Vote for Firefly (& Break a record Friday?)! VIII

UPDATED: Sunday, October 14, 2007 05:44
VIEWED: 28266
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Saturday, October 13, 2007 5:46 PM


Goin' to bed early, gettin' up late tomorrow BUMP.

Kinda lonesome feeling, that.

-Raycheetah ='[.]'=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Saturday, October 13, 2007 6:40 PM



Originally posted by Raycheetah:
Goin' to bed early, gettin' up late tomorrow BUMP.

Kinda lonesome feeling, that.

-Raycheetah ='[.]'=

I'm not the greatest vumper, and most of my voting is done quietly, but regularly, throughout most waking hours. But, wow, I can't believe how programmed I became to interrupting whatever I was doing, and walking over to the computer to vote and checking in on to see what people are saying. I still do it, or start off in that direction, but have to bring myself up short. Strange feeling.


Saturday, October 13, 2007 9:50 PM


We'll have to come up with a 12 Step Program for that.

Vumpers Anonymous, anyone?


Saturday, October 13, 2007 9:57 PM


I imagine you won't wanna continue the deal - perfectly understandable. If Lexxians choose to continue voting, I'll still vote for Firefly, BSG and Roswell each time I vote for Lexx, because I greatly appreciate the help you did for us.
You being included in the cheat program meant only good, please try to view it from that angle too. Yes, we should have asked you, I admit that's a big mistake on my part, I ADMIT IT, SORRY!!! It's not an excuse, but at the time, I still didn't know whether it worked or not. After we had a confirmation, that it worked, I was gonna come here and write personally to each of you, asking whether you'd want the program or not and spread it silently. That was my plan at the time, I didn't write openly, because rich was checking the threads and he'd discover us much easier than he did now. Perhaps it would have been better though. I never mentioned anything to anyone, because it didn't work.

Sorry for the discomfort we caused and for causing a question of your integrity. That was never our intend.
As I said I will continue to vote for Firefly and the rest of the nice folks. If you'd like to continue the deal with the baddies we are, you'll be most welcomed! If not, which is the more probable outcome, you won't lose my votes.

Wish you all the best!!!


Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:12 PM

SUASOR is worth some effort, as it has grown enormously over the last few months (according to, and is now got four times the traffic of, and about the same as us at

However, if you want a multiple vote fix, check out;

Where we are being beaten by Star Wars. I believe you can vote once a day. We were stuck at number 10 for a while, but a few Browncoats have managed to get us up to number six. There is more work to be done here.

BTW, just take the above URL and turn it into a new location item on your desktop. Click once a day, to get a needed fix.

Hey, does this make me a pusher?


Sunday, October 14, 2007 2:01 AM


....sad vump....*sigh*


Sunday, October 14, 2007 2:13 AM



Originally posted by fedexxx:
I imagine you won't wanna continue the deal - perfectly understandable. If Lexxians choose to continue voting, I'll still vote for Firefly, BSG and Roswell each time I vote for Lexx, because I greatly appreciate the help you did for us.
You being included in the cheat program meant only good, please try to view it from that angle too. Yes, we should have asked you, I admit that's a big mistake on my part, I ADMIT IT, SORRY!!! It's not an excuse, but at the time, I still didn't know whether it worked or not. After we had a confirmation, that it worked, I was gonna come here and write personally to each of you, asking whether you'd want the program or not and spread it silently. ...

If you had contacted me 'silently' as you say it, here's what would have happened.

I would have explained, carefully, with links, that what you were planning on doing was clearly against the rules; I would have given you two days to 'come clean' with Rich on your own, after which I would have sent a note to Rich advising him on the situation if it was not made clear to me that he had somehow become aware of it.

Don't you understand that it's a 'warning flag' that you would even have thought of 'doing it silently' that what you were doing was wrong?


Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:11 AM


Well said, leadb. In situations like this, an under-the-radar deal doesn't pass the stink test.

Personally, I'm not even willing to participate in the kind of reciprocal voting deal that was in place between (some) Lexx fans and (some) Firefly fans. The whole point of the TV Vote site is to give an indication of the size and loyalty of a show's fan base. The only way that works is if every individual votes for the show or shows they really think are the best.

