Brown Domination of the World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATED: Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:00
VIEWED: 17656
PAGE 2 of 2

Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:50 PM


Yeah Zoid I was trying to be as specific as I could about lawyers, my boss' daughter is gonna be one and she's a doll so I know they all aren't bad.

Maybe I should have been more specific like: We wanna avoid those Personal Injury Lawyer types who can convince you to sue yourself because your inner child is traumatized. I've seen them, they scare the bejeezus outta me.

As far as Fox execs go, I'm right there with you, shootin' is too good. But seeing as how I'm trying to be kindler and gentler I say we just make them sit in a locked room and watch Japanese game shows all day. Either they'll wind up all repentent like, or...well I shudder to think what the 'or' would be, I say we keep them in there till they repent. If it takes longer than a week then,"Oops dunno how that Raptor picked the lock, darn shame."

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Friday, April 30, 2004 1:04 AM


Sorry but somehow I don't think even Raptors would eat a Fox exec maybe some Critters just have to make sure they don't lay any eggs.


Friday, April 30, 2004 4:57 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I would gladly pledge my services to an Independent Browncoat nation. I would humbly submit myself as general of the Armies. May we never need them.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, April 30, 2004 5:56 AM


Well, Gunhand, I don't think you're going to have enough TIME to be both Chief, um, Re-allocator AND take care of the Lifesize Plastic Dinosaur Zoo, so I'll offer my services there.

Hailing from the midwest as I do, I think my qualifications for Warden of Plastic Dinos should be neigh'on impeachable. Though we tend to do them in concrete around here. But I'm flexible, and willing to take on the full responsiblities of tending to the wiley and irrascible critters.

And I'm very handy with a paint brush .

Ohhh - that could come in handy with the program, too! But I don't think I'll have enough time to do that - you know, taking care of the plastic dinos and watching good TV can just gobble time up! But maybe.....Channain might do well as Mistress of Disguise, or whatever title she may feel appropriate to the all-important re-habilitation of paint program.

Feminisim is the radical notion that women are people.


Friday, April 30, 2004 6:13 AM


Can I be the Minister of the Interior? Responsible for the day to day running of This Land? A TV (showing FF) in every home, a Brown Coat on every back -- things like that.

Please rise for the singing of our National Anthem:
Take my love
Take my land
...join in any time
Take me where I cannot stand....

Sniff! It's beautiful - This Land.

Nothing is ever so profoundly regretted as a kind act.
Robertson Davies


Friday, April 30, 2004 10:54 AM


I look forward to ThisLand. I suggest we have a secondary export of Blackmarket Beagles (they have smallish droppings). With BMBeagles and wobbly-headed Geisha dolls there is no way we can't survive!

I also recommend we all cover our homes in solar sheeting ala the Heart of Gold. It's economical and may make our community visible from space. Lord knows it'll improve our television reception.

If we ever need to punish someone we will tie them to a chair and either make them listen to Celine Dion sing that gorram Titanic song on repeat, or alternately watch all episode of 'The Littlest Groom' back to back. Eventually they will crack. Alternately hitting them repeatedly with sticks may be good. There will be no burning at the stake.

BTW: We must not forget our dear dear Tim Minear (that rhymed, hehe), and his beloved Wonderfalls. I say we erect the 'Surrender to Destiny' fountain in town square (right next to the statues of jayne and joss).

All hamsters will be named Simon. This is not optional.

I was gonna take the Plastic Dinosaur Zoo Keeper position, but it seems another midwesterner has taken up that cause (I'm always available for a stegosaurus repaint). Hmm.. not sure what I could do... I'm not against whoring for a living though.



Friday, April 30, 2004 11:49 AM


Just a thought the Raptors may not eat Fox execs but reavers just might now if this land had a canyon where we could keep some. To help efforts I have begun a new company to be made available to "this land" people immediatly.

Wizzler C.E.O.

"This land pest control" : Keeping Fox exec populations down since 2004


Friday, April 30, 2004 7:14 PM


Just a little *bump*. This topic should NEVER DIE!!!

