Life Onboard Serenity: In A Vaguely Frontwardsy Type Direction

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 14:24
VIEWED: 36072
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008 3:25 AM


Life Onboard Serenity is a text based RPG, anyone can play anyone can join.

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, post it as a spoiler.

NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME! but try to keep it realistic.
Here are the links to the past LoS threads:

Story so far: serenity have got some new passengers, possibly some prospective crewmembers, and perhaps more than they bargained for. we had a bit of a rumpus (or was it a ruckus? maybe a fracas?) with a passenger, who then turned out to be two passengers, but only the resedent psychics know, so shhhh.*puts finger to lips*
Wolf came back and mal decided to go to beylix to check out the new browncoats, 13 came back because he got bored. but enough about back lets go forward or at least In A Vaguely Frontwardsy Type Direction...

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Tuesday, August 12, 2008 4:45 AM


OOC: In trying to backread some of the past threads, I found that the links for the list above no longer work. The site addresses have changed just a wee bit. Here is the updated list with links that work.

I also found a couple that were missed in the original list.

Here are the links to the past LoS threads:



Wednesday, August 13, 2008 8:34 AM


Taichi scuttles around for a bit, when he hears voices. He follows them, then hides securely. Satisfied that no-one was going to find him, he settles down to wait and record, as he had been trained to do.

(quote entire conversation between Ivy/Tommy, John, and River here.)

*after River departs, Taichi doesn't hear anything else, so he runs back to Aiko. He scratches on the door, and Aiko lets him in quickly. De-attaching the recording device, she gives Taichi some more of the pellets, praising him, then lets him back into her internal pocket. She then pulls an earplug-looking thingy out from yet another pocket, attaches it to the recorder machine, and listens to the convo- with no sound escaping the ear bud, ensuing that no-one knows she's spying. It is also hidden by her hair, completely, just in case someone burst in.*

OOC- in this paragraph, Aiko is actually thinking to herself, not really talking. This is also the case for all the monologues. I'm sorry I didn't make this clear before.

Interesting... So she has split personalities? It could be difficult to negociate with her... mustn't let her know I know, though. Should be easy enough, though. Tommy probably wouldn't come out if I'm talking, not like I'd be threatening her... though now I know to make sure not to threaten her at all, Tommy seems formidable... They're psychic?!

*Aiko feels a strong flash of fear, wondering if they could feel her, read her, even now, locked in her compartment. She tries to control her emotions, and think of only inane things, but can't really succeed, her fear is too strong, fear of being invaded, her private thoughts all out there for them to know, be able to blackmail her with everything, destroy her life if they felt like it. She finally manages to focus on little inane thoughts, though she can't rid herself of her fear*

I should probably pop by over Ivy's bunk, see if she has any strawberries... I love strawberries, and oranges, I wonder if she has any oranges, though probably not they grow on trees and she isn't likely to bring a tree aboard a ship, and even if she did bring a sapling it wouldn't be bearing fruit... ah well... I'm going insane with boredom here, I could go to the commons area, I could most probably get away with it without making people nervous, most people get on a ship and want to socialize, it's no big deal. All right, lets see who I meet there; maybe I can get myself calmed down.

*gets up and walks into the commons area, and runs into John. She freezes, trying to think of something to excuse herself with, while fighting the urge to bolt right then.*


Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:45 PM


As the woman hit John he felt it. She was nervous, and that normally only meant one thing.

"What do younot want me to know?" he was sick of this, the secrets. Secrets had gotten Wash and Book killed. Secrets had destroyed his childhood. He hated secrets.



Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:40 AM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
OOC: Here is the updated list with links that work. I also found a couple that were missed in the original list.

OoC: thank you kindly.

