Life Onboard Serenity: Into The Black

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 03:27
VIEWED: 34539
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Monday, June 30, 2008 5:39 AM


Life Onboard Serenity is a text based RPG, anyone can play anyone can join.

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, post it as a spoiler.

NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME! but try to keep it realistic.
Here are the links to the past LoS threads:

Story so far: its been 7 months since the horrific events of "serenity" the word is out on miranda and the alliance has been having a hard time keeping a reign on things. because of this the crew of the serenity have got more compotition than they usually would, as defiance is becoming more and more popular.
although they lost some crew, some dead others leaving due to "personal reasons", they found some shiny new crewmembers happy to take their place.
river is currently acting as pilot with mal helping on that front, and her brain is back to normal (well normal-ish). simon and kaylee are trying something new call a relationaship
and zoes having trouble with the loss of her husband, jaynes just as grotesque and jayne-y as usual, so lets go Into The Black...

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Monday, June 30, 2008 5:21 PM


As John tinkered with the ship, he came to a realization he hated. The ship felt abnormal, still. 7 months later and things had only gotten worse. Zoe mourned, unconsolable. Their was no more fire in her eyes, she felt empty all the time. Kaylee had all but abandoned John, spending all her time with Simon. Mal was cold always no warmth in his voice not even when he let his guard down. And even with River in the pilot's chair, the bridge was empty.

River had become the one thing that had kept him from just leaving. After Miranda, she came back to who she was. John knew all too well what that was like. They had bonded. He spent hours just sitting in the bridge discussing everythig from quantum theory to Fruity Oaty Bars. She was the only person who felt...better after Miranda. He missed playing cards and laughing at jokes. He missed the captain showing he cared and Zoe shooting the bad guys. He missed awkrard flirting and smiles. He missed Serenity.



Monday, June 30, 2008 6:58 PM


Pain's Bunk

Tobacco smoke hung in the air like a thick haze, as Pain sat at his table and field stripped his latest acquisition. She was a thing of beauty and worth the costs incurred. Bullpup configuration, ejection port out near the right side of the barrel which sent spent shell cases away from the shooter, a computerized scope with laser rangefinder and zoom capability, and most importantly of all, a 40mm grenade launcher. It was well worth the cost of his AK-47 along with a couple of pistols and a case of ammo.

"Gorram, baobei, you're quite a beauty." Pain said to the assault rifle in a loving tone. "Gonna have to get some range time with you one of these days, to get the feel for you."

He sat there looking at all her parts laid out in an orderly fashion, with eyes of a lover. It was a look that he had reserved for the women that he loved. Both Fly and Ertia were gone now. Out in the 'Verse living new lives somewhere. He was happy for them, happy that they moved on with their lived, but there were times where he wished it was still the old days and he was with them.

Slowly Pain put the gun back together and sighed. Single life was starting to get annoying at the moment. He needed to to get away from those thoughts and decided he'd distract himself by lifting a few sets of weights in the cargo bay. Locking the gun in his weapons locker, Pain climbed out of his bunk and headed down the stairs to the cargo bay and towards the battered and well used weight bench.

OOC: Here's a pic of Pain's new toy.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 5:04 AM



*Wolf watched as the last of the shooters fell to the ground, his gun clattering on the hot stone steps. without a glance at the bodys of his fallen enemys he policed their weaponry and ammo. he didn't care about the men, they were just another kill in a long line of kills, but ammunition could cause Wolf to cross the hairline between winning and losing, life and death, getting payed and going hungry.
he made his way back to the extraction point, waiting for him there was a small craft, barely large enough for two people. he climbed into the hatch and closed it behind him, after selecting his course and switching on the auto-pilot, he finnaly sat down.
it had been 7 months of doing jobs for the Independance, taking out important alliance targets, bombing installations and one instance involving a nuke, a chicken, some blu-tac and an alliance shipyard. after miranda the alliance had lost its grip, and up came the Browncoats, some looking for revenge, some new blood, all hating the alliance.
Wolf checked the weapons he had taken from the alliance soldiers, 3 desert eagles, a sonic rifle, a box of fragmentation grenades. nothing worth very much, but THIS was a rare gem, this was what he was here to get, a prototype plasma rifle. it was large enough that it wouldn't fit in a pistol holster but too small for a back sling, he stroked the smooth chamber that fired plasma in excess of 3000 degrees.
Wolf hooked it to the specialy made strap on his belt, and took the controls of the ship.
he set co-ordinates for the Independance base-moon and hit full burn. this would make some Browncoat scientists very happy.*

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 11:35 AM


OOC:This is Mobbex... I made a new alt to avoid contaminating this thread with my VFF avatar and sig.

