When did you know you were obsessed?

UPDATED: Saturday, May 8, 2004 07:18
VIEWED: 10459
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Monday, May 3, 2004 6:44 AM


When did you realize that you were completely and totally obsessed with Firefly?

I really loved the show when it was on the air, then when it stopped i was sad for a while, but hadn't really gone into mourning. Then in March of this year, my sister came to visit with a birthday present. It was in an Amazon box, i was able to life up the flap just enough to see the beginning F in Firefly and i totally freaked. I like started ripping at the box like a wild animal trying to get the box open so i could see my shiny and new boxed set...thats when i knew i was hooked.

so what about you?

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Monday, May 3, 2004 6:58 AM


I knew I was obsessed when "shiny" crept its way into my everyday vocab.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:03 AM


Firefly is exactly the type of science fiction I have usually be drawn to. Well written and more character driven with just enough space based action and battles to keep the testosterone side of me happy. Thus, I would say I was obsessed from the first episode I ever saw which was Out of Gas.


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:05 AM


When I typed into google for the first time "fanfic firefly".

Hey, I've been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire... Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:17 AM


I guess I knew when I got the DVD set and watched it twice in one week - and then started using lines immediately

Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation begets disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A=B=C=A, or whatever


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:34 AM


I'm not really obsessed with Firefly. It's a great show, and had it lived longer, it would have pretty certainly conquered the hearts of people all around the world, but it's still just a show. I like it much and it's THE best scifi-show I've seen, but it's still only a scifishow that lived one brief, brief season. Like all good shows, it has (and will) stay in my head twisting, circling and growing in size and complexity long after the show has ended (it's about halfway through here in Finland) and everytime I think about it I feel a little bit sad for the stupidity of mankind for letting a show like that to end prematurely, but it's still only a show. So, once more, I LIKE IT BUT I'M NOT REALLY OBSESSED WITH IT.


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:41 AM


so that would be that you don't know you're obsessed yet?

I knew when i called my dad long distance to tell him that the next time i come down to visit (in a few months) I would bring home this DVD he would love. at the time my boyfriend and i were about half-way through the series and were metering them out -- only 1 or 2 at a time. ah the good old days when there werew still episodes i hadn't seen... ::::


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:57 AM


Like howdyrockerbaby said, the first sign is when shiny creeps into your everyday vocabulary, then comes the humming or "Ballad of Serenity" or "Hero of Canton", next thing you know you call the girl you've got a crush on "Xiou Mei Mei" (Still havent told her what it means, I'm building up to it...).

The final stages of obsession involve swearing in mandarin ("Ta ma duh" - Motherhumper, "Go-se" - Dog Crap and "Liou coe shuai du biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze" - Salivating son of a bitch and a monkey!), you boss at work a "Purple-Belly" and playing with dinosaurs.

Chinese translations curtesy of this post:


Jayne:> Don't know these folk and don't much care to neither...
Mal:> They're whores.
Jayne:> I'm in!


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:04 AM


Pretty early on. I knew I liked it pretty quickly. My then-roommate and I had seen promos during FX Buffy reruns and thought we'd watch it once or twice. I was out of town that Friday, but should have been back in time, but there was a traffic stopping accident on the New Jersey Turnpike and I went back to my grandparents' house. When I called her to let her know that I'd be back Saturday instead, I mentioned as an afterthought, "Hey, tape Firefly if you remember to." Watched The Train Job six times before Bushwhacked aired, and was quoting within a month.

Knew I loved it after Our Mrs. Reynolds, on the theatre line. We missed the rest of the scene, I was laughing so hard (and I agree with Book, there ought to be servere penalties for that sort of thing -- and don't get me started on cell phones!)

But I knew I was OBSESSED when I started mailing please-don't-cancel-my-show notes, something I never did before and have only done once since, for Angel.


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:12 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I knew I was hooked after Our Mrs Reynolds aired. I could not wait for the next episode.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:18 AM


I missed 2-3 first ones, I don't take them on tape and I generally watch them only if I'm not too tired (they are on the air around midnight). Neither do I have them on DVD. I don't even have a DVD player. So I guess I'm not obsessed with it.


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:53 AM


If, by "obsession" you mean watch it on DVD all the time, think about it at odd moments throughout the day, plan what I want to write about on postings that evening, etc, then no, I am not obsessed.

