Maybe we should STOP buying?

UPDATED: Thursday, April 10, 2008 14:49
VIEWED: 6386
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008 12:26 PM


As I saw the news of the extra special, super-deluxe Firefly Blue-ray DVD Hyper Fighting Edition... I thought to myself, "I wonder how long they're going to milk us?"

Like any dutifully loyal browncoat I bought the Serenity Collector's Edition DVD and didn't even crack the shrink wrap. Gee, 45 more minutes of River talking to Joss in black and white. (OK, I confess, I cracked the shrink wrap.)

But I honestly don't buy it for the extra stuff, I buy it because I'm hoping (like the rest of us I suspect) that if enough continued interest in shown that they will put the show back on, or AT LEAST make a second movie.

At what point though do I go from being a browncoat activist and start becoming merely a contributor to the 401k plan of some studio exec who doesn't even really know what Firefly is? S/he just knows that there is a _FAN_ATICAL group of people out there who will buy every damn thing that can even be remotely connected to Firefly.



EDIT: I guess what I'm trying to say is, maybe we should be using our consumer power in a different way. Maybe it's time to STOP buying all of this stuff and demand that they give us something NEW (like a new season!!!)


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 1:18 PM


I am still on my original set. It does the job. When it is worn out I will replace it. But I have no need for special editions. I want to see the episodes. The set I bought already has a lot of extras. Joss sings the ballad. What more do you need?

The time will come when I will have to get a blue-ray, but not now. And who knows what is waiting in the wings. It might be red-glare or purple-haze. Until I have to I will stay with my regular old DVD's.

The extra editions I will buy will be for gifts to draw in new Browncoats. You can only watch one DVD at a time.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 1:36 PM



Originally posted by AdmiralJedi:
Maybe it's time to STOP buying all of this stuff

But then we don't get the stuff. That can't be right.


'Geeks can't admit that anything worthwhile was invented before 1981. Soon, "making cocoa" will be called "milk hacking."' - Lore Sjoberg

I has myspace -


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 1:53 PM


well I loaned out my old copy of Serenity and never got it back,
so I really NEEDED the special collectors' edition...
(not to mention that I wanted the cast commentary)

I don't see me stopping ever...
I love this stuff, and I'll never get tired of loving it!

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 2:04 PM


I bought all the dvds and 12 different t shirts, comics but no more.. Since Joss turned trader and went back to the Alliance, I won't buy anything that Joss or FOX does.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 3:13 PM


Just consider this little tidbit, Joss may or may not have gone "traitor" but since Fox owns the rights to the "Firefly" aspect of Firefly it doesn't hurt to work with them again to potentially make something happen. Plus i am pretty sure he jumped on the "Dollhouse" project to help Eliza not Fox.

So, why do you write these strong female characters?

Because you're still asking me that question.

Joss Whedon-Equality Now acceptance speech


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 3:19 PM



Maybe it's time to STOP buying all of this stuff and demand that they give us something NEW (like a new season!!!)

I'm smellin' a lotta "if" coming off this plan.....

Dear Diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today, we were kidnapped by hillfolk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 3:54 PM


I don't mind throwing money towards Universal -- they resurrected the franchise after F*x screwed it up.
I'm a little more hesitant about putting money in F*x's pocket. That's not to say I haven't bought a few Firefly sets to give to my friends.
But I'm not gonna run out and buy myself a new DVD set (or a Blu-Ray player to go with it) just because they produce one.
I don't believe F*x has any plans for a Firefly comeback -- regardless of their renewed relationship with Joss. For that reason, I only give that company the bare minimum that I have to.

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 3:58 PM


Sometimes I feel the same way...wondering if they've (Fox) realized how much of a goldmine Firefly is because it *is* dead and we'd do anything to get even a little bit more of it. But then I think--y'know what, as much as it's a goldmine right now, how much more would it be with NEW content? There are tons of people out there who've said they'd support a new movie/series but just don't feel the need to buy the same content w/ a new shiny package. If the execs can't see that then...God help them.

I also see it as, at least if they're re-releasing things or putting out more comics, they're aware of the buying-power we have, which will ultimately sway them to get us the new stuff we really need :)

Keep holdin'--they know we exist, and that's gotta count for something in the end! Plus, Uni took a chance on us, and they'll be willing to do it again


"I can't get it right...get it right...since I met you."


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:05 PM


Well, I'll buy it.
I've been waiting for the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray battle to end. It effectively has, and even though "Serenity" and Universal chose "the losing side (not necessarily the wrong one)" in HD-DVD, I now judge it time to buy Blu-Ray (despite the Blue Sun overtones) with Firefly coming out in High Definition.
If anyone has been able to watch Firefly on Universal HD, you may appreciate how great it is.

And, yet again, continuing to show there is a market for this franchise may perhaps/maybe/possibly/someday spark interest in bringing us something new.



Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:32 PM


i agree sort of. it might work both ways.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:32 PM


Maybe we should... maybe we shouldn't. Do we support the actors and the characters they created, the director and the wonderful show he dreamed of, or the network that continues to bleed us?


I vote that we support the actors, we support the director, and we tell those meh lian duh jyah ji to stick it where the sun don't shine. &&
{Please send a wave and say who you are.}


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:45 PM



Originally posted by HerouvCanton:

Maybe it's time to STOP buying all of this stuff and demand that they give us something NEW (like a new season!!!)

I'm smellin' a lotta "if" coming off this plan.....

That's precisely why no producer in their right mind will resurrect the franchise in TV or film.

They obviously know browncoats are buying multiples in the hopes... Definitely a situation worth taking advantage of.

