'SEX' Ladies Gave Jones A Whipping !

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 09:31
VIEWED: 8200
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Sunday, June 1, 2008 8:36 PM


Made you Look !

Read for yourself :

(You may have to scroll down the page a tick to see the story , once you open the window...)

Some of the verbiage in the article is pretty hysterical...This woman should write comedy !

Example :

" Film’s performance took Hollywood by utter surprise, shattering the decades-old thinking that females, particularly those over 25, can’t fuel a big opening or go up against a male-driven summer tentpole. "

And :

" It wasn’t a matter of “Crystal Skull” underperforming. Tentpole, jumping the $200 million mark at the domestic box office, declined a respectable 54% in its second frame..."

This writer almost seems to have a 'tentpole' fetish...

Anyway , I hope this beating was also felt by Georgie Lucas , and I hope he'll learn to keep his thumb out of the 'pie' , so to speak , at least anywhere that he thinks his scribal skills are required...

It's hard to imagine that this is the same genius who was the creative force behind screen legends like 'American Graffitti' , Star Wars ,
and 'THX-1138'...

I didn't hate KOTCS as much as 'Temple of Doom' , but it wasn't up to the standard of 'Raiders' or 'The Last Crusade'...

Okay , so Indy '1' and '3' were good ; this pattern suggests we should look forward to 'Indy 5'...

Please , Mr. Lucas , the script doesn't need you...And , we all know you're not doing it for the coin...


Sunday, June 1, 2008 10:21 PM


But would Sluts In The City really have performed as well 20 years ago? Being a slut wasn't really as fashionable until recently.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 10:44 PM


My guess is that there are a lot of women over 25 that would like to see a happy ending movie where the lead gets married to a rich dude.

Sort of the Cinderella syndrome; it's the female equivalent to the Peter Pan syndrome (lol).

Really folks this has been hyped to death since it went off the air 4 years back. You also have to consider that included in that hype was the most powerful woman on TV today - Oprah - lending her considerable clout. Is it any wonder that it did well at the B.O.?

Quite frankly I don't get the whole SJP thing (I'm a Kristin Davis fan). I think its mostly the fashion, but meeting the millionaire hunk who'll marry you in good ol' NY could be a draw as well.

"Does that seem right to you?"


Sunday, June 1, 2008 10:57 PM


I agree about the whole Crystal Skull thing. It wasn't as good as either 1 or 3, as entertaining as it was. What was with that whole sci-fi ending anyway?

I read somewhere that Ford and Spielberg were not happy with many scripts submitted by Lucas and that was part of the hold up for finally making Indy 4. Lucas, I believe, has lost his golden touch in terms of scripts. SW eps 1,2 & 3 proved that. He definitely lost the fun and wonder of the first 3. Besides, the best of them was not directed by Lucas. TESB was directed by a hollywood vet who knew how to put together a story. So its no surprise that of Sexy gals had an easy time of knocking Indy out of the box.

Also, I could kill you with my brain.


Monday, June 2, 2008 6:32 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
My guess is that there are a lot of women over 25 that would like to see a happy ending movie where the lead gets married to a rich dude.

Sort of the Cinderella syndrome; it's the female equivalent to the Peter Pan syndrome (lol).

Quite frankly I don't get the whole SJP thing (I'm a Kristin Davis fan). I think its mostly the fashion, but meeting the millionaire hunk who'll marry you in good ol' NY could be a draw as well.

I think you nailed it...Cinderella syndrome !

SJP is interesting to watch , but I totally agree about Kristin Davis...She's completely 'my type' , which I can't truly say about any of the other 3...

There are a lot of other films I've got to see ahead of this one...S&TC is just not a priority for me...


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:01 AM


I'm almost afraid to see the movie. I love the series because it was about more than fashion and eye candy. These woman talked real and tackled interesting issues, such as the assumption that any sexually active woman is a "slut"

I'll be so disappointed if the movie really is nothing but a Cinderella fantasy. I'm already horrified to hear that Big builds Carrie a fantasy shoe closet. Puke! The whole humor of her shoe fetish was how ridiculous and unrealistic it was!

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:12 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
These woman talked real and tackled interesting issues, such as the assumption that any sexually active woman is a "slut"

Thank you for mentioning that.