Why would I ever vote for Lexx, having never even seen it? Sorry, FedExxx, but that's the way I feel about it.

In my case, there are only three shows listed in the top 40 that I would consider voting for. Firefly is the only one of those I really care about; my occasional votes to the others are more of a recognition of their significance to me. There's one show I'd be happy to vote for if it were in the top 40, but it's not and I'm not willing to go through the effort of nominating it. So there you go.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:25 AM


Just curious Doncoat; what would be that 'other' show you'd like to see in the top40?


Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:27 AM



Originally posted by fedexxx:
I imagine you won't wanna continue the deal - perfectly understandable. If Lexxians choose to continue voting, I'll still vote for Firefly, BSG and Roswell each time I vote for Lexx, because I greatly appreciate the help you did for us.
You being included in the cheat program meant only good, please try to view it from that angle too. Yes, we should have asked you, I admit that's a big mistake on my part, I ADMIT IT, SORRY!!! It's not an excuse, but at the time, I still didn't know whether it worked or not. After we had a confirmation, that it worked, I was gonna come here and write personally to each of you, asking whether you'd want the program or not and spread it silently. That was my plan at the time, I didn't write openly, because rich was checking the threads and he'd discover us much easier than he did now. Perhaps it would have been better though. I never mentioned anything to anyone, because it didn't work.

Sorry for the discomfort we caused and for causing a question of your integrity. That was never our intend.
As I said I will continue to vote for Firefly and the rest of the nice folks. If you'd like to continue the deal with the baddies we are, you'll be most welcomed! If not, which is the more probable outcome, you won't lose my votes.

Wish you all the best!!!

It seems to me, that you are sorry for being caught. Not the cheating. To me that is worse.

A voting bot, for christ sake, think for few seconds, man. You cant do that, its wrong.

Vote for BDM/FF at

Never kiss'em on the mouth.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:34 AM


One thing we need to be careful of, I think, is keeping a hold of our voters.

I know a lot of us are regulars on here but now that there's no voting for a week, we may find we get out of our routine and then find it difficult to get back in. If this does happen and our votes drop, it may give credence to those thinking we were involved in the cheating.

So when the site is back up we need to make an extra effort, I believe, to show that our fanbase is strong and our votes genuine.

'You can't take the sky from me'

Please click Pink Ribbon on Flyvote.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:49 AM


Good observation Ace; the one mitigating factor will be if all the other shows drop off a corresponding percentage. But yes, anything we can do to keep the numbers good.

Probably make a new thread the day we catch the polls re-opening, and cross posting to the various other FF websites; Raycheata has been posting to 5, we'll want to be sure to hit those as well.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:54 AM


Mornin,' vumpers.

4,612,636 votes were counted as of 10/12/07; not sure how many votes got through or were counted, subsequent to that, before Rich locked the site down.

Rich has declared his intention, at this point, to continue with TVVote until 5,000,000 votes have been cast in the Top 40. That leaves 387,364, +/-.

Just using the last counted day's total votes ('cause I'm too lazy to work up a daily average for the previous week =^[.]~=), 12,658, as a divisor, that leaves just over 30 remaining voting days, once Rich restarts things. That's 30 days to reach 500k.

At last count, we were 63,286 votes short of 500k. You do the math. Actually, I'll do the math: That would require us to get at least an average 2,110 votes each of the remaining 30 days.

Good news is, if we manage that, we will have gone over 100 days at 1k+ votes/day.

I don't have to spell out the bad news.

Anyway, I'll still be vumpin' like a wild man, right up to the bitter end. No one is ever gonna catch us up; Xena would have to crank out 1,051 more votes, each day, than we did, last recorded voting day (1,263), for 30 days, to beat us.

So, let's go out with a bang! Meanwhile, if you know ANY Browncoats who have voted but stopped, 'cause there was no end in sight, or, who have never voted, let 'em know we're gonna need 'em, next weekend!

