Joss' New Series

UPDATED: Monday, November 5, 2007 21:51
VIEWED: 22744
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Thursday, November 1, 2007 12:07 PM



Originally posted by embers:

Why should we hesitate to be excited about this?!

No reason at all my dear Embers!
Hmmm...I smell a lot of Emmy's comin' off this plan....

Thrilled Chrisisall


Thursday, November 1, 2007 12:17 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
No reason at all my dear Embers!
Hmmm...I smell a lot of Emmy's comin' off this plan....

Thrilled Chrisisall

I knew YOU would agree w/me!
We've both been long time Faith fans...
and I'm so excited to know that Eliza is so smart about knowing where she wants her career to go, and who she wants to work with!

Even Thrilleder Embers


Thursday, November 1, 2007 12:56 PM



Originally posted by embers:
oh no, no...
it is NEVER bad for Browncoats for Joss to be seen as successful and making money for other people...
Universal will get jealous:
"why is he making money for Fox, can't we think of another project he could do for us??
Oh, right..."



Originally posted by Embers:
jeez I get the feeling that some of you would rather see Joss unemployed forever rather than gamble on Fox...
and let's face it: Fox are the only ones signing our people, and gambling their money.

I agree they have canceled things too quickly, which I'm sure is why Joss required a commitment of a minimum of 7 shows: so he could at least get a story arc told.
But if you can't get it on the air in the first place then you can't tell any stories at all!

Personally I loved reading how it all came about.... First of all that is quite a vote of confidence from Fox that Eliza Dushku was being offered the chance to be co-Producer (personally I think she wanted to avoid being stuck in something boring and repetitive like Tru Calling, where her character had no growth...and just did the same exact thing in every show...)

then getting this chance to come up with her own 'idea' she asks Joss to lunch so she can be sure to get good ideas (hey, that is what I would do if I could!) as well as names of people who would be capable of writing and running the show so the good ideas would work....

And Joss being so creative and wacky not only comes up with something that allows her to be a completely different person in every episode, but ALSO has this over riding story arc about her slowly discovering her own true self over time (and personally I think that that is genius: kind of about how most women spend their lives fulfilling other people's expectations, but hopefully do learn who they are and start fulfilling their own dreams)....

I see this idea of an object of fantasy becoming self aware as being chock full of metaphorical goodness, and just the kind of thing Joss & Tim will LOVE doing!

Anyway Joss also agrees to be exec producer IF IF IF Fox agrees to guarantee a minimum of 7 episodes so that he'll have time to get a story out before it is canceled....

and then he gets Tim Minear to sign on so that he, Joss, will still have the time and energy to do ' Goners' if it ever gets off the ground.


And it looks like Eliza is one smart cookie! I have to admire her for putting together a show that will show-case her talents... and let her work w/amazing people like Joss & Tim!

She was really smart to hit on Joss after his multi-scripts written for Wonder Woman had fallen on deaf ears, making it seem to him that movie making was actually more frustrating than television....

Why should be hesitate to be excited about this?!

No hesitation on my part! *still doing the Snoopy happy dance!*

*raises hand*
Embers can speak for me about this subject any old time.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 12:58 PM


damn straight!:)


Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:06 PM



Originally posted by embers:

We've both been long time Faith fans...

Five by fiveisall


Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:09 PM


Question: is that pic too big? I can get rid of it if it is....



Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:34 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Question: is that pic too big? I can get rid of it if it is....


Did u scan a billboard?

and Yay, Embers... I kinda voiced that same... *arrgghgh*

*pummeled by group-think, dust cloud*


Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:39 PM



Originally posted by pdcharles:

Did u scan a billboard?

So it's not bad? On my computer it really stretches things out, but if it's okay on everyone else's I'll leave it- it's a great shot, eh?



Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:43 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by pdcharles:

Did u scan a billboard?

So it's not bad? On my computer it really stretches things out, but if it's okay on everyone else's I'll leave it- it's a great shot, eh?

Its A-Ok with me. Having trouble with the panning tho.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:56 PM



Originally posted by pdcharles:
Having trouble with the panning tho.

Is this one better?

