Joss' New Series

UPDATED: Monday, November 5, 2007 21:51
VIEWED: 22743
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 4:34 PM



Joss like opened a door and there was no brick wall behind it.



Wednesday, October 31, 2007 4:37 PM



Originally posted by Anonymous1:

Joss like opened a door and there was no brick wall behind it.


*hops around and does the happy Snoopy dance with Anony*


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 5:02 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

*hops around and does the happy Snoopy dance with Anony*

Wheeeee!!! *hops around and does the happy dance with anony & followmal*

That's such shiny news! I'm so excited that it will be with Eliza D. I love what she brings to her roles, and am really looking forward to this one.

And it sounds like maybe F*x finally learned a lesson, lesson being the *correct* way to treat Joss, by committing to 7 episodes. Let's just hope they don't screw it up by messing with him too much. They ought to know to have faith in the man by now!

I'd rather be a smartass than a dumbass...


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 5:10 PM


Sounds interesting. Let's see if Fox keeps it's end of the bargain.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 5:19 PM


"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 5:26 PM


*joins in Dance of Joy*

Only 7 eps?
*avoids looking Gift Horse in mouth*

*continues dancing*

*and getting into the candy*

*offers big bucket of little bars to all*

*back to the dancing*

Frisky Browncoat
exhibiting seasonal weight-gain


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:22 PM


Good for Joss, Probably bad for Browncoats,,,, but I wish him well.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:34 PM


Well crap. That sucks.... I think I just died.

So this is what the afterlife is like eh? Reading that Joss, Eliza, and Tim will be working together. Good news indeed.
So... the questions...
If they start [working on the show]in Feb. Will this be a spring/mid season replacement?
Please FOX don't start them in the summer. That never works. I'd really rather wait until next September than have it start in the summer.

A man who walks the Earth


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:24 PM


*Crying tears of joy*

Honestly I am so happy I keep thinking this is some sort of trick.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 8:04 PM


the theme sounds stupid ... but he will probably manage to make it great.

I just hope he leaves some time to do the 2nd BDM!

Mal: "Seems like we arrived here in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
Zoe: "Big damn heroes, sir!"
Mal: "Aint we just!"


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 8:08 PM


Soounds like a blend of The Island, Momento, Identity, and Total Recall (err, The Warehouse?), Jason Bourne.
Another female lead, maybe a kick-butt Operative they had to retire. Maybe she'll remember some of her "assignments" such as assasin and kick major behind - sounds kinda Whedonesque.

Did you see that part where he mentions "all these films" that he's working on?? Ehh???


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:14 PM


THis show sounds cool but OMFG its on FOX (or FUX should I say) and only scheduled for 7 episodes means that if it gets poor rating they won't make the rest of the series.

Knightfly on Xfire,
Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly...


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:16 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

sounds kinda Whedonesque.

First saw the title of this thread and thought, "I'd put money on that there's a female lead." Yup. Read the first posted article. Yup, "Whedonesque."

I have a feeling that this "burgeoning self-awareness" is going to start allowing her to keep skills, etc from her imprinted personalities and in the end allow her to be a master martial artist, weapons expert, expert in seduction, etc. Then we'll end up with a River sort of Buffy, but in a different futuristic sort of way. Perhaps in a realistic way, but in that direction none-the-less.

Oh well. At least, if done properly, Eliza Dushku will be able to show what kind of roles that she could possibly do in the future through this different personalities.

But, didn't Joss say that he'd NEVER work with F*X again? Ya, he did.

Didn't F*X do, "But the fact is, it was also somebody saying we trust that you can tell this story, and we love this story, so go and tell it. That's a damn boat of confidence."before and then it went away? *coughwonderfallscough*

I'll watch the first ep, but I have serious reservations about this. Not only because it's likely those 7 eps are the only ones that'll be made, not only because at a high level it's the same "poor girl now kick ass girl" stuff Joss does, but there is serious potential to completely fuck this up. It seems to me, that a plot line like this treads dangerously close to the bad cheesy/preching/corny/etc line.

