Firefly[/i]: ..."/>


Vote for Firefly (We live on the edge)! XXXVII

UPDATED: Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:53
VIEWED: 7532
PAGE 4 of 4

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:52 PM


I am so sorry Ray but I hadn't come here before I voted and I forgot about Blood Ties, so I nominated Moonlight. I promise that i will get it right on hte next rotation. I nominated Moonlight this time and plan on a nom to John Doe and a last to Red Dwarf before I go home for the night.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:11 PM


Delayed vomp for Blood Ties, on account of a thunderstorm, and I will spend the rest of my noms for the Doe


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:40 PM


Suh-wheet 16! vumpsurfnom


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 3:03 PM


Vomp for the Doe


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 3:13 PM


Thanks. Time for bed now vump.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008 3:26 PM


hungry again vump ><


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 4:00 PM



Originally posted by rallem:
I am so sorry Ray but I hadn't come here before I voted and I forgot about Blood Ties, so I nominated Moonlight. I promise that i will get it right on hte next rotation. I nominated Moonlight this time and plan on a nom to John Doe and a last to Red Dwarf before I go home for the night.

No worries, Rallem! Dun forget, I like Moonlight, too! It's just that, the pressure's on to get Blood Ties past Hercules by the 25th, rather than have to dribble past with a few more votes on the 26th.

Thanks for your help, in any case, Rallem. You have given up a LOT for your fellow vumpers, and, time's coming, soon, for some payback!

The sooner Blood Ties eventually gets out of the Noms (about another month after it passes Herc), the sooner it will be out of the way of Surface, ditto Moonlight. But, once we get BT into the top Noms spot, this weekend, we can see about boosting the Smegheads and Anonymous Johns of the Poll.


-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 4:12 PM


Vomp for John Doe, my last vomp of the night. 'Night, all, see ya'll tomorrow


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:11 PM


late night vump.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:09 PM



Originally posted by Raycheetah:

No worries, Rallem! Dun forget, I like Moonlight, too! It's just that, the pressure's on to get Blood Ties past Hercules by the 25th, rather than have to dribble past with a few more votes on the 26th.

Thanks for your help, in any case, Rallem. You have given up a LOT for your fellow vumpers, and, time's coming, soon, for some payback!

The sooner Blood Ties eventually gets out of the Noms (about another month after it passes Herc), the sooner it will be out of the way of Surface, ditto Moonlight. But, once we get BT into the top Noms spot, this weekend, we can see about boosting the Smegheads and Anonymous Johns of the Poll.

Whoa ! Hold the truck up.

What pressure is on to get Blood Ties passed Herc?

As far as I have seen in the last 2 1/2 months of supporting Firefly here, is that, until the last few days, NO ONE representing Blood Ties has been here, until you brought it up, Ray.

Now, you are telling people to drop support for shows like John Doe and Red Dwarf until after you have Blood Ties raise the bar making it harder for Surface to get to the top of the Nom list.

Never mind that John Doe is in crisis and that Dwarf is having trouble catching Thundercats, you have suddenly decided that we should put that off, in order to support a show that has never had any representatives here to support Firefly. Not one.

Exactly how did making things harder for my show become a priority????

Frankly, your claims that Surface fans aren't making any difference in the FF totals falls flat with me. The Nimsters tell me differently, and we account for up to 200 FF votes each day. I set things up that way from the beginning, and in each Daily Report that goes out, there is a reminder to support Firefly, although those comments, I don't often paste in here, since it's redundant.

Last time I checked there is not a single Blood Ties voter supporting Firefly.

So, what the fuck is up, dude????

I have been kidding about supporting Xena, as I am a Browncoat too, but if you are going to continuely make things even more difficult for our show, instead of supporting us, I will have us withdraw our support for yours.

I am already seeing Noms diverted from Surface, Dwarf, and Doe going towards this show no one cares about.

I am getting ticked off as hell about it, since I have spent all this time helping the shows others here care about.