I am waaaayyyy beyond that!



Monday, May 3, 2004 1:45 PM



Originally posted by Lalli:
I'm not really obsessed with Firefly. It's a great show, and had it lived longer, it would have pretty certainly conquered the hearts of people all around the world, but it's still just a show. I like it much and it's THE best scifi-show I've seen, but it's still only a scifishow that lived one brief, brief season. Like all good shows, it has (and will) stay in my head twisting, circling and growing in size and complexity long after the show has ended (it's about halfway through here in Finland) and everytime I think about it I feel a little bit sad for the stupidity of mankind for letting a show like that to end prematurely, but it's still only a show. So, once more, I LIKE IT BUT I'M NOT REALLY OBSESSED WITH IT.


"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:58 PM



Originally posted by Lalli:
I'm not really obsessed with Firefly. It's a great show, and had it lived longer, it would have pretty certainly conquered the hearts of people all around the world, but it's still just a show. I like it much and it's THE best scifi-show I've seen, but it's still only a scifishow that lived one brief, brief season. Like all good shows, it has (and will) stay in my head twisting, circling and growing in size and complexity long after the show has ended (it's about halfway through here in Finland) and everytime I think about it I feel a little bit sad for the stupidity of mankind for letting a show like that to end prematurely, but it's still only a show. So, once more, I LIKE IT BUT I'M NOT REALLY OBSESSED WITH IT.

Me neither, I'm not obsessed either!
Just because I went online and immediately bought a pile of 'Firefly' related stuff...
Or because I pulled out a bunch of plain t-shirts and sweatshirts and printed transfers of 'Firefly' decorations for all of them...
Or buying an extra 5 sets of 'Firefly' DVDs to give to friends and family...
THAT doesn't make me obsessed!
Reading fan fic, drooling over Jayne...
THAT isn't obsessive behavior!
Who said I was obsessed?!?!?!?!


Monday, May 3, 2004 2:05 PM


i guess after the second time through.
we got the dvd set and watched every episode. i loved it. then i watch all the extras and commentaries. still didn't have my fill so i watched it all again. after that i realize i still wanted more. now i watch it whenever i have time and there's nothing better on. and there is very seldom anything better on.
i tried to watch that stupid earthquake movie last night. it was awful and couldn't even finish it. i even said out loud it's no wonder we watch firefly all the time, this movie is pathetic. nothing currently on can compare to firefly.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Monday, May 3, 2004 2:14 PM


Well i watched two episodes and I was hooked. I'd say I was officially obsessed about the time I watched DVD disc 3. Mainly because I have a huge history assignment to finish on the day AFTER ITS DUE because I was to busy being addicted to firefly.

Mercy is the mark of a great man…*stab*…I guess I'm just a good man…*stab*…Well, I'm alright.


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:21 PM


The day I saw Adam Baldwin in an episode of "The Outer Limits" - I had recorded it by mistake, but watched it anyway. I knew I had seen his face before, and it wasn't the "Hey! It's Animal Mother!" connection, but I couldn't figure it out.

It drove me crazy for the whole day, until about 7:30pm that Saturday - a half an hour before all the stores closed - I realized it was Jayne from "Firefly." I was literally stunned. Not because Mr. B's astounding acting job fooled me into not recognizing him, but because I could not believe that I had forgotten about Firefly; all the memories of the show when it first aired came rushing back...not quite nirvana, but close enough for me. ('Course, that's not to take anything away from Mr. B's acting...he was very good....)

Anyway. After I got over my shame, I jumped in my Jeepy and sped to the nearest store...which didn't have the DVD set in stock...then off to the next store...which also didn't have it...and so on and so on until I got to the very last store at the very last minute. There weren't any sets on the shelf but it was advertised, so I asked the clerk. He had set the last one aside for a co-worker, but haha, he didn't show up, so he sold it to me. I watched the whole thing twice that weekend.

The rest is history and now I'm irrevocably mentally damaged.


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:44 PM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:
When did you realize that you were completely and totally obsessed with Firefly?

I really loved the show when it was on the air, then when it stopped i was sad for a while, but hadn't really gone into mourning. Then in March of this year, my sister came to visit with a birthday present. It was in an Amazon box, i was able to life up the flap just enough to see the beginning F in Firefly and i totally freaked. I like started ripping at the box like a wild animal trying to get the box open so i could see my shiny and new boxed set...thats when i knew i was hooked.

so what about you?