*as Wolf was escorted away from the docking bay of the alliance battleship, headed who knows where, he stole a glance back toward the clear plastic tube connecting his little ship to the behemouth that he now was aboard. in the breif time his eyes had to sweep the scene, he saw many engineers, some officials, and one pair of eyes that chilled him to the core, they locked on to his and a sinister knowing smile twiched across the face of their owner.*
Wolf: um, sir...may i retreive something from my ship? its very important.
Guard 1: no talking.
Wolf: but my friend if you don't allow me to go back, im afraid one of your friends in the orange boiler suits will stumble apon it and perhaps people will die.
Guard 1: is that a threat you cockney worm?
Wolf: cockney...COCKNEY, *voice gets more upper class with every word* im terribly sorry but im afraid your ignorance is showing my good man, be a dear and tuck it back in before someone notices.
Guard 1: NO TALKING!
*as Wolf was dragged away, still trying to negotiate with his captors. the unseen watcher smiled to himself, he had missed Wolf when the whole Miranda incedent happend, his attentions were then concentrated on someone else, but not this time, this time would be the end of Wolf Quickthews...and maybe while he was at it, maybe he would kill that blasted Reynolds man as well, remove that little obsticle from the path of the alliance.
Mystery Person: these browncoats must not be tolerated if we are to survive.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Friday, August 15, 2008 4:55 AM


Ivy put her gun away and grabbed her blanket. Then she made her way towards the common area couch. As she walked by, she caught John and one of the other passengers. John was very tense. She passed by the common area, looking for an alternate place to sleep. She saw a weight bench on the other side of the cargo bay, but Tommy had told her to try to follow the rules. Instead, she made the trek to the infirmary and laid down on the bed against the wall and quickly fell asleep.

Meanwhile, on the bridge...

River sat in the pilot's chair, looking out into the black. She wiped back some tears as she thought about Ivy's background. So much pain, anguish and guilt. It was horrific, but Ivy was a stronger woman than she herself thinks. She just hid behind her alternate personality to dull the pain.

Mal was coming, so River wiped away her tears quickly.

"Flying true, lil' Albatross?"

"She is."

Mal looked down at her and saw that her eyes were puffy. It didn't take a psychic to know that she had been crying.

"Something bad going to happen?"

"Already did," whispered River.


Friday, August 15, 2008 6:52 PM


He rushed across the building, they had demanded that he give an update every hour, or if something happened. And something had happened.
"There is only one reason that Albatrax could be this late getting the file to us. He must have been compromised."
"There are a thousand reasons that the files could be late. He could be sick, or delayed, or been sent on a mission, or even had more difficulty than expected getting the files."
This was the argument that reached his ears as he entered the board room.
"Albatrax has probably been compromised,and is probably dead."
"Unless the files arrive inthe next 2 hours, we will have no choice but to assume that Albatrax has been compromiced, and act acordingly."
"About that sir." He spoke for the first time since cominginto the room. "I came to tell you that Albatrx is alive and uncompromiced, we have just receved the files sir. Here they are."
He handed the files to the general.

It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting


Saturday, August 16, 2008 10:06 AM


*Aiko's eyes go wide with fear. He'd felt her, the shield wasn't working, any minute now he'd break entirely into her mind! She gets absolutely filled with fear, with the flight instinct, she turns to run, run away. She slips on the slick floor and collapses, hitting her head and effectively knocking herself out.*


Saturday, August 16, 2008 4:25 PM


John didn't trust the girl but he had to do something. He scooped her up and carried her to the infirmary. He had hoped to find Simon there, but found only ivy. "You need to get out of here right away." He walked to the door and pushed the comm link. "Captain and Simon, we've got an injured passenger come quickly." He thought for a moment, he couldn't figure out what she was hiding but he knew someone who could. "River when you get the chance you might want to come too."



Saturday, August 16, 2008 5:25 PM


The commotion in the room caused Ivy to stir. Still exhausted and her mind a bit foggy, she opened her eyes.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"You need to get out of here right away."

She nodded and stumbled out of the infirmary. She looked around and spotted a weight bench at the far end of the cargo bay. She wearily went over to it, laid down and used her blanket as a pillow.

