Ran into a guy from Fox at the airport

UPDATED: Sunday, June 1, 2008 05:35
VIEWED: 23228
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:51 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by Vertigo:
you sir, are a genius!


I'd like to suggest a self questioning session if you will?

Suppose the exec was on his way to meet with higher up execs after a particularly grand meeting with Joss and his feelings were pretty good about anything Joss did. Suppose he had the opportunity to recommend that Fox execs higher up than he pay attention to Joss' stuff, even former stuff. That that way might lie money and good ratings. But he was accosted at the airport by someone who made him feel exactly the opposite about Joss and Joss' fans and stuff and that now his feelings had totally changed. In fact, he felt like recommending that Fox not even pursue much with Joss because his fans were intimidating, ill-informed and pushy. Therefore any discussions about reviving Firefly would be off the table permanently. Would you still consider him a genius?

I'm not saying that this is so... it's likely not at all. But what if it were?

Each one of us speaks for the larger whole and represents us all.
Is this what we want seen and heard? Really?
Do we want our chances improved or harmed?

I was there you were not. I'm an active duty COMBAT VET! and a Firefly fanatic. I play no PC "Bovine Scatology" with ANYBODY! This guy tried to impress me that he was somebody. I put him in his place, and feel it was the right thing to do. Should I have like some have suggested beg at his feet to bring Firefly back? PLEASE! Somebody has to stand for their beliefs. I haven't watched Fox, Fox News, went to a 20th Century Fox movie. So put your money where your mouth is Pal! TV and movies are driven by money. Not platitudes, pandering and arse kissing! Oh and numb-nutz I was not "pushy or ill-informed". I DID NOT ACCOST HIM EITHER. I told him in a calm voice I was displeased at his companies actions.
Did you read my post?
Frankly FollowMal, your a boob and you need some testicular fortitude enhancement!(I wanted to type something else)

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:01 AM


It's people like you who give browncoats a bad name.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM


You like FOLLOWMAL didn't read what I typed. You formed a fantasy in your tiny brains what happenned. Read my response to that ill-informed boob. I told him in a calm voice my displeasure with Fox. If i accosted him I probably would have been arrested. Which didn't happen. Take off Hoser!

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:05 AM


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 11:01

His Quote: It's people like you who give browncoats a bad name.

Hey get over it. Obviously you have no life outside a TV show? Browncoats a bad name? Its fiction hello? Did you join the independents? No, because it's Science FICTION. You have gotten wrap up in someones creation. Can I say Jonestown? The doomesday cult? Be a fan not a fanatic! You have taken a love of a TV show to a possible addiction? Am I right? Bet you own a stormtrooper costume too? Seriously some of you people in here need jobs, hobbies or professional help! Jeez! Get over it!

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:09 AM



Originally posted by biggestdamnhero:
I was there you were not. I'm an active duty COMBAT VET! and a Firefly fanatic. I play no PC "Bovine Scatology" with ANYBODY! This guy tried to impress me that he was somebody. I put him in his place, and feel it was the right thing to do.

As you say, you were there, I was not. I would not have handled this situation as you did. This is a discussion board, I can say what I think about your actions since you posted them publicly. You be satisfied with your actions, I'll be bothered by them. Ok?

By the by, I have the utmost respect for vets and would like to say thank you for your service.


Should I have like some have suggested beg at his feet to bring Firefly back? PLEASE! Somebody has to stand for their beliefs.

I nor anyone else here suggested anyone beg for more Firefly/Serenity. That wouldn't work either.
But I would have told the guy about our fandom and it's charity work and that we're hoping for more and looking forward to what Joss is going to do with them. I would have told him I owned the DVD's, was planning on buying the Blu-Ray version and hoped they'd give us more. I would have charmed him with my long eyelashes and hoped he'd have said... yeah... we're interested in doing more FF with Joss, because the DVD's sell so very well! My belief is that antagonizing anyone and making them feel uncomfortable will not gain you a friend, but being a friendly person just might.
That's not begging or giving up your beliefs, that's being a friendly person, that's all.


I haven't watched Fox, Fox News, went to a 20th Century Fox movie.

I am not a fan of Fox News nor of the news right now, lol. So I can join you on that one, but I do watch Fox ( Bones is great! and New Amsterdam is interesting! ) and I go to movies made by 20th Century Fox. I also watch my Firefly DVD's and they were put out by 20th Century Fox too, bless 'em!


So put your money where your mouth is Pal! TV and movies are driven by money. Not platitudes, pandering and arse kissing!

