Life Onboard Serenity: Into The Black

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 03:27
VIEWED: 34536
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Friday, July 18, 2008 4:52 PM


John hated being used like this. Ever since the captain had found out about his empathy he had become like a tool to Mal and he hated it. The experiance with River had pushed it too far, but Mal felt bad about that. He walked toward the passenger dorms to talk to the passengers, gleam their feelings. He saw the cook, was he full time now? "Out of bed?" He wasn't suspicious, seemed a little too enthusiastic to be hiding something major.



Saturday, July 19, 2008 6:50 PM


A vigorous tapping finally insinuated it's self on Scathac's now relaxed mind.

At her door was the ... cook. yes, that's was it. Kelley, or something, she thought. He seemed very enthusiastic, a quality she had always been delighted by in the students she taught with her father.

Scathac: Ni hau?


Saturday, July 19, 2008 8:26 PM


Having made two more trips to her crates for materials, Ivy sat down on the floor of her bunk and started to work as she whistled a lively tune.


Monday, July 21, 2008 1:00 AM


(I know this won't sound right. But try and imagine the Chinese with a Scottish accent. I'll try my best to right it though)

Kellen: Ni Hoo! Sairy fer tha' timin', but in tha wee space ye ar in, A thought it might be a guid idea to git to know each other.


Monday, July 21, 2008 4:13 AM


Scathac: Yes, that sounds like...

*Scathac heard voices, and glanced out to see the Captain, and John, talking together in low tones at the other end of the corridor. Something about the look on their faces distracted her*

I'm sorry, er, that sounds like a good idea, of course. Would you like to come in and sit?

*She seated herself on the narrow bed, legs crossed, and motioned Kellen to the only chair. She found his smile and sense of excitement a little infectious.*

Well, then. Where are you from? And how did you become a ships cook?


Monday, July 21, 2008 8:23 AM


John walked into the passenger dorm and closed his eyes. He had to plow through the layers of emotion coming from Simon's bunk but managed to do so. Two people were having a conversation, one seemed nervous the other not so much. He might need to talk to her. He was about to do so when he realized that someone was out of there bunk. He walked around the ship eventually arriving in the cargo bay. He found her sitting by some large boxes. This made him nervous, because sometimes boxes contained naked girls. He made his way toward her and was hit by a basic emotion pattern, excitement, anxiety and something deeper hidden from him. He didn't recognize the sensation yet at the same time it felt familiar. He walked toward the girl. "What's in the boxes?" he said it a friendly curious way not a crazy suspicious one



Monday, July 21, 2008 6:13 PM


Ivy was humming along happily when she saw John approach her.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"What's in the boxes?"

“It’s for my work. I’m a botanist. I am building some terrariums so I can get the growing process started. That way when I find a permanent place to set up shop, I will be ready for business.”

Ivy straightened up to full standing height and turned to face him. She was bouncing a bundle of flower bulbs in her right hand.

“Well these are for flowers. I have a little of everything. I’ve been out here and back to my dorm a few times already,” she gushed. She smiled at him widely. “Is there some kind of plant you like? I have a little of everything. I could make something for you.”

“Um…” John started before Ivy resumed talking, cutting him off.

“Oh! I also have some veges, fruits, flowers, general plants and even some herbs!” Ivy continued on. “I just love matching plants up with the right person. Did you know tending to them is very therapeutic?”

“Er…” John started again before being interrupted again.

“So what is your favorite? I don’t know enough about you to try to hook you with just the right thing,” Ivy giggled. “Tommy calls it plant matchmaking and also thinks I am silly when I try. But I think I am pretty good at it once I know more about a person. And I have to know you. Matching plants to people’s personalities isn’t something you can do on a whim.”

“Ah…” And he was interrupted again.

“So anyway, Tommy thinks it’s silly, but I don’t care,” Ivy went on, but managed to change the subject. “So how long have you been here? I like this ship. It’s very cool. I haven’t been out in the black for a while. My old position had me all cooped up in a lab doing plant development and research. Well enough about boring old me. What exactly do you do here?”

And for the first time in several minutes, she stopped talking and waiting for him to answer her question.