We'll see... maybe... if F*X gets it out the door...

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:19 PM


Ok, you all are missing something REALLY important about this.

When someone pitches a network a show, they buy a pilot. When they see the pilot, they decide whether or not to make the show. That's how it ALWAYS. WORKS.

He pitched this show to Fox, and they *immediately*, *WITHIN A WEEK*, gave him seven episodes. Not one, but SEVEN. Without ever seeing a Pilot; heck, without ever seeing a script.

This is a vote of confidence that's extremely unusual, and entirely unprecedented in anything Joss or Tim has ever worked on in the past. Deals this big never happen, and they NEVER happen this quickly. This "just seven episodes" thing is an unbelievably good sign, not a bad one. They wouldn't buy seven episodes if they didn't think this show was going to be a huge success. A full season buy without seeing a single script is something that has never happened to any show ever in the history of time; you all are acting like, since that didn't happen, then we're doomed to only seeing seven episodes. That is so completely not the case.

I, in fact, would say that at this point there is literally nothing more that Fox could do to show its belief and confidence in this project, nothing whatsoever.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:29 PM


Can you tell I was excited? I started another thread on this subject without checking first.

I don't know whether I'm thrilled or scared...could it be a trick for Halloween? Plus, even if it's for real, it's FOX--who has given us more than enough reason to be afraid.


Buffy: I'm just worried this whole session's gonna turn into some training montage from an '80's movie.
Giles: (sighs) Well, if we hear any inspirational power chords we'll lie down till they go away.

"They talk about me in the chatty rooms?"--Angel

"There's a hole in the world. Feels like we ought to have known."--Spike

Joss is like a present, he's like a gift as far as I'm concerned.--Ron Glass

for Joss


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:38 PM


joins in the excitement = staggers bemusedly - jumps up and down - grins..


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:49 PM


You know..Id hate to be the wet blanket on this...

I am completely and utterly pissed off.

Has anyone read the damn summary of the series??

Its bloody River all over!!

Girls that are 'implanted', the main lead trying to piece together her life and fight against the evil coporation that has taken advantage of her talents?? Are you KIDDING ME!??

Its Joss Whedon...taking his best River stories and putting a new spin on them. Completely killing off any hope we had for a return of our favourite browncoats.

This is officially the end of firefly/Serenity for mine..

I almost feel a little betrayed...Good luck to Joss on his new show..I wish him the best of luck crawling back to the network that treated him like garbage last time.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 12:06 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
Well crap. That sucks.... I think I just died.

Er... Why?

Anyways. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHY F*X??????!?!?!?!?!?!? Seriously??? I know they're "really excited" and "showed a lot of confidence", but they've done that with lots of other shows and still canned them. Drive. Wonderfalls. Dark Angel. Lots of stuff. Not only is F*x close-minded and terrible at business ("Hurr hurr, we didn't advertise our new show, it's not doing well, must be 'cause it isn't good. Let's not show it anymore. Oh a new show. People will watch if they don't know about it! Hurr."), they are also SERIOUSLY ADHD with their shows. It took a grand total of 8 days before F*x decided that Drive had had enough of a chance.

So, no. I don't care if they've order seven episodes already. They're going to get bored with it after the first two, and I'm pretty damn disappointed in Joss for lining up for a beating. Seriously shooting himself in the foot when there are so many other networks out there.