Isahiah awoke with a start, hacking and retching as the noxious fumes exuding from the punctured halomethane tank invaded his airways. His head felt as though it was a couple of size to small for his cerebrum, and a good deal heftier than usual. He let out a short groan as he stumbled to his feet.

"How long was I out?" he thought. The engine room was plunged in semi-obscurity, only seldom lit by the flashing red-lights that bespoke of the rare precariousness of his situation. He could feel blood seeping out of his ears at a steady pace, and was acutely aware of the sizably deep open wound that gashed his forehead and tempe. He had no notion of who or what had injured him, nor could he seem to recollect any of the last day's events. He glanced around the room in search of potential clues, hoping that he would stumble across something that might trigger some shrouded memory, but was brutally brought back to the present as a the floor began to quake under his feet.

"Time to go..." He turned toward the doorway and dashed out of the room, pinning his hope on the chance that the rest of the crew had left at least one escape module behind when they had deserted the ship. He made his way down to the pod bay, and was shocked to discover that not a single of the dozen or so escape pods had been used.

"What in the jiu you happened here?" Once again, he was drawn away from his inquiry by another, this time more violent set of quakes issuing from the decks above. He put off his questions, hopped into the nearest module and sealed the door shut.

"Someone has to pay for this," he thought as he strapped himself in. He grabbed the handle that commanded the release of the docking clamps and yanked it back, feeling an uneasy tingle in his entrails as the compact module began to drift on it's own. He then activated the runaway thrusters and was instantly compressed against his seat by the sheer force of the acceleration. He could feel his features contort under the stress as his of vision progressively faded to black, and was right on the verge of blacking out again when the agonizing pressure finally relented. He unfastened his harness and glanced out the porthole just in time to see the ship disintegrate in the wake of a gigantic fusion explosion.

"Sabotaged... someone betrayed us."


Thursday, July 3, 2008 6:28 PM



Serenity's Cargo Bay

"Gorrammit, Pain, stop hoggin' the weight bench!" shouted Jayne, as he strode on into the cargo bay.

Pain had just finished another set of twenty 300 pound reps and set the weights back down on the bench. Rising up he grabbed his towel, wiped his forehead off, gave a short chuckle and said, "Aw hell, Jayne, if'n I knew you wanted to lift a few I woulda put on the baby weights."

"Ha ha, Pain. You're a ruttin' comedian." snapped Jayne. Lookin' at the weights on the bar, Jayne asked, "Whatchya pressin'? 300? That's pansy liftin'. Hell I'd lay money that pansy ass doc could lift more'n that."

Pain got off the bench, crossed his muscle bound arms across his barrel chest, and said, "Oh really now?" He raised an eyebrow and asked the other mercenary, "You wanna have a lil' competition then?"

"We gonna wager some cashy money?" asked Jayne, his interest piquing at the sound of a weight lifting contest.

"Sure why not. I could always use more of your money." quipped Pain. Taking some money out of his pocket, he counted a few bills and said raising an eyebrow, "How's 300 sound?"

The gears in Jayne's greedy little brain spun like a newly assembled engine as he thought about what he could do with that kind of cash. Finally he said, "You're on, Pain. Slap another hundred on that bad boy and lets see who can bench the most before pussyin' out."

Pain put his cash back into his pocket, shrugged and said, "Fine by me." He walked over to the weights and slapped fifty pounds on each end. Turning to Jayne, Pain said with a smile, "You first."