Monday, July 21, 2008 9:59 PM


(OOC: Sorry for the lack of discrption in some of my posts. I try and focus and getting my dialouge Scottish)

Kellen: Oh, aye. Ah'm not pure a cook. Ah'm more a mech' by trade, but, Ah'm ship born. Make ye used to tha' mundane jobs. A'll cook and clean and everything on tha' planet fer mah' coin.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 9:05 AM


*Aiko sits on the bed neatly, pulls out her portable cortex out from one of the numerous pockets inside her robe, and starts rambling softly to herself.*

Good thing I'm in the habit of keeping this hidden... and that I keep it encrypted... now, for research.

*fiddles with it a little*

Hmm... Captain of Serenity, Harbatkin... So, Malcom Reynolds has reason to hide from the Alliance. Interesting. No other crew is shown... no, not worth it. Not yet.

*sits quietly for a moment, thinking* Probably, the best way to get something useful would be on the bridge... or the cargo bay, but I have a feeling about the bridge. I'll have to see if any crew are in the dining area... don't want to get on their bad side this early...

*Aiko gets up, smooths down the sheets where she sat, and heads for the dining area*


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:02 PM



Originally posted by Kellen:
(OOC: Sorry for the lack of discrption in some of my posts. I try and focus and getting my dialouge Scottish)

Kellen: Oh, aye. Ah'm not pure a cook. Ah'm more a mech' by trade, but, Ah'm ship born. Make ye used to tha' mundane jobs. A'll cook and clean and everything on tha' planet fer mah' coin.

Scathac: 'On the planet?' It doesn't sound like you spend much time planet side! Having many skills, well, my father would say that it is an excellent thing. Unfortunately, my skills are pretty limited. I'm a performer mostly, although I teach a great deal, and have worked as a personal bodygard, now and then. When the coin was right. We're martial artists, you see?


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 11:32 PM


Damn Double post


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 11:33 PM


Kellen: Ye' git tha' right. Ma' time planet side is very short. Ye could count it in tha' minutes! 'Nyway! Thenk ye for ye time. Ah' better go.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:33 AM


"I work mostly as a mechanic and as a hand sometimes. Haven't been around plants much. Whose Tommy?" he was sharp and latched on. Their was a flair in her mind. He had stumbled on to something, but strangely not the entire mind felt this way.



Wednesday, July 23, 2008 5:43 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Whose Tommy?"

The flower bulbs she had been bouncing in her right hand slowly shifted into her left hand as she regarded John for a few scant seconds before the bulbs shifted back into her right. Ivy blinked.

“I’m sorry,” she said sheepishly. She quickly sidestepped his question like she never even heard him ask it. The cheerful giddiness that marked her disposition earlier returned quickly. “Not been around plants much? You mean there aren’t any on board? I’ll have to talk to your Captain. You know it would help with the air quality in here if you all had more plants on board. Sooo, how long have you been here, working on this ship? Anything exciting ever happen around here?”

“Ivy!” John said sternly. It got her attention and she fell silent. “I asked who Tommy is.”

The plant bulbs switched back to the left hand again for another couple of split seconds before shifting back to her right.

“Tommy? We grew up together. We’ve been best friends forever,” Ivy said as she tossed the flower bulbs back into the crate, then picked up a couple of completed terrariums. “I’m going to go put these in my dorm. Don’t want them in anyone’s way.”

She started to walk away, but turned back to smile widely at him.

“Now John, don’t forget to tell me what kind of plant you’d like or else I’ll have to pick one for you, but I’d have to get to know you first,” she said as she gave him a wink. Then she disappeared back into the dorm area.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:50 AM


Kellen left Scathac's dorm, thanking her before leaving back down the narrow corridor. A girl was comming down from the cargo bay. Ivy or something...

Kellen: Ye need a haund?


Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:15 AM


Something about her words clicked in John's head. He walked around looking for the captain and found him outside his room. "I wouldn't worry about a stowaway, everyone's clean." He returned to the engine room and sat on the hammock, the passenger dorm had become too full for his liking. He attempted to get some sleep.



Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:24 PM


*Wolf sat in the cramped space within the ship, he was getting restless, needed to do...anything.
if he didn't do something some he'd go mad. a light blinked on the control panel, he was being hailed by the alliance*
Wolf "bugger."

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Thursday, July 24, 2008 6:15 PM


(OOC: I am not even going to try to write Kellen in his native Scottish brogue, so just kinda imagine it OK?)


Originally posted by Kellen:
Kellen: Ye need a haund?

“Oh… Thank you so much!” Ivy said as she handed Kellen two out of the three terrariums she was carrying.

Kellen helped her carry them to her dorm. She opened the door and then took them from him, setting them down wherever she could.

“Hi, I’m Kellen. I bunk up there,” he said as he pointed to one of the upper dorms.

Ivy shook his hand.

“That’s so shiny! I almost asked for one of those too, but it would have been too hard to cart things in and out.”

Kellen looked around the room. Aquarium looking things with special lights for growing plants and such were stacked everywhere. Even on the bed.

“All that gonna fit in there?”

Ivy looked back at what she had.

“Hell no!” she laughed giddily. “Getting the stuff growing right away will help me get ready for when I find a permanent place to set up shop, but in the meantime, I’m gonna end up sleeping somewhere else.”

“Somewhere else?”

“I saw a couple of couches that looked comfy. I just hope no one gets angry.”

“What’s with all the stuff though?”

“Oh! I’m a botanist. I got a new position within my company. I will be selling seed or plants or flowers or herbs to people out this way.”

“Herbs? What kind?”

“Basil, Oregano, Rosemary, stuff like that,” she said. She started looking around. “Where did I put that one? I already got it made up.”

“I plan on doing the cooking here. If I had the coin, I would buy some from you. Fresh herbs like that would be a plus in the galley.”

She turned and looked at him, excitement evident on her face.

“What a good idea!” she gushed as she gave him a big hug. “No need for any coin though. I need to get some of these things planted so that any customers I might have could inspect them. As they grow, they will need to be harvested so that it doesn’t get too cramped for space. Once that happens, it will become unhealthy and could kill the plant. I could give you one of these with herbs in it. You could keep it in your room, in the galley by the cooking area or wherever you want.”

After looking for a moment, she finds the terrarium and hands it to Kellen. He took it eagerly.

“This is real nice, but don’t you need it?”

“Like I said, just enough to show customers. You can use what you like as long as you make sure there is always some left. They regenerate rather quickly, so as long as you don’t go all wild with them, they should stay pretty plentiful.”

Kellen got a wide smile of his face too.

“That’d be great. Maybe help me plead my case to the Captain.”

“Your case?”

“I love to do this for a living some day. Maybe become part of the crew.”

“I haven’t had your cooking yet, but I’m sure it will be perfect,” she genuinely said.


Ivy hugged Kellen again, excitement and enthusiasm bubbling over. Kellen headed out to put the terrarium somewhere. Ivy closed the door and turned back to look at her work.

“This is going to be so shiny!” she exclaimed. “I almost wish we could stay right here.”

“Don’t get so used to it. You know it is temporary. Besides there are too many people. We don’t know anything about these people.”

“Oh Tommy! You need to have faith.”

“Faith has nothing to do with it. Was it faith who got you out of that Hell hole you were in? No. It was me.”

“I know,” Ivy conceded as her mood became more somber. “But these people. They seem very nice-“

“We know nothing about them. Already you have someone grilling you. What was his name?”


“He’s too nosey.”

“He’s just a nice guy. Probably just doing his job.”

“I’ll have to keep an eye on him.”

“I guess so,” Ivy murmured as she sat defeated on an empty patch on the floor.


Friday, July 25, 2008 5:00 PM


Pain's Bunk

He was bored and tired, tired and bored. Granted there had been an influx of passengers who were all shiny in their own way, but he really wasn't in the mood for idle chit chat or small talk with them. Normally he would've taken the initiative to talk with them, but for some reason in the past seven months, his need to talk to others had diminished somewhat. The reasons for it could've stemmed from the fact that most of the people he cared about had either left the ship, died, or just plain disappeared. He had planned on talking to the doctor about it, but he was too busy "having fun" with Kaylee.

