UPDATED: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:35
VIEWED: 20964
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:21 AM


ok. 5 shows. let's see

1. Farscape - it's the best TV show ever. I love that it's SciFi from another view. there's just one human and he's not really the 'hero' sometimes he is, sometimes they make fun of him because he's just completely worthless. it feels so real and that with muppets and blue people and tantacles and stuff. they are just lovable aliens and they are much more alien than on other SciFi and they don't pretend to be human or try to become human. and the military organisation is the bad guys. I'm a bit of an anarchist at heart and if there is a spaceship I'd like to live on it's Moya and no other. not even Serenity. I could never submit to Mal the way Wash or Simon have to (they usually are the ones challenging his authority). I loved it on Farscape when Pilot said they had to vote on a captain and they voted for D'Argo and no one listened to him afterwards and they just kept forgetting that he was the captain now.

2. Buffy - and I'd never thought I'd say that. I started watching Buffy with much reservation last fall. a kids show with vampires? I was extremely bored and had nothing else to do and loved Firefly so I thought maybe I'd give it a try. I got the DVDs from a friend and just sat down to watch it from start to finish and now I've watched most of it three times already. it's something special. I'm too old (28) to really see myself in there somewhere but it somehow speaks to me nonetheless. it's funny and smart and consistent (most of the time). and I too loved S6 and S7. I was somewhat disappointed by S5. Dawn got on my nerves quick and I really was too happy when Riley finally left. but there was good in S5 as well, I liked Glory and EPs liek "Fool For Love", "Triangle", "Checkpoint" and "The Body". so no real bad season for me in Buffy. and somehow I see Angel as an 'addendum' of sorts to Buffy. not that great but good enough to watch and in no way too different from the main story. I don't know I kinda like most of the time (I've only seen it up to mid season 3 so far) but don't see it as a series of it's own.

3. Firefly - now you think I'm mad to have two other shows before it but maybe it was just too short yet? I really love Firefly but I have watched it 4-5 times or so and now I haven't watched it in a while and maybe I've somewhat forgotten how good it is.

now I have to think, nothing really great but lots of good ones left.

4. can I say Star Trek? and mean TNG, DS9 and VOY (I love Voyager even if no one else does), no TOS and no ENT. I'm mostly a fan of characters and not so much big epic story arcs. so DS9 wasn't all that special for me. I think I prefer both TNG and VOY to DS9 but it's all the same universe too and lot's of the story concepts and the way of telling them is somewhat the same on all 3 shows.

5. hmmm, maybe to have something competely different in here: Six Feet Under. I haven't seen all of S3 yet but all in all it's a weird series and fun and disturbing to watch. I get a strange feeling when watching more than one EP at a time. it kinda freaks me out or something. I can't discribe it.

and now to mention the rest in no paricular order: Andromeda S1 and 2 (I strongly distance myself from S3 onward, that's just utter crap), Babylon 5 (and here too I loved S5 and I'm almost sure I'm the only person on the planet), Dead Like Me, Manchild (Brit comedy, I've only seen S1 but that one was fun, especially the mouse in the end ), and for nostalgic reasons: North and South, Knight Rider, Tour of Duty, Due South and my only ever soap Santa Barbara. and I could mention a view german series but no one would know them, so...

...I'd do it anyway: "Ich heirate eine Familie", "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" und "Rivalen der rennbahn" but I'm pretty sure I loved the last one only for the horses.



Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:10 AM


Cowboy Bebop
Crusade (the B5 spin off.)(I would be like Galen)
X-Files (before the Molder shot himself Not really thing)

And tottal respect for all the shows that introduced me to Scifi like He-Man, She-ra, Thundercats, and Voltron

"There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action" - Johann Wolfgang van Goethe


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:22 AM


I am pretty stuck on firefly, but I won't put it on this list because it just wasn't long enough. How I wish for 3 to 4 good years of it, but we just got enough to whet our whistle so to speak.

