VOTE! Vote for [I]Firef..."/> Sign Up | Log In ABOUT MAP CHAT EVENTS FIRECASTS BLOGS COMMUNITY BLUE SUN ROOM PROFILE HOME HOME >> COMMUNITY >> GENERAL DISCUSSIONS >> VOTE FOR FIREFLY ( GOING FOR THE 1 DAY RECORD ) LIII GENERAL DISCUSSIONS Vote for Firefly ( Going for the 1 day Record ) LIII POSTED BY: FLATTOPUPDATED: Thursday, August 7, 2008 03:11SHORT URL: VIEWED: 19801PAGE 3 of 5 Tweet PREV PAGE12345NEXT PAGE Tuesday, August 5, 2008 7:28 PM RAYCHEETAH Nice ta seeya Trae, BOMP! -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 8:05 PM FILLYGIRLOperative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is." Morning all, first vote of the evening! Ray, I agree on the used tire stunt, I have almost always asked for a good used tire,and its amazing what you can get for $15-20. I kept the Toyota on the road that way. wheres my coffee???? Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 8:49 PM RAYCHEETAH *Pours up a nice cuppa Kona for FG.* Gonna VOMP once more, before the missus takes over the voting for a couple hours. -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 9:49 PM RAYCHEETAH Might be VOMPin' a little longer... -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 9:58 PM FILLYGIRLOperative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is." Quote:Originally posted by Raycheetah: *Pours up a nice cuppa Kona for FG.* Gonna VOMP once more, before the missus takes over the voting for a couple hours. -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike] UHMMMMMMMMMMM, good coffee!!! Many Thanks Ray! Boy I needed that, sorry ray hope you weren't going for the old hattrick. Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:48 PM FILLYGIRLOperative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is." mY THIRD VOTE OF THE...OOPS caps lock is on evening,...trying to get all eight in even though its payroll night! Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:51 PM RAYCHEETAH Up and down, again, VOMP! -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:17 PM FLATTOP Let's do this BrownCoats! Some easy to remember votes for those that don't have the timer installed: Wake up - vote About to leave the house - vote Get to work - vote Lunch - vote About to leave work - vote Get home - vote After dinner - vote Time for bed - vote That's 8 easy to remember times to vote. Not near as good as 24 votes, but it's whole lot better than just 1 or two votes. Better if you have a digital watch (lots of them will beep as each hour passes), telephone, PDA, etc. Set a repeating 1 hour timer. That way even if you're away from your keyboard, it'll still remind you that "it's time". ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:51 PM RAYCHEETAH Is that PDA web-enabled? Are you voting on it? Why not, VOMP? -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 12:11 AM FLATTOP Time to go to work vump. ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 12:52 AM RAYCHEETAH Quote:Originally posted by FlatTop: Time to go to work vump. Gorram right it is. Shiny. Let's be VOMP guys! First vote of the new, record-setting day. -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:06 AM SISTER let's go, vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:06 AM FLATTOP Your 3G phone is on a different subnet than your dial-up or ISDN/Cable PC (if you can get through on it) vump. ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:43 AM FLATTOP Good morning Browncoats. It's Wednesday. That means you're late, and best get to vumping! ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:51 AM RAYCHEETAH Quote:Originally posted by FlatTop: Good morning Browncoats. It's Wednesday. That means you're late, and best get to vumping! Who ya callin "late," sleepyhead? I been here all VOMP! -Raycheetah =^[.]~= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 2:03 AM FILLYGIRLOperative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is." Ray late???? NEVER! and another vote and a bump......... Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 2:50 AM FLATTOP Of course /RAY/ wasn't late. Just the rest of you Wednesday's Numbers Total Votes (Range to nearest threat) Firefly(1): 742,705 (0) Moonlight (35): 120,255 (-622,450) Loss Rate Today (Wk.Avg.) 239DAvg. Moonlight (35):-->Firefly(1): 131 (279) 527 …Fastest Closure (November 2, 2007): 999 Closest Daily: Moonlight (35): 1,861 (1,31) Closest Weekly: Moonlight (35): 1,735 (279) Closest Overall: Moonlight (35): 1,566 (527) Days Until Intercept Today (Wk.Avg.) 239DAvg. Moonlight: 4,752 (2,232) 1,182 Today's Votes Moonlight (35): 1,861 (1,735) 1,566 …Best Day (August 5, 2008): 1,933 ...Consecutive days > 1,000: 23 ...Consecutive days > Firefly: 22 Firefly(1): 1,730 (1,456) 1,039 <-- Great Job Browncoats! …Best Day (March 7, 2007): 2,359 ...Consecutive days > 1,000: 17 Bonanza(3): 1,066 (1,064) 540 …Best Day (March 29, 2007): 1,185 …Consecutive days > 1,000: 2 Jericho(8): 805 (727) 630 …Best Day (March 19, 2008): 1,010 Buffy the Vampire Slayer(6): 802 (719) 549 Angel(9): 813 (698) 479 Xena(2): 581 (589) 511 …Best Day (March 30, 2007): 2,803 Record for all time best! Battlestar Galactica(5): 618 (579) 515 Gunsmoke(4): 531 (521) 381 Farscape(7): 436 (428) 353 Terminator: SCC(n48): 7372 total, 28 (37) 28 ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:08 AM RAYCHEETAH