The "hookers and they're [not my grammatical usage] grandma" thread had me a little worried. I'll accept Mal's usage of the word "whore" only because I love him so but even Jayne wouldn't call a woman who enjoys sex a slut.


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:20 AM



Originally posted by CharlieBZ:
even Jayne wouldn't call a woman who enjoys sex a slut.

Sluts don't enjoy sex, they enjoy the manipulation it can entail. REAL WOMEN enjoy sex.



Monday, June 2, 2008 9:24 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

I didn't hate KOTCS as much as 'Temple of Doom' , but it wasn't up to the standard of 'Raiders' or 'The Last Crusade'...

I guess I'm alone here in that I actually liked TOD, so maybe I won't think KOTCS will be so bad when I see it.....?

Positive Chrisisall


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:33 AM



Originally posted by CharlieBZ:
I'll accept Mal's usage of the word "whore" only because I love him so but even Jayne wouldn't call a woman who enjoys sex a slut.

Yeah, it amazes me that any fan of Joss's can have a parochial attitude towards women's sexuality. *scratches head*

I missed this other thread. Probably a good thing, I'm guessing LOL!

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:40 AM


4 old women in high heals beat an old man in a hat......sad


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:47 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
4 old women in high heals beat an old man in a hat......sad

LOL! OK Chrisisall - tell me you didn't just go to a certain climatic scene in Drunken Master...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, June 2, 2008 10:01 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
LOL! OK Chrisisall - tell me you didn't just go to a certain climatic scene in Drunken Master...

LOL, actually I was thinking of Armor Of God, but it's still Jackie...



Monday, June 2, 2008 10:06 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
LOL, actually I was thinking of Armor Of God, but it's still Jackie...

No - you're totally right! That's the one I meant.

What a fabulous fight scene...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, June 2, 2008 6:52 PM


Whooooo. Sluts tops Jones for, like, almost a whole day (Friday), like far out. On Sat, Sun, week old Indy whipped the Sluts again, and will comntinue to.
Indy's first week was over $150 mil domestic, and 2nd weekend was 47, while Sluts had 27 on Friday night and another 28 mil for Sat & Sun. Sluts will be lucky to get 10 mil next week. All this despite having more screens (some I saw were twice as many screens) as Indy had his 1st weekend, and Indy had even fewer screens in the 2nd weekend.

Yes, I understand women want to prop up any false victory they can find, but using this as a direct comparison reminds me of the "Battle of the sexes" in 1973 when 30 year old Billy Jean King played 55 year old Bobby Riggs who came out of his retirement 30 years after being the number 1 player, and feminists proclaimed this as an equal competition.
Next week Slut can compare their take to that of Transformers, and if they beat it, can clain it is proof it's all that.



Tuesday, June 3, 2008 4:53 AM


Tell me JSF, what is it about sexually empowered women that scares you so? And how does your brain manage to be so abusive of the SatC characters, yet carry a torch for the actress who plays the sexually free Kaylee Frye?

Really, as a fan of the workings of twisted psyches, I'm very curious as to how you make this work...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 2:16 PM


Ya know, I've had many discussions about this subject lately and it's all point of view...

One person's sexually empowered woman/man is another person's slut. I believe that when the desire for sex becomes destructive and that person completely ignores the consequences of sex then that person has become a "slut".

Wiki explains a slut as someone who either chooses not to excercise power of dicernment over their affairs OR lacks the ability to either through mental disease or defect (abuse).

As someone who has only slept with one person(that I happen to be married to and have NEVER felt that having only one lover has denied me anything) my definition of a slut is probably more strict than most.
But I should also say that one of my favorite characters is Inara because to me she represents fantasy and strength at the same time, but I have no desire to BE a companion....

I'm sure that to many people Kaylee represents innocence and Mal is protection and Book represents secrecy, ect....

PS I have not yet seen K o t Crystal Skull, but someone mentioned that it was gory, is that true?
Also, was it as contrived as I hear it is?


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 3:17 PM


Two words: IRINA SPALKO.

'Nuff said.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 3:41 PM



Lotsa characters have cheesy names *cough* Pussy Galore?*cough* but the movie is still enjoyable....


