best pair

UPDATED: Monday, May 3, 2004 19:43
VIEWED: 16085
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:25 AM


i was just wondering what do you think is the best pair romantic in the like, for me its mal and kaylee and or kaylee and jane yep forbidded is for me the ones that you know that will never happen but hope that it will last forever and plus it has a sweet innocent with harden crimnal with a soft heart.
so what is your favrite?


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:47 AM



I'm not sure I understand the question correctly, but if you're asking for "Odd Couples", like which two unlikelies would make the strangest, yet still believable pair?

I actually toyed with the idea that Kaylee and Simon might not eventually work out. I think it's highly possible that Kaylee and Simon would engage in a love affair (sounds more romantic than 'hook up', n'est-ce pas?), but that their love affair might be doomed. When all the show's plotlines are ultimately done, many years from now (zoid prays most fervently for Firefly's return to TV), Simon will have a choice to make. He will either settle on a Border World, where he is an alien, or he will return to the Core, where Kaylee is a misfit in high society.

This is not to say that their love could not withstand the test (I think they'll make it). But it could also be logically written that they break up, because they are from different worlds. Which opens the door for... (drum roll, please)...

Jayne and Kaylee.

These characters come from similar, hard-bitten, rustic backgrounds. Jayne represents testosterone run amok; but he does have a (somewhat stunted) decent and softer side,and he has an apparent appetite for the opposite sex. Kaylee, on the other hand, has the feminine characteristics Jayne lacks. She's caring, nurturing and sunny, and she has an apparent appetite for the opposite sex. I believe -- after the initial romantic shock of Kaylee and Simon's breakup -- this pair may be the best suited to one another of any two characters on the ship. And wouldn't it be fun watching Kaylee turn Jayne into a proper sort of man, and Jayne having something other than his guns to love? I think most of us would like to see Jayne find something to care about enough to risk his life for it. Seeing him transformed into a serious character, who nonetheless struggles with the proper behavior Kaylee would require of him, would be great fun. Could you imagine him and Kaylee, dressed up fancy and going to the bal, as in "Shindig"? They might be made fun of at first, but then they'd captivate the crowd with their knowledge of guns and ships. Kinda like Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok wowwing the swells Back East...

My wife, Kayley, made a man of me; if she could do that, then Kaylee shouldn't have too much trouble doing the same for Jayne.

If this is what you had in mind for the thread, Sanmi, then it's a great idea and I'm as interested as you are to read the thoughts of others. If I have misunderstood your intentions, perhaps you could restate the question?



(Of River) "Little Sis? I could see big things for her all along. Her and her brother both. I always knew they'd be worth something, y'know?"

- Jayne Cobb, Game Warden and co-proprietor, "Cretaceous Park", Hera; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:33 AM


Kaylee and Mal would just be "fweaky" because he is like her Father/Older Brother figure.

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:06 AM


Zoid -

I like your line of reasoning.

Also - remember the scene in Serenity where Jayne is looking in on Kaylee as the doc works on her.

I've always thought that was designed to show that even though Jayne acts like a tough, he did care about her (maybe just a little).

Great post.

"Let's get on with this increasingly eerie-ass day"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:41 AM


I think one of the most interesting relationships on the show isn't a romantic one but the friendship that's building between Jayne and Book.

They're complete opposites morally, physically and intellectually but you can tell that Jayne is becoming fast friends with the Shepard. They lift weights together, they joke around with one another and even philosophize about monastic matters. Even when Jayne picks on Book there's none of the malace that he has when he picks on the others (except Kaylee) with lines like,"You must be embarassed, all those years of monk training and taken out by one bounty hunter." To me that shows he's comfortable around Book, moreso than anyone except Kaylee.

Now as far as romances go, I'm a little worried about Wash and Zoe. The little bit of jealousy he had for the war buddy thing came through really well in War Stories, but the exchange that got me thinking there could be trouble ahead was the one on Heart of Gold about them having a baby. I think things will work out for them in the end but there's going to be plenty of rocks and shoals for them to get over before it's all done. Strangely enough as far as marital matters go I think Wash is really the steady one, in everything else Zoe is more competent than him (well except flying the ship) but when you see them together he'd definately not just Zoe's Husband, he's Wash and he's married to Zoe. There's something really sweet about those two and I hope they get everything ironed out, even if there are hard times ahead.

As far as Mal and Inara and Kaylee and Simon go I'm pretty sure it'll take a while to come to a resolution either way. The tension between Mal and Inara is just too good to lose by them doing the old hookup routine, anyone remember Moonlighting? Same sort of deal there. And the Kaylee and Simon romance is just too gorram funny to let a resolution happen anytime soon. I mean when my friends and I see the two of them together we rub our hands with glee because you just know Simon is going to do something stupid to ruin it, and make us laugh while doing it. I remember when I showed my mom the series, yeah she's a Browncoat now too, everytime Simon would ruin some moment with Kaylee she'd look over at me and just shake her head saying,"Typical man." We need Simon to be a typical man for a while, for the comdedy gold and for the fact that everyone knows a guy like that, we can relate. We wish him well but we still like to chuckle when we see the big crash coming, even if he doesn't. In a weird way Simon is the George Costanza of Firefly...okay now I am babbling. Time to quit.

"Pain is scary..."


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:57 AM


Interesting that you mention Jayne and Kaylee... my friend swears that Jayne has a thing for her. I always thought it would be fun to see what would happen to some guy (well, except Simon) if he REALLY broke Kaylee's heart... Mal is protective of her. If she was upset enough, I bet he'd send them halfway into next week.