I do put my money where my mouth is, I buy FF/S DVD's and share them with family, friends, libraries, nursing homes, women's shelters, and fire stations all the time. I have since I've arrived before the movie was released. I've campaigned and guerrilla marketed hard for more of FF/S too and continue to be active in and give to Browncoat charities. No platitudes from me, nor pandering nor arse kissing... not for you either.
I just do what I feel is right and say what I feel is right.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:13 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by biggestdamnhero:
I was there you were not. I'm an active duty COMBAT VET! and a Firefly fanatic. I play no PC "Bovine Scatology" with ANYBODY! This guy tried to impress me that he was somebody. I put him in his place, and feel it was the right thing to do.

As you say, you were there, I was not. I would not have handled this situation as you did. This is a discussion board, I can say what I think about your actions since you posted them publicly. You be satisfied with your actions, I'll be bothered by them. Ok?

By the by, I have the utmost respect for vets and would like to say thank you for your service.


Should I have like some have suggested beg at his feet to bring Firefly back? PLEASE! Somebody has to stand for their beliefs.

I nor anyone else here suggested anyone beg for more Firefly/Serenity. That wouldn't work either.
But I would have told the guy about our fandom and it's charity work and that we're hoping for more and looking forward to what Joss is going to do with them. I would have told him I owned the DVD's, was planning on buying the Blu-Ray version and hoped they'd give us more. I would have charmed him with my long eyelashes and hoped he'd have said... yeah... we're interested in doing more FF with Joss, because the DVD's sell so very well! My belief is that antagonizing anyone and making them feel uncomfortable will not gain you a friend, but being a friendly person just might.
That's not begging or giving up your beliefs, that's being a friendly person, that's all.


I haven't watched Fox, Fox News, went to a 20th Century Fox movie.

I am not a fan of Fox News nor of the news right now, lol. So I can join you on that one, but I do watch Fox ( Bones is great! and New Amsterdam is interesting! ) and I go to movies made by 20th Century Fox. I also watch my Firefly DVD's and they were put out be 20th Century Fox too, bless 'em!


So put your money where your mouth is Pal! TV and movies are driven by money. Not platitudes, pandering and arse kissing!

I do put my money where my mouth is, I buy FF/S DVD's and share them with family, friends, libraries, nursing homes, women's shelters, and fire stations all the time. I have since I've arrived before the movie was released. I've campaigned and guerrilla marketed hard for more of FF/S too and continue to be active in and give to Browncoat charities. No platitudes from me, nor pandering nor arse kissing... not for you either.
I just do what I feel is right and say what I feel is right.

Just so you know after reading your response I agree with you. apologies. he stated who he was. I stated what I liked and showed displeasure with what his company did. I did not beliitle a total stranger. He was a nice guy, who tried to awe me with his credentials, which happenned to be FOX. Bad timing on his part. Oops sat next to a Firefly fan, darn! He moved after I told him I have basically boycotted Fox. He moved I didn't force him to. Hope we can still be browncoats together. No hard feelings just got out of hand defending myself. Hope you understand. Take care.

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:16 AM



Originally posted by biggestdamnhero:
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 11:01

His Quote: It's people like you who give browncoats a bad name.

Hey get over it. Obviously you have no life outside a TV show? Browncoats a bad name? Its fiction hello? Did you join the independents? No because it's Science FICTION. You have taken a love of a TV show to a posible addiction? Am I right? Bet you own a stormtrooper costume too? Seriously some of you people in here need jobs, hobbies or professional help! Jeez! Get over it!

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of

This would be amusing if it weren't so sad. Next time you feel the need to chime in for browncoats everywhere, please don't.

As far taking things too far, I'm not the one claiming to be the 'biggest damn hero'. Egotistical much?


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:20 AM



Originally posted by BookReader:

Originally posted by biggestdamnhero:
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 11:01

His Quote: It's people like you who give browncoats a bad name.

Hey get over it. Obviously you have no life outside a TV show? Browncoats a bad name? Its fiction hello? Did you join the independents? No because it's Science FICTION. You have taken a love of a TV show to a posible addiction? Am I right? Bet you own a stormtrooper costume too? Seriously some of you people in here need jobs, hobbies or professional help! Jeez! Get over it!

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of

This would be amusing if it weren't so sad. Next time you feel the need to chime in for browncoats everywhere, please don't.

As far taking things too far, I'm not the one claiming to be the 'biggest damn hero'. Egotistical much?

Because bigdamnhero was taken. Don't worry I won't because if the rest of the fans are like you. I'm glad it didn't do as well as it did. Keep the numbers like you down to a minimum

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:25 AM



Originally posted by biggestdamnhero:
Frankly FollowMal, your a boob and you need some testicular fortitude enhancement!(I wanted to type something else)

You formed a fantasy in your tiny brains what happenned.

Hey get over it. Obviously you have no life outside a TV show?

My apologies! Clearly you're not a person to be "antagonistic" or use a "confrontational" tone - an impression I somehow formed after reading your initial post. Alas, I was so wrong!