Mornin', Browncoats! Today's the day! Alright! We have one, last shot at the record which has eluded us: Most votes cast in a 24 hour voting period (from approximately 0600 EST (1000 GMT) until approximately 0700 EST (1100 GMT) the following day). Firefly topped out on March 7, 2007: 2,359; Xena broke that record, on March 30, 2007: 2,803. Today, Wednesday, August 6, we're gonna do the impossible, again, and take back the record, once and for all! I know from the numbers that many of you are already going for a hard burn. Still, if there is any way to squeeze in even 1 or 2 more votes during today's Wednesday-Thursday voting period, it'll make a difference. Spread the word! We only get this one shot at this. I dun wanna waste a single vote. Wouldn't it suck to be short the record by that much, and have to kick yourself for having slacked off, a little, and missed that ONE vote? I dun wanna be that Browncoat! In preparation, the missus and I put in 26 total votes on our IP, yesterday (4am yesterday-5:48 am today, as well as the 11 votes she put in from work), including Bonanza, BSG, Buffy, Jericho, Angel, Babylon 5, Ponderosa, Dark Shadows, Blood Ties, all our friends with whom we share our success. We're on a sprint for the finish, Browncoats! Let's make sure the whole team gets across the finish line! (Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes) Dark Shadows is fighting hard to reach 150k, at 7.06 (7.5) days out, EXACTLY on schedule, with no wiggle room. However, with sustained intensified weekday voting, they could still find themselves behind, again! The Barnabas Browncoats were instrumental in helping achieve our unbroken record of 75 consecutive days at 1,000+ daily votes; many thanks to those who are boosting our friends towards their goal! Babylon 5 is also 5.67 (6.51) days from reaching 200k, just TWO days ahead of the projected end of the Poll! They may be quiet, but the Babylonians have been good friends to us. Let's help get 'em over the finish line! Also many thanks to those Big Damn Heroes who are adding votes for Ponderosa and Bonanza! Bonanza will reach their goal of 500k TOMORROW, with our help (which our new westerns friends are graciously returning). Xie-xie! An estimated 7.33 (7.86) days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting, and Firefly is now THREE days AHEAD of schedule! Our ultimate goal, 750,000, is 7,295 (9,025) votes, and 4.22 (5.13) days away! We need to maintain a minimum daily average of 912 (1,129) votes for the balance of the Poll to stay on track. Total votes Firefly: 742,705 (740,975) Yesterday, Firefly received 1,730 (1,760) votes, 30 fewer than the previous day. Pretty gorram shiny, Browncoats! We're closing in on the end of the Poll, and with the help of all our friends (now including the Bonanzais and Jericho Rangers), we need to keep the daily votes up! We'll get our next banner, for 745,000 votes, in another 2,295 (4,025) votes, and 1.33 (2.29) days! Especially now, every vote we fail to cast is lost forever; we won't always have "tomorrow" to make it up! Let's keep up the hard burn, show everyone our Browncoat Fan Power, and clinch our final milestones! ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead. You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, at: Download the FlyVote voting timer, a NEW version of the program. It'll remind you when it's time to vote, each hour: Votes are counted per network IP, so, don't go to the library or your office and vote hourly on each computer on the subnet, or all votes will be thrown out; multiple votes on rotating IPs will likewise be rejected. 8,217,479 (8,197,144) Top 40 votes have been counted as of 08/06/08. Yesterday, 20,335 (21,656) votes were cast. In other TV Vote news (shows whose voters also support Firefly and the Whedonverse, so, let's return the favor, shiny? We accomplish more together than we would separately!)... #5 show Battlestar Galactica got 618 (669) votes, not receiving enough votes to pass #4 show Gunsmoke by the end of the Poll. The Colonials need urgent help! Please lend 'em a hand! #6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 802 (843) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #5 show BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape. #9 show Angel got 813 (836) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #8 show Jericho by the end of the Poll. At current rates of voting, Angel can no longer be overtaken by #10 show Combat! within the time remaining. Great job, Browncoats! #13 show Babylon 5 got 493 (505) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #12 show Little House on the Prairie by the end of the Poll. B5's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #14 show Stargate SG-1. B5 is also 2,796 (3,289) votes, and 5.67 (6.51) days from reaching 200,000 votes! Lets help the Babylonians reach their final goal! #24 show Dark Shadows got 490 (527) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #23 show Star Trek: The Original Series, which got 389 (389) votes, in .63 (1.2) days! Dark Shadows will be the new #23 show, tomorrow! Dark Shadows will reach 150,000 votes in another 3,461 (3,951) votes, and 7.06 (7.5) days. At current rates of voting they are just EXACTLY on schedule to reach that final goal before the end of the Poll! C'mon, Browncoats! Let's help our friends the Vampire Flans achieve their final goal! #34 show Blood Ties got 780 (754) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #33 show The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which got 292 (294) votes, yesterday, in 2.97 (4.21) days. Let's help the Fitzroyals advance, and mebbe stay ahead of Moonlight! And, still dogging our daily vote totals, is: #35 show Moonlight got 1,861 (1,933) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass Blood Ties, which got 780 (754) votes, in 3.64 (4.25) days, as well as The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which it will pass at about the same time, in 3.43 (4.24) days. Yours in the cause, -Raycheetah =^[.]