity, I will be there also.

I don't see why we should boycott SW, you might turn away some of the die hard sw fans who might really like Serenity.

I hope Serenity does well with all of the Sci Fi popularity that grows during a star wars release.

My 2 yen


Monday, April 12, 2004 6:52 AM


If SW3 is coming out in May 2005, then that should be out of theaters by the time Serenity is released. There's really nothing to worry about.


Monday, April 12, 2004 7:17 AM


Greetings, Gnoc:

I'm not calling for a Star Wars boycott; has anyone else? I stood on line at Houston's Galleria with my girlfriend for hours not once but four times for the original Star Wars back in 70-something, so I can understand fan loyalty.

Heck, I daresay I'll see Ep III at the theatre, too, especially since my son and I have played all the computer games based on it.

Me: "You see that guy? He's gonna turn into Darth Vader by the end of last movie."

My 10-year old son: "Really? Which one is going to turn into Kyle Katarn?"

Me: "Well, you see..." ad infinitum

So, I've got some loyalty too. I just don't think it's going to help "Star Wars, Episode III: The Inevitable Betrayal" at the box office, that kids are going to come out of the theatre crying...

As far as one of the other poster's supposition that the Jedi would be responsible for Amidala/Padme's death: Why would she then have so carefully hidden her children from their father, Darth?

Nope, he's either going to chase her off into hiding from his monstrous evil, or kill her outright, along with all the Jedi Knights but Obi Wan (who hides on Tattooine) and Yoda (who hides on Dagobah). And it will be Darth that does the hunting and killing of the Jedi, based on Alec Guiness' testimony to young Luke in Ep IV.

They'll need a Busby Berkeley dancing clones routine to lighten that mood... "Big arms, big arms! Now, scissor steps!"



"River? I thought she was a sweet girl. Of course, we were all sure she was crazy, too."

- Inara Reynolds, Secretary of Ecumenical Affairs
from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence, Wilkins, Richard


Monday, April 12, 2004 7:29 AM



Originally posted by gnoc:
Unfortunatly, I don't think Serenity has a chance vs Starwars. Star Wars is a kid/young person moive.. that is what lucas turned it in to. He has the toy market, the cartoons on Cartoon Network.. it is very popular with the kids.

I agree. "Star Wars" has been a fixture in entertainment longer than I can remember (granted, I'm only 21 but still). Sadly, Episode I didn't garner my attention as much as Episode II did(Probably because I'm a fan of Hayden Christensen's work). I enjoyed the first movie when I saw it with my mother and younger brother. And I watched Episode II 5 times in the theatre cuz I liked it so much. I think my interest in the prequels stems by the fact that I yearned for backstory...

A lot of the people I know who watched and enjoyed the show is 18 years old and above so I can certainly see "Serenity" geared to a much more older audiences. I've hooked my co-workers and friends to it. It's a great feeling to come to work and be able to talk about "Firefly" and have them respond back with equal enthusiasm. Shiny!

I am so dreading Episode III cuz a vast majority knows pretty much the gist on what will occur, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to it. If possible, I'll watch "Serenity" and "Star Wars" the same night if that was the case.

I've posted on their (Star Wars) official boards and they're a cool bunch of people. There's quite a few of them who like "Firefly." Like all else, give "Serenity" time, and wonders will flourish.


"Older men declare war, but it is the youth who must fight and die. And it is the youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow, and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war"
- Herbert Clark Hoover

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.


Monday, April 12, 2004 7:43 AM


Did FOX ruin Firefly's chances by swapping episodes all out of any sensible order? Was it the Friday timeslot that sealed its doom?

Maybe. Certainly, I can't imagine trying to watch the series without seeing the 2-hour pilot first. Good drama remains good drama, though, even if you don't understand why all the characters are doing what they're doing. The best drama works on many levels.

If anything killed Firefly, it was marketting. I think I saw one TV Guide bit about it being "the best show you're not watching," and so I tuned it in ... only to be hit with "Bushwhacked" (the Reaver episode). It's probably the weakest episode in the entire series, with these mysterious "reavers" that all the actors are trying to convince you are something terribly horrible, but that you won't actually see in this show. How lame.

If the marketting had kept putting Firefly in front of me, showing me glimpses of different elements of the story (9 commercials, one focussing on each lead character?), I might have given the show another chance. If you want people to be interested, you have to show them something interesting.

We can help. If there's a Sci-Fi con in your area, contact the organizers and ask if there will be any Firefly episodes played in their movie room. Suggest the 2-hour pilot (which is fun) or "Objects in Space" (which will leave an impression, because it is so original).

Posting links to Netflix rental is another good way. Millions of people have Netflix. makes it easy for anyone to say, "What the heck? Might as well." It should be on your homepage, and on your favorite forum.

Show people what they're missing, and remind them that a movie is coming. Then, when it happens, they'll remember.


Monday, April 12, 2004 8:11 AM


Strangely enough, the FOX canceling of Firefly may be the best thing that could have happened. It's almost like Star Trek all over again, except this time, thanks to a medium like the Internet and some smart fans, it didn't even take a full season to drum up interest.

Star Wars? puh-lease I'll see it. But I sure don't expect it to be any good. It's more like a video game franchise now. But I did like the books by Timothy Zahn with Thrawn. Great villian. Now if those were made into movies...without guidance from Lucas....that coul dbe cool.


Monday, April 12, 2004 8:21 AM


I did not want to insinuate that Serenity would do poorly as a movie. I just think that SW is a behemoth compared to Serenity with all the different frachises involved.
I hope that Serenity can take advantage of Sci fi mania that comes with the SW sagas.

Do we want to see Firefly action figures?? Legos?

that sounds fun.


Monday, April 12, 2004 8:23 AM



Originally posted by InvisibleGreen:
If SW3 is coming out in May 2005, then that should be out of theaters by the time Serenity is released. There's really nothing to worry about.

Again as someone near the top of the thread asked Arcbeatle... Do you know of an actual release date for Serenity? All we've been able to do is surmise and assume and suspect when it will hit theaters. Timing wise... mid to late August may be the best... or maybe April...

In another month or so we should know for sure. Movie studios and directors don't like to start shooting a film and not know what their deadline is. Shooting begins in June.



Monday, April 12, 2004 8:30 AM



Originally posted by gnoc:
Do we want to see Firefly action figures?? Legos?

I really really do. I want meself a "Serenity" model. I want a Vera. I want them to put out a Inara Sera clothing line. Is it so bad of me to even want a River-edited version of the Bible?


"Older men declare war, but it is the youth who must fight and die. And it is the youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow, and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war"
- Herbert Clark Hoover

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.






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