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 5:00 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:Tell me JSF, what is it about sexually empowered women that scares you so? And how does your brain manage to be so abusive of the SatC characters, yet carry a torch for the actress who plays the sexually free Kaylee Frye?

Really, as a fan of the workings of twisted psyches, I'm very curious as to how you make this work...

I'll take a shot at this. A person who doesn't like something feels free to bash it mercilessly while they are willing to overlook or rationalize similar behavior from a character who is a part of something they do like. Then again that person may just be a part time misogynist.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 5:56 PM


Y'know, I wonder, how many people who are completely bashing SatC and calling them sluts--how many of them have actually seen the series and knows what they're talking about? Words are just words, and okay, even I would consider Samantha somewhat of a slut through most of the show (by definition, someone who sleeps with many people). But do I find her open sexuality liberating? Hell yes. Guys can be pimps and it's cool but girls can't be just as dominant and a lover of sex? Psh.

Why are people so heated (or at least warmed up enough to call them sluts) about a glorified chick flick? I don't get it.


"I can't get it right...get it right...since I met you."


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 6:17 PM


Whoa!! Hold the phone here. Indiana Jones has grossed almost half a billion dollars worldwide (in 14 days), and Sex in the City just crept over the $100 million dollar mark worldwide (in 5 days). And folks are saying that Sex is "whipping" (pardon the pun) Indy? Boy, I'd like to get whipped like that!

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 8:51 PM



Originally posted by JRC:
Whoa!! Hold the phone here. Indiana Jones has grossed almost half a billion dollars worldwide (in 14 days), and Sex in the City just crept over the $100 million dollar mark worldwide (in 5 days). And folks are saying that Sex is "whipping" (pardon the pun) Indy? Boy, I'd like to get whipped like that!

Somebody here is getting the point. And $26 mil of that was on Friday, leaving 74M in 4 days to show staying power....
Regarding the side topic, I will again try to reply if the site is working now. Yesterday's 3 or 4 replies i made did not apparently stick. I will try to paraphase the points I made.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 9:00 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Tell me JSF, what is it about sexually empowered women that scares you so? And how does your brain manage to be so abusive of the SatC characters, yet carry a torch for the actress who plays the sexually free Kaylee Frye?

Really, as a fan of the workings of twisted psyches, I'm very curious as to how you make this work...

?? I had thought this had been mostly covered in the above posts.

I am a fan of Jewel, and also of the Kaylee character (sexually free, not a slut). Also her character on Davinci's Inquest, caught by her cop dad playing teen nookie hooky.

Also a fan of Kim Catrall, who unless I'm mistaken plays a sexually free character on S&tC. As well as many other sexually free characters in her career.

I am not a fan of characters (nor real people) who consider sex to be a weapon, manipulation tool, etc.

You may consider Inara to be "sexually empowered" as a sex merchant, but sexually free - i think not so much. I am not so much a fan of the Inara character.
I think Morena is a beautiful woman, and she has a very attractive figure. Therefore i consider it a shame that she was forced into horrific push-up bras to fake the figure Inara was supposed to have. But I sometimes wonder if this was an acting metaphor for the same shameful treatment of her character.

I do think every woman should have an orgasm per day - if she chooses (the world would be a better place).

regarding kaylee and Inara specifically - readers here are more familiar:
Kaylee does not looked thrilled at the prospect of sex with Jubal.
Kaylee does not seem to have a fling during BDS, after meeting Simon, who she pines for.
kaylee is surrounded by men/boys in Shindig, but her interest in the buffet clarifies her priorities.
Kaylee does not get it on with Tracey, Shindig boys, sly HoG boys, Dobson, jayne, Mal, or any of the other opport5unities she had? As long as Simon is not filling the void (ahem), she could consider them fair game. But if she did, she would not have done it to twist or connive her relations with Simon, mostly just so she could hav good sex - she would have been straighforward, honest.
i consider her "betwixt nethers" line in BDM to indicate celibacy during Firefly. if kaylee had used some slub to rankle Simon into a more frisky state, many viewers would have a poorer view of Kaylee, even tho we all know she is sexually free. Manipulation (or attempts) are the least favorable quality of women.

