A hug and a sneeze - the Blackpool shinding

UPDATED: Saturday, May 15, 2004 12:56
VIEWED: 19477
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Sunday, May 2, 2004 11:21 PM


The following is the ramblings of my shindig trip:

Friday - We arrived at the shindig at midday. The merchandise area was closed. Someone was talking in the hall but we had no idea who he was. (I should point out that while I have watched Buffy I am not a massive fan and could only identify SMG.) The guy who played Xander was doing photos, his pink nail varnish was the talk of the show. I approached a few stewards to ask how things 'worked', but they had no idea either. I then discovered Nathan Fillion was having his picture taken with guests so bought a ticket and waited to be called. We ended up back in the hall where Serenity was showing. Unfortunately, there wasn't a proper sound system so all you got was a mass of very loud sound which hurt your ears. A lot of people left during the first fifteen minutes. The merchandise area finally opened, but there was nothing Firefly related, not even the dvd! Finally it was our turn for the photo. Nathan was lovely. He made a fuss of my kids and gave my four year old daughter a hug. He then introduced the kids to his girlfriend. The rest of the day was geared towards Buffy fans so we left.

Saturday - We went early to listen to Jewel and Summer answer questions. Jewel did most of the talking, these are the answers that I remember them giving:

Jewel said Shindig was her least favourite episode. She hated the dress she had to wear. Everytime she sat down the crew could see her bum. She had really wanted to do the commentary for that episode though.
She would like to do a musical version of Firefly. Gina had a wonderful voice, though Morena could not sing a note. Everyone use to take the mickey out of Morena over her awful voice.
She would have liked to do more action sequances. She was always rather jealous of Gina because of the amount of action she got to do.
Her favourite phrase from the show was 'shiney'.
Alan Tudyk continually messed up his chinese lines.
She really wished Kaylee had kissed Simon.
She had enjoyed working on Dead like me and thought the show and cast were great. However, she had not enjoyed filming the sex scene because the clothes were really uncomfortable and she found the whole scene uncomfortable to do. If she could travel back she wasn't sure she would do the scene. (For those who never saw the show(I thought it was crap) she was dressed in goth gear and had sex with a reaper in a shop cupboard)
Nathan had been the show clown. He use to stand behind the camera and pull faces.
Morena had a sick sense of humor, and was least like her character. To begin with Jewel had been a little intimidated by Morena's beauty.
Sean had a silent laugh and would cry while laughing so, they all had great fun making him laugh.
She had not enjoyed putting on weight. She had eaten cakes and doughnuts non stop before and during the shoot. She was glad to finally lose the weight.
Her husband asked what animal she would most like to be. She said a pony.
Nathan asked who was the best looking, most talented actor on the show. She said he was.
She could not comment on whether the show would return to tv.
She also could not comment on the new movie, though they were planning on a commentary at the start to help new viewers understand what was happening.
She was looking forward to the new movie and getting back together with everyone.

Summer generally agreed with what Jewel said.
She loved the moment in Message when Kaylee held Simon's hand.
She had had a my little pony as a child and had always wished she could be one.
The dance she did in Safe was a polka dance. The combat boots hadn't bothered her. It had been harder to do the Angel ballet because the point shoes were uncomfortable and it was tightly choreographed.
River got her clothes from the rest of the crew and Simon would buy her bits, like the pink dress, when they visited planets.
Her favourite episode was Objects in space when Mal welcomes River back to Serenity. Her worse was Message when they found they were cancelled.

The next session involved Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Allen. Nathan's answers were:

Firefly will not be returning to tv in the near future. The agreement with Fox was for the movie only. There was a time specification before it could be brought back to tv. He did not say how long that time period was but other fans kept saying five years, though I have no idea where they got that figure from. Depending on ticket sales the plan was for a trilogy of films.
His favourite cheese was cheddar, medium not to sharp.
When asked if he would be naked in the movie, he said he would be taking his shirt off.
Someone asked who would win in a fight between Jayne and Mal. His response was to ask who would win in a fight between Superman and the Hulk. He said Mal won so often because he fought dirty.
If he could lick chocolate spread off anyone it would be Margaret Thatcher, when she was the most powerful woman in the world.
His worst Buffy moment was when Caleb got cut in half because "it was just so not right and so unfair."
His worst Firefly moment was finding they were cancelled because "it was just so not right and so unfair."
He had kept the Caleb contact lenses and liked to wear them during halloween cos it scared the Buffy fans to see Caleb walking down the road.
No one held him responsible for poking out Xanders eye. He and Nicholas Brendan had practised that scene but when they actually did it Nicholas' scream was so real Nathan thought he really had hurt Nicholas.
If he had his own space ship he would call her the Pneumatic Princess.
He had trained to be a teacher, but had left four months before qualifying. Seeing what most teachers put up with he felt he had made the right choice. However, he would still like to be a professor because all they have to do is profess and he was very good at doing that.
Brendan Fraser was a great guy to work with.
The cast of that America soap he was in (can't remember what it was called) were all great.
He loved doing Saving Private Ryan and Steven Spielberg was great.
He was asked where he bought his shirts. (He had worn a white shirt with a flowery design on Friday and was wearing a similar shirt with pink flowers on Saturday) He got his shirts cheap from a guy he knew downtown. Someone had told him real men wear pink, though he wasn't convinced. (The next day he wore a plain black shirt)
He said that there were no current plans for David Borenza (I can't spell it) to be in the show.
He had auditioned for the part of Angel, but hadn't even got through to see Joss.
Joss has been given full reign to do what he wants in the movie.
The movie will be a lot darker. It focuses on the reavers. It is set a year (?) after the series ended and something very bad has happened to Mal which makes him a much darker character. Every character will have been changed by events during the previous year and we will see new sides to them. People who have never seen the show will understand who the characters are.
Badger and Saffron will not be in the movie. He had really liked the Badger character and would have liked to see him in the movie.