EDIT: Hey, to BRINGITBACK - I disagree. It kinda - ish - maybe - is a bit like River, but Joss is far too creative to be limited to something like that. Plus, Firefly is his baby that he is still holding out hope for. If he ever tells more of River's story, it'll be in the Firefly 'verse. He might be acting like he's desperate for a network, but he isn't desperate for ideas and stories. This is something different. Plus - wow, that's a very general way of describing it. There are LOTS of different ways that what you just said about "Girls that are 'implanted', the main lead trying to piece together her life and fight against the evil coporation that has taken advantage of her talents?? Are you KIDDING ME!??" That's a very, very, vague description that can be taken in many directions, and it's kind of like saying, "Sheesh, this is JUST LIKE THIS OTHER SHOW, where the girl meets the boy, but has this problem with dating the boy because she is actually an alien, but the boy doesn't care, and they risk everything to be together while hiding her secret". That's just too vague to say, "They're exactly alike! SELLOUT! COPYCAT! BOO!" I mean, really. No. Also? Firefly and Serenity is about so much more than River, and the 'verse is so much more different than the premise for Dollhouse, I really can't see much of a connection between the two. So try not to feel betrayed. Just be pissed that Joss is naive enough to go back to F*x.
And honestly, there are three things that could happen:

1. F*x screws Dollhouse over and Joss has more time for Firefly and Serenity, because Universe understands that in order to have a successful show, you must have ADVERTISING and MORE THAN EIGHT DAYS.
2. F*x screws Dollhouse over and Joss is seen as a crappy producer and writer and we never hear from him again.
3. Dollhouse manages to survive F*x's blundering and idiocy and makes Joss more popular. Universal decides to make a sequel, basking in the glow of the recent attention.

I doubt 2 can happen, since Joss has had projects killed and it hasn't killed his career.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Thursday, November 1, 2007 12:54 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Fox?!? Is Joss high? Fox? Really?

Ok, so Joss and Tim are giving Fox another shot. Do they honestly think that Fox will get this show or give it enough time to find its audience?

Might as well start our Save This Show campaign now. *shakes head*

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company
[img] [/img]


Thursday, November 1, 2007 12:57 AM


I coulda sworn Joss had vowed never to go back to those F*X asshats?

Did his commitment for seven episodes, half the number filmed of Firefly, include a commitment to air them in the right ruttin' order? No time slot shell-game? No pre-emptions? Well, again, seven eps is a smaller target to hit with the usual F*X shenanigans... Mebbe.

Mebbe that's why he only got seven. Mebbe shoulda only got 2.

More importantly, since Joss has returned to TV(!), did this include a commit from F*X to resurrect the show we REALLY want to see? The one F*X holds the rights to, and, since they're makin' nice with Joss, again, really oughtta be doin' everything in their power to restore?

Sure, the new show will garner fans; I am more than a little annoyed that it is taken for granted that the pre-existing Buffy fanbase (yeah, I know, Eliza Dushku) is going to back this. What about the Browncoats? I guess we don't count? Or, did they kinda mebbe figger that we wouldn't be standin' at the back door, cunnin' hats in our hands, wonderin' about OUR show, OUR BDHs?

In fact, I am really annoyed that a ready-made fanbase is bein' taken for granted, at all. F*X is makin' this, only because it's Joss, and, because they know that all of his fans are gonna just fall all over themselves *SQUEEE!* about this. 'Scuse me, aren't we the same fans F*X has repeatedly robbed of not only Joss' shows, but, many, many others?

A smell a whole lotta "Let's get ourselves an interim fan draw to soften the blow of the impending writers' strike" comin' offa this plan.

Sorry, I cannot get excited about this, another series which will either:

A. Tank and drown after seven eps, to become another cult fave which makes F*X money hand over fist on DVD sales, or,

B. Do so very well that F*X actually supports it (for a while), though they scarcely have the right to share in any of Joss' success, and, a busy Joss' priorities have to shift away from older, already fading projects.

Like Firefly.

Bitter? You bet. Disillusioned with F*X? Check. Happy for Joss? Well... Let's see how this pans out, before I start smilin' about this new show. Not a huge Buffyverse fan, myself (that'd be the missus), the premise doesn't guarantee that I'll be interested in this, either. And, interest in a show, not who makes it, is why I watch TV.