Can Inara be straight, honest with anybody regarding sex - other than technical discussion? How about Mal? I think not so much. yet slut would not be right for Inara, for Mal suggests she's a whore, and others mention "space hooker" which would not be the same as slut.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 1:36 AM


Tawdry trash "entertainment" for a tawdry, demented society.

Bunch of air-headed women sitting around a restuarant table talking about how many times a week they have sex?...please...I can't fathom the originality!

Sarah Jessica running around in high fashion? Reminds me of Mal's line refering to a sheep walking on its' hind legs.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 5:16 AM


Oh, this poor website, having so many problems! Hopefully this will post now...

JSF: Why the discussion/comparison of Inara versus Kaylee? I specifically asked about Kaylee versus Carrie Bradshaw and company, the ones you several times called sluts. I never mentioned Inara. Could it be that you haven't even seen S&tC? Hmm... You said: "Kim Catrall, who unless I'm mistaken plays a sexually free character on S&tC..." OK, it's pretty clear that you haven't even seen the show. And yet you judge the characters so freely?

I think singate had it right: "A person who doesn't like something feels free to bash it mercilessly while they are willing to overlook or rationalize similar behavior from a character who is a part of something they do like. Then again that person may just be a part time misogynist."


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
I am not a fan of characters (nor real people) who consider sex to be a weapon, manipulation tool, etc.

Which characters are these? If you are referring to the S&tC ladies, please, offer an actual argument with evidence. And good luck with that, since you'd need to watch the show first.


Kaylee does not looked thrilled at the prospect of sex with Jubal.
Hunh. Wow.

So, do you know a lot of women who, when faced with a large, armed, violent, mentally unhinged man who threatens to rape them, look thrilled? Cause you do seem to be suggesting that Kaylee's reaction to Jubal is out of the ordinary, enough that it makes her different from other women who (at other times) openly enjoy sex. To which I say: Cool! I didn't know people could post here from alternate realities!!! What plane of existence do you live on?


Manipulation (or attempts) are the least favorable quality of women.
So, in S&tC, the character of Charlotte (Kristen Davis) who is favored by some viewers because she's the most classy and sweet and least "slutty" of the four, is very open about using sex to get men to commit to her. There are whole episodes based on how she strings men along. Sex on the first date ruins the chances of marriage - she argues this often. There are also episodes about how she considers giving in to odd fetishes she doesn't much like, just so that she can hold onto her man and maybe get that diamond ring and fancy New York wedding. To her credit, she doesn't tend to give in. But this is still sexual dishonesty and manipulation, no?

On the other hand, Samantha Jones (Kim Catrall), the sex kitten of the show, rarely if ever asks for anything in return for sex. She doesn't try to hide what she wants, never tries to trick men or get anything out of them beside the obvious. She says: wanna do it? If he does, great. If not, she looks elsewhere. Absolutely no manipulation. Total and complete honesty.

According to your rules, Charlotte is the worst kind of woman there is, and Samantha is to be greatly admired. Hey, it's your rules!

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Thursday, June 5, 2008 7:52 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

regarding kaylee and Inara specifically - readers here are more familiar:
Kaylee does not looked thrilled at the prospect of sex with Jubal.
Kaylee does not seem to have a fling during BDS, after meeting Simon, who she pines for.
kaylee is surrounded by men/boys in Shindig, but her interest in the buffet clarifies her priorities.
Kaylee does not get it on with Tracey, Shindig boys, sly HoG boys, Dobson, jayne, Mal, or any of the other opport5unities she had? As long as Simon is not filling the void (ahem), she could consider them fair game. But if she did, she would not have done it to twist or connive her relations with Simon, mostly just so she could hav good sex - she would have been straighforward, honest.
i consider her "betwixt nethers" line in BDM to indicate celibacy during Firefly. if kaylee had used some slub to rankle Simon into a more frisky state, many viewers would have a poorer view of Kaylee, even tho we all know she is sexually free. Manipulation (or attempts) are the least favorable quality of women.

Can Inara be straight, honest with anybody regarding sex - other than technical discussion? How about Mal? I think not so much. yet slut would not be right for Inara, for Mal suggests she's a whore, and others mention "space hooker" which would not be the same as slut.

Wow JSF. You are clearly putting the character of Kaylee on a pedestal that should not be so high when compared to Inara's standing.