AIM: KingArthursPiano


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:16 AM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

We need Simon to be a typical man for a while, for the comdedy gold and for the fact that everyone knows a guy like that, we can relate. We wish him well but we still like to chuckle when we see the big crash coming, even if he doesn't. In a weird way Simon is the George Costanza of Firefly...okay now I am babbling. Time to quit.

"Pain is scary..."

We all know a guy like simon?! Show me to him!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:18 AM



Originally posted by Meneluin:
Interesting that you mention Jayne and Kaylee... my friend swears that Jayne has a thing for her. I always thought it would be fun to see what would happen to some guy (well, except Simon) if he REALLY broke Kaylee's heart... Mal is protective of her. If she was upset enough, I bet he'd send them halfway into next week.

AIM: KingArthursPiano

But then would the guy be waiting to kick Mal's ass on tuesday?

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:28 PM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:

Originally posted by Gunhand:

We need Simon to be a typical man for a while, for the comdedy gold and for the fact that everyone knows a guy like that, we can relate. We wish him well but we still like to chuckle when we see the big crash coming, even if he doesn't. In a weird way Simon is the George Costanza of Firefly...okay now I am babbling. Time to quit.

"Pain is scary..."

We all know a guy like simon?! Show me to him!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"

Yeah a couple of my best friends are a lot like him, I mean these are relatively attractive guys, make fine money, nice cars, all the things that women look for in a guy but as soon as they approach one...

It ain't pretty. They don't just wind up with their foot in their mouth they wind up with both of them, the table leg and a barstool. They just lock up or say the exact wrong thing at the moment where if they'd just shut up they'd be golden.

Back in college, known some of these guys since then which is scary, I actually used to do prep work for them. You know, go and talk to the lady, talk my friends up, get the womenfolk interested...then they come over and something like,"Ever wonder why toilets in Australia spin backwards?" comes out of their mouth. Or even better,"You look a lot like my sister." Yeah, that's when I back carefully away from the car wreck I know is now in motion...

So yeah, Simonisms aren't as uncommon as people would like to think, at least with the crew I used to run with.

"Pain is scary..."


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:02 PM


I love this thread so far.

I'm totally representing Zoid, I totally think that there's a possibility of Simon and Kaylee not working out. I would love to see them together, because they are SO CUTE, but I have a fanfic running around in my head where they break up because Kaylee's unfaithful with Jayne or something (dodging missiles).

I can just see that happening, but she's like drunk or something. I don't know. I shy away from the idea somewhat because if I couldn't write that true to her character, I'd rather not do it at all. But I think that it could be plausibly done.

That said, I don't see the Mal and Inara working out any time soon. In fact, I think that Joss was just getting started with the two of them. I think they would complete each other in so many beautiful ways.

Here's hoping that we see some major love in the movie!

"So...We gonna sing army songs now?"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:09 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:
I think one of the most interesting relationships on the show isn't a romantic one but the friendship that's building between Jayne and Book.

I absolutely agree, the odd couple friendship that those two have going on is great. If ever there is a lull in the ship, chances are you can find them together, chances are having a deep philosophical debate about whether or not Vera has a soul.

Hey, I've been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire... Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:11 PM



Originally posted by Meneluin:
Interesting that you mention Jayne and Kaylee... my friend swears that Jayne has a thing for her. ~~~~~~~~
AIM: KingArthursPiano

i believe they mentioned in the Serenity commentary, when Jayne is looking in on the injured Kaylee, that Jayne has a crush on Kaylee.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:53 PM



I'll have to go back and watch that commentary again.

There are a two hetrosexual relationships I don't really see happening. Simon/River (duh) and Mal/Kaylee (eww). Given that Book keeps to his vows and Wash/Zoe stay together:

Simon/Kaylee (this will take time, but would be so cute)
Inara/Mal (one of them needs to grow a pair on 'nads (ovaries count) and tell the other what's what)
that would leave:
Jayne/River (ta da!)
Some of y'all are sayin' "gross" or something like that, but face it, that is the option that would be left. For my part, I really don't see that as so bad, given that River is a tad less whimsical in the brain pan and Jayne is developing into an almost-human/guilt-having/semi-moral man. He seems to be capable of real concern (that is my take on why he was looking on when Kaylee was shot in "Serenity", and gearing up and coming with in "War Stories") which constitutes real growth for him.

I don't think that Joss is going to pull another Tara/Willow on us...wait, I wonder, what did Mal really mean when he said that Simon was his hero.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:58 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:

Originally posted by Gunhand:

We need Simon to be a typical man for a while, for the comdedy gold and for the fact that everyone knows a guy like that, we can relate. We wish him well but we still like to chuckle when we see the big crash coming, even if he doesn't. In a weird way Simon is the George Costanza of Firefly...okay now I am babbling. Time to quit.

"Pain is scary..."

We all know a guy like simon?! Show me to him!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"

Yeah a couple of my best friends are a lot like him, I mean these are relatively attractive guys, make fine money, nice cars, all the things that women look for in a guy but as soon as they approach one...

It ain't pretty. They don't just wind up with their foot in their mouth they wind up with both of them, the table leg and a barstool. They just lock up or say the exact wrong thing at the moment where if they'd just shut up they'd be golden.