This Land is my land, This Land is your.... aww gorrammit, I HATE that song, it just fit so well, in a pun sort of way. (How I pun-ish myself :P )

As Minister of Videogames, I hereby proclaim that there shall be a Firefly based game, and it will be one of few actually GOOD games based on tv-shows or movies. It will be REAL GOOD.

You can play the crew of Serenity as they go on numerous heists. Loads of fun.

I also ask for a large grant in holodeck technology research. Entertainment technology has soo far to go! Think of all the intelligent programming, both games AND shows, we can do in three dimensions!

~AFf, minister of videogames, This Land

Keep flying


Friday, April 30, 2004 7:31 PM


Oh trust me I don't have the time or patience to rustle dinosaurs, even plastic ones, so y'all can thumbwrestle over that one.

I'll be too busy dodging Browncoat1 and paperwork when he realises the Cavalry has gone missing for a few days at a time and all of a sudden there's a beach swap meet being run out of the back of a comandeered UPS tru...ooops I almost said too much.

And as far as the Celine Dion Titanic theme song punishment...I'm taking it we're going to allow cruel and unusual punishment then? I better get to work on figuring out some more cruel and/or unusual ones then. But that song as a punishment...that's downright mean, vile and bloodcurdling. I like how your brain works.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Friday, April 30, 2004 8:43 PM



Originally posted by AnotherFireflyfan:
Just a little *bump*. This topic should NEVER DIE!!!

This Land is my land, This Land is your.... aww gorrammit, I HATE that song, it just fit so well, in a pun sort of way. (How I pun-ish myself :P )

As Minister of Videogames, I hereby proclaim that there shall be a Firefly based game, and it will be one of few actually GOOD games based on tv-shows or movies. It will be REAL GOOD.

You can play the crew of Serenity as they go on numerous heists. Loads of fun.

I also ask for a large grant in holodeck technology research. Entertainment technology has soo far to go! Think of all the intelligent programming, both games AND shows, we can do in three dimensions!

~AFf, minister of videogames, This Land

Keep flying

I hereby heartily and enthuisiastically APPROVE your grant for holodeck research (one of the very few time Star Trek related stuff will crossover to Firefly, I say).

Go to it, young'un.

--The Hat/Jefé

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Saturday, May 1, 2004 12:17 AM


Can I come? I got a natural aversion to authority. I don't mind people telling me that I can't do something because I haven't learned it yet. I can always learn. I just can't stand it when people tell me I can't do something because I just can't. Because it's not done.

I would like to open a media store, where people can order books, comics, games and such. With subsidies from the rai... reallocations parties, it might even become a free library. It's a human right to have access to well-told, imaginative brainspins from other people.

"Enemies? You? No! How can that be!"


Saturday, May 1, 2004 3:31 AM


I heartily welcome Blackeyedgirl into the PDZ - also known as the Plastic Dinosaur Zoo! Since I'm much better with PD's than people, maybe you would be so kind as to consider the position of Public Relations Go-To? I know that's asking a lot, but I feel very confident that you can handle this, seeing as you're not averse to whoring ! And I must say, I'm very impressed by someone who is strong enough to say that!

I am very happy that Gunhand did not have any tough feelings over my usurpation of the post of PDZ Warden! We each have to look to our strengths, and I'm thinkin' Chief Re-allocator is definately Gunhand's strength! BTW - is that the correct job title?

Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.


Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:32 AM



Originally posted by weerwolf:
Can I come? I got a natural aversion to authority. I don't mind people telling me that I can't do something because I haven't learned it yet. I can always learn. I just can't stand it when people tell me I can't do something because I just can't. Because it's not done.

I would like to open a media store, where people can order books, comics, games and such. With subsidies from the rai... reallocations parties, it might even become a free library. It's a human right to have access to well-told, imaginative brainspins from other people.

"Enemies? You? No! How can that be!"

We shall have to work together, then, because I'm already working on setting up the This Land Library. Of course, I'm all for owning books and such, too (as witnessed by the fact that my one bedroom apartment has six bookcases, and I've run out of room, AGAIN), so we'll be needing a media store, too.