Pain rolled over in his bed and looked at the time. He had another three hours of sleep out of five before he did his routine night sweep. He didn't mind it of course. The only sounds during his sweeps had been the sound of Serenity's engine humming, the twitters and tweets of her sensors and various electronic devices, and of course there was the occasional sound of Kaylee and Simon rutting like a couple Jinye prairie dogs. However he was sure there would be new ones now that Serenity had taken on passengers. Passengers the captain reminded Pain, that needed to be watched just in case any of them tried to get the drop on them.

Lying on his back, Pain closed his eyes and tried his best to get in three hours of shuteye.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 25, 2008 8:49 PM



Softly slipping sidewall along the hallway, a shadow slithered sneakily, slumbering shootists on his sly mind.

Now moving with absolutely no alliteration whatsoever, 13 plunked his way (quite gracefully, I may add) to a door. Behind it, lay his destiny, the build-up of his entire life. His existence manifest, his reason to be, his purpose. All he'd ever done, he had done for this moment.

There were no regrets as he shouted the following into the bunk of the one known as DrPain:


Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Friday, July 25, 2008 8:49 PM



Softly slipping sidewall along the hallway, a shadow slithered sneakily, slumbering shootists on his sly mind.

Now moving with absolutely no alliteration whatsoever, 13 plunked his way (quite gracefully, I may add) to a door. Behind it, lay his destiny, the build-up of his entire life. His existence manifest, his reason to be, his purpose. All he'd ever done, he had done for this moment.

There were no regrets as he shouted the following into the bunk of the one known as DrPain:


Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:28 AM



Originally posted by 13:

Pain was startled awake by the shouting, causing him to fall out of his bed with a great "kerplunk". Instinctively he reached up and grabbed the .45 caliber semi-automatic from underneath his pillow. Getting up off the cold metal floor and silently cursing himself for getting spooked so easily, he quietly strafed towards the ladder leading up to his bunk's hatch. There was an electronic "whir" as he cocked back the hammer and aimed his pistol up at the person responsible for waking him up.

A brief look of puzzlement sat on the big merc's face as his eyes readjusted themselves to the light. When they were finally able to refocus, he suddenly recognized the face and the voice of the person looking down into his bunk. Lowering the gun, Pain asked, "Bot Boy, that you?" Decocking the hammer and putting the safety on, Pain slid the pistol into his waistband and said smiling, "Aw hell sure I'm up for a brew. How in the rutt did you get aboard the ship anyhow?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 27, 2008 3:34 PM


"Because I'm awesome?" 13 answered, his scarred face flexing into a smile, looking further and further still like his old self. "Zenith got all boring on me. Thought tracking down the old gang might be fun."

The pair continuing into the Galley, 13 queried (voice dripping with dubious tones), "So. How's E? Still pretending she doesn't know how to shoot?"

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Sunday, July 27, 2008 5:05 PM



Originally posted by 13:
"Because I'm awesome?"

"Something like that." quipped Pain, returning his old friend's smile as he exited his bunk. Closing the hatch behind him, he asked, "What about that planet or moon that you were on? Thought you liked it there."


"Zenith got all boring on me. Thought tracking down the old gang might be fun."

"Yeah we're a barrel of riotous laughs over here." Pain replied sarcastically. "Can't keep a straight face for more than five minutes."


The pair continuing into the Galley, 13 queried (voice dripping with dubious tones), "So. How's E? Still pretending she doesn't know how to shoot?"

That question stabbed Pain in the heart like a razor sharp dagger of ice. It brought back memories of the woman he loved and cared about more than his own life. The same woman who was raped and developed amnesia when he was kidnapped all those months ago by pirates. He still remembered her telling him that it'd be better for both of them if they broke up and went their separate ways.

Walking over to the pantry, he pulled out two bottles of Blue Sun Beer and said as he handed one over to 13, "Don't rightly know. We split up five months ago." Popping the cap off his bottle, he sat down and continued, "Last time I heard from her, she said she was doin' well. Went back to bein' a hacker with the underground or somethin' like that."