I'll be in my training montage.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:00 AM


Yeah, I've been voting for Lexx, about ten times a day, for at least six months. That's about 2,000 votes for Lexx. I appreciate Fedexx apologizing and all that. But that doesn't cover for the original wrong. An anonymous (throwaway account, Bulgarian hackers might be able to hunt that down, so you could route it through an anonymizer as well) email to Rich, with the URL of the discussion about the cheat, would have done the trick. No more Lexx votes from me.


Originally posted by DonCoat:
Well said, leadb. In situations like this, an under-the-radar deal doesn't pass the stink test.

Personally, I'm not even willing to participate in the kind of reciprocal voting deal that was in place between (some) Lexx fans and (some) Firefly fans. The whole point of the TV Vote site is to give an indication of the size and loyalty of a show's fan base. The only way that works is if every individual votes for the show or shows they really think are the best.

Why would I ever vote for Lexx, having never even seen it? Sorry, FedExxx, but that's the way I feel about it.

In my case, there are only three shows listed in the top 40 that I would consider voting for. Firefly is the only one of those I really care about; my occasional votes to the others are more of a recognition of their significance to me. There's one show I'd be happy to vote for if it were in the top 40, but it's not and I'm not willing to go through the effort of nominating it. So there you go.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:03 AM


True that. We will experience a substantial drop, but so will everyone else. We'll have to work our way back up again. At least we broke the record for consecutive days over 1,000. Don't look like we'll hit half a million in time for Christmas.


Originally posted by ayceofspades:
One thing we need to be careful of, I think, is keeping a hold of our voters.

I know a lot of us are regulars on here but now that there's no voting for a week, we may find we get out of our routine and then find it difficult to get back in. If this does happen and our votes drop, it may give credence to those thinking we were involved in the cheating.

So when the site is back up we need to make an extra effort, I believe, to show that our fanbase is strong and our votes genuine.

'You can't take the sky from me'

Please click Pink Ribbon on Flyvote.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:13 AM



Originally posted by Raycheetah:
Mornin,' vumpers.

4,612,636 votes were counted as of 10/12/07; not sure how many votes got through or were counted, subsequent to that, before Rich locked the site down.

Rich has declared his intention, at this point, to continue with TVVote until 5,000,000 votes have been cast in the Top 40. That leaves 387,364, +/-.


I'd say he intends to run it until 'at least' 5 million votes; he also mentioned other 'land marks' he'd be interested in seeing. My guess is he'll leave things run until at least the end of 2007; and it won't surprise me if as this problem fades into the past, the site will continue on. There's always 'some' land mark event coming up for some show.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:35 AM



Originally posted by leadb:
I'd say he intends to run it until 'at least' 5 million votes; he also mentioned other 'land marks' he'd be interested in seeing. My guess is he'll leave things run until at least the end of 2007; and it won't surprise me if as this problem fades into the past, the site will continue on. There's always 'some' land mark event coming up for some show.

Yes, hopefully the poll will stay alive long enough for us to hit 500,000 votes. I would have loved to have seen us hit 1,000,000 but I think now the poll will close before that

'You can't take the sky from me'

Please click Pink Ribbon on Flyvote.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:40 AM


well, I've decided just to keep me in the habit of vumping I'm going to keep visiting here and bumping!


Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:40 AM


You're right, I'm sorry for being caught, not for attempting to cheat. Most of all right I'm sorry that the cheat wasn't real. Then everyone would have a real reason to be so angry with us. And I'm sorry for the effect it had on you and Rich. You have been a perfect ally and now we messed it all up. I imagine Rich is very upset about all this, but he's too professional to show it.

Again, I will continue to vote for Firefly, at least the first week, because I'm very grateful for you helping us out. Even if NONE of our previous ally voters is not willing to help us we still remain with good feelings towards you, so don't feel bad about pulling the plug on us.

One last thing - separate the show from its fans. Maybe you hate us a lot and find our ways disgusting, but if you like Lexx, please continue your votes. Or not. It's all up to you, the deal is obviously over.

Many thanks for the fruitful cooperation!

Love from Lexx!


Sunday, October 14, 2007 5:41 AM


memory vump


Sunday, October 14, 2007 5:44 AM


New thread since this one is getting too big.


'Geeks can't admit that anything worthwhile was invented before 1981. Soon, "making cocoa" will be called "milk hacking."' - Lore Sjoberg






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