How Serenity Got Upgraded, Will We Get Answers?

UPDATED: Monday, May 19, 2008 19:26
VIEWED: 4344
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2:44 PM


As many of you have noticed, Serenity is highly upgraded from the series to the movie. The Cockpit is nicer, the cargo bay clings more to the sides and is bluer, there is a replacement antigrav mule for the one lost in War Stories, and many other things. How did they afford to do this? When? Better Days #3 comes out tomorrow. Anyone think that some of those questions will be answered?


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 3:53 PM


Select to view spoiler:

At the very start of the film when Simon and Mal are arguing about River, Mal brings up several times that civilization is moving in and their days are numbered. So even though they may have had some luck, it becomes apparent to Mal that their opportunities are getting slim. It will be hard to know what kind of work they will get since most of their contacts have been slain. They may have to take those odd jobs like the bobble-head dolls again.

I feel in a sequel we will see them facing a different set of conflicts. Mal obviously will continue this line of work since it is the only life he knows. So keep your fingers crossed and hope Universal can work a deal with Joss for another film. They know that ticket sales may not be great, but sale DVD's of the film will make up for it.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:34 PM


wait, whats better days? why do i never hear about these things? :-P


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:44 PM


Freelancertex, you have to come over to the dark side of the Force and then you will know all.

But you are not alone. I did not here about it either. I am to focused on the hopes of a new film to pay attention to other sources of our shiny verse.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:03 PM


It's not the same ship. Just check out the basic architecture and design. Basically, it's a different set made to be similar to the original but not the same. Perhaps there was some legal issues with having something exactly the same. Perhaps someone/some people just wanted to be creative. But, it certainly is different in many ways.

Not everything is profound and linked to the story/world. Sometimes (arguably a good chunk of the time) such things have to do with real world development of the product rather than any deliberate creative decisions.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:50 PM


True. It was a completely different set because the first one was dismantled after the series. But there's so much there that I know Joss would build a story on. I mean all of the forshadowing with Blue-Sun with the random things River (like slash Jayne's shirt) did was extreme attention to detail, and I think a complete ship retrograde Joss would notice and do something about it. Besides, I actually liked the series Serenity better.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9:08 PM


The newer cockpit "flashy lights" as Joss said, plus the new mule, were from the proceeds of the Lassiter sale. This was after Those Left Behind, and befroe BDM.
Was that info in the commentary, or where did I read that?


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9:26 PM


I definitely liked the series Serenity better as well. It had more character. But, the whole Blue-Sun thing is over. Joss was made to axe it from the movie so I doubt that we'll see anything about that again.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like for the Blue-Sun to make an appearance. But, given decisions that have been made, I doubt that it's reasonable to assume that it'll happen.

But there's so much there that I know Joss would build a story on.
I think a complete ship retrograde Joss would notice and do something about it.

Knowing/thinking and hoping are two very different things. But, given the lack of attention to detail (i.e. continuity problems from series to movie) with plot and characters, I doubt that the ship's internal design was much on his mind.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9:52 PM


Not sure I buy the Lassiter sale theory. I'd imagine that someone just came up with that to explain things. The Lassiter would have net a hell of a lot more money than than to just do those things and we don't see any other improvements. Not to mention that they have problems eating. Such a theory doesn't really fit into canon.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 2:59 AM


The set was indeed different, because as was so righly said, the original set was taken down. If you listen to Joss' commentary on the DVD, when Simon and Mal are walking down to infirmary towards the beginning, he says that when the camera "Pans" from Mal to Simon halfway down, it is in fact a cut, as the two halves of serenity are now side by side, but they were a complete ship in the series.

And I also don't buy the lassiter thing, as we actually hear Mal talking to inara saying how he couldn't believe that no-one wouuld buy it. Maybe they had done another Ariel or two it would make sense, that was after all "Mal's Best Job"

And the reasoning for having a a hovercraft mule was that Joss wanted one all along, but couldn't get one for the the series.

I suspect that another movie or series would bring around even further changes.

