Firefly Virgin Here....Just Finished the Series

UPDATED: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:31
VIEWED: 19207
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Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:52 PM


Yeah, I'm a newbie. I know it.

I just devoured the 14 episodes and the movie in a matter of a few days. What an amazing ride!! I gotta admit, a crushing wave of depression is settling in on me realizing that its over, no more episodes. I feel heartbroken, like I was a member of the crew, I came to know and love the characters, and I was booted off the ship. I want back on!!! Please!!

And I'm still in shock over Wash dying!! Its not helping with the depression at all.

I just can't take all the emotions. Joy and amazement over soaking up the best Sci-Fi show out there, coupled with the crushing depression of feeling cheated out of what could have been. The show would still be on the air if it started out on Sci-Fi or the WB (now CW). As much as I love Joss Whedon, I'm not getting hooked on Dollhouse, I'm going to watch the first couple of eps and keep an eye on the ratings. I don't trust Fox to care one bit about the fans, why does Joss? I can't believe he is going back.

I need more Firefly!!


Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:59 PM



Originally posted by fedrich519:
Yeah, I'm a newbie. I know it.

I just devoured the 14 episodes and the movie in a matter of a few days. What an amazing ride!! I gotta admit, a crushing wave of depression is settling in on me realizing that its over, no more episodes. I feel heartbroken, like I was a member of the crew, I came to know and love the characters, and I was booted off the ship. I want back on!!! Please!!

And I'm still in shock over Wash dying!! Its not helping with the depression at all.

I just can't take all the emotions. Joy and amazement over soaking up the best Sci-Fi show out there, coupled with the crushing depression of feeling cheated out of what could have been.

I need more!!

Ummm , Virgins...My favorite...I'm in !

Seriously , though...Happy to have you with us !

Make yourself to home...Chow's in ten , no need to dress !


Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:12 PM


Welcome aboard! Now you can suffer with the rest of us! This is a most excellent example of pleasure and pain! Such is our Firefly.



Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:14 PM


Thanks for the kind welcome. I'm off to cry myself to sleep.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:19 PM


JUst know that they will ALWAYS live on through us! Also, this is the BEST cast ever. I have met most of them, completely awesome. Don't know if you've heard tale of the Backup Bash, I was there. Words can't say.



Friday, May 23, 2008 2:20 PM


Nice to have you aboard! We all feel pretty much the same way, and I love that you posted this - here is proof that the Firefly population is growing every day!


Friday, May 23, 2008 2:29 PM


Yes, that's great - It was wonderful watching them for the first time wasn't it? I just watched them this year.


I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you

<3 Chiya


Friday, May 23, 2008 8:07 PM


Welcome home, fedrich. You're #31602 to put your name to the roster of our shiny ship, and we're right pleased to see you here.
Newbs and virgins get fresh strawberries and jugs of Mudder's Milk for starters.
Then stash your extra stuff in one of these handy cages and come on up to the galley to question the buffet. Shimmerwine at the aft end of the table. Ice-planets in the cooler, bottom shelf.

Please do not step on ShipsCat or into her dish.

Frisky Browncoat
Free will -- it is a bitch.


Friday, May 23, 2008 8:07 PM


It's great to hear newbies catch the habit just like we did. I caught when it aired and had to wait each week very anxiously.....

It's like a lot of things in life, to be good there are inevitably bad aspects to it. In the end though it's far better have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.....


Mal's expression in the scrapyard when he first see's Serenity says it all.


Friday, May 23, 2008 8:56 PM


Welcome aboard! Wow! What a feeling, eh?

Welcome to our world of passion and pain. Such is the life of a browncoat. I'm an O.B. (original browncoat) and like some other crew members, had to wait a week (or more) to see my fav crew embark on another journey.

Had Fox left well enough alone we'd be seeing our 6th season by now. And to think, they now post it on as a Classic TV Series, go figure. And don't get me started on JW killing off Wash (what was he thinking?).

Well, take your shoes off. Walk around and get to know the place, just watch your step in the cargo area. Y'know, make yourself ta'home.

By the way, I hope you don't mind me taking your comment here and posting it on the Universal site.
I think it would be good for everyone to hear that we have another newbie on board.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:11 AM



welcome, I only discovered the best sci fi ever a year ago myself. As I posted before, it was never broadcasted over here in Germany. I´m only here since a few days myself.

I wish I had the chance to watch those 14 episodes again for the first time, as I will never forget the feeling, finishing "Objects in Space", discovering there is no more. I was soooo sad and angry.

