What do y'all want to see?

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 07:56
VIEWED: 7089
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Monday, February 18, 2008 1:17 AM


Ok, now we've all seen the threads where we discuss and rant about what upcoming films we just can't wait to see. This one here is for what movies or series we'd love to see that just aren't happening yet. Don't matter if it's scifi, fantasy, remakes, drama.... whatever.

So... What y'all want to see? Describe the book/comic/series/other and why you'd like to see it on the big screen or making a comeback on TV. Firefly/Serenity goes without saying.

I'll start us off with one. Might do a list later.

"The Word/Void" book series by Terry Brooks.
They've started on his "Elfstones of Shannara" but frankly I think that's one of his more overrated stories. The Word/Void is a contemporary, small-town fantasy series about a girl of unusual talent and a haunted, prophetic dream ravaged Knight. It begins with "Running with the Demon" continues in "A Knight of the Word" and comes to a tragic, exciting end with "Angel Fire East". Even if only a made for TV series on Hallmark or something it would be nice.

I strongly suggest reading this book series if you haven't already. I'm sure you'd agree with me that it would make a fine film series.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Monday, February 18, 2008 2:28 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I've been waiting for David Fincher and Morgan Freeman's production of Rendezvous With Rama for more years than I would like. It better happen one of these days.

Also, I would love to know what the status is on Tim Minear's screenplay adaptation of Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

Lastly, I think Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun would make an awesome mini-series or movie franchise.


Monday, February 18, 2008 2:29 AM


Ugh they choose Shannara? That series was so-so after book 2..don't know why it stayed popular for so long. I haven't read the series you mentioned, but Landover is much better than Shannara, though tongue-in-cheek.

If I had to see a stand-alone movie made in the fantasy genre, I'd like "Faerie Tale" by Raymond Feist. I loved the book for the fact that it shows the darker side of the cute little sprites and such always seen in print and film.


Monday, February 18, 2008 2:31 AM


C J Cherryh - the 'Atevi' sequence. Though they'd have to animate. Or 'Paladin'.

W Gibson - 'Neuromancer'. We have the tech to do it properly now.

N Gaiman - 'American Gods'

S Cooper - 'The Dark is Rising'. Not that bastardised abhomination they spawned a while back. What the bloody hell was that rubbish about? V Nasty.

I'm interested to know how they are going to do the 'Shannara' stuff - I only ever read the first three. After a while, the unremittingly grim massacres began to get to me. But the Ellcrys would be something to see. I'm surprised nobody has bagged the 'Belgariad' yet - that seems ripe for fabulously epic mini-series with magical special effects. I mean, cod-Arthurian overtones aside...

edit: I forgot the Landover stuff. That, I could see. Heinlein - how about Citizen of the Galaxy?

edit2: R Holdstock 'Mythago Wood'

edit3: If we're doing Feist, how about the 'Magician' sequence?


Monday, February 18, 2008 3:12 AM


there was mention awhile back of a film adaptation of the Metroid series (Nintendo). i honestly wouldn't know how they'd do it without completely removing any faithfulness to the game. likely it would turn out awful (like Resident Evil/ Doom etc) but I'd like to see it anyway. without wanting to fallinto a bottomless pit of geek, Samus Arran is a big damn hero of mine heh

I'd like to see a remake of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and not to wuss out of all the gore/ explicitness of the comic. i refuse to even watch the original film. they really should just leave Alan Moore alone, and im very nervous about the Watchmen adap. least its not in the hands of a complete idiot.


Monday, February 18, 2008 3:29 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:

W Gibson - 'Neuromancer'. We have the tech to do it properly now.

It was announced early in 2007. Will it happen? Who knows. Supposedly it has a $70m budget.

If you haven't read it, you can find Gibson's screenplay (from like 1990) on the 'net. It's..not bad. He cut quite a bit out of the book, obviously.


Monday, February 18, 2008 3:35 AM



Originally posted by mygoodeye:
there was mention awhile back of a film adaptation of the Metroid series (Nintendo). i honestly wouldn't know how they'd do it without completely removing any faithfulness to the game. likely it would turn out awful (like Resident Evil/ Doom etc) but I'd like to see it anyway. without wanting to fallinto a bottomless pit of geek, Samus Arran is a big damn hero of mine heh

I'd like to see a remake of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and not to wuss out of all the gore/ explicitness of the comic. i refuse to even watch the original film. they really should just leave Alan Moore alone, and im very nervous about the Watchmen adap. least its not in the hands of a complete idiot.