1. Buffy
2. Angel
3. Dark Angel
4. Lois and Clark
5. Space Above and Beyond

There are a lot of great shows out there, but these five are my favorites. I recently got the Dark Angel DVDs and would suggest them to everyone. The character development is phenomonal, and while it doesn't have quite the characterizations that Joss seems to be able to give his actors, it has a depth of feeling unlike most shows I know. The love angle between Max and Logan is comparable to Angel/Buffy, but is so much worse, because while Buffy and Angel can't be together because of the whole soul thing, they can at least touch. Max and Logan can't even do that. That to me would be truly horrifying. To love someone so much, and through no fault of yours or theirs be unable to even hold their hand or push their hair back. Gosh, it gives me sappy mushy goose pimples just to think about it.

I have no hope for that show, seeing as it's been gone for years, and there is no hope for revival, but once again, Fox Destroys something i love. At least I think it was Fox.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:02 AM


Yes, it was Fox. (Currently airing on Space in Canada; last night was the one with the transgenic hypnotist chick and the mobsters. I suck at titles. )


Originally posted by Idefix:
and now to mention the rest in no paricular order: Andromeda S1 and 2 (I strongly distance myself from S3 onward, that's just utter crap), Babylon 5 (and here too I loved S5 and I'm almost sure I'm the only person on the planet),

I agree with you on Andromeda (though I've been forcd to keep watching it --it's like a trainwreck; I can't look away).

And I also liked Bab5 S5, so you're not the only person there either.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:15 AM


Firefly (of course, or i would not be here)
Friends (i miss it already)
Good Eats (cooking show)
Sportscenter (does this count?)
Futurama (too bad it was canceled)


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:34 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
I agree with you on Andromeda (though I've been forced to keep watching it --it's like a trainwreck; I can't look away).

ohhh, you have my sympathies for that. I got away after watching 5 or 6 EPs of S3. they were all crap and so I decided to give up on it. bought S1 and 2 on DVD though, they were really good, S2 second half was mixed but ok. later on I haven't heard that it got any better so I never went back. so maybe I'm totally wrong and S4 is brilliant but I don't think so. and I don't want to watch any more of it if it is just as bad as the first 5 EPs of S3.

I still watch Enterprise even if it's not what I would call good TV but it isn't bad enough to give up on Star Trek yet. it doesn't hurt to watch it so I do hoping it will get better someday. so maybe I understand how you feel.


Originally posted by Cybersnark:
And I also liked Bab5 S5, so you're not the only person there either.

that's a relief to know. thanks


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:32 AM


1) X-Files
2) Firefly
3) Buffy
4) Farscape
5) The Avengers (going back a bit)

"That's the buffet table....."


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:40 AM


1. Buffy
2. Angel
3. Firefly
4. Miami Vice
5. Seinfeld

I might be the only person in the 'verse that has fond memories of Miami Vice. I hope they make a big budget movie with all the original actors and maybe somone like Johnny Depp as a Miami drug lord. But I might be the only person in the theater.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:26 AM


My picks, in this order, best five of all time:
-Gilmore Girls

That noted, how can anyone not like a show that, in its finalé, had all these little items:
One guy dorked his brother's wife. The brother had a heart attack. The coach suddenly had major unspecified complications to his upcoming surgery. Hero #1 had his shoulder ruined for basketball. Hero #2 got marrled. Heroines 1 & 2 turned lesbo, and conspired to send villian 1 on a wild goose chase after her husband...or did they? Hero 1 left his mother forever, to go live with the dorker (see above). The heart-attacked father rejected his son's final atonement. Two heroes, at first bitter enemies, have become best friends. (And I may have missed some.)

Surely this takes the cake for the most b.s. in a single TV episode, for all time.

The show -- "One Tree Hill," if you hadn't guessed -- also included some brilliantly photographed basketball action, and some outstanding acting, particularly on the part of Moira Kelly and Hero #2.



Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:30 AM


My top five are;

1) Firefly
2) Buffy The Vampire Slayer
3) Star Trek (any series)
4) Sledgehammer!
5) Teachers


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:00 PM


Am I the only person here who actually liked "Game Over"? And I saw only two episodes.

Normally I reject all cartoons, but that was computer-animated, so better.



Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:15 PM


This is so hard as many people have already said.

