Firefly Layout

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 04:08
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Sunday, February 2, 2003 1:05 PM


Prehaps I'm the only one who cares(wouldn't suprise me), but I have two quick Q's about the layout of the ship.

1. That ladder they use in bushwhacked and objects in space to get into the ship, was that just not present in the pilot or am I seeing things?

2. Where the heck does that ladder/staircase thing in the middle of the cockpit/bridge go?


Sunday, February 2, 2003 3:39 PM


I believe that goes down to the engine room, could be really mistaken though.

The bumpkiniest of the Bumpkin Army.


Sunday, February 2, 2003 6:57 PM


The engine room is at the other end of the the engine :)

I just noticed they come up the ladder(twice) on the bridge in objects in space...but it doesn't show exactly where they are either time before they go up it...

Based on my understanding of the ship...what the heck could be blow the bridge? I guess there could be some path in the top middle of the cargo bay through the crew quarters area(right under that hall), but that doesn't make much sense...


Monday, February 3, 2003 2:16 AM


I was wondering about layout too !

Hope this comes out right:

Bridge - Crew Quarters* - Mess - Cargo Bay* - Lounge/Sickbay - Engine Room

first * - airlock
second * - shuttles


Monday, February 3, 2003 2:53 AM


here is my take on the layout.
Bridge, there is something in front of the bridge, but have no clue what. behind the bridge is a long passage way with 6 "drop down"/stateroom, an intersection then the galley/commons area of the ship. Dead aft of this galley is another passageway, that goes for a bit, interstection then engine room.

First intersection, forward of galley goes right, around the corner aft to the ladder to the cargo bay upper level catwalk. Also, at this intersection above it is the air lock. The afte intersection also turns a corner, and leads to a ladder going forward into the massive cargo bay.

Note the ladder (stairs) going up to the bridge, there is a door next to this ladder, where does it go? I don't know, but likely same place as the forward ladder on the bridge.

Cargo bay has the main bay, with big door/ramp in front. Aft is the hatch, we see ducting and there is the infirmary behind the hatch, (on a catwalk which leads around the infirmary, Couch area left of Doc's shop. behind the infirmary is the passenger berthing cubes, at least 2 levels of cubes on each side. Ladder in the middle but where that goes...

If anyone has drawn out what we have seen of the ship's insides so far, I would love to see it.



Monday, February 3, 2003 6:25 AM


There was someone making a level for "Unreal Tournament 2003". I think it was "ordered" by Fox so I don't think that it will be finished. It would have been very interesting for getting into the layout of the ship!

And about that misterious stairs/room. We'll probably never know what's inside there. So we could make our own theories. I mean it could be a bathroom.

Yes there are Fireflyfans all over the world. Even in little switzerland.


Monday, February 3, 2003 7:21 AM


It kind of sucks that we orobably wont get to see that UT2003 level. It was kind of the reason I bought the game.



Monday, February 3, 2003 10:47 AM


I noticed this while being bored with firefly stuff...

See that door under the bridge? That must be where it goes...BUT WHAT IS THERE!

P.S. It can't be a bathroom, they have those in their quarters and possibly somewhere in the common area.


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 6:42 AM


I did a bunch of layout sketches of Serenity's floorplans for the story I'm currently working on, and here's what I came up with (with HawkMoth and maystone's help)

top level, moving fore to aft:
bridge --> crew quarters --> mess --> engine room

middle level:
passenger dorm --> infirmary

bottom level:
3 storey high cargo bay, with shuttles on port and starboard side, level with the catwalk

If you look at the external shot of the ship, you can see the windows in the ceiling of the mess/dining area on top, and where the shuttles dock. The crew quarters are in the long "neck" part that joins the bridge with the main 3-level body of the ship, with the engine taking up pretty much the whole back end of the firefly.

Watch the long hand-held shots in "The Train Job" as Mal and Book walk from the infirmary to the engine room, the tease of "Objects In Space" when River walks from the passenger dorm up to the bridge and then down to the cargo bay.

Also, Kaylee's quarters are next to Mal's, on the starboard side, while I'm assuming Wash & Zoe's and Jayne's are port side. There must be an empty room somewhere (Wash's original digs) unless Wash and Zoe were already married by the time Jayne joined the crew.


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 11:45 AM


Thanks for that thorough examination! I've been noticing a few things:

In Out of Gas, as Mal is locking up the ship, he walks from the engine room and through the galley. Just before he mounts the steps to the bridge, it appears that there is a room or passageway leading behind the kitchen.

Also in Out of Gas, you can clearly see that there is some "room" behind those lockers on the bridge... heh heh.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 7:09 AM



Originally posted by LJC:
middle level:
passenger dorm --> infirmary
joined the crew.