Back in college, known some of these guys since then which is scary, I actually used to do prep work for them. You know, go and talk to the lady, talk my friends up, get the womenfolk interested...then they come over and something like,"Ever wonder why toilets in Australia spin backwards?" comes out of their mouth. Or even better,"You look a lot like my sister." Yeah, that's when I back carefully away from the car wreck I know is now in motion...

So yeah, Simonisms aren't as uncommon as people would like to think, at least with the crew I used to run with.

"Pain is scary..."

Oh now i understand! I just wanted to be introduced to a guy as hot as he is! ............ !

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:30 PM


Ok, I do lean toward the Jayne/Kaylee ship, simply because it's intriguing to me. I'd like to see Jayne acting like a big dumb dork adoring sweet lil Kaylee.

I also think it's actually the most likely to last. You gotta remember, Mr. J. Whedon does not have a particuarly good track record for putting together, and keeping together more obvious couples, which he totally does on purpose, and that's okay-ish. I think Mal & Inara would eventually get together, but I seriously doubt they would actually stay together -- same with Simon & Kaylee. Something dreadful would happen to tear them apart, while of course staying on the ship.
Given that,it's weird that I'm not that worried about Wash & Zoe. I think they'll stay together, although it's probably gonna be rough.

I do know several people on another board who think there's a vibe between Jayne & River, which I kinda get, in the brother-sister sense. I really very much don't want to see those two "together" together. I think it would freak me out too much.

Then again, maybe Whedon will make everyone happy and in love and stay together forever, just cause I think he won't.
Ouch. I think I hurt myself when I fell out of my chair laughing.......

"We're just happy to be doin' good works."


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:34 PM



You know, as I wrote that post, where I postulated that Simon would have to choose between Kaylee or a return to Core world high society, another thought occurred to me that I just felt was too long to include there.

Wouldn't it be funny if Kaylee dumped Simon, not the other way 'round?

Follow me for a sec. When we 'meet' Kayley in OoG, she's doing what? Taking advantage of poor Bester just so's she can get a better look at Serenity's engines from underneath, on her back. Now I'm not much of a judge of a man's sexual prowess, but Bester comes across as monkeysurferguy and the brief glimpse we get as Mal rounds the engine is that, as Ian Hunter (before Great White) put it, Kaylee "was givin' what she got". She also relates a story to River in (I believe) OiS about a freakishly well-endowed boy she ravaged back home, earning her daddy's wrath.

What if her and Simon do the deed, and then Kaylee just goes 'hmmph' and leaves him feeling all dirty and used? She might then think, "Y'know, I remember Jayne carrying off three HoG girls and taking out all his pay in trade. Now that I've 'seen' a doctor, I wonder what a 'hero' could get done for me?"

Based on what we've seen of Simon thus far, I'm led to believe that -- despite having finer facial features and being more well-mannered than Jayne -- he may be something of a novice (virgin?) at procreational gymnastics. That might not fly with Kaylee, who appears to like a rollicksome time in the hay.

Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Maybe Simon breaks up with her, but it's not impossible to think Kaylee might dump him first.

(Edit) Oops, almost forgot: Imagine the comedic opportunity as the entire crew grimace at the high-decibel moaning and groaning issuing from Jayne/Kaylee's crew quarters, during those first blushing weeks of their 'romance'. WASH: "A bucket of ice water as I understand it, Sir, is quite effective for separating the livestock."



(Of River) "Little Sis? I could see big things for her all along. Her and her brother both. I always knew they'd be worth something, y'know?"

- Jayne Cobb, Game Warden and co-proprietor, "Cretaceous Park", Hera; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:40 PM



that would leave:
Jayne/River (ta da!)
Some of y'all are sayin' "gross" or something like that, but face it, that is the option that would be left. For my part, I really don't see that as so bad, given that River is a tad less whimsical in the brain pan and Jayne is developing into an almost-human/guilt-having/semi-moral man. He seems to be capable of real concern (that is my take on why he was looking on when Kaylee was shot in "Serenity", and gearing up and coming with in "War Stories") which constitutes real growth for him.

I like the Jayne/River pairing and it wouldn't surprise me if they did end up together. River is less crazy than she was at first, I doubt she'll ever be the same as she was though. But if we're talking about age difference here, Jayne is hardly what you'd call mature. And having people cut your skull open and experiment on your brain tends to make you grow up rather fast I would think.

There's also the fact that Jayne is such an unmitigated ass to her that it would serve him right to start having feelings for her. As for reasons River would like him, he's big and strong and could protect her from the freaky blue hand guys. At least he'd try to anyway, and he'd never try to turn her and Simon in again. That's always a good thing.

Besides, who else is there? Mal is with Inara, Kaylee is with Simon, Zoe is with Wash, and Book is just Book. I can't see him with anyone, even if he's not really a shepherd. They're all on the ship and they never stay in one place for very long. Where are they going to find someone else?


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:57 PM


toomanymemories wrote:

I like the Jayne/River pairing and it wouldn't surprise me if they did end up together.

I dunno. That whole getting slashed across the chest (requiring how many stitches?) and then backhanding the girl across the mess hall thing doesn't seem terribly romantic to me. But then again I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy. Whatever blows your skirt up, I suppose...

If I were Jayne, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't fall asleep with River in my bed, let alone trust her with my 'John Thomas'. I mean, yeah she was crazy and all, and she's getting better... But this is my 'best friend' we're talkin' about here.




Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:19 PM



I dunno. That whole getting slashed across the chest (requiring how many stitches?) and then backhanding the girl across the mess hall thing doesn't seem terribly romantic to me. But then again I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy. Whatever blows your skirt up, I suppose...