Please explain your reasoning on this situation and how a show no one here mentioned suddenly became the priority???? - Jstn


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:56 PM



Originally posted by Jstn:

Originally posted by Raycheetah:

No worries, Rallem! Dun forget, I like Moonlight, too! It's just that, the pressure's on to get Blood Ties past Hercules by the 25th, rather than have to dribble past with a few more votes on the 26th.

Thanks for your help, in any case, Rallem. You have given up a LOT for your fellow vumpers, and, time's coming, soon, for some payback!

The sooner Blood Ties eventually gets out of the Noms (about another month after it passes Herc), the sooner it will be out of the way of Surface, ditto Moonlight. But, once we get BT into the top Noms spot, this weekend, we can see about boosting the Smegheads and Anonymous Johns of the Poll.

Whoa ! Hold the truck up.

What pressure is on to get Blood Ties passed Herc?

As far as I have seen in the last 2 1/2 months of supporting Firefly here, is that, until the last few days, NO ONE representing Blood Ties has been here, until you brought it up, Ray.

Now, you are telling people to drop support for shows like John Doe and Red Dwarf until after you have Blood Ties raise the bar making it harder for Surface to get to the top of the Nom list.

Never mind that John Doe is in crisis and that Dwarf is having trouble catching Thundercats, you have suddenly decided that we should put that off, in order to support a show that has never had any representatives here to support Firefly. Not one.

Exactly how did making things harder for my show become a priority????

Frankly, your claims that Surface fans aren't making any difference in the FF totals falls flat with me. The Nimsters tell me differently, and we account for up to 200 FF votes each day. I set things up that way from the beginning, and in each Daily Report that goes out, there is a reminder to support Firefly, although those comments, I don't often paste in here, since it's redundant.

Last time I checked there is not a single Blood Ties voter supporting Firefly.

So, what the fuck is up, dude????

I have been kidding about supporting Xena, as I am a Browncoat too, but if you are going to continuely make things even more difficult for our show, instead of supporting us, I will have us withdraw our support for yours.

I am already seeing Noms diverted from Surface, Dwarf, and Doe going towards this show no one cares about.

I am getting ticked off as hell about it, since I have spent all this time helping the shows others here care about.

Please explain your reasoning on this situation and how a show no one here mentioned suddenly became the priority???? - Jstn

Wow... Not sure I should even discuss this with you, publicly, but...

First of all, we have several shows which some of us support; we all contribute what we can, some, like Leopard, without particular bias, others, like Rallem, with a preference, for example, for Red Dwarf. In case I haven't made it clear, my preference is toward the vamp shows. Your distaste for them, aside, why are you so vehement in your response to a call for getting any show I (or anybody else, for that matter) supports past a certain goal by a certain date?

The Herculeans have stated that they will consider it a victory to stall Blood Ties passing them by even a day; that's why I am so keen on getting to that goal on schedule, on the 25th. And, I only asked that of the folks who had been noming Moonlight, the other vamp show of which I am at least a single supporter.

Then, as I noted in the post you quote, as soon as BT is past Hercules, I aim to pour on the support for John Doe, which we have been noming as a favor for Tex, and, especially, for Red Dwarf, from which show Rallem has been sacrificing the bulk of his votes every gorram day to support ALL the other shows we support.

So, what's the problem? John will always have train schedule issues; we can get Red Dwarf past Thundercats with a little concerted effort, which we have yet (to our shame) to exert for that show.

As for the support of the Nimsters for Firefly, I have never said that we get no support from them; FF has enjoyed a nice increase in votes, of late, though no one could say for sure whence it originates. However, I feel I can state, with some confidence that, when you make a call for vote support for an unrelated show, you simply don't get 100% participation. I've been doing this for a while, now, coordinating several fandoms, and, if each of them was to vote at even a 50% rate for the other shows, the numbers would be higher.