1. Firefly
2. Inuyasha
3. Angel
4. West Wing
5. Buffy

least favorite: reality shows



Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:40 PM


american tv:
1. Buffy (especially season 4-6)
2. Millennium (season 1)
3. The Sopranos (season 3,4)
4. Twin Peaks (season 2)
5. Babylon 5 (season 3-5)

Hon. Mention: Firefly (it has the highest potential of any show, but it didn't get to achieve its potential), Six Feet Under, Angel, Homicide: Life on the Street, 24, Xfiles

non-american tv (or maybe I should just call it 'episodic film' rather than tv):

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Serial Experiments: Lain
His and Her Circumstances
The Newsroom
Kino's Journey
Twitch City
This is Wonderland
Cowboy Bebop


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:52 PM



Originally posted by Idefix:

I see Angel as an 'addendum' of sorts to Buffy. not that great but good enough to watch and in no way too different from the main story. I don't know I kinda like most of the time (I've only seen it up to mid season 3 so far) but don't see it as a series of it's own.

I'm sure people have told you this, but Angel doesn't really spark until the last half of season 3. In my opinion the best seasons are 4 and 5, and are ridiculously far 'above' anything they did before that (and are about as unique as you can get). By the beginning of season 3 I'd definitely call it it's own show, though ...not as good as Buffy, but it does many things that Buffy could never do, deals with cliches and movie-history for its own sake, explores a fantasy world in more fantastical terms than Buffy could (because Buffy is always a metaphor ...which is good of course, but Angel is different). And Angel is probably the most 'cinematic' series I've ever seen ...every week it manages to create a 'movie' feel, that sense of the epic and of the 'pretty' visual. It's a unique experiement, because Angel is a world where there are truly no rules and no reasons (and that's actually a deep 'truth' that the characters have to deal with ...that sense of indifference and randomness in the universe's one of the deeper expressions of joss's atheism and existentialism) ...the writers decided to 'do whatever they want', and they took that to the max. a little bit like Farscape, actually, though Farscape takes the 'insane' side of that to much further extremes.
What's fun about season 4 is that it's one big continuously building story, that seems to keep rolling out of control, which I've only seen on 24 and season 4 of Babylon 5 (and needless to say it's a crazier and more interesting story than 24).


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:11 PM


5. "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" "Trek"'s Angel. Dark, broody and ballsy, this was easily the best cast trek ever had, and the most shades of gray in an otherwise pristine franchise. Rock on.

4. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" because through season three, it was bold, brassy and a blast. It may have, in my opinion, slacked off a bit, but it started the genius Whedon emipre, and that gives it points.

3. "Firefly" this should be ties with "Angel", but it didn't have the time it needed to truly develop.

2. "Angel" because it did things with characters that stunned me, things with plot that blew me away, and . . . oh, yeah, it had the greatest tv character ever: Wes. All in all, this show had more balls than I thought any show could, defying all conventions to create one of the greatest shows I've ever seen.

1. "Star Trek" because it was the original ballsy series, sparking all of the greatness that "Firefly" eventually reaped. People can debate me this, but this series has withstood the test of time, and despite the seemingly bad special effects and oft-corny dialogue, this baby was visionary and bold once upon its time, and after twenty years, there are still moments in it that can amaze.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork . . ."
-McCoy and Spock


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:42 PM



Originally posted by heb:
Oooh! Another Black books fan! I love Dylan Moran!

I'm seeing him live. In 6 days time.

Just had to gloat :>


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:00 PM


1. Firefly - without a doubt. I have never had an emotional investment this strong in a television show. When you have me cheering along with the show, yelling at the television, you've done good.

2. Angel/Buffy - as said before, they exist in the same universe, so they could be considered the same show... ok, I just didn't want to rank one above the other so I put them together, OK! Both were fun to watch grow-up and evolve, which makes me sad that Firefly never had that chance.

3. The Simpsons - Seasons 2-7 hold a special place in my heart that, despite the fact that I don't watch it any more and disown the last 7 years of the show, I can still watch an episode I've seen a dozen times and still laugh.

4. Seinfeld - what the Simpsons should have done - quit while they were still good. Seinfeld started to get really whacky in the end, but they were a good kinda whacky. A kind of whacky that is funny for one or two seasons, but not for anything longer. Again, I can watch any episode, even if I've seen it time and time again, and still laugh.

