It's time to get firefly back.

UPDATED: Monday, December 10, 2007 05:21
VIEWED: 2975
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Friday, December 7, 2007 9:23 AM


We need to:

A. Contact Joss Whedon

B. Contact FOX

and we need to do it in mass and with force.

I'm having trouble finding a contact address for Joss Whedon so if anyone can find that please post it. (a physical mailing address is better than an e-mail address but both will suffice)

What i had in mind is the following:

Mail (or e-mail) both FOX and Joss Whedon at the same time all with the same letter/letterhead. If we get enough people (including those that are not registered on this site because i know there are many fans that aren't) it should create enough momentum to at least start the ball rolling, if even a little, and that's all we need. Firefly is a snowball and as we all know, as soon as it starts, there's no stopping it...


Friday, December 7, 2007 10:44 AM


Joss knows we support him and is active online he really doesnt need mass mailings begging for more firefly, he knows we want it, he wants it its not in his court now.

Our best chance lies with Universal and another movie, and the best way at this point is to buy the dvd's, money will get us more another good way is recruit more folks.

Also just a note, in the middle of a writers strike is not the best time to push a broadcasting company to create more of something, even if they wanted to they cannot until the strike ends.

And before you get huffy and defensive please keep in mind that we do have folks on the inside who get the word out to us (including Joss) when a push will do the most good, the most recent word from them all is its all up to Serenity's DVD sales. Hang in there we will get more we just have to hold the line

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Friday, December 7, 2007 2:48 PM


Also understand one more thing. Your not the first person to have suggested this. From the very beggining of the series, when cancellation was looming in the horizon the Veteran Browncoats did all the and more, even going so far as to put out a full page add in Variety thanking Fox and the sponcers for airing Firefly. It didn't work, unfortunately.

Fox knows they made a mistake. I'm almost certain of it, but for some reason they're not interested in bringing it back. Case in point they went to Joss and asked him to direct a new show with Aliza Dushka called Dollhouse. They could have asked him to bring back Firefly but did not. I think, and all the signs are there, they've washed their hands of the whole thing. They don't have to worry though, they make quite a bit of money off of the DVD's (which only got made because the fans demanded it) They get their cake and eat it too.

It's a noble idea, believe me we've all been through it. I was an original viewer and I didn't even realize it was cancelled (couldn't for the life of me understand why there were baseball games and Adam 'fricken' Sandler movies in my Firefly's timeslot) We all go through the grieving stages. Your on stage one. Everyone here knows what your going through.

As Artcat said, any hope now is for a sequel, or made for DVD movie, or even a made for tv movie. But as for Fox picking it up. It's been more than 5 years now and they had every opportunity. Don't waste paper on them, and please don't pressure Joss. It's been a worse nightmare for him losing this beautiful butterfly to incompetant boobs at the network. He's always said the cancellation of Firefly was one of the worst days of his life. He knows we want more. He wants more, hell the actors want more. He put up a fight for this butterfly and he got a movie (and a movie made from a cancelled tv show just doesn't happen. especially a little known cancelled show. this movie really was a miracle and a testament to the Browncoats support and tenacity) We make things happen, and that makes us mighty. Unfortuantely for many reasons the movie didn't do as well, so that's where our part comes in.

Do everything that artcat said, and we'll do the impossible again. But don't hope for TV. Fox, I believe, has closed the door to that one.

However, I have been wrong before, and if after the strike the networks somehow grow their own brains and finally end the trend of *ugh* reality shows and goes back to honestly well written shows, then maybe, maybe. Especially if Dollhouse becomes a hit.





Friday, December 7, 2007 11:06 PM


it's not over... it's FOX... they just need to pull a family guy to remember how popular the show is...


Friday, December 7, 2007 11:58 PM


Look, buddy, you're not listening.

We're working on it.

We've been working on it since 2002.

All of us, ALL of us have been through what you're going through, doing anything and everything we can to get it back. We got Serenity, that's miraculous enough. But there's only so much bull-rushing the network can do.

We need to stay quiet for a little while, hit them when it matters. Like an above poster said, things are looking up. We have Better Days out next year, Joss working in TV again, and Serenity still selling.