I would love to be able to point to an average increase of 200 daily votes since the Nimsters started to reciprocate our help, but, I just don't think that's realistic. I absolutely acknowledge that you have increased awareness and activity among the Surface voters, Jstn; however, many of those to whom you send your bulletins do not participate in the Surface Chat Voting Thread. Others who do have stated that they had not been voting for FF, or, had done so only occasionally. Those who haven't been there to comment on this, yeah or nay, have even less direction to vote for FF.

And, as I have expressed, before, that's to be expected.

Finally, you seem to forget that I, also, vote for Surface. I do my part, every gorram day, posting both here and on Surface Chat, to help keep the numbers up in front of the voters, and, to encourage them to keep going. I'm not the enemy, Jstn. I take two hours, every morning, before breakfast, cooking stats and posting them here and on Surface Chat, first, to make sure that the folks with whom I have the strongest bond in this effort get the data before anybody else out of about a dozen boards to which I post.

So, please, calm down, understand that I have goals for my shows, too, and, that I fully intend to help my friends, here, with their shows, as I always have.

As for pulling your support for Firefly, what would that accomplish? It wouldn't help Surface, and, as I see it, helping Surface should be your priority, not worrying about what anybody here does with their noms, of their own free will.


-Raycheetah =-[.]-=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:50 PM



-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:52 PM


What a strange read. Vote for Firefly because it is the best TV has put out in decades. Vote for others because you like them. Wazzup with the bargaining for shows and all?

"It's the politics of contraband, it's the smugglers' blues."


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:20 PM



Originally posted by Freebrowncoat:
What a strange read. Vote for Firefly because it is the best TV has put out in decades. Vote for others because you like them. Wazzup with the bargaining for shows and all?

*Not a vump.*

Well, helping out other folks' shows is not only a way to get a few extra votes, it's also a great way to expose other fans to Firefly, along with learning about other, great shows, as well. I used to love Dark Shadows, as a small boy; when I offered them my help getting out of the Noms, last year, I also got a lot of DS fans hooked on Firefly.

And, it's a good way to find other shows to watch; there's a reason Surface has so many fans, even after they got the shaft from NBC. By the way, for anyone interested, you can watch Surface (episodes 1-14) at:

Not sure if non-US viewers will be able to access that; pretty sure they can't on (which doesn't have a complete set of episodes of Surface, but, does of Firefly, including the original intro voice-overs by Mal and Book).

So, yeah, if I could only vote for 1 show, it'd be Firefly. Since I can vote for more, I use that freedom to share and learn.

ETA: As for the nominations on this thread, well, that's really just more being aware of what some other Browncoats support, and, helping them out when they need a boost, for example, getting past another nominee show. It's not supposed to be about tit-for-tat or anything, just helping out your friends.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 11:27 PM


We are Browncoats. That's the purpose of this board vump.

Vote your conscience, not because you feel obligated ('course if you're not voting for Firefly why are you here?)

Wanna help out another show? Go for it.
Don't wanna? That's just fine.
Wanna post a request for votes? Do it. Gives us something to ponder.
You got numbers that you think folk'd be interested in? Share 'em, or not. They're yours.
You start clicking/typing & even a little glimmer of "I wish I didn't have to..." pops into your head, you stop. Ain't right that you think you /have/ to vote a certain way. You do what you think is /right/, not what you've been told you must. If more folk would do that, the world would be a better place all around.
Start here.
Vote your conscience.

Remember to vote!

Sign up NOW!
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Thursday, April 24, 2008 12:07 AM


Off to work vump.

Remember to vote!

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Thursday, April 24, 2008 12:52 AM


Hattrick vumpity goodness.

Remember to vote!

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Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:31 AM


Darn it! Too late!


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:53 AM


Good try though. Would have made it except I dragged my carcass over to vote within a minute of my alarm going off so I could get in another as I left the house.
Better luck tomorrow vump!

Remember to vote!