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"

When I started looking for ANYONE to take my pre-order for the DVD bov, about 8 months before the release was announced... that's when I had an inkling...

--Jefé The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:04 PM


I knew I was obsessed around 8:45 PM on 9-20-2002 when Jayne said his Chain of Command line.

The Firefly CCG Web Site:
>Help out today!


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:44 PM


I realized FF was an obsession for me when I started rearrangeing my very hectic schedual so as to be sure to be home to watch the next episode. Also when I started relating each storyline to my husband the minute he walked in the door.

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:55 PM


I knew I was obsessed when I bought Season One of Farscape for something new to watch (never saw it before). I watched 5 episodes and then put Firefly back into the DVD player.


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:59 PM


I think I realised I was obsessed when I sat and watched certain bits of the DVDs over and over for 'Verse background, sat down with a copy of my old Star Wars Roleplaying 2nd Edition: Revised and Expanded (the WEG D6 one not that WOtC d20 stuff) and over the course of a weekend basically rewrote the whole gorram book so it was Firefly instead of Star Wars.

Then I had a couple friends over to Convert, they watched Disk 1 and then said,"Ya know it'd be cool if there was a RPG based on Firefly." Threw them the binders and said,"Start reading, I'll go get the beer..." Since I've known them since college and that's one of the things we used to do, the trap was soooo easy to pull off.

Yeah that could be considered obsessive by some.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Monday, May 3, 2004 6:24 PM


Hey, I've been looking on this site for as long as I can remember, first time doing one of these posts.
Surprisingly, by the commercials before it even aired, I knew I was gonna watch it, it had that effect on me. But I missed the Train Job, not even knowing that episode existed (shame on me) and watched the second Episode,after then I knew it was my show. And then after that I was quoting it and falling deeper into heaven.But the canceling of it made me appeciate it even I guess thats really obsessed.


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:38 PM


Well, I should have known I was obsessed when I would watch whatever had pre-empted it just so I wouldn't miss it, or when I went into a deep depression after learning it had been canceled, or after typing Firefly in at work idly one day to see if there was a soundtrack only to find it was coming out on DVD (I work in a CD store) and let out a WHOOP that still has my co-workers ears ringing, or when I first saw it in the store, broke as could be and I still couldn't put it down...the person I was with literally had to pry it out of my hands, or when I bought it with the next paycheck before I paid any of my bills, or when I started re-watching them the day after I finished watching the DVD's for the first time, or when I started reading every fanfic I could find, which I had never done before, but no...I didn't realize I was obsessed till I started writing my own fanfics.

What can I say, I'm a little slow on the uptake.


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:25 PM


Pretty much watched it from the beginning but I signed on the dotted line after 'Shindig'. When Mal/Nathen delivered his "...I'm alright." line after his duel with Atherton I was rolling and knew Firefly was a winner. So, naturally because I liked it, I figured it wasn't long for the world. The mentally challenged execs at Fox did not prove me wrong. After that I just hoped it would eventually make it to DVD as so many short lived shows have. Then, one day, a friend of mine calls me at work and tells me the box set has been released. The next day I bought it and watched nearly all of it in one sitting. I did not want it to end all over again. DAMN FOX FOREVER!

"...the special Hell."


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:26 AM


I was obsessed after the first couple episodes I saw, having missed the 1st one, and many more after that. I didn't realize I was obsessed until after Serenity aired. Then I was thinking "Damn, I can't wait for the next episode!"
Edited to say: There's at least one previous board on the same topic.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:51 AM


I'm still waiting for my DVD set but I'm already obsessed and my obsession presents itself like this:

By the way, special greetings to my fellow finn out there. Nice to know I'm not the only one here.

So Firefly airs here around midnight and although I started watching with good intentions I dozed off during TTJ, Bushwacked, Our Ms.R and OoG. Each time I felt annoyed with myself but since I didn't really know what I was missing I got over it. I never really thought about giving up though and sat in front of tv again next week. Why that is I don't know but thank god I didn't give up.

