Favorite character

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 5, 2002 06:13
VIEWED: 12383
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Sunday, October 27, 2002 3:16 PM


H'lo all other Firefly fans,
I'm pretty sure this has been done before but i'm lazy & don't wanna hunt.

Who's everyone's favorite character?

Mine: 1. Kaylee, 2. the preacher/shepherd guy, 3. Jayne.

Kaylee: Cause mechanically inclined gals rock my socks. (Tee hee...i'm one of 'em)

Preacher/Shepherd guy: YAY for missionaries.

Jayne: Tough guy! Smartish tough guy! Buff smartish tough guy! What's not to like?



You can't take the sky from me...So quit trying! (-:


Sunday, October 27, 2002 3:28 PM


I can't decide, probably Mal. They all have their interesting qualities. But with guest stars, definitely Saffron. I sure hope she gets a recurring role.


Sunday, October 27, 2002 3:42 PM


Yeah i can see Mal...
Courageous and noble...

Saffron, well, she was a talented liar.


You can't take the sky from me...So quit trying! (-:


Sunday, October 27, 2002 3:57 PM


Thought on Jayne:

Betcha a nickel he has a really sweet side...Joss being Joss will write in someone for Jayne to be protective of. Who knows...

Idle speculation: Baby sister?


You can't take the sky from me...So quit trying! (-:


Sunday, October 27, 2002 4:54 PM


Jayne is my favorite so far. Simply because he makes me laugh.

Next is Mal. I'm loving this man. He is such a good leader.

The whole crew rocks.


Sunday, October 27, 2002 5:05 PM


I'm sure everyone will be absolutely shocked to learn that my favorite character is WAsh.

Wash wash wash wash! i actually got into the show simply because I saw Alan Tudyk in one of the commercials (yea.. that and I must check out all things sci-fi, but that was secondary.)

Wash makes me giggle. He's so funny, and random, but he's not dorky, which is a great turn of events. It's nice to see Alan being funny without being stupid. IT's kinda cute. I'm such a teenage girl

Anyway, I think he's been far too much of a minor character so far, but i htink he has a lot of potential. And his relationship with Zoe is so cute, because they are really different. IT's obvious that he adores her, but they're not overly mushy.

I dunno.. I'm obsessed, not much else to say!

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Sunday, October 27, 2002 5:12 PM



Originally posted by MountainGal:
Thought on Jayne:

Betcha a nickel he has a really sweet side...Joss being Joss will write in someone for Jayne to be protective of. Who knows...

Idle speculation: Baby sister?

I get the feeling Kaylee fills this role and we just haven't seen much of that yet. Of course I also get the feeling he kind of wants to sleep with her, too, so...

Favorite characters:
1. Jayne, who'dve thunk it?
2. Kaylee, she's just cool!
3. Wash, if Jayne and I weren't already a couple Wash would be my next choice.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Sunday, October 27, 2002 5:19 PM


All the characters are good. I'd say Jayne, Simon, and Kaylee are my favorites though. Each episode brings something to light about the others that makes me like them more and more. Like, Mal, he was kind of annoying at first but over the past few eps I've really started to like him.

Jayne: Time for some thrilling heroics.

Wash: Every man there go back inside or we will blow a new crater in this little moon.


Sunday, October 27, 2002 6:47 PM


Arrrgggghhh! So hard to choose! I guess I'd have to go with:

L.I.'s Top Five Firefly Favs:

1) Mal. Ok, yeah, the fact that he is unbearably cute plays a factor, but honestly, I like him for his mind too. Basically I love the idea of someone that is a moral idealist, while simultaneously holding a realistic view of human nature. A cynical idealist. Who's also pretty funny. And cute.

2) Kaylee. She respects herself without taking herself too seriously. And I love when she talks about Serenity as if it were a person. That and I'm dying to know where she and Simon are going....

3) Walsh. He's cute. He's funny. He's a pilot, which is the sexiest profession out there (not that I'm biased...) Most of all, I love his relationship with Zoe. His love for her comes across so genuinely, I sometimes forget that the actors aren't actually married. This guy had me from when he was explaining to the Alliance officer what he loved about his wife. "You ever been with a warrior woman?"

4) Inara. 'Cause Geishas are cool.

