Nathan Fillion Loses Out to Shia LaBouf on EW's Entertainer of the Year Award Poll

UPDATED: Monday, January 21, 2008 13:33
VIEWED: 14769
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Thursday, December 13, 2007 12:32 AM


Nathan didn't even make it past the second round! Entertainment Weekly had an online poll for a few weeks and you could vote for one of 32 stars from all fields of entertainment. Thing is they were paired against each other like in a sports bracket. Nathan beat Michelle Pfieffer in the first round but lost to LaBeouf in the second. LaBeouf made it to the semi-finals (unbelievable!) but lost to the eventual winner, J.K. Rowling. Don't know if there is a weblink but it's on page 106-107 of the Nov. 30 issue. Still, Nathan was considered one of the top 32 entertainers of 2007, so that's saying something for the Capt'n!


Thursday, December 13, 2007 3:32 AM


I didn't even know that this poll was going on. If I had known, I would have voted.

"I've got a theory: it could be bunnies."
-Anya, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Once More with Feeling"


Thursday, December 13, 2007 7:38 AM



Originally posted by PhyreLight:
I didn't even know that this poll was going on. If I had known, I would have voted.

"I've got a theory: it could be bunnies."
-Anya, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Once More with Feeling"


Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:20 AM


Maybe if Nathan got kicked out of a Chicago Walgreens he'd have more notoriety.

This 'distress' wouldn't be takin' place in someone's pants, would it?


Monday, December 17, 2007 1:49 PM


Teen vote I guess.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 9:14 PM


who is Shia LaBouf? ...Nathan Fillion is an aquired it so bad that the masses haven't caught on yet? slightly off subject:I was thinking the other day about how awful it would be if you were too famous, and got mobbed shrieked at and lusted after by many thousands of people you didn't really know...eek I would freak out, and do a quick retreat to hermit ville. not that I'm ever likely to be famous.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 2:54 AM


Now i hate Shia LeBouf even more! It's not a rational hatred i know but i was convinved by theaterhopper that it is a well deserved one.



Wednesday, December 19, 2007 5:18 AM


Which proves that teens have no taste.


Friday, December 21, 2007 10:18 AM



Originally posted by boris:
who is Shia LaBouf? ...Nathan Fillion is an aquired it so bad that the masses haven't caught on yet? slightly off subject:I was thinking the other day about how awful it would be if you were too famous, and got mobbed shrieked at and lusted after by many thousands of people you didn't really know...eek I would freak out, and do a quick retreat to hermit ville. not that I'm ever likely to be famous.

You're rite, who the hell is Shia LaBouf? I've never heard of him!



Friday, December 21, 2007 11:09 AM


With the notable EXCEPTION of Nathan Fillion, today's actors ( Pitt, Damon, Le Boof, Cloony, Cruise ) are a bunch of barely-talented punks.

Look at some of these names from the 60's :

Steve McQueen
Paul Newman
James Coburn
Tony Curtiss
Burt Lancaster
Kirk Douglas
Charles name a few.

ONLY our Nathan could stand shoulder to shoulder with these guys!

You wanna see some great acting in a great movie? Go get the 2-disc widescreen The Sand Pebbles....from 1966 w/ Steve that guy was the coolest ever!


Friday, December 21, 2007 2:39 PM


Steve MacQueen was the coolest of the cool. The Great Escape, the Cinncinati Kid, and The Towering Inferno are some more of his great ones also. Yeah, today's girlie men actors, with few exceptions, can't hold a candle to the great actors of the past. But times change and so do people's tastes, sometimes for the worse. Oh, well, we can always watch Jayne and Mal and Zoe kick some ass!


Friday, December 21, 2007 10:44 PM


Yep...Steve McQueen definitely the King of Cool. I liked all the movies you mentioned, and I also liked him in The Blob, Love With The Proper Stranger, and The Magnificent Seven.