I was totally gonna say Metroid too. Not much of a Nintendo fan but God I love those games & Samus, have to get Samus out of the suit at the end of the movie .

Wing Commander (video game) sequel or remake, loved the film adaption being a big WC fan, and would die for another Wing Commander film. Think realistic sci-fi about a squadron of space pilots, similar to the show Space Above & Beyond.

I want a film adaption of the hugely popular RTS video game series Command & Conquer, more importantly Red Alert. Red Alert was my first proper PC game I ever played at the tender age of 6 & remains one of my favourite games to this day. And Nadia, they have to get the same actress who played Nadia in the live action cutscences in between missions.

Half Life is begging to made into a movie, the lead designer on the game has even said they have had loads of Hollywood offers but they've turned them all down since the scripts were shit. Half Life 2 is the best PC game of all time & is the closest a game will ever get to being like a film.

I would love to see the teen book Mortal Engines & its 3 sequel (Hungry City Chronicles) turned into movies. The book is set in a postapocalyptic steampunk world, ravaged in ages past by a nuclear holocaust known as the "Sixty Minute War,". To escape the earthquakes, volcanoes and other instabilities, English inventor Nikolas Quirke designed a system known as Municipal Darwinism, where entire cities essentially become immense vehicles known as Traction Cities, and must consume one another in order to maintain themselves in a world deprived of most natural resources. Although the planet has since become stable again.

My most wanted movie would be of a film adaption of one of the greatest graphic novels ever made, "The Dark Knight Returns". It would be so perfect if Tim Burton & Michael Keaton got back together & made The Dark Knight Returns with Keaton now the perfect age to play Batman (in The Dark Knight Returns Batman is a lot older). And only Burtons direction could make this film work, & obviously get Danny Elfman to do the music once again & get Michelle Pfeiffer to play Selina Kyle.

EDIT: Here's a gif I created a few months ago which I managed to find.

Knightfly on Xfire,
Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly...


Monday, February 18, 2008 3:48 AM


I'm not totally up on sci-fi and fantasy books, but one kind of sci-fi title that is being made that I'm concerned about is THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy. If treated with the same love and care a reverence for Cormac's writing style that the Coen Bros. gave to NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, I think this movie has the opportunity to reinvent the "post-apocalypse" sub-genre and be a truly amazing movie.

Anyone whose read McCarthy knows he's not your typical author. For starters, he's a notoriously reclusive author. He's only done a handful of interviews, two of them only recently. He's a minimalist author who spends tons of time describing the world around him which you could describe as horrifically poetic. There's very little dialogue, and his characters don't even have real names. They're just The Old Man or The Boy. And it's just very bleak. I gave THE ROAD to my Dad for Xmas thinking he'd really dig it. He understood it and got on it's wavelength. But I don't think he'll be reading it again or rush out to get his other books.

So if the filmmakers who are making THE ROAD take the same approach the Coens did with NO COUNTRY, then I think there could be another cinematic masterpiece courtesy of Cormac McCarthy.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Monday, February 18, 2008 5:14 AM



Originally posted by Muggi:
Ugh they choose Shannara? That series was so-so after book 2..don't know why it stayed popular for so long. I haven't read the series you mentioned, but Landover is much better than Shannara, though tongue-in-cheek.

The Word/Void is worlds better than anything else Brooks has done. I enjoy most of the Shannara series but it's definitely not Tolkien.

There's been a Landover film in the very early stages for over five years now. I think everyone from Tim Allen to Tim Robbins has been connected to the roll of Ben Holiday.

Also should add the same dweeb who screwed Harry Potter in The Goblet of Fire is helming the "Elfstones of Shannara". Ofcourse so far nobody has made a decent Potter film.. would have helped if the books weren't overrated angsty crap. I've read them all, enjoyed them to a degree then realized JK Rowling has very little writing talent. Lady sure can sell books though.

Anyway, Metroid would be nice. I remember hearing some rumors awhile back. Hopefully it will get made. And hopefully by someone good like Del Toro or maybe someone lesser known but classy... and never Uwe Bol. I'd rather a new movie never be made again then to even hear he's doing one.

What do y'all think about a movie based on that 80's series "Tales of the Gold Monkey"? It would be a nice change from all the fantasy films and superhero flicks we've been getting lately. Especially if they could get the original Goose and film down in the South Pacific. Hawaii is always nice but lately after so many films it's getting far to familiar... atleast to me.

