my life's a cartoon

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:48
VIEWED: 1290
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Friday, August 8, 2008 9:46 PM


Weird stuff seems to adhere to my life...I don't want it but it wants I'm a naturally polite person, and smile or nod at people I see regularly at bus stops etc. So anyway, now one of the local prostitutes thinks I'm her buddy. Heroin is her best friend but she is trying to work that out. Ultimately she's a decent person, but her attachment to me is unexpected...her pimp/boyfriend thinks I'm all right too. Random strangers frequently tell me their life stories: On buses at bus stops in queues etc. my friends thought I was exagerating, until some of them witnessed the they think it's funny that random people frequently say hello to me and I have no idea who they are unless their story made an impact. Anyone else have this affliction?


Friday, August 8, 2008 10:13 PM



Originally posted by boris:
Anyone else have this affliction?

Definitely not me! I'm a bigger jerk in real life than I'm on here, and if random strangers start talking to me, I just walk away (*), unless I'm stuck with them on a bus or a plane, in which case I demonstratively put in my ear plugs and continue reading. There are few things I dislike more than random people I don't know thinking I'm somebody they can talk to.

Do you get to talk to them about what's bothering you, or is it just one-way traffic, all about their problems?

(*) Except if they're asking for directions, or what time it is, or something in that vein. I'm not that big a jerk, obviously.


This isn't my signature. I have to type this every time I make a post.


Saturday, August 9, 2008 4:21 AM


Maybe this is your latent superpower and pretty soon you'll be mixing it with blond cheerleaders, a time travelling Japanese swordsman.

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No, it's Samaritan Man!

I find that people I know tend to find me very trusting (I am) and they tell me all their secrets and such, even if it's something I don't want to know and it puts me in an awkward situation with a person. Don't get it from strangers though.

My mother has a condition that she will talk to complete strangers in queues, on buses, checkouts etc. If my brother or I are with her the topic is usually our life story. Even if the person is totally uninterested she will continue.
And if there's a baby/young child within 10 foot then you better not be anywhere within a 1 mile radius.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, August 10, 2008 2:41 PM


it's definitely one way traffic...Ironically I find the best way to turn them off if I'm not in the mood is to try and talk about myself. Works a treat. the main thing I love and hate about flying is that if I'm on 20+ hour flights, I always end up next to people who have alot to say. sometimes it's bearable sometimes awe inspiring, but ocassionally it's just tedious...and the tedious ones are the types who don't get all the little signs that I want them to stop, so I end up being blunt and telling them I don't want to hear any more.One thing I do like about my "talent", is that it works with kids who don't usually open up. Makes my job as a student speech pathologist much easier. Also seems to bring something good to lonely old people with no families...can be exhausting though as I have to take alot of public transport.

Rose aka Boris


Sunday, August 10, 2008 3:56 PM


You are not alone Boris. I gone through periods of my life where I have met exceptional people. I am going through a quiet period right now. This site is where I most often express myself and exchange views with others.

I have been apart of many and varied groups. I have done volunteer work and shared my most intimate beliefs to people I hardly know. In return they have shared theirs.

If you are sincere and are willing to place yourself out their people will trust you and you will make friends of extraordinary persons.

But you don't need me to tell you this. This very thread that you started is what I am talking about. You are doing it naturally. You have been open and that will serve you well. Have an open mind and you will discover all sorts of cultures that exist in your own back yard.

Take care Boris.


Monday, August 11, 2008 1:36 AM


Yup Boris... I have had this for most of my life.

I went through a period in my school life where school bullies used to listen to me. I remember my secondary school:

On my first day I was told most assuredly that I would receive a royal pounding from the school bully. Y'know out of sheer principle, me being a new boy and all. Well. It never happened. In fact the bully confided in me and told me his whole miserable life story.
I in turn listened and actually managed to passify his thuggish intentions towards others. That happened frequently with other would be bullies too. It was weird.

Back in my college days I had EVERYBODY tell me their woes. From drugs to relationships. Friends' ex's would come chat to me about break-ups. People I hardly knew at parties would take me aside and relay some tale of frustration, or bitterness to me and expect some kind of sagely advice in return.

I still have this now. A while ago a friends' fiance took me aside to discuss her concerns over marrying him... I hardly knew her at that point!

But something you wrote about strangers always saying hello to you.... I get that too! At first I thought it was because people used to think that I looked like Prince (yeah I know) but I got that alot, and I figured they sort of felt as though I was familiar to them, however Prince has been out of the limelight for years now so it can't be that. Yet still people, strangers, just want to say hello. It's nice to some extent, but it is weird.

The other one is peoples pets. "Be careful of my dog he hates strang- Oh he seems to like you though..." Then they call the whole family to witness the phenomenon.

My girlfriends cat always sleeps my side of the bed with me, not by girlfriend even thought her cat is known for being really clingy..

Happens all the time.

Strange thing is, is that I'm not really a people person at all. Until I met my girlfriend three years ago I always lived alone, and was perfectly content with that... I never forced an issue to be around people.

So yeah.. I know what you mean.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:48 PM


maybe it is a "super power" maybe true super powers aren't those defined in comics etc., but those that are designed to make life a little more bearable for others. I'm not really a people person fact I'm mildly autistic so I don't get why people like me so much considering my anti social nature. I think it's because I'm incapable of insincerity. I have the thing with animals as well. Friends will tell me their dogs/cats aren't friendly, and then the animals in question won't leave my side, I'm often stalked by dogs and cats and the occasional bunny.Unlike you Somnabulist school bullies never confided in me they did develop a healthy respect ( ie fear) for me after I "dealt" with a couple of them.(a nerd who is: a) confident and b) able to defend themselves and win is apparently an intimidating prospect for such defies their beliefs) I had a really good relationship with the school tough kids though...particularly after I sorted the bullies ( sadly that ocassionally involved violence,)I ended up being kind of a mediator/protector/instructor for other bullied kids. It's probably where I gained inspiration for teaching proactive anti bullying strategies to kids I worked with over the years.






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