Bad Sci FI

UPDATED: Friday, April 30, 2004 16:46
VIEWED: 15832
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:44 PM


Okay, I just read the bye-bye to Andromeda/Mutant X thread. Both shows suck, they always did -- la la la. (okay, there was some halfway decent Andromeda ....)

So, I began to think about other bad Sci Fi. There was a show on about 12 years ago on network I think, that was so bad I couldn't believe my husband would watch it. I can't recall the name. It might have been a contemporary of Earth 2 (which many people thought was quite bad, but I liked it well enough).

Anyway, name me some bad Sci Fi. Some real le se.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:47 PM


A movie called "Day of the Triffids"--walking corn stalks that were eventually defeated by, I think, spraying sea water on 'em.



Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:25 PM


Worst sci-fi I've ever seen, movie-wise? The adaptation of Asimov's "Nightfall". Even though the story itself is widely regarded as a high point in Asimov's prolific career, and despite the fact that it stars Gabriel Byrne (one of my favorite actors) the movie was HORRIBLE!!!!!! They changed the story so much it was almost unrecognizable, and the actors seem to have been given the scripts and told "OK, take one...ACTION!". No energy or dynamics between the characters, and the most INSIPID dialogue I've heard outside of some low-budget Joe Don Baker movies.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:29 PM


Earth: Final Conflict's fifth season. The first season was great, and seasons 2-4 were passable, but season 5 can only be called bad.

Aside from MX and Drom, I can't say any of the other shows I've watched have come off downright bad. Some, like the original BSG or Buck Rodgers, are cheesy, but that's not the same as bad.

ENT is kinda middlin', but at least its trying, which counts for something.

Stargate isn't as good as it once was, but its still worth watching.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:35 PM


"Battle Beyond the Stars"


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:59 PM


Mutant X, Charmed,Psi Factor, Andromeda had its moments. I don't mean to beat up a classic, but Logan's sucked.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:51 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
A movie called "Day of the Triffids"--walking corn stalks that were eventually defeated by, I think, spraying sea water on 'em.


I LIKED "Day of the Triffids" !!!
Cheesy, silly - but if they remade it - might be better.

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles an hour... The Galaxy Song, Meaning of Life, Monty Python


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:33 PM


Earth: Final Conflict's fifth season. The first season was great, and seasons 2-4 were passable, but season 5 can only be called shu ma nyaow.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:36 PM


Plan 9.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:36 PM


No one has mentioned the theatrical release of Dune staring Kyle Mc...something. I do not mean the cable
release, but the other one.

They changed the story so much it was unrecognizable. I'm glad it bombed. the director/producer should never get another nickle to waste film ever again in life.

If history is remarkably clear on one point,
its that people don't learn from history.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:49 PM



Originally posted by dbell46:
No one has mentioned the theatrical release of Dune staring Kyle Mc...something. I do not mean the cable
release, but the other one.

They changed the story so much it was unrecognizable. I'm glad it bombed. the director/producer should never get another nickle to waste film ever again in life.

If history is remarkably clear on one point,
its that people don't learn from history.

While the movie wasn't nearly as good as I'd hoped it to be I didn't think it was terrible. Bad yeah, terrible nah.

And to give it it's due, I loved the soundtrack for it. Very nifty stuff.

Now if you want to talk bad Sci-Fi all I have to say are the dreaded words..."Jar Jar".

I mean I loved Star Wars, saw it the day it opened in a drive-in, saw the original trilogy more times than I care to admit to but...the prequels made me want to drive to California and shake George Lucas like there was no tommorow.

I saw the Phantom Menace in the theater because it was new Star Wars after so many years, saw Attack of the Clones because I thought to myself it had to get better...The third one, not getting my money. I'll wait till it's on cable.

Besides all my '05 summer movie money is going to The Big Damn Movie.

"Pain is scary..."


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:17 PM


I agree with you there, I despised Attack of the Clones, it was lame, boring and emotionally un-engaging. "The hills are alive with the sound of Naboo" pretty much sums it up for me.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 12:37 AM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Originally posted by dbell46:
No one has mentioned the theatrical release of Dune staring Kyle Mc...something. I do not mean the cable
release, but the other one.