As she fell back asleep, she hoped no one would be upset that she slept there.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008 2:58 AM


*Wolf was sat in the interrigation room when the door smoothly slid open, and three men walked in, the first to strode purposefully toward the doors and set themselves up as sentrys. they were nothing special, just the ususal big mean looking people that intelligent people everywhere put to good use, standing next to doors, opening car doors, diving infront of things. but the third man was special, very special, he was one of 7 people who were all very special in different yet similar ways, people who Niska had once taken a very helpful interest in. the man walked up to the table, eyes not once leaving Wolfs. he began to wander around the table and wolfs chair as if to hold his captive.
Man" its been a long time my friend, i see you are once again working for your old rebellious friends."
Wolf" i see your back working for your all controlling friends."
*the two englishmen had always traded blows this way, rather than fight.*
Man" but its not those friends im interested in Wolf, Neither do i have time for our usual game of witty banter."
Wolf" well thats a shame because i think ive come up with some pretty good ones since you last slunk of to bootlick the alliance."
Man" charming as always. but back to business, will you tell me of dear Malcom Reynolds?"
Wolf" i'll tell you where to stick your questions."
*the man made his way to behind Wolfs chair and rested his hand on his shoulders.*
Man" do you know what your sin is...?"

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Saturday, August 23, 2008 5:15 AM


bump, is anyone out there? ECHOOOOooooo.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Saturday, August 23, 2008 11:02 AM


John had began checking the woman's vitals with his basic knowledge when Simon entered followed by Kaylee. "Wht happened to her?" he asked taking over what John was doing. "Not really sure, we were talking and then she just collapsed. I think it may be an act, she'shiding something." Just then River entered with the captian. "These passengers are causing more trouble than they're worth the captian said looking at the woman. River walked up next to her and clutched her hand. She began to dig



Monday, August 25, 2008 4:52 PM


Pain's Bunk

"Can I come with?" asked 13, looking at Pain with a wide grin as he sat on Pain's bed.

"No." replied a stern Pain, standing near the ladder with his arms folded across his chest. "And get your stinkin' pigu off my mattress! You're messin' it up."

"Messing what up?" quipped the Bot Boy, still grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "The lumps from all the fun times you and Ertia had on it?" He bounced up and down on it a little before adding, "Wow, I'm surprised it still has some spring to it."

Pain raised a hand in anger, but lowered it as he forced a smile and said, "No, not because of that, Mr. Cross-dressin' Pistol Pants."

"Then because of what?" the quirky comrade asked. "And that was only one time, Painsy-poo!"

"Okay, 13, don't call me Painsy-poo ever again." Pain steamed.

"Surely you jest, my gargantuan mercenary friend." 13 chimed, seeing how many of Pain's buttons he could push before he lost it.

Pain raised an eyebrow as he pointed a calloused finger at 13 and said, "And don't call me Shirley either." He put both hands in the air, let out a frustrated breath and said, "Back to the point here, I don't want you spottin' me on the weight bench, dong ma? I just want some time by myself and I can't get that with you taggin' along. Okay?"

13 crossed his spindly arms across his scrawny chest, faced away from Pain and huffed, "Fine, be that way! See if I care!"

Pain smiled and said as he pressed the button to open his bunk's hatch and satarted climbing the ladder, "Glad you see it my way, Bot Boy." As he made his way up halfway, he stopped and asked, "Oh and 13?"

"Yeah?" came 13's reply.

"Don't touch or play with anythin' that goes 'BOOM'." replied Pain, before climbing back up the ladder and out into the hallway.

As the hatch closed, 13 stuck out his tongue and muttered, "Meanie."

Cargo Bay

As Pain climbed down the ladder into the Cargo Bay, he could hear voices coming from the Infirmary. He shrugged them off as he trudged up to the weight bench and stopped. He tilted his head slightly at the sight of one of Serenity's female passengers sleeping on it, blockin' his access to it and the weights he was so eager to lift.