Now that I've heard more from you, I feel nothing but warm and safe and comfy chatting with you, and I'll listen to any and all of your suggestions with eager, joyous enthusiam. What's more, I know I can share my own thoughts without fear of belligerent, petulant replies. Yay! What a lovey fandom! Why doesn't everyone join!?!

(I know, sarcasm is horrible and I should be buried in a shallow grave... I guess I have much in common with you BDH - it felt good so I just had to say it LOL!)

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:33 AM


Due, seriously, you have no idea how much damage you could have done to the chances of us getting any more Firefly from Fox. Fox owns the rights. Joss is going back to work with Fox. You ripped someone from Fox that works in development, someone that one day may be sitting across the table from Joss. Hopefully if that day ever comes, he will have forgotten all about you and your little diatribe. This guy in all likelihood didn't even work at Fox six years ago. I know none of this matters because you got to play alpha male and mark your territory. You could have been nice, but that seems to be out of character. Too bad, you could have made a friend, but instead you chose to be belligerent. There have been a lot of people behind the scenes trying to build up some good will between Fox and Joss. Hopefully you didn't screw things up too badly.

It's truly shocking to see how many people think it is a good idea to irritate the very people who may have the say in bringing the show back in some form or another.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:40 AM


One of you is gonna fall and die and I'm not cleaning it up.

I think we can all chill a little, there's obviously some shenanigans afoot. But a surprisingly good discussion came from it....

Suspicious Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:43 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
One of you is gonna fall and die and I'm not cleaning it up.

Suspicious Chrisisall


Sorry, I cannot abide people whose egos and stupidity threatens our chances of getting more Firefly.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:53 AM


I am afraid I have to go along with FM on this one.

As always!

eta - sounds like we need a little milk and cookies in this here thread!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:56 AM



Originally posted by BiggestDamnHero:
Frankly FollowMal, your a boob and you need some testicular fortitude enhancement!(I wanted to type something else)

You formed a fantasy in your tiny brains what happenned.

Hey get over it. Obviously you have no life outside a TV show?


Originally posted by BiggestDamnHero:

Just so you know after reading your response I agree with you. apologies. he stated who he was. I stated what I liked and showed displeasure with what his company did. I did not beliitle a total stranger. He was a nice guy, who tried to awe me with his credentials, which happenned to be FOX. Bad timing on his part. Oops sat next to a Firefly fan, darn! He moved after I told him I have basically boycotted Fox. He moved I didn't force him to. Hope we can still be browncoats together. No hard feelings just got out of hand defending myself. Hope you understand. Take care.

Paul, I'm not sure which of these posts to address, but I have to say my need to "chill" as Chris says ( hey, he said he wouldn't clean it up! ) inspires me to say one thing in humor to the first one and then answer the second one and then finish with a comment.

I don't have testicles, I'm a she. I don't usually gender differentiate, don't find it necessary, except this thought is humorous to me today for some reason and my employees would whistle and walk away and be worried for you.

Now on to what you said in reply to me...
thank you for that. I knew when I responded to this thread that what I had to say would likely make you feel attacked and I hoped good would come from it anyway. I wasn't attacking, just disagreeing and truly being bothered by the amount of people jumping on the f***k Fox bandwagon. That's dangerous for us now.
Nuff said.

There's lots of different ways to discuss things on a board, you can be sarcastic, caustic, trollish, kind, sincere and funny. I'm gonna go back to having fun now, having had my say. I hope you'll stick around, check out some Browncoat charities and groups and see what all we're doing, and I hope next time you meet up with a Fox exec you'll shake his hand heartily and thank him for FF and ask him for more sincerely.


Originally posted by chrisisall:
One of you is gonna fall and die and I'm not cleaning it up.

I think we can all chill a little, there's obviously some shenanigans afoot. But a surprisingly good discussion came from it....

Suspicious Chrisisall

Shenanigans? I like shenanigans...



Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:01 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I am afraid I have to go along with FM on this one.

As always!

eta - sounds like we need a little milk and cookies in this here thread!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Hey, since you're goin' along with me and all, can I have the Cap'n's 'coat back? I'll trade you this hat I got from Jayne, whatdya say?

ETA cookies...cuz we need 'em and because they are further inducement to give me back that gorramn 'coat!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:06 PM


We're a diverse fandom. Not everyone is going to act the way you'd like. Personally if I meet a Fox exec I'll be taking the same action as BiggestDamnHero. I'm speaking my mind not trying to hide the way I really feel.

I also can't say that I really want to see more Firefly on Fox. They did enough the first time around. I'll take no Firefly over bad Firefly. I don't want the verse stained by a new series that gets manhandled by executives who think they know better than the producers. No thank you.

Do you really think Fox has changed so much since the days when Firefly was canceled? Drive got killed off pretty darn quickly if I recall. The Sarah Conner Chronicles barely survived and they have a huge established fanbase already.