Autographs were being called by ticket numbers. If you were not there when your number cas called you missed out. The rest of the afternoon was spent waiting for our numbers, which were never called!

Sunday - They had abandoned the number calling system for two of the Buffy guests, so we queued for an hour. When we got to the front of the queue they informed us people with small children could push in! We then wandered round to the other autograph room where the nice steward let us in even though our numbers hadn't been called. We got four more Buffy signatures. Emma Caulfield spotted my two year old daughter in the crowd. She picked her up and sat fussing over her for a few minutes. My daughter loved the attention. Then she sneezed all over Emma!
They did a Firefly group photo. Jewel said she like my husbands '28' Jayne shirt. Summer gave my two year old a hug and Nathan gave my four year old another hug (she is now a very big Nathan Fillion fan) The Firefly autographs were called at 2.30. Our numbers finally came up at 4.50. My four year old pinched my Jaynes hat, Summer and Nathan liked the hat. So what did I do during this opportunity to meet the stars? I turned into a gibbering wreck and mumbled complete nonsense.

Edit: Nearly forgot, they are planning on doing a Serenity shindig next year. They hope to get this shindigs guests back, including Gina and Morena. One of the staff told me tickets will be limited to 500 and they are currently trying to get Adam Baldwin.


Monday, May 3, 2004 12:06 AM


Wren I hope it's okay to add some stuff which I really enjoyed about Fusion.

Jewel said she found the technobabble and the Chinese hard but kept writing them out until it seemed to stay in her head. She is hoping that "Serenity" the film is a big box office hit cos then they should get to do some more. She
didn't enjoy the costume she wore in the "Dead Like me" episode she did it was really uncomfortable. She hated filming the sex scene in that, as well as finding the one in "Out of Gas" difficult.

Summer's least favourite scene to film was her first, in "Serenity" as she was nervous, nearly naked, in the box for a lot of the time and she'd not done much acting before. She also talked about the Angel scene with David Boreanaz and said he was really nice to her.

Summer and Jewell did their stage talks together and Jewell said she hadn't appreciated how much folks outside the US enjoyed Firefly (she thought they'd just be a little group tagged on side a Buffy event) and was going to tell the rest of the team they should have been there.

They were both really lovely and kind to the questioners.

Nathan was great, really funny, but I'll stop here for now so someone else can add more, just mention the wonderful fancy dress team who came as Inara, Atherton Wing, Kaylee and Mal in Shindig, really excellent (and if any of you read this forum, apologies from the intoxicated person in lilac who tried to take your photo and failed.)


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:22 AM



If he had his own space ship he would call it the pneumatic princess.

I think he said Nomadic Princess. The sound system was pretty poor.

Edit - wrong person listed for the quote! (computers hate me)


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:43 AM



We got four more Buffy signatures. Emma Caulfield spotted my two year old daughter in the crowd. She picked her up and sat fussing over her for a few minutes. My daughter loved the attention. Then she sneezed all over Emma!

LOL, I was standing right there! I'd skipped Nick as there was a long queue for him and they'd all taken a break so nobody was signing, so I joined the queue for Emma. Emma came back from the break and then started fussing over the cutest kid ever!


what did I do during this opportunity to meet the stars. I turned into a gibbering wreck and mumbled complete nonsense.

I know that feeling. Went up for a photo with Summer. Summer said "Hi, I'm Summer" - instead of replying with "Hi, I'm ..." I opted to go for the incoherent mumbling. Smooth. :)

Summer, Jewel and Nathan were absolutely fantastic all weekend. Especially with the signings which must have been really tiring. I saw there were a lot of people like me who only went to the convention for Firefly and ended up at the back of the list of numbers to be called up (due to the late announcement of Firefly guests, hence high registration number), so I'm really glad they got through everyone.

Edit - wrong person listed for the quote! (computers hate me)


Monday, May 3, 2004 2:23 AM



Originally posted by debbiebuk1:
Nathan was great, really funny, but I'll stop here for now so someone else can add more

I missed much of Nathans question session on the Saturday as I had to go get my photo taken with Summer. It's all about priorities ;)

On the Sunday he answered questions for another hour. Someone asked him what his favourite line from the show was, and if he could say it. Nathan composed himself, paused a second, then said... 'huh'. :)

He also had a collection of polaroid photos taken during the filming of the show, and handed them out at random to some of the people asking questions. Lucky people!


Monday, May 3, 2004 3:09 AM


I was very near the front of the hall during Nathans Q & A sessions and it was Pneumatic Princess ;) The reverb in the main hall was poor.

I must admit that although I have seen only 6 eps so far of Firefly (huge BtVS and Angel fans so the obsession is focused around those shows) the Firefly guests were wonderful and Nathan was my personal favourite of the weekend. I loved his 'flipping Jewel the bird' game and apparently he was doing it in some of the Firefly group photo shoots, with Jewel retaliating with grand style at the closing ceremony.

Not enough Firefly photographs available for signing and my only regret was that I was unable to do handpainted portraits of the cast to sign (it is something I do for the BtVS cast). I have pledged to buy the Firefly boxset and search the net for good quality pics so I can do some paintings and post them on my site.

By the way Newbie here so be gentle ;)


Monday, May 3, 2004 3:11 AM



Originally posted by debbiebuk1:
Summer and Jewell did their stage talks together and Jewell said she hadn't appreciated how much folks outside the US enjoyed Firefly (she thought they'd just be a little group tagged on side a Buffy event) and was going to tell the rest of the team they should have been there. B]

Yup I'm from Australia. I'm pretty sure firefly only got here on dvd in the past two months. I just got it and I'm already obsessed!