He crossed his arms again and gave the bench a few mild taps with one of his steel-toed boots. Clearing his throat, he smiled and said to the Weight Bench Slumberer, "Hi there. You probably don't realize this and I don't mean to be rude here, but the Cargo Bay is off limits and I'm in need of the bench. So if you could ever so politely get your cute little pigu off the bench and back to your room, I'd deeply appreciate it."

Pain smiled wide at the woman as he awaited for her departure.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 25, 2008 7:21 PM


OOC: Scrawny? Shirley, you jest!

"The boy is such a flirter," 13 said as he arrived in the Cargo Bay. Squatting in Pain's bunk had gotten terribly tiresome, and this here bench-resting girl looked to supply interest. She was kinda cute, too.

"I'm 13," he said warmly, trying to produce a countereffect to Pain's admittedly dour demeanor. "The muscly-armed thug here is Pain, but don't let that moniker go and fool you. Soft and fluffy like a kitten, he is." Giving a sharp look to the merc, 13 added, "'Cept when he doesn't get his milk, if you catch my drift/read my wave/interpret my signal."

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:58 AM


OOPS! Ignore this little goof. Read below.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:08 AM


Ivy was roused by the weight bench being kicked. She opened her eyes and looked up to see a rather formidable man peering down at her. Even though he was smiling, Ivy’s eyes grew wide with fear and she startled, falling onto the floor on the other side of the bench. She scrambled a bit until she was basically under the bench, trying to put a barrier between them. A small whimper escaped her lips.

“You OK down there?” Pain asked, puzzled by her actions. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

After a moment or two, she pushed the hair out of her eyes with her left hand. She extracted herself from under the bench by rolling onto her back. She groaned.

“Can’t you all leave her alone?” she mumbled.

“What?” he asked. He walked around to the foot of the bench to look at her. “What are you doing out here anyway? It’s off limits.”

“She was tired,” she snapped, slightly annoyed.


I was tired,” she corrected, covering her mistake. She wished she had her gun with her right now, but she knew she wasn’t in a position to shoot it since half of the muscles in her body were either twisted up in knots or numb from lack of oxygen

“Something wrong with your bunk?”

“It’s already occupied.”

“Someone took your bunk?”

“Gorram plants did,” she said as she still laid on the floor. “And it was rather… busy over there.”

Pain glanced back toward the infirmary and saw Simon, Kaylee, John, Mal and River congregating there. He shrugged his shoulders and looked closer at the girl, who looked no more ready to get out of his way than earlier.

“I’d really like to do some lifting. Are you gonna stay down there?”

“You gonna help me up?” she asked narrowing her eyes at him. She stretched her left hand out towards him. “I think half my body is asleep.”

Annoyed, he reached out and pulled her to her feet. She swayed a bit, before gaining some semblance of balance. She sized him up now that she was upright. He was several inches taller than her and it was obvious he regularly spent time out here at the bench. He could do damage to a person if he wanted to. She would be hard pressed to defend herself against a man as big as Pain; therefore, Ivy would have no chance at all against him. She wished again that she had her gun with her. He looked familiar to her though. She looked at him closer and recognized him as one of the men who had chased Ivy from the galley.

“You’re called Pain?”

“That’s right,” Pain confirmed. He eyed her suspiciously. “You should be getting back to approved areas. You know that you can’t be out here without being accompanied by a crew member.”

“You’re a crew member,” she reminded him. If she wanted to make sure Ivy stayed safe, it would be better to go by the old adage; keep your friends close and your enemies closer. She didn’t know which category any of the people on this ship fell into and there was no way in this world that she’d let anyone hurt Ivy again.

“And your point?”

“I’m accompanied then,” she said as she sat down on the weight bench.

“Listen," Pain said trying to keep his cool. "I just want to do some lifting, so if you don’t mind, could you head back to the passenger areas?”