Survival in the industry relies on your reputation. Nobody hears about when the numbers go quietly into the black months or years down the track. Its all about opening big. Being the "golden boy" of the moment. Universal made a big gamble with Serenity and on release its numbers weren't great. They could hear Fox laughing at them. Eggs on their faces.

You gotta keep making hits to survive, or people will quickly forget you. And everything is a gamble. Unless it's a sequel to a hit.

So, as a producer, do you take a chance on a property that has tanked twice before and would be an "I told you so" if you tried to make a go of it a third time and failed? Which is worse than if you developed your own property that tanked. At least then no-one would be thinking you must be the dumbest producer on the face of Earth-that-was.

All said and done: Fingers still crossed someone dumb enough comes along.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 5:00 PM


I'm new to this site and new to Firefly. After I was introduced to it I couldn't stop watching and still watch the episodes on my Ipod. I would do almost anything to get this show back! Hell if i didn't have school I would stand out in front of FOX with a sign for Firefly. It wouldn't be a strike like the writers since I don't work for them, but maybe if we somehow we told them we wouldn't buy their stuff until the brought Firefly back and wouldn't watch their shows and got enough people to rally with us they would see how much we want this and what we are willing to do and that they should use their brain and bring Firefly back. No matter what FOX does they can never take a way what we already have: Firefly and Serenity, so I guess for now we just have to hold on to those and never give up. If resisting the urge to buy Firefly and Serenity merchandise would help I would, but I'm not sure it will. For now I will do all in my power to introduce everyone I can to the show and see what happens, but it is so hard not knowing what you can do to stand up for something you love!!

"You can't take the sky from me since i found Serenity!!"


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 5:05 PM



Originally posted by AdmiralJedi:
As I saw the news of the extra special, super-deluxe Firefly Blue-ray DVD Hyper Fighting Edition... I thought to myself, "I wonder how long they're going to milk us?"

I don't see this release as "milking us". It is an HD upgrade of a DVD set that came out near 5yrs ago. Even if there weren't any new extras,I probably will get it.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 5:06 PM




Thursday, April 10, 2008 1:52 AM


Hulu is nice, but i like commentaries from Joss and cast and as far as i know we can't get those online through Hulu..

So, why do you write these strong female characters?

Because you're still asking me that question.

Joss Whedon-Equality Now acceptance speech


Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:35 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by meimeiCobb:
Maybe we should... maybe we shouldn't. Do we support the actors and the characters they created, the director and the wonderful show he dreamed of, or the network that continues to bleed us?


I want to support Joss, the cast, and hope like the rest of you that my money will somehow help to get that elusive sequel. I am not however going to give Fox any more of my money. It is obvious they are just cashing in on a fanbase they know is still out here and desperate for any new material. They put a few new commentaries on an old dvd set, make it blu ray and put it in a shiny new package and milk us for more of our hard earned money.

No thanks. If Universal puts something out, where there is a chance my money may gain us something, sure, I'll buy. Fox? Not so much.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:17 AM


Wisdom has its limits , but stupidity knows no bounds...


The B-S just walks , yammerin' nothing but nonsense...

We're actually privileged , and we all have reason to be proud , that we're able to receive an upgraded-quality DVD , after so much time has gone by...

That's 'cause so many of the TRUE BELIEVERS have been HOLDING for so long...

I just hope that all the requisite DVD Extras are included on this new Blu-Ray edition...

I can't wait 'til they get around to releasing the Firefly 3D Edition...


Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:21 AM


Particularly SHINY WELCOME to SerenityAlbatross , for bein' one of us , and for making your presence known...

Like our Heroes Wash and Book , ALL give some , but some GIVE ALL...

Get over to the Guerilla Marketing threads , and put your enthusiasm to work in the BROWNCOAT Cause !


Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:47 AM


As someone much wiser than me pointed out in another thread - "Fox" is just a company - it was the PEOPLE at Fox in 2002 that made the horrible decision to cancel Firefly. Those PEOPLE are no longer there, and even Joss Whedon is willing to let 'bygones be" as he is currently working at Fox on Dollhouse. So; bad people gone - Joss and our BDH will get something from the sales of a Blu-Ray or special edition set of the series - Fox (and Universal) watching the sales of any new or special edition Firefly. I'm gonna buy it the SECOND it's available - even if I don't yet have a Blu-Ray player.


Thursday, April 10, 2008 12:05 PM



it was the PEOPLE at Fox in 2002 that made the horrible decision to cancel Firefly. Those PEOPLE are no longer there, and even Joss Whedon is willing to let 'bygones be"

I agree.

I cannot stop firefly has given me something, be it believe in myself and my dream even if the odds are against it or something to think above in the long run of life. I will also now never stop because I have found this place where other people like me come who will also never stop. where we can talk and include things and be friends and feel at home no matter how weird the subject ties in with the show and movie.

I just bought the first issue of Better Days a few hours ago I have read it twice and loved it.

So I will never stop, because people here will never stop.

Plus if I stop River will beat me to death in my dreams, even thought shes very powerful and fast for a guy its still embarrassing.

If living was as easy as dying we wouldn't bother


Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:49 PM



Originally posted by AdamStevenson:
I cannot stop firefly has given me something, be it believe in myself and my dream even if the odds are against it or something to think above in the long run of life. I will also now never stop because I have found this place where other people like me come who will also never stop. where we can talk and include things and be friends and feel at home no matter how weird the subject ties in with the show and movie.

I agree with all my heart.

I have another idea(this one is probably not any better than the first on but oh well). I am not sure if you have tried this and I'm not sure it will help, but I know this is being done to make sure a second season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles gets made: A petition to FOX. Now, like you said, there are different people at FOX and maybe they will listen. The petition for Terminator is online and we could do something like that. I am not sure it will helpor if you have already tried, but you never know.

"You can't take the sky from me since I found Serenity"






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