I got a million of 'em Chrisisall


Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:56 PM


Am I the only one disturbed by this? I mean I’m glad for Joss, he has to eat and put food on the table, but going back to f*>< ? Didn’t he get enough of a beating last time. I donno maybe there’s more to the agreement then they're willing to say right now. Thought I’d read somewhere where he said he’d never work for f*>< again.

I want more FF/Serenity not a new show called Dollhouse. To be honest I’m not a Buffy fan, not an Angel fan ( have never seen an eps of either one) not to say they aren’t good and deserving of my attention but what has brought me into the realm of JW was FF/Serenity. My first Whedon adoration, and I’m ready to wade through blood and guts to get it back. Dollhouse may be a very good show in fact I’ll stick my neck out and say IT WILL BE VERY GOOD. But then so was Drive. Tim Minear had a good thing going there, what happened?

Joss you said you wouldn’t rest till you found FF a new home, I’m there with you. Go ahead and do other things to keep the old brainpan from collecting cobwebs just don’t forget your old cast and crew that still bring so much excitement to the cons on behave of your FF creation. Believe it or not you have a very big group of loyal believers and followers don’t be the kinda person that cops out when the going gets ridiculously hard. It’s been hard for all of us.

Loyal FF/BDM fan, Z


Thursday, November 1, 2007 2:14 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
just don’t forget your old cast and crew that still bring so much excitement to the cons on behave of your FF creation.

Joss is doing Buffy in the comics, supervising Angel in same, doing this new show...he's a GREAT juggler, both mentally and physically- no worries!
And new cred from a new hit show could only help the FF cause, so smile!



Thursday, November 1, 2007 2:19 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Disturbed. No. dissapointed for about two hours, yes. Poked my lip out and pouted internally. Then I was like, "Here's hoping for something good"

For NEW, witty, Joss dialouge, I'm down for whatever.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 2:34 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb


Question: is that pic too big? I can get rid of it if it is....


Whoa... good fantasy.
It's *was* just right Chrisisall.

OH CRAP!!! Joss Whedon is making a new show called Dollhouse!!!

Echo (Eliza Dushku) a young woman who is literally everybody's fantasy. She is one of a group of men and women who can be imprinted with personality packages, including memories, skills, language—even muscle memory—for different assignments. The assignments can be romantic, adventurous, outlandish, uplifting, sexual and/or very illegal. When not imprinted with a personality package, Echo and the others are basically mind-wiped, living like children in a futuristic dorm/lab dubbed the Dollhouse, with no memory of their assignments—or of much else. The show revolves around the childlike Echo's burgeoning self-awareness, and her desire to know who she was before, a desire that begins to seep into her various imprinted personalities and puts her in danger both in the field and in the closely monitored confines of the Dollhouse.

*joins in the Dance of Joy*

I'm so excited just posting about an UPCOMING Joss show! Joss and Tim and Eliza (and who all else) coming together to entertain us.

What the hell are all you whinners complaining about!!!

*mocking* "Ooo, the show's gonna be on F*X. We hate F*X, there for Joss must be an idiot, errrr."

Oh yeah, I'm skeptical[read:hate] and cynical of F*X like everybody, but my like of Joss is much more than my hate of F*X, and I AM gonna watch the show, gorramit!

sometimes y'gots to deal with badger - sometimes Patience on whitefall - sometimes fanty and mingo - and hell, sometimes you find yourself working for niska...

(I swear, WYTCHCROFT, EMBERS, CHRISISALL(mostly, last 3/4-with exceptions-of season seven not so great), and ME must be all on the same brain-length. I'm always agreeing with you guys/gals.)

I just hope it's on Tuesday night, so it doesn't conflict with Heroes or Lost when it comes back.

Can't wait.

Find here the Serenity you seek.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 2:43 PM


Can't say I've met any of them personally, but I'm pretty sure that Joss, Tim and Eliza aren't fools. As far as I'm concerned, them going back to Fox - while most, if not all of us have our reservations about the show cancelling bastards - is actually a very good sign. Fox must have made some pretty big assurances to Joss and Tim for them to go back and if Fox want them that much then maybe, just maybe they're starting to realise how much money they can make them - and that is good for Firefly, me thinks.