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Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:56 AM


Things that occurred to me as I didn't get much sleep...

Surface voters vote for Firefly... As much as they do. I can't know, for sure, whether or not all, some, or none do, but, what I think doesn't matter. This isn't about me, or what I think; I'm just somebody who votes and posts.

I'm grateful for the help of the Nimsters, and, I hope nobody gets any other impression. I vote for Surface same reason I vote for John Doe and Red Dwarf: 'Cause I have friends who do, and, they shouldn't have to go it alone.

This is something we all do for fun, and, mebbe to poke a stick in the eye of folks who have dissed our shows, like F*X, like Reilly, like the Herculeans. If it ever stops bein' fun, it ain't worth doin', especially if it turns us against our friends.

So, anyway, Jstn, you are my friend. I want things to stay that way. I'm just gonna keep doin' what I've been doin', and no more arguing.


-Raycheetah ='[.]'=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:15 AM


vumpsurfnom; even the tightest of families have arguments now and then. I agree with FT - stop if it's not fun. Should be straight up honest with whatcha vote. I've actually 'seen' Surface and liked it - but have not seen other shows some of ya support so I don't feel 'honest' about nominating or voting for 'em. Might be silly but that's just me - don't take it too hard. Love you all.


Thursday, April 24, 2008 3:24 AM


Fair's fair, Sister, and, no hard feelin's =^[.]~=! If you're interested, to view streaming video of the entire series of 22 episodes of Blood Ties, (which comprise the first 2 seasons) for free, go to:

The "Select an episode" box allows you to do just that.

Manual mornin' stats VOMP!


ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, at:

Download the FlyVote voting timer, a NEW version of the program. It'll remind you when it's time to vote, each hour:

Votes are counted per network IP, so, don't go to the library or your office and vote hourly on each computer on the subnet, or all votes will be thrown out; multiple votes on rotating IPs will likewise be rejected.

Top two shows as of this morning:

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

Total votes Firefly: 628,885 (627,725)

Yesterday, Browncoats voted 1,160 (1,136) times, 24 more than the previous day. AWESOME SHINY!

Total votes Xena: 502,241 (501,692)

Yesterday, Xenites voted 549 (632) times, 83 fewer than the previous day.

(Xenites voted 611 (504) times less than Browncoats, yesterday.)

Firefly is 126,644 (126,033) votes ahead of Xena, more than the vote total of #22 show Star Trek: Voyager 123,955. That puts us at 23,356 (23,967) votes away from a 150,000 vote lead, about 38.23 (47.55) days.

We'll get our next banner, for 630,000 votes, in another 1,115 (2,275) votes, and, another .96 (2) days! Look for it tomorrow!

Our next, big goal, 650,000 votes, is 21,115 (22,275) votes, and, 18.2 (19.61) days away!

6,796,039 (6,782,668) Top 40 votes have been counted as of 04/23/08. Yesterday, 13,371 (13,537) votes were cast. Our share fell to 9.2536993% (9.2548392%) of all votes ever cast. Our share of the voting pie remains at 9%.

In other TV Vote news (shows whose voters also support Firefly and the Whedonverse, so, let's return the favor, shiny?):

#5 show Battlestar Galactica got 595 (641) votes, and, is currently receiving enough votes to overtake #4 show, Gunsmoke, which got 308 (300) votes, yesterday, in 91.72 (78.04) days.

#7 show Buffy got 662 (669) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 385 (386) votes, yesterday, in 33.35 (33.63) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 24,868 (25,530) votes, and 37.56 (38.16) days, away, while Farscape is 40.59 (41.49) days from getting there, first.

Buffy's tenaciously holding onto the lead in the Hall of Fame race!

#11 show Angel got a remarkable 606 (597) votes, yesterday. Angel is currently receiving enough votes to pass #9 show Combat!, which received 343 (355) votes, yesterday, in 21.61 (24.57) days.