As for the library, will we need a copy of the DVD's for each citizen (so that everyone can borrow at the same time, if necessary), so should we assume all true This Landers will have their own?


Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:35 AM



Originally posted by BlackEyedGirl:
All hamsters will be named Simon. This is not optional.

No objections to the name, I've already got a hamster named Simon, but won't this get confusing?

The Titanic song is just too cruel. It makes me think of camp in Addams Family Values, where they make you watch the Brady Bunch all day if you're in trouble.



Saturday, May 1, 2004 8:56 AM


We'll need a This Land educational system. Possible courses offered could include the following:

Dinosaurs - not just plastic anymore
A study in the life and works of Joss Whedon
How to run your own smuggling business
A comparative study in the characters of Firefly
Ballroom dancing
Introduction to spaceship engine repair

Other courses will be added as interests warrant.

Can I run the school? Please?

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:52 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:
We'll need a This Land educational system. Possible courses offered could include the following:

Dinosaurs - not just plastic anymore
A study in the life and works of Joss Whedon
How to run your own smuggling business
A comparative study in the characters of Firefly
Ballroom dancing
Introduction to spaceship engine repair

Other courses will be added as interests warrant.

Can I run the school? Please?

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."

Well, you can HELP run the school, sure, but I expect the school system to be WAAAAAYY too crowded for just ONE person to run it.

You forgot to add "Mandarin Chinese Vernacular and Colloquiolisms" to the list. Oh, and a "Reaver Prevention System" of sorts, like the "This is your brain on drugs" commercials, only aimed at preventing teens from becoming Reaver-esque...

--The Hat/Jefé

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Saturday, May 1, 2004 1:08 PM


There are so many wonderful jobs, I can't pick just one. I would love to help out at the school. Or maybe I can aid the Minister of Culture. But I really like playing with dinosaurs...oh bother. If you need anything just let me know, I'll be at home watching Firefly and DangerMouse while I surf the cortex.

Thank you Jefé for giving us This Land. You are a fine man of hat wearing men.


Saturday, May 1, 2004 1:14 PM


I could teach "Mule driving for the 26th Century" or "How To Turn Your Protein Packs Into Gourmet Meals"

The school system may also want to include courses in flying space ships, gun/artillery maintenance, not to mention perfecting one's own shadow puppets for the masses.



Sunday, May 2, 2004 8:23 AM



And of course we'll need courses in creative writing, creating intelligent tv programming, and the like so that we can train future Joss Whedons.

And courses in 'programming for the cortex', 'Browncoat culture', 'History of 20th/21st Century America : The New Dark Ages', 'Wit as a form of humor', and more...


Keep flying


Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:22 PM


Hmmm Public Relations for the Zoo? I think I can manage that (pun completely intended). TLPDZ (ThisLand Plastic Dinosaur Zoo), will have all signs written in not only English and mandarin, but also in Badger-speak, so as to not exclude the Mighty Hat from enjoying the serene dioramas and exciting exhibits at the TLPDZ. Also I think we may need a cow fetus in a jar. I mean I know that's more of a museum thing, but maybe we can be the This Land Plastic Dinosaur Zoo and Public Museum of Stuff. Yeah it's a lot to write on a sign, but image the excitement of our school children. Children who are studying the proper taxonomy of plastic dinosaurs can also enjoy 'earth that is' artifacts (cos, well it's not a was yet now is it?), as well as props from the show and the creative endevors of our local community. I mean eventually we will have to branch into an art museum, a museum of stuff and a zoo, but it might be a tad more economical to start us off in one location, that is until the Blackmarket Beagles take off.

BTW Miloradell: I love your sig, it reminds me of a Rebecca West quote: "I have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat."

Now I can't believe no one has thought of the Celine treatment before. Forget two by two hands of blue, it'll be one by one with lungs of dung, or something of equal terror when dealing with the Celine treatment (BTW when saying Celine Dion I recommend using the Eric Cartman method of saying her name. If you are unfamiliar I suggest finding a copy of it on DVD it's hi-larious). I doubt it will ever be necessary to do this to our local citizenry, but most likely will be punishment for Fox execs, Niska-esque evil villany types, and Mariah Carey should she ever attempt to bring her 'Glitter' our way.