He took a healthy swig from his bottle, almost downing half of it before setting it down with an audible "klink". Letting out a loud belch, he looked to 13 and said, "Haven't heard from her since."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 27, 2008 6:12 PM


Walking up towards the galley, Cate hears murmuring and then a belch.

She doesn’t eavesdrop as she enters to see who is still up at this hour, but feels lonely for human company seeming as she didn’t bring her dog with her onboard the ship.

Two men are having beers and talking, but they stop and look at her suspiciously, and she immediately can tell that they don’t trust her as far as they can throw her. Then again, since the Miranda wave, everybody has been uptight and edgy.

“Am I welcomed or should I leave you two for alone?” she asks quietly.


Sunday, July 27, 2008 6:34 PM



Originally posted by Cate:
“Am I welcomed or should I leave you two for alone?”

Pain shrugged and said, "Doesn't matter much to me." He hooked a thumb over to the pantry and continued, "Beer's in there, so help yourself, Miss."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 27, 2008 6:44 PM


She nodded at the person who indicated where the beer was and went for it.

As she sat, she took a gulp from the bottle. Then looked up at the two who were still looking at her.

"What?" She quickly wiped her face. "Did I do something?"


Monday, July 28, 2008 4:21 AM


Scathac watched Kellen leave with some disappointment. It had felt good to talk to someone, to possibly make a friend. She missed the family dinner she would have had tonight, if she had not left the compound. All of her brother and sister disciples, and the younger students who had not received the disciple's belt yet, would have been lively with jokes and stories. After the meal, there may have been songs and music.

Oh well, she thought, and pushed the loneliness out of her mind. Tomorrow, she would speak to the Captain about an escort to the hold so that she could practice for a few hours. In the meantime, she was would sleep.


Monday, July 28, 2008 2:38 PM


Ivy arranged the terrariums around her dorm, making sure she secured them in case things got rough when coming in and out of atmo. It was pretty full with only a small path to the sink and to the drawer where she could put her belongings. She was tired and the ship was starting to settle into a nighttime routine. She looked at her bed, which was covered by terrariums. She had been correct in telling Kellen that she’d have to find a place somewhere else on the ship to sleep. She changed into a pair of sleep pants and a T-shirt, then pulled a blanket out of her duffle. Then she grabbed another item and shoved it into the blanket as well.

She wandered out of her dorm and into the common area by the infirmary. She found a couch there and curled up in the corner. She covered herself with her blanket and pulled out the other item. It was a gun.

“Don’t worry Tommy,” she whispered as she yawned. “I can use it if I have to.”

“Well I think you know which end to point where.”

“That’s all that matters.”

“You need to learn how to shoot that thing. May save your life some day.”

“Maybe,” Ivy answered, her eyes getting heavy.

She tucked the gun under the blanket, pulled the blanket up to her chin and closed her eyes, hoping that no one cared that she was sleeping out there. It didn’t take long until she was fast asleep.

After a few minutes, her eyes opened sharply and she sat up. She cast off the blanket and the gun switched into her left hand. She stood up and looked around.

“Someone has to go check out this place.”

She walked away softly, but with a definite confidence in her step.


Monday, July 28, 2008 4:38 PM



Originally posted by Cate:
"What?" "Did I do something?"

Pain looked to 13, then to the woman sitting at the table, shook his head and said, "Not that I know of, Miss." He took a swig from his beer and swallowed. He didn't know if he was there when she came aboard or not, so he smiled and asked, "So, Miss, you gotta name?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 28, 2008 11:53 PM


"Yep, my names Catherine Masling. Or just Cate... it's easier to remember and shorter to say." She took abother swig of her own bottle, looking at the grain marks within the wood. "What's your two names?"

"13," repled 13.

"Go by Pain." The larger man grunted.

"Shiny." Cate smiled at them warmly. "Nice to meet you both."

Both of their replies were just another swig of beer.

"Sooo... just so I don't get spaced or cold-shouldered to, what are the major do's and don'ts on this here vessel?"