#15 show Babylon 5 got 459 (454) votes, yesterday, and, is on track to pass #14 show Stargate SG-1, which got 304 (293) votes, in 36.21 (35.82) days.

#30 show Dark Shadows got 422 (403) votes, yesterday, and is receiving enough votes to pass #29 show Charmed, which got 235 (248) votes, in 9.95 (13.21) days.

#42 show (#2 in the Nominations Poll) Blood Ties got 578 (550) votes, and, is currently on track to pass #41 show, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, which got 114 (108) votes, in .94 (2.04) days. Thanks for your ongoing help to our friends in the Noms! Let's all push just a mite harder, help our friends get to the top Nominations spot, tomorrow, shiny?

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!


Maverick 12061
Surface 10906

Yesterday, Surface got an amazing 206 Nominations votes, better, even, than 10 of the Top 40 shows got! That beat 25% of the Top 40 shows, yesterday!

It's another 1,155 votes to pass Maverick, which got 59 votes, which means it'll take us at least 8 days to pass. Have patience; the top 20 of the noms is where the big boys play; some have been sitting like dead whales in the water, not gaining many votes, but, carrying a substantial weight of votes from when their fans still cared. Let's not let that happen to Surface!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Thursday, April 24, 2008 3:41 AM


I'll give it a look, Ray! In the meantime, let's go hunting some dead whales - vumpsurfnom


Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:02 AM


Any Kaylee fans wanna help me out over here?

Pos (Exp) Show: Total (7 day avg) Next significant event
1. (1) Firefly: 628885 (1052) Will reach 1 million in 353 days (12 Apr 2009).
2. (3) Xena: Warrior Princess: 502241 (645) Will reach 1 million in 772 days (5 Jun 2010).
3. (7) Bonanza: 438110 (476) Will reach half a million in 131 days (2 Sep).
4. (15) Gunsmoke: 277982 (293) Will be caught by Battlestar Galactica (2004) in 97 days (30 Jul).
5. (5) Battlestar Galactica (2004): 251657 (567) Will catch Gunsmoke in 97 days (30 Jul).
6. (11) Farscape: 234371 (363) Will be caught by Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 36 days (30 May).
7. (4) Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 225132 (624) Will catch Farscape in 36 days (30 May).
8. (13) The X-Files: 197503 (326) Will be caught by Jericho in 22 days (16 May).
9. (12) Combat!: 190201 (358) Will be caught by Jericho in 6 days (30 Apr).
10. (2) Jericho: 188057 (772) Will catch Combat! in 6 days (30 Apr).
11. (6) Angel: 184517 (552) Will catch Combat! in 30 days (24 May).
12. (26) La Femme Nikita: 171582 (227) Will be caught by Little House on the Prairie in 18 days (12 May).
13. (14) Little House on the Prairie: 170108 (310) Will catch La Femme Nikita in 18 days (12 May).
14. (19) Stargate SG-1: 161251 (268) Will be caught by Babylon 5 in 38 days (1 Jun).
15. (8) Babylon 5: 155639 (418) Will catch Stargate SG-1 in 38 days (1 Jun).
16. (36) Lexx: 151190 (165) Will be caught by Doctor Who in 45 days (8 Jun).
17. (22) Laramie: 147374 (239) Will be caught by Doctor Who in 40 days (3 Jun).
18. (29) Ponderosa: 145635 (209) Will be caught by Doctor Who in 23 days (17 May).
19. (32) Roswell: 143957 (192) Will be caught by Doctor Who in 12 days (6 May).
20. (10) Doctor Who: 141903 (376) Will catch Roswell in 12 days (6 May).
21. (27) Trapper John, M.D.: 136219 (219) Will be caught by Dark Shadows (1966) in 150 days (21 Sep).
22. (24) Star Trek: Voyager: 123955 (233) Will be caught by Dark Shadows (1966) in 91 days (24 Jul).
23. (20) Star Trek: The Original Series: 118938 (241) Will be caught by Dark Shadows (1966) in 64 days (27 Jun).
24. (28) House MD: 118348 (215) Will be caught by Star Trek: The Next Generation in 28 days (22 May).
25. (21) Star Trek: The Next Generation: 117705 (239) Will catch House MD in 28 days (22 May).
26. (17) Highway To Heaven: 114945 (278) Will be caught by Dark Shadows (1966) in 51 days (14 Jun).
27. (16) Stargate Atlantis: 112275 (284) Will be caught by Dark Shadows (1966) in 31 days (25 May).
28. (33) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: 111695 (181) Will be caught by Dark Shadows (1966) in 14 days (8 May).
29. (23) Charmed: 110441 (238) Will be caught by Dark Shadows (1966) in 12 days (6 May).
30. (9) Dark Shadows (1966): 108581 (404) Will catch Charmed in 12 days (6 May).
31. (18) NCIS: 105938 (271) Will catch CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in 64 days (27 Jun).
32. (38) The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: 104169 (147) Will be caught by Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in 2 days (26 Apr).
33. (25) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 104043 (229) Will catch The Man from U.N.C.L.E. in 2 days (26 Apr).
34. (35) JAG: 96617 (165) Will be caught by The Simpsons in 284 days (2 Feb 2009).
35. (31) The Simpsons: 88772 (193) Will catch JAG in 284 days (2 Feb 2009).
36. (40) Queer as Folk: 88112 (85) Will be caught by Scarecrow and Mrs. King in 26 days (20 May).
37. (34) Scarecrow and Mrs. King: 85784 (178) Will catch Queer as Folk in 26 days (20 May).
38. (37) Northern Exposure: 82805 (163) Will be caught by Alias in 58 days (21 Jun).
39. (30) Alias: 80822 (197) Will catch Northern Exposure in 58 days (21 Jun).
40. (39) Cleopatra 2525: 78580 (146) Will catch Queer as Folk in 156 days (27 Sep).