PS: To add to your list of in-continuities, the engine is diferent too, where's the handle gone!!??!?

Anybody who disagrees with any of this violently can do so. But no matter what you do, "You can't take the sky from me".


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Would the Lassiter have sold for a lot more? I'm not so certain. Being such a high profile item, stolen from a feared, high ranking Alliance officer who no doubt has connections, I doubt any fence would want to touch it. Any that did would no doubt use the noterity of the weapon to drop the price to make the risk of moving it more worth their while.

There is also this dialog from "The Message" script which might bear this out:

Mal and Inara walk through, talking.

Struck out again, did you?

It's like something out of a fable!
I've got this priceless artifact, the
biggest score of my unseemly career,
and no one will touch it.

The Lassiter's universally known.
Fencing it is like...
fencing the Mona Lisa.

(nonchalantly snags an urchin picking his pocket
and retrieves his property)
Mona Who?

You're out of your league. You
should consider my offer --

I done thinking about that, and you ought to
stay clear.

I know people in the highest ranks of --

Jabber jabber jabber. I ain't listening.
Just 'cause you helped out on the job
don't make you a crook. I will not
have you jeopardizing your career
over this.

The career you abhor and look down on?

I just don't want you in the way a'
trouble. Just take it as you like.
(calling out)
Amnon, How you been?

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:28 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
But, the whole Blue-Sun thing is over. Joss was made to axe it from the movie so I doubt that we'll see anything about that again.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like for the Blue-Sun to make an appearance. But, given decisions that have been made, I doubt that it's reasonable to assume that it'll happen.

I disagree. Blue Sun was on a corporate retreat that week to conspire for new villany. They'll be back.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:31 AM



Originally posted by Traveler: Freelancertex, you have to come over to the dark side of the Force and then you will know all.

*in really tired really stressed out Luke Skywalker voice* "I'll never join you." *holds bleeding wrist where her hand used to be to her chest*
god, i havent seen that trilogy in so long...still know it by heart though XD


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 7:36 AM


Hell, Blue Sun owns half the damn Parliament...only way you'll shift 'em is to knock the share prices through the floor.

(*visualises board meeting a la 'Dogma'*)

Yeah, I liked the series 'Serenity' more, too. That's the one I have in my head when I write.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 7:47 AM



Originally posted by andman:
The set was indeed different, because as was so righly said, the original set was taken down. If you listen to Joss' commentary on the DVD, when Simon and Mal are walking down to infirmary towards the beginning, he says that when the camera "Pans" from Mal to Simon halfway down, it is in fact a cut, as the two halves of serenity are now side by side, but they were a complete ship in the series.

The sets in the series were NOT a complete ship! That's a myth! In the series, the top deck took up one stage, and the bottom stage and exterior of the cargobay door, were on another stage.

In the movie, the sets were side by side on the same stage.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 9:50 AM



Originally posted by OutInTheBlack:
True. It was a completely different set because the first one was dismantled after the series. But there's so much there that I know Joss would build a story on. I mean all of the forshadowing with Blue-Sun with the random things River (like slash Jayne's shirt) did was extreme attention to detail, and I think a complete ship retrograde Joss would notice and do something about it. Besides, I actually liked the series Serenity better.

He didn't build a story on the entirely different exterior models used for nearly every episode of the series.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:35 PM


Will there be another series / movie...?

Sorry, I have been away for some time, busy with life.. A levels etc...

As far as I knew Joss has announced there will be no more screen projects, only the MMORPG which I heard nothing about since... 2006 or 07....

Personally, if they do make a new movie, it better be good as they have killed of Wash, so it won't feel the same, I'm sure as hell confident about that one.

As for a series... hmmn... as long as it doesn't get broadcast on the Sci-Fi channel again.


Friday, May 16, 2008 8:12 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

I disagree. Blue Sun was on a corporate retreat that week to conspire for new villany. They'll be back.

I hope that you're joking. Please tell me you're joking...