Hey, this is Jayne we're talking about here. He might consider that foreplay.

Seriously though, Mal calling Inara a whore on a regular basis isn't all that romantic either, but it looks like they'll eventually wind up with each other. And as River gets better and Jayne grows a conscience, what was done in the past can be forgiven. As far as whether or not Joss would put them together, well he had Buffy and Spike paired for a while. They had both tried to kill each other on numerous occasions in previous seasons.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:08 PM


Hi, my name is Vena. I’m a closet Jayne and Kaylee shipper.

So now that all the Jayne/Kaylee fans have come out of the wood work, when are we going to get some more fanfic? I think I have read EVERYTHING on the net that there is even the smallest mention of those too and at this point I’m re-watching Serenity over and over just to see him sitting outside the med bay.

*and if you find any fanfics I may have missed please please pretty please send me a wave!!*


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:15 PM


Subject = Best Pair....

Hmmnnn.. Saffron without a doubt has the "best pair"!


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:37 AM


I don't see the Inara/Mal relationship working. I believe their past would cloud the relationship. Mal seems to have a problem with Inara being a companion. Even if she did give it up the fact that she had done it would still be there. Equally, he slept with her friend and has called her a whore once too often.

However, I could see Book and Inara getting together. It would be more a loving/friendship relationship than a passionate one. They both come across as lonely people who are trapped by the labels that their jobs force on them. Together they would have companionship and security.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:32 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Subject = Best Pair....

Hmmnnn.. Saffron without a doubt has the "best pair"!

I disagree. Saffron may have the biggest pair, but that hardly makes them the best. My vote is for Zoe or Inara.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:41 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
(Edit) Oops, almost forgot: Imagine the comedic opportunity as the entire crew grimace at the high-decibel moaning and groaning issuing from Jayne/Kaylee's crew quarters, during those first blushing weeks of their 'romance'. WASH: "A bucket of ice water as I understand it, Sir, is quite effective for separating the livestock."

Okay zoid, you said it, now we want to see you (or anyone) give us that story. LOL. I'd volunteer but I can't write Kaylee at all!


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:26 AM



Interesting insights, of course. But, as Kaylee is one of my very favorite people, I'm going to play Kaylee's advocate here:)

First of all, I doubt Simon is a virgin. I mean, you have SEEN him, right? Oh yeah, evidence, sure ok... well, at the end of Jaynestown, I think it is, he mentions a girl he had a relationship with in school. Plus, you've seen him.

Also, we're all talking about Jayne's growth as a human being, here, and River's progress as she gets better. I think we're neglecting some of Kaylee's growth as well. When we met her with Bester, she was obviously looking for excitement, and something new. But did you see her face when Mal offered her the job? She was thrilled to be offered a steady job in an adventurous environment... so what's to say she wouldn't want the same thing out of a relationship? Life aboard Serenity can be pretty topsy-turvy. Wouldn't it make sense for her to want to cling to something more stable and steady?

Furthermore, she gets disappointed on an emotional level whenever Simon hurts her. And she really enjoys the fact that he respects her (end of Jaynestown). She also gets sincerely disappointed when someone teases her about liking/desiring Simon. He's a hot guy, yes, but he is more than that to her. Clearly, she is interested in him as a more long term option...stable, (formerly) rich, intelligent, but rebellious enough to sacrifice everything to make sure his sister is safe. He is also capable of being protective, in ways that he can be, and we've all seen Kaylee (not) use a gun.

Lastly, he doesn't get scared off by her honesty. A lot of men hate heart-on-sleeve-ness... speaking from personal experience here. When you find one that can handle it, he's worth keeping 9 out of 10 times... if you can even FIND 10 men like that...


Originally posted by zoid:

Follow me for a sec. When we 'meet' Kayley in OoG, she's doing what? Taking advantage of poor Bester just so's she can get a better look at Serenity's engines from underneath, on her back. Now I'm not much of a judge of a man's sexual prowess, but Bester comes across as monkeysurferguy and the brief glimpse we get as Mal rounds the engine is that, as Ian Hunter (before Great White) put it, Kaylee "was givin' what she got". She also relates a story to River in (I believe) OiS about a freakishly well-endowed boy she ravaged back home, earning her daddy's wrath.

Based on what we've seen of Simon thus far, I'm led to believe that -- despite having finer facial features and being more well-mannered than Jayne -- he may be something of a novice (virgin?) at procreational gymnastics. That might not fly with Kaylee, who appears to like a rollicksome time in the hay.

AIM: KingArthursPiano


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:32 AM


well in keeping with the isolated 'Best Pair-o-boobs" bit,i'm gonna have to put my vote in for River,not that Zoe and Inara's aren't nice...just something about River.

I'll be in my bunk.-Jayne


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:50 AM


The Mal/Inara thing has possibilities and it's obvious that Inara has it bad for Mal. Mal does show caring towards Inara in several episodes but the way he calls her whore sounds malicious, not even like he's just trying to tease her. I think Mal's gal is Serenity. He's never (that I remember) looked at Inara the way he looked at Serenity across that junkyard in Out of Gas. Is that just a little out there (let's think Captain Kirk, shall we. He took women but certainly Enterprise had his heart).