::shuddering over the thought of Glitter::

I shall now retreat to make plans for the TLPDZ&PMoS.
-Blackeyedgirl, Adrianna, Public Relations Go-to for the This Land Plastic Dinosaur Zoo and Public Museum of Stuff.

Also: I need to request one of those wax mold machines that makes the smoosh-faced lion from Wonderfalls. Kids love those things! Perhaps the rai.. I mean requisitions squadron could weasle one onto the island?


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:22 PM


El Jefé Magnifico, Badger's (very shiny) Hat:


A bullet ricochets off of Fox TV programming 'guru' Ms. Wutzernayme's slave-powered corporate limosine/barge...

(Sounds better than 'bump', to me)



"I felt sorry for River. If you can believe it, she was a frightened, confused child. Well... Things do change, don't they?"

- Zoë Warren, noted children's author, from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:54 PM



Since our nation is small yet, I say instead of a congressional representative, every coat gets a vote. (Hey, that sounds like a good slogan! "Every Coat gets a Vote") You can choose to abstain, of course. Voting can be done online, so you don't need to travel to the Hill.

There will be no crime in This Land, because only Browncoats are allowed citizenship, and Browncoats are the nicest, goodest bunch of people in the world.


Not done running the whole thread yet, but one point of great importance: Mal himself frequently affirms that he is a bad, bad man.

Keep flying



Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:54 PM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:

Originally posted by AnotherFireflyfan:
I also ask for a large grant in holodeck technology research. Entertainment technology has soo far to go! Think of all the intelligent programming, both games AND shows, we can do in three dimensions!

~AFf, minister of videogames, This Land

Keep flying

I hereby heartily and enthuisiastically APPROVE your grant for holodeck research (one of the very few time Star Trek related stuff will crossover to Firefly, I say).

Go to it, young'un.

--The Hat/Jefé

May I humbly suggest that the first holodeck pilot projects focus on companion training and appreciation holos. As minister of companion health, I would, of course, volunteer to oversee these projects.

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:57 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:
Well I'd be all for some real dinos, but the thing is even if we smack them some eventually one of them is gonna eat a tourist.

Aside from the obvious economic hit to the souvineer and tourism industries that opens us up to something as terrifying as the Hands of Blue...

Yep, I'm talkin' about Personal Injury Lawyers.

So I'm thinking we may just want to go with plastic, but if we could find some animatronics guys that could work. Maybe we could even get celebrity sponsorships for the zoo! You know, Mr. Gundy "Wash's Pet Stegasaurus" posters and the like.

Hmmm, we're gonna need a Minister of Swag too I'm thinking.

This is just *crying out* to be located in Drumheller, Alberta, home of the currently-named Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleontology.

... who wishes to remain a spindoc in the This Land gov't


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:08 PM


Hmmm, I hear that Alberta is pretty darn chilly usually, but you know...this is something I must see sometime!

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:10 PM


This nation sounds great to me in so many ways.

We are to assume that all "law enforcement" shall be carreied out by unorganized 'frontier justice', correct?

"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed." - Mal


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:14 PM



Originally posted by Gunhand:
Hmmm, I hear that Alberta is pretty darn chilly usually, but you know...this is something I must see sometime!

Yeah, but it's a *dry* cold.

And, of course, home of Nathan Fillion back in the day.



Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:18 PM



Originally posted by annik:

Originally posted by Gunhand:
Hmmm, I hear that Alberta is pretty darn chilly usually, but you know...this is something I must see sometime!

Yeah, but it's a *dry* cold.

And, of course, home of Nathan Fillion back in the day.


Well I was raised in a state with wet insane cold, and now I live in one with dry insane heat. So cold of any sort just makes me all sorts of irratible anymore.

But these dinosaur zoos, they tempt me oh yes they tempt me indeed. I may just brave the cold. And I definately will if Nathan shows up to tour the zoo with me, could even get some hunting in because I hear them plastic dinosaurs are good eatin'.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:18 AM



Originally posted by Gunhand:

Originally posted by annik:

Originally posted by Gunhand:
Hmmm, I hear that Alberta is pretty darn chilly usually, but you know...this is something I must see sometime!