-Raycheetah ='[.]'=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:03 AM


I'm also thinkin,' mebbe someone oughtta email F*X the link to this thread. Then, mebbe, they'll have some inkling of the antipathy and distrust that even the most die-hard fans of Joss have for their network, after all the crap they've pulled over the years.

Just to be sayin.'

-Raycheetah =-[.]-=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:57 AM


I want to be excited about this, but my cynical side also thinks the 7 eps thing was an attempt to get some stuff on deck before the writers' strike.

Edited: Nope, not that. They could go out on strike as early as tomorrow (Friday).

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 3:02 AM


it sounds dreadful, simply dreadful

and im a little tired of Joss "empowering" women, its becoming a one trick pony. Honestly his best female character was Zoe, no special powers, no abilities just a strong soulful woman who had seen a lot in life. I have no interest in this charmed/river/total recall teenfest. And on Fox ? Are words becoming meaningless.

Im gonna take my epsodes of firefly and treasure them but for me this dance is over.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 3:35 AM


well i distrust f*x same as all - but hey!!

joss has a new freaking show!:) thanks Eliza!
a green light is a green light - not a locked door.

no show of Joss's has let me down yet.

i hope it does real well and a million offers flood the whedon homestead.

'bout frackin' time!


Thursday, November 1, 2007 3:45 AM


What happened? He see your face?

Somewhat excited. Only because Joss deserves a spot somewhere at all times. He's that good.
I know I'll give this "Dark Angel/River/Bionic" thing a good look.

*chuckles* Maybe the will be the end of the constant Fox Exec. bashing/jokes/we know, we know, we know, lemme guess u didn't like the cancellation thing. Oh wait. I just read this thread. Hee hee... You really want Fox to come see these threads? I'm sure it is at the top of their agenda.

Makes me wonder if they have already looked at resurrecting FF. They know they have made a killing on DVD sales and know what kind of following Joss has. The cost to make a FF TV series is probably far too high at this point. Maybe those questions will be answered sometime soon. ...or hopefully some fan will bash me with that knowledge.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 3:54 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by BrownBug:

it sounds dreadful, simply dreadful

and im a little tired of Joss "empowering" women, its becoming a one trick pony. Honestly his best female character was Zoe, no special powers, no abilities just a strong soulful woman who had seen a lot in life. I have no interest in this charmed/river/total recall teenfest. And on Fox ? Are words becoming meaningless.

Im gonna take my epsodes of firefly and treasure them but for me this dance is over.

Well said about Zoe and the one-trick thing, but I'm not ready give up, just another bump for Browncoats. Or, maybe this gets him some more traction in medialand - any press is good press.
Yeah, F*X... that's tricky. I'm sure he and Tim have no illusions though, their big boys. Who better to make money off of? It's good to keep working too, so if there's nothing else, why not?
The show... eh, Alias anyone? I'm glad they're excited, sounds a bit lame to me.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, November 1, 2007 4:01 AM



I want to be excited about this, but my cynical side also thinks the 7 eps thing was an attempt to get some stuff on deck before the writers' strike.

Edited: Nope, not that. They could go out on strike as early as tomorrow (Friday).

No, you're right. The strike could start now but that doesn't necessarily mean it will, so the networks are still putting in advanced orders for all the scripts they can so they can still have some things shooting if/when the strike starts.

F*X is showing a good deal of confidence in Joss, but it still has a lot to do with the strike.

Say, you think he would have gone to NBC with something like this since they're on such a big scifi kick right now.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at


Thursday, November 1, 2007 4:11 AM


Dollhouse, yeah it sounds like it could be good


Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

But, didn't Joss say that he'd NEVER work with F*X again? Ya, he did.

They gave him a second kick in the teeth with Buffy Sing-along business, even abused puppy dogs return to their masters


Originally posted by derangedmilk:

Say, you think he would have gone to NBC with something like this since they're on such a big scifi kick right now.