They changed the story so much it was unrecognizable. I'm glad it bombed. the director/producer should never get another nickle to waste film ever again in life.

If history is remarkably clear on one point,
its that people don't learn from history.

While the movie wasn't nearly as good as I'd hoped it to be I didn't think it was terrible. Bad yeah, terrible nah.

And to give it it's due, I loved the soundtrack for it. Very nifty stuff.

Now if you want to talk bad Sci-Fi all I have to say are the dreaded words..."Jar Jar".

I mean I loved Star Wars, saw it the day it opened in a drive-in, saw the original trilogy more times than I care to admit to but...the prequels made me want to drive to California and shake George Lucas like there was no tommorow.

I saw the Phantom Menace in the theater because it was new Star Wars after so many years, saw Attack of the Clones because I thought to myself it had to get better...The third one, not getting my money. I'll wait till it's on cable.

Besides all my '05 summer movie money is going to The Big Damn Movie.

"Pain is scary..."

I don't understand seeing Attack of the Clones. Phantom Menace was like a big sign saying "don't come to Star Wars Movies anymore!!" And I saw the original Star Wars in NYC in a Big Damn Theater. And until last year, had a thread-bare Revenge of the Jedi T-shirt. That was going to be the movie's name before Lucas, et. al decided that Jedi are not vengeful. True to form, I wore it instead of saving it as a collectors item. All my cash will go for viewing and re-viewing Serenity.

And yeah, the Dune movie was a mess, but I kinda liked it.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Thursday, April 29, 2004 12:41 AM



Originally posted by Fireflythemovie:
Plan 9.


But...Um...Buckeroo Banzai kinda cracked me up. And it had Rosalyn Cash in it -- I sure loved her...and she was in Omega Man.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Thursday, April 29, 2004 12:47 AM


I guess I'm showing my age but y'all are missing a movie that is widely considered not only bad sci fi but also the worst movie ever made.

This movie is so excrable that it is hailed as a low mark and actually still screened at midnight movies as a bad example of movie making.

I speak of the immortal Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer Space".

In spite of the bad script, sets, costumes, plot and effects this movie goes under and short of a decent goal by having one of its stars, Bella Lugosi, pass away during filming. Working on a shoestring budget Wood had one of the crew, Tom Mason double as Lugosi. Despite the fact that Mason didn't look much like Lugosi at all.

The legend has it that some theatres pulled this after the first showing. Some are rumored to have pulled it during the first showing. Whatever the case it disappeared without a trace during its theatrical release and was only saved from the dustbin by sci fi fanatics. Movie makers like Sam Raimi, Joe Dante and Tim Burton love this movie.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:03 AM


Two words: Solar Crisis.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:11 AM



Originally posted by Zoriah:
I agree with you there, I despised Attack of the Clones, it was lame, boring and emotionally un-engaging. "The hills are alive with the sound of Naboo" pretty much sums it up for me.

well, okay that really WAS the worst
(Lucas is single handedly dismantling his own franchize!)

But I really REALLY hated 'Dreamcatcher'
it started out as disgustingly over the top horror
but then it turned into lame Sci-fi
so: ewwwwwww


Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:05 AM


BATTLEFIELD EARTH!!! Was the most disappointing Sci-fi movie event ever for me. I read the book for the first time about 20 years ago and loved it!

The book had a special centre insert that talked about the soon to be made movie.. (A movie based on this book!! Soon! WOW!)

Well.. I waited and waited and every few years I would re-read the book and again see the advertisement for the "soon to be made movie" and get all excited again thinking about how good this movie is gunna be, and how it must be close now! its been a few years.....

By about the 6th time i'd read the book and there was still no movie I started getting a little skeptical...

A few more years passed..

Finally! The movie "Battlefield Earth is a reality!! I was STOKED! couldnt wait!
Man that movie sucked...

It would probably have had to be pretty damn good to live up to 20 years of expectation. Still..


Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:06 AM



Originally posted by embers:

Originally posted by Zoriah:
I agree with you there, I despised Attack of the Clones, it was lame, boring and emotionally un-engaging. "The hills are alive with the sound of Naboo" pretty much sums it up for me.

well, okay that really WAS the worst
(Lucas is single handedly dismantling his own franchize!)

But I really REALLY hated 'Dreamcatcher'
it started out as disgustingly over the top horror
but then it turned into lame Sci-fi
so: ewwwwwww

As much as I never thought I'd say it, I've come to the realization that the Star Wars franchise would be better off, I mean really better off, if Lucas let go. Now admittedly some of the "Expanded Universe" novels and whatnot are beyond contempt, but the sad thing is to me the prequels are as bad if not worse than most of it.

Now I'm not a rabid Lucas hater, I mean the man made movies that defined my childhood. But to paraphrase a Good Movie,"The King has lost his way." I guarantee if Episode I and II didn't have his name on it, and the names were changed just enough that it wouldn't be considered out and out copying of Star Wars, then those movies wouldn't have made a dime based on their plot, direction, writing and acting. Shame really.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:10 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
BATTLEFIELD EARTH!!! Was the most disappointing Sci-fi movie event ever for me. I read the book for the first time about 20 years ago and loved it!

The book had a special centre insert that talked about the soon to be made movie.. (A movie based on this book!! Soon! WOW!)

Well.. I waited and waited and every few years I would re-read the book and again see the advertisement for the "soon to be made movie" and get all excited again thinking about how good this movie is gunna be, and how it must be close now! its been a few years.....

By about the 6th time i'd read the book and there was still no movie I started getting a little skeptical...

A few more years passed..

Finally! The movie "Battlefield Earth is a reality!! I was STOKED! couldnt wait!
Man that movie sucked...

It would probably have had to be pretty damn good to live up to 20 years of expectation. Still..

Ooof, I was trying to forget about that one. But yeah it made me cry at how bad it was. Only movie I ever rented and went back to the store demanding for a refund. Not of my money, but of those precious minutes of my life that were wasted forever.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:52 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Calhoun:
BATTLEFIELD EARTH!!! Was the most disappointing Sci-fi movie event ever for me. I read the book for the first time about 20 years ago and loved it!

The book had a special centre insert that talked about the soon to be made movie.. (A movie based on this book!! Soon! WOW!)

Well.. I waited and waited and every few years I would re-read the book and again see the advertisement for the "soon to be made movie" and get all excited again thinking about how good this movie is gunna be, and how it must be close now! its been a few years.....

By about the 6th time i'd read the book and there was still no movie I started getting a little skeptical...

A few more years passed..

Finally! The movie "Battlefield Earth is a reality!! I was STOKED! couldnt wait!
Man that movie sucked...

It would probably have had to be pretty damn good to live up to 20 years of expectation. Still..

I so agree w/ you. Absolute worst sci fi movie of all time. It was horrible and did the book such an injustice that it should be struck forever from the minds of mankind.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:58 AM




Starship Troopers

"We are exporting democracy because we have all of this unused democracy lying around at home. Why not make some money doing it?"


Thursday, April 29, 2004 5:13 AM



Now admittedly some of the "Expanded Universe" novels and whatnot are beyond contempt, but the sad thing is to me the prequels are as bad if not worse than most of it.

True. Some of the Expanded Universe is aweful----some examples of that are The Crystal Star, and The Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy.

Some more of it is bad, but readable, like Children of the Jedi and The Black Fleet Crisis.

I'd be hard-pressed to call the prequels worse than any of those, actually, now that I think about it.

However, much of the EU is actually great material. Anything by Timothy Zhan, Micheal Stackpole, or Aaron Allston is well worth reading. As is much of The New Jedi Order series. And *those* are certainly far and away better than the prequels.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 5:19 AM


i guess i'm suprised no one has mentioned any of the Star Trek Movies (either that or i can't read), i'd say they were all pretty lame each one just added to the pain.
Erm what else, Dune the original which made no sense to me when i was made to watch it. i know i was young then but even now all i do is pick at how much it draags out.
Erm a really crap film i watched the other month : Insemenoid...well dodgy, Er Spaceballs anyone remember that?
Erm the brood...i'm fearful of midgets at the best of times but this film has just added to the fear.
Independance day.... granted our Jayne featured in that, it just didn't quite do it for me.

not very much in my eyes passes for good sci-fi.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 5:36 AM


Bad Sci-Fi?

