Lets start a 'We Love FOX campaign!'

UPDATED: Monday, November 19, 2007 21:19
VIEWED: 1886
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007 3:18 AM


Now that Joss has finally kissed and made up with FOX, (greed is quite motivating) shouldn’t the fan base start a kiss and makeup campaign with FOX and beg them to re-ignite FIRELY. We can send them love letters, Christmas cards and some Thanksgiving turkeys.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 3:59 AM


You’re a better man than I am Gunga Din!
I don’t know about the other coats around here but I’m not ready for that yet! Sales of the BDS (Series) have been going great. There’s been plenty of time for f*>< to meet with Joss for a civilized brush-up meeting to see how difficult a relit campaign for FF would be. I mean they could keep it hush-hush and all so there aren’t any rumors and false hope given to the fans. Things like getting the actors together, assembling the same studio crew (or as close as possible), the equipment and work stages and the CGI crews. All this could be done in, I’m thinking a half dozen sit down meetings or so. A little brainstorming.

Every show on f*>< doesn’t have to be an America Idol IMO. There could just be some that are infant shows that can be helped and nurtured along. Given time to snowball down the slope getting bigger with each roll. A mini series (3eps) would be a nice start. From there they could tell where the show was headed. I’ve been watching NBCs Chuck on Monday nights and visiting the on-line forums there. At first there were about 20 people on the boards. Yesterday there were 80. I would love to see an active board discussing the “New Adventures of Firefly”

Maybe they are testing the waters with Joss with DH. They still have the rights to Firefly. If they lets those rights go for a reasonable rate I’m sure they know someone will jump at the chance to make more. Can a new FF series be made cheaper? I’m sure it can but I’m also sure that the cast and crew need to be paid a fair rate. I’m sure all those details can be worked out and can you imagine being able to catch any episode you may have missed on-line! That right there would bring in thousands of more viewers and tons more fans. Any fans of other shows could catch FF whenever they wanted. The fan base would multiply like hotcakes and the merchandising would go through the roof.

Guess I could forgive f*>< if all this happened. Someone said there’s new f*>< leadership and they should be given a chance. Well the browncoats are waiting and ready to show the luv.


Zoey, “ I’m sure River wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
Jayne,” Hey remember me, a knife..?”
Zoey, “Anyone we couldn’t afford to loose!”


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 6:40 AM


But if Joss is sucking up to FOX, what about us? I don't see the characters when they are old and fat. The show won't be the same with a fat River or Kaylee.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:25 PM


I think I'll wait until F*X renews Dollhouse for it's 2nd season before I consider kissing and making up. Just because they gave another show to Joss doesn't mean they're gonna treat it right.

F*X has screwed over a lot more shows than just Firefly, so I need more proof that they've changed their ways before I devote any more of my time to that network.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:45 PM


Same here. Before the making up part begins, I need to see that F*X will change their ways for doing stuff. If a show you cancelled is doing great and has a MUCH bigger fan base than it did some odd years ago, wouldn't it make sense to bring it back?

I would like to see this happen with a show like Titus or Futurama ( after the movie of course).


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:51 PM


Maybe that should read "I think I'll wait until F*X allows Dollhouse to run a full season." That makes more sense.

I'm going to be devil's advocate here. If Wash and Book aren't in the new season's, I don't want it. I realize Firefly being a Whedon show character's would be killed off. But it would have been gradual. After a season or two some character's would have bitten the bullet (most likely the first character would have been Jayne, would have killed me) If he brings it back, well maybe he can do a prequel series leading up to the movie and then rehash the movie on tv.

But another problem I have with that is Adam would have to quit CHUCK, and I LOVE that show and his character that it wouldn't be the same without him. Adam finally, FINALLY found a long lasting series (so long as the writers strike doesn't affect it, pleasepleaseplease) and I can't see him doing anything else right now.

Having said that, I'm up for a possible mini-series. It wouldn't be as hard on his schedual. But not, I repeat NOT fux. Since Versal is an NBC affiliate it would make sense for it to be on NBC. That way Adam wouldn't have to go far to tape the series, just take a stroll to the next lot.

But I can only see myself watching this if it's a prequel. Wash and Book and cast together, building up to Book and Inara leading..... and a rehash of the movie, but with proper character building. Now THAT, would be must see TV.





Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:06 PM


I don't watch much TV. I just don't find it that entertaining. Rehashings of the same stories that are repeated in twelve different sitcoms...unrelenting reality shows (that suck more and more as they go on)...and countless renditions of CSI and Law & Order...UGH!!!! I like watching it all less and less. Currently, the only show that I watch on a regular basis is Smallville...and that is getting worse as the season progresses. Saying that I love Fox would be one of the biggest and most disgusting lies that I could ever tell. There are currently ZERO shows on Fox that I watch (except for reruns of The Simpsons on a rare occasion). Not only do they not have ANY shows that I'm interested in, but (HELLO!!) they cancelled the one that I liked...and won't bring it back! If they renewed Firefly, maybe, MAYBE I would find it in my little old heart to forgive them...until then, I pray that Universal greenlights a big damn sequel, or NBC relaunches Firefly under a different name (or something like that).

I don't like to hold grudges, but I know I'm not the only one out there on this one...


Sunday, November 18, 2007 5:43 AM


I'm going to be totally different on this and say that although I'll never forgive the executives and programming directors at F*x at the time for what they did to Firefly- I'm willing to give the net a chance if Joss is.

They're showing Summer's new series, they've signed up Joss to do a new show, Nathan and Tim Minear still have contracts with them. They make tv shows! They'll like as not make some I like in the future and I'll want to watch them. Like the people in my life, I'm willing to take one show on one net at a time. I give away my heart when I love a tv show of my own free will, I can live with the loss if it goes away. I don't like it, but I can live with it.

DollHouse despite it's being on F*x deserves all our support and eyeballs. Just sayin'.


Monday, November 19, 2007 3:06 PM


I also think "wait and see" would be a better way to go regarding FOX. Here is a rather old user comment about another "The Curse of Fox" I found about Wonderfalls.

"So, here we have another impressive, interesting show, that's thankfully interesting and not some sort of godawful reality mess...but it's on Fox. You know Fox, right? That network renowned for giving amazing shows a chance, then never advertising them, airing them out of order or preempting them for some tripe like American Idle, changing their place int he schedule from week to week and finally cancelling them cuz "Gee Wally, these ratings aren't so good."

I can only conclude that there are two seperate entities at work over at Fox. One likes to take these new shows and give them a place to live and grow, to go beyond the normal, dare I say crap, we see on TV. And the other entity is the one who gets to control the show once it's signed on. It's the thing that says "You're on here, opposite Monday Night wait, at 3AM on wait, Fridays at 9!" This entity is of substandard intelligence and may very well be Rupert Murdoch. But I digress.

Wonderfalls is another rare hit for Fox, if only they take the time to promote it, give it a good timeslot and keep it around long enough for it to develop a fanbase. Failing that, brace yourself for more godawful and pointless reality TV. We shall see.


Monday, November 19, 2007 9:19 PM


Reading the above entries, I got to wondering... if there becomes a new Firefly with Wash and Book, would Joss be able to shock us by killing off Wash or Book? Would we assume they would have been safe from being killed off? No other roles would be able to be killed off because they are all present after the deaths of Wash and Book, right? So no primary characters would logically be killed off. How would these 2 opposing options fare in Joss land?






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