Jayne grinned and said as he positioned himself on the weight bench, "Easiest cashy money I ever made."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 4, 2008 2:33 AM


*Wolf approached the moon of beylix, the independants base-of-operations, he set the grid co-ordinates and calculated the approach vector, while working out an entry gradient Wolf began to think about his previous mission. It wasn’t good to think too much after an assignment like that, 12 men shot dead by his hand, a thousand more lost in the detonation of three packages of C-12 plastic explosive and the resultant explosion of the hydrogen power cells.
Thinking too hard after a mission like that could allow doubt, and doubt was a luxury Wolf couldn’t afford. He had to get the job done and get out, keep his mind on the job and get on with the next mission. But for some reason this job had got to him, he had killed before, and in much larger quantitiys than that, he had stolen before so no problems there. But what it was Wolf never did find out because at that moment, he got contacts, dozens of them. He reduced his propulsion to below stealth level, and widened the range of his sensors.
There was a battle in orbit, about 36 large alliance destroyers were bombarding the small fleet and 4 orbital cannons that made up the Browncoats defences.
As the Independent fleet readied to fire, Wolf shot to action and was speeding towards the alliance flagship before the 2nd salvo was fired.*

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Friday, July 4, 2008 6:04 AM


"Kaylee why is my ship not flying reight by now," Mal said struttin into the engine room.

"She ain't in here captain," John replied from somewhere underneath the engine.

"Well where is she?"

"Giving Simon a very passionate hug. The ship can't be fixed till I get some new parts, which won't happen until we get some coin, going back to the argument yesterday, we need work."

"We work"

"Yeah for scraps, we need real work. We need work that pays. Captian I know we went through some hard times but we need to get back into it. It could be easy with the alliance focusing on the new Browncoat Revolution. We can't just keep floatin around waiting for something to hit us."

"Fine, I send out a wave, but most of our people are dead."

"Then it's time to make some new friends.



Friday, July 4, 2008 5:47 PM


Somewhere on Paquin, inside the compound of Master Nguyen Lam:

The room is dim, though a warm fire burns in the hearth, and lends a little light. A haze of incense and herb smoke lies on the air.
"Little daughter." An old man lies in a narrow bed. His eyes are rheumy and dull, and his pale skin drips sweat.
"Yes Sifu," Scathac returns to the side of the bed, changes the herb infused compress on his brow. He has been ill for so long, and she fears for him, but she keeps her face smooth. At first, there was medicine and medical aid, but in the last months, he had refused them.
"Child. It is enough. It is time." He takes her hand. "Daughter. You must take my ashes back to Sihnon. They must rest with the ancestors. Find a ship. Take me home." Scathac looks at the man who found her as a child, and raised her, taught her, loved her. He has other children, other students, but she is the child of his heart, so much like him.
"Of course Sifu. It will be so." Scathac takes his hand.
"I know, my daughter." The eyes close. After I while, the struggled breathing slows, slows, stops.
Scathac stands, crosses the room, opens the door. In the courtyard, all of the students and family wait, sitting in rows, chanting prayers to the Buddha. Master Ngia, Master Lam's oldest son, is waiting near the door. She nodds, and closes her eyes, weeping. Ngia, her brother, rises, turns to the little community. His eyes close in sorrow. There is silence in the courtyard for just a moment, and finally, wailing.
Scathac bypasses the courtyard, wiping the tears from her eyes, and mentally prepares the wave she must send.


Saturday, July 5, 2008 5:01 AM


alliance flagship WASHINGTON, in orbit around beylix

*Wolf leaped out of the gloomy interior of his light-attack stealth craft and was blinded by the sudden light of the open shipbay. he raised his shotgun and fired, BOOM BOOM BOOM all three barrels of his custom weapon spewed their deadly contents and a group of mechanics fell to the ground twitching, their orange boiler-suits spattered with crimson.
the noise alerted several security guards.*

Guard1 "We have contacts, call to SEQCOM and se..."

*the mans voice was cut shot as a round of super-heated plasma slapped into his back, boiling through flesh, meat and bone. his fellow guards ran for cover, seeing the horrific end that could await them.
Wolf simply laughed, and then unleashed hell*

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Saturday, July 5, 2008 10:45 AM


Isahiah once again awoke in state of fright, abruptly roused from fitful somnolence by the sudden, sibilant hiss relayed by the module's onboard communication array.