But as I was digging deaper I found the whole browncoat movement and was totally impressed what all those people had achieved in the passed years, for one the DVD box, of course the movie and than their own dvd documentation!!! Since than it was clear for me, no power in the verse can stop the browncoats. That helped a lot;)

Don´t get me started on Fox, I´m getting mad only thinking about what chance they have wasted.

Why Joss Whedon is with them again for Dollhouse, I don´t get it.

Liked the trailer, lets see where he is taking us, hoping he is given the chance...

Enjoy your day and a warm welcome



Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:34 AM



Originally posted by emmapeel66:

Why Joss Whedon is with them again for Dollhouse, I don´t get it.

New people at Fox, new ideas, new directions...not sayin' we should throw trust at 'em blindly, but we gotta give in to the possibility that it's a different era now- limited commercial interruption should say something in itself.

Hopeful Chrisisall


Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:40 AM



i´m not familiar with all US TV as I´m too far away over here to get all relevant information on it.

But what they just did to New Amsterdam, a very good new series in my opinion, doesn´t give me much confidence to be honest.

Keep fingers crossed


Saturday, May 24, 2008 5:39 AM


wow! Wow! WOW!!!

What a reception. You guys are the best!! I can't believe after six years the show still has such an amazingly committed fanbase! This is just unreal! You guys are breathing hope into me and I'm grateful.

My depression is starting to subside a bit. I still find my daydreaming schedule leaning towards the show. You know what I'm talking about...driving in the car, taking a shower, watching boring tv, your mind wanders and looks for entertainment, mine just keeps going back to the show.

And I can't get "The Ballad of Serenity" out of head to save my life! I gotta be honest, I hated the song at first, but as I watched the show more and more, the song fit perfectly and is the best tribute possible to the show. I love the song now!

I still have no doubt if the show started out on the Sci-Fi network we would be soaking up Season Six today. I'm really, really starting to hate network TV. Over the past few years I make it a habit to not get hooked on a Freshman show. If a show looks like something I would like, I might watch the first couple of episodes and step back and wait to see if it gets a second season. I just got so tired of being burned. To be honest, this is the reason I waited so long to watch Firefly. I knew that the show was something unique and special, that it was a masterpiece (hey, I don't live in a cave, I knew all about Firefly). I avoided it for so long to avoid the depression I am suffering right now as I type. I honestly thought that I could prepare myself going in knowing that 14 episodes and a movie are all there is, keep that in mind and don't forget it. Distance yourself a little so the sting doesn't hurt so bad.

That didn't help at all. The show sucked me in grabbed hold of me like few shows in recent time have (Lost and Battlestar are the only ones today that have done close to the same thing).

I'm trying to decide if starting the series over again will help with the depression or make it worse. Thoughts? Does it help with the pain or make it worse?


Saturday, May 24, 2008 5:49 AM



Originally posted by fedrich519:

I'm trying to decide if starting the series over again will help with the depression or make it worse. Thoughts? Does it help with the pain or make it worse?

In my case, going back again and again made it better- getting into Buffy also helped immensely.

Chrisisall's story


Saturday, May 24, 2008 5:54 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by fedrich519:

I'm trying to decide if starting the series over again will help with the depression or make it worse. Thoughts? Does it help with the pain or make it worse?

In my case, going back again and again made it better- getting into Buffy also helped immensely.

OK, no one throw anything at me.

I've never seen a single episode of Buffy.


Saturday, May 24, 2008 6:07 AM



Originally posted by fedrich519:

I've never seen a single episode of Buffy.

Easily rectified! Just start at the beginning, and get hopelessly hooked by season two.

Like I didisall


Saturday, May 24, 2008 6:12 AM


Welcome Fedrich519! - (I've never been able to get excited about Buffy either - so no stones from me, k?) Oh, I so recall how that 'depression' feels as while this site helps so very much, the pain of knowing there is no more hurts - for me, 3 years later. Finding Firefly and Serenity woke up something in my brain that had been sleeping for decades. Now I vote every hour for Firefly as the best tv show ever - I've joined the '76th' costume battalion and marched in the inaugural parade at Dragon*Con in Atlanta last year and will be there this year as well. I've joined other members at other cons to spread the word about the wonder of the 'verse. I've given the DVD's to friends and family for gifts; it's an obsession. I've bought all the 'companion' books - the two comic series - the Serenity special edition - I could go on; but you'll find out. It's a show that gets in your brain/body and heart and you just can't let go. I hope you find, as I did, that this site gives you some ease. Welcome.