“It’s not safe to lift without a spotter. I could spot you,” she said as she smiled at him. In order to keep Ivy safe, she had to make sure that Pain, or any man like him, couldn’t see anything less than pure confidence. A confidence that Ivy would not be able to fake. So she went out on a limb and made a decision. She hoped it wouldn’t bite her in the butt later. She extended a hand to him. “Some call me Ivy. You can call me Tommy.”

Then she saw a young man approach them.


Originally posted by 13:
"I'm 13," he said warmly, trying to produce a countereffect to Pain's admittedly dour demeanor. "The muscly-armed thug here is Pain, but don't let that moniker go and fool you. Soft and fluffy like a kitten, he is." Giving a sharp look to the merc, 13 added, "'Cept when he doesn't get his milk, if you catch my drift/read my wave/interpret my signal."

This 13 person was with Pain when they chased Ivy. Great. Another potentially dangerous individual to deal with, but he didn't look as threatening as Pain.

"13? I'm Ivy," she said. She stood up and looked at Pain. "I guess you have someone to spot you now. I think I'll go find somewhere to get a bit more sleep."

With that, she left, heading for the only other easily accessible place she could possibly find to sleep: the galley's common area. After she disappeared, 13 and Pain realized she left her blanket on the cargo bay floor.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008 6:37 PM


"So are you just goin' to stare at it, or are you goin' to pick it up and give it back to her?" Pain asked 13 as they both looked at the blanket.

"Why do I have to do it?" asked 13.

"Cause I'm the one usin' the bench, Bot Boy." replied Pain. He picked up Ivy's blanket from off the floor and tossed it at 13's face. As 13 wrestled it off his face, Pain laid down on the bench, gripped the weight bar, and continued, "And since you're not me, you get to take Ivy's blanket back to her."

"But I don't know which bunk is her's? 13 whinged, putting on his best "sad puppy dog" face.

Staring at the Cargo Bay's ceiling, Pain replied, "So? Ask around or somethin', knock on every passenger dorm door, whatever. Just give Ivy back her blanket, you twit." Turning his head to meet 13's, he asked, "Um.. go? Now? Pretty please or I'll space you out the nearest airlock?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 28, 2008 2:29 AM


Ivy half staggered up the stairs until she reached the galley. She was losing energy as she took each step. When she finally entered the galley, Ivy yawned widely with her eyes at half mast. She collapsed onto the couch.

Right now, she was regretting filling up her room with terrariums, it would have been easier to sleep. But she knew that having things already in the growing cycle would help her out immensely when she set up shop dirtside.

Hopefully, she could have a good long nap here and that no one else would bother her. She hadn't been this tired in a long, long time. She knew she would sleep like a rock and waking her would be really difficult. As soon as her head hit the cushion, Ivy was out.


Friday, August 29, 2008 4:27 AM


Bumpity, bump bump!


Saturday, August 30, 2008 6:50 PM


Bumpity bump bump bumpity!

"Fine, I'll go return the blanket." replied 13, rolling his eyes at Pain. As he turned around to leave, he muttered, "Fascist."

"I heard that!" Pain called back, as he begun to do a set of twenty reps.

"But after I get something to drink." thought 13, as he walked up the stairs. "Towel carrying is a very grueling task, one that requires a great amount of liquid refreshment."

Rounding the corner, 13 had begun to whistle to himself in a low tone, but whistled a little louder on the high notes as he entered the Galley. He casually walked over to the pantry and opened it. 13 continued to whistles as his eyes scanned for an appropriate drink, settling on a can of Blue Sun Rocket Cola.

Closing the pantry, 13 turned and spotted the girl named Ivy plopped down on the couch, snoozing her way towards the Land of Nod. He stood there for a bit watching her breathing.

After a while of that, 13 popped the can's top rather audibly, cleared his throat, and said as he held out the blanket, "You left this in the Cargo Bay and Pain threatened ever so lovingly to throw me out of the nearest airlock if I didn't return it to you." He held Ivy's blanket out further, took a sip from his cola, then continued, "Sooooo here you go. Sleep tight and don't let the undersexed mercenaries with the funny names bite."