I managed to stay awake with Shindig, had good sense to tape Jaynestown and by the end of Safe I was hooked. After that I downloaded the episodes I partially slept through but before watching them I read the transcripts of almost all the episodes in a kind of state of awe and horror. Awe as how good they really were and horror as the thought of that this was it starded to dawn on me. So that's kinda obsessive behavior, right, loving Firefly on paper?

I'd also like to point out that they show Firefly here in FOX order and my experience can be added as further proof of the brilliance of the decision to air The Train Job as the pilot. I don't know if seeing Serenity first would have made me fall for Firefly but... I guess none of us will ever know what difference another decision on FOX's part would have made.

I've also been on this site pretty much every day since I saw Safe, not posting much but reading stuff. But what I think is the most ridiculous aspect of my obsessiveness is the fact that I've read about half of the now 856 Amazon reviews on Firefly DVD set. Not that I needed any help on deciding to buy it, I just like people praising it.

I consider myself lucky for discovering Firefly after the movie had already been green-lighted. The thought of a movie is such a comfort. The feeling I got after realizing that these 15 hours were everything there was of this series was such utter sadness and horror I can't even imagine what those of you who fell in love with Firefly when it aired on FOX and got to witness the network abuse and then the cancellation went through last year. I mean not knowing there was going to be a movie.

As far as using “shiny” etc. and Chinese swearing in normal conversation not so much yet but I’m getting there I guess. I have how ever annoyed fellow players at by using shiny, gorram and such in my comments there. We get to see the episodes with subtitles and they translate the Chinese stuff too which adds my amusement because it tends to differ slightly from the English translations given here. The fact that I’m able to spot the difference might be an obsessive sign too.

"Then I fell. My head got hurt like Wash." -INARA


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:59 AM



I never saw the show even once when it was on the air. However, I did see it for rent at my local video rental place...

Several weeks passed and I saw a few glowing reviews here and there on some sites that I frequent and one thing lead to another and I rented the first disk...

Within ten minutes of the opening credits... I was so hooked that there was nothing that would stop me from seeing the remainder of the episodes.

My obsession began very quickly.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 10:43 AM


It snuck up on me, real slow like. I'm not sure when I crossed the line.

Originally I had a vague memory of having caught part of an episode, and then never catching another. I hadn't realized it was cancelled until late last year, when I looked the show up on google, because for some reason the name stuck with me, even if I couldn't remember the show, really. I downloaded a few episodes, and even with the graininy video I had realized I missed something very special.

It wasn't long before I found the DVDs were coming out, and the reviews guaranteed my purchase. When I got the set, I spent a weekend watching all the episodes, then the DVD extras, then the episodes again with the commentaries.

I immediately bought another DVD set for my friends.

But the clincher for me was when I read the script for the episode that was never shot, and a few weeks later I was reminded of a scene in it. I went through the DVDs again trying to find the episode with that scene! I later realized my memory of that scene was a complete fabrication, based on the script I read. Obsession complete.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 10:55 AM


Ah, well ... I knew I was really and truly obsessed after waking up from one of those so-real-you-think-you're-there types of dreams ... a dream in which I was chiding Simon over the incorrect choice of tie for the type of collar he was wearing.

I know less than nothing about ties, shirt collars and the like, but it all made sense at the time.



Tuesday, May 4, 2004 10:28 PM



Originally posted by empressPirk:
I'm still waiting for my DVD set but I'm already obsessed and my obsession presents itself like this:

By the way, special greetings to my fellow finn out there. Nice to know I'm not the only one here.

So Firefly airs here around midnight and although I started watching with good intentions I dozed off during TTJ, Bushwacked, Our Ms.R and OoG. Each time I felt annoyed with myself but since I didn't really know what I was missing I got over it. I never really thought about giving up though and sat in front of tv again next week. Why that is I don't know but thank god I didn't give up.

I managed to stay awake with Shindig, had good sense to tape Jaynestown and by the end of Safe I was hooked. After that I downloaded the episodes I partially slept through but before watching them I read the transcripts of almost all the episodes in a kind of state of awe and horror. Awe as how good they really were and horror as the thought of that this was it starded to dawn on me. So that's kinda obsessive behavior, right, loving Firefly on paper?

I'd also like to point out that they show Firefly here in FOX order and my experience can be added as further proof of the brilliance of the decision to air The Train Job as the pilot. I don't know if seeing Serenity first would have made me fall for Firefly but... I guess none of us will ever know what difference another decision on FOX's part would have made.