Thursday, November 1, 2007 3:15 PM


Chrisisall,PDCharles and ShinyHineySuperLimey
You guys have made me feel better with your posts,thanks!

I still live with a little fear that Firefly and Serenity will fade into the dust. They seem to be treating it like it's a waiting game. You know, trying to wait us out. Distract and conquer. Well I for one don't think it will work. WE HOLD!! One day I will see Buffy and Angel and I'm sure I will enjoy them, but for now I'm a member of 3 FF/Serenity fan sites and I will never grow tired of being a fan of that show,ever.

see ya,Z


Thursday, November 1, 2007 3:36 PM


One word folks....FOX. It has happened once and if Dollhouse goes a couple weeks without ratings it will get the hook too. Look at "Drive"...good show, good advertising and got the hook. I won't hold my breath on this surviving and wait to see "Goners" in 2009

......I brought the Grenades.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 7:07 PM


z: seriously,
no body wants to forget about Firefly/Serenity...
not just the Browncoats here, but Joss has said many times that he still totally loves his BDHs!

But he can't just be unemployed crazy comic book guy,
no one in Hollywood would respect him as crazy comic book guy...
in Hollywood they are only interested in your latest thing.

Best way he can get a Serenity sequel is to have some good money making shows!
When he is again making lots of hit shows and selling lots of advertising,
then everyone will come knocking on his door BEGGING him to make a sequel, and Goners, and anything else he wants to do!

seriously.... starting new projects is the only way.


Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:26 PM



Originally posted by wytchcroft:
well i distrust f*x same as all - but hey!!

joss has a new freaking show!:) thanks Eliza!
a green light is a green light - not a locked door.

no show of Joss's has let me down yet.

i hope it does real well and a million offers flood the whedon homestead.

'bout frackin' time!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

And whoever got all pissy and said Joss was "naive" to trust FOX again is clearly "naive" about the way Joss thinks. He wants his shows and projects made, including potential Firefly/Serenity ones, he accepts that he has to be willing to make certain sacrifices and that unfortunately happens to include working for people who have screwed him over in the past.

And "teenfest"? Eliza is in her mid twenties, and we have no ideas yet about what the other characters are going to be so why should we assume that they'll all be teens, or women, for that matter?


Buffy: I'm just worried this whole session's gonna turn into some training montage from an '80's movie.
Giles: (sighs) Well, if we hear any inspirational power chords we'll lie down till they go away.

"They talk about me in the chatty rooms?"--Angel

"There's a hole in the world. Feels like we ought to have known."--Spike

Joss is like a present, he's like a gift as far as I'm concerned.--Ron Glass

for Joss


Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:42 PM


Didn't read all the replies.
It appears that Fox is starting to realize it's mistake the last time it cancelled a Joss series - FF DVDs still selling.

I might dream that Joss & Tim makes gobs of moola off this series, and then make a movie about a spaceship run by browncoats.
I do wish them success. I also want more Serenity.


Friday, November 2, 2007 3:48 AM


Joss has posted at about Dollhouse. Here is what it says:

"Hi guys. What's going on?

I remember I was having lunch with Eliza, and thinking she was shiny, so shiny... and then I woke up here. Weird.

Pretty much everything has been said already, but I wanted to check in and give y'all muchas smooches for the support. This was all unexpected, but what can I say? When it's right, it's right. Right?

I'm kind of freaking out about the concept. It's fascinatng from every angle -- it won't stop talking to me. It's sweet and creepy and exciting and very human. I hope it doesn't suck, 'cause in my head it's fairly righteous.

As for young Minear's 'Miracle Man', that's still on -- he's agreed to consult for me while developing his own thing. He'll be doing the work of two near-men!

Updates will be updatified. Keep watching the skies. xo -j.
joss | November 01, 16:06 CET "


Friday, November 2, 2007 4:08 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by GorramnReever:
One word folks....FOX.