"Com chatter! Rosy Mary... that must mean I'm back on the map."Isahiah's breathing slackened and a wisp of a smile fleeted across his face. Up to this point, he hadn't dared to entertain even the dimmest flicker of hope as to his situation.

"It's nothing worth getting all steamed up about, though. I'm still a long way from home... or anywhere, for that matter. But it's a start."

He settled back onto his seat and brought up a hand to prod the compress on his forehead. The fabric felt uncharacteristically tepid and moist to the touch, and he resolved to change it right away. He quickly undid the knot and inspected the makeshift bandage. Sure enough, it was soused in semi-clotted blood and reeked of suppuration. This was bad news. He didn't have much in the way of antibiotics or cauterizing agent near at hand, nor did he possess a sufficient grasp of medical lore to reasonably attempt to close off the wound himself.

He tore off another segment of his shirt sleeve and tied it around his damaged cranium, then reached out a hand and switched on the distress beacon with a flick of the thumb before easing back into his seat again.

I guess it's out of my hands, at this point, he thought. He lifted his gaze and laid idly for a moment, staring at the cosmos, seemingly transfixed by the sight bestowed on him. He could think of worse places for a man to meet his end.


Saturday, July 5, 2008 1:16 PM


crap, wrong account


Saturday, July 5, 2008 1:18 PM


OOC- this is actually LeopardFlan, who petitioned earlier, on that last thread, made an alt for the same reason Mobbex made his

Planet-side on Paquin:

Aiko Kitahoshi turns to Tadashi, the captain of The Dragon.

Aiko- I appreciate you taking me on, but I am afraid our paths have seperated.

Tadashi- May you go well, then, and prosper.

Aiko- And may your journeys be succesful.

Aiko walks off the ship, carrying a bag, and is searching for a ship that will take her in the direction she wants to go. She wanders, and then finds the perfect ship. A Firefly, that would be practically tracing the Dandelion's path! She walks up to it and sees a young, slightly plump, cheerful woman sitting in front. Aiko strides up to her.

Aiko- Could your ship use another passenger?


Saturday, July 5, 2008 2:48 PM



It has been four days since Master Lam's body was cremated. Now the ashes reside in a delicate looking wooden urn, decorated with mosaics of white egg shell. The urn is, in turn, snugged into Scathac's small sea bag. As she wanders the docks, she remembers her last moments with her family. Ngia had given her a small bag of coin to pay her way, plus some credits had been transferred to her name. He knew she would come home, but he also knew that Scathac would take some time to walk the worlds. It was her way.
"Be well, mei-mei," he had said as he hugged her. Scathac had smiled, bowed to her brother, the new Grand Master, and left through the tall gate of the compound.
"Ah. There it is." A Firefly class. She had never travelled in one before. Two people stand in front of the loading bay. One of these people, like her, carries a bag. The other is a cheerful girl, slighly plump. Already Scathac likes her. She waits politely for the two to finish their negotiations.


Saturday, July 5, 2008 9:16 PM



Kellen's duffel bag was nearly empty, beside a few essentials. The only thing that stopped it being relatively light were the tools, something he had never parted with, even though he wasn't expecting to be a mech' on any boat.

Kellen Murphy was big man, a friendly Scot with an engaging grin, had a fierce pride in his ancestry, and he had been ship born, used to mundane jobs, everything from cleaning to cooking.

Man: You want some good dogs! Veryy, veryy good!

Kellen: Nae, ma' belly isn't guttin ae moment

Man: Wha'?

Kellen passed the man, briefly shaking his head. Just another in the crowded docks, where people were bustling to and from where ever. This was hardly apparent as he stopped in his tracks, his eyes transfixed on the Firefly. He didn't second guess his choice, and made his way to the bay...


Sunday, July 6, 2008 4:26 AM


Malcolm Reynolds walked toward the small house on the edge of a stretch of carnival barkers and sidesohow freaks. He hadn't been to the carnival side of Paquin in a long time and prefered to keep it that way. The house was decorated with faded stars and a sign by the street advertisd Madame Li's star readings. The building, as Mal knew, was now used by Eliza Halloway, the director of the carnivals. She had the busy job of making sure they didn't go in each others spaces, or steal from each other, and in the case of last week, she dealt with murder.