What the ! That Jubal thing was, as Mal4prez pointed out, just ridiculous and wrong. So wrong that it was ridiculous.

Now for the other prospects you nominated for Kaylee:

Tracey was looking pretty cute to Kaylee (even while corpsified) before he was shot up and threatening her with a pistol. There wasn't much time between him coming to and the corupt feds finding Serenity. I don't know. If he had a couple days where Simon still could not dislodge his foot from his mouth he might have been in there.

In Shindig, her interest was in those strawberries. If you'll remember the first scene where we see Kaylee with some strawberries it was portrayed in a very, shall we say, fallacious manner. So the link between her enjoyment of food and her sensuality is very strongly established. Besides, most of the dudes were old crusty stuffed shirts. What fun is that?

How do you know she didn't try out one of the boy-whore (man-whores?)? She seemed really interested in them to me. My distinguished military service over seas has shown me that the right price will loosen a lot of moral fibers. Even those stitched together with marriage, children, and religion (not pretty to say and even harder to listen to but it's the truth). And the price doesn't get better than free and a cool mama-san like Nandi to boot.

Dobson?! That's another one that's ridiculous. Dobson fucking shot her through the stomach the evening they met. She didn't even have her pj's on!

Jayne? Jayne is way too mean for Kaylee. It's not exactly a facet of his personality that he hides.

Mal? That's kinda like pointing out she never talked about sex with her father.

But let us not forget about the dapper and suave Bester. Yeah that suck ass surfer dude mechanic that wouldn't know a blowtorch from a torque wrench. What exactly, in your mind, did that guy have to say other than, "Hey, you wanna see my engine?", before he was slamming sweet and non-slutty Kaylee up against the warm engine room bulkhead? What could have somebody that dim said? It couldn't have been much.

If you're going to call Inara slutty then you gotta throw in Kaylee from an objective point of view. It's not like I'm clinging to subtle clues here. She clearly exhibits promiscuous behavior and inclinations. Denying this and expecting others to agree is a little... what's the word...?

As for the sex-as-a-tool-for-manipulation thing you site. For sure that happens. A lot of guys (are you a guy... I just realized I have no idea) get worried over that. That's natural. But from my unnatural cattywonkered way of viewing the world... THAT'S GREAT... as long as I'm actually getting the sex. That and I'm not doing a bunch of stuff I'm uncomfortable with (a little is fine). Because if you're being manipulated with feminine wiles and not getting at the very least genuine affection in return, that is called being pussy whipped. There is no politically correct term to describe this condition. And your male and female friends will automatically recognize it and tell you that you need to get out of that situation. So it's important to have a couple observant friends around as an insurrance policy.

Does Inara manipulate men with sex for money. No! She offers sex for money. It's an overt, unhidden motive. Not only that, but she seemingly selective of her clients. I don't think Bester would qualify even if he had the cash. I think that is about as strait and honest as you can get. Meet the requirements of a screening proccess, offer to pay for the services, pay for the services upon selection, and then get serviced. I wish several recent Ebay purchases I made were that smooth.

I'm reading back over my post and realize it's worded very strongly. It reads like it belongs in RWED and we were arguing over the merits of supreme court cases. I could revise it. But I'm not going to on this one. You feel strongly and have strong opinions about the character of Kaylee and so do I. But to put her on this pedestal in this way is to deny who this character really is. Even Jewel Staite described her as "She's kind of a floozy who wears her heart on her sleeve."

I rest my case and I'm not going to spell check a damn thing on here.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 8:12 PM


As for Sex and the City. I've watched 1.5 episodes. I lumped it in with all those sex and relationship advice colmns women read. Most men wouldn't find it entertaining for that reason. I, however, found the whole "He's not that into you," thing really entertaining. That was amazing how women flocked around that little piece of advice. The dude that wrote that skinny little book about it doesn't have to work another day in his life. Sometimes the desparity between the male and female views of relationships does make it look like a miracle that sex ever happened in the first place.


Friday, June 6, 2008 3:45 PM


Well, Mr Black, I saw something on my favorite odd news site that I that would be right up your alley (since you keep an eye on all things in our actual sky!)

Sadly, It has nothing to do with Indiana Jones or the Sex and the City gals (unless their next movie is about it) but you did say the word SEX so....