K, that "one word" has been used over and over in here. Being a fan site of Firefly, I am almost positive that there is not a single person that has engaged in this thread that doesn't know what the FOX of the past did. Have you ever worked at a medium-to-large size Co. where a bad CEO or management team was replaced? There is a sigh of relief around the office for most. Some look optimistically at the future and may even feel more comfortable about their job security. K, now apply that to FOX and this situation. Joss NEEDS a job. (much to his worshippers disbelief, he cannot create job Op.s with the blink of an eye )


Originally posted by GorramnReever:
It has happened once and if Dollhouse goes a couple weeks without ratings it will get the hook too. Look at "Drive"...good show, good advertising and got the hook. I won't hold my breath on this surviving and wait to see "Goners" in 2009

Do we have proof it would be any different on any other network? We cannot compare the cancellation of FF with Drive. Drive is just not even close.

Joss answered the call from Fox, well, because they called.


Friday, November 2, 2007 6:44 AM


pdcharles wrote:
Friday, November 02, 2007 04:08 "Have you ever worked at a medium-to-large size Co. where a bad CEO or management team was replaced?" <--- Well I am not you think The United States Air Force might be considered "medium to large?" What we have here is what is called a "trend" in the service. It is a recuring problem that hasn't been resolved. A change in management isn't a guarantee that things have changed. As for the comment of what "Fox did in the past"....thanks for pointing out the blatantly obvious. It was used as an "introduction" to the rest of the rant....not as a focal point.

In response to "Do we have proof it would be any different on any other network?".....please show me an instance where it has happened on another network not just once but twice to the same writer. You can worship J Whedon all you like but when it clouds your vision to the point of blinders. You need to step back and try looking through a pair of glasses that aren't tinted by the rose.

......I brought the Grenades.


Friday, November 2, 2007 8:21 AM



Originally posted by mycrew:
Joss has posted at about Dollhouse. Here is what it says:

"yadda yadda yadda stuff about dollhouse burble burble blah...

Updates will be updatified. Keep watching the skies. xo -j.
joss | November 01, 16:06 CET "

Does "Keep watching the skies" mean anything to anyone? Am I being hopeful about its possible meaning, possibly meaning a ship that flies in the sky would be visible if we look out for it? Or is this just a phrase Joss uses, that has no real meaning, like "see ya later alligator".

Am I being hopelessly optimistic, looking for secret hidden messages?


Friday, November 2, 2007 8:36 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by GorramnReever:
As for the comment of what "Fox did in the past"....thanks for pointing out the blatantly obvious. It was used as an "introduction" to the rest of the rant....not as a focal point.

My point exactly. We all know it. That analogy only says you can be hopeful about what MAY come from the change. You are choosing not to. Ur original post and others before in this thread came off as a warning to viewers and only adding to a long list of doubters. All we have is hope. For Joss and for FF. I'm just saying "enough already". I would understand if it were an investment, but not for tuning into a show. Some fans like to think they have a certain power in regards to network decisions. They absolutely do, to a degree. Ratings being number one. Then there are smaller factors in our case: letter writing, polls, planned events, etc. I haven’t seen one Fox bashing event yet. So even if fox cancels it tomorrow before it gets out of the gate. What? We were warned? If this were happening on NBC, we would have only half the content of this thread left.

Asking a question about previous work experiences and applying it as an analogy was just that, a question. Not meant as a personal attack on your work experience. Didn’t need to know where u work, but I guess ur answer is yes.


Originally posted by GorramnReever:

In response to "Do we have proof it would be any different on any other network?".....please show me an instance where it has happened on another network not just once but twice to the same writer.

In the FOX (Firefly/Drive) example, this happened to Tim yes. Not Joss. I trust Joss's judgment over the bashers. All I'm saying. Instead of researching for some example of some other writer, I’ll just wait to see what Joss and Tim say about working with Fox NOW in the near future. If Fox were patient with Drive, do u think it would have lasted?


Originally posted by GorramnReever:
You can worship J Whedon all you like but when it clouds your vision to the point of blinders. You need to step back and try looking through a pair of glasses that aren't tinted by the rose.