I love the Kaylee and Simon pairing but really don't see it lasting because of what we know about Kaylee's sexual appetite. I don't think Simon has it in him to keep up with her.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:14 AM


I think that the Jayne?Kaylee thing is a little off... I have a younger sister, who I tease and harrass and generally irritate in pretty much the same manner that Jayne does to Kaylee (comments about lubrication, etc). I annoy her constantly, and am always under her skin.

God Himself cannot save the life of any misguided soul who EVER mistreats my sister, though.

I think Jayne and Kaylee's relationship is much the same. He's crude, rude, and a big mean dude, but actually does have a heart, and truly cares for Kaylee, like a little sister (and, as we saw in the pilot, would eagerly destroy anyone who harmed her).

But, as always, I just might not know what the hell I'm talking about (see one of my previous posts, covering "The Truth of Whedoning")

--The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:50 AM


SO much fun!


I can see where you're coming from with Kaylee. I don't think she's quite that disregarding of others feelings.
It's more likely for her to get drunk and sleep with Jayne. And then realize there's something there. I don't know...more of the fanfic is circulating in my head now. It may come to pass.


There is no way Simon's a virgin. I'm sure that he (like Kaylee said in The Message) at least some women who wanted a gorgeous, rich, and intelligent doctor from a very good family. I'm sure he's been seduced or something when he was younger. But I doubt Simon has ever been in a serious relationship. I have a whole 'nother fanfic floating around in my head for that.

I need to find time to write.

"So...We gonna sing army songs now?"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:13 AM


My pair?

I go with one I proposed a while back:


A lot of people rolled their eyes and "hated" the idea, but I stick by it. From the Zoe/Wash child rearing argument to his comments to Kaylee in HOG, I think there is some unexlplored chemistry between them.

Think about it..they are both within each others age group, both are integral in keeping Serenity in the air, both have a VERY similar outlook on life...

A lot of folks hated the idea of the union because it would break up Zoe/Wash. I appreciate their protective outlook on that relationship, but come on, anyone paying even a bit of attention knew that union was going to hit the bricks at some point.

Think about this:

What if Wash thought Zoe was dead?

It's possible.. a deal goes bad, they have to make a run for it...Zoe doesn't make it to the ship in time and everyone thinks Zoe has been killed...flash forward, Kaylee (after realizing she and simon are NOT meant for each other) comforts Wash and something develops between them...then..a few months down the road...


Zoe shows back up.

Now, for all of you still boo-hooing the Kaylee/Wash union, put aside your feelings for the Zoe/Wash marriage and tell me you WOULDN'T tune in to see what happened.

Exactly..and that folks, is what makes television, and any fictiongreat. Conflict. Conflict drives the story foreward..conflict makes you want to tune in every short...conflict IS the story.
After a while the lovey dovey business between Wash and Zoe would get old...people would stop caring (you might think you wouldn't but trust me, you would)
You need to hit people in the stomach and make them come back for more.

Plus, think about it. You think it was an accident Joss picked up with them already a few years into the marriage? Nope..I guarantee you he was going to split them up....Zoe wants a child...Wash doesn't. Now that argument right there has already split up real life think it wouldn't split them up? Plus..I don't see Joss as bringing a child into the show...


If he did it could mean two possibilites:

1)He would have to get rid of Zoe/Wash so they could go and raise their child, and Joss certainly wouldn't dump those two from the show.

2)They would have the baby and the crew would have to take care of it. Not gonna happen. Why? Because, first it would limit the kind of stories Joss could tell and would provide an unecessary distraction. Second, they already have a child-like being on the ship in the form of River..someone the rest of the crew have to look out for (to a degree). Adding a child would turn Firefly into some sad Brady Bunch space western which would NOT work out well for anyone.

So, while there are those on this board who will argue with me till their hands turn blue, I stick by my guns: had Firefly continued you WOULD have seen Kaylee/Wash together at some point in the future.

Just my thoughts of course. Great thread btw.

"My mind is like a steel trap- rusty, and illegal in 37 states."


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:23 AM


I do think that the pairing of Jayne and River would be quite an interesting match to see. Many people believe in the opposites attract theorem, and we've seen how caring and sensitive Jayne CAN be (case in point, while Simon opporates on Kaylee)

I mean yeah, she did cut on him, but it was just a little bit!

And i really want Simon and Kaylee to be together because, i'm a hopeless romantic and want to see them turn out for the best (of course, i may be just a little partial because i share names with her and Simon is really hott *whistles innocently*)

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:27 AM



Originally posted by VicPalisades:
My pair?

I go with one I proposed a while back:


Think about this:

What if Wash thought Zoe was dead?

It's possible.. a deal goes bad, they have to make a run for it...Zoe doesn't make it to the ship in time and everyone thinks Zoe has been killed...flash forward, Kaylee (after realizing she and simon are NOT meant for each other) comforts Wash and something develops between them...then..a few months down the road...


Zoe shows back up.

"My mind is like a steel trap- rusty, and illegal in 37 states."

Sorry but i think that is a fairly bad idea, sounds very Soap Opera oriented. highly original, but i think it would take away from the integrity of the show

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 12:33 PM



Originally posted by fireflygal:

I love the Kaylee and Simon pairing but really don't see it lasting because of what we know about Kaylee's sexual appetite. I don't think Simon has it in him to keep up with her.

Ummm... just because she was with Bester (and who wouldn't want a better look at those bad *ss tattoos) doesn't mean she has an inordinate sexual appetite. I mean, she seems to be hanging in there for the long haul with the abstinance thing. I think she's more than willing to wait for some Simon, although she might not wait forever.