Yeah, but it's a *dry* cold.

And, of course, home of Nathan Fillion back in the day.


Well I was raised in a state with wet insane cold, and now I live in one with dry insane heat. So cold of any sort just makes me all sorts of irratible anymore.

But these dinosaur zoos, they tempt me oh yes they tempt me indeed. I may just brave the cold. And I definately will if Nathan shows up to tour the zoo with me, could even get some hunting in because I hear them plastic dinosaurs are good eatin'.

You gotta watch out for the type of plastic used in the dino, though. The soft-ish ones sometimes have lead in 'em. I definitely don't recommend licking any of them after they've been exposed to bright sunlight



Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:52 AM



Those who haven't voted for their favorite cast member have until Sunday May 9th to do so:

I'm only bringing this up here because I see Gunhand's work. He, who isn't even on the show, managed to get 2 votes! Maybe he could be nominated for press-secretary in our new world? Maybe I could be media-relations? This is a cool thread!


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:25 AM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
I hereby nominate myself as Predident (and, if Astriana wises up and leaves her husband, I nominate HER as First Lady... )

All in favor, please raise your middle finger in a salute to Fox...

First: I'm so sorry that I didn't check this thread out sooner!!!

Second: SA-LUTE!!!

Third: Hmmm... First Lady of ThisLand... *thinks very hard for a moment* Well, I'm awful fond of Meoriar , so I think I'll just accept the position of Mistress... of Communication! instead. (Jefé, you got a smutty mind! )


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:32 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
And how about a bronze statue of our real world hero flyboy, Static? Hurry home, Static: the girls are waiting, and you've got chores to do... ("Work, work, work")

Ahhhh... Static...


His statue helped us carry on until his return. When Princess is done "welcoming" him... well, "Work, work, work..."

I hearby also claim the title of Mistress... of Harems! Geez, you guys!

Communications and Harems go together, dontcha think?

Edit: Oh! Any my weapon of choice is a copy of Zoe's Winchester...


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:59 AM


Been gone awhile, now I'm back

In response to Blackeyedgirl, Adrianna, Public Relations Go-to for the This Land Plastic Dinosaur Zoo and Public Museum of Stuff, I heartily embrace the addition of the Public Museum of Stuff to our Zoo.

With the approval of The Hat, and all other interested parties, I hereby offically change the This Land Plastic Dinosaur Zoo name to This Land Plastic Dinosaur Zoo and Public Museum of Stuff, also known as TLPDZ&PMoS. Or maybe we can just shorten that to a sneeze?

I envision a day when all children, young and old, will walk through the doors of TLPDZ&PMoS, enthralled and enthused by the prospect of massive amounts of culture and plastic dinos. It will be a heartening experience, to know that the citizens of this land embrace learning, in all of its aspects.

This Land shall shine as a paragon of smartness to the masses of our neighbors, a place of learning and hi-sophistication, where even the lowliest of low cow fetus' will have a place. A place secure in the knowledge that all citizens will see, and take to heart, the true value of all things.

Ahhh - now I made myself grow all weepified!

**MiloraDell, General Warden of TLPDZ&PMoS

(Blackeyedgirl - funny you should mention Rebecca West - it's a sig I have lined up, but haven't used yet )

Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:15 PM


Now I was thinking, in the museum the recreations of events (in the dioramas) could be done with plastic dinosaurs. For instance the American Civil War could be done with dinos painted blue and grey. The chinese Boxer Rebellion could have dinos of different species or of different colors. And of course the Serenity Valley recreation will have the Browncoats v. Purple Bellies. But I think the interaction of the dinosaurs will really draw the children in. Hell, I'd pay to see plastic dinosaur theater and I'm a well educated 25 year old!
I was also thinking we could make a miniature Sunnydale, with vampire slayings at 11, 2 and 4 daily. It could be a great draw.