He flashed her a wide grin as he handed her the blanket and headed off back towards the Cargo Bay to bug Pain.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:24 AM


OOC- damn school and the damn piles of homework.

*Aiko comes to in the infirmary. She finds Mal standing at the foot of the cot she's on, pointing a gun at her head, and instantly her attention becomes riveted on him.*

Mal- "John's told me that you're hiding something, and I wanna know what it is. Quite frankly, I'm starting to get just a little anxious about all these passengers making a rukus, so I'd appreciate you telling me without any fuss, or my trigger finger just might get a little itchy, dong ma?"

*Aiko's widen a little. She feels someone grabbing her hand, so she looks to see who it was, and finds River. Aiko's eyes widen to their full extent; then she starts to thrash around, kicking and crying. She releases herself from River's grasp; and then leans forward and grabs Mal's gun suddenly and pulls it from him. Then she aims it at her own head, with her eyes closed, her left hand scrabbling for the trigger. Everyone in the room is frozen with shock for a moment, except River, who is cowering. Then Mal and Simon both reach for the gun, managing to knock it out of her hands. Aiko starts mumbling incoherently as she continues thrashing.

Mal- "Dope her, Simon. Don't think we'll be getting any useful answers out of her for now."

*Simon dopes Aiko quickly, and she collapses on the cot*

Mal- "River, what did you get?"

River- "She's afraid... she's terrified. Of us.

*River grabs John's hand and starts pulling him out the infirmary*


Tuesday, September 2, 2008 3:05 PM


"What do you want? I think we should be in there." She lead him from the room to the small passage on the outside. "Come on, River. What did you see?"



Thursday, September 4, 2008 10:19 PM


An incoming wave brought Grayson Cornwell's attention away from his current work.

"Ni hao!" Grayson answered.

"You wanted me to inform you if any of your people showed up on the flag list," the officer reported.

"Who is it?"

The officer sent him the information on the person in question.

"She didn't report in?" Grayson questioned.

"She didn't, Sir," answered the young officer.

"Anyone follow up? Start looking for her in her usual haunts?"

"No, Sir. We wanted to contact you first for directions."

Grayson thought for a moment. She was not one of his usual cases that he monitored; she was an exception.

"Do it."

"Yes, sir."

"It's probably nothing, but approach her with caution. She can become... agitated if confronted."

"Noted, Sir."

"Get back to me as soon as you can."

The officer nodded, then terminated the wave.


Monday, September 8, 2008 3:34 AM


Bumpity, bump bump...


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:50 PM



It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting


Thursday, September 11, 2008 8:03 AM


Bump..... nothing to say right now, JTTF gets to decide what River tells him.


Thursday, September 11, 2008 3:59 PM



I'm kidding I'm going to post

"Nightmares," She said in typical River crazy.

"Anything else maybe useful like?"

"We're here," she walked to the bridge and John followed. When they arrived, John could see a large hub of independent craft. River sat and attempted to get wolf on the cortex.



Sunday, September 14, 2008 1:05 PM


Ivy woke up refreshed. She looked around and it took her a couple of seconds before she remembered where she was.

“How’d I get here? I am sure I fell asleep downstairs.”

She shrugged her shoulders, picked up her blanket and headed back to her dorm. She checked on her plants, many of which were really taking off. She made a mental note to see if she could figure out what kind of plants she could gift the other passengers and crew.

She took a quick shower and got dressed for the day and returned back upstairs to the galley. Sitting at the table was a girl, dressed in coveralls, eating her breakfast. Ivy smiled and almost skipped around the table to sit down in the chair next to her.

“Hi! My name is Ivy. What’s yours?”


“Hi Kaylee. I just love this ship. So many people on board to meet. I just love meeting new people,” Ivy said dreamily. “You’re crew here?”