I've also been on this site pretty much every day since I saw Safe, not posting much but reading stuff. But what I think is the most ridiculous aspect of my obsessiveness is the fact that I've read about half of the now 856 Amazon reviews on Firefly DVD set. Not that I needed any help on deciding to buy it, I just like people praising it.

I consider myself lucky for discovering Firefly after the movie had already been green-lighted. The thought of a movie is such a comfort. The feeling I got after realizing that these 15 hours were everything there was of this series was such utter sadness and horror I can't even imagine what those of you who fell in love with Firefly when it aired on FOX and got to witness the network abuse and then the cancellation went through last year. I mean not knowing there was going to be a movie.

As far as using “shiny” etc. and Chinese swearing in normal conversation not so much yet but I’m getting there I guess. I have how ever annoyed fellow players at by using shiny, gorram and such in my comments there. We get to see the episodes with subtitles and they translate the Chinese stuff too which adds my amusement because it tends to differ slightly from the English translations given here. The fact that I’m able to spot the difference might be an obsessive sign too.

"Then I fell. My head got hurt like Wash." -INARA

So the first episode of FF was Train Job? Meaning that I never missed "Serenity"? Phew. That's a relief. Do you happen to know if they're going to show the pilot at all?

When I first saw the series commercial I thought that it was some sort of kids' show, something like "hippy starwars meets hardy boys meets some childsh western". And it really didn't help that it was on the air on midnight. A lot of perfectly normal show aimed at kids/teens come out on Wensday/Thursday midnight at some point of their lifes. Family Guy, King of The Hill, Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, you name it and they'll put there. So, naturally, the first episode I saw was nothing I expected it to be:

*Oh, golly wee gosh, it's some sort of abandoned spaceship floating around! And it seems to be a colony ship, which basically means it's worth its weight in gold! Gee, I really hope we won't be finding any survivors*wink*, right Jayne *wink* *wink*? ( at this point I was thinking "What sort of twisted Hardy Boys is this?")
*They're Reavers, spacemen gone mad in the depths of space. They spend their time looming in space, killing, raping, torturing and eating their victims and after that skinning and building obscure monuments out of them. ("this really isn't Hardy Boys-type scifi, right?")

I'm now convinced that due to the unique logicality of the maincharacters Firefly is the best show currently on finnish TV, even better than W-Style.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 2:08 AM



Originally posted by Lalli:

So the first episode of FF was Train Job? Meaning that I never missed "Serenity"? Phew. That's a relief. Do you happen to know if they're going to show the pilot at all?

I'm now convinced that due to the unique logicality of the maincharacters Firefly is the best show currently on finnish TV, even better than W-Style.

The Objects in Space is on tonight. On the 12th and 19th they'll show Serenity in two parts. The US unaired trio follows those and then we're done.

No suprise I agree with you it's the best thing on TV. Not there aren't other watchable, entertaining shows. They just pale in comparison with Firefly. I'd like to comment on W-style but I haven't watched it. LOL though.

"Also, I can kill you with my brain."


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:28 AM



Originally posted by annik:
Ah, well ... I knew I was really and truly obsessed after waking up from one of those so-real-you-think-you're-there types of dreams ... a dream in which I was chiding Simon over the incorrect choice of tie for the type of collar he was wearing.

I know less than nothing about ties, shirt collars and the like, but it all made sense at the time.


I have dreams like that all the time, except i'm not chiding simon about his tie, i'm usually taking it off of him!

now i've said too much!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:32 AM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:

Originally posted by annik:
Ah, well ... I knew I was really and truly obsessed after waking up from one of those so-real-you-think-you're-there types of dreams ... a dream in which I was chiding Simon over the incorrect choice of tie for the type of collar he was wearing.

I know less than nothing about ties, shirt collars and the like, but it all made sense at the time.


I have dreams like that all the time, except i'm not chiding simon about his tie, i'm usually taking it off of him!

now i've said too much!

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"

LOL! Well, I write erotica (posted at under the name Annik Ghoti) but to be honest, I'm not quite ready to do anything like that with these characters -- they're too complex for anything simplistic (as in: simplistic relationships), and I haven't had overmuch time to think on the possibilities.

Storyline suggestions are always welcome, of course.