Saturday, May 24, 2008 6:51 AM


For me it helped a lot to watch some episodes from time to time.

Everytime I feel a bit sad, as soon as I watch some Firefly, I get a big grin on my face and the world is shiny.

Wash in "The Train Job":

"Every man there go back inside or we will blow a new crater in this little moon"

...need to say more... ;)


Saturday, May 24, 2008 8:16 AM



Originally posted by fedrich519:
wow! Wow! WOW!!!

What a reception. You guys are the best!! I can't believe after six years the show still has such an amazingly committed fanbase! This is just unreal! You guys are breathing hope into me and I'm grateful.

So there IS kissing ! There's kissing going on right under my nose , and y'all are just getting around to saying so !


My depression is starting to subside a bit. I still find my daydreaming schedule leaning towards the show. You know what I'm talking about...driving in the car, taking a shower, watching boring tv, your mind wanders and looks for entertainment, mine just keeps going back to the show...

And I can't get "The Ballad of Serenity" out of head to save my life! I gotta be honest, I hated the song at first, but as I watched the show more and more, the song fit perfectly and is the best tribute possible to the show. I love the song now!

Yeah , it is infectious...But , I was stricken with it at the get-go...

Keep your daydreams alive...Soon , you'll dream at night , too , and find yourself in the cargo bay , interacting with Miss Kaylee and the Cap'n...

'Cause once you've been in Serenity , you never leave...


I still have no doubt if the show started out on the Sci-Fi network we would be soaking up Season Six today.

Naw...Persistent Myth ! Skiffy would never have been the right home for Firefly over the long haul...They're too cheap and tacky !


I'm trying to decide if starting the series over again will help with the depression or make it worse. Thoughts? Does it help with the pain or make it worse?

Indulge your inner geek...You deserve to be happy !

Firefly is lovely as the's beautiful , and ever-new !


Saturday, May 24, 2008 8:53 AM



Naw...Persistent Myth ! Skiffy would never have been the right home for Firefly over the long haul...They're too cheap and tacky !

I think both Stargates were done quite well. Production value impresses me. Firefly would have been a good fit.


Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:29 AM



chrisisall on Buffy:

Easily rectified! Just start at the beginning, and get hopelessly hooked by season two.

Spike was the character that hooked me on Buffy. And try as I might, I never got into Angel with the same intensity as either Firefly or Buffy. Too many of the episodes feel like filler.

I'm managed to get a number of 30-ish well-educated individuals of both genders into Firefly, but somehow they've all resisted my proddings to try out the Buffyverse...


Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:51 AM



Originally posted by jolly:

I'm managed to get a number of 30-ish well-educated individuals of both genders into Firefly, but somehow they've all resisted my proddings to try out the Buffyverse...

Understandable. I only went on to season two at the prodding of some peeps on this board (thanks again guys)- I would have said forget it at the end of season one- I thought it was okay, but not great. The show's awesome strength comes from it's cumulative effect, IMO. Show me someone that got all the way through season two that's STILL not a Buffyfan, and I'll show you someone with a cold heart. Or an allergy to vampires.

Thirsty Chrisisall


Saturday, May 24, 2008 12:55 PM



Originally posted by fedrich519:

Naw...Persistent Myth ! Skiffy would never have been the right home for Firefly over the long haul...They're too cheap and tacky !

I think both Stargates were done quite well. Production value impresses me. Firefly would have been a good fit.

Remember , this IS the Skiffy network that features the wrasslin' !

The SG-Atlantis comment can't be made to count , since it's been done post-Firefly...Same for the new BSG...

I agree , the production values are good , but , Skiffy apparently had a partner in financing Galactica...Firefly , done right , would cost nearly as much as Galactica...

The original Stargate SG-1 was often formulaic and frequently hoary...Not saying it wasn't often good , or funny , or good-looking...

While on one hand , it can be said that Skiffy had the vision to pick up SG-1 secondhand , they did NOT have a similar vision to pick up Firefly...

Which means they Don't Deserve It !

Besides , Skiffy is a 'sad little king of a sad little hill'...

Firefly deserves a broader , premium market where it can be seen and loved by a lot more folk...

Parking it in the Skiffy niche would END it !


Saturday, May 24, 2008 2:20 PM


That's great you're here!

I just finished the series a month or two ago, and I have seen every episode 5 times already, not to mention how many times I've seen the movie. This show has even entered my dreams, which gets a little weird.

But I love it.