Anyway, Virgin Galactic space tourism company has reported that they have had several requests by couples who want to be the first to have sex in space. Personally I think some astronauts woulda done that already, just not advertized...

Gee, that's one flight I'd like to see GET OFF the ground!!!

Yea-I just had to go there, ya know


Friday, June 6, 2008 4:14 PM


Weighing in without reading all the posts....

Indy 4: entertaining, enjoyable, not awesome.

I blame Lucas for the excessive prairie dogs in the beginning, the excessive monkeys in the trees in the middle, and the ending that left me thinking "I thought X-files 2 was coming out later this year."
I also Blame him for making me hate everything Star Wars related, despite how much I USED to love 4-6.

Sex and the city.... horrid tripe. The only person involved worth watching is Cynthia Nixon. I recall her from "The Manhattan Project". Fun film. "Jenny, I love you Jenny. I want to be your wife." She's just not enough.

A man who walks the Earth.


Friday, June 6, 2008 6:09 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
The only person involved worth watching is Cynthia Nixon. I recall her from "The Manhattan Project".

I recall her from "Little Darlings." She was the little hippie named Sunshine!


Friday, June 6, 2008 6:25 PM



Originally posted by Iremist:
Well, Mr Black, I saw something on my favorite odd news site that I that would be right up your alley (since you keep an eye on all things in our actual sky!)

...Anyway, Virgin Galactic space tourism company has reported that they have had several requests by couples who want to be the first to have sex in space. Personally I think some astronauts woulda done that already, just not advertised...

Gee, that's one flight I'd like to see GET OFF the ground!!!

Yea-I just had to go there, ya know

I think you're right , Misty One...
There actually have been married astronauts aloft on the same Shuttle missions before...

And , despite the official frowns and denials , we've all heard of the adventures of amorous astronauts to some extent...

The Shuttle missions have been winding down for a goodly while , really...What's to prevent a quiet experimental 'rendezvous and docking' ?

Orbital Sex ? Hmmm , that sounds particularly naughty...

We used to have a local airline that billed itself as 'up and coming'...In future
' Virgin ' Galactic may have to re-appropriate that slogan...

Virgin Orgasmic...The 'Up-and-Coming' Spaceline !
We wax most poetical about our Rockets !


Sunday, June 8, 2008 11:02 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Whooooo. Sluts tops Jones for, like, almost a whole day (Friday), like far out. On Sat, Sun, week old Indy whipped the Sluts again, and will comntinue to.
Indy's first week was over $150 mil domestic, and 2nd weekend was 47, while Sluts had 27 on Friday night and another 28 mil for Sat & Sun. Sluts will be lucky to get 10 mil next week...

Yes, I understand women want to prop up any false victory they can find, but using this as a direct comparison reminds me of the "Battle of the sexes" in 1973 when 30 year old Billy Jean King played 55 year old Bobby Riggs who came out of his retirement 30 years after being the number 1 player, and feminists proclaimed this as an equal competition.
Next week Slut can compare their take to that of Transformers, and if they beat it, can clain it is proof it's all that.


You oughta take off your hat , JewelStaiteFan...

It's making you look like an idiot...

So much for your prognostications ; this weekend , the 'SEX' girls were nearly even with 'Indy' , on about 800 FEWER SCREENS...

Only 1.5 Million Less than 'Indy' , on 800 FEWER SCREENS...

OH , by the way , 'Indy' was THIRD this weekend , having taken a
Kung-Fu @$$-whipping from a cartoon PANDA , and a Krav Maga @$$-whipping from a comical Hebrew hairdresser...

Read it and weep...


Sunday, June 8, 2008 11:51 AM



Originally posted by Iremist:

Ya know, I've had many discussions about this subject lately and it's all point of view...

One person's sexually empowered woman/man is another person's slut. I believe that when the desire for sex becomes destructive and that person completely ignores the consequences of sex then that person has become a "slut".

As someone who has only slept with one person(that I happen to be married to and have NEVER felt that having only one lover has denied me anything) my definition of a slut is probably more strict than most.
But I should also say that one of my favorite characters is Inara because to me she represents fantasy and strength at the same time, but I have no desire to BE a companion....

I'm sure that to many people Kaylee represents innocence and Mal is protection and Book represents secrecy, etc....

