Firefly/ out if they are as important to y'all now as ever!

UPDATED: Thursday, March 27, 2008 08:00
VIEWED: 9946
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Sunday, March 23, 2008 10:04 AM


EVERY time the Cap'n sees Serenity Valley bein' overrun by the Alliance, I get a lump in my throat- EVERY TIME!!!
The speech at the end of the movie causes me to shed a tear, EVERY TIME!!!

What's this talk I hear of peeps interest waning, and them that look for new shows to take it's place???

There is no waning here- I'm a fan for life, and it's impact is felt with EVERY viewing.

Sound off if you're with me here!



Sunday, March 23, 2008 11:23 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm with you 100% on this, Chris. I've certainly enjoyed several other series since, but nothing before or since has captured my interest and obsession more than Firefly. I may just lurk most of the time now, but I still visit here at least twice a day, and the same for and the OB, as well as the Firefly forum at, and I make mention of it regularly on my own message board. There is something so unique and personable about this show, identifiable characters and situations, that it is so easy to believe we could actually inhabit that 'verse.

I've been an SF fan, both of books, movies and tv, for all my (very long) adult life, but I have never been so attached to a show. Loved Trek in its day, but never considered myself a Trekkie (or Trekker, whichever you prefer), likewise for Babylon 5, Farscape, Lost and Battlestar Galactica. But I'll be a Browncoat to the very end, and if I could afford it I would have even more memorabilia than I already have.

I have autographs from all nine actors, plus Joss and Chris Buchanan, but need to get ones from Tim Minear and Jane Espenson and some of the other writers, as well as Christina, Mark, Jonathan and Michael Fairman. I have all nine original comics framed on my wall (along with the trade paperback), plus the first issue of Better Days so far, along with all three Visual Companion volumes, both of Jane's essay books and KRAD's novelization, the Serenity ornament and the PVC figure set, and the QMX money pack and 'verse travel postcards. Oh, and both of the soundtracks and the Firefly and Serenity card sets from Inkworks. I may be forgetting something, and there are many others that I would like and may get in the future.

And I'm still saving up to buy the second season dvds.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 12:07 PM


This ol' ship still has a few more decades to go on, for me that is. I was a Browncoat once, and that's all I need. I'm one till' the day I die- and if there's someat beyond that, then I'll be one forever.


The Ocean Breathes Salty,
Won'tyou carry it in,
In your head,
In your mouth,
In your soul?
And maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both grow old,
Well I don't know, I don't know, Don't think so

The Band of the week is... Modest Mouse

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 12:12 PM


I'm with you Chris. I'll take my love of the 'verse with me to the grave. I am not giving up on finding other shows to love though. So far nothings quite as great in my eyes as Firefly.

I find myself watching it less and less but my feelings for the show haven't waned at all. I can play episodes in my head and every little detail is there and every line is perfect. Can't do that to that degree with any other show.

I may voice my opinions that Firefly isn't the end all be all but that's what little part of my mind that is logical says. The rest is all for Firefly.

And my heart is for Kaylee. Damn you Joss and Jewel you ruined every woman in the world for me.

Again just me being over dramatic.... I hope.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." - quoting Book
<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>


Sunday, March 23, 2008 12:55 PM


I pretty much agreeing with all the above in that I don't watch it as much now as I did a while back, mainly because I am watching other shows.
However fantastic Firefly may be it's not gonna stop me watching other stuff just because they aren't in the same league.
So in that respect, other shows have taken it's place.
FF is like the TV version of your first kiss, or your first car or whatever you wish to choose.
Others may come after but that one is special and will always be remembered.

FF has that place in my heart and mind that no other show does. It's there and it will always be there. I've never been one to class myself by any name given to fans of a show, just coz I like so much TV.
But I am proud to be a Browncoat and proud to be one of the select group of people who knows about this relatively secret show (compared to the biggies that everyone has heard of even if they don't watch them).
It's still the only forum I attend. The only other show currently showing that I talk about as much is Lost. I know a lot of people have given up on the show but I love it and all it's weirdness and lack of answers. But I don't go to any of the forums. I still come here, and that says something for a show that hasn't had anything new for years.

I am always reminded of the Kevin Smith quote when he hosted a BSG panel. James Callis made a remark about the ship Serenity's cameo in the BSG pilot.
And Kevin made the comment "Dude, you think your fans are hardcore. They're cheering a show that's not even on."