Although, I'm not particularly a Simon/Kaylee fan -- to me they are part and parcel of the world I bought into when I fell in love with Firefly.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 12:37 PM



Originally posted by Jahzara:
SO much fun!


There is no way Simon's a virgin. I'm sure that he (like Kaylee said in The Message) at least some women who wanted a gorgeous, rich, and intelligent doctor from a very good family. I'm sure he's been seduced or something when he was younger. But I doubt Simon has ever been in a serious relationship. I have a whole 'nother fanfic floating around in my head for that.

I need to find time to write.

Simon is not a virgin. Companions are a commonplace social commodity that ensures guys like Simon get socially accepted sex. Maybe Kaylee should snatch some of that incense.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:14 PM



Originally posted by Lost:

Originally posted by Gunhand:
I think one of the most interesting relationships on the show isn't a romantic one but the friendship that's building between Jayne and Book.

I absolutely agree, the odd couple friendship that those two have going on is great. If ever there is a lull in the ship, chances are you can find them together, chances are having a deep philosophical debate about whether or not Vera has a soul.

Hey, I've been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire... Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.

I do love those Jayne and Book moments, but the best pair on the ship has got to be Mal and Zoe. And not for romance. For the solid, deep, abiding love/respect/stand-by-me thing. I mean, who can't love a pair where the man wears a dress while the woman attacks by diving out of the back of a wagon with all guns blazing?

And they have proved that they can open up their relationship enough to hold a piece of gou shi ship and a brash, tacky pilot you can't stand who later usurps the position of main man. Yeah, it's all about Zoe and Mal.

Never fear, there's room for Inara, too. And, with all the tension leading up to Mal/Inara and the trouble they would have if they ever tried to get it together, it protects Zoe/Wash's marriage. Someone else here wrote about the conflict that is destined to end their marriage, but if you have the other tension in the family, they can play the baby tension thing for some time, at least until you can work the bundle in. And think what a wonderful nanny/tutor River will be. Face it, a Zoe/Wash kid would give River something to do. AND, it'd be great because she would always know where the kid was and what it was thinking.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:57 PM


I always say that more than a mouthful is never enough... So Saffron gets my "Best of" Award.


Originally posted by Astriana:

Originally posted by Calhoun:
Subject = Best Pair....

Hmmnnn.. Saffron without a doubt has the "best pair"!

I disagree. Saffron may have the biggest pair, but that hardly makes them the best. My vote is for Zoe or Inara.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.

"I'll be in my BUNK!"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:59 PM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:

Sorry but i think that is a fairly bad idea, sounds very Soap Opera oriented. highly original, but i think it would take away from the integrity of the show

Hmmm..well I hate soap operas, so let's just keep Zoe's ass a corpse and leave Wash/Kaylee as a happy go lucky pair of lovers then.

"My mind is like a steel trap- rusty, and illegal in 37 states."


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:31 PM


Things i just can't picture:

I can't see Simon as a virgin

I can't see him being a very promiscious person either.

And again, i can't see him requiring the assistance of a companion either.