Agree Whole-heartedly. Why I used the sarcasm below.
“much to his worshippers disbelief, he cannot create job Op.s with the blink of an eye

What u said sounds good, but….I do know it does not apply to me. I don’t worship, I support Joss Whedon and his decisions. Much more so than whining about how the corporate TV world works. Maybe that is what happened, boycotts from orig. cancellation of FF, Wonderfalls, etc. caused the sharp decline in Drive's ratings. U guys won.

I guess the bashers can “glass half full it” when they are DVR’n Dollhouse even if it IS only seven times.

EDIT: ZOMG! I stand corrected, just found this recent pic.

I wrote:
I haven’t seen one Fox bashing event yet.


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:11 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
To be honest I’m not a Buffy fan, not an Angel fan ( have never seen an eps of either one) not to say they aren’t good and deserving of my attention but what has brought me into the realm of JW was FF/Serenity.

I have to say that's sad for you. Not all of Joss' shows appeal to everyone, but if you haven't even checked them out, you really don't know what you're missing. The reason Firefly/Serenity was so good, is from the experience he got writing shows like Buffy and Angel! Many episodes of both shows are some of the finest hours of television ever. You can't really say you're a Joss fan if you haven't seen his other two series.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:13 AM


I was freaking the frak out until I read one word: Fox. I suddenly feel sick.

I aim to misbehave, but I usually miss!


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:14 AM


Does "Keep watching the skies" mean anything to anyone? Am I being hopeful about its possible meaning, possibly meaning a ship that flies in the sky would be visible if we look out for it? Or is this just a phrase Joss uses, that has no real meaning, like "see ya later alligator".

Am I being hopelessly optimistic, looking for secret hidden messages?

I thought the same thing when I read it.


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:28 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Joss you said you wouldn’t rest till you found FF a new home, I’m there with you. Go ahead and do other things to keep the old brainpan from collecting cobwebs just don’t forget your old cast and crew that still bring so much excitement to the cons on behave of your FF creation. Believe it or not you have a very big group of loyal believers and followers don’t be the kinda person that cops out when the going gets ridiculously hard. It’s been hard for all of us.

I agree the lack of further adventures of our BDH has been hard, but lets face some facts.

1. Joss did find Firefly a new home. Universal, and they let him make a movie. He kept his promise! He did the impossible, and got a movie based on a cancelled half season television series. That's incredible, and we should be happy that we got that!

2. We aren't a "very big group of loyal believers and followers". At least not in numbers that put bodies into theater seats. We didn't make Serenity a box office smash! Yeah, blame it on the studio's lame promotion. They didn't get average theater goers to buy tickets, but I'm sure the real fanbase did go, and we quite frankly weren't enough! DVD sales might change that somwhat, but the most we could reasonably expect from FOX or Universal, would be a direct to DVD movie, and that would depend on who would have such direct to DVD distribution rights. If that did happen, Joss would still have time to write and direct such a movie between seasons of Dollhouse. He ran three shows at the same time, so I don't think a series or two (Ripper is still under consideration with the BBC) and a movie or two would be too much of a burden for such a talented man to handle. With TIm attched, Joss could hand over the series reigns, and focus on the movie. Do you think J.J. Abrahms is running the day to day production of Lost, while trying to get a 80million dollar Star Trek movie going? I don't think so!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:37 AM



Originally posted by GorramnReever:
pdcharles wrote:
Friday, November 02, 2007 04:08 "Have you ever worked at a medium-to-large size Co. where a bad CEO or management team was replaced?" <--- Well I am not you think The United States Air Force might be considered "medium to large?" What we have here is what is called a "trend" in the service. It is a recuring problem that hasn't been resolved. A change in management isn't a guarantee that things have changed. As for the comment of what "Fox did in the past"....thanks for pointing out the blatantly obvious. It was used as an "introduction" to the rest of the rant....not as a focal point.

In response to "Do we have proof it would be any different on any other network?".....please show me an instance where it has happened on another network not just once but twice to the same writer. You can worship J Whedon all you like but when it clouds your vision to the point of blinders. You need to step back and try looking through a pair of glasses that aren't tinted by the rose.

......I brought the Grenades.

Sorry but when did it happen twice? Firefly was on Fox, that's one.