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 12:48 PM


*Aiko is heading for the dining area when she runs into Kellen. She immediately senses an opportunity, and greets him. The only excuse she can think of immediately to go up to the bridge would be to see the stars, so she plays on that and hopes Kellen will fall for it*

Hello, Kellen! That is your name, right? Would there be any chance that you might be able to escort me to the bridge? Since you've applied to be crew and all? It would be a shame to be traveling in space without having once seen the stars, wouldn't it? I've always wanted to be among the stars since I was a little girl, you know, but it's just like being in an ordinary building right now, and it just doesn't seem right, being in a spaceship and all. So, could you, please?


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:27 AM


John's eyes burst open. He had a feeling, a bad one. He crept to the passenger dorm and sighed. The numbers didn't match up. People were wanderin and it didn't seem like they could all be in the galley. He began to walk the ship trying to find people. He decided to start with the galley and go from there. He saw that only one of the passengers was in their and got worried. He walked in, "Pain we got people where they maybe shouldn't be."



Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:34 AM


She wandered into the infirmary and set the gun on the counter as she started going through the cabinets quietly.

"An infirmary. How convenient."

She admired the orderliness of it's inventory. Suddenly, she came across a particular drug: Kepraftin.

"Now why would this be stocked on a ship like this?"

"It's also a mild pain killer," Ivy said softly.

"Go back to sleep Ivy!"

"O-Ok." And Ivy did as she was told.

The contents of the bottle was poured down the drain and the water was turned on to make sure they were gone for good.

She switched off the water, picked up the gun and continued on her trek.

"I have to find that cortex link."

She made her way up the stairs until she was just outside the galley. She stayed in the shadows and peeked in. Three people sat at the table, dinking from bottles. Probably an alcohol of some sort. She weighed the chances of going on in and joining them, but decided against it. One of them, a big guy, looked in her direction and paused for a moment. Did he see her? She flattened herself harder to the wall, making sure she stayed in the shadows. His attention was diverted from her direction when she heard the voice of the guy Ivy talked to earlier.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Pain we got people where they maybe shouldn't be."

Pain. That was the name of the big guy. Strange name. She knew she couldn't stay there, so she retreated to a safer position.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:34 PM


John felt a presence outside the galley. Sharp and distinct, also unreckognizable. He rushed out of the room pulling a pistol incospicuously from a holster. "I know you're here. Come out now or I'll find you and shoot."



Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:05 PM


She had a jump on them, but that guy that gave Ivy the third degree earlier was quick.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"I know you're here. Come out now or I'll find you and shoot."

"I knew he was bad news," she muttered under her breath.

Quickly and silently, she made her way to the passenger dorms and to where Ivy had fallen asleep earlier. She wrapped herself back up in the blanket, shoved the gun between the cushions and laid her head back. In just a few moments, she was asleep.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:55 PM



Originally posted by Cate:
"Sooo... just so I don't get spaced or cold-shouldered to, what are the major do's and don'ts on this here vessel?"

"Well..." Pain replied. He was about to continue when John walked in looking a might worried.

Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Pain we got people where they maybe shouldn't be."

Turning back to Cate, he said, "There's that, which is a major no-no." To John he asked, "Do we know how many?"

Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"I know you're here. Come out now or I'll find you and shoot."

As he watched John rush out with gun drawn, Pain muttered, "Okaay, I'll take that as my cue to alert the crew."

Rushing to the comm on the wall, Pain switched onto the P.A. and said into it, "Attention all crew! We have a person or persons walkin' about without permission! Please get your pigus out of bed pronto! We're goin' on lockdown!"

Pulling the large .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol from the back of his waistband, Pain said to both Cate and 13, "Cate, get back to your room please. 13, you're with me."

After saying that, Pain left the galley, pistol in hand and with an overly eager 13 behind him.

OOC: Pain's Pistol (shown with laser sight and silencer which isn't installed):

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:37 PM


“Sure,” she replied with no argument.

Not wanting to create trouble for anybody, or herself, Cate quietly and quickly made her way back towards her room, to wait out the lockdown.


Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:25 AM


John chased after the presence. It moved fast then all of a sudden he lost it. He stopped moving as the captain and Zoe came walking up to him.

"What's going on here" Mal asked.

"There was someone around here but I lost them."

"Which way was he going before you lost him?"

John pointed and the captian took off, Zoe and John behind him.