On a similar note a movie adaptation of Jimmy Buffett's novel "Where is Joe Merchant?" would also be interesting. They could even use the same Grumman Goose for the Hemisphere Dancer.

One of these days they'll get around to "Ender's Game" hopefully they'll not try for a Harry Potter in space. I doubt Card would let go of the reins unless he was absolutely sure it would be treated right.

And lastly I'd really love to see a movie continuation of "Quantum Leap". You cannot possibly believe that Sam's altering the timeline by making sure Al never became involved in the project made it cease to exist. Even if it set it back a few years it'd still happen. Oh well I've heard Belisario has been working on scripts and shelving them for years so if he hasn't thought anything up yet I doubt he ever will. Hopefully he'll atleast do another fantasy/scifi type series again someday. There are atleast 4 of his series in my top 20 list.

Edit: I can't believe I mentioned "Where is Joe Merchant" and forgot "A Salty Peice of Land". It would make an amazing series of movies, maybe made for tv movie series or a couple for the big screen. No one too famous in the roles except maybe Cheech Marin making a cameo as a Mexican Fisherman or something. And maybe Jimmy Buffett as Bucky or somebody. Oh and John Cleese as Archie Mercer.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Monday, February 18, 2008 5:46 AM


i feel the exact same way about Harry Potter/ JK Rowling, Strangebird. i cannot understand the response her books got. i used to be a fan of the Worst Witch books when i was a kid, so Harry Potter was nothing short of big fat rip off to me.

and yeh Del Toro would be good for Metroid. i havent thought about who would be good to direct it, just those i didnt want to direct it!


Monday, February 18, 2008 6:03 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Niven's Ringworld series should be do-able now, what with all the advances in CGI. Also, I'd love to see someone tackle The Mote In God's Eye.

Rendezvous With Rama, Childhood's End, Heinlein's Orphans of the Sky... too many to list...

A *GOOD* version of Neuromancer would be amazing, too.

Sweeping generalizations are always wrong!


Monday, February 18, 2008 6:33 AM


A great director to direct a Metroid movie is Joss Whedon, seriously think about it he likes female action heroes & knows how to create depth & fantastic stories for those characters.

A thought to think about who would star as Samus, I would love to see the aussie Rachael Taylor (Transformers) as Samus, almost a perfect fit. But just as long it isn't Angeline Jolie or Milla Jovovich then I'd be happy.

Knightfly on Xfire,
Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly...


Monday, February 18, 2008 6:34 AM


Double Post


Monday, February 18, 2008 7:02 AM



Originally posted by Darkfly:
I would love to see the aussie Rachael Taylor (Transformers) as Samus, almost a perfect fit.

hah i just did a double take there, thats my name! (minus an 'e') i'd love to see me play Samus too, extra-specially if Joss Whedon was directing!

*groans* i never want to see Milla Jovovich make another movie again

Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back!


Monday, February 18, 2008 7:43 AM



Originally posted by mygoodeye:

Originally posted by Darkfly:
I would love to see the aussie Rachael Taylor (Transformers) as Samus, almost a perfect fit.

hah i just did a double take there, thats my name! (minus an 'e') i'd love to see me play Samus too, extra-specially if Joss Whedon was directing!

*groans* i never want to see Milla Jovovich make another movie again

Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back!

Totally agree with Milla Jovovich, she was a model first then actress, & frankly she should just stop acting now and continue her model/perfume/ clothes line career. 1st Resi was entertaining enough-ish-not really but at least she didn't say too much but what the hell did they do with Resi:Extinction.

btw nice name always liked the name Rachel whichever way its spelt.

Knightfly on Xfire,
Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly...


Monday, February 18, 2008 8:16 AM


Only movie I've ever enjoyed with Milla was The Fifth Element. Honestly I'm sure I liked it mostly for Bruce Willis, Ian Holm, Gary Oldman and Chris Tucker. Also it was quirky, fun and somewhat original.

Anyway back on topic. Metroid would make a fine film. Other than that the only other Nintendo franchise I'd care to see on the silver screen would be The Legend Of Zelda. Only if it was put together in a well done CG motion capture sorta way. With decent voice actors and the score handled by the original composer. Then and only then would I like to see it. Mario would just be silly and it's already been done. I liked it as a kid but as I grew up I realized how bad it was.

Another movie I'd like to see made would be Artemis Fowl... nevermind that's already coming. Anyway another good children's book series that will make a great movie series if it's presented right. A hell of a lot better than Harry Potter anyway.

