FireFly the Game

UPDATED: Thursday, May 6, 2004 06:34
VIEWED: 5198
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:31 PM


Well I'm a HUGE fan of Firefly, dispite not posting in here. But I've decided to combine my two addictions. FireFly, and a first person shooter game. It'll take a looooooooong while to complete since really all i have acomplished is the decision to go this route. My plans are to use a game engine not yet released to the public so that is one thing I'll have to wait for. For now I'll be designing Characters , Guns, Ships, all that fun stuff you see in a FPS. One thing I'll get to do aot of is to mull over how the game will be played. Sugestions are aprieciated.
Elements i wish to include (brain storming here)

Firefight of the aliance and the rebels..... a mission the depicts the war. details of each mission are endless but this would be a story including Zoe and Cap.

got to include some type of Reevers situation.

Possibly some flying of serenity, but depends on what this game engine will allow me to do.

My mind keeps going with all sorts of ideas, but you tell me yours first.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:30 AM


Better to make it a Half-Life mod. It's easier and more people will have the opportunity to play it. Perhaps some watered-down version (you can't do complicated things in a HL mod), and if/after you get that to work well you can move on to something more advanced (flying, conversations, independent missions, using your own/advanced game-engine, etc.)

Remember to ask permission for your project from FOX, AND YOU MUST HAVE THE WRITTEN VERSION OF IT. You have no idea how deep into lawshit you can sink if you don't do it by the book, believe me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:32 AM


I'm definetly going with the Ghost Recon 2 engine. Allows for so much creativity. Well at least if its like the first one.

So.... whats the liklyhood i'd get permission and how does one go about it?


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 2:10 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I have thought many times that a Firefly first person shooter type game would be fun. FPSs are a bit limited in what the character can do though, as Lalli pointed out about Half Life.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:22 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I have thought many times that a Firefly first person shooter type game would be fun. FPSs are a bit limited in what the character can do though, as Lalli pointed out about Half Life.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

I wonder if Deus Ex is moddable. I mean, that would allow some pretty complex things for characters and for the game generally. Or you could simply do a multiplayer mod upon Battlefield: Vietnam with the battles of Serenity and that other place I forgot.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:39 AM


I've played Deus Ex mod, so its definately possible.

However, given how few mods for it there are, it can't be as easy as some other engines.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:08 AM


Lalli you wrote "Remember to ask permission for your project from FOX, AND YOU MUST HAVE THE WRITTEN VERSION OF IT. You have no idea how deep into lawshit you can sink if you don't do it by the book, believe me."

I'm working on a film called "Spaced Out" a comedy cartoon and at one point the character is singing "Ballad of Serenity".

I always thought that I didn't need permission if I didn't profit from the copyright infringement.

Please help, that scene is in the begining of the film and we're way past that.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:14 AM



Originally posted by Lalli:
I wonder if Deus Ex is moddable.

I found some tools for that here.

Don't know how easy it is, but, it can be done

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:43 AM



Originally posted by JuTin77:
Lalli you wrote "Remember to ask permission for your project from FOX, AND YOU MUST HAVE THE WRITTEN VERSION OF IT. You have no idea how deep into lawshit you can sink if you don't do it by the book, believe me."

I'm working on a film called "Spaced Out" a comedy cartoon and at one point the character is singing "Ballad of Serenity".

I always thought that I didn't need permission if I didn't profit from the copyright infringement.

Please help, that scene is in the begining of the film and we're way past that.

Profit does not matter in the eyes of the law. If you don't do it for profit, it might mean the owners wouldn't care as much about it though. Also note that parody is protected, so if it's actually a parody, you can do whatever you want, profit or no.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:26 AM



Originally posted by JuTin77:
Lalli you wrote "Remember to ask permission for your project from FOX, AND YOU MUST HAVE THE WRITTEN VERSION OF IT. You have no idea how deep into lawshit you can sink if you don't do it by the book, believe me."