Considering that Firefly was cancelled because it wasn't Star Trek or Star Wars I would hope that people might try to understand the larger picture regarding the state or story in Sci-Fi TV and movies today. Wild guess... it's all cow pucks.

Take Enterprise, a show that can't remember the plot from one act to the next. It's not just a bad show but amaturish. Take Phantom Menace; widely considered a betrayal of the characters. Take most new Sci-Fi and note how great concepts from the likes of P.K. Dick to King are taken by Hollywoodland wonks and ripped to shreads. Turned into poop. Completely raped that story... oooh, yea, ugly. Notice no one has done a Necromancer movie yet? It's because the story hasn't the elements Hollywoodland wonks want. Sexy bits, explosions, the usual rubbish.

That's why Joss Whedon and Tim Minear and the rest are such a breath of fresh air. They actually write well. Thier characters are the most important part of all thier stories. Other Sci-Fi shows believe the explosions are more important.

Hollywoodland is determined to fire talented people like Joss and Tim because Hollywoodland marketing wonks want thier jobs and money. If they can create a reality show and fire Joss - they will in a New York minute.

And to be specific I'm shocked some people don't know Buckaroo Bonzai is a classic of Jamaican alien invasion! Day of the Triffids is old time Sci-Fi. Plan 9 From Outer Space is a singular artistic vision. I'd take these movies over Van Helsing, Hulk, or some other bombastic Hollywoodland sillyness any day.

Thank God for Quenton Tarintino! Kill Bill Vol.2 is sooooo good! Hi-YA! *splut!*


Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:01 AM



Originally posted by Tracer:
... Er Spaceballs anyone remember that?

Dude, Spaceballs rocked!

Lone Star: "Great.. she's a Druish princess."
Barf: "Funny, she doesn't look Druish."


Yogurt: "Merchandising, that's where the real money is made!"


Colonel Sanders: "Megamaid has gone from suck to blow!"

"Let's moon 'em!"


Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:05 AM


I can't remember the name of the show but it was a cross between ER and DS9, really awful. I think it was on UPN and thankfully it didn't last very long.



Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:12 AM


hm...let me turn on the so-called "Sci Fi Channel", oh look, it's crap! (okay 9 times out 10, when they are not running "Stargate SG-1" which I have enjoyed the few episodes i've seen)

Sci Fi or "genre television" as Joss likes to call it, has a bad rap because it caters to different kind of demographic that it seems TV/Hollywood no longer care about, or don't understand.

For awhile it seemed promising - Buffy and X Files, two well written shows were making big waves. Buffy was never a huge ratings machine. X Files took awhile to catch on. Could these shows survive today? I think "Firefly" proves that the networks no longer have the patience.

Now that LOTR has won a truckload of oscars, I'm hoping some good sci-fi/fantasy will get the greenlight. Of course, we also know that means studios will greenlight the bad sci-fi/fantasy as well, because they are big on self-fullfilling prophecies.

So just be prepared to add to your lists. For example - I enjoyed "Pitch Black", it wasn't the greatest ever and I probably won't watch it again, but it was fun. Now they have made a sequel and from the trailers I've seen, it looks like a mix of too many special effects and an over complicated plot that, in the end, will all be rectified by Riddick blowing up everything in his path.

It's good that Joss has a hard head, because a lesser writer/director might bow before the studios, but you know when the BDM comes out, he's going to do it HIS way. At least ONE good Sci Fi movie will be out in 2005.

(btw, Hitchhiker's Guide will be coming out in 2005 but looking at the current cast list at, it's probably best that Adams is dead because this would have kill him)


Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:30 AM



Originally posted by Malicious:
A movie called "Day of the Triffids"--walking corn stalks that were eventually defeated by, I think, spraying sea water on 'em.