The life of The 14th Dalai Lama would also be a really interesting film. He's had such a varied and fascinating life. Like any film though it would have to be done right and with care, and preferably with the cooperation of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso himself. Anyway it'd be a very interesting movie.

Let's keep up the ideas. Been some good ones so far.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Monday, February 18, 2008 8:27 AM


Personally a big fan of Shannara, would prefer they did "Sword" rather than "Elfstones"
Some others...
1. A matter for men - David Gerrold
2. any of Edgar Rice Burroughs "john Carter of Mars" series.
3. any of Robert Adams "horseclanns", especially the first 2.




Monday, February 18, 2008 8:30 AM


anything by Robert Heinlein.
His work is the bedrock of modern science fiction, but very little has made it to film. Supposedly Stranger in a Strange Land has been optioned by Tom Hanks, for a long time, but it's making no progress. Many of his short stories would make good films, and some would be easy. Glory Road would be a good cross-over to sword and sorcery.

Terry Pratchett's Discworld stories.
They made Hogfather, and there are reports that The Wee Free Men is in the works, but there are lots of great stories there. Again, lots of cross-over to sword and sorcery.


Monday, February 18, 2008 8:30 AM


They are doing "The Sword of Shannara." They just thought they'd be idiots and do "The Elfstones of Shannara" first. You know so they can confuse the hell out of people not familiar with the books. It makes sense if your a bad film maker with no talent and who only wants to make a buck off a successful and pretty good book series.

Really despite my sarcasm I'm dead serious. Poor Terry must be pissed. I know I'd be if a series I wrote was being butchered.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Monday, February 18, 2008 9:30 AM


Well I'd like to see:

Neil Gaiman's Sandman - done as a series or several mini series. In fact anything by this genius including American Gods.

Discworld - Same as above, and yes I know we have a couple of cartoons and a live action mini series, but could they please start from the beginning.

Good Omens by Gaiman/Pratchett - Hmmmm, I see a pattern here.

The Tripods - could do with an update where they actually finish all three books. I believe this is supposed to be in the planning stages.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, February 18, 2008 9:55 AM


how about "The Diamond Throne" with Chiklis as Sparhawk and Johnny Knoxville as Kalten? Also, "The Riddle of Stars" trilogy would be fun with todays technology in filmmaking.



Tuesday, February 19, 2008 12:27 AM


They finally made Point of Impact into "Shooter" so that takes one of the list.
They've been holding the rights to John Sandford's "Prey" series for over a decade, be nice to finally see it made.
Elizabeth Moon's Heris Serrano/Esmay Suiza series.
They kinda ruined Clancy's Jack Ryan with Ben Affleck, but making the John Clark stories from the 70's would be cool - who to replace Willem Dafoe?
More Due South.
If they hadn't mucked up "The Destroyer" with that Fred Ward attempt, be interesting to see more of the early entries. By Sapir and Warren.
Dean Koontz's Strangers. but it's sorta dated, most of that is no longer news.
Dean Koontz's Dark Rivers of the Heart - still pertinent. Or maybe more so.
The Good Guy, from Koontz.
Six Million Dollar Man, or other similarly based upon Cyborg, but not that comedy stuff with Jim Carrey!
More Batman with Christian Bale.
More Die Hard.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 2:47 AM


I'd really like to see R. A. Salvatore's Drizzit Do'urden, the Dark Elf, trilogy, made into a movie series.

If done right, it'd be awesome, I think.

I think I'd also enjoy John Ringo's series about the Posleen invasion, beginning with Hymn Before Battle, being made into movies as well. It's gritty, and funny.

If not that one, then Ringo's Into the Looking Glass.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 3:30 AM


Ok, I would like to see (obviously) a firefly/serenity movie again but i want it like this.... I want a 7 episode mini-series to lead into another theatrical release movie, then I want another 7 episode mini-series to lead into the third and final movie. you can spread these out over the next 10 years for all I care.

I would also like a StarWars Knights of the old republic movie penned by Mr. Joss Whedon... I would love to see his writing in that Verse.

More christian bale batman, A Superhero movie with Mr. Fillion in the leading role (pick one have joss write it)

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:17 PM



Originally posted by badkarma00:
I'd really like to see R. A. Salvatore's Drizzit Do'urden, the Dark Elf, trilogy, made into a movie series.

If done right, it'd be awesome, I think.

