A Fanatic is Born

UPDATED: Sunday, December 30, 2007 06:57
VIEWED: 4738
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Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:25 AM


(I have already posted this on another Firefly board, but since I'm looking for a forum that's a good fit for me, I don't mind repeating myself until I find the best one for me.)

I beg your pardon, but I am brand spanking new here. First post and everything. Please forgive any hints of newbiness. :p

I just discovered Firefly a few days ago, when the SciFi Network aired the first four episodes in order. I had been aware of the show ever since it debuted, but I had never given it a chance, since by 2002, I had already lost all interest in prime-time television. I had figured that Firefly was another disposable Star Trek ripoff, of the Voyager and Enterprise mold; i.e. an unambitious show that panders to an undemanding audience (apologies to joint Firefly/Voyager fans, but those are my feelings on the matter, and I mean no offense, I just mean to vent my disappointment with the state of contempoary televised sci-fi). Even with Joss Whedon's name attached, I wasn't interested, as Buffy just hadn't been my kind of thing; teen/horror/camp kinda show that it was. Because of this, I had steadfastly refused to give Firefly a chance, even after a few online contacts of mine had gushed about the show and urged me to give it a chance. I hadn't seen a single minute of any episode or even considered seeing Serenity, and I hadn't thought twice about my choice until just recently.

But after just 30 minutes of Firefly's pilot episode (the first episode SciFi Network showed), I was already kicking myself for having ignored it. I fell in love with the show bigtime. I fell in love with every character. I fell in love with the writing, by far the best I've heard in any television show...perhaps ever. I fell in love with every part of the show, from the tight direction to the wonderful use of special effects (given what I've heard was a tight budget). I went from a casual disinterest in the show to mad obsession. When the four episodes had finished, I was desperate to learn everything I could about the show. I wanted to see every episode, and to learn all the little intricacies that the show's long-time fans had probably come to know over the last few years. And mostly, I felt horrible for not having given the show a chance when it had debuted. Had I simply come into a show in its third or fourth season (as I have with other shows past and present), I probably wouldn't have felt so bad, but since Firefly had been cancelled for want of ratings, I felt really bad for never giving it a chance. I love this show, perhaps more than any show I've ever seen before, and I dearly wish I had been more open-minded from the start. I've never before felt bad for having missed a cancelled television show, but I feel bad now. I wish I had been there from the beginning, to support the show as best I could and stand with its fans in urging FOX or another network to renew it. In retrospect, I feel I missed out. I have never felt so good about any show as I do about Firefly. It is, quite simply, the best television show I have ever seen. It has everything I love about drama or comedy, and nothing I don't. I've never had any reason to gripe about any part of any of the four episodes; they've been flawless. I've never known a show so perfect for me. And having just discovered it, I, perhaps belatedly, feel awful for having only fourteen episodes and a movie to enjoy. I wish I had several seasons and a couple hundred episodes. I won't pretend to know what you long-time fans must have felt when going throught the show's cancellation, but I really wish I had been with you from the start. I wish I hadn't spent the last five years ignoring what I now believe might be my favorite series of all time.

I have already ordered the DVD of the series as well as Serenity off of Amazon. I haven't seen the other ten (eleven?) episodes or the movie, but if they are anything like the four episodes I saw, I'm sure I'll love them. I hope my purchase supports Joss and the others in some small way, and goes to support the show in its struggles to return to the air. Right now, there is nothing I want to see more (media-wise) than a Firefly return, be it in network, syndication, or movie form. I just want to see more of these characters and more of their adventures. I want to see everything that the show and its creators have done, including every deleted scene and behind-the-scenes moment. I want to learn everything I can about this show. And, perhaps more to the point, I want to talk with other fans of the series. I want to learn what you've already learned about the show. I want to be able to understand and appreciate every inch of this show.