Saturday, May 24, 2008 7:53 PM


I know that feeling. Everyone will have a different cure for what ails you but, may I suggest:

1- Watch your fav eps
2- I find that coming to this site helps a helluva lot
3- Watch the series from beginning to end, again
4-Watch the BDM
5- Discuss eps, share with friends & strangers
6- Buy the graphic novels and comic book series
7- Share your pain at

Not particularly in that order.


Originally posted by fedrich519:
wow! Wow! WOW!!!

What a reception. You guys are the best!! I can't believe after six years the show still has such an amazingly committed fanbase! This is just unreal! You guys are breathing hope into me and I'm grateful.

My depression is starting to subside a bit. I still find my daydreaming schedule leaning towards the show. You know what I'm talking about...driving in the car, taking a shower, watching boring tv, your mind wanders and looks for entertainment, mine just keeps going back to the show.

And I can't get "The Ballad of Serenity" out of head to save my life! I gotta be honest, I hated the song at first, but as I watched the show more and more, the song fit perfectly and is the best tribute possible to the show. I love the song now!

I still have no doubt if the show started out on the Sci-Fi network we would be soaking up Season Six today. I'm really, really starting to hate network TV. Over the past few years I make it a habit to not get hooked on a Freshman show. If a show looks like something I would like, I might watch the first couple of episodes and step back and wait to see if it gets a second season. I just got so tired of being burned. To be honest, this is the reason I waited so long to watch Firefly. I knew that the show was something unique and special, that it was a masterpiece (hey, I don't live in a cave, I knew all about Firefly). I avoided it for so long to avoid the depression I am suffering right now as I type. I honestly thought that I could prepare myself going in knowing that 14 episodes and a movie are all there is, keep that in mind and don't forget it. Distance yourself a little so the sting doesn't hurt so bad.

That didn't help at all. The show sucked me in grabbed hold of me like few shows in recent time have (Lost and Battlestar are the only ones today that have done close to the same thing).

I'm trying to decide if starting the series over again will help with the depression or make it worse. Thoughts? Does it help with the pain or make it worse?

"You with the bathing, me with the watching you bathe."


Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:50 PM


I too am a virgin that recently finished my entry into the 'verse. Depression, daydreaming, anger is what characterizes my journey with this wonderful show. Immediately after finishing BDM, I could not stop talking about it. I even think I wore out my friend who got me into the show, so I sought out help. A big thank you to for sustaining me.

The emotions I encountered in this show have offered me one amazing ride, as if I was truly aboard Serenity the entire time. Of course, Fox may have burned us browncoats, but they will never take the sky from us.

For the record, Greg Edmonson's soundtrack from the show has dominated my iTunes playlist the past few weeks.



Sunday, May 25, 2008 4:39 AM


I know what did this...

Welcome, browncoat...
the depression can be eased by reading fan-fic. there are some amazing minds out there that help keep firefly alive. you can start with my 2 little stand-alones

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"
- Mal, War Stories


Sunday, May 25, 2008 6:43 AM


Watch the BDM?

What's BDM?


Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:10 AM


BDM = BIG Damn Movie...The feature film that Joss created to follow the Firefly series...

Get the Serenity CE , 'Collector's Edition'.


Sunday, May 25, 2008 2:14 PM



Originally posted by fedrich519:

I'm trying to decide if starting the series over again will help with the depression or make it worse. Thoughts? Does it help with the pain or make it worse?

I find that indulging in some of the supplemental media helps with the heartache. I'm talking about the Visual Companions (1&2), the graphic novels "Those Left Behind" and "Better Days", Finding Serenity, Serenity Found, and on and on.

Also, while I was becoming a fan of Firefly, I was also becoming a fan of the entire cast. So it helps to watch some of their other work just to get a glimpse of their talent. And catching their real-life antics in the bonus features is the best.
I just finally watched Superman:Doomsday with Adam Baldwin as the voice of Superman. (And James Marsters as Lex Luthor)
I also recommend Slither if you're a fan of Nathan Fillion. Not to mention Waitress and White Noise:The Light.
Some of our Big Damn Heroes (BDH) are on TV now too. You can watch Adam in the new comedy CHUCK -- which has been re-newed for next season. Summer Glau plays the newest Terminator in the Sarah Connor Chronicles on FOX. Jewel is the latest addition to the Stargate:Atlantis cast. Nathan just finished up his role on Desperate Housewives, but only so he can appear in a new show coming out this fall(?).
But mostly I recommend joining a local Browncoat group. It helps to have friends who are in the same boat. And if there isn't one near you, start one. Or you can come hang out here -- 'cause folks here are super shiny.