Mal entered her office flanked by Zoe, who looked somber and militaristic. Eliza greeted them with a smile and a stack of papers. She was middle-aged, but strong in features. She moved with a hint of arrogance and potentially some military time. "It's simple you go you pick up the cargo and you come back. These papers will get you in and out, I expect it within a resonable time or your pay is cut in half. Are we clear. Good have a good day." The conversation was over and she walked back into her office.


John and River walked into the cargo bay. They approached the door. "Kaylee, do you want to come laugh and the freaks with river and Oh people!. Hello I'm John." Two people had approached the door. One felt sad, she had been grieving. "You caoming aboard?"



Sunday, July 6, 2008 3:05 PM


Kellen was oblivious to the fact John had directed it towards the other woman, and extended his hand with a massive grin.

Kellen: Oh, aye sair!


Sunday, July 6, 2008 3:24 PM


"Hello!" he said to the ethusiastic Scot. He leaned in close to Kaylee. "Are we in a position to take pasengers? I thought we were working."

"Yeah well I figured it would brighten the captain's charmingly depressed disposition lately."

"Yeah by making it charmingly angry. Shiny" he turned back to the people and awaited a response.



Sunday, July 6, 2008 3:53 PM


Kellen: Oh, nae, sair! A can gie ye a huand as ye's Cook to Cleaner for me passage?


Sunday, July 6, 2008 4:04 PM


Scathac: "I would also like to hire passage. I'm heading to Sihnon, or as close as you can get me. I'm also in no rush. I don't mind a round about journey. Oh, I have the coin to pay my way." She has a friendly smile for John and the other crew members.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 4:09 PM


*with a small bow* I have the money to purchase passage on this ship. Would you care to accept me?


Tuesday, July 8, 2008 1:15 AM


in orbit around beylix, 2 hours since last post

*wolf calmly flew away from the debris of the alliance flagship, he had lost the plasma rifle in the explosion but the pistol was still intact and safe.
he had to get help, he had to get mal...*

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Tuesday, July 8, 2008 5:57 AM


OCC: Maybe something other then Halo weapons? Maybe some of these? (Add the "h" to the link)



Tuesday, July 8, 2008 6:03 PM



Originally posted by Aiko:
*with a small bow* I have the money to purchase passage on this ship. Would you care to accept me?

Pain walked into the cargo bay via the stairs near the infirmary. Seeing Kaylee and John talking to a few new people, the 6' 8" mercenary moseyed on up between the two crew members.

Resting his hands on their shoulders, the big guy smiled at the newbies and said, "Ni howdy, folks! Name's Pain, I'm one of the ship's hired guns. Pleased to make your acquaintances." He then said to both John and Kaylee in a hushed tone, "We are takin' them on board, right? Cause I don't wanna have to break out the sad, pouty face and the puppy dog eyes."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 9, 2008 2:20 PM


He turned when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Believe we are. Come on aboard, I'll give you a tour but until i get an okay from the captain I'm going to have to ask that you stay with a crew member at all time. Follow me." he walked into the cargo bay. "This is the cargo bay, you can leave your stuff there for now. This room will be available only at certain times and only when accompanied by a crew member, but you can keep some items with you in your rooms if you stay." He began to walk through toward the infirmary. Sihnon would be tough but he hoped they could take these people where they needed to go, after the job.



Wednesday, July 9, 2008 3:08 PM


Kellen stepped in line with the rest of the group, slinging his bag into the crates in the midle of the bay.

Kellen: Oh, nae sair! A be lookin' fer a job! A'm leukin to be a cook, cleaner, anything! An' wi' tha' right tools, ah could tinker somethin'!



Wednesday, July 9, 2008 8:48 PM



"Thank you." At first she seems uncertain about leaving her bags in the cargo bay, but with a shrug she sets them down, side by side, and waits for the tour.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 7:52 AM


Aiko- All right. *with a glance at him, trying to figure out if there was a dishonest purpose behind the request, she sets the bag down precicely next to the pile of crates* Ready when you are.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:23 AM


Hi! My name's Ivy. I'd like to join in. I am a botanist of sorts. There are places that need plants and flowers and I have the seeds.