Please understand that I do not normally gush like this, but those four episodes (the first episode and two others, if I'm not mistaken) had a huge impact on me. I have never enjoyed a TV show as much as I've enjoyed Firefly; I feel like I've just discovered something that I can love for years and years. I've been an avid Star Trek viewer for a number of years, but I've always had my gripes with the franchise and its series; and these gripes have been multiplying in the last few years. I've been looking for a good sci-fi series, not just a passable one with a good history, and I think I have finally found it in Firefly. And I feel horrible that the show wasn't allowed to stick around as long as it deserved.

So, if you don't mind, would you please give me some sort of an introduction to this forum, and to the series in general? The DVD should arrive in a few days, but I'm already on pins and needles about it, and I'd love to talk about the series with any knowledgeable fan who cares to spend the time. This is also my first time here on this forum, and I don't know anything about what you guys have been up to. Is there anything you think I should know about the show, about the production, or even about the forum? I am very eager to learn all I can about this wonderful series. I would love to become a knowledgeable fan. But, short of waiting for the DVD to show up at my door, I don't know what I should do. I'm open for suggestions. :)



Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:48 AM


hey welcome this shiniest of sites!:) i hope you stick around!


Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:57 AM


I hope I do too. I would love to make an online home here among Firefly fanatics.

So...since I've only seen the first 3-4 episodes (I don't know how you guys view the pilot), is there anything you wish to tell me about the show? Any interesting links to behind-the-scenes hijinks? Any lil' teasers regarding the DVD set? Anything at all you wish to say to a new aspiring zealot? :)


Saturday, December 22, 2007 1:37 AM


Welcome fellow Browncoat.

Glad you found us, hope you stay, you are most welcome.
The folks on this 'ere board are mighty fine, decent folks who live just about everywhere you can think of.
I've said this in other posts but this is still the only forum I keep checking on. Some good stuff on here.

If the first four episodes have got you just wait till you see the rest.

Feel free to post on the episodes/movie. We LOVE to talk about the 'verse and all its contents, sometimes in a very analytical way and not always in agreement with each other. But everyone pretty much has respect for each others opinions.


"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Saturday, December 22, 2007 1:46 AM


I can only say, I wish I was you.
Think about it, a 'verse virgin.
You are in for many hours of shiny firefly goodness, the DVD set is amazing.
I am not gonna tell anything just watch and enjoy.
I can only say, that the outtakes of Serenity the movie is the best I have ever seen.

Vote for BDM/FF at

Never kiss'em on the mouth.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:04 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
Welcome fellow Browncoat.

Glad you found us, hope you stay, you are most welcome.
The folks on this 'ere board are mighty fine, decent folks who live just about everywhere you can think of.
I've said this in other posts but this is still the only forum I keep checking on. Some good stuff on here.

If the first four episodes have got you just wait till you see the rest.

Feel free to post on the episodes/movie. We LOVE to talk about the 'verse and all its contents, sometimes in a very analytical way and not always in agreement with each other. But everyone pretty much has respect for each others opinions.


"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."

It's good to hear that this is a friendly, respectful board. I've been on and off forums and chat rooms and such, and I've grown sadly used to people being a-holes just for the sake of it. I hope my experience here is a lot more pleasant than it was at any of those places.

I can't wait for the Saffron episodes; they sound like the most interesting ones, if only because of her character (who I suspect will be quite diabolical and deceptive). But all the others sound great, even Jaynestown, which I must admit I'm a little worried about given Wiki's synopsis.


Originally posted by Grotz:
I can only say, I wish I was you.
Think about it, a 'verse virgin.
You are in for many hours of shiny firefly goodness, the DVD set is amazing.
I am not gonna tell anything just watch and enjoy.
I can only say, that the outtakes of Serenity the movie is the best I have ever seen.

Vote for BDM/FF at

Never kiss'em on the mouth.

A "'verse virgin"? Well, that sounds pretty odd, I must say. But if my enthusiasm is exciting to you, I'm glad. I was hoping that I'd rub off on others here.

I am so excited about these other episodes. I really don't know whether to expect them to be as good as the first episodes or possibly even better.

