What characters would you like to see again in 2d season?

UPDATED: Sunday, April 27, 2008 20:48
VIEWED: 3805
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Thursday, April 24, 2008 11:50 PM


As I viewed Serenity for about the 6th time, I saw some things that I hadn't noticed before. After a while I would get over the sadness of seeing the last journey of our little Firefly, and I start thinking of how shiny it would be to have more episodes/adventures to embark on. I get to thinking about new planets, characters and jobs the crew would experience. I mostly think of what happened in the BDM. Obviously I would like to have the whole crew intact, but that's not going to happen. So I think of the characters that I would like to see return that were interesting an fun. Here's just a few that I would like to see interact with the crew:

I would really like to see an episode with Monty. He was only on the screen for the intro to Trash but his appearence spoke volumes (in terms of storyline). Saffron of course, Niska and Badger.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Friday, April 25, 2008 3:14 AM


Everyone you listed would be welcomed. Especially Monty! But, I'd also like to see Murphy return as well (the Clark Gable look-a-like who saved Kaylee from the snob brigade in "Shindig"). We barely got to know him, but he seemed like fun as well.

Darksiders can keep their cookies. We have better writers.

Grrr. Argghh.

Patiently waiting to see Cap'n Hammerpants sing!


Friday, April 25, 2008 3:34 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I would like to see all the supporting characters back some. I would really like to see the return of Jubal Early too. He was a great character and there is just a bunch of story there begging to be told.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Friday, April 25, 2008 4:01 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
As I viewed Serenity for about the 6th time, I saw some things that I hadn't noticed before.

As much of it as possible, as often as possible. With new faces woven into the tapestry that complement our fabulous crew and get their backs up from time to time.

So long as the integrity of the original is maintained, I'm good.

*sigh* Sad now.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Friday, April 25, 2008 4:12 AM


Oh, anyone except Atherton "Cardboard" Wing! *g* (The sad thing is, I'm sure it wasn't the actor's fault, as he was charming enough in the wave. They just wrote him so badly.)

Definitely Monty and Badger!

Saffron only if she has interaction with someone other from the crew, primarily, than just Mal. She could do SO well opposite Zoe, Simon or Kaylee! I love Saffron, but I would get bored if they only focused on her with Mal.

The Commander who questioned them in "Bushwhacked". SO much potential there!

Sheriff Bourne from "The Train Job"!!!! I adore him. A lot!


Friday, April 25, 2008 4:22 AM


I love Badger. He seems to be a constant thorn in Mal's side, and he could have a thing for River. That is until she tries to kill him with her brain!

Also, Monty and maybe Niska. I don't think Niska's done with Mal yet.

Of the "minor" characters, I's also like to see Doug Savant's Alliance commander in "Bushwacked" back. He seemed a decent fellow.


Friday, April 25, 2008 5:13 AM


I agree with everything that's been suggested except Saffron and Early. Both of them were fantastic characters but I think they had their run.

Yosaffbridge would be in prison for season 2 or have learned how to avoid Serenity. Maybe season 3 would be the right time.

Early...Early is dead. I like people that stay dead when killed. It's a real pet peeve of mine. That started when I was pretty young. I used to be into comic books. Mostly because I thought I could be a penciler. But when I gave up that dream I started paying more attention to the stories. It was a bad time to start doing that. Because at the time DC had killed Superman then promptly (a month later I think) started dropping hints that he was coming back. Marvel had resurrected Spidey's clone in a story arch that took Marvel 3 years of retconning to get Parker's continuity half way acceptable to fans.

Some people would say that because they didn't actually see Early die then a comeback would be fair game. Dobson came back in the comics, right? Well soap operas work off of this very premise all the time. So I suppose for a person to be really dead in fiction a character would have to shoot them in the head multiple times, cremate the corpse in their own basement, burry the ashes in their backyard, and check every morning to make sure they're still there.

I keep on saying that the most beautiful thing that the 'Verse has going for it is that actions have consequences, even good ones. And in the 'Verse these consequences are always paid for.