I will be completely shocked if history doesn't repeat itself with Dollhouse. I'll be there to watch, but I think the best chance it has is to be another Tru Calling. Yay maybe we'll get half of a second season that doesn't even start to air before they decide to pull the plug.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:17 PM


biggestdamnhero did something many of us (myself, especially!) have to be careful not to do:

He let out his inner Mal.

I understand completely the reflexive, gut reaction to his encounter with Mr. F*X Suit. I even cheered him on, mentally, as I read his anecdote. After all, Mal, his own self, tends to frequent Alliance bars on Unification day, and, he doesn't try to talk reason with the folks who cancelled his independence.

However, in the real world, we don't always have the option of indulging our inner BDH. My first thought was "This guy probably wasn't even in on the game of corporate musical chairs F*X plays, when Firefly was axed."

Granted, Mr. Suit still came up with the pat response, based either on what he thought he knew, or, a patronizing surmise, which earned him a sharp smack on the back of the brainpan. But, FollowMal was correct; this was an opportunity lost to present a better impression of the fandom to someone who might could influence an important decision, later.

I don't blame biggestdamnhero for what he did and said (except not keeping that business card). I do regret that he wasn't able to exploit the situation to OUR strategic advantage.

Hindsight is always 20/20. All this learning experience cost us was an opportunity lost. It may serve us all well in the future, should another such arise.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:20 PM



Originally posted by Raycheetah:
Hindsight is always 20/20. All this learning experience cost us was an opportunity lost. It may serve us all well in the future, should another such arise.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike

Hear hear!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:32 PM


My Dearest Darling FollowMal-
Whilst I hold you in the higest affection and would follow you anywhere, I must regretfully decline your lovely invitation to trade my turnipy coat for your cunning hat. For you see, I can not be blamed if some dum dum gives me the wrong coat.....and the Captain does so love to watch me nekid pyre dance in nuthin but it.

Kisses and hugs


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:53 PM


This has been an interesting rollercoaster ride. To tell the truth, if the guy is hanging around the airport bar and not the VIP lounge, it's likely that he is a middle manager in a cube farm with little to say about what Fox does.

TO be sure, when he got back to the mother ship, he'll a story to tell all the other middle managers about how life was unfair, he was just doing his job, etc....

The interesting thing is the excitement this caused. There is still a lot of fire and enthuiasm out in the Verse. Back in the day when I was a young Star Trek fan (TOS) and they cancelled that series for similar reasons, what brought back the movies (some good, some bad), spin off series and a whole bunch of conventions was that fire and excitement. Paramount figured out that there were a lot of intense people out there that wanted a product they could produce. They finally made a good decision.

We can follow that example. The initiator of this post handled it differently than I would have. I am glad he spoke up, other folks might have just let it pass. I hope I and others get the chance to speak up too. I hope Fox is smarter than Paramount and move quicker, but if not, we don't have to let it get us down. We'll out last them!

As one combat vet to another, first, thanks for serving. Secondly, remember that those that have served in combat see things with a different viewpoint. The one of the reasons we (or at least I) did it is so that differing viewpoints can be heard.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:32 PM


Excellent job. You shoved a piece of the Browncoat mentality down F*X's throat. You should've kept the card, though, and posted the number on this site.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:32 PM


Excellent job. You shoved a piece of the Browncoat mentality down F*X's throat. You should've kept the card, though, and posted the number on this site.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:32 PM


Excellent job. You shoved a piece of the Browncoat mentality down F*X's throat. You should've kept the card, though, and posted the number on this site.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:32 PM


Excellent job. You shoved a piece of the Browncoat mentality down F*X's throat. You should've kept the card, though, and posted the number on this site.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:32 PM


Excellent job. You shoved a piece of the Browncoat mentality down F*X's throat. You should've kept the card, though, and posted the number on this site.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1:32 PM


Excellent job. You shoved a piece of the Browncoat mentality down F*X's throat. You should've kept the card, though, and posted the number on this site.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:25 PM




Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:32 PM


BiggestDamnHero, I salute your balls (wait, maybe I should rephrase that. Too late.), but I shake my head in disbelieve at your brains.
Every Browncoat represents us all, so it's better to make favorable impressions.
I'm not saying you should have kissed that guy's ass, but I AM saying that there was no need to take it out on a person that had nothing to do with FF's cancellation in the first place. He probably only knew very little about our beloved show, assumed it had been cancelled for low ratings because it obviously is the most likely reason, and then you went and jumped ass first at his unsuspecting face. I would have left in his place, too, but not in defeat, but because I'd have thought you were a nutcase who's taking out his rage for something I had nothing to do with whatsoever on me.
In your place, I probably would have told the man in a non-fanboyish fashion what a great show Firefly is, how the fanbase of Firefly has grown over the last few years despite its cancellation, how willing we are to spend money on ANYTHING Firefly, and that I just can't believe Fox could have cancelled a great show such as Firefly, and then I'd have asked him if he as an "insider" could imagine why they treated Firefly so badly. You know, draw him in, not scare him away.
I bet your ballsy behaviour led to some very negative water cooler discussions at the Fox office the next day - chit chat that could have aided our cause had you left a favorable impression, especially if you had gotten him interested with the question of why Fox treated the show so badly - he actually might have checked that out, even if only at the water cooler.
I'm all for sticking it to "the man", but I find that diplomacy works much better, and I don't take something out on someone had nothing to do with it. Chose wisely when to use your balls and when to use your brains.
I know for a fact that listening to my balls only gets me into trouble, even if there is some instant gratification in it.

To put it a fancy metaphoric-like way: We all love Jayne, but we sure as hell don't want him to do the talking for us.

"Dude, you never wanna f*ck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:35 PM


I certainly hope that comment was directed towards the FOX guy... we all love the person who hurts and offends FOX

Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:56 PM



Originally posted by tlacook:

And then some.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:58 PM



Originally posted by Blueredgreen:
I certainly hope that comment was directed towards the FOX guy... we all love the person who hurts and offends FOX

Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng!

Does this include Joss Whedon? You do know he's going back to work with them, don't you?


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:22 PM


OK, this reminds me of a guy I know who went to a pretentious annoying English University and had to sit through several pretentious annoying dinners with pretentious annoying people much like this Fox guy. For my friend, speaking his mind was not an option. His solution? He and his girlfriend would come up with some absurd phrase and spend the night trying to make the highbrow idiots say it. Like: it's really a shame about the rabbits and the trees.

Stuff like that makes it possible to be nice to someone who doesn't deserve it. You still get to have your fun.

And, who knows, it might have turned out that the exec was a nice guy who just needed warming up. Or even - maybe he was talking big to try to impress you because he thought you were cute. Airport bathroom stalls, you know.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:25 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
My Dearest Darling FollowMal-
Whilst I hold you in the higest affection and would follow you anywhere, I must regretfully decline your lovely invitation to trade my turnipy coat for your cunning hat. For you see, I can not be blamed if some dum dum gives me the wrong coat.....and the Captain does so love to watch me nekid pyre dance in nuthin but it.

Kisses and hugs


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Damn! I had to try...

xxxooo back!!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 5:34 PM


It is totally directed at the unthinking fool who started this thread.

If you don't ever want more of the 'verse from the only folks who can actually give you more of it, keep up the antagonism.

Hopefully, this development guy will be generous and not paint the entire fandom with the brush of this obnoxious moron, but it isn't likely.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:00 PM


To think I missed this interesting thread while I was at work today. I think I need a mug of Mudder's Milk after getting through all this.

I have to agree with FM. I've known her a while and she's got a good head on her shoulders. When ever things get heated she's the cool rational one with the good idea. And she's a Firefly/Serenity guerilla marketer extraordinare.

Every customer service seminar I've been to says that every negative comment is talked about more than the good ones. And to maintain your cool even if you're seething inside. It's a very hard thing to do.

The F@!x guy may have been in middle management, pretentous and not there when Firefly was cancelled but things do have a way of traveling.

Just had to get my two cents in.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:23 PM


Even if that guy did not work at Fox in 2002, he still would need to be delusional to think the decisions made then were to the best benefit of Fox and it's bottom line. If he is even willing to argue that Fox made the right decision, he is a complete backbirth.
Regarding the debate over tactics, I'm still on the fence.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:43 AM



Originally posted by tlacook:
It is totally directed at the unthinking fool who started this thread.

If you don't ever want more of the 'verse from the only folks who can actually give you more of it, keep up the antagonism.

Hopefully, this development guy will be generous and not paint the entire fandom with the brush of this obnoxious moron, but it isn't likely.

Yeah! It would be much better to paint the picture of a fandom who flames each other over differences of opinion and can't even be civil with each other. From now on you just tell everyone else what to do.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:56 AM



It would be much better to paint the picture of a fandom who flames each other over differences of opinion and can't even be civil with each other.

Do you think that civility should be extended to the people who have in their power to bring us more of the 'Verse? Or should we continue to piss them off, as TOP did?


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:05 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by BookReader:
Do you think that civility should be extended to the people who have in their power to bring us more of the 'Verse? Or should we continue to piss them off, as TOP did?

Well that depends, doesn't it?

Do we want to be seen as a fandom that is worth the trouble of bringing us more of the 'verse (e.g. the Trekkies who have been significantly well fed in their genre), or do we want to be seen as uncouth rabble-rousers who can't seem to get past a five-year-old-tantrum-in-the-supermarket mentality?