If you don't mind, is there a lot to discover about the Firefly universe other than the fourteen episodes and the movie? Is there a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff? I've heard about the River Tam sessions. Is there anything else like them? If I were to watch each of the new episodes (and the ones I've already seen for good measure) really carefully, would I know about as much as you guys, or is there a whole other 'verse out there online, filled with more extras? I know this may sound silly, but since I'd love to learn as much as I can about this show, if there's anything other than the DVD set and the movies, I'd love to hear about them ASAP. It is my desire to become as knowledgeable about the series as I can be in as short a time.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:45 AM


Welcome! There are three books you might be interested in acquiring. they're the "Firefly Visusal Companion Vols. I and II and the Serenity Visual Companion. Scripts from each ep with lots of behind the scenes stuff and comments from cast and crew.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 5:24 AM



Other good books..

Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds, and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly

Serenity Found: More Unauthorized Essays on Joss Whedon's Firely Universe

both are edited by Jane Espenson, one of the better-known writers from Firefly

also...once you finish all the video and need something to feed your addiction, check out Virtual Firefly (, a continuation of the series via fan-fic, but based completely off hints and such given by Joss and the writers in interviews and convention appearances. They're just about to finish up Season 2, so there's 30ish episodes available to read. It is NOT what you usually find in fan-fic.

The episodes are really easy to read, as they're formatted for television (ie they're SCRIPTS, not prose), so you can blow right through them. Very, very impressive website.

Have fun!


Saturday, December 22, 2007 5:35 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Hey, Ifurita.

I've already responded to your post over on the boards. "ECGordon" and "easygordon" are both me.

Great to have another passenger on this boat, you are in for a wonderful ride.

I would suggest that you hold off on your internet explorations for now, since there are a lot of spoilers out there, and you most definitely do not want to be spoiled for the movie.

Afterwards though, please let us know what you think about everything, we love to discuss the show.

Along with the books that Muggi mentioned, there also companion volumes to the movie and series (two in the case of the series) that have the full scripts plus tons of interesting background information and interviews with everyone involved. There was also a three issue comic book mini-series which bridged the gap between the series and movie, now collected in trade paperback or hardback (since the sales were phenomenal) called "Those Left Behind." There will be another comic entitled "Better Days" coming out in March. Plus we've got action figures and Serenity ornaments, a postcard series from Quantum Mechanix, collectable card sets for both Firefly and Serenity from Inkworks, t-shirts, and all sorts of shiny stuff. You'll have plenty to feed your obsession for a long time.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 6:15 AM


Welcome here, we're weird.


Originally posted by Ifurita:
Right now, there is nothing I want to see more (media-wise) than a Firefly return, be it in network, syndication, or movie form. I just want to see more of these characters and more of their adventures. I want to see everything that the show and its creators have done, including every deleted scene and behind-the-scenes moment. I want to learn everything I can about this show. And, perhaps more to the point, I want to talk with other fans of the series. I want to learn what you've already learned about the show. I want to be able to understand and appreciate every inch of this show

I doubt there's a person here who feels any differently.

All I can tell you is to tell people about it. If you can think of something that someone could have said to you that would have made you watch sooner then say that to others.

Even if you can't do that spread the word, share the joy, and help make sure that the number of people who want more continues to grow.


But, short of waiting for the DVD to show up at my door, I don't know what I should do. I'm open for suggestions. :)

Not much you can do really, there are things you can read, and things you can look at, but I really think if you want to experience Firefly as it should be experienced you should wait to do anything extra until you've seen what there is.


I've been away a while, I just don't ever seem to have much to say anymore, so I can't be sure but unless things have changed a lot FollowMal will come by (perhaps before I finish typing this) and give you your browncoat. That's as close to an official welcome as we have.

We don't always agree here, but we do all care about one another. One of the things I love about this places is that I've never seen anyone given less respect for being new, instead every new member is welcomed with open arms. You will find that this is a great place filled with good people who care about what you care about.

Welcome home.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 6:37 AM


Your initial post is something I could have written 2 years ago when I finally gave Firefly a chance. Sci-Fi was running a marathon a few months before Serenity was released and the rest is history. Oddly enough it was a commercial for the marathon that got me hooked, Mal's brilliant advice to Saffron about self defense. If you haven't seen that episode yet you are in for a treat.