I'm working on a film called "Spaced Out" a comedy cartoon and at one point the character is singing "Ballad of Serenity".

I always thought that I didn't need permission if I didn't profit from the copyright infringement.

Please help, that scene is in the begining of the film and we're way past that.

Oy, I can smell the papers now...

Dude, ANY infringement is punishable by law, regardless of your profit or lack thereof from it. You need permission no matter what, unless it never leaves your own home, and goes unseen by others in the world...

Also, I think you should try, instead of a FPS, perhaps a "Starcraft" strategy game... THAT would be cool, fighting on multiple fronts... make it the War of Unification!!!

--Jefé The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:36 AM



Originally posted by JuTin77:
Lalli you wrote "Remember to ask permission for your project from FOX, AND YOU MUST HAVE THE WRITTEN VERSION OF IT. You have no idea how deep into lawshit you can sink if you don't do it by the book, believe me."

I'm working on a film called "Spaced Out" a comedy cartoon and at one point the character is singing "Ballad of Serenity".

I always thought that I didn't need permission if I didn't profit from the copyright infringement.

Please help, that scene is in the begining of the film and we're way past that.

Since Joss wrote the song, chances are (but DOUBLE CHECK) that he holds the copyrights, etc. So you'd just have to get permission from him - which should be infinitely easier than getting it from f*x.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:38 AM


Well since i know about the ghost recon engine I'm gonna stick with that.... well the sencond vrsion that hasnt come out. It can allow for alot of different scenarios. Stealth missions for say Characters that usually dont carry weapons. The Preacher can have a mission where he gets to point A to point B and he can ONLY shoot kneecaps. Killing someone will result in mission failiure. Janes Character seems best suited for a missions that requires Vira.Several hiest missions can be creatred for the crew to go get the precious whatever in a certain amount of time.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 11:07 AM


Badger that is an awsome idea. Making it the war for breaking up the unification. Lots of possibilities for that one. But Imm not too familiar with star craft. If its a Space ship shooter I'd stay away from that since Serenity does not have guns,

Here is whats developing.... Starts of with Mel going off to sleep only to be awaken by that familiar ALARM. "Oh no its the goram Reevers!"(insert sound here) The Reevers are docked onto a huge Aliance cruiser and it does not look good for the Aliance.
Mel needs to rush to to the bridge to get serenity out of there but to no avail.... the Reever ship has used a tractor beam or somthing of that sort to force serenity to dock with the cruiser. In order to escape this situation mel need to make it to a control... Rev knows the way for some strange reason.... and unlock the docking clamps. Along the way you see Reevers mutilating the aliance soldiers Jane as your backup and Rev as your guide go through a maze of corridors to get to destinations picking of Reevers along the way. You pass a holding area where someone calls for mel! Its an old army buddy behind bars. He explains that a resurgance of the rebels were underway before the alliance intercepted his ship due to an aggressive search for the New Rebels, and that he had vital informations that needs to get to "somewhere" and that mel has to do it. The aliance have initiated a self destruct ordered ,exectuted by another alliance ship several light years away.... prob an order by the blue hands.Because the lack of time Mel need to leave is bud behind but not without taking a disk, and continue to the control panel unlock the docking clamps and escape just in time to see the reevers do the same and the cruiser go up in a blaze! The reevers where closer to the blast and are too damaged to persue.

thats mission one.... then goes off to unviel the rebel resurgence and im thinking serenity will go to places to try to drum up suport for thier cause. Familiar places like Janes Town, ..ect. have differnt missions for the different places they go.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:16 PM



Originally posted by Astriana:
Since Joss wrote the song, chances are (but DOUBLE CHECK) that he holds the copyrights, etc. So you'd just have to get permission from him - which should be infinitely easier than getting it from f*x.

Most of the time when you sign a contract there is a clause in there that specifically states that anything you create belongs to that company, unless special permission is granted for specific things, so, I'd say that is is probably f*x's property. ie Even in my wifes field she signs contracts that specify this. And her research is publicly available!