I think that sums up a Browncoat pretty well. The show will always be a part of us.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, March 23, 2008 12:59 PM


I've seen a lot of TV in my time, and devoured scifi as if it were brain food. I've watched literally every scifi movie and show ever made since the 1950's, and nothing has ever touched me as much as Firefly. It's potential as a storyboard for our culture and our humanity is unparalled. If I have any quibble at all, it's that watching Firefly makes every other show pale so much in comparison, it's just not worth watching them anymore because it just reminds me of the quality that I now expect and that I'm missing. Yeah, I'll be a fan for life. When something is this good and meaningful, it never gets old. It justs grows as we grow.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 1:06 PM



Originally posted by Katesfriend:
I've seen a lot of TV in my time, and devoured scifi as if it were brain food. I've watched literally every scifi movie and show ever made since the 1950's, and nothing has ever touched me as much as Firefly. It's potential as a storyboard for our culture and our humanity is unparalled. If I have any quibble at all, it's that watching Firefly makes every other show pale so much in comparison, it's just not worth watching them anymore because it just reminds me of the quality that I now expect and that I'm missing. Yeah, I'll be a fan for life. When something is this good and meaningful, it never gets old. It justs grows as we grow.

I was gonna write a bunch of stuff, but what he said pretty much sums it up for me.

I will never give up hope of another movie or series.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 1:34 PM


I'm still just as wrapped up in Firefly as I've ever been. I don't watch it as much as I used to. I think that's because it's now in that group of shows/ movies that will always be with you. I'm a Star Wars fan. The original trilogy brings back such great feelings of nostalgia (sp). I don't have to watch those movies. I do from time to time. Same with Firefly. The newness of it has worn off, but that doesn't mean my love for it has. I have a big DVD collection, but if I had to get by on just one, it would have to be my Firefly box set.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 1:45 PM


I can still get into the 'Verse and live there -- Badger's "burrow" will always be one of my favorite sets, and Serenity's galley (see upper corner of Home page) is my wallpaper.

I get "the lump" as soon as the theme comes up.

Watched Serenity/Pilot, Train Job (another great set, that bar!), and Bushwhacked this week.

I have a pile of other DVDs (there'd be one more if I could find out who has my SLiTHER!!) but FF
stays on top.

Frisky Browncoat
You're innocent until you're investigated.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 2:10 PM



Originally posted by lwaves:

And Kevin made the comment "Dude, you think your fans are hardcore. They're cheering a show that's not even on."

I believe you left out the expletive (It's an eff word).

Yeah, FF/Serenity was a momentary blessing, IMO, one that might be bestowed on us again, if lightning is permitted to strike twice.
But like Blade Runner, and similar things not initially fully recognized for their heart & genius, it's in me permanently. Yeah, I like Stargate: Atlantis & other stuff, but that mostly fills the time in between when I put on my BDH's to bask in.

Well, Dark Angel...nah, not even that does it like bein' on Serenity.

Neural-stripped Chrisisall


Sunday, March 23, 2008 2:27 PM


A warm and special place in my heart is reserved for FF.
To the point that I use it is an introduction to new people in my town. If they watch it I know they are living somewhere in a similar intellectual galaxy to moi.
I get the same warm fuzzy when I recommend it to folks and they email me with words of amazement that they didn't know about before now and what hole have they been living in to have had to wait so long to become friends with these characters.
Case in point: new couple to town were loaned the obligatory set and the wife said she wasn't too comfortable with sci-fi or westerns, the husband was happy to spend some time. A week later the wife is bursting with excitment and the husband, who enjoyed it, is shaking his head with the conversion to the verse.
I may not watch it all the time but I find I still look for ways to slip 'joss-speak' into the conversation.
I am revisiting Buffy - (up to season three again) and I can see the beginnings of the FF in some of the scenes, the conversations and the shots. eg, a scene of Giles walking out of shot in the library at the old Sunnydale High and the skylight looking just like the galley in the Serenity.
Firefly, a diamond of the first water.

Burn the spam, boil the tea....


Sunday, March 23, 2008 2:40 PM


Trying to remember how to post pictures, maybe this will work.
Finally nice enough to clean the car and take a picture.
Hope it works.

passoniatetly indifferent


Sunday, March 23, 2008 2:42 PM


Yes it worked, just have to make them a little smaller.
Sorry about jumping this thread.

passoniatetly indifferent


Sunday, March 23, 2008 2:50 PM


I'm watching other things too, but none have touched me like Firefly. I find that I'll still slip in a disc (especially #3) when I have some spare time "just because".