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Sunday, May 25, 2008 3:38 PM



Originally posted by derelict8:
I too am a virgin that recently finished my entry into the 'verse.

Well , if you've 'finished your entry' , then technically , you're probably not quite a 'virgin' , anymore !

But , we know what you mean...

Since you're one of the " ruttin' new folk ", I just want to say , 'Ni hao ma ,
peng-you' , and wish you a wonderful journey , out here in the 'Verse !

Write Soon ! We love to 'get post' , and we love to keep meetin' the new folk , 'cause y'all have such interestin' stories...


...Depression, daydreaming, anger is what characterizes my journey with this wonderful show. Immediately after finishing BDM, I could not stop talking about it. I even think I wore out my friend who got me into the show, so I sought out help. A big thank you to for sustaining me.

The emotions I encountered in this show have offered me one amazing ride, as if I was truly aboard Serenity the entire time. Of course, Fox may have burned us browncoats, but they will never take the sky from us.

For the record, Greg Edmonson's soundtrack from the show has dominated my iTunes playlist the past few weeks.


We can relate...Good to have you as 'one of us' !


Sunday, May 25, 2008 3:55 PM


derelict8 (#31631) Welcome home!!
Just opening a new box of berries and whipping up some dip for 'em. Uncapping the Mudder's...
Don't ache for the 'Verse -- it's all around you in so many surprising ways. Say "shiny" in a store and see who perks up, for example.
And here's, of course.
You can also join in the Saturday shindigs at the nbc-uni board -- just follow the thread. No matter if you're not watching in HD -- some 'coats just pop a DVD in and join in the yak.
(Or is that llama?)
...and there is always captioning...::koff koff::

OH, and WASH-wise, don't forget you can see him (nearly all of him)in "Death at a Funeral."

Frisky Browncoat
so -- not running now?


Sunday, May 25, 2008 5:34 PM



Originally posted by FloralBunny:

OH, and WASH-wise, don't forget you can see him (nearly all of him)in "Death at a Funeral."

Oh yeah! How could I forget Death at a Funeral.


Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Monday, May 26, 2008 1:56 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Welcome FEDRICH519 and others new to the series... and new to the pain - who new a TV show could do that?
There are a lot of things that you can do to keep that joy of Firefly alive though, so take heart:

1. Read the unfilmed script. My first prescription for anyone suffering from gunhand shakes, psychic tremors, or random theme song humming, or any other signs of FF withdrawl - find it here:

A very good script - you'll be able to see it pretty much like a genuine episode. Play the cd in the background for extra effect.

2. As a few others have mentioned, read some fanfiction. There are a surprising amount of talented authors who have put a lot of their passion for the show into many fine reads. You can search this site for threads that discuss people's top suggestions. My fav is - they have done a great job imho of taking up the series and giving us a version of what might have happened in an episodic, tv script format, one that feels pretty genuine to most who read it.

3. Read the graphic novels - there's no mistaking the JW touch.
Who knows... some say these look like storyboards for a movie... I'm just saying what others have said!

4. Explore this site!

5. Tell others

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, May 26, 2008 4:08 AM


Great advice from everyone! Thanks! The depression is starting to subside, I guess when anyone thinks about Firefly, at least a small bit of it remains somewhere in the back of the mind.

The comics and the unaired script will be a real treat. However.....I'm definitely going to take my time with them. Maybe one a week and spread it out.

One thing confuses me. With such a huge fanbase, I'm really surprised novels haven't been written. I remember being at the bookstore and seeing novels for Halo. Halo! A videogame! And obviously Star Trek and Star Wars have a huge library of books. There are even a handful of books for Lost.

Firefly doesn't warrant a handful of licensed books? They would be pure gold for Browncoats.


Monday, May 26, 2008 4:23 AM



By the way, I hope you don't mind me taking your comment here and posting it on the Universal site.
I think it would be good for everyone to hear that we have another newbie on board.

Where is this site? Link?


Monday, May 26, 2008 4:49 AM


Welcome to the Sereniverse, fedrich519!

In answer to your question, the Universal HD Site is here

Uni HD is a cable network that is showing Firefly as a Series(!). A lot of fans go to their Forums to show support for Uni and the BDM/Series. Kind of letting them know that the Fandom is not only still here, but growing!

You're a gorram good example, actually!

Now as for books...

There is a Serenity Novelization, but no paperbacks with new stories. Joss nixed that, because he wanted control over the directions that the storylines might take.

