creationent firefly/serenity day1

UPDATED: Monday, October 29, 2007 13:43
VIEWED: 6498
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Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:44 PM


Well, I just got back from the sat evening dessert meet and greet. It was an amazing day. Lots to do, Moreana was on stage first, she did mostly Q&A, she has two independant films we hope see the light of day soon. I only remember the name of one, the one she cut her hair for. "Death in love". didn't get specifics about plot. Yan Feldman was there"Mingo" his brother couldn't make it on the account of marrage. Sorry for any misspelling but I don't have a dictionary in the hotel room, youd think they could get some in the drawers with the bibles. Alan was the last on stage, he was rocking the place, with each person who asked a question he would pull out a pack of the Serenity trading cards and sign the pack and give it to the questioner. Well he gets this phone call on stage and he's all "I gotta take this" Turns out its Nathan on the other line giving him crap about "it was Nathan who told me there was a sequal". Alan calls Nathan a lier(in a nice playful way) and Nathan says"why don't you say that to my face" and then procedes to come out from backstage. Hillarity followed lots of it. After a while the backstage curtain slips open and Morena's dog Roddy the rebound (if not roddy than something equally r sounding) jumps on the stage and gives Nathan a vigorous licking as Morena follows him onto the stage, more hillarity and family reunion followed. Elsewhere I spent a LOT of money on Jason Palmer artwork, This guy is amazing. I bought a couple of things from him earlier at the grand slam con. The purchise is for a set of prints that include each crewmember, the operative and of Serenity herself. I added a print of Yo-Saf-Bridge, and Kristen Bell(Veronica Mars) I'll ad a link to his website later. This evening the Gold seating(those of us that spent quite a bit more) got together for an ice cream social, where the stars of the day come in and scmoose with the fans going from table to table. Also gets us a chance to meet each other and see what we looklike when we're not here fff.n Well its late and I gotta get up early to have breakfast with Summer and Sean(the gold thing again) I'll report tomorrow night.


Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:12 PM


Great report Rickker!

Sounds like you're having a blast!

It's always wonderful to hear about Nathan and Alan having fun together and with Morena there too, wow!

Can't wait to hear about your second day. :-)


Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:36 PM


Wow, what an exciting, day!
And what a great report, thank you for sharing...

more please?


Sunday, October 28, 2007 3:08 AM


Cool, thanks for the shiny report! Any word on whether or not Universal was ACTUALLY kinda thinking about a sequel? At all?

Man, I hope to God that this while happen again in 2008 AND 2009, because there's no way my parents will pay for me to skip a week of college, fly from Minnesota to LA, and attend this convention next year. More likely in 2009.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Sunday, October 28, 2007 3:29 AM


thanks for the low down on the hoedown!:)


Sunday, October 28, 2007 7:12 AM


Doooooh, I knew I should of went to Creation instead of Starfury. Sounds like you had a blast. Unfortuntely I can only attend one event or the other. I just want to meet Nathan in the owrse way, but atleast I get to meet Adam finally....

You can't take the sky from me....


Sunday, October 28, 2007 12:06 PM


What exactly did Alan and Nathan say reguarding the Serenity 2 rumors?

I aim to misbehave, but I usually miss!


Sunday, October 28, 2007 1:23 PM



Originally posted by Jaynesgal:
Doooooh, I knew I should of went to Creation instead of Starfury.

I'm sure you'll be having a great time too...
NEXT weekend.
I'm starting to think it might have been worth it to go to both of them (but that would have been a lot of money)


Sunday, October 28, 2007 1:43 PM


TQVM for the report. Keep 'em coming!
Is this the first appearance by a BDD
(Big Damn Dog)?
Photos, anyone?

Frisky Browncoat


Sunday, October 28, 2007 2:55 PM


Thanks for the shiny report!


Sunday, October 28, 2007 4:22 PM


Rosie/FireflyPsngr has filed a report over on the OB, here is the link. :-)


Sunday, October 28, 2007 4:57 PM


Saxon post on the OB and this report was written with that audience mind. Enjoy!

Rosie's Creation Saturday Report

This just a quick recap. I will post more tomorrow. I will be at work and type something more detailed to post.

First of all Morena has cut her hair, again. She just finished filming a couple of Indy movies and they made her cut her hair. It is really short almost like a buzz cut a pixie cut. She looks great and she likes it so that is good.

I must say she did a wonderful job answering questions. However the questions were not that great. She had to bring out her dog to make things a bit more interesting. The line was not very long so I actually got up and read the article about the next Bond girl. Morena says it sounds good sign her up. She has actually auditioned for this so whatever we can do to help would be great "Start a petition." she said.

So I think lots of Browncoat mojo and shiny thoughts that she get that part would be appreciated.

Zoic was supposed to make a presentation but they were not there. Yan Feldman had a presentation but I went to eat with Saxon and Ewok. There was an auction but I missed that as well.