Okay which version? The 1962 version where they wind up in Spain. Or the BBC miniseries from 1981 which probably sticks closer to the book than the 1962 version.

The original story was written by John Wyndham who also wrote The Midwich Cuckoos which was turned into The Village of the Damned both the 1960 and 1995 versions.



Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:38 AM



Originally posted by Thundar:
"Battle Beyond the Stars"

The Seven Samurai in SPACE! With Robert Vaughn who was in The Magnificent Seven.



Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:50 AM



Originally posted by dbell46:
No one has mentioned the theatrical release of Dune staring Kyle Mc...something. I do not mean the cable release, but the other one.

They changed the story so much it was unrecognizable. I'm glad it bombed. the director/producer should never get another nickle to waste film ever again in life.

The David Lynch directed version of Dune. Not sure what you saw but the Gom jabbar scene was near perfect... and the voice over thoughts of the characters is very much like the style of the book which has the POV switching among the characters from paragraph to paragraph. Also Dino DeLaurentis (or maybe Rafaella) interfered so much with the final cut of the film that David Lynch took his name off the credits... Also I think the casting was superb. It does have its flaws and could, should have been a giant miniseries in the first place, but it's nod that bad.

The newer version produced for the SciFi Channel also had flaws, but it does show more of the Fremen life than the other version and is a more straight forward story.



Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:54 AM



Originally posted by SamuraiX47:
Okay which version? The 1962 version where they wind up in Spain. Or the BBC miniseries from 1981 which probably sticks closer to the book than the 1962 version.

The film version was the one where the triffids were killed by seawater, and yes it was pretty naff, I liked the mini series though.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:11 AM



Originally posted by insight spinner:
...And until last year, had a thread-bare Revenge of the Jedi T-shirt. That was going to be the movie's name before Lucas, et. al decided that Jedi are not vengeful. True to form, I wore it instead of saving it as a collectors item. All my cash will go for viewing and re-viewing Serenity.

And yeah, the Dune movie was a mess, but I kinda liked it.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....

Actually, "Return of the Jedi" was originally entitled "Revenge of the Jedi" and was changed, not because of Lucas' psycho-family-friendly value system, but because "Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan" was ORIGINALLY "The REVENGE of Khan"--and was released at or near the same rough time as "Jedi"--the studio balked, saying it was too close and needed to put a buffer zone.

But either way, the two new "Star Wars" movies are like watered down Coors (which is already watered down swill)...

--The Hat/Jefé

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:15 AM



Originally posted by Harpie:
I can't remember the name of the show but it was a cross between ER and DS9, really awful. I think it was on UPN and thankfully it didn't last very long.


I recall the show, as well, but can't remember the name either. I think that's because the show didn't last long enough to GET a name...

--The Hat/Jefé

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:37 AM



Originally posted by kasuo:

Originally posted by Tracer:
... Er Spaceballs anyone remember that?

Dude, Spaceballs rocked!

Lone Star: "Great.. she's a Druish princess."
Barf: "Funny, she doesn't look Druish."


Yogurt: "Merchandising, that's where the real money is made!"


Colonel Sanders: "Megamaid has gone from suck to blow!"

"Let's moon 'em!"

ok i'll give you that one, in retrospect that wasn't half bad
ok but babylon 5 was weak


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:07 AM


If we were doing Movies, I would definitely throw "Tremors" into the ring. Kevin Bacon meets Giant Worms That Eat People. Ugh. It was so bad, I thought Steven King wrote it.

For bad Sci Fi series, though ... I did see a couple episodes of Earth: Final Conflict that were awfully lame, but I don't know enough about the series as a whole to make any pronouncements.

Farscape was just dumb. A sexy priestess with mind powers who is actually a plant-based lifeform? Ugh. Every time they described her character, they talked about how sexually evolved she was ... and yet she never once had sex with anyone, the entire time. Even worse, the central driving goals and desires of the characters seemed to change every week, depending on what archetypes they needed for that week's lame skit. Rigel was actually the most consistent of them all! (Although the Earther wasn't bad; he seemed to evolve as he gained experience, instead of simply changing at random to fit that week's plot.)

