I just discovered Firefly...I need more!

UPDATED: Monday, March 17, 2008 15:58
VIEWED: 2653
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Saturday, March 15, 2008 2:32 PM


OK, I've been a Joss Whedon fan since Buffy first hit our screens - but somehow Firefly sneaked past me. By the time I'd heard of it it had been cancelled, and I just never bothered with it until a few weeks ago.

I've since, obviously, had a major U turn. Firefly is one of the best series I've seen in a long time. Having wolfed down the series, I followed it up with the movie - and it was also absolutely cracking.

What I don't get is that there is no word on any further movies or series?

Now, I know the movie didn't exactly slay the box office Spider-Man style (but then it never had a Spider-Man sized budget) - but it did not do too badly, and has done extremely well on DVD. It was also voted the best science fiction film ever in a recent poll. Added to that, the DVD boxset of Firefly has been a huge seller.

So why is there nothing more? My understanding is that Joss was very upset to lose Firefly - so surely he'd jump at the chance to make more, whether it be another series or another movie?

If Futurama and Family Guy can be brought back due to high demand, then why not Firefly?

Sorry for posting this, as I'm sure most of you have been saying this for years - but I was just wanting to know what the story is. Is there any plan to make more Firefly for TV or big screen?


Saturday, March 15, 2008 2:52 PM



Originally posted by MalAteMyPorridge:

...What I don't get is that there is no word on any further movies or series?

Now, I know the movie didn't exactly slay the box office Spider-Man style (but then it never had a Spider-Man sized budget) - but it did not do too badly, and has done extremely well on DVD. It was also voted the best science fiction film ever in a recent poll. Added to that, the DVD boxset of Firefly has been a huge seller.

So why is there nothing more? My understanding is that Joss was very upset to lose Firefly - so surely he'd jump at the chance to make more, whether it be another series or another movie?

If Futurama and Family Guy can be brought back due to high demand, then why not Firefly?

Sorry for posting this, as I'm sure most of you have been saying this for years - but I was just wanting to know what the story is. Is there any plan to make more Firefly for TV or big screen?

Ni Hao Ma !

First up , Welcome Aboard ! You found your way to the SHINY-est place in cyberspace...

There SHOULD be more Firefly...So say we all...
Joss is committed to the 'Verse , but he's also on record saying that he doesn't foresee taking the crew back to the small screen...

'Course , there are OTHER schools of thought...

Joss is also on record saying that Our Best Hope rests with continued good sales of the Serenity Collectors Edition DVD...
So , everyone MUST do their full share in that regard...

Summer was recently on record saying , " Firefly Is Forever ", and there was a recent Canadian TV interview with Nathan in which he expressed his fondness for the franchise...

Don't let any neigh-sayers get you down...Seems less a matter of ' IF' there'll be more content in the 'Verse , than it is a matter of When...

One more thing , about your 'porridge'...I'd bet it was Jayne ate it , not Mal...


Saturday, March 15, 2008 3:07 PM


Greetings MalAteMyPorridge:

You are not alone in your feelings about more Firefly. Well I guess this Fansite sort of gives that away.

There may never be more Firefly on TV. Fox has the rights to the show and they don't appear to be giving them up or pursueing a comeback, but I am hopeful for a sequel to the movie.

So explore the fansite and join in on some of our conversations. We like to have fun here and just get to know each other.

So post! Post till I get back!
In otherwords hope to see you around;


Saturday, March 15, 2008 4:32 PM



Originally posted by MalAteMyPorridge:
Sorry for posting this, as I'm sure most of you have been saying this for years - but I was just wanting to know what the story is. Is there any plan to make more Firefly for TV or big screen?

Don't ever apologize for posting things like this! These posts from new fans only HELP the older ones keep going, knowing that we ARE reaching new fans if not companies to get things up and running again.

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Saturday, March 15, 2008 4:56 PM


Howdy Malatemyporridge welcome to the fansite!
Will there be more Firefly/Serenity? That is a question I never get tired of hearing from browncoats who have just joined the site. Now, not having an answer to give you does make me tired. I wish I had one. Like has been posted already WE here believe it isn’t a matter of IF, but a matter of WHEN. The movie companies and the network that will remain nameless can’t say they haven’t made plenty of coin from FF and our BDM ( hell I bought one of my copies at Target and they still keep it as a well stocked idem) so the question really goes to the shirts, and I do believe that some of the shirts are on our side. All the cast members have said they’d be more than happy to return to that cozy little transport and I’m sure most of the original movie and tv crews would too. So just hang in there with the rest of us. We are bound to get an answer someday, till then we HOLD and if the alliance tosses us bad apple we toss’m back.

Stay shiny, Z

River, “Jayne’s a girls name.”
Jayne, “Well Jayne ain’t a girl! She starts that girls name stuff and I’ll show her good and well I got man parts!”


Saturday, March 15, 2008 6:15 PM


Welcome home, MalAteMyPorridge. You're #30613
to sign on with this browncoated crew aboard the
shiniest ship in the 'Verse.
We like to welcome newcomers with big, luscious
strawberries and mugs of Mudder's Milk. Then
after you stash your stuff you're to come up to
the galley to question the buffet.
Ice-planets have just been re-stocked and are in ]the bottom shelf of the cooler.
Please do not step on ShipsCat or into her dish.

Spread the Firefly love wherever you can, whenever
you can.

Frisky Browncoat
Bastards singed my turtle!