Yes Simon probably had LOADS of women swooning for him (I mean come on! who wouldn't?) but he was probably to driven as a doctor to really give them any thought.

~~~~~~~~~~THREAD DIRECTION CHANGE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I could see Simon and Kaylee not working out, but this is the reason that i see it being most likely to be:

Somehow, a bounty hunter/the alliance find out the whereabouts of Simon and River, and at the same time, find out the love affair between Simon and Kaylee. Because of Simon taking great care in not being caught, the bounty hunter/the alliance find it to hard to get him, and so they take Kaylee instead.
Somehow Simon and Mal (because of both of theirs deep love-in different senses of course-for Kaylee) save Kaylee, and in the end, Simon realizes that he is too much of a danger to Kaylee, and though he loves her, can not be 'with' her.

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:45 PM


Okay, everyone keeps bringing her up, so I'll throw out the oddest pair although in a way the cutest and most entertaining: Mal and Saffron. Come on, you all know he has got to respect her for continually one-upping him (to an extent, he did get the gun in the end). Additionally, she is a very different personality than anyone on the ship.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:08 AM


OK. Really oddest pair: Jayne and Inara. Also least likely.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:08 PM



Originally posted by insight spinner:

Originally posted by fireflygal:

I love the Kaylee and Simon pairing but really don't see it lasting because of what we know about Kaylee's sexual appetite. I don't think Simon has it in him to keep up with her.

Ummm... just because she was with Bester (and who wouldn't want a better look at those bad *ss tattoos) doesn't mean she has an inordinate sexual appetite. I mean, she seems to be hanging in there for the long haul with the abstinance thing. I think she's more than willing to wait for some Simon, although she might not wait forever.

Although, I'm not particularly a Simon/Kaylee fan -- to me they are part and parcel of the world I bought into when I fell in love with Firefly.

insight spinner

Just a thought, Insight Spinner, it's not only Kaylee and Bester, it was the fact of the "somewhat odd" place Kaylee chose for their lovemaking. Kaylee not being particularly embarassed by Mal's appearance, also her not bothering to zip her dress all the way up. Then take a look at The Message, sure looks to me like Kaylee is flirting with Tracy, right up till he takes her hostage. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jaynestown where Simon and Keylee woke up snuggled together, then in The Message where Kaylee slips her hand into Simon's. I'm just pointing out from the indications in other episodes, Kaylee seems to be "easy" and I just don't see a prim and proper Simon being able to equal her in bed or engine room or wherever...


Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:15 PM



Originally posted by fireflygal:

Originally posted by insight spinner:

Originally posted by fireflygal:

I love the Kaylee and Simon pairing but really don't see it lasting because of what we know about Kaylee's sexual appetite. I don't think Simon has it in him to keep up with her.

Ummm... just because she was with Bester (and who wouldn't want a better look at those bad *ss tattoos) doesn't mean she has an inordinate sexual appetite. I mean, she seems to be hanging in there for the long haul with the abstinance thing. I think she's more than willing to wait for some Simon, although she might not wait forever.

Although, I'm not particularly a Simon/Kaylee fan -- to me they are part and parcel of the world I bought into when I fell in love with Firefly.

insight spinner

Just a thought, Insight Spinner, it's not only Kaylee and Bester, it was the fact of the "somewhat odd" place Kaylee chose for their lovemaking. Kaylee not being particularly embarassed by Mal's appearance, also her not bothering to zip her dress all the way up. Then take a look at The Message, sure looks to me like Kaylee is flirting with Tracy, right up till he takes her hostage. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jaynestown where Simon and Keylee woke up snuggled together, then in The Message where Kaylee slips her hand into Simon's. I'm just pointing out from the indications in other episodes, Kaylee seems to be "easy" and I just don't see a prim and proper Simon being able to equal her in bed or engine room or wherever...

Yeah, but that doesn't seem like an out-of-control sexual appetite to me. She didn't get any from Tracy (but there wasn't a lot of time). I would call her easy going rather than easy, I think. Seems her sex drive is pretty normal, since it is clear that she is not a person to eschew sex until a certain relationship milestone has been accomplished. I mean, it's clear she wants some Simon yesterday, too. She's definitely not channeling chastity, but that doesn't mean she has a sexual appetite that Simon can't match. And since she is so patient, she can wait for him to catch up. Although, maybe he can't. He's a Big Damn Nerd and I am hardly a Simon apologist!!

This is fun, fireglygal! WHEEEEEEEE!! If you are right, maybe Kaylee she should just go be with Jayne.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Friday, April 30, 2004 8:08 AM


All i wanted to say as far as a River/Jayne relationship.. well two things. 1) he's seen her naked already. (heh.) 2) His first impression of her, "She's cute, too, but I don't think she's all there, y'know? 'Course, not all of her has to be..."
I was surprised no one put that in... i dug up this thread just to say that.


Friday, April 30, 2004 11:48 AM



Originally posted by insight spinner:

Originally posted by fireflygal:

Originally posted by insight spinner:

Originally posted by fireflygal:

I love the Kaylee and Simon pairing but really don't see it lasting because of what we know about Kaylee's sexual appetite. I don't think Simon has it in him to keep up with her.

Ummm... just because she was with Bester (and who wouldn't want a better look at those bad *ss tattoos) doesn't mean she has an inordinate sexual appetite. I mean, she seems to be hanging in there for the long haul with the abstinance thing. I think she's more than willing to wait for some Simon, although she might not wait forever.

Although, I'm not particularly a Simon/Kaylee fan -- to me they are part and parcel of the world I bought into when I fell in love with Firefly.

insight spinner

Just a thought, Insight Spinner, it's not only Kaylee and Bester, it was the fact of the "somewhat odd" place Kaylee chose for their lovemaking. Kaylee not being particularly embarassed by Mal's appearance, also her not bothering to zip her dress all the way up. Then take a look at The Message, sure looks to me like Kaylee is flirting with Tracy, right up till he takes her hostage. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jaynestown where Simon and Keylee woke up snuggled together, then in The Message where Kaylee slips her hand into Simon's. I'm just pointing out from the indications in other episodes, Kaylee seems to be "easy" and I just don't see a prim and proper Simon being able to equal her in bed or engine room or wherever...

Yeah, but that doesn't seem like an out-of-control sexual appetite to me. She didn't get any from Tracy (but there wasn't a lot of time). I would call her easy going rather than easy, I think. Seems her sex drive is pretty normal, since it is clear that she is not a person to eschew sex until a certain relationship milestone has been accomplished. I mean, it's clear she wants some Simon yesterday, too. She's definitely not channeling chastity, but that doesn't mean she has a sexual appetite that Simon can't match. And since she is so patient, she can wait for him to catch up. Although, maybe he can't. He's a Big Damn Nerd and I am hardly a Simon apologist!!