The only advice I can give is to dig through the archives. The are some golden threads in "Firefly episode discussions" which meticulously breakdown the episodes. Of course you may want to avoid browsing the threads on episodes you haven't seen.

I know what you mean about other sites not being friendly to newbies. If I had a dime for every time I've seen responses such as "welcome to 5 years ago" I'd be rich several times over. I can't speak for everyone here but each time someone shows up gushing about their discovery of the verse it recharges my battery so to speak. Heck, I may even dust off my boxset and have another go...


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 10:56 AM


As has been mentioned, lots of books and resources out there. But the best advice I can think of is that when your DVD's arrive, make sure you have lots of free time blocked out. You won't want to be doing anything else for quite some time!

Then you'll want to watch them with the commentaries - the best and most hilarious of any series I've ever seen. And then if you know Spanish or French, you can watch the whole series again. And again. And again!


Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:27 PM



Originally posted by KC5F:
Then you'll want to watch them with the commentaries - the best and most hilarious of any series I've ever seen. And then if you know Spanish or French, you can watch the whole series again. And again. And again!

While you definitely should watch the commentaries after watching the episodes normally, and you could conceivably want to watch in other languages, I would caution you not to trust the subtitles unless you happen to be hard of hearing. I've not used them in ages and the reason for that is that I remember them as being incredibly bad.

One example that comes to mind is when Mal said someone's name the subtitles read, "Speaking in Chinese," instead of the (non-Chinese) name he had said.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 1:55 PM


welcome aboard. chow's in ten; no need to dress up.


P.S. You may want to stay away from other threads until you've finished the episodes and movie...wouldn't want you to be spoiled!


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Saturday, December 22, 2007 2:19 PM


Whoa Howdy , Miss Sarah...Gush Away !

"You're gonna come with us..."

Thrilled to have you comin' up the ramp...Make

yourself to home...If Jayne offers to get

nekkid , send him to his bunk...

Folk like yourself make us proud...And proud of

You , for givin' our ship a chance...We need more

Just Like You , so we reach 'the tipping point' ,

and get more Episodes...

One thing I recommend for Shiny new Folk like

yourself , is treat yourself to the

"Done The Impossible" DVD , AND the Soundtrack !

You'll be proud of yourself , and understand why

we're all so proud that you're "on this Crew" .

Take care , Mei-mei , we'll be right here for

you !


" Will work for Bar Credit at The Brown Coat Pub and Theatre "


Saturday, December 22, 2007 3:31 PM



Originally posted by Ifurita:
(I have already posted this on another Firefly board, but since I'm looking for a forum that's a good fit for me, I don't mind repeating myself until I find the best one for me.)

I beg your pardon, but I am brand spanking new here. First post and everything. Please forgive any hints of newbiness. :p

Well, I am glad that I am not alone in my newbieness here, as we have to stick together....;-)

'The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." - Thoreau


Saturday, December 22, 2007 11:48 PM


Welcome home Sarah.
I hope you come to love this place as much as I do.
Sorry I'm late greeting you, been out shopping for the Capt.

I've acquired the job of running the storeroom around this boat and handing out browncoats ( virtual, but meant to be symbolic ) to new folks.
It's my pleasure to make sure you get yours....

*hands Sarah a browncoat ( like Mal's )that fits surprisingly well*

There you go, you have your gear. Make yourself to home.

There will be a bunch more folks greet you, some to offer food and drink, some to warn you to beware stepping on Ship's Cat. They will make you feel warm and welcome and I hope soon you will feel at home.

If Buns comes along and sets up the shimmerwine fountain, I'll be back to drink a toast.


Sunday, December 23, 2007 7:34 AM



While you definitely should watch the commentaries after watching the episodes normally, and you could conceivably want to watch in other languages, I would caution you not to trust the subtitles unless you happen to be hard of hearing. I've not used them in ages and the reason for that is that I remember them as being incredibly bad.