^= P.S.: I snerched this quote about us, 'cause I am never disappointed in my shiny Browncoat brothers and sisters when opportunity arises to prove it: "Once again, the Browncoats have proven to be both an intelligent and generous group of people in a world where each quality sometimes seems to be in very short supply." - Chris Buchanan The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:25 AM RALLEM vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:56 AM WYTCHCROFT just had my internet fixed - yee ha!:) back with a vumping vengance! NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:12 AM FILLYGIRLOperative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is." first vote from home... I'm gonna be worthless at work tonight Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:13 AM MYSERENITYBF *delurks* Hi everyone, I got six votes in for our Wednesday record, four on my computer and two on my mobile phone. Will continue voting on my computer, the phone seems to have a mind of its own (won’t let me on the internet). NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:41 AM SISTER vump for the record NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:44 AM FLATTOP Off to a meeting (with my laptop of course!) vump. ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:07 AM MYSERENITYBF Vump NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:13 AM WYTCHCROFT Quote:Originally posted by MySerenityBF: *delurks* Hi everyone, yo!:) (rolls up sleeves) - whew! - serious vumping! Vump! NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:16 AM FILLYGIRLOperative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is." 2nd vote of the day,...cheese and avocado sandwich. Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:23 AM RALLEM after nap vump and now for second breakfast. NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:28 AM FLATTOP Quote:Originally posted by MySerenityBF: *delurks* Hi everyone, I got six votes in for our Wednesday record, four on my computer and two on my mobile phone. Will continue voting on my computer, the phone seems to have a mind of its own (won’t let me on the internet). Ni-Howdy! WElcome to the thread & thanks for posting. Glad to see you're here, especially today. ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:51 AM SISTER more, more, more - vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:53 AM RAYCHEETAH Quote:Originally posted by FlatTop: Quote:Originally posted by MySerenityBF: *delurks* Hi everyone, I got six votes in for our Wednesday record, four on my computer and two on my mobile phone. Will continue voting on my computer, the phone seems to have a mind of its own (won’t let me on the internet). Ni-Howdy! WElcome to the thread & thanks for posting. Glad to see you're here, especially today. MySerenityBF is an OV (Original Vumper) from the OB (Original Board/F*X Firefly board), where she started the TV Vote thread there, way back on 11/09/06. Glad to see she made it! Nice to know the web-enabled cell/PDA idea works (sometimes)! Thinkin' 'bout lunch and/or a nap, VOMP! -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:11 AM MYSERENITYBF Quote:Originally posted by FlatTop: Quote:Originally posted by MySerenityBF: *delurks* Hi everyone, I got six votes in for our Wednesday record, four on my computer and two on my mobile phone. Will continue voting on my computer, the phone seems to have a mind of its own (won’t let me on the internet). Ni-Howdy! WElcome to the thread & thanks for posting. Glad to see you're here, especially today. Thanks for the welcome FlatTop. It's good to be here. vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:45 AM FLATTOP Post lunch vump! Go bug your friends & neighbors, get 'em all posting! (As long as they aren't on the same sub-net ) ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:50 AM RAYCHEETAH Post-lentil soup, pre-nap VOMP! -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:51 AM SISTER hard burn, time - vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:00 AM RALLEM going to work vump. NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:03 AM WYTCHCROFT this IS work! Vump! NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:04 AM MYSERENITYBF Surfing the net vump. NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:46 AM FLATTOP Supposed to be paying attention to this meeting vump. ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:51 AM RAYCHEETAH Quote:Originally posted by wytchcroft: this IS work! Vump!I want my gorram back pay, then, VOMP! -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:52 AM SISTER pride is our payoff vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:00 AM RALLEM just getting into work vump. NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:02 AM MYSERENITYBF I smell coffee vump. NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:25 AM WYTCHCROFT LOL! yeah - that'll be me right enough!:) vump! NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:46 AM FLATTOP Hoping this'll be the last vump from work. ---------- Remember to vote! Sign up NOW! More Information: NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:51 AM RAYCHEETAH Mid-afternoon VOMP! -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike NOTIFY: N | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:03 AM MYSERENITYBF Vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:09 AM SISTER must keep vumping! NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:20 AM RALLEM vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:20 AM RALLEM vump NOTIFY: Y | REPLY | REPLY WITH QUOTE | TOP | HOME PREV PAGE12345NEXT PAGE YOUR OPTIONS SHARE THREAD NEW POSTS TODAY USERPOST DATE OTHER TOPICS DISCUSSIONS Browncoat Ball 2025 tickets on sale! 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Vote for Firefly ( Going for the 1 day Record ) LIII
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 7:28 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 8:05 PM
Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 8:49 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 9:49 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 9:58 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Raycheetah: *Pours up a nice cuppa Kona for FG.* Gonna VOMP once more, before the missus takes over the voting for a couple hours. -Raycheetah =^[.]^= The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others. support the WGA writers strike]
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:48 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 10:51 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:17 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:51 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 12:11 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 12:52 AM
Quote:Originally posted by FlatTop: Time to go to work vump.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:06 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:43 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:51 AM
Quote:Originally posted by FlatTop: Good morning Browncoats. It's Wednesday. That means you're late, and best get to vumping!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 2:03 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 2:50 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:08 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:25 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:56 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:12 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:13 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:41 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:44 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:07 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:13 AM
Quote:Originally posted by MySerenityBF: *delurks* Hi everyone,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:16 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:23 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:28 AM
Quote:Originally posted by MySerenityBF: *delurks* Hi everyone, I got six votes in for our Wednesday record, four on my computer and two on my mobile phone. Will continue voting on my computer, the phone seems to have a mind of its own (won’t let me on the internet).
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:51 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:53 AM
Quote:Originally posted by FlatTop: Quote:Originally posted by MySerenityBF: *delurks* Hi everyone, I got six votes in for our Wednesday record, four on my computer and two on my mobile phone. Will continue voting on my computer, the phone seems to have a mind of its own (won’t let me on the internet). Ni-Howdy! WElcome to the thread & thanks for posting. Glad to see you're here, especially today.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:11 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:45 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:50 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 6:51 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:00 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:03 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:04 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:46 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:51 AM
Quote:Originally posted by wytchcroft: this IS work! Vump!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 7:52 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:00 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:02 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:25 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:46 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 8:51 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:03 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:09 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:20 AM