Its kinda bad that because it was cancelled we won't probably ever get it on either network tv nor pay tv here. If it does come out again on TV you americans will probably have to make sure it stays alive for awhile (which im certain you will!) before it hits our screens.The only reason I heard of it was on a webcomic I read often. And the only store I could find the dvd in was a tucked away memorabilia/dvd/toy store!

Hopefully the movie will get a lot more international fans watching.

Its also bad that its so difficult to get to one of those things and meet the cast considering where im located!

Ah well I'll be a fan to the REAL end anyway

Mercy is the mark of a great man…*stab*…I guess I'm just a good man…*stab*…Well, I'm alright.


Monday, May 3, 2004 3:43 AM



Originally posted by ancientone:
I was very near the front of the hall during Nathans Q & A sessions and it was Pneumatic Princess ;)

Must be my hearing then, but I'm going to stick with blaming the sound system.

What do you mean by not enough Firefly photos for signing? I thought the selection wasn't bad (3 of Jewel, 3 of Summer, probably more than that of Nathan?) Good job too, having to spend £50 on 5 of them before you could get a full cast photo. Not a cheap weekend :)

Enjoy the rest of the DVD before you get spoiled! I hope you closed your ears when they were talking about specific episodes this weekend. Hey, does Jewel attending the con count as a spoiler for the hundreds of people there who had never watched Serenity?


Monday, May 3, 2004 3:47 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Wren:
The next talk was by Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Allen. Nathan said:

Firefly will not be returning to tv in the near future. The agreement with Fox was for the movies only. There was a time specification before it could be brought back to tv. He did not say how long that time period was but other fans kept saying five years (though I have no idea where they got that figure from).

If this is in fact true, it totally blows! Of course it does not make sense when you consider the fact that Universal had Joss rewrite the script to act as a "springboard" for a tv series.

What is this "time specification" and how long is it? It sounds like Fox putting the screws to us again. We are going on two years now without Firefly on the air. That is more than long enough. Fox didn't want the show, so where do they get off keeping it off the air w/ some contractual nonsense.


Depending on ticket sales the plan was for a trilogy of films.

At least there are plans for more than one movie. I will do my part to drive ticket sales up, as will the rest of us. 2005 seems a long way off now.


His worst Firefly moment was finding they were cancelled because "it was just so not right and so unfair."

All of us are right there with you Nathan. It was our worst Firefly moment too.


If he had his own space ship he would call it the pneumatic princess.

Interesting name for a ship.


He said that there were no curent plans for David Borenza (I can't spell it either) to be in the show.

That conflicts w/ what Morena said in that con a couple of weeks ago. Odd....


The movie will be a lot darker. It focuses on the reavers. It is set a year (?) after the series ended and something very bad has happened to Mal which makes him a much darker character. Joss has been given full reign to do what he wants. Every character will have been changed by events during the previous year and we will see new sides to them. People who have never seen the show will understand who the characters are.

I hope it is not too much darker. One of the great things about Firefly is that Mal could be serious and deadly when he had to, but generally he was jovial. If he goes all dark and brooding, I hope it is for a good reason. Wonder what besides Inara's leaving has him out of sorts.

Reavers in the movie? Could be cool, so long as Joss does not show them to us. Reavers are creepifying and scary because they are like the boogey man; you never see them.

The other characters are changed? I wonder to what degree and if it is due to the same events that changed Mal.

Joss being in total control puts my mind mostly at ease. I just hope the movie and characters are not too far removed from the crew we know and love.


Badger and Saffron will not be in the movie. He had really liked the Badger character and was sad to see he wouldn't be playing a part.

I didn't figure we would see YoSafBridg in the movie, but I had thought we might see Badger. Too bad he will not be in the movie.


Edit: Nearly forgot, they are planning on doing a Serenity shindig next year. They hope to get this shindigs guests back, plus Gina and Morena. One of the staff told me tickets will be limited to 500 and they are currently trying to get Adam Baldwin.

A Serenity shindig would be very shiny! Too bad they will limit the sales to 500. I would make the trip for such an event.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:05 AM


The cast were all very very careful not to give away any spoilers for the movie, which I am very pleased about. If this thread turns into speculation about the movie, can people not post any current spoilers as I've been avoiding them. Thanks.


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:50 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by Wren:
The next talk was by Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Allen. Nathan said:

Firefly will not be returning to tv in the near future. The agreement with Fox was for the movies only. There was a time specification before it could be brought back to tv. He did not say how long that time period was but other fans kept saying five years (though I have no idea where they got that figure from).

If this is in fact true, it totally blows! Of course it does not make sense when you consider the fact that Universal had Joss rewrite the script to act as a "springboard" for a tv series.

What is this "time specification" and how long is it? It sounds like Fox putting the screws to us again. We are going on two years now without Firefly on the air. That is more than long enough. Fox didn't want the show, so where do they get off keeping it off the air w/ some contractual nonsense.


He said that there were no curent plans for David Borenza (I can't spell it either) to be in the show.

That conflicts w/ what Morena said in that con a couple of weeks ago. Odd....

I don't think it was ever stated it was a springboard for a tv series. I think we all just assumed that it was. Knowing now that they are planning a trilogy it would make sense that the film was a springboard for the rest of the trilogy.

With regards to what he said about David B being in the movie, he phrased it in a funny way (I can't remember the exact words) but it was something like 'I know of no current plans to put David in the movie'. The emphasis was in the 'I', so maybe David is in it and Nathan just hasn't heard the official confirmation.

It was definately pneumatic princess because someone made a comment about Saffron being naked and Nathan stared at the ceiling, them mumbled Mmmmmmm Saffron, Mmmmmmmmm pneumatic princess.

Damn I knew I should have attended the Sunday talk. I had even worked out a question. However, I felt the kids had suffered enough of Mummys obsession so let them have some time on the beach.