EDIT: Looks like this are getting full here. Is there any room for me?


Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:18 PM


Ivy clutches her small duffle bag to her chest.

I'm ready for the tour, but I have a couple of crates that need picking up at a nearby grain store.


Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:20 PM


He walked past the infirmary attempting to get a better feel for the people who had come aboard. "This is the infirmary and that is our doctor, Simon. Hopefully you won't have to come back here. He led them up the stairs, That is the engine room, off limits for the obvious reason, and this is the galley and also a common room, You'll probably send a bit of time here and you," he motioned to the man, "will cook here if your genuine about it, stash is limited but good enough. We eat communal meals when we can." he was reminded that Zoe hardly joined them any more. "I didn't really introduce myself. I'm John, I'm a assistant mechanic, and a general hand. Kaylee down stairs is our mechanic, River, the quiet girl, is our pilot."



Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:25 PM



Originally posted by Kellen:
OCC: Maybe something other then Halo weapons?

i tried to draw my own, but couldent get anything other than a scribbely line conected to a funny shaped blob so try to imagion it other than the halo ones. until i can get a better drawing and work out how to make the scanner do anything other than pretty pretty lights.

*Wolf tried to establish conntact with Serenity, he stared at the vid-screen. blank. just as he was looking away an image flickered to life, Rivers face appeared on the computer.*
Wolf "hey there little one, is daddy home?"
River "not by the hair on our chinny chin chins."
Wolf "come on girl i need to speak with mal."
Mal "question is, do i need to speak with you?"
*mal walked onto the bridge and stood behind what would always be known as wash's chair, thumbs in his belt, frowning at the face on the vid-feed.*
Mal "way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."
Wolf "i daresay that was justified, but i must say mal its not why i here that should bother you, it why you aren't here.
Mal "what do you mean?"
Wolf "you said it yourself mal someday we'll rise again, well its happenin', browncoats are back, i've been workin' for them for a few months now. but we've just been hit on Beylix, and i need your help."
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Friday, July 11, 2008 3:49 AM


Hearing his voice and footsteps from the bridge John turned to the people and announced, "Captain's back I'll go get him," John walked to the bridge and noticed Wolf, "Hey captian... and Wolf. Captain we have some..."

"This crazy woman is sending us to Beylix, and it's war torn" The captain said to John with his characteristic everything is going to hell laugh, ignoring his previous comments. He turned back to the screen "well wolf we'll be by but I'm not staying, I fought a war for too long just to have the big, bad alliance shoot me down and I woun't be doing it again."

"Captain," John interjected, "We have passengers"



Friday, July 11, 2008 5:50 AM


Aiko thinks to herself "This is interesting..."


Friday, July 11, 2008 9:42 AM


*Wolf grinned appretiativly, then noticed something.*
Wolf "hey, were you talkin' 'bout me or riv..."
*the screen went blank, Wolf felt strangely uplifted by the familiar faces and voices, and seeing john was an unexpected bonus. he set up his stealth orbit around Beylix's moon, settled down, he would have a while to wait before they got here, better start fillin' time.*

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Friday, July 11, 2008 10:14 AM


Scathac had enjoyed the tour. A clean ship, a bit shabby around the edges, but tightly run. And the crew all seemed to genuinely like each other. It reminded her of her father's household. There were voices coming from the bridge, just slightly raised, in irritation or perhaps surprise. She paid them little attention, as everything would happen the way that it must. Sooner or later, she would get her father's ashed to the family shrine. Certainly, he would understand if it took a little time.


Friday, July 11, 2008 12:31 PM


"Now why do we have passengers?" The captian asked walking with John into the galley.

"Talk to Kaylee."

"Hope they plan to stay a while. Okay folks, I'm Malcolm Reynolds, captain of Serenity. If you have the money, I can take you on, but we'll be flyin to Beylix and then back here before we can get any of you where you need to go. If that doesn't work for you, leave."