Thursday, July 31, 2008 1:05 PM


Doc stalked back to her office, the video meeting with Commander Apush over.
'Stupid buricrats!'
Doc thought as she threw back a glass of whiskey, and then poured herself another from the crystal decanter.Doc thought back to the lattest demands made of her by the Commander.
"There is a problem that I have had for quite sometime. It has just come to my attention, Col.Von Werston, That you are in a possition to take care of it for me."
Doc looked at Commander Apush with thinly vieled bordem.
" What sort of problem could I possibly help you with?"
There is a ship, a firefly class transport named Serenity, it has been reported in your area. I want you to find it..."
Doc cut him off
"And what? Sieze the ship for no reason and throw everyone onboard in my brig?"
"At one point in time, yes. But as I was saying, you will find this ship. It has been deemed a potental threat to the Alliance, and we want you to analize the threat pottental of it and it's crew. And, if necessary, take care of it."
Genuinly curious, Doc asked the one question on her mind. "Why this ship?"
Commander Apush ended the link.

'Thinking that I can make all his problems go away. Hell! Thinking I WILL make his problems go away just because he is higher up then me.'
Doc now held the report from their database. A flag on a Firefly class transport for multiple counts of smuggling and robbery. Oh, and of course the part where the government suspects that fugitives are on board, and one of them is from a Alliance high security clearence project.
'Commander Apush thinks like all of the Alliance buricrats. That the Alliance is invincible. It's time that he learned that out here on the fringe nothing is invincible.'

It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting


Friday, August 1, 2008 6:08 AM


In her dorm, Scathac became aware of a ruckus: voices, and people walking down the corridor. Possibly trouble, better to be prepared, she thought. Quietly, she opened the long wooden case and pondered it's contents. Finally, she withdrew her sword. An ancient style, hearkening back to China on Earth-That-Was, Scathac held it expertly, and backed into the wall next to her door. She opened the latch and listened.

"The world is a mess. I just need to rule it."


Friday, August 1, 2008 6:59 AM


Ivy woke to hear the ruckus coming from down the hallway and opened her eyes. She felt disoriented, fuzziness fading in and out of her mind.

Her mind cleared for a second as she reached over and grabbed the gun from between the cushions with her left hand and looked warily down the hallway. She could hear them, but not see them.

"I gotta hide."

Ivy nodded her head slightly as a sense of vertigo washed over her. Shakily, she took the gun back with her right hand, shoved it back in between the cushions, pushing it deep inside and hiding it from view. Then she fell back against the sofa, closed her eyes and faded into a semi-unconscious state.


Saturday, August 2, 2008 10:21 PM


OOC: How old is everyone who is playing in RL (that would be YOU in REAL LIFE, not your character's age)? It is nice to know who is what, just in case.

Answer via the OOC thread, so we don't fill up this one with OOC posts, OK?

For those of you who don't know where that is, it is:


Monday, August 4, 2008 2:19 AM


Sitting on her bed, Cate feels like she could be doing more, but decides against putting herself in danger when she's been asked to stay in her quarters.

Still, she gets out her revolver and waits to see if any danger walks into her room.


Monday, August 4, 2008 10:59 AM



Originally posted by Aiko:
*Aiko is heading for the dining area when she runs into Kellen. She immediately senses an opportunity, and greets him. The only excuse she can think of immediately to go up to the bridge would be to see the stars, so she plays on that and hopes Kellen will fall for it*

Hello, Kellen! That is your name, right? Would there be any chance that you might be able to escort me to the bridge? Since you've applied to be crew and all? It would be a shame to be traveling in space without having once seen the stars, wouldn't it? I've always wanted to be among the stars since I was a little girl, you know, but it's just like being in an ordinary building right now, and it just doesn't seem right, being in a spaceship and all. So, could you, please?

(OOC: *Facepalm*. Missed Aky's post! Gah!)

Kellen: Awrit-

A warning goes off and passangers are told to go back to their dorms.

Kellen: A dinna ken tha would happen.

Aiko looks dissapointed.

Kellen: Dinna fash yersel. A'll git you tha' latter.

And with that, Kellen climbs into his dorm...