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:38 AM



Originally posted by ancientone:
By the way Newbie here so be gentle ;)

Welcome, O Ancient One! :)

(I'm jealous, you still have several eps of Firefly you haven't seen yet to enjoy...sigh...)


Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:42 AM


Hi Wren, you've convinced me on the pneumatic thing. I think I must have had an objects in space 'am I a Lion?' thing going on.

Were you the guys who were sat near the notice board waiting for the numbers to be called? If so, I was the bloke sat there waiting too. They've called to 1600, go go go!


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:54 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Wren wrote:


I don't think it was ever stated it was a springboard for a tv series. I think we all just assumed that it was. Knowing now that they are planning a trilogy it would make sense that the film was a springboard for the rest of the trilogy.

Actually the "springboard" comment was made by Chris B, president of Mutant Enemy, over at the OB back the first part of March when the movie announcement was made to the fans.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 3, 2004 8:59 AM



I've got a few things to add about Blackpool if I may?

Firstly I'd like to say about Nathan Fillion that- from what I could tell this weekend - calling him the nicest guy in the entire 'verse would not be too much of an overstatement.

He was really friendly, polite, kind, nice (and many other adjectives that I can't think of at the moment) at the autograph and photo sessions and was really nice (as well as incredibly funny) on stage. Also a few other things I noticed this weekend suggested he was this way with his fellow cast members etc. all the time.

Anyway here's just a few things from the talks that made my laugh or I thought were interesting. Sorry if they've already been mentioned. They wont read very interestingly for people who weren't there because I don't tell a very good story but they might hopefully remind some people who were there.

He was asked what his favourite practical joke was on the set. He said something to the effect of (but very, very paraphrased and possibly inaccurate):

'I'm usually a cheerful guy but when you put me in a spacesuit it's hot and sweaty - and I'm a little claustrophobic - and I get really cranky. And there's this squeaky monkey on set that goes( does very funny impression of annoying squeaky monkey) and one day I just took it and put it in my spacesuit.

I took it to my trailer and tied it up and gagged it and took photos of it and wrote a ransom note.

And I left clues like I think one day it was Money and another it was an apple and then a letter opener M..A..L. But seeing as I'm the only one who plays practical jokes on set they figured it out pretty quickly.

They made up a fake newspaper report that said: 'I hope he's not being MALnourished.

So I cut off its thumb and sent them a letter saying (I'm not f****** around).

Then my parents came down to visit the set and so I gave them the monkey and they took photos of it by the Alberta sign and all around the country.

But eventually I gave him back he was restored.''

The second time he was asked this he said that he liked to come up with different ways of sticking a finger up and Jewel Staite. He got a cloth and put it over his hand like he was going to do a magic trick and said 'Hey Jewel' before whipping off the cloth to show his finger. At the closing ceremony Jewel was thanking all the fans and said 'and oh one more thing' before turning to Nathan with her middle finger up and saying 'I win'.

He says that he thought Mal was a selfish b****** and needed his crew.

He said Mal thought Inara (sp?) being a prostitute was immoral. And that if they got together we'd all be like 'oh they're together now we can change channel' and the show would be over. He wasn't sure Mal could go out with her being a companion.

He was asked if he could have a dinner party with anyone who would it be?

'Oscar Wilde, Einstein, Margaret thatcher (linking back to the very, very disturbing chocolate sauce thing) and Jack the Ripper ....just to find out who he was.'

He was also aked if he had based Caleb on the president and I can't remember exactly what he said here but he said he didn't want to get into politics, but not so much.

Also Summer Glau and Jewel Staite seemed really pleased to be there and for the support of the firefly fans.

Anyway sorry that was very long and boring. Thanks for everyone else's reviews they reminded me of things I had forgotten and made me laugh. Thanks.

It was a great convention.


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:15 AM



Originally posted by Yorky:
Were you the guys who were sat near the notice board waiting for the numbers to be called? If so, I was the bloke sat there waiting too. They've called to 1600, go go go!

That was me. With your rallying cry I leapt to my feet and did a very good impression of the roadrunner, sorry if you got caught in my dust cloud.

Jewel also told a story of how her dog went missing from her trailer. Fearing it had escaped onto the set, she searched everywhere. Eventually she went to Nathans trailer. She opened the door to find him sitting with the dog on his lap!

I snapped a couple of pictures of them. Does anyone know how to load them onto a post?


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:25 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by Wren:
The next talk was by Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Allen. Nathan said:

Firefly will not be returning to tv in the near future. The agreement with Fox was for the movies only. There was a time specification before it could be brought back to tv. He did not say how long that time period was but other fans kept saying five years (though I have no idea where they got that figure from).

If this is in fact true, it totally blows! Of course it does not make sense when you consider the fact that Universal had Joss rewrite the script to act as a "springboard" for a tv series.

As I understand it, Joss Whedon has always been quite clear that when he was writing the script, it was going to be for a self contained movie version of Firefly. Now the suits at Universal might have liked the script sp much that they have got JW to rewrite the ending making it open to either a film or TV sequel.

I should imagine that the insistance in the contract that there should be a long delay between the film and a potential return to television was one last poisoned gift from the FOX Network suits, who are trying not to look like complete jackasses, if the film is a success, and another Network wants to pick it up for TV. However, if someone does want to recommission it for television, and Universal sees a profit in it, like the Firefly film rights, then their lawyers will be sent into action again to renegotiate the contracts. I am an eternal optimist.

"Like shooting flies with a laser cannon, the aims a bit tricky, but
it certainly deals with the flies." - Lord Miles Vorkosigan.
From "Komarr" by Lois McMaster Bujold
Read my Blog at


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:32 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Originally posted by BrownCoatCat:

Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by Wren:
The next talk was by Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Allen. Nathan said:

Firefly will not be returning to tv in the near future. The agreement with Fox was for the movies only. There was a time specification before it could be brought back to tv. He did not say how long that time period was but other fans kept saying five years (though I have no idea where they got that figure from).