Wednesday, May 5, 2004 11:40 AM



Originally posted by empressPirk:
But what I think is the most ridiculous aspect of my obsessiveness is the fact that I've read about half of the now 856 Amazon reviews on Firefly DVD set. Not that I needed any help on deciding to buy it, I just like people praising it.

"you're my kind of stupid"!!

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 11:57 AM


i can't believe i'm telling you all this. i had a dream about adam.

i was exposed to the mumps so i couldn't go home because my dad never had the mumps (dad died in '84) so i was staying at friends and adam was there. there was a bunch of us sitting and talking in the living room, about 6 of us crowded on the couch, including me & adam. we were holding hands. :-) i can still remember how his hand felt, all smooth and rough at the same time. anyway something happen that i now don't remember, but then i was standing at the kitchen counter messing around in my purse and adam walks up and asks what i'm doing and i say i am getting ready to go to work. he says he has to go to work too (and somehow i already knew he was a truck driver) and with a sly devilish smile also says he didn't mind if he was a few minutes late. i said "a few minutes??!!", laughed outrageously and gorram it,woke up.

now i'm so embarrassed.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 2:39 PM


I think I became obsessed after seeing Out of Gas, which was the first full episode I saw. I didn't realize I was obsessed until my vcr ate my tape with Serenity and Shindig on it, rendering it unwatchable, and almost making me cry (this was a good six months before the DVDs were released).

Of course, my constant ranting about Fox may also have been a sign


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 3:30 PM


when I first caught about half an hour of it at a buddy's house. When I heard about the boxed set, I bought it. I just finished watchin the last of it, AWESOME. And they cancelled this??? What were they thinking? This is on par with Star Trek, no, better, much better...

Alas, only 4 DVD's, sad, very sad... please do more! i'm hooked...


Thursday, May 6, 2004 12:23 AM


When I couldn't get the theme out of my head, and I was annoyed I couldn't watch the eps again cos I'd lent them to someone else.

I want them back, gorram it!

Mal: "We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."


Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:06 AM


I knew she was obsessed when our 30 year friendship was placed in jeapordy over my refusal to immediately go out and purchase the series DVD!

Hopefully she has forgiven me and we can get back to normal and regain the comfort of having a pure friendship and knowing that we can and always be there for one another any time the other needs it.

Much love.



Thursday, May 6, 2004 10:17 AM


Hey everyone on the boards:

FYI, Txgunslinger (above) is talking about me. Please give me a hand here. I want him to know that I didn't place our friendship in Jeopardy! (I hardly even watch that show) HE did so when he refused to watch our show!

I need everyone (who feels like it) to respond to him with how they feel about about a "FRIEND" who wouldn't even buy the DVD set when I offered to reimburse him for it (INCLUDING SHIPPING AND TAX!!!) IF he didn't like it!

I have faith in my Fellow Firefly Fans to let Txgunslinger have it with both barrels!

He needs to be on board (Serenity--so to speak)!!
Tell him to get with the program!

My sincere thanks to anyone who does this.



Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:03 PM


You gave him a money back guarantee on a sure bet and he BALKED????

For shame TXGunslinger...for shame!

For that offense you must now convert 5 Browncoats to the cause, say 3 Hail Rivers and buy Malicious 20 Jell-o shots.


Friday, May 7, 2004 8:56 AM



AND buy the DVD!!

I am still reeling from his treachery. Thanks to you, though, he now knows what acts of contrition he has to do to win back my friendship. Let's just hope he steps up. I have my doubts, though, after this. He takes so much looking after...



Friday, May 7, 2004 2:15 PM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:
I really loved the show when it was on the air, then when it stopped i was sad for a while, but hadn't really gone into mourning. Then in March of this year, my sister came to visit with a birthday present. It was in an Amazon box, i was able to life up the flap just enough to see the beginning F in Firefly and i totally freaked. I like started ripping at the box like a wild animal trying to get the box open so i could see my shiny and new boxed set...thats when i knew i was hooked.

That sounds so much like my experience with Buffy. When I saw the first season I thought it was pretty cool but didn't make a point of always catching it. 6 months later, when I read the air dates for season 2 in a magazine, I started marking the days off on a calendar.