We're out there. Right now we just need to run quiet.



Saturday, December 8, 2007 5:57 AM


and why exactly do we need to run quiet?


Saturday, December 8, 2007 6:33 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

JStarr, as everyone else has already stated, you are not the first person to come on this site all eager to fight for more Firefly. We have all been through those emotions, we sympathize with your sentiments, but don't ignore all the great work that has gone before by Browncoats who have been on the line much longer than you have.

I have been a Firefly fan since September 20, 2002, and I've seen it all. The fan-letter faze, the buying a Variety ad stage, raising money and donating DVDs for the troops campaign, the exhilaration when Universal greenlit Serenity, along with the depression when the film did not perform as well as it should have.

Joss has stated many times that he desperately wants to tell more stories in the 'verse, but he does not have the funds to finance a television or movie production on his own. He is reliant on a studio or independent producer to approach him with a deal. I am sure he has made it clear to several in the industry that this is the case.

The best chance we have for any more Firefly or Serenity is to recruit as many other fans as possible. Buy the dvds for friends, dontate them to your library, let people know about the other venues for this story (the comics, the visual companions, fan vids and fanfic). Watch Firefly and Serenity whenever it plays on a channel you receive. The Sci-Fi Channel will have a seven episode marathon next Friday, December 14, beginning with the pilot, and it starts in prime time to boot. Universal HD has offered the series in the past and has plans to repeat it again in 2008, and Serenity has run various times on the HBO/Cinemax channels, and will probably be on again.

Do not interpret any of what we have said as criticism of your enthusiasm, we need that as much now as any other time during the long days since cancellation. Just be aware that whatever you have thought about doing has already been tried, and much of that was successful at the time. If you can come up with another concrete suggestion other than a letter-writing campaign, I'll certainly be willing to consider it.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, December 8, 2007 8:12 AM



but he does not have the funds to finance a television or movie production on his own. He is reliant on a studio or independent producer to approach him with a deal.

so wouldn't a massive fundraiser to raise money for that purpose be even a little helpful? Even if it doesn't serve any other purpose, wouldn't that show just how serious we are? I can buy DVDs from now till the end of time, but I don't think that has as much of an impact. I know I'd personally be willing to donate a good bit to bringing it back.

I know it's probably futile, but I want my Firefly back :(


Saturday, December 8, 2007 9:50 AM



Originally posted by t3hmoto:

but he does not have the funds to finance a television or movie production on his own. He is reliant on a studio or independent producer to approach him with a deal.

so wouldn't a massive fundraiser to raise money for that purpose be even a little helpful? Even if it doesn't serve any other purpose, wouldn't that show just how serious we are? I can buy DVDs from now till the end of time, but I don't think that has as much of an impact. I know I'd personally be willing to donate a good bit to bringing it back.

I know it's probably futile, but I want my Firefly back :(

I'm gonna chime in here too, although the kind folks above have said most of what I want to say.

Buying the Serenity CE DVD's from now til the end of time is the ONLY thing that is going to have an impact. Donating money to a fund and then giving said fund to Joss is not viable, first of all there are not enough of us to donate enough to do it. Second of all there is no business application in Hollywood for such a thing. Period.

We're sitting better than we were 6 months ago. Joss has a contract with Fox to make DollHouse. There are comics coming, the show will be on tv in markets where it's not been before and the movie as well. We have a very slim hope for a direct to DVD movie or a mini series or movie on tv. Very slim. We hold til we see what happens. We hold and we recruit. I share the show and movie with new folks all the time. Every week.
I have the CE purchased and wrapped under my tree for family members I'm sharing it with for the first time this year. I've sent it to friends who've shared it with their friends. The circle has to grow beyond the small amount of folks who love Firefly right now, so that there are more of us. Like exercising and eating right there is no easy peasy way to do this. Just good old fashioned word of mouth and sharing.

In the meantime there are charities within the Browncoat community to become involved with. There are shindigs, the 7th Battalion, cons, and many other fan activities including the Fans4Writers site. There's much to do and much fun to be had. Relax and enjoy a bit too... this is supposed to be fun you know.