If this is in fact true, it totally blows! Of course it does not make sense when you consider the fact that Universal had Joss rewrite the script to act as a "springboard" for a tv series.

As I understand it, Joss Whedon has always been quite clear that when he was writing the script, it was going to be for a self contained movie version of Firefly. Now the suits at Universal might have liked the script sp much that they have got JW to rewrite the ending making it open to either a film or TV sequel.

I should imagine that the insistance in the contract that there should be a long delay between the film and a potential return to television was one last poisoned gift from the FOX Network suits, who are trying not to look like complete jackasses, if the film is a success, and another Network wants to pick it up for TV. However, if someone does want to recommission it for television, and Universal sees a profit in it, like the Firefly film rights, then their lawyers will be sent into action again to renegotiate the contracts. I am an eternal optimist.

"Like shooting flies with a laser cannon, the aims a bit tricky, but
it certainly deals with the flies." - Lord Miles Vorkosigan.
From "Komarr" by Lois McMaster Bujold
Read my Blog at

I like your thinking Browncoatcat. Could be you're right.

At any rate, I suppose we need to stay optimistic. I will believe there will not be a return to tv when Joss says so himself. There are always lawyers and Universal's resources to consider if Joss & Universal decide to take it to TV, I doubt Fox could stop them.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:40 AM


Thanks to everyone for typing out all the stories it sounds like everyone had a great time. I was pretty gutted that I couldn't go especially when I found out that Summer was going. But the serenity shindig next year should more than make up for me missing this year.

Also I run and I would be really greatful if anyone who had any summer pics from the event would be willing to let me put them up on my site.


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:50 AM


I am sooo incredibly jealous there are not words to express how jealous I am.

First the west coast, now abroad.. when will the EAST COAST get Firefly guests at cons?

Sounds like you all had fun. :) Just keep telling us all about it. Must hear more MORE!!!

Keep flying


Monday, May 3, 2004 10:12 AM



Monday, May 3, 2004 10:30 AM


Hey Trask

Summer has just been announced as a guest for the White Room, a Starfury convention in London at the end of Oct/beginning of November. I don't know how many more guests there will be announced for that, but if there was another FF one then it could be Adam since he now officially has links with Angel and the White Room.

Apparently Summer had so much fun she wanted to come back for Hyperion, another Angel event run by Starfury which is in five weeks' time but she's filming the big damn movie.


Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


Monday, May 3, 2004 10:32 AM


Some indications that a movie trilogy might be more likely than a TV series:

* A couple of people, on this thread and others, have noted that Chris Buchanan said the movie was a springboard for a future TV series. I don't know if this is the original source of the quote, but if you go to, and check the Feb. 11 entry in the news archive, you'll see that the quote is actually attributed to an anonymous "insider source", one who is probably less in the know and less careful about his words than CB. Perhaps, as others have suggested, the movie was rewritten to springboard a *film* series?

* During the last fourth or so of Tim Minear's April 7 interview at, Minear says he'd love to be involved in a film sequel to Serenity, but doesn't say anything about a future TV show.

It's also worth noting that a successful movie does *not* necessarily translate into a highly-rated TV show. I don't have any real statistics to back this up, but my feeling is that there's a much higher correlation between a successful movie and a successful sequel. I'd hate to see "Firefly" return to TV only to get canceled again, mid-plot, whereas each film tells or should tell a self-contained story, which is one reason why I'm more in favor of a film series. To put it simply, I don't have any faith that television executives would support the show or know how to promote it.


Monday, May 3, 2004 10:39 AM



Originally posted by AnotherFireflyfan:
First the west coast, now abroad.. when will the EAST COAST get Firefly guests at cons?

In just over a month, darlin'...

DreamCon will be held in Jacksonville, Florida, the weekend of June 11, 2004 - and has Jewel Staite listed as one of the guests.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:28 AM


He said Pneumatic Princess - I asked the question and had a similar argument with my friend so I asked Nathan in the autograph queue and he confirmed that it was Pneumatic Princess with a glint in his eye.
So hope that clears that up.
Cheers all, great con - loved the Firefly crew, was already a fan but am now and uber fan!


Originally posted by Yorky:

If he had his own space ship he would call it the pneumatic princess.

I think he said Nomadic Princess. The sound system was pretty poor.

Edit - wrong person listed for the quote! (computers hate me)

It's just not right and it's just not fair.

Nathan Fillion


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:46 AM


I'm jealous, jealous, jealous, but thank you so much to everyone who shared their notes and memories. It's the next best thing to being there.


Monday, May 3, 2004 12:18 PM


Hi Delia, I can recreate the feeling of being there if you like:

OK, you have Nathan doing a question & answer session in the main hall that you really want to sit though, but your raffle ticket thingy has also been called for an autograph with Clare Kramer, and it's the last call for that day. On top of that, the £10 ticket you bought for a picture with Summer Glau has also just been called. You only went to the convention because of Firefly, but think that season 5 of Buffy was pretty cool. Pop quiz hot shot, what do you do. WHAT DO YOU DO! :)

[the correct answer is to go for your picture with Summer, cos she's lovely ]


Monday, May 3, 2004 12:49 PM



Originally posted by nkb:
Hey Trask

Summer has just been announced as a guest for the White Room, a Starfury convention in London at the end of Oct/beginning of November. I don't know how many more guests there will be announced for that, but if there was another FF one then it could be Adam since he now officially has links with Angel and the White Room.

Apparently Summer had so much fun she wanted to come back for Hyperion, another Angel event run by Starfury which is in five weeks' time but she's filming the big damn movie.


Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

Thats pretty much just made my day Im gonna have to get tickets and time off work sorted as soon as possible. It would be even better if they managed to get Adam too.