Saturday, March 15, 2008 7:37 PM


Now that you're hooked, it's possible you might start re-watching the series. If that's the type you are, I'd suggest the following related items:
Firefly Visual Companion, Vol 1 (book)
Firefly Visual Companion, Vol 2 (book)
Sernity Official Companion (book)
Done The Impossible (DVD)
Firefly Soundtrack (CD)
Serenity sondtrack (CD)

Welcome to the addiction.


Sunday, March 16, 2008 5:07 AM


There there sugar, I've just found it and it seems so horribly unfair that something so shiny was taken off the air when there have been god knows how many years worth of Survivor.

we're workin' on that whole *more* thing.
We got us a movie - and it was good...we're getting comics..and they're lovely.

Maybe...who knows.. if we make enough noise and spend enough cashy money someone will take notice and give us another movie at least. We can hope.

If love keeps a ship in the air Serenity and her crew should soar again.

In the the the dvds and find yourself a group of local browncoats to enjoy. The ride will be excellent.


Originally posted by MalAteMyPorridge:
OK, I've been a Joss Whedon fan since Buffy first hit our screens - but somehow Firefly sneaked past me. By the time I'd heard of it it had been cancelled, and I just never bothered with it until a few weeks ago.

I've since, obviously, had a major U turn. Firefly is one of the best series I've seen in a long time. Having wolfed down the series, I followed it up with the movie - and it was also absolutely cracking.

What I don't get is that there is no word on any further movies or series?


Sunday, March 16, 2008 5:33 AM


Welcome, welcome Malatemyporridge! Yeah, it feels awful to 'discover' Firefly and Serenity years after it's disappearance, doesn't it? Happened that way to me, as well; Now I've been ''hooked' - there's no 'going back.' We all hope for more - don't know as that's gonna happen; but we hope. You may spend some time 'kicking yourself' that you hadn't heard of the show or the movie in time to support it - but this board does do wonders to help smooth out the sorrow that we lost so much we didn't even know was out there.
Again, welcome!


Sunday, March 16, 2008 5:55 AM



Originally posted by MalAteMyPorridge:
What I don't get is that there is no word on any further movies or series?

Don't despair - while reviving the TV show seems a bit of a long shot, 5-10 years between instalments in a film franchise is less unusual. As long as Summer Glau still needs to show her ID to buy a beer, there is hope...

Ultimately, the problem is that any "space opera" not feturing messers Kirk or Skywalker is seen as a "hard sell" by movie/TV execs (and that tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy). Go ask the makers of Babylon 5, Farscape etc.

Even the hugely successful Dr Who revival in the UK has been predominently earth-based - although I think that is because that, as everybody knows, all alien planets look like either:

(a) the Californian desert
(b) a forest somewhere near Toronto
(c) the spoil-heap outside a coal mine near Swansea
(d) A gravel pit in Surrey
(e) A china-clay quarry in Cornwall

Due to obvious budget restrictions, British SF has usually been restricted to (c),(d) and (e) ...and thanks to the decline of the British mining industry since Dr Who's original heyday in the 60s and 70s most of these have disappeared under housing estates or nature reserves - and there's only so many stories you can shoot at the Eden project (built on an (e)).


Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:42 AM


try this ....

...also look on yahoo for Browncoat groups in your area.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Sunday, March 16, 2008 7:27 AM


Have you read the comics?
Serenity: Those Left Behind is out in Trade Paperback
Serenity: Better Days has just started a three issue run
and Joss is currently planning a series of comics to tell Book's story....

You may also find that Joss' other work is full of humor, excitement, and rich complicated characters.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Monday, March 17, 2008 8:08 AM


I also just watched/bought the series and movie. I am way (6 years) behind, but that just means that you guys are doing the right thing about keeping it going. There are still people out there like me that need a couple more reminders.

I just spent a number of years going through this with Dead Like Me. I watched it get cancelled and after years of petitions and begging there will finally be a movie. Woohoo! Now I watched Firefly only to find out that you guys went through the same thing. I wish I would have been around when that was going on here. I could've been more help.


Monday, March 17, 2008 2:30 PM



Originally posted by SmokeFather:
I also just watched/bought the series and movie. I am way (6 years) behind, but that just means that you guys are doing the right thing about keeping it going. There are still people out there like me that need a couple more reminders.

I just spent a number of years going through this with Dead Like Me. I watched it get cancelled and after years of petitions and begging there will finally be a movie. Woohoo! Now I watched Firefly only to find out that you guys went through the same thing. I wish I would have been around when that was going on here. I could've been more help.

War's still on...But we're all 'just folk' now...

Welcome to the front lines , Smoke !

Good news about 'Dead Like Me' , I didn't know 'bout the movie...We've gotta keep on , 'til we get our next live-action installment in the 'Verse...

Proud to see all the New Folk coming aboard !
Make yourselves to home...Thanks for the 'post'...


Monday, March 17, 2008 3:38 PM



Welcome new Browncoat!

Post needs pics!

Issue 2 Don't ya love how Inara is looking at Mal.

Issue 3 And River made a paper chain out of cashy money and a paper Firefly spaceship.

The cast commentary is fantastic!

New York Times Bestselling Author Steven Brust's Firefly Fanfiction Novel available for FREE Download!


Monday, March 17, 2008 3:58 PM


WELCOME HOME! Glad you found "Firefly". Glad you found us. Your bunk is 3rd on the right.






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