5) Jayne. 3 good reasons: A) He named his gun Vera. In fact, the fact that he names his weapons at all. Though Xander did describe a similar practice as serial-killer-ish, let's not forget that Mr. Pointy is a weapon with a name as well. B) The way he joined the crew. Love it. C) I've had the Ballad of Serenity and Jayne's Song doing a tag team monopoly on my brain today. Not as irritating as one might think: "Our love for me now / Ain't hard to explain / The hero of Clayton / The man they call Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Please note that this list changes on a episodely basis, and is subject to further change.


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"


Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:21 PM


At first my favorites were Mal and Simon, now its changed to Jayne and Wash, because those two make me laugh.


Sunday, October 27, 2002 10:52 PM


My rankings:

1. Mal -- He's cute and he kicks people into jet engines. How could you not love the guy?
2. Kaylee -- She's just so gosh-darned adorable, I couldn't put her any lower without feeling guilty.
3. Jayne -- Nice to see a real antihero in our band of antiheroes.
4. Simon -- He's funny. This show needs his funny. (It also needs his remarkable gayness. Did you hear how horrified he was that he might have slept with a GIRL? Heh.)
5. Wash -- His feelings for Zoe just come across as so genuine, it's interesting. And he's funny too.
6. River -- I like the crazy thing mixed with the genius thing. It's coming across pretty well. They just need more.
7. Inara -- If they ever give her a character beyond "Oh, look at Mal, he's tough on the outside but soft on the inside," I might really like her. I really wanted to like her. But now? The prettiness factor just ain't cutting it.
8. Zoe -- I've seen blocks of cement more interesting than this woman. Basically just good for the Wash angle. And her helpful Malsposition.
9. Book -- Geez. He really is the worst preacher ever.

EDIT: You know, on reading the whole thread, I should've just written "What LivingImpaired said." Oh well. At least I got my Inara-thoughts in.


Monday, October 28, 2002 2:32 AM


I'm the only Book fan?
I personally think he's pretty cool...And the way he reacted to River trying to "fix" his Bible was just neat. And the hair incident... *giggle*

Y'don't have to scream from a pulpit to be an effective preacher, IMHO...


You can't take the sky from me...So quit trying! (-:


Monday, October 28, 2002 3:09 AM


I like all the characters. My favorite is Mal, but he wouldn't be as good as he is without the others. Book is full of potential awaiting more lines. I certainly want to hear more about that monastery. River, like Book, hasn't had much to say yet. Wash and Jayne crack me up. Inara and Kaylee are both strong and independent women. I love that. And finally, Simon -- to me, he represents a present-day person, more like us, who now has to live in the Black.

MAL: Which one you figure tracked us?
ZOE: The ugly one, sir.
MAL: ...Could you be more specific?


Monday, October 28, 2002 3:29 AM


I agree with whoever said that the characters play off of each other. Zoe, for example. Not very talkative or expressive facially, but she has a way of saying what she says. Inara too. I hope she gets more than the "i'm a floozy and i love Mal" as far as a character.

MORE talking for Book!!!


You can't take the sky from me...So quit trying! (-:


Monday, October 28, 2002 5:57 AM


Well... I'm just gonna cut and paste some comments here that I posted in another thread. But I want to make this small is a rare show that can make me fall in love with a male character while at the same time he ISN'T my favorite character...

So saying here are my top three:

1. Inara: She's dignified, gracious, and intelligent.

The companion idea that we think outside of our cultural boxes...a companion is not a whore, and is not a prostitute, any more than a surgeon is a barber... the profession has elevated considerably, it requires a postsecondary school education, and does not come with negative effects such as pimps and drugs (so far as I can tell). So, I think we do Inara a disservice if we think even for one minute that she isn't subject to the same human emotions that anyone else has just because she is a companion.

I'm hoping that we learn more about the companion academy, and about Inara, and how she struggles to balance her own attractions with her sense of professionalism. Just a thought exercise -how do psychologists fall in love without persistently analyzing their lovers? And what happens if they fall in love with someone who their clinical knowledge tells them is an emotional basketcase? Do they stop being human beings because of clinical knowledge?

2. Mal - Out of Gas is the ep that made me lose my heart to Mal, who I KNEW I was going to like the first time I saw him. In every scene, he's trying to hold it together, pushing the whole situation forward almost singlehandedly, trying to create options out of thin air...a girl couldn't help but love a guy like this. And, forgive me for my girlishness ;) but seeing Mal wrapped up in the cockpit like that just pushed every female instinct button I've got!