Buffy was cancelled by the WB, and moved to UPN for two more seasons.

Angel, again was cancelled after 5 seasons by the WB.

I see one cancelation by FOX, and 2 by the WB.

All three series were produced at FOX Television, but "FOX Television Studios", and "The FOX Network", are run by different people. FOX studios didn't cancel Firefly, The Fox Network did! Quit confusing one with the other!!!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:52 AM


"Drive" was on Fox. Not by Joss, but it did have the Hero.

......I brought the Grenades.


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:58 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by mycrew:
Does "Keep watching the skies" mean anything to anyone? Am I being hopeful about its possible meaning, possibly meaning a ship that flies in the sky would be visible if we look out for it? Or is this just a phrase Joss uses, that has no real meaning, like "see ya later alligator".

Am I being hopelessly optimistic, looking for secret hidden messages?

At the end of the original The Thing, one of the characters (a journalist) calls in his story to his publisher about the alien, life and death struggle that just happened, and at the end he warns ominously, "Keep watching the skies..." It kind of got to be a scifi slogan for a while.
That's where it comes from... what he meant by that... dunno.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, November 2, 2007 10:10 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:

At the end of the original The Thing, one of the characters (a journalist) calls in his story to his publisher about the alien, life and death struggle that just happened, and at the end he warns ominously, "Keep watching the skies..." It kind of got to be a scifi slogan for a while.
That's where it comes from... what he meant by that... dunno.

Hmm. Thanks for the explanation, pizmobeach. I didn't know that. I love trivia! Puts a different spin on his quote, though. More to ponder... *walks away scratching head, deep in thought*

I'd rather be a smartass than a dumbass...


Friday, November 2, 2007 10:21 AM


but who aint happy here? nerves aside -
ask yourself -
would anyone from the serenity crew NOT support this?
course they frackin would:)
so should we.


Friday, November 2, 2007 10:22 AM


A similar tag "Watch The Skys" was at the end of the original theatrical run of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", at the end of the credits.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Friday, November 2, 2007 10:33 AM



Originally posted by mycrew:
Joss has posted at about Dollhouse. Here is what it says:

"Hi guys. What's going on?

That part cracked me up! By itself, and because it reminded me of Buffy playing dumb when she coming out of The Magic Box in "The Gift", knowing full well what was going on in the alley.


"We have the best fans in the business [in the] Buffy and Whedon universe. It's gonna be pandemonium when this [news] hits." --Eliza Dushku on Dollhouse

"Joss is like a present, he's like a gift as far as I'm concerned."--Ron Glass

for Joss


Friday, November 2, 2007 10:49 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Soounds like a blend of The Island, Momento, Identity, and Total Recall (err, The Warehouse?), Jason Bourne.

Sounds more like Joe 90 meets Dark Angel.



Friday, November 2, 2007 11:11 AM


some of you all are bringing me down so i decided to quit reading your posts and type in my own.

OMFG!! Joss will be on TV again! I'm so frakin happy I could dance. In fact I just just did dance. I think I was channeling Eliza! Dancing and singing "I'm goin' do TV with Joss again!!".


"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Friday, November 2, 2007 11:17 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:

Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Soounds like a blend of The Island, Momento, Identity, and Total Recall (err, The Warehouse?), Jason Bourne.

Sounds more like Joe 90 meets Dark Angel.

Actually I thought it sounds more like Henrik Ibsen's The Doll House meets Fantasy Island
but we shall see! I'm guessing that Joss is using any and all of the above as inspirations on this one!

I think it is going to be wicked cool.


Friday, November 2, 2007 1:21 PM


Hello everyone!

MacBaker I hear what you’re saying but I don’t think you get all the meaning of what I was saying. First of all not having seen Buffy or Angel isn’t something I feel sad about. People that haven’t seen Firefly or Serenity I don’t feel sad for it’s just if they have seen the show then we have something in common that’s all. Secondly, think I said something like I haven’t seen them yet, or that I will see them in the future sometime.