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:52 PM


I'm not really a huge fan of FPS games (Although I might just have to become one if a firefly FPS came out!)

I thought that Firefly would be excellent for a game along the same lines as 'Knights of the Old Republic' Serenity instead of the Ebon Hawk, all the wonderful Firefly characters each with their own skills and attributes. Not to mention custom 'Vera' weaponry. Fly around the 'verse doing jobs and uncovering some sort of evil Blue Sun plot...

Damn that would be cool...

Guess you can tell what kinda games I like!

Hack the planet!


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 1:36 PM


I'd agree with McFly here. An RPG-esque game would almost certainly be the best way to go. Especially in the mold of KoTOR since that would allow for you to have a group of your chosing on missions and not have to mess too much with characters that need protecting in case of a firefight. It also allows for a wider variety of locations and a bit more story.

What would be ideal for me though is something like that mixed with Freelancer or X2: The Threat (Not an X-men game before anyone says anything) wherein you can go down to the planet on Unification Day, grab some crew members, find a job, and get into a bar-brawl while you're waiting for the cargo to load. Then you can go back to Serenity, take off and go drop the cargo whereever.

Take a real time market system (as in you can just take the cargo and planet-hop until you find a better buyer) and random space based scenarios (such as asteroid feilds that need piloting through, Reavers that need outrunning, and Alliance cruisers doing searches), and then add it to a ground combat system, a great story-line, good dialogue, and good AI and you've got yourself a constantly evolving Firefly 'verse in a box.

I know I'd buy it.

Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games.
Somebody tries to kill you you go ahead and try to kill them right on back!


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:20 PM


While it might technically be illegal, I doubt very much Fox would try to squash any fan Firefly projects. After all, what's the harm? From their perspective, it's just free publicity for the DVDs.

There are currently four different Star Trek fanfilm projects active----three of them have only released one episode so far (and one of those just got Eugene Roddenberry, Jr on as a Producer), but the fourth is entering its fifth season. And no sign that Paramount is going to do anything so far. I doubt Fox would be much different.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:28 PM


There's a whole bunch of sites that have Star Wars fan films on them and no nastiness has seemed to have occured. So I think you'd be safe. Since that's a property that would seem to be one where lawsuits would be tossed around if any.

Incidentally one of them has Troops on it, a satire of COPS with...Stormtroopers. It's hi-lerious. Wish I had the link here.

Who knows, if Serenity takes off in the theatres, and we're all gonna make sure it does right? Then anything could happen.

I wouldn't mind a MMORPG based on a hugely successful Serenity movie myownself. Couldn't be any weirder than SW:G is...

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:53 PM


^Star Wars films are a slightly different beast, in that they've pretty much been given the OK by George Lucas.

The best SW fanfilm site I've found:

On there, the best "serious" fanfilms are, IMO, "Knightquest" and "Broken Allegiance".

The best "funny" ones are, again IMO, "That Prequel Movie" and "How the Sith Stole Christmas".


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:05 PM


Hey, even just doing some custom player skins and gun models for Counter Strike would be cool.

Some of the "Dust" levels could easily be Persephone and "Vertigo" one of the core planets.

Jayne:> Don't know these folk and don't much care to neither...
Mal:> They're whores.
Jayne:> I'm in!


Thursday, May 6, 2004 5:01 AM


Yeah, ... if they get pissy about it I'll change the content enough so it only strongly resembles the show..... you know, like how fox copies other shows.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:34 AM


Kinda remembers me about the British show "Bigbrother". Despite what people think they werent the first ones. YLE (a finnish government-owned TV station) trapped 8 of its employees to the YLE-studios and basically locked them up for the weekend. They were monitored via nightvision cameras, all that usual BB stuff. Well, the BBC sued YLE for breaking the copyright law. It all ended costly - for the BBC. They never bothered to check up the fact that YLE had done the show in the 80s, and so it was BBC that had to pay for violating the copyright law. Pretty messy affair if you ask me.






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