Actually, the infirmary/common room (where they relax, NOT the dining room) is in front of and below the cargo bay. In "Serenity", Mal tells Simon that Kaylee is dead while they are on the catwalk above the cargo area. Simon then runs down the stairs, through the cargo area then down another set of stairs to the infirmary. When he gets to the infirmary, you can see the cargo area at the top of the stairs behind him. Then in "Objects in Space", at the very end, when Mal touches Inara's lip outside the infirmary, the camera goes up the stairs and into the cargo area where River and Kaylee are playing jacks.

I'll have to watch more closely for more clues.

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 7:09 AM



Originally posted by LJC:
middle level:
passenger dorm --> infirmary
joined the crew.

Actually, the infirmary/common room (where they relax, NOT the dining room) is in front of and below the cargo bay. In "Serenity", Mal tells Simon that Kaylee is dead while they are on the catwalk above the cargo area. Simon then runs down the stairs, through the cargo area then down another set of stairs to the infirmary. When he gets to the infirmary, you can see the cargo area at the top of the stairs behind him. Then in "Objects in Space", at the very end, when Mal touches Inara's lip outside the infirmary, the camera goes up the stairs and into the cargo area where River and Kaylee are playing jacks.

I'll have to watch more closely for more clues.

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 7:17 AM


Ahhhhhhh.... Thanks for the correction! So the passenger dorm and infirmary are level with the top storey of the cargo bay? Rather than above the cargo bay? Nifty! Now I can modify my sketches s'more!


Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:06 AM


The infirmary is in FRONT of the cargo area (ie. towards the front of the ship) but on a level BELOW the cargo area. It is NOT underneath the cargo area.

Actually, I was just watching Serenity for the umpteenth time and I realized that the passenger dormitory and the infirmary are next to each other. In Serenity, when they first take on the passengers, they carry their stuff from the cargo bay to the dorm through that same door that leads to the infirmary. And in Jaynestown, it opens with Simon and Kaylee talking in the dorm when they hear Jayne taping on those guns and run around the corner to the infirmary.

So that would put the infirmary and passenger dorm below the crew quarters which would make sense. That way all the living units are in the same area and thus all the utilities, like plumbing, would be in the same place.

And therefore, the only thing below the dining room is the cargo bay. This makes sense because in Serenity, when Inara meets up with the ship on Persephone, Zoe walks around the dining room and stands at the top of 3 flights of stairs to tell Mal that they've got a full house.

Maybe I'm watching this show too much... :-)

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:06 AM


The infirmary is in FRONT of the cargo area (ie. towards the front of the ship) but on a level BELOW the cargo area. It is NOT underneath the cargo area.

Actually, I was just watching Serenity for the umpteenth time and I realized that the passenger dormitory and the infirmary are next to each other. In Serenity, when they first take on the passengers, they carry their stuff from the cargo bay to the dorm through that same door that leads to the infirmary. And in Jaynestown, it opens with Simon and Kaylee talking in the dorm when they hear Jayne taping on those guns and run around the corner to the infirmary.

So that would put the infirmary and passenger dorm below the crew quarters which would make sense. That way all the living units are in the same area and thus all the utilities, like plumbing, would be in the same place.

And therefore, the only thing below the dining room is the cargo bay. This makes sense because in Serenity, when Inara meets up with the ship on Persephone, Zoe walks around the dining room and stands at the top of 3 flights of stairs to tell Mal that they've got a full house.

Maybe I'm watching this show too much... :-)

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:10 AM



I keep getting turned around because the cargo doors are at the front of the ship. That means the infirmary and the passenger dorm are below the engine room. Doh! Sorry about that.

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:10 AM



I keep getting turned around because the cargo doors are at the front of the ship. That means the infirmary and the passenger dorm are below the engine room. Doh! Sorry about that.

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:25 AM


But when River goes up the stairs next to the infirmary in "Objects in Space" she comes out at the mess--not the engine room. It would make more sense to me that the passenger dorm is directly below the crew quarters, and the infirmary is below the mess... And didn't Mal and Book come out at the stairs between the Engine room and the Mess? So wouldn't that mean the passenger dorm is fore of the engine room, which is aft and over the top level of teh cargo bay?

Ack. Now I'm all turned around again. I just drew a cross-section which I *think* is close. But what i really wish I ahd was one of those detailed maps you see on cruise ships with "You Are Here" on it. I betcha there was one hanging in the ME offices for when they were breaking stories... Of course, they don't have the spacial relations problems I have becasue for me, Serenity is a real palce they can go stand in adn say "Ah. This is here, that is there." whereas I'm trying to piece it together using tracking stots and hand-held sequences...


Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:28 AM


If you go to the "features" section of the official site, and look at the "Sketches, wardrobe, gadgets, and more" video, there's a floorplan/blueprint looking thing that the camera scrolls across at the very beginning. If you disable all the video options in Quicktime, you can take screenies and cut & past 'em together to see the whole thing. Unfortunately, it's not the highest resolution. The video is shown in a window about the size of the little screenshot in the top-left corner of this page.

Early: You ever been raped, Kaylee?
Kaylee: You know, it's funny you should mention that... ever heard of the Fox network?


Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:37 AM


Hmmm... Actually, in OiS, River goes up a different set of stairs (to the right of the sickbay) than the one that leads to the cargo bay (to the left of the sick bay). If I remember correctly, in Serenity, Mal and Book go up these same stairs (on the right) and end up in the engine room where Kaylee has strung all this stuff up. And the engine room is behind the mess because in Out of Gas, the fire comes from the engine room into the mess. Also, in Our Mrs Reynolds, Mal has a talk with Saffron near the engine room and he points her to the mess which is down the hall.

So it appears that the infirmiry and passenger dorm are below the engine room which is behind the mess. In fact, I was re-reading the posts and the layout that I'm imagining matches Drakon's post above.

Does this make sense or am I floating in space somewhere? I'm never sure anymore...

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:37 AM


Hmmm... Actually, in OiS, River goes up a different set of stairs (to the right of the sickbay) than the one that leads to the cargo bay (to the left of the sick bay). If I remember correctly, in Serenity, Mal and Book go up these same stairs (on the right) and end up in the engine room where Kaylee has strung all this stuff up. And the engine room is behind the mess because in Out of Gas, the fire comes from the engine room into the mess. Also, in Our Mrs Reynolds, Mal has a talk with Saffron near the engine room and he points her to the mess which is down the hall.

So it appears that the infirmiry and passenger dorm are below the engine room which is behind the mess. In fact, I was re-reading the posts and the layout that I'm imagining matches Drakon's post above.

Does this make sense or am I floating in space somewhere? I'm never sure anymore...

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:45 AM


"Actually, the infirmary/common room (where they relax, NOT the dining room) is in front of and below the cargo bay."

Um this is not quite right. The large cargo door is in front of the cargo bay. The infirmary/common room is behind the main cargo bay. I get this turned around as well.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 12:07 PM


You are completely right. That's why I had to issue that "CORRECTION" above. Sometimes I get lost in my virtual mind.

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 12:07 PM


You are completely right. That's why I had to issue that "CORRECTION" above. Sometimes I get lost in my virtual mind.

"...morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with" - Mal


Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:22 PM


No one seems to know whats under the bridge(and now I suppose we never will :( )

As for that "big" staircase next to the infirmiry(not the little one that goes to the cargo bay), that definetly just leads right up to that hallway between the engine room and mess.


Friday, February 7, 2003 3:39 AM


That space below the bridge is for the camera guy to capture those cool shots of Mal standing at the helm being all Captainy and stoic.

I thought for awhile that it was the "Battle Bridge" but Serenity doesn't have any guns....


Saturday, February 8, 2003 3:50 AM


I think all the curves of the ship and all the little stairs cause some perceptional problems -- for me at least.

I think the area beneath the bridge holds computer/navigation equipment. Isn't that where they were when trying to ungum the works that Saffron gummed up in OMR?

I've drawn up a ROUGH floorplan to see how it jibes with the rest of your thoughts.

Ummm -- how do I post a picture?


Saturday, February 8, 2003 7:54 AM


Mmmm... you could send it to Haken, or get a free website from Geocities or something and then post the link.

Early: You ever been raped, Kaylee?
Kaylee: You know, it's funny you should mention that... ever heard of the Fox network?


Sunday, November 11, 2007 8:06 AM


If you scroll down on their page, they have the sketches from Joss Whedon on the layout of the ship. It shows you where everything is, and I'm guessing you can connect the rest.


Sunday, November 11, 2007 9:13 AM


There is clearly a room below the bridge, but it is unlabeled. Perhaps that is the office to the Writer’s Guild.


Sunday, November 11, 2007 9:17 AM



Originally posted by SlowSmurf:
Prehaps I'm the only one who cares(wouldn't suprise me), but I have two quick Q's about the layout of the ship.

1. That ladder they use in bushwhacked and objects in space to get into the ship, was that just not present in the pilot or am I seeing things?

2. Where the heck does that ladder/staircase thing in the middle of the cockpit/bridge go?

In most airliners, the area just below the cockpit, is the avionics bay. I would imagine that those stairs on the bridge lead to sensors, navagation computers, radio equipment, etc. The door below the stairs (in the hallway lead to the bridge) probably leads to the same place.

I also noticed a second smaller door at the rear of the bridge, to the right of the main entrance. I'm guessing that's a bathroom (head).

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Monday, November 12, 2007 9:17 PM


In commentary, Joss had specifically mentioned that they had not decided what was down there. They knew they had a space there, but they hadn't assigned it a purpose.
However, that bridge was HUGE. Anybody who has been in a cockpit knows how cramped it is. Hollywood always makes cockpits 4-5 times their real size, like in modern planes even.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4:08 AM


On the QMX blueprints, the room you are asking about is labeled "Armory." The "Avionics Bay" is directly in front of the bridge. There is also an "Escape Pod" and an airlock. The blueprints for the ship can be seen here:

Find the pdf, and open go to page 7. It's a little hard to read, but it's there. I'm waiting for those blueprints to come out in book form so I can drool over them.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."






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