As for Firefly, in someways I was obsessed (obsessed with getting hold of it at least) as soon as I read that the DVDs where being given a UK release. I'd only seen a tiny 10 second ad (Mal walking into the hold and stopping the fed mid-sentence with a bullet, from 'Serenity') upto then but I spent a week going into shops everyday and staring longingly at the box set (I'm very, very poor just now). Eventually I resolved not to eat much for a month or so and bought it.

I ed and I ed and it was all worth it.

I have no faith but it's all that I want
to be loved and believe
in my soul.


Friday, May 7, 2004 2:19 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:

AND buy the DVD!!

I am still reeling from his treachery. Thanks to you, though, he now knows what acts of contrition he has to do to win back my friendship. Let's just hope he steps up. I have my doubts, though, after this. He takes so much looking after...


OMG!! How could I forget buying the bad, now I must go watch Serenity as penance!

Ok, make that buy 2 DVD's, convert 5 Browncoats to the cause, say 3 Hail Rivers and buy Mallicious 20 Jell-o shots!


Friday, May 7, 2004 2:40 PM


You poor thing! Having to watch Serenity as penance! All by your self! How about we watch it together and you can have some of my jell-o shots as further penance. And maybe some popcorn.



Friday, May 7, 2004 3:27 PM


So I was in Italy when Firefly went on the air. I didn't hear of it at all. I missed the time it was on television and I missed the cancellation (so greatful about that as I do not believe I could have lived through it). I came back to the states after a year and during Chistmas I was at my parents house and my brother and his fiance were there and they mentioned to me that there was this show that just came out on dvd that I would like.

History- I watched Buffy and I watch Angel but I m not obsessed with them. However, my family does have a slight Star Wars obsession...we all tend to watch 4,5,6 when we are sick.

So my brother told me that Firefly was really good, that I would like it and that no I couldn't watch it on TV as fox execs are really just revisions of Niska that have found a new way to torture people. So I remembered the name Firefly but I didn't watch it at all. Then I went up to visit my bros when I had a break from school (I am a college senior). He was making us all dinner and we were trying to decide something to watch. Eventually we couldn't decide (he has a lot od dvds) so he made an exec decission and put firefly in. I was hooked. I watched all of the episodes that night (well OiS ended at 7am so I guess morning also). I didn't sleep at all and then I had to drive four hours home and study for a test. I now own the dvd and I watch it all the time...I also made my mom really upset at fox when I got her hooked on it also. I never go online and read fanfic, but with firefly I had to. I also was writing my final paper for an art history seminar the night before it was due (yeah I am a procrastinator) and put off the last half of it to watch out of gas. I am currently trying to convert a friend that is an avid angel fan, I lent her my disc one. She however has not found the time to watch it. I think this is the problem, once you do watch them you are is finding the time to watch serenity in the first place that is the trouble...after that you seem to find time to watch all of them whenever, and the commentaries, and the extras, and get news on the web, and read fanfics....etc.

you're part of my crew...why are we still talking about this?


Friday, May 7, 2004 5:51 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
You poor thing! Having to watch Serenity as penance! All by your self! How about we watch it together and you can have some of my jell-o shots as further penance. And maybe some popcorn.


Sounds good to me. It's just so hard watching Serenity alone.


Friday, May 7, 2004 8:29 PM


THAT'S why it is pennance! Or is it pennants? Either way, a 'coats gotta do what a 'coats gotta do. It's a tough row to hoe, but you put your shoulders into in and your nose to the grindstone, and blah blah blah, until you've watched enough Firefly episodes to make up for the bad, bad thing you have done. And voila! You get little flags of your favorite team to hang up in your room!

Don't you feel better now?

As a reward, go watch Out of Gas and Objects in Space.



Friday, May 7, 2004 8:43 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
THAT'S why it is pennance! Or is it pennants? Either way, a 'coats gotta do what a 'coats gotta do. It's a tough row to hoe, but you put your shoulders into in and your nose to the grindstone, and blah blah blah, until you've watched enough Firefly episodes to make up for the bad, bad thing you have done. And voila! You get little flags of your favorite team to hang up in your room!

Don't you feel better now?

As a reward, go watch Out of Gas and Objects in Space.


Oh, I do feel better, but can I watch Jaynestown as my reward instead? Or Ariel? mmmmmmm....Jayne, no shirt...oh yeah!

See, this is why the series needed to go longer, we never got a Jayne nekkid Mal fans got nekkid Mal! We Jayne fans want our nekkid Jayne!






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