What I can't believe is that it's been five years and we're still having this discussion.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:13 AM


*FMF strolls into the thread pushing her milk and cookie cart before her*

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:20 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
*FMF strolls into the thread pushing her milk and cookie cart before her*


Good feeling is back.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:30 AM



Originally posted by BookReader:
Does this include Joss Whedon? You do know he's going back to work with them, don't you?

You realize he's doing that for Eliza Dusku right?

She has a contract with Fox and if he wants to work with her than he has to work with them too. Last I heard he also had a contract with Fox studios. I'm not sure if that expired or not yet, but it's possible he's still acting under that contract. I'm sure they give Fox network first dibs on anything they produce. So, it's not so much that Joss has forgiven Fox network. It's more that he wants to come back to television. He wants to work with talent. Fox is smart enough to sign contracts with talent.

I think we also need to make a distinction here. Fox studios are not bad people. It's the execs at the Fox network that have been consistently horrible. There may be different people in the offices but the decisions have still been just as bad. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me every couple years cause I think this show will be treated differently shame on me.


Originally posted by BookReader:

It would be much better to paint the picture of a fandom who flames each other over differences of opinion and can't even be civil with each other.

Do you think that civility should be extended to the people who have in their power to bring us more of the 'Verse? Or should we continue to piss them off, as TOP did?

Well that depends doesn't it? Do they work for Fox or do they work for a network who might give more of the verse an actual chance?

I'm all for telling Universal employees how great they are for how well that company treated Joss and the Browncoats. I'm not about to be a complete sell out just for a hope that maybe if everything fell exactly into place my being a sell out might possibly kinda maybe positively effect Firefly's chances to come back.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:49 AM


Joss working with Fox is Joss working with Fox, regardless of how it happened. Fox owns the rights to Firefly and nobody else. Call me crazy, but fans actively doing what they can to piss off the people who own the property isn't the brightest idea floating around. Maybe Fox will see the error of their ways and give it another shot. Probably not. But if we antagonize them at every opportunity they sure as hell won't.

Universal Studios will never make another Serenity movie. Never. What slim-to-none chance we had at that went out the door with Mary Parent when she went to Paramount. And how Universal marketed Serenity is pretty much criminal.

UniversalHD will continue to show reruns of the series, but they don't own the rights to the show. Fox does.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:04 AM


Very interesting thread.

Those who remember me (Yes, I've been silent on this Site for quite a while) can probably guess that I agree with FollowMal and the others who echoed the same sentiment. This was a lost opportunity, IMO, but blustering and arguing about it accomplishes nothing.

Here's hoping that reason and tact prevails if a similar situation arises.

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:17 AM



This was a lost opportunity, IMO, but blustering and arguing about it accomplishes nothing.

Here's hoping that reason and tact prevails if a similar situation arises.

That's pretty much the only reason I'm going on about this. Should someone else bump into someone who works at Fox --- like someone on this board, for instance --- they might want to think about making friends instead of burning bridges.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:34 AM


Somewhere out there are probably folks who are still pissed off that I Love Lucy was cancelled. As a Browncoat I would definitely NOT want to be associated with a group of people that has a general reputation for being either hostile or cultish. We don't have THAT reputation...yet...but if more folks behaved so rudely as in this incident, we would be stuck with that label forever. Remember what Shatner said while spoofing ST Fandom..." Get a life! "....People like Joss or Nathan would never say if our quiet and personal longings for more Firefly ever cross the line between mature behavior and boorish fanatiscism, then our movement will be over.


Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:05 AM


Nice one. That's one Fox employee who will now think Firefly fans are rude and obnoxious a**holes.

The people responsible for the cancellation have all left Fox since it happened anyway, so why be rude to someone who wasn't responsible?

Joss and Tim Minear were the ones who changed the running order of the show, not Fox. You don't even know what the hell you were talking about before being an a**hole!

If there was any remaining chance of anything coming back based on the Firefly 'verse (remote at best), it's behaviour like this that will get those plans shelved.

Grow up. That goes for everyone that is high-fiving 'biggestdamnhero' over this. It's s**t like this that makes the sensible majority of the Firefly fans look bad.


Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:40 AM



Originally posted by Kadoogan:
Joss and Tim Minear were the ones who changed the running order of the show, not Fox. You don't even know what the hell you were talking about before being an a**hole!

This is one of the "myths" of the fandom that has been perpetuated since the beginning. I remember when I first arrived I believed that the eps were reordered by Fox, that the movie was greenlit because the fandom brought it about ( the movie was greenlit before the sales of the Firefly DVD's made any difference, so fan action didn't bring it about ), our "done the impossible" mentality has been repeated over and over again until it's legend has grown beyond what people know to be fact.