He & James Coburn were pallbearers at Bruce Lee's funeral in America; they had studied martial arts together with him in Los Angeles...they all drove fast sports cars & partied hearty (& TMZ) in those golden days. They weren't exactly The Rat Pack, but they were the biggest box office stars of the day. What suburban kid in the 60's didn't have the wall poster of Steve McQueen on the motorcycle from The Great Escape?...and I mentioned The Sand Pebbles in a previous post 'cause I just watched it for the first time in Widescreen DVD, and the scope & detail of it blew me away, along with his tight-lipped, tough but warm character.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:17 AM


Come on I know he's "our" captain and all, but lets not forget other fab actors...Adam Baldwin has that old school cool thing down pat, Thomas Jane, Sam Rockwell, Josh Brolin, Kevin Bacon and Sean Bean do too, Australia's got it's own underrated master of cool and hardy: William Mcguiness (he's too cool for Hollywood that's why you may not have heard of him). There are plenty of non A listers that make the Steve Mcqueen and Paul Newman grade. Pitt, Cruise and Co are too pretty, and for me therefore unwatchable and somewhat cringeworthy( I'm a woman that likes my heroes to be a bit on the unpretty side)


Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:46 PM



LaBeouf made it to the semi-finals (unbelievable!) but lost to the eventual winner, J.K. Rowling.

It is most certainly NOT "unbelievable" that Shia beat Nathan, as he's a little more well known thanks to his work in "Holes", "Even Stevens" and "Transformers". And to be frank, while I do love Nathan a lot more, LaBeouf IS a pretty darn good and entertaining actor (I cite his more recent work, like "Holes", here for this), and apparently even down to earth. I don't mind him being recognized a little for it, even though it's too bad Nathan didn't win that round.

What is truly disappointing though, is that Rowling beat LaBeouf. Not saying the woman can't write; I like Harry Potter well enough, the characters and dialogue are pretty good, the plots are generally pretty good and twisty, and the mythology of it is quite cool actually... but she PALES in comparison to other fantasy writers like Eoin Colfer (particularly with the Artemis Fowl books), Diana Wynne Jones (especially on the Chrestomanci books) or Jim Butcher (two series going at the same time, started publishing well after Rowling, yet he's both more prolific AND, IMO, a better writer! The Dresden Files is my current obsession precisely because Butcher is absolutely awesome at not only every general aspect of writing ranging from characters to dialogue, narration and plotting, but also at world-building on top of that, too). And of course, she pales in comparison to Joss as well (Buffy Season Eight = FANTASTIC, just to name something he's done, you know, in 2007).

Sadly though you could probably have predicted this, considering it's all voted on. -.-

Which, bright side - means Nathan's a lot more recognized now! Awesome! He deserves it!



Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:19 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
With the notable EXCEPTION of Nathan Fillion, today's actors ( Pitt, Damon, Le Boof, Cloony, Cruise ) are a bunch of barely-talented punks.

Look at some of these names from the 60's :

Steve McQueen
Paul Newman
James Coburn
Tony Curtiss
Burt Lancaster
Kirk Douglas
Charles name a few.

ONLY our Nathan could stand shoulder to shoulder with these guys!

You wanna see some great acting in a great movie? Go get the 2-disc widescreen The Sand Pebbles....from 1966 w/ Steve that guy was the coolest ever!

Now I will admit I don't watch much '60s cinema, as it was literally before my time.

But some of the actor you claim are "barely-talented punks" most certainly are NOT.

I mean... granted, I'll give you Creepy Cruise. I can't ever recall a movie I've seen him in that I couldn't say "they could have cast that better", even the surprisingly watchable "Minority Report", though not completely sunk by him, would have been considerably better had it been cast based on, you know, talent instead of name recognition.

But, while he's overratted a little, George Clooney is not "barely-talented", if you saw his work on ER, you can't say that and, well, be all that accurate. He's a pretty good actor, when he's not horribly miscast like he was in Batman.