Sunday, March 23, 2008 2:55 PM


I think that being a Browncoat is almost a state of being, rather than just being a fan of a series. Most of us (if not all of us) own some sort of paraphernalia, like books, comics, music (Bedlam Bards, w000t!), bootleg Blue Sun t-shirts, etc. There is no other show or movie where I feel the same passion and love as I do for Firefly. Battlestar Galactica comes close, but what other series has fans that do showings for charity, make a their own documentary, or has a hero named Captain Tightpants? In many cases we are Browncoats just as much as we are human. I have a stronger belief in my Big Damn Heroes than I do in my own religion.

Hmm...Church of the Almighty Joss...sounds good. -- A Work in Progress.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 3:09 PM


Firefly is the only television show that's important enough that I've had fights over it with my wife...those of you that are married understand. I don't watch the episodes as much anymore, but I still talk about it with all of my family and friends(many of whom are browncoats, trying to convert people to the ship o' serenity. I'm watching bsg right now and it's good, but it doesn't measure up to ff. FF is what sets the bar. Shindigs will keep going on...and the friendships last forever. Soon we will probably get picked back up in one shape or another, at least a movie and possibly a series but I foresee that taking at least 5 to ten years.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Sunday, March 23, 2008 3:57 PM


I've been a fan since about April '06. I've actually never been too into scifi before, but for FF/Serenity, it doesn't really scream "scifi" for screams other deeper things, like hope, humanity, freedom, etc. Mal speaks to me on so many different levels, because we all know we've gotten to points where we just lose it and yet there are always times where we feel like we belong, we've found our Serenity. Serenity is a home, and the characters in Firefly are ones you can't forget. There are also so many lines that you will never forget, and will probably keep quoting until you die.

Firefly was the first show that I felt--no, I NEEDED--to tell people about. It was like, if I didn't share this fantastic show I would feel like I was doing a disservice to everyone else. I had been a big fan of BtVS and Angel, but did I join their forum? No. As much as I loved those shows (and many others) this is one where, after I watched it, I *had* to be connected to it even more, look up things about it, etc. just so I could feel like it didn't really end. And the cast's love for the show, and their comradery, makes it that much more endearing and makes their chemistry so real.

I mean, really, I love this show so much that I wanna get Serenity (the ship) tattooed on me! It makes me smile everytime I see it. If that's not fandom love...I dunno what is!

Gee, thanks, now I wanna watch it AGAIN for the up-teenth time ;)


"I can't get it right...get it right...since I met you."


Sunday, March 23, 2008 4:20 PM


It's more important to me than ever.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:39 PM


Hey, we're painting the exterior of our apartment house, for the money, supposed to have finished today to get paid, and only about 2/3 done, but the highlight of my day was the few minutes I stold to sit with my wife and watch the endings of Out of Gas and Objects In Space.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 7:10 PM


Your only a Browncoat once, 'cause it stays for life.

I just know there'll be a Serenity II, its too good not to have a sequel.

Season 2 of Firefly anyone ? Direct to DVD would be good.

I want my trilogy, and Season 2, and a plastic rocket...


Sunday, March 23, 2008 7:49 PM


No matter how many times i watch it / hear it, everytime that guitar kicks in something happens, it's amazin to me after so long i can still be happy just by knowin that the next hours gonna be spent watchin firefly. The crews still my family, hell my family has the same covnersations over and over again. Why not the crew...heh heh...i want more


Monday, March 24, 2008 3:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I'm right there with you Chris. No other show before or since has had an effect on me like Firefly. Nothing can replace it in my heart.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Monday, March 24, 2008 3:57 AM


Just this past weekend, for no particular reason, I watched the movie Serenity, and episodes The Train Job & Ariel. The episodes still thrill and surprise me even after so many viewings.


Monday, March 24, 2008 10:24 AM


Important?! It's downright essencial to livin'. Why, can't imagine a day without hearing the Ballad of Serenity. Well, mainly cause I haves it as a ringy tones on this here mobile phone.

Seriously. Firefly has never waned in importance. It needs to come back to the small screen or the big screen. I just does. We've done the impossible, let's do it again...just to be sure.

Mal: Cry Baby cry.
Wash: Make your mother sigh. Engaging the CryBaby.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008 5:20 AM


Hi everyone, I just discovered Firefly about a week ago as a result of The Sarah Conner Chronicals and Summer Glau (she is what makes that show work). Amazon Unboxed mentioned that she got the part based on her fight scenes in Serenity which lead me to look into that and Firefly. I rented the first two discs from Netflix and then rushed out on Easter because I couldn't wait any longer to see the rest. I was up until midnight watching the other episodes and Serenity. Now I'm depressed that there is no more. I haven't watched much TV in the past several years but I am very sorry I missed out on this show when it was on the air although I did get to see it as Whedon intended.