This is fun, fireglygal! WHEEEEEEEE!! If you are right, maybe Kaylee she should just go be with Jayne.

insight spinner

You know, Insight Spinner, Kaylee just might have a sexual match in Jayne but that's just wrong. I think of the Jayne/Kaylee relationship as a brother/sister thing. As for Simon, well maybe he'll throw down those manners and respect for Kaylee and let himself be shown a good time. I just see Simon as so conventional (if you catch my drift) I see him thinking Kaylee would be weird for some of the places she'd want to do it.


Friday, April 30, 2004 4:52 PM



Originally posted by fireflygal:

Originally posted by insight spinner:

Originally posted by fireflygal:

Originally posted by insight spinner:

Originally posted by fireflygal:

I love the Kaylee and Simon pairing but really don't see it lasting because of what we know about Kaylee's sexual appetite. I don't think Simon has it in him to keep up with her.

Ummm... just because she was with Bester (and who wouldn't want a better look at those bad *ss tattoos) doesn't mean she has an inordinate sexual appetite. I mean, she seems to be hanging in there for the long haul with the abstinance thing. I think she's more than willing to wait for some Simon, although she might not wait forever.

Although, I'm not particularly a Simon/Kaylee fan -- to me they are part and parcel of the world I bought into when I fell in love with Firefly.

insight spinner

Just a thought, Insight Spinner, it's not only Kaylee and Bester, it was the fact of the "somewhat odd" place Kaylee chose for their lovemaking. Kaylee not being particularly embarassed by Mal's appearance, also her not bothering to zip her dress all the way up. Then take a look at The Message, sure looks to me like Kaylee is flirting with Tracy, right up till he takes her hostage. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jaynestown where Simon and Keylee woke up snuggled together, then in The Message where Kaylee slips her hand into Simon's. I'm just pointing out from the indications in other episodes, Kaylee seems to be "easy" and I just don't see a prim and proper Simon being able to equal her in bed or engine room or wherever...

Yeah, but that doesn't seem like an out-of-control sexual appetite to me. She didn't get any from Tracy (but there wasn't a lot of time). I would call her easy going rather than easy, I think. Seems her sex drive is pretty normal, since it is clear that she is not a person to eschew sex until a certain relationship milestone has been accomplished. I mean, it's clear she wants some Simon yesterday, too. She's definitely not channeling chastity, but that doesn't mean she has a sexual appetite that Simon can't match. And since she is so patient, she can wait for him to catch up. Although, maybe he can't. He's a Big Damn Nerd and I am hardly a Simon apologist!!

This is fun, fireglygal! WHEEEEEEEE!! If you are right, maybe Kaylee she should just go be with Jayne.

insight spinner

You know, Insight Spinner, Kaylee just might have a sexual match in Jayne but that's just wrong. I think of the Jayne/Kaylee relationship as a brother/sister thing. As for Simon, well maybe he'll throw down those manners and respect for Kaylee and let himself be shown a good time. I just see Simon as so conventional (if you catch my drift) I see him thinking Kaylee would be weird for some of the places she'd want to do it.

You are so right about Kaylee/Jayne. And I think Simon is just waiting to get turned out (Earlier today I heard Rick James' Bustin out on the radio and thinking about Simon with Kaylee, that tune jumped into my head!! ....He's bustin' out of this L-7 square!....

insight spinner <-- showing her age....

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Friday, April 30, 2004 5:18 PM


I agree with Gunhand on the Jayne/Book thing. I think the two have more in common than we're supposed to know at this point!


Friday, April 30, 2004 5:30 PM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
I agree with Gunhand on the Jayne/Book thing. I think the two have more in common than we're supposed to know at this point!

I think so too, and I wouldn't be surprised if say 20 years from now, if he lives that long, Jayne didn't become...a Shepard.

Crazy, yeah I know. But there are less narrow paths and he could become a married Shepard in a less strict (more Protestant maybe) order.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Friday, April 30, 2004 6:38 PM



All i wanted to say as far as a River/Jayne relationship.. well two things. 1) he's seen her naked already. (heh.) 2) His first impression of her, "She's cute, too, but I don't think she's all there, y'know? 'Course, not all of her has to be..."
I was surprised no one put that in... i dug up this thread just to say that.

He definitely thinks she's attractive, although this is Jayne, might be his only requirement for a woman to be attractive is that she has a pulse. No, I take that back. In HoG he says that he "Hopes the whores are prettier than the whore house." See?! He has standards people. Anyway, before River cut him I doubt very much if he would have refused her if she had tried to jump him. Not saying she would have tried, this is hypothetical. Now I think he'd be a bit more wary, but I still say a Jayne/River pairing is possible.


Friday, April 30, 2004 6:40 PM


Everyone is overlooking this famous couple on the show:

Jayne/Vera - he has sentimental feelings for her and she likes to get taken out a lot ;)

As for Jayne/Kaylee fics have you checked out Neroli's here in the Blue Sun Room? Or you would try this great fanfic archive:

I think Kaylee and Jayne together eventually would have been fun, but I do suspect his feelings are more in the protective brother vein than in the truly romantic sense. That hasn't stopped that being my fave pairing for fics.

Jayne and River was not a pairing I picked up on in first viewing but
a) he obviously finds her attractive
b) she unsettles him because she is not afraid of him and can see through his bluster
c) she is constantly surprising him by her actions and interactions with him (forcing him to continually reassess her)

I think there would have been huge possibilities with these two.

Plus the conniptions it would cause Simon and Mal if River ever decided Jayne was her guy would be a hoot to watch.


Friday, April 30, 2004 6:52 PM


Hmmm, I think Jayne and River is pretty unlikely for the simple fact of the,"I can kill you with my brain" line.

Now most men like slightly dangerous women, but having something like that said would cause even the most daring of men to think twice about wanting to get all cuddly with her.

I can see it now...

(interior a shopping mall in the Core)

River: "Do you think this dress makes me look fat?"
Jayne: "Of course not honey."
River: "Liar."

*insert head explosion a'la Scanners*


River: "Are you looking at that waitress' behind?"
Jayne: "Of course not sweetie."
River: "Liar."

*insert head explosion a'la Scanners*


River: "Why did you spend all that time in your bunk when Mal was kidnapped? Were you thinking about Inara and that blonde?"
Jayne: "Nothin'! Of course not dear!"
River: "Liar."

*starting to see a pattern here?*

All of that would be going through Jayne's head as possible likely outcomes to any future romantic interraction with River. Jayne may be a tad slow, that don't mean he's suicidal.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:






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