Friday, July 11, 2008 7:03 PM


*A young girl wearing a red checkered shirt, light jeans and well worn riding boots makes her way up to the large ship that has caught her attention on her journey. She see’s nobody in the cargo bay, but hesitates on the open ramp not sure if its occupants are within the ship*

Cate: Hello? Anybody home… I come in peace… and am looking for a ship to travel in…

*She hoists the large bag on her back to a more comfortable position while she waits for a reply*


Sunday, July 13, 2008 9:00 AM


Still clutching her bag closely to her, Ivy pulled out the coin for her fare and gave it to the Captain just as the portable cortex link in her pocket chimed. She quickly zipped up her bag before pulling it out. She read the message and smiled. As she typed in a short reply, she looked up to see the Captain giving her a somewhat menacing look.

"I just got a message from my grain supplier," she said happily. "He has a customer coming this way who is willing to drop off my order. Isn't that shiny?"

"We don't allow passengers to have these on board. Tends to cause problems," the Captain said. With a slight gesture with his head, he motioned to John who came over and gently removed the device from Ivy's hand. "You'll get it back when you depart. If you need to use it while you're here, just ask one of the crew."

"Oh... OK..." Ivy said, surprised.


Sunday, July 13, 2008 9:14 AM


"Captain Reynolds, I'm not opposed to a long trip. I would like to hire passage, and I can pay. Is that acceptable?"


Monday, July 14, 2008 10:34 AM


OOC: I posted on the other thread, and have not gotten an answer to my question, or any responce at all. So, I am going to assume, not at all.

'There are some days in which I hate my job, and all the despicable and horrendous things I am forced to do'
Doc was sitting at her desk, staring forlornly at the piles of paperwork. Forms to fill, reports to read and write, requests to be aproved.
"Why in the world do I need to personally aprove a request to purchse more tolet paper?"
She muttered to herself. There was a brisk knock at the door.
"Come in"
In walked Private Johnson. He saluted Doc.
"Yes. What do you need?"
"Sir, There is a message for you. It just came in through the cortex. It's from Commander Apush, sir."
Doc set the files in her hand back down on her desk.
'I'll just have to sent those some other time.'
"Yes, I'll be right to the bridge."
'Looks like it's time to see what the brass wants.'
Col.Katarine Von Werston, Commander of the Alliance Battlecruser Miro, walked out of the room.

It is the possibilities of having a dream come true that make life interesting


Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:04 AM


The captain nodded and made arragements with those who wished to stay and even aquiring a new cook for the ship. John was excited about the food. Food was good. He lead the people to the available passenger dorms and found them all a place to stay. He walked into the cargo bay to see if Kaylee was still there; she needed to look at the leak he had patched before they left. Instead, he saw a woman he didn't recognize. "Can I help you?"



Wednesday, July 16, 2008 3:59 PM


John: Can I help you?

*Cate looks at the man, and gives what she hopes is a winning smile*

Cate: Yeah, um... I'm looking to take passage on this ship… do you have room?

John: Depends on if you can pay.

Cate: Sure, I can pay in cashy money. Doesn’t even need to be a room… I'm comfortable as long as I can –

John: *knows the woman is rambling and feels that it's a habit for her* We can find you a part to set yourself.


Thursday, July 17, 2008 5:12 AM


"This way." So many knew people. It was overwhelming. For the last few months people had only left and only Inara returned, but now so many knew people. Of course there was a downside. People have secrets, dangerous secrets that could get someone hurt. He needed to find out these people's secrets before they could. There was an easy way if he couldn't figure out if they were potentially dangerous himself. He realized they could all be normal, but he wasn't very trusting and needed to know for sure. He walked into the bridge to find the captain talking to River about the course. "Everyone's settled captain, we're good to go."



Thursday, July 17, 2008 7:25 AM


Ivy was going to her bunk when she felt the ship take off. She always loved the feeling of leaving atmo, although she had done it quite infrequently. This new job postion was very exciting for her. She was out of the lab and into the world. Instead of just developing the plants, she was being able to see them get out into the world and actually get used. She knew that once she got to the end of her trip on this ship, that she would have to find a place to set up shop, but where she was would be just shiny until then.

Ivy opened the door and cheked out her bunk. It’s small, but it is nice. She unclutched her small bag and stuffed it under the mattress. That didn’t hide it very well, so she shoved it in the corner of the bed and put her pillow up against it. She stood up and inspected her work.