"Firefly was the first show that I felt--no, I NEEDED--to tell people about. It was like, if I didn't share this fantastic show I would feel like I was doing a disservice to everyone else."

I couldn't agree more Faith. I've talked to several of my friends about it, I almost feel like I'm proselytizing!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 10:50 AM


Seems I missed Firefly when it was on Fox. I saw one episode and never watched again. A little thing in Iraq messed that up. Came across it being re-run on the Sci Fi channel. Had to get the box set. Gorramn! that was a great show. Never fails get into something then it's gone. Thanks to firefly I take cold showers cause of Morena Baccarin. WOW!
Take care fellow browncoats!
P.S. Screw Gorramn Fox!

"They're whores"..."I'm in"!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 3:17 PM


Consider me officially "sounded off." There have been other great shows *coughDRIVEcough* but this one was special in a way I have yet to reencounter. It was different than anything else I had and have (and probably will) seen. I was with it from episode 1...Well, technically, I was with it from DAY one, and I'll always stand by it!

"Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom."
--Capt. Jack Sparrow


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 5:32 PM


^^ I'm with ya on Drive. I was lovin' how that show started and the poof! Gorramit!

I finally saw the Serenity early last year and was blown away, of course. Watched it a few times and then learned that it came from a TV series that I had missed out on (was married back then and was probably stuck watching Trading Spaces or some shit like that). Anyway, I got Firefly from amazon and been loving it ever since. I too am sad to know that there aren't any more eps to watch. Watched the whole series (again) last weekend and I'm still catchin' more details in dialog or action that makes me love it all even more. To me it's a combination of the wonderfully diverse and deeply developed characters and the fact that the "scifiness" doesn't force itself on the viewer, it's so natural. It's so efin rich!

"We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm the hero."


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 5:54 PM


I STILL watch Firefly and ever since it first started until the end of time, I will love Firefly and Jayne will always be my big damn hero!!

The whole cast and crew was amazing on that show and Joss Whedon is a pure genius. My interest in that show just increases every time I watch it. In fact, I watched a few episodes yesterday.

I simply love Firefly. I LOVE IT. Nothing will change that!!

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Thursday, March 27, 2008 5:00 AM


I watched the "pilot" when it aired, and I am sorry to say I didn't get it. It seemed a mis-mash of elements just thrown together. Like Joss rushed to get a new show on the air. (Why if they have space ships are folks packed in trains like that?)

Later I learned Fox spooged it up and FORCED him to rush "Train Job" through production and make it the pilot. It explained a lot, and produced the weakest episode.

Once I discovered the whole thing I was hooked. I will be making my very own brown coat in the next couple of months. (Talented seamstress friend visiting from PA to CT for the weekend just for that.) I don't care if I never get to a shindig, I just want the brown coat. I can't explain it, I just need it.

There is a special place in hell where those responsible for screwing up FF, next to the child molesters, and those who talk in the theater.

To share a bit of my particular FF mania. In the movie, after Simon is wounded and River says "You've always taken care of me, now it's my turn." When she utters those words the lights of the complex come back on, and River is bathed in light. At that moment she finds her light. It chokes me up every time, watching her find herself in that moment.

What can I say, I'm a believer. (Soon to be a believer with a "shiny" new coat.)

See you in the world,



Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:26 AM


Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me?


Originally posted by JimmyChanga:
^^ Watched the whole series (again) last weekend and I'm still catchin' more details in dialog or action that makes me love it all even more.

I know exactly what you mean! I hate to even think how many times I've watched the series - all I can say is that my DVD player is starting to baulk because at least one of the disks is wearing out! - but I still see new things in episodes. Case in point ... in Bushwhacked I only realised a few weeks ago that Mal is carrying his gun in his hand when he and Zoe go onboard the derelict ship.

It almost hurts to realise we'd be deep in the fifth or sixth season by now, but we probably wouldn't have had the feature SERENITY. I just wish I knew what stories Joss had in mind to tell. But we tell them instead, in our fanfic.

Truth is, we're Browncoats. Be proud.

"Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me?"


Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:00 AM


My heart skips a beat every time I hear the Universal studio music, even if I KNOW Serenity isn't playing!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa






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