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:12 PM


As they entered the passenger dorm, John felt pretty much everyone. They had scurried back to their beds but he noticed something that caught his attention, but he could handle it no need to make a scene.

"I think we're all clear captain" John said to him, "I'll make sure we don't have a situation like this."

"It's my boat I can handle it myself," the captain responded raising his gun.

"It's not the kind of problem you can shoot a gun at. I'm serious let me fix it sir. If River and I can't handle it, then I'll point your gun in the right direction."

"Fine, but you convinced me to let these folks on board so any problems they cause are on your little psychic conscience."



Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:00 AM


*nods, then hurries to her dorm before she gets caught and maybe questioned. She'd almost certainly become a suspicious character, and that's the last thing she needs. Once inside, she starts pacing through boredom and frustration, until a rustle in her sleeve distracts her from doing so. The sleeve rustles some more, and then a little brown mouse comes scampering up her arm. Aiko smiles, and starts talking to it.*

"I'll bet you're hungry, aren't you?"

*rumages through her robe, and pulls out a cannister from one of the numerous pockets inside her robe. Aiko pops open the lid, which reveals it to be full of soft-looking, light brown pellets. She feeds a couple to the mouse, and then closes the cannister and places it back in it's pocket*

"Would you like to do a little spying for me, little one?"

*the mouse squeaks. Aiko attaches a minuscule recorder around it's middle, opens the door a little, and shoos it out.*

"Go hide"

*the mouse scuttles off, Aiko shuts the door completely, and sits on the bed, thinking, being careful to compose herself, looking entirely innocent without being so innocent as to be suspicious, in case someone barged in. She talks to herself to get a voice in the empty room, softly so it wouldn't be heard outside the door.*

"I think I might be a little too paranoid... it can't hurt, but I think there's a limit... ah well, I'm just being nervous... new enviroment, not being entirely welcomed, when I'm only quasi-legal anyway... and I suspect these are ruffians too, not entirely legal themselves... something of interest, but very dangerous... And it's always taxing to deal with the authorities, when trying to bring someone to the light of the law, and it's just not worth it. I'll have to see if I can discover more about just what they do... I have the hunch they're doing something quasi or even ill-legal, and if I can find out what it is, I could possibly use it for blackmail... Ah, I'm too impatient, I must learn to wait! I know Taichi is very well trained, but still... in a strange enviroment! Aye, I know that he faces that much of the time... I just worry about him so..." *sighs*


Wednesday, August 6, 2008 12:43 PM


Scathac listened at the door until she was somewhat assured that no one was going to come breaking in. She started to return the sword to the wooden case, and let out a sigh as the tension left. She felt ridiculously paranoid for a moment - she had been too long in the quiet safety of her father's home, now she jumped at every sound!

"However, these are troubled times..." she whispered, and went to check the latch of her compartment door. After all, she thought, she had spent a lifetime honing her instincts and perceptions, and there was no sense in ignoring it if something had her jumpy.


Saturday, August 9, 2008 3:38 AM


"Okay folks, it's all clear but an alarming number of you were in fact out of your rooms. Just make sure you're either in the galley or with a crew membernmext time." As the captain finished talking River camedown the stairs and toward John. He looked at her and gestured toward one of the doors. She followed him up to Ivy's door and politely knocked.



Saturday, August 9, 2008 7:43 AM


Ivy pulled herself to consciousness and sat up. It took her a second to figure out where she was. She was in the common area by the infirmary. She dug the gun out of the cushions and decided to look around a bit.

"Leave it here; too many people still about."

Ivy nodded and shoved it back down in. and picked up her blanket. She was feeling a bit shaky about this evening's events so she decided to go back to her bunk. Maybe she could wedge herself into a corner and try to get some sleep.

"You shouldn't wander about so much, Tommy," Ivy whispered under her breath.

"Those people are a little trigger happy. We need to get off this ship."

Ivy sighed as she started to turn the corner. She caught a glimpse of two people standing outside her bunk door. One was John and the other she didn't know. Ivy ducked back behind the corner.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
She followed him up to Ivy's door and politely knocked.

"Tommy, what do I do?" Ivy whispered as her heart pounded wildly.






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