3. I don't have a third favorite yet, but I think it's going to be Zoe. I think I understand her, but I could be projecting a bit. I'll pencil her in, and see where we see the character going. But if she is what I think she is, she might sneak her way to the top...


QueenTiye, Companion Academy, class of 2006


Monday, October 28, 2002 7:02 AM


1) Jayne- 2 words...Animal Mother....also I am an avid (if not obsessive) knife collector and enthusiast. I challenge you to find Jayne without Binky the Bowie sheathed at his side....truely a guy afer my own "out for myself but deepdown cares for others" heart.

2) Mal- Character is practically a carbon copy of my cousin Dave in speach and mannerism. Damn if Davey doesnt have a heart three sizes too big to fit in him yet his good intentions lead him into numerous fights and trouble with the law, which he used to enforce. Its easy to like the character since it reminds me of the guy who is more my brother than my actual brother.

3) Inara- Lower brain says....Droooooooolllllllllllll, MORE SPONGE BATHING SCENES!!!!!! Higher Brain says...Her "companion" etiquette is phoney, but becomes very real when she breaks from it in a fit of actual emoting. I was unimpressed at first, but now I have great respect for Morena Baccarin's acting. And she is one of those people who really looks happy when she smiles..great smiling.

All the other chaacters I like very much, each one fits nicely. I think maybe River needs to jive more with the rest, but that is happening. Certainly a better chemistry between the actors then in most new shows.


Monday, October 28, 2002 7:36 AM



Originally posted by MountainGal:
I'm the only Book fan?
I personally think he's pretty cool...And the way he reacted to River trying to "fix" his Bible was just neat. And the hair incident... *giggle*

Y'don't have to scream from a pulpit to be an effective preacher, IMHO...

Well, no. But I mean, Mel Gibson's atheist preacher in Signs? He was a better preacher.

All of Book's preaching so far has been either unfunny "witticisms" ("...and people who talk in movie theatres") or totally unconvincing fluff ("faith fixes you").

Then again, I was still cheering for River and her Bible-fixing at the end of the scene, so maybe it's sort of a perspective thing.


Monday, October 28, 2002 7:53 AM


Awwwwww....come on now!

Are you saying that that "Church Lady" refference when Book said "Well isnt that speacial" wasnt funny.

not enough Church Lady refferences I think.

Book is cool....he may not be preachy but thats not what hes out to do. And he used a Church Lady joke, y gotta love that.

Seriously, there is a lot of forshadowing that Book is on a personal quest, not a missionary one. There is also a more than subtle allusion that he himself had a criminal past....pretty coool facet to a preacher character IMO.

and Church Lady quotes....lets not forget that.


Monday, October 28, 2002 8:21 AM


My faves...Wash, for being the most similar to myself in demeanor and attitude. And Kaylee..just for "rowrrrr". Just something about a woman with grease smudges and a jump suit that does it for me.


Monday, October 28, 2002 8:38 AM


I love them all, with the possible eception of Simon and Inara.

Mal makes me drool. He's exactly what I had hoped the captains on Enterprise and Andromeda would be - and he reminds me a lot of Gary Cooper. I love the actor, love the character.

Jayne - what's not to love?

Kaylee is absolutely entrancing. And I love that the engineer is a woman.

Zoe and Wash are too cool. I LOVE Wash's dinosaurs, and how they keep popping up. And I like what a mismatch they are for each other, but they're kind of cute together anyway.

Book is a wonderful character, and I love the interaction with Book and River. Just thinking about the hair scenes lays me on the floor.

Simon's still a little vague, but he's getting there.

Ditto for Inara, who's like a hothouse flower. I think my problem with her is that we know more about what she *does* than who she *is.*


Monday, October 28, 2002 1:11 PM



Originally posted by CharlieBlue:

Well, no. But I mean, Mel Gibson's atheist preacher in Signs? He was a better preacher.

All of Book's preaching so far has been either unfunny "witticisms" ("...and people who talk in movie theatres") or totally unconvincing fluff ("faith fixes you").

Hee! But in fairness to Book its not exactly like there are very many people on that ship who are open to anything he might be able to teach them about faith. Mal's downright hostile towards the idea and no one else seems terribly interested.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Monday, October 28, 2002 1:26 PM


Wash. No doubt. Wash. The embodiment of Jossian humor!