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:21 PM


i posted at about 15 differnt buffy/firefly forums asking, no, begging people to try and get me nathans autograph. do you think i remembered i was a member of this forum at the time ?? no :( i couldnt make it down to blackpool, i had no money :( im glad all that went had such a smashing time tho :) and thanks wren for sharing pics with us :) the news of a possible sarenity shindig has got me a little less depressed. i might still be in with a chance of meeting my idol (nathan) after all. anyone have anymore info on that??
thanks :)



Monday, May 3, 2004 2:46 PM


>>DreamCon will be held in Jacksonville, Florida, the weekend of June 11, 2004 - and has Jewel Staite listed as one of the guests.

Suppose I should clarify... Mid-Atlantic!! I can't make it down to Florida this summer. But be sure to report every word she says. In fact, record them and upload to the inet (like was done at the LA con).

Keep flying


Monday, May 3, 2004 3:30 PM


shiny!! thanks to everyone here who shared their experience!! next best thing to being there.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:31 PM


You are Australian? and you bought Firefly DVD's over here in Aus?

I am Australian and have asked all major stores about Firefly DVD and none have ever heard of it.

I got mine from abroad when they first came out.


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:07 PM


Wren, thanks for all the great info! I'm a relative newcomer to Firefly fandom, and it's great to see that the actors have such a great rapport and ease with each other.

I have a small, stupid question: So what was Fillion's girlfriend like? Just curious...


Monday, May 3, 2004 9:28 PM



Originally posted by lightinthebrainpan:
I have a small, stupid question: So what was Fillion's girlfriend like? Just curious...

Tall, slim, blonde, very very pretty and very very nice.
I am not worried though, he and I are destined to be together.


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:03 PM



Originally posted by fireflyfanUK:
i posted at about 15 differnt buffy/firefly forums asking, no, begging people to try and get me nathans autograph. do you think i remembered i was a member of this forum at the time ?? no :( i couldnt make it down to blackpool, i had no money :( im glad all that went had such a smashing time tho :) and thanks wren for sharing pics with us :) the news of a possible sarenity shindig has got me a little less depressed. i might still be in with a chance of meeting my idol (nathan) after all. anyone have anymore info on that??

No proper info at present. The idea is to keep it small so we can spend a bit of time with the guests. A steward told me 500, but other people are quoting 1000 tickets.
Sean (the organiser) has already spoken to Nathan, Summer and Jewel. They have indicated they would be interested in going. I was also told that they are trying to get Adam Baldwin.
Sean cannot provide a date at present because he has to fit it around the filming, release and promotion of Serenity.
Stewards at the Blackpool shindig are allegadly getting first dibs on tickets. There is a lot of interest so I think tickets will sell quickly.

Have you tried e-bay for an autographed picture? People often get a couple of pictures signed and sell them on. I know they have one of Jewel and another of Nathan as Caleb on there.

I expect to see dvd sales rise this week. Lots of the Buffy fans had never seen Firefly. Having met the crew and had a talking to from us Browncoats they are now intending to buy the dvd. Everyone thought Nathan, Jewel and Summer were wonderful, though the Buffy people think Nathan has a bum fixation. This is because he kept making insider jokes about Trash.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:42 AM



It's just not right and it's just not fair.

Nathan Fillion

...And it doesn't leave room for a spin-off ;) lol

Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:00 AM



Originally posted by Wren:
The following is the ramblings of my shindig trip:

Friday - We ended up back in the hall where Serenity was showing. Unfortunately, there wasn't a proper sound system so all you got was a mass of very loud sound which hurt your ears. A lot of people left during the first fifteen minutes.

Quick question - why didn't you move closer to the stage??
The only seats that were reserved were the front 4 (or so) for off-duty stewards and event staff.
Unless the hall was mega packed (which happened three times, I think, for the Opening ceremony, Fancy Dress and Closing ceremony) then there should have been loads of spaces :lol:


The merchandise area finally opened, but there was nothing Firefly related, not even the dvd!

Ummmm, I thought that the only licensed bit of merchandise is the DVD and what the autograph photo guys were selling.
Would have been a bit hard to get anything :lol:


Finally it was our turn for the photo. Nathan was lovely.

Yum, Nathan. I just died and went to Heaven!!!!!!


He made a fuss of my kids and gave my four year old daughter a hug. He then introduced the kids to his girlfriend. The rest of the day was geared towards Buffy fans so we left.

Ya missed the Opening Ceremony - that was a shame, as they got such a massive cheer when they came out onto the stage!


She had enjoyed working on Dead like me and thought the show and cast were great. However, she had not enjoyed filming the sex scene because the clothes were really uncomfortable and she found the whole scene uncomfortable to do. If she could travel back she wasn't sure she would do the scene. (For those who never saw the show(I thought it was crap) she was dressed in goth gear and had sex with a reaper in a shop cupboard)

And a bunch of us thought it was really good.
Each to their own, I suppose.


The cast of that America soap he was in (can't remember what it was called)

As I missed some of his talk - was it "2 Guys and a Girl" or "MissMatch" - just cos I meant to ask him a question about MissMatch and didn't get the chance.


Autographs were being called by ticket numbers. If you were not there when your number cas called you missed out. The rest of the afternoon was spent waiting for our numbers, which were never called!

I heard that once your number had been called they were letting people in. Maybe I heard wrong *g*


Sunday - They had abandoned the number calling system for two of the Buffy guests, so we queued for an hour.

That's not true - Clare and Nikolaus were always called by raffle ticket number.
This is cos Clare has been so many times!!!!


When we got to the front of the queue they informed us people with small children could push in! We then wandered round to the other autograph room where the nice steward let us in even though our numbers hadn't been called.

I was told that you could only go in once your number had been called, regardless of whether you had kids with you, or were disabled or whatever.