I've always been surprised by how different, too, the subtitle translations have been on any DVD from the spoken translations. The Firefly spoken translations were obviously the result of lots of very hard work to match lip movements to translations which fit the gist of what was said in English, but lose many of the nuances. (Of course, even if they hadn't been worried about lip movements, there are just too many phrases which can't be translated with the same effect.)

It does seem, though, that a whole separate set of translators works on subtitles on any DVD. Not only are different words are used, but changes between formal and informal verb usage, etc. It does help, though, in learning another language. You can hear one thing and read another, and know that they're related!


Sunday, December 23, 2007 2:58 PM


Ahoy!! Two new persons coming up the ramp!

IFURITA #29384
STALEEK #29376

Welcome home, Firefly fans. I have the Giant
Basket of Giant Strawberries here, and the good
slurpy stuff to dip them in.
And the traditional Mudder's Milk for a wash-down.

Then there's the buffet up in the galley, nearly
ready for the questioning. Shimmerwine fountain
at the aft end of the table, FM, just waiting for
your glass under the spritz! Cheese in the
chafing dish, ready to be lit up.

I see someone has posted the warning about not
stepping on ShipsCat or into her dish (those New
Melbourne sturgeon are mighty fragrant and you
don't want to be trackin' them through the ship).

Ice-planets have been re-supplied and can be
found in the cooler, bottom shelf.

Anyone who is a total noob should be very, very
careful about being spoiled by looking around
this board.
And don't forget to lay in a supply of wipers for
the ol' eyes and nose, 'cos you're going to have
a big bad empty feeling when you've used up the

Frisky Browncoat
o, to be a virgin again, with all that goodness still to come...
snurfle, snurfle, snurf...


Sunday, December 23, 2007 3:21 PM


Welcome IFURITA,

I too am like you in that I do not watch much television and have been very disappointed about prime time sci-fi as of late, and while I did know of Firefly when it originally came out both my hectic work schedule and apathy kept me away, but then I saw the box set for sale at the FYE, (I think) I bought it. When I saw this for the first time, I was like OMG, and told my friends that this is quite possibly the best Science Fiction Television series of all time and I lent my copy to one of my friends and his family. They too are hooked on the show, but not as completely as I am. Before this show Joss’ name really meant nothing to me because I just never got into the Vampire scene so if I ever flipped to a channel with either Buffy or Angel on it I would have flipped right through to another channel without giving it a chance. I have another friend who is a huge Buffy fan and I plan on lending him my copies of both the series and movie hoping he will become as big a fan as I. I do know that he is already somewhat familiar with Firefly.


Monday, December 24, 2007 3:57 PM



Originally posted by Staleek:


Originally posted by Ifurita:
I beg your pardon, but I am brand spanking new here. First post and everything. Please forgive any hints of newbiness. :p

Well, I am glad that I am not alone in my newbieness here, as we have to stick together....;-)

'The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." - Thoreau

Well , Ni Howdy , Staleek !

Seems like you and I have already been in

different threads together...(Now is that weird ?)

Make yourself to home...Happy to get your post...

( " I got post ? " )

" Quiet desperation is the English way..."
--Pink Floyd

" Will work for Bar Credit at The Brown Coat Pub and Theatre "


Tuesday, December 25, 2007 4:39 AM


Its sad kinda whe you run out of eppy's... "Nothing in the verse can stop us" exept some meatball exec who kills the show...

Can't stop the signal though...


Wednesday, December 26, 2007 2:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome aboard Ifurita (or do you prefer Sarah?). We're glad to have you here posting with us and hope you come to call your online home.

Good to hear you are hooked on Firefly. Be sure to get yourself a copy of the series on dvd so you can enjoy the episodes anytime you want and you can also listen to the commentaries.

Once you are done w/ the series pick up a copy of the Collector's Edition of the movie "Serenity" so you can see what the crew was up to after the series.

There is also the comic graphic novel, "Those Left Behind". This story by Joss will fill in the gap between the series and the movie for you.