Then Jayne, the man they call Jayne! (Our love for him now ain't hard to explain...)

Finally River. Funny, and am I the only one who thinks she's sexy as hell? (Something about the bags under the eyes. Seriously.)

Keep Flying


Monday, October 28, 2002 2:49 PM


See? this all just shows how great Firefly is! Even though we all have our personal opinions about characters, they're all good! Other sci-fi shows, there have always been a few characters who kinda bore me, but Firefly has 9 characters with a lot of potential. I love 'em all, but of course, Wash IS the best.

I'm giving my firefly tape to a friend to try to get her hooked, so i had to go through tonight and watch EVERY Wash scene so i could get my fix. I won't be seein' it again til at least Thursday, if not Friday. *sigh* LIfe is so difficult!

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:28 AM


I was just watching the Train Job last night and I have decided I also really like Niska. He just such a happy old evil crimelord. He seems too really enjoy his job... thinks it is fun. He has this mannerism that reminds me of some really nice old dutch people I have met.

And he has a smile that makes him look like he wants to eat you.....yes?


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:21 AM


Favorite character, hmm?

1. Jayne, 2. Jayne, 3. Jayne (You didn't see that coming, huh?) "Chain of command", Vera, chest hair... What's not to love?

Next is Mal. Captain Tight Pants. Throws bad guys into engines and returns medicine to sick people.
Then there's Inara. Yeah, she gets a little silly when it comes to Mal, but she's got backbone. I wouldn't want to cross her.
I love Zoe and Wash and I want to know how they ended up together. It's great that Kaylee is the mechanic. I'm curious about Book and why he's on board.
I didn't like Simon and River at first, but I do now. River's gotten more normal and Simon showed a lot of nerve in "Jaynestown". He got beat up anyway, but he showed nerve.

P.S. - Is it just me, or does anybody else want to know everyone's last name?


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:43 AM


Book has definitely become my favorite character. Especially after the "Mrs. Reynolds" episode. I have an impression that his back story may provide the best stories of the series.

Other than any episode that has a story about the return of Saffron Reynolds


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 1:01 PM


The whole show's about Mal for me. I want him and I want to be him at the same time- his resignation to death alone on his ship made my stomach churn.

"Which do you dance for, which makes you shine?"


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 1:24 PM


1. Mal. For his wit, his grace, and his devotion to fair-play. This is a man-of-action who is truly and deeply conflicted. Sort of like Robin Hood meets Han Solo.

2. Inara. For her beauty and dignity. Expressive eyes, full lips; my oh my, what a smile this lady has.

3. Jayne. Good to finally have a regular on a show like this who is honestly and openly in it for himself. He's like capitalism incarnate. Its especially gratifying when his self-interested behavior benefits the rest of the crew. Not everyone has the altruism gene in spades.

"Flush the bombers...get the subs in launch mode...we are at DEFCON ONE."
-Gen. Berenger, Wargames


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:10 PM


I know this is maybe strange, but my favorite is by far River. I have no idea why, I just love how she's crazy but she knows so much. Not just about math or science but about things and people. Ex-in Out of Gas she said "Fire" and then that fire came through the doors. I just sat there going. "She knew it before it happened. Cool!"

My second is a tie between Wash and Jayne. I love Wash because, as someone said, he is Joss-funny. He's the perfect example of what Joss finds funny. And Jayne because he's a big/angry/soft teddy bear. I also have a feeling that he'd be protective of people he cares about. (Mostly the girls of Firefly. Well, maybe not Zoe, she could most likely kick his ass.)

And for some reason my third is another tie between Simon and Book. I like how Simon is so sweet and caring toward his sister and how he started to really show some backbone in Jaynestown. And Book is just cool. He's the older and wiser guy in the group. He's like thier Giles. Only not.


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:29 PM



Originally posted by ilovejayne:
P.S. - Is it just me, or does anybody else want to know everyone's last name?

Nope - it's not just you. And I went looking, too.

So far:

Malcolm Reynolds
Jayne Cobb
River and Simon Tam

And that's all, folks! :D


Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2:27 AM


I like Mal best, because I never could resist a wounded heart, and besides he has a good sense of humor. I think Wash and Zoe tie for second place. Established love is so cute.

BTW, is it just me, or does Mal's old rebel outfit remind anyone else of Battlestar Galactica?