That said, there are currently two Comic Book Trilogies out, with a third one in the works. "Those Left Behind" serves as a link between the Series and the BigDamnMovie. "Better Days" is the newest Trilogy, and is like a 'missing' Episode.

The third Trilogy just might answer a lot of questions. It's going to be called, "The Shepherd's Tale" .
"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Monday, May 26, 2008 6:28 AM



I have that channel!

Off to search the listings to record the HD version...


Monday, May 26, 2008 6:31 AM


It's on Saturday nights. 8pm EST, I believe.

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Monday, May 26, 2008 6:33 AM


As to your question about novels/books - Joss Whedon has refused thus far to allow any author to write or publish any stories from Firefly or Serenity (other than the novelization of the film). I choose to believe it's because he is hoping (like us!) to one day be able to continue the stories as he sees them.


Monday, May 26, 2008 9:50 AM


nods head

Welcome,other than watching the next series of firefly or Serenity2 your in the right place with like minded people now Lets be bad guys:-)


Monday, May 26, 2008 2:57 PM


What helps for me is to listen to the various podcasts...

And also, if you Google "firefly review", you'll find articles from all over the world that show the love for our show that you feel.
Some of my favorites...

Bureau 42 | Firefly Review - The Complete Series

DVD Verdict Review - Firefly: The Complete Series

DVD Talk Review: Firefly - The Complete Series


Monday, May 26, 2008 4:35 PM



Originally posted by fedrich519:
One thing confuses me. With such a huge fanbase, I'm really surprised novels haven't been written. I remember being at the bookstore and seeing novels for Halo. Halo! A videogame! And obviously Star Trek and Star Wars have a huge library of books. There are even a handful of books for Lost.

Firefly doesn't warrant a handful of licensed books? They would be pure gold for Browncoats.

Steven Brust has put his novel online as a fanfic.



Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:16 PM




Originally posted by emmapeel66:
Why Joss Whedon is with them again for Dollhouse, I don´t get it.

when you know the Devil, it's easier to work with him than someone new


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:36 PM



And I can't get "The Ballad of Serenity" out of head to save my life! I gotta be honest, I hated the song at first, but as I watched the show more and more, the song fit perfectly and is the best tribute possible to the show. I love the song now!

I felt exactly the same way you did when I first heard this song....but it really grew on me and I just love it now! May I also suggest that you look into purchasing the soundtrack from the series? This also helps when you can't watch the DVDs because as you are listening to the takes you back in your mind to the scene when the music played. To me, it's the next best thing to actually watching the DVDs.

Anyways, as everyone else has already said....welcome aboard!!!

"Well ya know, we studied bludgeoning in the academy first year but by the time you graduate, you just forget everything. I'm a bad cop." ----Laurence Dobson


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 11:27 PM


haha, the devil, now thats what I call a "Quote";)

As I´m not living in the US, I´m not so familiar with those networks, but it sems, watching from a distance, why arent all good writers and directors work for a channel like SHOWTIME, they never seem to cancel their shows, they are all totally on the edge, they give their new shows time and they do great.

Dexter, Queer as Folk, Weeds, Brotherhood, The Tudors, Californication, all amazing shows in my opinion, all very edgy, witty and different.

If I would be a writer or a creator of new shows I would only like to work with them.




Thursday, May 29, 2008 5:51 AM


Thanks for all the helpful suggestions!

"Dear Buddha, Please Bring Me a Pony and a Plastic Rocket."


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:37 AM


Popping in here to say hi and welcome to our newest Browncoat(s). I've got a suggestion for you: go read Virtual Firefly (link's in my sig, but if it doesn't work, type in; coming purely from the POV of a fan (regardless of my involvement in it), it's a great way to keep the goodness that is the Firefly-verse alive.

Check out the continuing adventures of the Big Damn Heroes of Joss Whedon's Firefly in [url=]Virtual Firefly: Here's How It Might Have Been[/url]


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 6:51 PM



"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic






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Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts
Losing Another FireFly Site ?
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:18 - 24 posts
Browncoats of the Upper Midwest - Unite!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:11 - 12 posts
Where are the Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Wed, February 26, 2025 16:00 - 69 posts
BROWNCOAT BALL 2025 – LOS ANGELES, CA September 18-21st 2025
Tue, February 25, 2025 06:02 - 1 posts
Battlestar Galactica tributes Firefly? (with pics)
Mon, February 24, 2025 13:45 - 7 posts