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, May 16, 2008 8:35 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Would the Lassiter have sold for a lot more? I'm not so certain. Being such a high profile item, stolen from a feared, high ranking Alliance officer who no doubt has connections, I doubt any fence would want to touch it. Any that did would no doubt use the noterity of the weapon to drop the price to make the risk of moving it more worth their while.

I highly doubt that his connections went into the underworld that Mal lived in. There's also no reason to believe that they do given how he acquired the Lassiter in the first place. Remember, all those things were brought to him by his "mischief" during the war.

I also believe in Occam's razor: the item was too hot at the time being so close to the actual theft. After time went on, this was less so and he was able to fence it. Or he ended up taking Inara's offer (unlikely). That is, IF he fenced it. I don't believe that we were let in on that little detail and it is yet another assumption. Basically, making shit up doesn't fly when we don't even have a hint that something has happened.

There are simple explanations that are real world that explain these things completely. Why the mule? Joss wanted one. Why different "upgrades" around the ship? Because, it's a different set and was designed differently... to be prettier or whatever. Is there some, any, explanation given, or even hinted at as to why things changed in 'Verse? No. Does making shit up solve anything? No. No matter how hard people want to believe that, no.

The fact of the matter is there are numerous breaks in continuity from series to movie. Can't get around it. But, is that really the end of the world? Are you and others so obsessive about this stuff that things HAVE TO be perfect? I would have hoped that people would have just seen them and thought, "Yup, it's a mess up. Oh, well." Instead of spending countless hours wasting time coming up with ways to resolve inconsistencies that only bring up more inconsistencies.

For instance, the sale of the Lassiter. Let's say it happened and that high ranking Alliance official did have connections like you say. Don't you think that Mal, et al would have been bitten in the ass by that shortly afterwards? I mean, he wipped out whole neighbourhoods during the war merely for profit. Basically, if we're going to make gross assumptions, we can't just stop when it suits us. We have to continue to the end of consequences.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, May 16, 2008 8:44 PM



Originally posted by CaptainJosh06:

As far as I knew Joss has announced there will be no more screen projects,

Wrong. Joss has said there is no plans to make one and he isn't actively pursuing it. BUT, that he'd do another one should the phone ring. That hasn't happened.


Originally posted by CaptainJosh06:

only the MMORPG which I heard nothing about since... 2006 or 07....

I'm not sure how involved Joss will be in that project. But, yah, not a peep from Multiverse since the original announcement and they don't answer when people ask about it on there forums. We'll just have to see if the MMORPG becomes not vapour-ware.


Originally posted by CaptainJosh06:

Personally, if they do make a new movie, it better be good as they have killed of Wash, so it won't feel the same, I'm sure as hell confident about that one.

But, there's always flash-backs and other tails to tell before his death.


Originally posted by CaptainJosh06:

As for a series... hmmn... as long as it doesn't get broadcast on the Sci-Fi channel again.


I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, May 19, 2008 1:57 AM


Because maybe Firefly's failure to keep Fox happy was due to it being broadcast on the Sci Fi channel. This is from what I've been told/ready, but not everyone can access that channel. I am a great fan of firefly, hate the fact it was canceled.. but at the time of it's broad cast never even knew about it.
I only heard about it after my dad mentioned Serenity after I was in a sci-fi mood in 2006.


Monday, May 19, 2008 7:26 PM


CaptainJosh06... Firefly was originally broadcast on the Fox channel itself. It was pre-empted by baseball, the order of the eps were moved around and it was canceled early and harshly by Fox.
Joss shopped it to the SciFi Channel which didn't buy it. This all happened a number of years ago now...

The SciFi Channel, being a subsidiary of NBC/Universal ( who made the movie Serenity ) has the rights to show the Firefly eps now.
They just got done having a marathon last Friday. There's another one this month I believe.

Firefly returning to Skiffy ( the SciFi channel ) in full brand new eps would be awesome news, but highly unlikely - sadly enough. A movie with Universal is also highly unlikely at this point although as SigmaNunki said, Joss would do it if offered a deal.






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