This has concerned me a lot lately. I've read all over the 'Verse the truth about these things, yet I don't see anyone putting it in print where all the fans can have that knowledge too. I've wanted to say it, but feared backlash over it as well.
How do you say these truths, that negate so very much about what this fandom thinks it did?

I think it's much better to work from a center of true knowledge in a quest for anything. If you want more Firefly/Serenity it's important to know what's been done ( lots and lots and most of it didn't work ) and what is the truth about what did work. Then you can think of new things that no one has ever thought of before or tried. You also are armed with the knowledge necessary not to make the mistake of pissing off a Fox employee who might have gotten a different opinion. You will think of things that are positive for the fandom knowing what has gone before and what our reputation is.

Knowing these truths does not negate the fact that the DVD's of both Firefly and Serenity sell like hotcakes. That fan action is of utmost benefit. In fact it's the language the folks who can give us more understand the best.

Another plus side fan action is the CSTS screenings- which both do good works and quietly position us for more. Any and all Browncoat charities benefit both us and others. Local groups and our shindigs and get togethers keep us a connected and caring community.

There's lots of things we can do and lots of ways we can be. Positive action will get us more than negative action.

ETA for clarification:

To the best of my knowledge from facts I've gleaned from reading posts by Browncoats here at the beginning and a few "inside the business" Browncoats ( please don't mistake that I have first hand knowledge of this ) although the movie was greenlit and fans didn't have any more to do with getting Serenity than Joss or Mary Parent it was fan action that promoted the movie when Uni didn't do exactly a stellar job of that ( Uni requested that the fans help viral market the movie ) and it was the fans who bought ( in record #'s ) and spread the word of the Firefly DVD's thus encouraging Uni that they'd certainly made the right decision re: Serenity. I don't want to in any way diminish what the fans did do.


Thursday, April 17, 2008 5:18 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by Kadoogan:
Joss and Tim Minear were the ones who changed the running order of the show, not Fox. You don't even know what the hell you were talking about before being an a**hole!

This is one of the "myths" of the fandom that has been perpetuated since the beginning. I remember when I first arrived I believed that the eps were reordered by Fox, that the movie was greenlit because the fandom brought it about ( the movie was greenlit before the sales of the Firefly DVD's made any difference, so fan action didn't bring it about ), our "done the impossible" mentality has been repeated over and over again until it's legend has grown beyond what people know to be fact.

This has concerned me a lot lately. I've read all over the 'Verse the truth about these things, yet I don't see anyone putting it in print where all the fans can have that knowledge too. I've wanted to say it, but feared backlash over it as well.
How do you say these truths, that negate so very much about what this fandom thinks it did?

I think it's much better to work from a center of true knowledge in a quest for anything. If you want more Firefly/Serenity it's important to know what's been done ( lots and lots and most of it didn't work ) and what is the truth about what did work. Then you can think of new things that no one has ever thought of before or tried. You also are armed with the knowledge necessary not to make the mistake of pissing off a Fox employee who might have gotten a different opinion. You will think of things that are positive for the fandom knowing what has gone before and what our reputation is.

Knowing these truths does not negate the fact that the DVD's of both Firefly and Serenity sell like hotcakes. That fan action is of utmost benefit. In fact it's the language the folks who can give us more understand the best.

Another plus side fan action is the CSTS screenings- which both do good works and quietly position us for more. Any and all Browncoat charities benefit both us and others. Local groups and our shindigs and get togethers keep us a connected and caring community.

There's lots of things we can do and lots of ways we can be. Positive action will get us more than negative action.

ETA for clarification:

To the best of my knowledge from facts I've gleaned from reading posts by Browncoats here at the beginning and a few "inside the business" Browncoats ( please don't mistake that I have first hand knowledge of this ) although the movie was greenlit and fans didn't have any more to do with getting Serenity than Joss or Mary Parent it was fan action that promoted the movie when Uni didn't do exactly a stellar job of that ( Uni requested that the fans help viral market the movie ) and it was the fans who bought ( in record #'s ) and spread the word of the Firefly DVD's thus encouraging Uni that they'd certainly made the right decision re: Serenity. I don't want to in any way diminish what the fans did do.

To quote Mal... "Huh."

That's rather a major shift to my own worldview, FM. I certainly appreciate knowing the truth of the thing, even if it's not the "truth" I've clung to, for so long. Do we have any citations or other documentation of these statements? Not that I don't trust your word, far from it! I would just like to be able to point other folks in the correct direction, should it come up.

And, just to make sure I understand what your saying VERY clearly: Joss and Tim caused the episodes to air out of order? The BDM was greenlit before we fans had time to do anything to influence that decision?

'Cause, I know you're taking a big chance, saying that, and, if I don't want to be burned as a witch for repeating that, I want to be able to back up the truth with some proof.