I don't think the use of smaller scale plastic dinos would overly increase Warden MiloraDell's work load. And I will take it upon myself to begin hoarding dinos, setting them aside and making them whole again so we can prepare them for their new lives. If Warden MiloraDell thinks this would stretch her Wardening resources too far we can always opt for those little plastic army men who look like Nazi's.

Just image the ad campaign:
Come to This Land Plastic Dinosaur Zoo and Public Museum of Stuff where you can see daily vampire slayings, Tyranasaurus Rex v. Velaceraptors in a recreation of the struggle at Serenity Valley, and yes, kids, we have a cow fetus in a jar!!

Blackeyedgirl, Public Relations Go-To TLPDM&PMoS

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Thursday, May 6, 2004 2:18 AM


I like it!! I truly do! I'm not concerned about the little dinos - they're easy to come by, and I don't think Gunhand would find it overly difficult to knock over - errm, I mean, liberate a truckload or two.

I just had a thought! Ouch! No, really - what if we could 'convince' a programmer or two to do historical recreations of all pertinent aspects of This Land history - the liberation of River Tam, for instance, in X-Box format?!? Just think of the hands-on experience the kiddies would enjoy!! What better way to truly appreciate history? And we could sell them in the gift shop, providing much needed credits for TLPDM&PMoS.

I'm also thinking it might be a good PR stint to have a "name the dino" contest. Not to mention it would help to make the citizens of This Land truly feel like a part of TLPDM&PMoS. And where would TLPDM&PMoS be without the people? Nowhere, I tell you! No where at all!

Just imagine - YoSaffBridge the Allosaurus. Niska the Velociraptor.

That's all for now -
MiloraDell, General Warden of TLPDM&PMoS

Exotic animals are not pets.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:47 AM


So I have to say (in the tone of those silly Guinness Stout commercials): Brilliant!

The name the dinosaur contest will do much to draw people to the TLPDZ&PMoS. Also the X-Box formatting of the 'games' (but they're educational! Go Team!) will do well to produce credits and increase visibility.

Perhaps we should just make a Plastic Dino factory, and then we can use them as an export, and tack on the costs of our dinos (for the z&m) and pass them on to the non-ThisLand consumer.

I was thinking about suitable ThisLand Earth that is artifacts. We want things that should the 'end' come and should we have to pack up our bits of precious and head off to our own terraformed ThisLand, that would be representative of our time on Earth that is. Any ideas? Perhaps an exhibit on the evils of cellular phones, or the concept of the dual head VCR/DVD combo. Of course we will need an 8-track player, and a copy of the Partridge Family's greatest hits, just to show the kiddies how far we have come both technology wise and culturally speaking. Hmm... I have to think on this a spell.

And oh yes! Our store at the TLPDZ&PMoS will have reproductions of Jayne's cunning hat, Kaylee's umbrella, Dr. Simon Tam's creepy red sunglasses, and other items of note (the most expensive being Niska's neat-o lamp). I think that Jaynes hat will be a big seller, so we should find some knitters pronto.

We do it all for the people at the TLPDZ&PMoS, and once a year we will have citizen's day where entry into the zoo & museum are free. There may also be carnival rides, involved, but I'm not sure. Every day citizens will have discounted entry fees, as what else are out of towners good for other than taking their money?

Do you think The Hat will be able to make it to the grand opening? I should so love to have him cut the tape to open the park. He is the voice of the people, and I should think it would thrill them for him to come down and see the park with them. We could get him a pope-mobile (The Hat-Mobile) but I doubt assasination is a risk.

Blackeyedgirl, PR Go-To for the TLPDZ&PMoS

ThisLand Plastic Dinosaur Zoo and Public Museum of Stuff: Where Dinosaurs bring the past to life before your very eyes!

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Thursday, May 6, 2004 5:21 AM


Oh y'all need a couple truckloads of little plastic dinos? That's not even a daytrip, I can hit a Kaybee on the way over to the TLPDZ&PMoS.

Ummm, I mean hit as in stop at, not hit as in knock over...oh hell who am I kidding...You'll have your little dinos for the Dinorama by nightfall.

As recompense for this cunning and daring mission into very hostile territory I'll require a pair of those red sunglasses. I must have a pair. That's non-negotiable.