Heroes is doing great for NBC but some of NBC's sister companies are not doing good, Universal is having trouble beating back competition from new studios like Dreamworks, Lionsgate, Sony while its old rivals like Faux and WB seem to be doing ok. Scifi Channel also owned by NBC has seen some big flops this year, Painkiller Jane, BattlestarGalatcica and FlashGordon and its production of Skiffy B-movies have all seen their ratings plummet.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 5:13 AM


Here are a few more articles about the new show - maybe a few new tidbits of info:

Even though I always approach new tv shows with a bit of trepidation (so much bad tv out there), I will be looking forward to this show, as Joss is such a masterful storyteller. When I first heard the description of the show I thought "la femme nikita" (which I loved, both the French movie & the usanetwork tv show). But Joss is involved, and will make it his own story. Any echoes (sorry, unintended play on words) of previous incantations will be irrelevant because in Joss' hands (or from Joss' mind) it will be fresh, entertaining, and most likely mesmerizing.

I'm looking forward to spring...

I'd rather be a smartass than a dumbass...


Thursday, November 1, 2007 5:15 AM


I hope Chuck, Desperate Housewives, Terminator and Stargate atlantis all get canceled so our heroes can join the cast.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 5:54 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
I hope Chuck, Desperate Housewives, Terminator and Stargate atlantis all get canceled so our heroes can join the cast.

WOW, that's like a Chuck fan saying, I hope that Firefly revival series gets cancelled, so "Chuck the Movie" can be made!

Instead of being happy for our favorite actors, you'd rather their source of steady income gets cancelled? That's pretty sad!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 6:11 AM



Originally posted by DeeplyKidding:
in Joss' hands (or from Joss' mind) it will be fresh, entertaining, and most likely mesmerizing.

You echoed my sentiments.



Thursday, November 1, 2007 7:08 AM


Shiny, shiny, shiny!!!!!!

"Your gratuitous jello awaits." - Dr. Helen Magnus, Sanctuary


Thursday, November 1, 2007 7:15 AM



Originally posted by Sickdude:
Shiny, shiny, shiny!!!!!!

To tell the truth, the set-up for Drive seemed kind of corny, that, plus the title, made me expect it's demise.

Not so this time!!!!

Can't wait Chrisisall


Thursday, November 1, 2007 7:39 AM


If the show really is about peoples fantasies and that these "dollhouse" beings can be "made into" the people to relive past or fantasized events, here is my pitch.

Joss - create a wealthy browncoat character whose fantasy is to see the 2nd season of firefly.

Now that is a set of 22 eps of dollhouse I would love to see!


Thursday, November 1, 2007 7:40 AM



Thursday, November 1, 2007 8:38 AM




Thursday, November 1, 2007 8:56 AM


Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Screw Fox & the horse they rode in on.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 9:06 AM


I posted on the other thread that I give it 1 and a half aired episodes before F*x cancels it.

I'm not even sure I'm going to bother watching yet another show that will surely get canceled in two seconds.

Me? Bitter? Nah...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Thursday, November 1, 2007 9:10 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Screw Fox & the horse they rode in on.

Now now, Mr. Jong, young minds; fresh ideas- we must be tolerant.



Thursday, November 1, 2007 9:31 AM


This is the fox statement:


Echo (Eliza Dushku) [is] a young woman who is literally everybody's fantasy. She is one of a group of men and women who can be imprinted with personality packages, including memories, skills, language—even muscle memory—for different assignments. The assignments can be romantic, adventurous, outlandish, uplifting, sexual and/or very illegal. When not imprinted with a personality package, Echo and the others are basically mind-wiped, living like children in a futuristic dorm/lab dubbed the Dollhouse, with no memory of their assignments—or of much else. The show revolves around the childlike Echo's burgeoning self-awareness, and her desire to know who she was before, a desire that begins to seep into her various imprinted personalities and puts her in danger both in the field and in the closely monitored confines of the Dollhouse.

aint it eeeeerily close to Executive Early in Finding Serenity...???