Presumably , Misty , you DO have a desire to BE a 'Companion' , but only to your husband...

You are both rare and virtuous...

Firstly , in having the courage of your convictions , and expressing your sexual identity in a manner consistent with your belief system , rather than subject to the whims and vagaries of popular opinion and the madness of the crowds...

But , secondly , in not being recalcitrant in expressing the 'rightness' of how that belief system has benefited you , personally...

Double Virtue...I'm betting that there's a Chinese pictogram that describes the concept , just like 'Double Happiness'...

But , no doubt , 'Double Virtue' IS 'Double Happiness'...


Originally posted by Iremist:

PS I have not yet seen K o t Crystal Skull, but someone mentioned that it was gory, is that true?
Also, was it as contrived as I hear it is?

Gory ? Not so much...

Contrived ? AT LEAST as much as you have heard , and probably MORE SO...

If you see it at all , wait 'til it's at the Bargain Cinema , and have
Low Expectations...

Spend your coin seeing 'Prince Caspian' , instead...It's better than the first 'Narnia' film...

It's dark and yet sweet...Very chocolatey-tasting...


Sunday, June 8, 2008 4:05 PM


Rare and virtuous?

Iremist replies in her best Southern Belle

"My, aren't you just as sweet as a sugar cube!"

then runs unexplicably out of the room....

And returns in full kimono dress and performs the slow, deep saikeirei bow usually reserved for royalty...
"May you also receive many much 'Double Happiness' kind Sir!"

Seriously, though, that's the nicest compliment I've received in a great while.

Unfortunately, my family comes complete with an overdeveloped judgemental mentality, and that's a madness I'm constantly trying to break away from. And thank you for the movie reccommendations. We're waiting till all the Narnia films are on video so's we can make a day of it. I like to take it all in together sometimes so I can understand it better (like I did with Star Wars 1,2,& 3) Slightly masochistic, but I like havin' things to look forward to....

I'll have to remember to have some chocolate popcorn while we watch!


Sunday, June 8, 2008 5:57 PM



Originally posted by Iremist:

Seriously, though, that's the nicest compliment I've received in a great while.

Unfortunately, my family comes complete with an overdeveloped judgemental mentality, and that's a madness I'm constantly trying to break away from. And thank you for the movie recommendations. We're waiting till all the Narnia films are on video so's we can make a day of it...

Sugar cube ? Well , I do take my lumps , on occasion...

Still , you do me honor...with that honor .

Yep , you definitely had me with the kimono thing...That's about the prettiest thing I've seen since Yifei Liu...

Okay , if you're not venturing out for Caspian , then see Iron Man ! It's about the best super-hero film since , like , EVER !

I've been to see it 2X , and it was just as good on the second go-round...

Quick note about the Narnia films...Once 'Caspian' is available , you can feel free to see it and the Chronicles 1 , together , 'cause the next one , the Dawn Treader , won't be quite a continuation of the first two , anyway , and it won't be the same cast , either...It'll probably be just fine in its own right .

Yuh , that judgmental madness thing does seem to go around , and runs in families , too...
I recommend breaking that plague at every opportunity...

Always good to see you , out and about...Regards to the Mister , and the


Sunday, June 8, 2008 10:24 PM


You may have heard of story arcs, character development, attempting to avoid story stagnation??


Originally posted by mal4prez:

JSF: Could it be that you haven't even seen S&tC? Hmm... You said: "Kim Catrall, who unless I'm mistaken plays a sexually free character on S&tC..." OK, it's pretty clear that you haven't even seen the show. And yet you judge the characters so freely?

Your implication here is that in the past 10 years or so, the characters on S&tC have not changed, at least since the last time I saw it. Thankfully I have not missed anything.
Try to expand your horizons and watch something new once in a while.



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
I am not a fan of characters (nor real people) who consider sex to be a weapon, manipulation tool, etc.

Which characters are these? If you are referring to the S&tC ladies, please, offer an actual argument with evidence. And good luck with that, since you'd need to watch the show first.


