Hero Essay Contest

UPDATED: Saturday, November 17, 2007 14:25
VIEWED: 1285
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Friday, November 16, 2007 7:23 AM


HERO Essay Contest

The most recent HERO release, A HERO for IRAQ, is generating a lot of discussion. It encourages people to stop and think about where they stand on this very controversial and political issue. To view the growing commentary and add your own voice to this installment visit:


In an effort to continue the discussion of heroes and heroism in today's world, the HCC is sponsoring an essay contest. The winners will receive a very shiny HERO print signed by Martin Firrell.

Please see more here:


Friday, November 16, 2007 9:43 AM


Cool!! Good to know

Bumping for goodness and Heroes:)


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Friday, November 16, 2007 2:01 PM


Thank you, MSB. :-)


Friday, November 16, 2007 3:38 PM


Arnaud-Amaury, the Abbot of Citeaux, said "Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet." ("Kill them all. God will know his own." ) That saying has been slightly modified for Vietnam, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out." How should it be modified for the Middle East?


Friday, November 16, 2007 4:20 PM


Kill NO ONE and please God.


Friday, November 16, 2007 4:57 PM


That is very idealistic but not very realistic if you think about it. Here me out! There basically have been four general types of over population protection to mankind. The first type is war, the second type is famine, the third type is pestilence, and the fourth is natural disaster. People have been saying, that no good comes from war, but I counter that two pieces of good can & do come from war, and with one those two good things from war we might actually be able to enjoy a fifth type of over population protection.

Wars have been fought through history for many reasons ranging from religion, to revenge, but if you think about it war has primarily been fought for over population purposes, and with there being 6 billion pushing towards 7 billion people on this planet, a form of over population protection is needed desperately, so no matter what the stated purpose for the war, it could be considered a plus, especially when it is compared to the other three types of over population protection we do have at this time. Earlier I mentioned that two good things can come from war and those two things are a well regulated way of controlling over population and the other is technology. World War 2 is primarily responsible for our current space programs, and if war pushes our technology further, soon we as mankind may get to experience a fifth form of over population control and that is space exploration. I am sorry, for sounding cold and callous with this short note, but I am in a hurry. I will revisit this as soon as I can to correct any errors I may have made and to fill in any points I may have missed.


Friday, November 16, 2007 6:00 PM


I think that I'll let you all reply to my earlier post before I make any edits.


Friday, November 16, 2007 11:38 PM


Thought provoking, Rallem.

But this is simply a late night bump for our friends who join the board in the USA's night time hours.

I hope some folks will be moved to participate both on the thread here and more importantly in the contest... you win a prize!!


Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:12 AM


I thought of another form of over population protection to mankind that I failed to mention above, but in all honesty it has never been tried and it to me sounds more hideous than the other four methods of over population protection combined and that type is eugenics. Eugenics is the controlled form of reproduction so that people like you and me who may not be the prettiest, healthiest, or most intelligent would not ever be allowed to breed and thus in a way become second class citizens.

I went to this web site where this letter has been published and on second reading I think this entire letter and project is bulls**t, and it is simply the product of some idealistic peacenik who probably has never served a day in any military trying to sway readers or viewers as it may be to his or her way of thinking. It simply is too easy to say an anonymous soldier who is serving in Iraq sent that letter. I was going to register there and say something about this but as it turns out somebody already is using my login name, and it looks like more than a few people have spoke up about this farce. I would like to point out that if anybody does see any text on that site from a rallem it in no way is connected to me the real and original rallem.


Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:58 AM


Nice thing about the democratic societies that we live in, Rallem... ( hard won by the very soldiers we are talking about ) we get to think and pretty much say whatever we want to. So you expressing your thoughts on this is what this is all about. Just because your opinions might be contrary to the project and contrary to my own opinions is thought provoking and discussion encouraging.

The Hero Project is about the honest discussion of what a hero is in our world today. There are as many opinions about that as there are people responding.


Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:25 AM


A hero is someone who exemplifies the very character traits you place value in. I hero worship my mother and father because they taught me right from wrong, but they are not the only persons I consider a hero. I call Malcolm X a hero of mine as well. While in High School I had a project in Social Studies Class where I had to teach the rest of the class about a significant Black Leader. Of course the really popular Leaders were taken quickly like Martin Luther King, W.E.B. DuBois, and Rosa Parks, so I selected Malcolm X as my project and I had one week to prepare for my class. You have to understand this was in the very early 1980s and I went to an all white high school, so my teacher wasn’t really sure if I was up to the challenge because in Malcolm’s earlier life he was known as Malcolm Little and he was arrested for being a pimp and a drug dealer.

I replied that I wanted this project. I learned that all which my teacher warned me about was true, and that while in prison he converted to the Muslim faith becoming Malcolm X, and after he got out of prison he became a leader in the black community. I also learned that Malcolm X probably wouldn’t have liked me very much because the color of my skin, but that is not all I learned about Malcolm X and from Malcolm X. The way I see it, Malcolm Little was a Pimp and Drug Dealer while in his youth and as a young adult because he was a victim of his circumstances. Malcolm Little grew up in a time and place where he had little choice in what he could become and he chose the path he thought best served him.

While in prison Malcolm Little decided that he was never going to be a victim of his circumstances again and joined the Muslim faith. Malcolm’s journey and decision not to be a victim of his circumstances did not end there, because he left the United States of America for Mecca where he learned that blacks and whites and people of every color can live in peace and harmony, which changed slightly how he felt about white people. Also very shortly after that he learned of his Leader named Elijah Muhammad having extramarital affairs, so he decided to break relations with the Nation of Islam. This is where Malcolm X becomes my hero, because he knew that if he made that speech denouncing Islam that he would be killed, but Malcolm X’s decision not to be a victim of circumstances was so resolute that he was willing to die to do the right thing.


Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:29 AM


You can submit that to the contest. Have you thought about doing that?


Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:42 AM


I will not be entering this contest, but I did sign up and voiced my opinion under a different name. I was not allowed to have Rallem.


Saturday, November 17, 2007 2:25 PM








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