- snorts! -
a young woman who is literally everybody's fantasy...
The assignments can be romantic, adventurous, outlandish, uplifting, sexual etc

still glad it's happening though...


Thursday, November 1, 2007 9:35 AM


Bleargh. So conflicted. I think anything Joss writes will be entertaining, but meh on Eliza, and the great ensemble and larger themes of independence and hardscrabble morality of Firefly/Serenity was a magic that the Buffy/Angel/Faith stuff could never capture appropriately. And FOX? Seriously?!?

I'm still hoping our BDH's continue to do well in t.v., so they can make the next Serenity movie on their hiatus. Dare to dream.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 9:48 AM


Why does Joss stick with Fox?


Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:17 AM


sometimes y'gots to deal with badger - sometimes Patience on whitefall - sometimes fanty and mingo - and hell, sometimes you find yourself working for niska...


Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:18 AM


You make me glad.
More Joss-i-ness ahoy!
Oh, and Fox? Prolly because some sort of contract or other- cuz, ya know it's full of lawyers and the like.


and every time I play with passion I start breaking strings,
and my voice cracks when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price I've got to pay to know that I'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart

My Master went to the Moon in a Rocket of Flamin' Cheese!


Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:25 AM



Originally posted by rallem:
Why does Joss stick with Fox?


The current song-and-dance is that "All the old faces are gone."

Ermmm... Those weren't the "old" faces that axed Babylon 5 years before F*X screwed us outta Firefly... Doesn't take the same cast of characters, only the same /lack/ of character:

(Hit "Play now" button)

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:57 AM



Originally posted by monksdad:
Good for Joss, Probably bad for Browncoats,,,, but I wish him well.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."

oh no, no...
it is NEVER bad for Browncoats for Joss to be seen as successful and making money for other people...
Universal will get jealous:
"why is he making money for Fox, can't we think of another project he could do for us??
Oh, right..."


Thursday, November 1, 2007 11:20 AM


jeez I get the feeling that some of you would rather see Joss unemployed forever rather than gamble on Fox...
and let's face it: Fox are the only ones signing our people, and gambling their money.

I agree they have canceled things too quickly, which I'm sure is why Joss required a commitment of a minimum of 7 shows: so he could at least get a story arc told.
But if you can't get it on the air in the first place then you can't tell any stories at all!

Personally I loved reading how it all came about.... First of all that is quite a vote of confidence from Fox that Eliza Dushku was being offered the chance to be co-Producer (personally I think she wanted to avoid being stuck in something boring and repetitive like Tru Calling, where her character had no growth...and just did the same exact thing in every show...)

then getting this chance to come up with her own 'idea' she asks Joss to lunch so she can be sure to get good ideas (hey, that is what I would do if I could!) as well as names of people who would be capable of writing and running the show so the good ideas would work....

And Joss being so creative and wacky not only comes up with something that allows her to be a completely different person in every episode, but ALSO has this over riding story arc about her slowly discovering her own true self over time (and personally I think that that is genius: kind of about how most women spend their lives fulfilling other people's expectations, but hopefully do learn who they are and start fulfilling their own dreams)....

I see this idea of an object of fantasy becoming self aware as being chock full of metaphorical goodness, and just the kind of thing Joss & Tim will LOVE doing!

Anyway Joss also agrees to be exec producer IF IF IF Fox agrees to guarantee a minimum of 7 episodes so that he'll have time to get a story out before it is canceled....

and then he gets Tim Minear to sign on so that he, Joss, will still have the time and energy to do ' Goners' if it ever gets off the ground.


And it looks like Eliza is one smart cookie! I have to admire her for putting together a show that will show-case her talents... and let her work w/amazing people like Joss & Tim!

She was really smart to hit on Joss after his multi-scripts written for Wonder Woman had fallen on deaf ears, making it seem to him that movie making was actually more frustrating than television....

Why should be hesitate to be excited about this?!






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