Saturday, December 8, 2007 10:19 AM



this is supposed to be fun you know.

It is fun, but it's also painful :P

Ah the meantime I'll just keep giving everyone I know DVDs :D


Saturday, December 8, 2007 10:36 AM



Originally posted by t3hmoto:
It is fun, but it's also painful :P

I know. And I'm not unsympathetic to your plight... it's shared by everyone here. I have wished for, pined over, cried for ( I know that sounds dumb, but I did cry when the movie did poorly at the box office ) and feel pain because it's not back as well. I miss Firefly, like a friend.

But the reality is that we are in a holding pattern until further notice. We'll just have to make fun, persevere and wait for what the future brings us.
We have a lot to enjoy now! When you stack up the brilliance of Firefly against most shows... we have a pretty sweet take already.


Saturday, December 8, 2007 11:30 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by FollowMal:
The circle has to grow beyond the small amount of folks who love Firefly right now...

That's one thing that is very easy to overlook, especially for newbies who see a lot of internet activity surrounding this show. Unfortunately, compared to some truly successful film and tv franchises (Star Wars, Trek, X-Files, Terminator, etc, etc), Firefly is still relatively unknown to the vast majority of the world, even among already established sci-fi geeks.

The main thing to concentrate on now is introducing as many people as possible to the 'verse, and spending as much money as we have on the dvds and other merchandise. That's the thing that gets the money people's attention.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, December 8, 2007 3:33 PM


I also just want to add one more thing. The idea of collecting funds and giving it to Joss by the fans is not a new idea and was actually something someone tried (I wish I could remember his name) It didn't work, and people got suspicious and eventually the plan was stopped. We are not a Hollywood studio, we are not bankers. As much as I'd like to think it would be simple enough to open a paypal account and pour money into a Firefly S2 fund, it isn't. The logistics alone would be a nightmare. And though we all feel like we know each other as friends can we really believe that our money is going into a fund for Firefly and not some conman's pocket? I know that sounds paranoid but I'm reminded of scalpers who bought tickets to Serenity KNOWING they'd sell out and die hard fans would be willing to pay through the nose to get one. These scalpers were selling them upwards to 20 to 50 dollars a ticket (if I remember correctly) It set the fandom in an uproar.

So no, as fans the best we can do is everything we've all said. Buy the DVD's, the official merchandise, the comics. It may work out in the end. I think by now the studios out of the black.





Sunday, December 9, 2007 11:56 PM


That sale at bestbuy brings me 2 more CE, so I can now loan out 2 copies. Hopefully that will help.


Monday, December 10, 2007 2:52 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by FollowMal:
Buying the Serenity CE DVD's from now til the end of time is the ONLY thing that is going to have an impact. Donating money to a fund and then giving said fund to Joss is not viable, first of all there are not enough of us to donate enough to do it. Second of all there is no business application in Hollywood for such a thing. Period.

Well said, and very true FM.

Our hope for a future lies in the sales figures of the CE Serenity dvd. If it does well than Universal is more apt to give Joss the greenlight for a sequel. If it doesn't.......well, we don't want to consider that possibility.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Monday, December 10, 2007 5:21 AM


JStarr, first off: what the others said. :)

Secondly, on Whedonesque it's somewhat considered good form not to ask Joss to bring the 'Verse back. The powers that be never really go much into the why of it, but I reckon he don't much like it for the same reason, say, Jewel Staite asked us, in her first myspace blog, to please not ask her for more Firefly: she can't affect the outcome any more than we can, and asking our BDHs only causes them pain for not being able to deliver, and puts them in an altogether uncomfortable spot. Or, at least, I imagine it to be so. At any rate, I see no wrong in respecting Joss' wishes in this regard. He can't single-handedly bring the 'Verse back, either; he is, at the end of the day, 'just' a director. Also, were I Joss, I'd probably find it a bit disappointing even when fans thought I needed to be reminded of the 'Verse. Rest assured, he has not forgotten. :)

As FollowMal so astutely pointed out, best way to get more 'Verse is to buy more 'Verse!

And lastly, MISSTRESSAHARA, you wrote a very good post! :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam






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