Pos (Exp) Show: Total (7 day avg) Next significant event
1. (7) Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: 66230 (89) Will be caught by Blood Ties (2006) in 2 days (26 Apr).
2. (1) Blood Ties (2006): 65793 (479) Will catch Hercules: The Legendary Journeys in 2 days (26 Apr).
3. (6) The Professionals (1977): 50944 (114) Will be caught by Moonlight (2007) in 76 days (9 Jul).
4. (12) CSI Miami: 37950 (64) Will be caught by Moonlight (2007) in 15 days (9 May).
5. (4) Rome (2005): 35962 (159) Will be caught by Moonlight (2007) in 11 days (5 May).
6. (157) Les Filles de Caleb: 34673 (2) Will be caught by Moonlight (2007) in 2 days (26 Apr).
7. (2) Moonlight (2007): 34052 (339) Will catch Les Filles de Caleb in 2 days (26 Apr).
8. (10) Lancer: 32170 (68) Will catch Les Filles de Caleb in 38 days (1 Jun).
9. (138) Scoop: 28721 (2) Will be caught by Wagon Train in 4 days (28 Apr).
10. (9) Wagon Train: 28467 (71) Will catch Scoop in 4 days (28 Apr).
11. (5) The Pretender: 22312 (155) Will catch Scoop in 43 days (6 Jun).
21. (3) Surface: 10906 (184) Will catch Maverick in 9 days (3 May).
25. (8) Torchwood: 9832 (77) Will catch Remington Steele in 4 days (28 Apr).


Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:46 AM


Wow, SAB39's back! It's just like old times!


-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:51 AM




Thursday, April 24, 2008 5:45 AM



-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Thursday, April 24, 2008 5:52 AM


Ok. I'm confused. There are two threads and only one is marked as the w.e. (weekend edition). I feel like I'm seeing double double.

"...I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."


Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:10 AM


Looks like FlatTop didn't leave us any breadcrumbs. The new thread is at:

Seeyas there!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike


Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:53 AM







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