Don't worry I'll fill out the proper TLPDZ&PMoS requisition forms as usual...

If ya can expedite those sunglasses I'll throw in for the cultural preservation hooya a slightly dinged up combo 8-Track, cassette and belt driven record player stereo I have lying around here. But the cabinet Quadrophonic you'll get when you can pry it from my cold dead hands. I'm serious now.

EDIT: Okay after I hit enter a line popped into my head and I'm laughing so hard I just have to add it.

First I steal the dinosuars.
Then I get paid.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:06 AM


(Is it just me, or are the dino's kinda taking over the thread?)

I am in receipt of your requisition forms, and I believe I may have a source for the sunglasses - I work with a lady who has red lensed sunglasses - I'll see about 'borrowing' those for ya, Gunhand! So far she hasn't caught on I'm the one who takes her pens - I stash them in my desk, waiting for when she figures it out and I can laugh real evil-like and give them back! It's the little things that make me happy!

Evils of cell phones - check.
VCR/DVD combo - check.
8-track - check.
Partridge Family - check.
Pink feather boa - check.
Hockey mask - check.
Library of Congress (this should keep you busy, Gunhand!) - check.

What were those 'computers' I used in high school? Commodores, komodores, something like that? We have to find one of those - maybe more, 'cause I suspect Serenity may use some of those parts.

Does anyone know what date Simon's b-day is? Maybe that could be citizen appreciation day at TLPDZ&PMoS. Seems to me like a good day to remember everybody!

I don't think a pope-mobile is truly necessary, but a mule would be good! Of course, this will all be up to the Jefé's people. I'm sure they can organize suitable transportation. One way or the other .

**MiloraDell, General Warden of TLPDM&PMoS

Exotic animals are not pets. They're there to keep the nighbor kids of the *$&#$* lawn!


Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:11 AM


The whole Library of Congress?

Now that sounds like fun! Lemme start thinking on that one, that one I may do for free just because it'd be so hi-larious.

Then again if y'all threw me a shindig upon my triumphant return, well I wouldn't turn it down.

Oh and you can check those computers, they'd be a Commodore 64 and then it's superpowerful replacement the Commodore 128. I have 2 64s and a 128 somewhere in storage, I never throw anything away and since I move around from time to time there's little vaults of my precious all over the place. I mean I got places all over the gorram place.

So check that one off the list. It's taken care of.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:01 AM


Commodore 68 or 128, not picky - check!

Yep - the whole library of congress! Maybe we could time your triumphant return to coincide with the grand opening - no, you can have your OWN celebration! Why share? There's plenty of days to go around!

**MiloraDell, General Warden of TLPDZ&PMoS

"No, really, the herbivores and the carnivores really do like each other!!" recently over-heard guest lecturer at the TLPDZ&PMoS Class for Zoo-Guides.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:14 AM


Could you use a Vic20? I have one laying about somewhere. And the black and white tele to go with it.



Thursday, May 6, 2004 8:41 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:
We'll need a This Land educational system. Possible courses offered could include the following:

Dinosaurs - not just plastic anymore
A study in the life and works of Joss Whedon
How to run your own smuggling business
A comparative study in the characters of Firefly
Ballroom dancing
Introduction to spaceship engine repair

Other courses will be added as interests warrant.

Can I run the school? Please?

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."

OOO!! I'll help teach, can I do the "Gosling Juggling" class? Gotta have one of those.

Or maybe I could help run the Whore Academy. Our classes would include:

Swordfighting and Seduction: special quest lecturer, Inara Serra
The Proper Way To Wash A Clients Feet: special quest lecturer, Inara Serra
Kickboxing As Foreplay: special guest lecturer, YoSaffBridge
The Fine Art Of The Goodnight Kiss: special quest lecturer YoSaffBridge
How To Use Mythology And Religion In Seduction: special quest lecturer YoSaffBridge
Womanly Wiles: special quest lecturer, Inara Serra


Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:00 AM


Dear Lord, this is getting cluttered...

I'm going to start a new thread, with a few ideas I just had...






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