5. CSI - it fills the void now.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:13 PM



Originally posted by Gorramreavers:
1. Buffy
2. Angel
3. Firefly
4. Miami Vice
5. Seinfeld

I might be the only person in the 'verse that has fond memories of Miami Vice. I hope they make a big budget movie with all the original actors and maybe somone like Johnny Depp as a Miami drug lord. But I might be the only person in the theater.

I would pay full ticket price to see a Miami Vice movie, I loved that show...even though I forgot to put it on my list. May not be one of the best, but it was a fine show for the times and a movie would be awesome.

So long as it wasn't a movie like Charley's Angels or Starsky and Hutch where they were basically mocking the originals. Don't get me wrong I like the Charlie's Angels movies and haven't seen S&H, I like satire, but I view them as kinda an alternate reality, same name maybe but not the continuation of a show and possibly not exisiting on the same planet. If they camped up Miami Vice I don't think I could handle it. Leave my childhood alone you Hollywood hacks! brighter news, they're making a new Knight Rider movie. With Hasselhoff (okay Baywatch sucked and his singing is best not mentioned) but he was Michael Knight; unfortunately he's passing the torch to a new Knight, his son...Ben Affleck. I want to weep, but KITT, but Affleck, but Michael Knight, you can see I'm conflicted on this one.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:02 PM



Originally posted by heb:
Oooh! Another Black books fan! I love Dylan Moran!

I'm seeing him live. In 6 days time.

Just had to gloat :>.

I saw him live in Swindon a while ago. He was fantastic. We went to the stage door afterwards and he thought we were very odd but he was lovely. Don't tell me he's coming to Oxford and I didn't notice?


Thursday, May 13, 2004 1:42 AM


1. Buffy
The first of Joss Whedon's trademark cross-genre shows, featuring the clever wit, beliavable drama and great action we've all come to love. Firefly may have been a contender if it had had the long run it deserved - but I really love the idea of a monster-ass-kicking small blonde and the intelligent use of horror as a metaphoric way of dealing with very real growing-up pains.

2. Firefly
Need I say more? Great characters and humor. You can see how the writers have become a well oiled machine - this is a much smoother ride than Buffy season 1. High quality every time. Firefly is the adult show that Buffy could never really manage to become.

3. Angel
Many fantastic story lines, but this is a bumpy ride - I enjoy every episode but some character developments/story lines just don't seem to hold up to closer scrutiny. Others are of course amazing.

4. Morse
Ok, not a show in the strictest sense, but I did enjoy the dvd boxset with all 33 episodes enormously.

5. Six Feet Under
Black humor and more courageous characterisation than is usual.

I also like some of Ally McBeal, Alias and Xena.


Thursday, May 13, 2004 1:46 AM



Originally posted by heb:
Don't tell me he's coming to Oxford and I didn't notice?

Nah - he's doing a big thing in London - "Monster II". Hugely looking forward to it :)

Bill Bailey is doing a thing here at the moment as well, so I was planning to do the whole Black Books tour, but couldn't get tickets :/


Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:49 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:
ohhh, you have my sympathies for that. I got away after watching 5 or 6 EPs of S3. they were all crap and so I decided to give up on it. bought S1 and 2 on DVD though, they were really good, S2 second half was mixed but ok. later on I haven't heard that it got any better so I never went back. so maybe I'm totally wrong and S4 is brilliant but I don't think so.

Well, S4 is when they realized that Sorbo lobotimizing the show ended up not helping, so it's mostly desperate attempts at recapturing what he threw out. Unfortunately, Sorbo is hanging on to that psycho-masturbatory star billing, which means he's in something like 95% of each episode, so they can't regain the quality of back when it was an ensemble show.

It's still bad, but every now and then there're flashes of brilliance. Great ideas/visuals that never get followed through on. Like Trance's River-like "hyper-consciousness" seeming to vanish from time to time so that Dylan can save the day through his own "genius."

The two-parter finale finally took the last step and ascended Dylan to effective godhood. And S5 has just been confirmed as in production.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:01 AM


1) Murder One
2) Firefly
3) 24
4) Alias
5) Curb Your Enthusiasm


Thursday, May 13, 2004 6:25 AM


In no particular order...