Now I do believe I can be a fan of chocolate cake without being a fan of chocolate donuts, especially if I’ve never had a chocolate donut ( not true of course). Being fan of Joss Whedon by only having seen FF/Serenity and not Buffy or Angel seems to follow.

Next, I don’t view Universal as being the next home of FF. To me Serenity was a whole other animal. I would love for them to make a sequel, and a sequel to the sequel. But I wouldn’t call them a home for FF.

Talking ticket sales for the box office in 05 wasn’t a big success but now that the movie has come out on dvd ( and a BDCE) I think our numbers have increased considerably and are getting bigger all the time. Strait to dvd I’m all for and I’m not against Joss doing what he needs to do to keep his creative talents going. He has every right to do whatever he wants even if it means he’s done with FF/Serenity. I hope not but he has that right no matter what I or anyone else feels. I just think I have the right to be disappointed, just a little bit. But it isn’t something I see as gloom and doom, just an expressed opinion. I still have high hopes of seeing our BDHs on the screen together. Whether the small screen or the big one.



Friday, November 2, 2007 2:07 PM



Originally posted by karenkay99:
some of you all are bringing me down so i decided to quit reading your posts and type in my own.

OMFG!! Joss will be on TV again! I'm so frakin happy I could dance. In fact I just just did dance. I think I was channeling Eliza! Dancing and singing "I'm goin' do TV with Joss again!!".


*dances merrily with KarenKay99* I can't stop grinnin'.


Friday, November 2, 2007 2:28 PM


My thoughts - take em or leave em...

The show sounds like it might be good - might not - it's usually hard to tell just from the "premise". If I read the premise for Firefly I wouldn't think much of it - until I saw it and saw the characters developing... ya know?

Next, whether or not you think this show will be good, it is being made by two of the firefly crew. There's been plenty of times that the people with the money tell the people without the money - "okay, you can have what YOU want, after we get what WE want."
I think it would be great if the show did well. Having Joss and Tim on another hit show can NOT hurt the possibility of firefly comming back. Anything these guys can do to make Fox, the albeit evil but license-holding entity, happy and make them some more money is good for us. It might not happen at the same time but maybe a bit down the road people will be talking about those two guys... and all the money they've made. Maybe?

Next - I think it's a good idea that the studio see loyalty in Joss's flock. Whether or not you want to watch the show I think you should... for firefly's sake. Or at least make like you're watching it.
Wheather it's true or not if the studio see's that Joss has this large group of people willing to support his new project, that translates into dollar signs for them. And dollar signs are good!
I think we should all find forums for the new show and all keep our firefly avatars and sigs at the bottom. Discuss the show honestly and discuss how much we like that Joss is doing it. All the while making refferences back to Firefly. I think a large browncaot presence on the new shows boards could help us to win some new firefly supporters. People could be into this new thing without ever having heard of Firefly. This is a chance for us to win new soldiers!
I also think that Joss will probably work in some firefly refferences on the new show and it would be good for us to be pointing those out on f*x's boards.

And lastly the post from Joss himself. The skies thing was explained away and that's fine. But what about his comment about Eliza looking shiny... and then waking up from his little firefly dream?
I never met the man and wasn't really a fan of his before firefly but I gotta say... he doesn't seem like he's an idiot. He seems pretty smart to me. Pretty cunning! I wouldn't be suprised if he's already cooking up firefly plans.

Here's how I see it... he's back in business with the people that hold the Firefly license... this can't be all bad yet.

And a question... did Universal renew the Serenity license or did they let it expire. Wasn't it supposed to be up this past Sept.?

Like I said, take it for what it's worth.


Friday, November 2, 2007 2:31 PM


I've seen a few episodes of Buffy and Angel. They just weren't my thing. I couldn't get into them at all. When Firefly came out, I didn't watch it. I heard Joss was doing it and I just wasn't interested. It wasn't until a friend showed Firefly to me on DVD that I was hooked. I've been a loyal Browncoat since.

I guess my point is I'm not excited about this. I guess you can't really call me a Joss least not of Buffy and Angel. His run on Astonishing X-Men was good...not great. It had some good stuff. I do like the free comic he did on myspace called Sugar Shock. That was great!