Look forward to chatting with you here. Be sure to share Firefly with everyone you know.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:41 AM


Yeah...Firefly's OK....I guess

Gorram problem is that soon you won't want to watch anything else.


Saturday, December 29, 2007 11:55 AM


Sarah, your post had me in tears, because that's exactly how I felt when I discovered Firefly (after the trailer for Serenity came online in April '05).

Originally posted by Ifurita:
I am very eager to learn all I can about this wonderful series. I would love to become a knowledgeable fan. But, short of waiting for the DVD to show up at my door, I don't know what I should do. I'm open for suggestions. :)

There's a wonderful podcast called Firefly Talk <> that will surely get you up to speed!


Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:24 PM



Originally posted by Ifurita:

A "'verse virgin"? Well, that sounds pretty odd, I must say.

JAYNE: 'Verse virgin'? She's in! :)

Okay, with that out of the way, Do not fear us! Ours is a peaceful board, and we must live in harmony! :) Okay, with THAT out of the way, welcome aboard! And yes, I love Saffron for her... mind... too. Haha! Mine is an evil laugh! (well, let's face it, she's really hot). Ok, I would appreciate it if one person on this boat would not assume I'm an evil, lecherous hump! :)

Seriously, though, we all love the 'Verse and those, uhm, who love the 'Verse! Some would say that makes us a mite whimsical in the brainpan. I say we're okay, though: some people juggle geese. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, December 29, 2007 4:08 PM


I'm sure that you'll like this forum, Ifurita. The peeps here are real shiny

I'm sort of like you- I don't get cable, so I only discovered the wonderful 'verse by Serenity, and then watched the box set of DVD's. Jongsstraw was right- pretty soon Firefly is all you wanna watch. But I wish I was there from the beginning.

As to what to do- go to the home page and look through the threads. Not all of them are strictly about Firefly, and are spoiler-free. I recomend the Browncoat Bar&Grill, Fifty-first floor, and The League of Psychic Nutcases; these are just fun threads where everyone is all wacky and the only must is to have fun.

There's also a Vote for Firefly thread, that gives you a site where you can vote and vump. To explain terms in there, vump means to vote and then bump up the thread, and bote means to bump first, then vote. And people also have fun in there, and every so often we get statistics from several shiny peeps .

So look around, have fun, and welcome!

@)~*~*~*$)~*~*~*)~(*~*~*~($*~*~*~(@ support the WGA writers strike!
My favorite quotes:

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Saturday, December 29, 2007 5:01 PM


Welcome Ifurita!
I guess that'll teach you to listen to your friends when they recommend something ;) (just kidding).

I love reading what the newbies say and having them join in our little obsession.

Someone recommended Done the Impossible, I second that idea

Also some versey music you will like:
Bedlam Bards
Persephone Pickers
Miranda's end

Most of the CDs can be picked up at CD Baby

If you attend DragonCon or Comic Con you will meet up with MANY Browncoats with whom you can share your Firefly thoughts with in person. Until then, of course, there's here :)

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards

Sign up NOW!
More Information:

I love my Colonel!


Saturday, December 29, 2007 6:41 PM


Ni hao and welcome

We need to get Anony1 in here. She can give you a giant list of Firefly related merchandise and ongoing projects.
But I would concur with whoever suggested you watch all the DVDs first. Folks here can drop a spoiler and not even realize it.
Once you get your DVD set, make sure you watch the bonus features. You will find out that we're not the only fans of the show. The actors, writers and everyone connected with Firefly were deeply in love with it too. I think their dedication to the project shines through.
I would also like to put in a word of warning -- if you watch the series first and then the movie, you might be in for a suprise. The movie is extremely exciting and action-packed and COMPLETELY different than the show. The storyline even deviates slightly. But the extras are awesome, as has been mentioned. is extremely friendly. Everyone here is very helpful and respectful. I think you'll be right at home here.
See you around.


Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Sunday, December 30, 2007 6:57 AM



Originally posted by Stoweaway: is extremely friendly. Everyone here is very helpful and respectful.

Yes, this is like Hy-Brazil: We're all terribly nice to each other. Aren't we? :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam






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