Star Trek and its spinoffs
Battlestar Galactica(old show...before getting to earth)

Also in my favorites bin...Babylon 5, Space Above and Beyond, Cowbow Bebop, Dune miniseries (original), Briscoe County Jr., Angel, Buffy, Kindred: The Embraced, Futurama, Simpsons, Married w/ Children, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Witchblade, Spawn, Knight Rider, A-team, Dukes of Hazard(dating myself, I know), and numerous others I can't remember right now.

"I'm going to the special Hell"


Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:42 AM


Oh bad luck.
Sure you'll have fun at Dylan Moran though. He's fantastic live!


Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:36 PM


Funny how easy it is to overlook stuff like Married w/ Children. Talk about dating oneself, I remember Amos & Andy; The Jack Benny Show; The Honeymooners (first run); Gunsmoke; Have Gun, Will Travel; Ed Sullivan; and Milton Berle, who was LIVE. Once Uncle Miltie's show ended way early, and he ad-libbed for about 10 minutes to fill the time slot. We watched him on an 8-inch TV back in 1948. That TV still works!



Friday, May 14, 2004 4:47 AM


Favorite shows:

The Muppet Show (probably my all-time favorite)
The Carol Burnett Show
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Dr. Who

And since right now I have no access to English language TV, I'm starting to love just about anything I can find at the PX/BX/NEX on DVD.

Unique, but vague.


Friday, May 14, 2004 7:56 PM


I can't just do 5 so here is my top ten.

1- Firefly
2- Farscape
3- Robotech (Anime cartoon of the '80s)
4- Simpsons
5- Space Above and Beyond (Didn't see every episode but I still loved it)
7- Corner Gas (Canadian comedy with great conversation like Firefly)
8- Scrubs (Too funny)
9- CSI and CSI: Miami (and CSI: New York when it comes out)
10- Family Guy (Only saw about 10 episodes but it is hilarious)

"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis.
You know why? Because we are so very pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die. Huh? Look at that chiseled jaw."


Monday, May 17, 2004 5:59 AM


1.) Firefly-for VERY obvious reasons
2.) Joan of Arcadia-again with the obvious reasons
3.) Angel-yet again, obvious reaons
4.) Buffy the Vampire Slayer-what can i say...i'm a traditionalist (though i have no plans on growing a big black mustache!)
5.) American Idol-yeah yeah i know, I KNOW...i'll go climb into the boo box now

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Monday, May 17, 2004 6:35 AM


#1 Buffy
#2 Angel
#3 Firefly
#4 Alias
#5 24


Monday, May 17, 2004 6:38 AM


#1 Buffy 'cos i love it when girls fight!!!!
#2 Angel
#3 Firefly Because Joss makes damn good shows
#4 Alias Well hard girls
#5 24 'cos Sherry palmers well FIT!!! I need glasses!!!


Monday, May 17, 2004 8:44 AM


1. The X-Files (despite certain lackluster seasons)
2. Buffy
3. Firefly (Had it gone on longer it almost definitely would've taken a higher spot.)
4. CSI: Miami (I LOVE this show!)
5. Get Smart (a 1960's/70's comedy that was cancelled after four years then picked up by another network)

Oh, I forgot Dark Angel!
Top 6 then:
1. X-Files
2. Buffy
3. Firefly
4. Dark Angel
5. CSI: Miami
6. Get Smart


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 7:20 AM


Okay, I forgot one I really liked, so now, below is my definitive list of favorite shows. These are shows that I worked my schedule around or taped or otherwise went out of my way not to miss:

Robin of Sherwood
Nowhere Man

The top of my list is Firefly. Since I never saw it on TV, I am limiting my list to 4.

Wacky Fun!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 7:52 AM


does it have to be shows that are still on the air? guess not.


5. Survivor
4. Firefly
3. Buffy
2. The O.C.
1. Friends

I really think Firefly would have been #1 if they didn't cancell it.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:35 AM


In no particular order (cause I really can't choose a favorite):

Star Trek (any series, but specifically TNG)
The Amazing Race
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

"Once in flight school, I was laconic..." -Wash






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