Inside every cynic there's an idealist desperately yearning to be let out, and when they are let out they're usually a real pain and cause all sorts of trouble. --Chris Boucher


Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:32 PM


It's easy to tell who my favorite character is. Hell, I have a website dedicated to him. It's got to be Mal.

He's a true anti-hero. He's no superhero (although, those tight pants might constitute enough symbolism to be thought of as tights.. hehe), but he's got a quick mind -- both in situations that require a solution, but also in his speech. He's quick-witted. He's also generally a kind soul, but with a mysterious and possibly dark background. He doesn't shroud himself in secrecy, but he also don't open up too much either. It's great for the intrigue and suspense, but also plots involving his character. And, being the captain-- one of high status-- who is also sort of a "commoner," he effects everyone.

Mal doesn't have a 'side.' He's neither good nor bad, and as I saw as one of the random quotes at the top of this site, Nathan said Mal would kill someone if he had to. That takes a lot of courage and a strong soul to do that, and that's what makes a great leader, among other things. He has close companions (no, not like Inara, but she's part of his "inner circle" as well), but when it comes time for him to do his captain-y things, boy does he do them. Especially, for example: "Out of Gas."

And, being the female that I am... come on, the man is gorgeous!

Captain Tight Pants


Thursday, October 31, 2002 3:44 AM


Robin Hood meets Han Solo... good comparison. :)

My faves:

1) Mal - cute, noble, heroic, selfless, cute...
2) Jayne - funny, rough, rude, raw...
3) Book - he is like the fatherly figure
4) Wash & Zoe - great team
5) Kaylee - she is different
6) Inara - they should really expand on her character
7) Simon & River - they can bring another angle to the show
8) Serenity - I hope she keeps on flying


Sunday, November 3, 2002 10:00 PM


Favorite Character: Saffron

I like the guest star characters in each episode besides the regular crew. Saffron is a great villain.


Sunday, November 3, 2002 11:22 PM


hmm, well ya probably didn't see this coming, but...Jayne! He's incredibly sexy and high-larious.

My second favorite would be Mal. He's such a cool character, and Nathan Fillion's delivery of lines consistantly cracks me up. I like him more with each episode.

Zoe's growing on me. She is written with such subtlety that it took me a few eps to realize how freaking cool she is. Her delivery is pretty awesome, too...her line "I can hurt you" to Jayne was funny as hell. Uttered by most actors, I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought, but her timing and delivery is underplayed and perfect.

Yay, Wash.

Simon's even cool. "The box-dropping man-ape gone wrong thing," hee.

The only one's I'm not digging yet are River (Frusilla) and Book. But even they could possibly grow on me.

Warrick: You didn't have to wound that man.
Mal: Yeah, I know. It was just funny.


Monday, November 4, 2002 3:01 AM


I like Book. I so wish FOX had shown the original pilot first. He comes off so nice and actually interesting in that. You can really see how much potential the character has. Too bad he's been so misused and underused since.

Oh and all you other Jayne groupies can just line up behind me. I'll share, but I get to go first.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Monday, November 4, 2002 9:49 AM

UFO a mile. Dude is he beat up Matt Dilon in the movie "My Bodyguard"

I'm most like his character.


Monday, November 4, 2002 10:19 AM


Adam Baldwin didn't beat up Matt Dillon, he made that little geek-boy do it. The guy Adam beat up was that muscle-bound shaved head guy. I just saw that movie a couple days ago, it's so corny. Cracks my shit up. Adam is still quite cute in it though.

and lol @ jaynesgirlfriend. ok, we'll see.

you guys who have seen the original pilot are lucky. I heard fox is gonna play it in December, guess I'll just have to wait til then. Book, nice, interesting? The thought makes my head spin.

Warrick: You didn't have to wound that man.
Mal: Yeah, I know. It was just funny.


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 5:51 AM


my favorite (in no particular order)

wash- he's funny, cute, wears hawaiian shirts, and owns toy dinosaurs, i like him and zoe together,andi wish there was more of him on the show

jayne- 'cause he's jayne. need i say more?

simon- he's a dork, but not a wus, and a cute dork too, i like how he's all overprotective of river and im interested in how exactly he ended up on the ship

kaylee- just because she's smart and isn't your typical scifi show mechanic/engineer

mal- does what he thinks is right all the time






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