The next panel was Alan's! He made it back. He filmed a pilot in NY so I thought we were out of luck. But he appeared. I kept hoping for Nathan to show up since I had to work on Sunday. So it is a schtick that Nathan calls Alan during a panel and Alan calls Nathan when Nathan is doing a panel. So Alan was checking his phone. Alan started by clearing up the rumors about Serenity. He holds firm that Nathan told him that folks were talking about the sequel. Alan went online and he just kept reading about how Alan says there is a sequel. He says that Joss called him and asked him, "How are you financing the movie." Then the phone rings and its Nathan. He is trying to clear up this rumor since he has heard that Alan is blaming him. Alan says, "You did you told me." Then Nathan says, "Say that to my face!" It was so awesome. Nathan came!!! I was jumping up and down excited. Nathan explained that he was just telling Alan what Joss said about the sales. Alan said, "Really? That's it."

The panel was awesome because Alan kept autographing trading cards and giving them to each person who asked a question. However he would turn to Nathan for him to answer the questions. It was great. Nathan's answers are always very intricate and hilarious. Then Morena's dog Rudy came on stage and Morena right behind. Morena wanted to get in on the fun. She gave Nathan a great big hug and then Alan. Nathan said the last time he saw Morena was on her birthday. It was really a beautiful reunion.

It was a great fun panel and Morena saw Alan giving things away and she said, "So that's how you do it, you bribe them."

I was very happy to get a chance to see Nathan and Alan play off each other and then to have Morena join in the fun.

Unfortunately I will be missing out on Sundays fun but I had enough fun for the whole weekend.

MORE DETAILED- Report of Saturday.

OK I was not sure what to expect of the afternoon. I was sure Alan wouldn’t be there since he was in NY for the pilot he is shooting. I was hoping Nathan would come Saturday to fill in since I just can’t go on Sunday.

So I arrived to see a long line of Browncoats waiting to enter. I called Saxon to see where she was and she was still about an hour away due to a flat tire she had on the way. Luckily they were at Pep-Boys (aka auto-part store). So I went to buy my day pass for $20 it is the best deal in the ‘verse. I already had their autographs and the back is not that bad a place to sit in such a small area. Alan was still listed as a guest so I was wondering if it was true of if they just didn’t know. I wandered straight over to Jason Palmer’s booth. For those not familiar with his work check out: he does incredible work and he has been doing Firefly since December of ’03 for the very first appearance of the cast at the LA Comic Con in honor of the release of the DVDs. I spoke to his wife Yelena who is in charge of the paperwork. He was actually doing panel on his art so I made my way there.

Jason had a slideshow running on the big screen behind him as he spoke. He has been working on a series of each character plus Serenity and the Operative since last year. Unfortunately he only has 6 done. Jason wants to capture the character not just the likeness. He wants Jayne on the canvas not just Adam. He has a wonderful Book done and told the story of how Ron stopped by to see his work and saw the original and was impressed. Jason gave him a print and Ron walked away to a panel or something. At the end of the con he returned and asked Jason what he was going to do with the original Artwork. Jason said, “It’s for sale.” Ron said, “Let’s talk.” So Ron bought it and invited Jason to his home to make sure it was displayed properly. Ron does not have anything in his home representing his TV work, but he told Jason that he truly captured what he was trying to portray with Book in that moment. So that was great for Jason. However the delay has also come because he was working on a painting involving Padmae (SP?) It was 38 different images. George Lucas wanted to buy the original work. Jason said its 38 pieces George said yes he wants everything. So Uncle George helped them get a new home. Yelena is the one who takes care of the shipping and the orders. They are a great team and now they each have a work space at their home.

Morena’s panel followed Jason’s. I think we were all in shock with her pixie cut. She looks beautiful of course just very different. She looked happy and animated and ready for whatever was to come. She has been working on a couple of Independent movies that is why her hair is cut so short. I must say the questions were not up to par. Some were tech questions about episodes. One was directed to her dog. Another was about how she got the job on Firefly. It was quick one day got the call, next day auditioned, third day got the job. She spent one month at fight camp but her fight scene was half her and half stunt person. I did read to her the article about the next Bond movie. She just auditioned for it and hasn’t heard back but I can’t imagine someone better. So let’s all think shiny thoughts and cross all out fingers. Morena as the new Bond girl that could really be the opportunity she needs to have a breakout role. She would love to have that part. I am trying to remember what else she said. I know she told a story about a guest star that made a bad comment and Nathan defended her honor and told him he walked into a family here and he needs to apologize; no specifics but Nathan standing up for her was a great story. She talked about Adam and Alan fighting all the time about politics, she didn’t like that because they would get heated and would not stop. She had diner with Claudia Black when filming up in Vancouver, they had a great beef stew and some pastry dessert. I can’t really remember more. She was wonderful and it was entertaining when she brought her dog Rudy out and he did simple tricks.