But all in all, I'm only interested in getting more Firefly and Serenity. The sad truth is this. The actors aren't getting any younger. Not that their old by any means, but can you really see a 40 year old Kaylee? If they're gonna do something, it needs to be within the next 5 years or so.

Just an opinion.


Friday, November 2, 2007 2:59 PM



Originally posted by prototype7:
My thoughts - take em or leave em...

And lastly the post from Joss himself. The skies thing was explained away and that's fine. But what about his comment about Eliza looking shiny... and then waking up from his little firefly dream?
I never met the man and wasn't really a fan of his before firefly but I gotta say... he doesn't seem like he's an idiot.

I don't think he was referring to Firefly when he used the word shiny in this instance...

Joss said:

I remember I was having lunch with Eliza, and thinking she was shiny, so shiny... and then I woke up here. Weird.

And personally I took this to mean that he didn't plan to write a show,
he wasn't planning to go back to television yet,
Eliza Dushku hypnotized him and he came up with the show idea, agreed to be Exec Producer, and signed contracts all under the influence of her hypnotic suggestions...

Maybe I'm wrong, but that is how I took it.


Friday, November 2, 2007 3:17 PM


Well... I kinda see your point there Embers... but did Joss ever use the term shiny before firefly? I'm not saying it means anything... just that it seemed to me he had firefly on the brain. Maybe not. Come to think of it... I'm not sure if it'd be a good idea for any of us to go TOO far into Joss brain anyway!


Friday, November 2, 2007 3:49 PM


I would be surprised to hear that the first time Joss said the adjective 'shiny' he used it in Firefly....
He did have an episode of Angel entitled: "Shiny Happy People"

In Buffy's first season episode 'the Pack' Buffy says the zoo animals are "shiny and new"

on Buffy's Season 5 Buffy brought back the glowing orb from the Monk and the script says:

Buffy reaches into her bag and removes the glowing yellow globe.

I put this before the group. What the hell is it?

It appears to be paranormal in origin.

How can you tell?

Well, it's so shiny.

Found it on patrol.

(so Giles calls things shiny)

In fact on Whedonesque they had a whole thread on the origin of 'shiny':

So you see I think that Joss feels free to use the adjective in non-Firefly references fairly regularly....


Friday, November 2, 2007 7:23 PM


The more people see of our Big Darn Heroes' work, the more people want to see of our Big Darn Heroes' work...which leads them back to Firefly/Serenity.

That holds true for the actors and for Joss Whedon and Tim Minear.

Joss wants to do more Firefly/Serenity.

The actors want to do more Firefly/Serenity.

They all love working together.

The more popular Joss and Tim and the actors get...the more chance someone will realize there is money to be made.

Nathan hasn't even taken his shirt off yet on Desperate Housewives. And you know he's been working out.


Friday, November 2, 2007 7:48 PM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:

Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Soounds like a blend of The Island, Momento, Identity, and Total Recall (err, The Warehouse?), Jason Bourne.

Sounds more like Joe 90 meets Dark Angel.


Didn't catch Joe 90, but yeah, Dark Angel is definitely in there. Of course, one might notice that all of these references are following (and partially inspired by) Ludlum's Bourne Identity from the early 80's. And the female lead version Long Kiss Goodnight.
But yeah, hope it all goes well and they make gobs of cashy money. I'll probably have to wait for the DVDs.


Saturday, November 3, 2007 7:46 AM


Oh yeah .......

bloody hell yeahhhhhhhhhh.

About F.....g time

Our Time Is never up Faith We pay for everything.- Angel.


Saturday, November 3, 2007 10:57 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
Well crap. That sucks.... I think I just died.

So this is what the afterlife is like eh? Reading that Joss, Eliza, and Tim will be working together. Good news indeed.
So... the questions...
If they start [working on the show]in Feb. Will this be a spring/mid season replacement?
Please FOX don't start them in the summer. That never works. I'd really rather wait until next September than have it start in the summer.

A man who walks the Earth

A more important question would be if Joss will actually be able to do it at all. Isn't he a member of WGA?

Aren't they about to go on strike?

Yeah. I hope it doesn't hurt it any.







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