Still, what we Browncoats believe about ourselves is powerful and important to who we are and what we do, sort of like the folklore that drives a nation. It may not be truthsome, but, it motivates the people to live up to their self-image, their ideal. That's why that "Done the Impossible" mentality keeps Firefly fans in the middle of so many other good things. We may sometimes weary of asking for more of our show, but, it doesn't keep us from sharing it with new folks, nor does it keep us from doing good things, not to get our show back, but, because it's what Browncoats do.

Intelligence and generosity... Along with energy and a little wacky fun... That's what we've built on the mythology of our fandom. I don't see that as such a bad thing, if we can keep our eye on the truth, as well.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Thursday, April 17, 2008 5:34 AM


I just double checked because I thought my brain must be missing.... but on the commentary for The Train Job - Joss says this at the beginning (may be missing a word here or there - I type fast but not THAT fast)..

The pilot was not aired until the very end of the series and Fox came to us and said hey we want an idea for a new show what if we aired something else first. And then on Friday afternoon, they called us and said Ok, Joss and Tim, we want a script by Monday and it has to be on our desks before we get in in the morning. So we had exactly two days to write an entire show... that introduced 9 characters who had very complicated lives and relationships..

Tim and Joss refer to "they" whenever they bring up the "aired it first" topic - if it was their decision surely they would have been saying "we"?

SO...according to Joss himself - FOX DID ask for a new ep to be aired before the pilot - not Joss. They also gave them next to no time to write it.

And I'm only going by what I heard here - but weren't the epsiodes also broken up because of something else being on tv - so they weren't on consistently every week - and was there a possible time change in there as well that contributed to the problem?

Just trying to get all the facts lined up here... not trying to argue with anyone. This is the first I've ever heard anyone say it was Joss' idea to air the eps out of order...


Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:28 PM


I think a whole lot of you guys are missing one crucial point. This guy didn't just hurt whatever chance might still exist of getting more from the 'Verse, he may have also damaged Joss's standing with the network as a whole, which could lead to really bad consequences for 'Dollhouse', although since Eliza's helping to produce the series, I think the network is going to be less 'trigger-happy' as it were when it comes to the series, especially since they already demonstrated their faith in her, Joss, and the concept by ordering 7 eps based on a * pitch *.

Check out the continuing adventures of the Big Damn Heroes of Joss Whedon's Firefly in [url=]Virtual Firefly: Here's How It Might Have Been[/url]


Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:14 PM


Well Done......


Thursday, April 17, 2008 7:37 PM


Honestly, if Fox became severely butthurt because of ONE guy, then they're idiots to begin with and probably too fickle to deal with anyway. Sure, honey is better than...whatever the metaphor is--lemon?--but whatever. Just learn from his incident and give Fox execs more honey to compensate. We don't need to hang this guy or anything, geez louise. He didn't doom us all. No ONE person is gonna ruin our chances except unless joss says "No more."

Just gonna say this, since it seems almost unfair that people are jumping all over him. We weren't there--he was. We don't know how he was (whether he was as rude as you guys think or if he just spoke his mind and the guy over-reacted), nor can we assume that someone's *posting* behavior on the internet equates to his behavior in the real world. Yes, he probably deserved some scolding for badmouthing FM or our fandom in general, but when we start name calling him (calling him an idiot) we're just lowering ourselves. I mean, really? I thought we were better than that--we ain't five years old! Let it go :)

What's done is done--we can't change that by getting all...bendy. Can't we all just get along? :)


"I can't get it right...get it right...since I met you."


Friday, April 18, 2008 3:40 AM


In my opinion, there's no justification for being a jack*ss, and especially not towards a complete stranger who unfortunately works for a network that screwed over a large and very passionate group of fans (us Browncoats). What this guy did gives all Browncoats - and fans of any TV series/production in general - a bad name, and, in this case, it not only hurts the chance of FF coming back, it also could possibly hurt Joss's current project (like I already said).

Check out the continuing adventures of the Big Damn Heroes of Joss Whedon's Firefly in [url=]Virtual Firefly: Here's How It Might Have Been[/url]


Friday, April 18, 2008 3:52 AM



Originally posted by FaithLovesPurple:
Yes, he probably deserved some scolding for badmouthing FM or our fandom in general, but when we start name calling him (calling him an idiot) we're just lowering ourselves.

He can badmouth me, FLP...this is a public board and I stated my opinion just like he did. He and I seemed to come to an understanding of where we both stood. :-) I left the conversation satisfied I'd said my piece and he had said his. When he posted what he did, he invited approval I'd wager. He may have even thought he'd get only approval... but some of us disagreed with him. That's the way of discussions.

I don't approve of name calling either or of saying mean things to each other. I think conversation that explores the sides everyone brings to the table is better. :-)






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