What was the show with Mandy Patenkin (sp?) as an alien cop on Earth? Sour milk was an intoxicant for his race, I think.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:21 AM



Originally posted by Skydance:
What was the show with Mandy Patenkin (sp?) as an alien cop on Earth? Sour milk was an intoxicant for his race, I think.

"Alien Nation" The movie had James Caan and Mandy Patenkin. The TV show had Gary Graham and Eric Pierpoint.

The movie sucked - the TV show was great IMHO. I enjoyed it every week and catch reruns when I can.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
I guess I'm showing my age but y'all are missing a movie that is widely considered not only bad sci fi but also the worst movie ever made.

This movie is so excrable that it is hailed as a low mark and actually still screened at midnight movies as a bad example of movie making.

I speak of the immortal Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer Space".

Yeah,someone just slipped that one is, and it's a real stinker!!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:42 AM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Originally posted by embers:

Originally posted by Zoriah:

Now I'm not a rabid Lucas hater, I mean the man made movies that defined my childhood. But to paraphrase a Good Movie,"The King has lost his way."

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:

Will not talk about good movies and kings, will keep to thread, will resist ...the precious.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:49 AM



Originally posted by Skydance:
If we were doing Movies, I would definitely throw "Tremors" into the ring. Kevin Bacon meets Giant Worms That Eat People. Ugh. It was so bad, I thought Steven King wrote it.

For bad Sci Fi series, though ... I did see a couple episodes of Earth: Final Conflict that were awfully lame, but I don't know enough about the series as a whole to make any pronouncements.

Farscape was just dumb. A sexy priestess with mind powers who is actually a plant-based lifeform? Ugh. Every time they described her character, they talked about how sexually evolved she was ... and yet she never once had sex with anyone, the entire time. Even worse, the central driving goals and desires of the characters seemed to change every week, depending on what archetypes they needed for that week's lame skit. Rigel was actually the most consistent of them all! (Although the Earther wasn't bad; he seemed to evolve as he gained experience, instead of simply changing at random to fit that week's plot.)

What was the show with Mandy Patenkin (sp?) as an alien cop on Earth? Sour milk was an intoxicant for his race, I think.

Well, Tremors was hi-larious it stunk, but I laughed (at it) the whole time.

I never really watched Farscape, but wasn't the nekkid blue woman a rip of from Joan Slonczewski's (sp?) book with the purple-skinned evolved lesbians dwelling on a water planet? (great book).

& I didn't get alien nation as a movie or a series.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:50 AM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:

Originally posted by Harpie:
I can't remember the name of the show but it was a cross between ER and DS9, really awful. I think it was on UPN and thankfully it didn't last very long.


I recall the show, as well, but can't remember the name either. I think that's because the show didn't last long enough to GET a name...

I think the show was Mercy Point, or something along those lines. I remember hearing it was going to be on, and I remember hearing it had been cancelled. I don't remember it actually being on.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:54 AM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:

Originally posted by insight spinner:
...And until last year, had a thread-bare Revenge of the Jedi T-shirt. That was going to be the movie's name before Lucas, et. al decided that Jedi are not vengeful. True to form, I wore it instead of saving it as a collectors item. All my cash will go for viewing and re-viewing Serenity.

And yeah, the Dune movie was a mess, but I kinda liked it.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....

Actually, "Return of the Jedi" was originally entitled "Revenge of the Jedi" and was changed, not because of Lucas' psycho-family-friendly value system, but because "Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan" was ORIGINALLY "The REVENGE of Khan"--and was released at or near the same rough time as "Jedi"--the studio balked, saying it was too close and needed to put a buffer zone.

But either way, the two new "Star Wars" movies are like watered down Coors (which is already watered down swill)...

--The Hat/Jefé

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne

Yeah, well the woman who gave me the shirt, who was on the production team and went to my mom's hairdresser, gave me the shirt before the controversy hit. When the movie came out, I asked her what happened to the name, and she gave me that "Jedi's aren't vengeful" spin. Your version seems truer to the blue hands we know.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:56 AM



Originally posted by Harpie:
I can't remember the name of the show but it was a cross between ER and DS9, really awful. I think it was on UPN and thankfully it didn't last very long.