Brad Pitt and Matt Damon have both come a LONG way. Have you seen some of their more recent stuff? They've got the kind of chops Tom "Zombie Smile" Cruise could only dream of having. The only trouble I have with either of them is they have a tendency to look too much like either each other or other actors (like Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Departed"), making it a little confusing sometimes if they're in the same film. But, acting wise... I have to disagree, they're pretty damn good. So's ol' Leo "Titanic pretty boy" DiCaprio, who, while he isn't on your list, surely would be had you thought of him, methinks, as I'd put him about the same level as Damon and Pitt, and he had the same pretty boy reputation when he started out. :winks: But, he's ALSO grown and improved like a fine wine (he's great for instance in "The Departed").

And Shia LaBeuouf is, 1.) Young yet, and thus still at only the dawn of his career and surely has the potential to achieve great heights. and 2.) NOT "barely-talented", nor a "punk". I've seen a lot of material on him, and quite a bit of his work, not all of which shows off all of his chops properly - he's a good actor, with excellent comic timing in particular. No Nathan Fillion, no (that scene with Dobson in the very first FF episode, in which he swings from drama to comedy without missing a beat, is frankly hard to beat), but he's not HORRIBLE, thank you, no way no how. And maybe you only meant "punks" in a less abusive sense, but I can't help but read it as "self-absorbed jerks", which LaBeouf most certainly does not come off as any more than Nathan does(PLEASE have the decency to spell his name right, coincidentally, it's not like it's *hard*, it's printed in the OPENING POST, here! )

So... for the most part, and aside from REALLY agreeing on Cruise (who coincidentally, has LOST a lot of prestige lately anyway), I have to disagree quite strongly on the rest of your list of "barely-talented punks". Not saying they're the best actors ever, but honestly, they are FAR from what I'd ever consider "barely-talented".

Now, you want overrated, look to some of the females lately. From what I've always been able to tell, Nicole Kidman should never be cast as anything but a robot or a cold, calculating villain. As far as screen presence goes, in every single film I've EVER seen her in, she has all the warmth and humanity of a broken toaster.

Also, I defy you to still claim Johnny Depp, one of "today's actors", is lacking in talent. His roles are odd and quirky ones, but damn if he doesn't tend to do well by them (Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeney Todd, etc., he even made Sleepy Hollow watchable!). The man is one of the last people I would ever consider "barely-talented", so, may I suggest not generalizing "today's actors" so much?

I just realized something funny, in fact. You basically said with the exception only of Nathan. Which means you're excluding the other actors from Firefly! Adam Baldwin or Alan Tudyk a "barely-talented punk"? Heresy, I say! :P


Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:54 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by boris:
who is Shia LaBouf? ...Nathan Fillion is an aquired it so bad that the masses haven't caught on yet? slightly off subject:I was thinking the other day about how awful it would be if you were too famous, and got mobbed shrieked at and lusted after by many thousands of people you didn't really know...eek I would freak out, and do a quick retreat to hermit ville. not that I'm ever likely to be famous.

You're rite, who the hell is Shia LaBouf? I've never heard of him!


... you probably either stay away from a lot of popular movies, then, or don't always attention to who stars in them. ;) It's true he hasn't been noticed until recently for the simple fact that he's only been acting professionally for a few years because of his age, but he HAS been in some big films the past couple of years or so, and has been noticed for such. I'm more than a little surprised to see multiple people having no clue *at all* who he is, really, and I suspect more of ya'll have seen him in action than realize it.

His first role of note was in the kid's comedy series Even Stevens (as the annoying little brother), one of the few reasonably entertaining TV series Disney Channel's managed to put out in recent years, and lamentably canceled. However, it's hardly his best work, as he was, from what I can tell, not even entirely pubescent yet and as fun as that series was, it was hardly high art.