I agree. R.A. Salvatore does action better than most other writers. He's no Tolkien but for a fun, action-packed, sometimes surprisingly deep read, he's not bad.

A Drizzt book could be a bit difficult. The universe isn't owned by Mr. Salvatore, even if the characters are. I can see it being done, just that the legal stuff could be complicated.

His Demon Wars series would be a more likely bet. I actually count the original trilogy among my favorite books and the subsequent continuations are pretty good. "The Highwayman" is definitely the weakest book in the setting. It's not bad it just doesn't flow right to me. I haven't read "The Ancient" yet but I'm not as excited about it as I would be another book taking place after the Demon Wars series. So much happened in the last book however, that it felt rushed and unfinished. Kinda disappointing.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:41 PM


I agree about the Highway man. I was terribly disappointed. It had great potential, but was frittered away, I felt.

And good point about the ownership thing. Hadn't thought on that.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:42 PM


I heard in 2004 that Tonic Films had aquired rights to film a movie based on Karl Edward Wagner's "Death Angels Shadow". Since then I haven't heard a peep about it. They still have it on their web site as a current project so I haven't given up all hope.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:40 PM


Rights are acquired all the time. Sometimes the studios just buy them to keep someone else from making it first. Sometimes I think they even forget the bought them.

On a similar note "The Hobbit" may not be happening after all. With the Tolkien Estates lawsuit against the filmmakers it'll at least not be happening anytime soon. Part of me understands WHY they are filling a lawsuit but the other part just wonders why the hell they are doing it now. I know Christopher Tolkien doesn't fully approve of the films. I believe he commented on Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. That I can see. Viggo did a good job but really didn't look the part. He wasn't tall enough, not to mention his blue eyes. Anyway seems we won't be getting "The Hobbit" in 2010 like we thought. So I'd like to add it to my list of movies I think should be made. "The Lord of The Rings" films didn't come close to how great the books where but at least they captured the essence better than any other fantasy adaptation ever made. A film is such a different media from books that no movie will ever be what a book can be. It's simply not possible. The Tolkien Lawsuit may be about money but I think it's also about stalling the movie until the rights default. Of course I don't think they like who the rights go to then either.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:55 PM


I love my captain

To jump on the Neil Gaiman bandwagon, Neverwhere. I know it started life as a BBC show but I just felt so limited when compared to the book. I can just imagine it with Hollywood's resources. Oh and Stardust the real story. Not the super mega positive love and light will always triumph monodimensional film that they made. The existing movie is enjoyable but shallow.

Mercedeys Lackey's Vows and Honor books would make good movies. The first one is mostly a collection of stories about Tarma and Kethry but the first part would do well in Hollywood and leave an opening for a series as everyone seems so into doing recently (how many Shrek films do we need?). Revenge stories usually do well. Actually, thinking about it, I could see these as a TV show. There are plenty of ready made storylines in the books plus room to create more.

Also The Hunter's Moon by O. R. Melling. Faeries, magic, and a grand quest in a contemporary setting. And I just found out that this is actually the first in a series of four books. I've had it for years but never knew the others existed. I should remedy this...


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 10:39 PM



Originally posted by Kayna:
Also The Hunter's Moon by O. R. Melling. Faeries, magic, and a grand quest in a contemporary setting. And I just found out that this is actually the first in a series of four books. I've had it for years but never knew the others existed. I should remedy this...

I'll have to read those. After reading the Word/Void series half a dozen times I need good new contemporary fantasy.

Also another one I'd like to see be made into a film is "I Dream of Jeannie". I'm not sure of the status of the one previously in the works. It would be really interesting if they started in ancient Persia. If done well and built upon I could see it not only being enjoyable but interesting and meaningful. Dealing with womens rights and moral choices with power and greed.... hmmm does anyone else think of Joss when I mention that? Him doing "I Dream of Jeannie" would be awesome. Kinda funny though, my Mom always calls Inara Jeannie since she thinks her little shuttle with all the drapings and cushions looks like the bottle.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:56 AM


I love my captain

Just remember that those O.R. Melling books are kind of "Young Adult" books. They're still very good (at least the first one is) they're just a little younger.

As far as Joss directing, I could see that for the Tarma and Kethry stories. The setting is a bit different fom anything I've seen him do but that doesn't mean he couldn't. Besides, at the bigining of the story our heroes are two 17 year old girls out for vengance and justice. One is a swordswoman and the other is a mage with a frustrating magic sword and they choose the proffession of mercenary.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.






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