Mercy Point.

Saying it was really awful is insulting to the really awful population.

Now if they had adapted James White's Sector General Hospital stories, then i think they could have had something going.



Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:06 AM



Originally posted by Skydance:
Farscape was just dumb. A sexy priestess with mind powers who is actually a plant-based lifeform? Ugh. Every time they described her character, they talked about how sexually evolved she was ... and yet she never once had sex with anyone, the entire time.

Maybe you mistake sexuality with sex. Women can be sexual creatures, exude sexuality that will drive men crazy, but they don't necessarily have to have sex, or perform sex acts with others. I think it was demonstrated on the show that what she did was more of a spiritual and mental bonding than a physical act.



Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:36 AM


*Island City
*Most of the 70-80s Italian zombie films
*Lawnmover Man 1&2
*Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
*Robocop 3
*Universal Soldier: The Return
*Santa Claus Conquers The Martians
*Space Mutiny
*Future War
*The Avengers(I'm not sure if it's the right name, it's coming from the telly and I can't really remember the english title)


Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:44 AM


I can't believe that nobody has mentioned the worst sci-fi film of the last decade - MATRIX REVOLUTIONS. I really thought that no movie last year would out-do Hulk for sheer awfulness, but I was sadly mistaken.

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:12 AM



Originally posted by spikeandjezebel:
I can't believe that nobody has mentioned the worst sci-fi film of the last decade - MATRIX REVOLUTIONS. I really thought that no movie last year would out-do Hulk for sheer awfulness, but I was sadly mistaken.

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb

Thank you! I was gonna say Matrix Reloaded, because I didn't/won't see REVOLUTIONS. It was just here in my house and I only looked at the screen in passing and got to see our Gina's face -- it looked pained, and maybe a bit embarrased.

Anyway, in RELOADED, they lost me at the prayer service/political rally/orgy scene and it went downhill from there. typing has been awful today. Sorry to any perfectionists out there. And thanks to everyone for playing along -- this is a fun thread!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:49 AM


It was so bad that it was delayed about 3 times before theatrical release and lasted about 20 minutes in distribution. I made the mistake of buying the DVD (Missed it in the theater) and felt like such a moron for watching it that I took a hammer to the DVD after watching it. I actually felt better after smashing it to pieces.

Starship Troopers- I dont think I would have hated it so much if they gave it a different title. I am a huge Heinlein fan and slitting my wrists with a dull butter knife wouldnt have taken away the pain caused by what they did to such a great story.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:59 AM



Originally posted by Tracer:

Originally posted by kasuo:

Originally posted by Tracer:
... Er Spaceballs anyone remember that?

Dude, Spaceballs rocked!

Lone Star: "Great.. she's a Druish princess."
Barf: "Funny, she doesn't look Druish."


Yogurt: "Merchandising, that's where the real money is made!"


Colonel Sanders: "Megamaid has gone from suck to blow!"

"Let's moon 'em!"

ok i'll give you that one, in retrospect that wasn't half bad
ok but babylon 5 was weak

You're kidding, right? Babylon 5 may have been produced on a shoestring budget, but it is one of the landmarks of '90s scifi. In fact, Firefly was the first series I'd ever seen which had the potential to have a stronger overall story than Babylon 5.

Sure, the dialog wasn't the greatest, and some of the actors could have been better. But the story.....the story was a work of genius.

Perhaps you just didn't see it properly? B5 is heavily arc-based, and watching random episodes could definately leave the wrong impression. Especially because the standalone eps tended to be the series' weak point.

There's a reason B5 won two Hugos and an Emmy, though.

Oh, about the Trek movies. Yeah, some of them were bad. However, I think ST2, 4, 6, and 8 were solid enough.


Thursday, April 29, 2004 12:42 PM


I find "Stargate SG1" the perfect cure for insomnia, followed by "Enterprise" and "Andromeda". When they're gone, I'll have to count on any Sci-Fi Channel original movie to put me to sleep!
As for good sci-fi, gotta go with "UFO" from the late sixties.

"That's the buffet table....."






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