After Morena’s panel was supposed to be Zoic Studios which I was looking forward to but they did not show up for some reason. After that was Yan Feldman and I am sorry I missed it but I was hungry so I went to eat with Saxon and Ewok. We were looking forward to Alan’s panel. We arrived a few minutes early so that we were able to look at the California Browncoat’s booth and took pictures with James and Lynn. Next to them was the QMX table and Geoffrey Mandel was there to sign the Blue Prints Reference Pack which was a must have for me. Then I heard, “Give a welcome to Alan Tudyk.” At that point I grabbed Saxon and in we went.

***More to come later I have to really think about what happened since it was just so much laughing going on throughout. Seeing the 3 of them on stage was lots of fun.

Here is more:

OK so I grab Saxon, literally by the arm and don’t even take a moment to say anything since my brain is just thinking we’re missing it. She knows me well enough to follow. Alan looked great. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket. He started by talking to us about his trip to Melbourne and how he just returned and looked online to see what we were saying and all he read was: Alan says there is a sequel, over and over again. It was the news on the internet and he is not sure how things got confused. He knows Nathan told him. He’s just not sure what part is not true. He looked really confused and embarrassed about the whole thing. Alan checked his phone and started taking questions. He was so cute. I saw he started writing as the question was being asked and I did not know what he was doing. Well after answering the question he gave the girl an autographed packet of Serenity trading cards. Honestly I cannot remember all that was said during this panel. I was laughing too hard. Alan was doing great and then he got the call from Nathan. Nathan wanted to make sure Alan wasn’t spreading any rumors and blaming Nathan. Alan said, “You did tell me.” Nathan said I did not and he said, “Say that to my face.” The really funny part was hearing Nathan behind the curtain because there was a time delay with the phone. I just lost it. My brain was missing already since I didn’t really think Alan would be there and then Nathan calls. They usually call each other when one is doing a panel so that was expected by me however Nathan actually walking on stage after saying “Say that to my face.” was priceless. Nathan asks Alan to explain when he said this. Alan said about 2 weeks ago, we were at your place and you said people were talking. Nathan says,"Close, it was a month and a half ago and I was talking about what Joss was saying about a sequel if the DVDs sell enough." Alan says, "That's it? Really?" They laugh.

Alan made Nathan answer for him most of the questions. Nathan gives great detailed intricate animated stories. Alan gives funny one-liners with his beautiful expressive face. They truly play off each other well. It turns out that Nathan and Alan met years before working on Firefly. When Alan worked as a waiter at a place Nathan would often go to when he was on the set of One Life to Live. Nathan would walk in with a girl that Alan had a crush on. Morena’s dog Rudy came on stage at some point and she followed. Nathan didn’t know what the dog was doing on stage then he saw Morena. She was so excited she had to come join in the fun on stage. She gave both of them a big hug. You really could feel the joy and the love among them. Morena picked up on the fact Alan was giving stuff away and commented, “So that’s how you do it, you bribe them.” Nathan said, “Of course.”

It was really nice to see them on stage together.

Afterward was the autograph sessions. I just bought the day pass, Saxon and Ewok had the autographs. They made them sign behind the curtain so I couldn't get an interaction on the side as a tag along. Saxon didn't really have anything to sign so she and Ewok took some photos I had to sign for me. I had one with Morena taken 3 years ago in Anaheim. She wanted to know where that was and Saxon yells from the other side of the curtain. I answer back and Morena pulls the curtain and starts talking to me. She is just a sweetheart and I am so glad she came and I told her I'd see her next week at Starfury. Then Saxon and Ewok went to get in line for Alan but his line was long so there was not much time to chat. I did not get an opportunity to say hi to him but he did wave at me during the panel. It was very nice. Its been a long time since I last saw him. I didn't get to thank Nathan at all for coming. He totally made my dream come true by showing up Saturday.

Afterward I hung out with Saxon and family a little more but then had to leave since I had to be at work the next day. A nice end to my day was seeing the Ambulance from Ariel parked next to the hotel. It was the most natural thing in the 'verse to see it there. I recognized it from a ways off. I walked toward it and some folks were there. I told them I had to touch it since it was there. It was a very nice end to a really great day.

I did have enough fun for 2 days and I am going to Starfury so I had to just grin and bear it that I couldn't be there Sunday as well.
Overall it was a mighty fine con.


Sunday, October 28, 2007 5:24 PM



Sunday, October 28, 2007 6:13 PM


My pleasure. :-)


Monday, October 29, 2007 8:24 AM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:
My pleasure. :-)

Ditto that , Rosie !

You write so sweetly , and it makes me just

visualize you animatedly speaking about what

we all love so much , just like you did on the


Thanks for being there for us all this time...

SHINY ! Really loooking forward to hearing about

next weekend , too !


Monday, October 29, 2007 9:07 AM


That was a great report, and I'm really excited that you'll be at Starfury next weekend...
please please please report about that too!


Monday, October 29, 2007 9:20 AM


It was an amazing experience. Definitely worth attending. I'll have my report, hopefully with pics, up next week.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, October 29, 2007 1:43 PM


Ever since I my first Firefly Con I always remember those who are missing out on these great moments so my intent is to bring you there as much as I can.

Its hard to remember everything while laughing so hard.

I promise to do my best for Starfury.






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