Edit: Nearly forgot, they are planning on doing a Serenity shindig next year. They hope to get this shindigs guests back, including Gina and Morena. One of the staff told me tickets will be limited to 500 and they are currently trying to get Adam Baldwin.

Dunno about ticket numbers - am guessing that it'll be in London (which is where Starfury hold most of their conventions) in which case it'll be around 600-700 people.
Which would be totally shiny if that many people came!!!

So who's going to see Summer in Halloween????


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:03 AM



Originally posted by Wren:
Stewards at the Blackpool shindig are allegadly getting first dibs on tickets. There is a lot of interest so I think tickets will sell quickly.

I know that the stewards got first dibs at Starfury:Prime but that's all.
As far as I know, the tickets for Serenity haven't gone on sale whereas the Prime tickets went on sale on the Sunday of Fusion.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:56 AM



Originally posted by Wren:

Originally posted by fireflyfanUK:
i posted at about 15 differnt buffy/firefly forums asking, no, begging people to try and get me nathans autograph. do you think i remembered i was a member of this forum at the time ?? no :( i couldnt make it down to blackpool, i had no money :( im glad all that went had such a smashing time tho :) and thanks wren for sharing pics with us :) the news of a possible sarenity shindig has got me a little less depressed. i might still be in with a chance of meeting my idol (nathan) after all. anyone have anymore info on that??

No proper info at present. The idea is to keep it small so we can spend a bit of time with the guests. A steward told me 500, but other people are quoting 1000 tickets.
Sean (the organiser) has already spoken to Nathan, Summer and Jewel. They have indicated they would be interested in going. I was also told that they are trying to get Adam Baldwin.
Sean cannot provide a date at present because he has to fit it around the filming, release and promotion of Serenity.
Stewards at the Blackpool shindig are allegadly getting first dibs on tickets. There is a lot of interest so I think tickets will sell quickly.

Have you tried e-bay for an autographed picture? People often get a couple of pictures signed and sell them on. I know they have one of Jewel and another of Nathan as Caleb on there.

I expect to see dvd sales rise this week. Lots of the Buffy fans had never seen Firefly. Having met the crew and had a talking to from us Browncoats they are now intending to buy the dvd. Everyone thought Nathan, Jewel and Summer were wonderful, though the Buffy people think Nathan has a bum fixation. This is because he kept making insider jokes about Trash.

Im glad more and more people are starting to turn over to firefly now. i was a fan from the begining because i have allways been a fan of nathan, he is my idol and my inspiration.

thanks for the tip about e bay, i will try it. it would be great to get a personal autograph, and actually meet him tho, but i will try.

im glad everyone said he was a nice guy, it would have been a little disalusioning if he wasnt. you now how it is when you idolize somone, you think they are the greatest, but if you find out they arnt it can be a little upsetting. ark at me, i sound more and more like stalker boy everyday lol.

thanks again everyone for shareing the fusion info, and i will have to keep an eye out for news about the serenity shinding. i hate to think how much tickets will cost :(

thanks again


ps. join my new forum please :) i need members, its an ego thing :)


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:48 AM



Originally posted by hel:

Quick question - why didn't you move closer to the stage??

Erm, I am assuming you didn't read this properly because I never actually mentioned where I was sitting. Despite that, I did change seats but the reverberations were just as bad where ever I sat.


Ummmm, I thought that the only licensed bit of merchandise is the DVD and what the autograph photo guys were selling.

True, but I had expected some of the dealers to be selling other photos and I had expected a t-shirt with Firefly and the shindig details on it. Saying that on Sunday one of the dealers produced some air brushed Firefly shirts with Firefly across the top and planets underneath. Unfortunately they were priced at £25 which was out of my price range.


And a bunch of us thought it was really good.
Each to their own, I suppose.

True enough, after all there are people who don't like Firefly!!!!!!!


As I missed some of his talk - was it "2 Guys and a Girl" or "MissMatch" - just cos I meant to ask him a question about MissMatch and didn't get the chance.

It was Two guys and a girl. He also said that during his time on the show he loved doing it but hated the early starts.


I heard that once your number had been called they were letting people in. Maybe I heard wrong

I am assuming you mean you could go in at anytime once your batch was called.
They may have been letting people in, but they were not suppose too. The reason being that if they called batch 1-100 and 50 of those people didn't turned up, they didn't want them turning up during the 500-600 session and delaying it for the people who had bothered to turn up on time. When the batch numbers 1400-1600 came up for Firefly only people with those numbers should have queued, the people under 1400 had missed their chance. The exception was people who were caught up elsewhere, such as another autograph room.


That's not true - Clare and Nikolaus were always called by raffle ticket number.

Fair enough, I only saw the sign on the Sunday so assumed they had run through the ticket numbers, and had moved onto the raffle system to give those that hadn't made it for the ticket numbers a chance.


I was told that you could only go in once your number had been called, regardless of whether you had kids with you, or were disabled or whatever.

Sorry, I wasn't very clear here. Yes your number batch was suppose to be called first, but once it was if you had children or were handicapped you moved to the front of your batch queue.
However, some stewards were letting the handicapped and families through even if their numbers weren't called, this happened to us for the Emma Caulfield signings.


Dunno about ticket numbers - am guessing that it'll be in London (which is where Starfury hold most of their conventions) in which case it'll be around 600-700 people.

The steward I was talking too (and I have no idea how 'in the know' he was) said it would probably be London, but Sean was wanting to do something in Manchester so it might be there.
A lot of people, including me, liked Blackpool so fingers crossed they will go back there.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:48 AM



Originally posted by heb:
He was also aked if he had based Caleb on the president and I can't remember exactly what he said here but he said he didn't want to get into politics, but not so much.