Friday, April 25, 2008 6:05 AM


Great thread, I hope you'll post it over at the Universal HD Firefly forum:(

I would like to see Badger come back but only to see Mal kill him for his "inevitable betrayal" (Those Left Behind)...
Actually... Come to think of it, Id rather see someting like: Mal raises his gun to shoot Badger but starts giving a speech before pulling the trigger. Suddenly Jayne and Zoe simultaneously draw and shoot Badger first. Then they would all start bickering about who wanted to kill Badger more and why... Point is, they could never trust Badger for a job again, so if they don't kill him next time the see him, then they have a problem with their brains being missing.

Also, I'd really like to see the Operative again... Since his disillusionment toward the Alliance and his role in it; he would be trying to make up for his atrocities. During which he could show up and help the crew or Mal out of a bad situation. Then dissapear into the black until he's needed for another storyline...

They should bring Wash and Book back only to have everyone find out that they are Cylons -oh wait, wrong show...

Have the head honcho guy from Jaynestown put out a Bounty on Jayne and offer it to Mal. Have Mal turn Jayne over in an apparent (but justifiable) betrayal. Then, after Mal gets the bounty, they turn around and rescue Jayne with some thrilling heroics...

They could bring back the crooked Cop from "The Message" looking to even the score for being embarassed.

We could also run into the "Salvage" crew that shot Mal in out of gas... They could both being going afte the same job and have hell break loose when they see each other...

I could go on all day... But I don't want to ignore the fact that I would also want to see new characters. Simply because Joss writes new and interesting characters so well and those characters are usually an integral part of the show.

Gorram it, I gotta stop typiin and get back to work

Please support the Universal HD Firefly forums. Universal is the only Studio paying attention to browncoats right now... Start posting there a give the something to take notice of...


Friday, April 25, 2008 6:33 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

I'd like to see more of Sir Warrick Harrow, from 'Shindig'. He seems like what Mal might become, given time. He could hire Serenity for another bit of less-than-legal business and come along for the ride.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, April 25, 2008 9:47 AM


I agree all of the above, Monty, Niska, Murphy, The Blue Sun weirdo guys! and me as the new pilot scares the heck out of Jayne! LOL

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of


Friday, April 25, 2008 9:49 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
I love Badger. He seems to be a constant thorn in Mal's side, and he could have a thing for River. That is until she tries to kill him with her brain!

Also, Monty and maybe Niska. I don't think Niska's done with Mal yet.

Of the "minor" characters, I's also like to see Doug Savant's Alliance commander in "Bushwacked" back. He seemed a decent fellow.

I don't think Mal is done with Niska yet! LOL

"And I'm thinking you weren't
burdened with an overabundance of


Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:23 PM


Hey Penthos,

Thanks for the suggestion of posting this thread to the UniversalHD site (there I'm Slyder). I forgot that I registered that a couple of months ago, before I registered at this site.

I really liked your story suggestions, most especially two: the one about the Operative (I thought at the end of the BDM that it was a possibility) and the one about the crew from OoG.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:41 PM


Actually thanks to all who posted their ideas to this thread. I was really glad to see that I'm not alone in thinking along these lines.

Hey Channain....I certainly do hope that when we get our Firefly back that the integrity of the show is kept intact. That, above all, is paramount (sorry Universal)lol.

To Agentrouka....I think that Saffron and Zoe teaming up would make a great episode. I also like your ideas regarding the commander from Bushwhacked and the sheriff from the Train Job.

I think it was BC1 that said Jubal Early should stay dead. Although I generally agree with you that characters, once killed, should stay dead, I don't think Jubal died. An argument could be made that he had some sort of "retrieve" button on his spacesuit to recall his ship. But I digress, I just thought he was a great villain; quirky, offbeat for sure, but interesting.

Well, once again, thanks all for your great posts.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Sunday, April 27, 2008 12:30 AM


Niska would be a must. Saffron would be a great addition as well. long as the core crew of Serenity is there, i'm happy. I am really curious as to who the new crew member(s) would be. A new pilot? Another gun hand? Oh the possiblities.....


Sunday, April 27, 2008 3:54 AM



Originally posted by WildKarrde:
Niska would be a must. Saffron would be a great addition as well. long as the core crew of Serenity is there, i'm happy. I am really curious as to who the new crew member(s) would be. A new pilot? Another gun hand? Oh the possiblities.....

I think the BDM made it pretty obvious who the new pilot is; its River. With her abilities, both natural and enhanced, she would be the best pilot in the verse by a gorram mile!


Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:48 PM


Well if she stays as sane and stable as Wash then it'll be awesome






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