Manipulation (or attempts) are the least favorable quality of women.
So, in S&tC, the character of Charlotte (Kristen Davis) who is favored by some viewers ..., is very open about using sex to get men to commit to her. There are whole episodes based on how she strings men along. Sex on the first date ruins the chances of marriage - she argues this often. There are also episodes about how she considers giving in to odd fetishes she doesn't much like, just so that she can hold onto her man and maybe get that diamond ring and fancy New York wedding.

Thank you for that verbiage. A more fully and clearly description of a deceitful, conniving, manipulative slut might never be found in this thread.

I have noticed that the city tramps have in only their 2nd weekend, been trampled by 3rd week Indy, plus Zohan (double) and Jack Black Panda (triple).


Monday, June 9, 2008 4:10 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Thank you for that verbiage. A more fully and clearly description of a deceitful, conniving, manipulative slut might never be found in this thread.

Wow. I think you need to change your ID to RANCEBURGESSFAN. You two seem to share the same views on women.


Monday, June 9, 2008 6:16 AM


Regarding the original intent of this thread....
Looks like Indy has returned the spanking right back:

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, June 9, 2008 8:14 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
You may have heard of story arcs, character development, attempting to avoid story stagnation??

Indeed I have. Is there a point?


Your implication here is that in the past 10 years or so, the characters on S&tC have not changed, at least since the last time I saw it.
Um, not the implication at all. But thanks for playing! Have a gold star!


Thankfully I have not missed anything.
Try to expand your horizons and watch something new once in a while.

Doh! You really burned me there!!

Or not.

Here's the illuminating thing - often when someone has their biases questioned and finds themselves incapable of defending or even explaining their own bizarre behavior, they resort to childish attacks on the questioner.

Sweetie, this only makes you look lame and out of touch with yourself. Even more than you looked already with that Kaylee/Jubal line. Sheesh!


Thank you for that verbiage. A more fully and clearly description of a deceitful, conniving, manipulative slut might never be found in this thread.
Excellent - now we're going somewhere! Let's put on our thinking caps, shall we?

Does our society pressure young women to be like Charlotte or like Samantha? Think about it... think about women you knew in high school (or will know in high school, if you're as young as you're acting.) (ETA: no offense meant to all you rational pre-high schoolers. ) What type of girl generally gets the slut title? The one who sleeps around as she wishes, or the one who says she won't have sex till she's married?

Come on JSF, you can do it... think the issue out... you may actually learn something...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, June 9, 2008 11:18 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
You may have heard of story arcs, character development, attempting to avoid story stagnation??

Indeed I have. Is there a point?

Yes, the point is that the characters in your show have had none. To wit:


Your implication here is that in the past 10 years or so, the characters on S&tC have not changed, at least since the last time I saw it. Thankfully I have not missed anything.
Try to expand your horizons and watch something new once in a while.


Monday, June 9, 2008 11:23 PM



Originally posted by CharlieBZ:

Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

Wow. I think you need to change your ID to RANCEBURGESSFAN. You two seem to share the same views on women.

Calm down and settle out. When you have stabilized, please attempt to seperate reality from tv land, fantasy, or other surrealities you visit. Jewel Staite is an actual person, a lovely actress in many wonderful works, including something called Firefly. She portrays Kaylee Frye, a fictional character in this teleplay. Rance Burgess, on the other hand, is not a real person, but a fictional role much like Kaylee, and also appearing in an episode of Firefly.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:31 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

Originally posted by mal4prez:

Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
You may have heard of story arcs, character development, attempting to avoid story stagnation??

Indeed I have. Is there a point?

Yes, the point is that the characters in your show have had none.

Which has nothing to do with anything I've said, now does it?

You know, (maybe you don't), another amusing thing folks do when they are called out on their bigotry is to change the subject and try like hell to keep it changed. See what I'm saying?

And, by the way, it's not my show. You keep trying to put me in this role as a champion and staunch defender of S&tC, and it's making you miss the point. What's interested me in this thread is one thing: understanding how a person (this is you) can be so intent on abusing and judging a silly TV show that you haven't seen but maybe once years ago, and why you seem so willing to tie your ego and manly superiority (you are a man, yes?) into something as completely unrelated to yourself as box office numbers.

In this sense - how are you different from the woman who wrote the article in the original post? Other than the fact that she has a sense of humor?

I do have a theory about you. All your flailing about is only making me believe it more. I say and mean it genuinely - I feel for you, my friend.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left






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