“It’ll be fine.”

She walked out to the cargo bay and noticed her order from the grain store had been delivered. She squealed and rushed out to it. There were three large crates. One was marked equipment. The other marked Edible/Genseed. The last one was marked Flower/Plants. She eagerly began to opened the crates and pulled some things out.

“I can’t believe they took your cortex link.”

“It’s no big deal,” Ivy answered. “I can live without it. They said they would give it back later”

“What if you need help? You don’t know these people.”

“I have a good feeling,” smiled Ivy. “It feels homey here.”

“If it is all the same to you, I’ll look into getting that link back to you.”

“It’s OK, Tommy,” sighed Ivy. “You worry too much.”

Ivy closed up her crates, gathered up her stuff and skipped cheerily off to her bunk while whistling a lively tune.

Meanwhile, on the bridge…

River stiffened a bit.

“Something wrong, Albatross?” Mal asked.

“Don’t know,” she answered.

“Don’t know?” Mal asked. “That doesn’t make me feel better.”

“Just got a glimpse…”

“Of what?” Mal asked, getting impatent.

“We may have a stowaway.”

“Jen dao mei,” Mal muttered as left the cockpit. “Guess I’ll be searching now. Now, where are the others? Some help would not go unnoticed.”


Thursday, July 17, 2008 5:16 PM


Kellen slung his bag up into the room before climbing the small ladder. It was small, but, Kellen had slept in smaller, and atleast this wasnt shared. Hell, he even liked the look of the Firefly, the feel. It had been a long time since he had stepped foot in one, not since a war lost. Neither did that matter, he truly felt "Serenity" here.


Thursday, July 17, 2008 5:52 PM


"Is it bad that I feel something has to be wrong 'Nara?" He found himself in her shuttle enjoying some tea. They had developed a relationship with each other that was therupeutic, with each sharing problem and getting the others advice. She knew most of his secrets and he knew many of hers, but the trust was solid.

"Well it only seems natural considering. We've had problem with mysterious passengers in the past if you've forgotten, but if they come to belong here, their problems won't matter and if this is only temporary, we can handle it."

John took a deep breath through his nose savoring the aroma of the tea. She was right, she was always right. They had been through hell and were still flying. "It just after what happened with Knives..." he felt a presence stern and emotionless except for a hint of worry mixed with anger. "Captain's coming"

He barged in in his normal fashion turning to John. "River thinks there might be a stowaway, think you can sniff out the passengers for me."

"Mal I find it hard to believe you still need reminding not to enter my shuttle." She was blushing, just a little. The captain and her had been excessively flirting in their normal way. Not to mention what had happened on Three Hills.

"Captain I'm not your personal psychic, get River to do it."

"River is flying my boat."

"Fine," he placed down his tea and stood, "but I can't make any promises."



Thursday, July 17, 2008 6:16 PM


Scathac stowed her sea bag, but left the long wooden case on the bed. She would have to check with Captain Reynolds about a place and a time to practice. First, however, she needed to relax. It had been a while since she had been among so many people. The noise of the docks had been stressful after the quiet of her family compound. Meditation would help her get the last of the cacophony out of her head. Scathac sat on her bed, pillow under her back side, legs crossed, back straight, eyes closed, clearing her mind of all of the dross the day had brought with it.


Thursday, July 17, 2008 9:42 PM


Cate, after being told the general do’s and don’ts on Serenity, is shown where she’ll be sleeping for her journey. She carefully makes sure her belongings aren’t in the way of her wanderings within her own room, making sure her writing equipment and few books she has aren’t in full view for sticky or wandering fingers. When done and unpacked, she stands there for a few seconds.

Cate: Ok… now what?


Friday, July 18, 2008 3:00 PM


Kellen thought about settling down for the night, before deciding to get to know the other passangers.

He made a quick mental note that he needed to talk to the Captain later, his captain, if things go the way he wanted.

With that thought, Kellen made his way down the ladder. He picked a door at random and knocked...

(OOC: I don't care as too who carries it on, I just thought it would be good to get to know some of the others)






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