Sensibel guy - i wish Baldwin would have followed suit.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:00 PM


Dont forget at White Room there is so far one other Firefly guest announced Johnathan Woodward, aka Tracy, who was also in Buffy and Angel.

for more info on all cons see

I had an awesome time, and was totally bowled over by Summer Glau, what a sweetie.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:00 PM


Going back to Nathan flipping Jewel the bird in numerous and varied ways ("always different!"), I was in the queue to get Jewel's autograph when Nathan shouted over, "Hey Jewel, I want to show you something"... and did it again!

Oh I have a couple of extra photos signed, I'll pop 'em on eBay this week.

All the guests were lovely, but I have to say that Nathan really made the weekend for me, he was so sweet and highly entertaining. Great con, I'll be going again!!


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:12 PM


Well first time posting here, I lurk, a lot. But since I also went to Fusion I feel like I should share.

Anyways, this was my fourth convention, and I knew this one was gonna be a great one! I feel like I had lots of interaction with the cast since they kept on recognizing and complementing me. I laughed my ass of went my friend commented on Nathan's flower shirt friday and I did the same thing on saturday, I asked if he liked flowers and then he looked at his shirt and said he liked the pink and then I said very manly hehe and then sunday he wore a black shirt. Other funny story is the fact that my friend actually commented on the "playboy picture" they saled there, he looked at the pic and said oh cos of the package en then pointed at his own hmm you know thingy, oh that was so funny! He also said that he liked the picture of him and me together, he said it looked really good, so I was very happy about that one.

Jewel, what can I, I love her, actually I love them all, but she's really special, during our photo we had problems since she so small and I am tall, so i said that I was taller and al she did was laugh, a very weird and funny laugh. Then I told her to have a nice weeknd and again she didn't say anything just lauhged that weird laugh, which cracks me up everytime i think of it, but in the end she thanked me.

Summer is the most sweetest thing I have ever seen, I didn't think that anybody could top Amy Acker but she did, their likeness is scary since their clothing is the same and she kept saying the same stuff Amy always tells me. She said she loved my shirt on saturday and said that I was such a good dresser on sunday and she agreed when Nathan said he liked my pic of him and me.

Theres a lot more but im tired and keep forgetting stuff but I can absolutelu say that these people are the BEST! I love them, they are friendly, funny, cute, hot, interesting and they love us too so thats the best thing of it all.

Btw just wanted to say, im from the netherlands and I im like the only die hard firefly fan here so im proud!


Hey Jewel!


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:48 AM




Ummmm, I thought that the only licensed bit of merchandise is the DVD and what the autograph photo guys were selling.

True, but I had expected some of the dealers to be selling other photos and I had expected a t-shirt with Firefly and the shindig details on it. Saying that on Sunday one of the dealers produced some air brushed Firefly shirts with Firefly across the top and planets underneath. Unfortunately they were priced at £25 which was out of my price range.

From what I've heard - the dealers ain't allowed to sell photos if the guests are appearing at that con.
Also, the only licensed stuff was what the photo selling bods had, so it wouldn't have mattered if there had been other stuff, cos it wouldn't have been signed!

Yeah, was well gutted about the t-shirt. I found out after teh deealers room had shut.
Oh well, maybe next time!



And a bunch of us thought it was really good.
Each to their own, I suppose.

True enough, after all there are people who don't like Firefly!!!!!!!

Shocking, just shocking! they need to be converted *g*



As I missed some of his talk - was it "2 Guys and a Girl" or "MissMatch" - just cos I meant to ask him a question about MissMatch and didn't get the chance.

It was Two guys and a girl. He also said that during his time on the show he loved doing it but hated the early starts.

oh well!
Will just have to ask him if / when he comes back over.



Dunno about ticket numbers - am guessing that it'll be in London (which is where Starfury hold most of their conventions) in which case it'll be around 600-700 people.

The steward I was talking too (and I have no idea how 'in the know' he was) said it would probably be London, but Sean was wanting to do something in Manchester so it might be there.
A lot of people, including me, liked Blackpool so fingers crossed they will go back there.

Nah, I think you'll find that Starfury:Prime is the con that will be 'up north' and that the others will all be in London.
It'd be nice if there were enough fans to fill the Norbreck, but don't think it's gonna happen just yet *g*

Summer is coming to Halloween = Starfury: The White Room


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 5:21 AM



Originally posted by hel:
[ Saying that on Sunday one of the dealers produced some air brushed Firefly shirts with Firefly across the top and planets underneath. Unfortunately they were priced at £25 which was out of my price range.

Didn't see the Firefly shirts as we had to go home, but the same guy did a really excellent dalek shirt for my son, I got his card and will ask about the Firefly ones. Worth saving up for if they were as good as the dalek!


Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:22 PM


Thought you may be interested in seeing some photos from the Blackpool shindig!

To my shame I'd not seen Firefly before the weekend, so didn't really bother taking photos of Jewel and Summer. There are plenty of Nathan though!! I've since bought and watched the DVD (as have most others from the weekend I suspect)and will be loading up on camera film in time for the Serenity convention!!

Kat x


Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:28 AM


I was in the second row...

it was Pnumatic....

it has a sort of mental image i love

Oh look.. my nose comes off


Thursday, May 13, 2004 8:45 AM


hi sorry big summer fan and just wanted to say she went on about been a pony and jewel just looked at her like she was crazy i saw ur daughter sneez on emma we were in the qeue for Elizabeth Anne Allen and my friend, huge Emma fan, was like that is so not fair i want that much attention and awww how cute is dat babby alos thought i'd help out and say that the deal is with fox that universal can't bring out a t.v seris but if firefly becomes popular they will bring it out again so you know oh and u spelt nicks name wrong its Nicholas Brendon sorry to do that but big buffy fan too lol sorry to be a pain any how im amg and bye

my what now


Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:32 AM


Ooops, apologies to Nick and all the Buffy fans for my poor spelling.






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