He got a lot better as he grew up. He's much better for instance in "Holes", the surprisingly good film adaptation of the Louis Sachar novel of the same name, which is quirky but well worth watching and in fact the film I would probably most recommend if you want to see about the kind of actor he is right now, since it's one of those more character-heavy films that allows an actor to display their skill a little more than say, action movies typically do. There he played Stanley Yelnats, the central protagonist.

He also is pretty good (and I think, a little underrated) for his starring role in the recent "Transformers" movie, which, though true popcorn cheese based on an '80s cartoon/toy line, was still a very entertaining couple of hours as far as I'm concerned, and was only improved by LaBeouf's role in it. He's currently nicely filling the niche of "confused loser teen", with a look that's kinda cute but also actually gawky enough to be plausible as a lovable teenaged loser. And, again - he has good comic timing that seems to get better as he goes along. I expect to like him in a lot of his future projects, personally.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

(The other half is shooting at the enemy)



Saturday, January 5, 2008 7:15 AM



Originally posted by EmmaZule:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by boris:
who is Shia LaBouf? ...Nathan Fillion is an aquired it so bad that the masses haven't caught on yet? slightly off subject:I was thinking the other day about how awful it would be if you were too famous, and got mobbed shrieked at and lusted after by many thousands of people you didn't really know...eek I would freak out, and do a quick retreat to hermit ville. not that I'm ever likely to be famous.

You're rite, who the hell is Shia LaBouf? I've never heard of him!



... you probably either stay away from a lot of popular movies, then, or don't always attention to who stars in them. ;) It's true he hasn't been noticed until recently for the simple fact that he's only been acting professionally for a few years because of his age, but he HAS been in some big films the past couple of years or so, and has been noticed for such. I'm more than a little surprised to see multiple people having no clue *at all* who he is, really, and I suspect more of ya'll have seen him in action than realize it.

His first role of note was in the kid's comedy series Even Stevens (as the annoying little brother), one of the few reasonably entertaining TV series Disney Channel's managed to put out in recent years, and lamentably canceled. However, it's hardly his best work, as he was, from what I can tell, not even entirely pubescent yet and as fun as that series was, it was hardly high art.

He got a lot better as he grew up. He's much better for instance in "Holes", the surprisingly good film adaptation of the Louis Sachar novel of the same name, which is quirky but well worth watching and in fact the film I would probably most recommend if you want to see about the kind of actor he is right now, since it's one of those more character-heavy films that allows an actor to display their skill a little more than say, action movies typically do. There he played Stanley Yelnats, the central protagonist.

He also is pretty good (and I think, a little underrated) for his starring role in the recent "Transformers" movie, which, though true popcorn cheese based on an '80s cartoon/toy line, was still a very entertaining couple of hours as far as I'm concerned, and was only improved by LaBeouf's role in it. He's currently nicely filling the niche of "confused loser teen", with a look that's kinda cute but also actually gawky enough to be plausible as a lovable teenaged loser. And, again - he has good comic timing that seems to get better as he goes along. I expect to like him in a lot of his future projects, personally.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

(The other half is shooting at the enemy)


I know that you are rite, I'm just P.O.'d that the Capitan is doing a small role on Desperate Housewives instead of staring in somthing big.



Friday, January 18, 2008 3:11 AM


While it is a shame that Nathan didn't win the poll let's not forget that he was in the running and that ain't nothing. Look at all the people who DIDN'T get a mention. I mislike the way in which some folk seek to promote a point of view by denegrating everyone else's. That is not a reasoned argument but the airing of a biaised opion. For a reasoned argument to be put forward there must be knowledge of the subject matter.

Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, January 21, 2008 1:33 PM


I love Nathan as much as the next guy, he had me when I fell in love with Firefly, and Slither is great fun too, but let's not be too hasty, if you think Cruise is without talent, see 'Magnolia'. He blew me away in it.

Oh, and I despise Shia LaBouf.

"Time for some thrilling heroics."






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