“I’m the mechan…”

“Obviously!” Ivy exclaimed, cutting Kaylee off. “I’m a seed salesman. Not just seeds, I do plants of all sorts. I have some set up already. You should come by and take a look. Maybe there is something you’d like.”

“Okay…” Kaylee started to say.

“What’s it like living on the ship? It’s gotta be all manner of shiny. You live here long?”

“About…” Kaylee started to answer, but Ivy kept talking.

“Look at the little flowers painted all over in here! They are sooooo cute. Wonder who painted them?”

“I did…”

“You did! How absolutely shiny! You did wonderfully! Paint anything else around here?”

Kaylee resigned herself to just listening as Ivy continued on in their slightly one-sided conversation. Kaylee liked Ivy immediately and felt connected to her based on Ivy's happy nature. Kaylee had never met someone as happy as Ivy, but the sheer cheeriness of her disposition seemed almost overwhelming. She'd have to make sure that the Captain wouldn't joke around about dumping her into the hold for a month. After all, Ivy was a passenger and might take him literally. Kaylee suddenly wondered if she was this cheery herself. That would certainly explain the comment...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 1:46 AM


*wolfs face popped up on the vid-sreen.*
"what can i do for ya little one?" he asked

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 1:50 PM


"We're around" River said. "What did you need?"



Thursday, September 18, 2008 3:08 AM


*wolf looked at the screen solemnly.*
“its not what I need” he said “its what YOU need, can I talk to the old man? I don’t want to repeat myself when he gets here.”
“sure” river called mal to the bridge over the com. “can I listen? I like storys.”
*he smiled to himself, “stories” he wished it were that simple, but then so probably did she.*
“so” he said briskly, “while we wait for the grump, why don’t you tell me how things have been at your end?”

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Saturday, September 20, 2008 9:12 AM


Kaylee and Ivy sat at the table, laughing hysterically. Ivy had finally allowed Kaylee to talk and she was telling the new passenger stories about her youth.

“I swear it is all true!” Kaylee laughed, wiping a tear from her eye. “So where did you grow up? What’s your family like?”

Ivy paused, eyes staring in the distance a bit, her face losing some of her smile. After a second, she blinked and her smile returned, bright as ever.

“So what are the other members of the crew like? I’ve only met a couple. You, John and River. How many crew is there? And what do they do?” Ivy overtook the conversation again, asking a myriad of questions about the crew. Kaylee looked at her strangely.

“You OK, Ivy?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“You asked a question?” Ivy asked. “I must not have heard you. I‘m sorry.”

“I just asked where you grew up and about your family. Do you come from a big one?”

Ivy paused, eyes staring in the distance a bit again. After a second, she returned.

“Ivy?” Kaylee asked again as she reached out and touched Ivy’s arm. She was now concerned for her new friend.

“They’re gone. It’s just me and Tommy now,” she said quietly. Ivy gently pulled her arm away from Kaylee and stood up. “I’m not feeling well. I think I’m gonna go lay down.”

“You should go see Simon-” Kaylee started, but Ivy had already left the galley. “Ivy?”

Ivy heard Kaylee call after her, but was nearly running to escape the questions. She wiped a tear from her eye as she continued around the corner and collided into someone, knocking them both to the ground.


Saturday, September 20, 2008 2:48 PM


Around the corner

Pain was just minding his business as he casually walked around, munching on a packet of frozen grapes when like a bolt of lightning, someone or some thing caught him off guard and knocked him off his feet just as he was about to eat a frozen grape. It all happened so fast. One minute he was about to savor a small, frozen delight and the next he was staring at the ceiling.

Dazed, Pain sat up, looked at the packet of frozen grapes laying a few feet from him, then looked at who or what hit him and blinked. As his vision cleared he saw Ivy on the floor next to him and said, "You all right? You don't have a concussion do you? What are you runnin' from so fast that you knocked me clean off my feet for?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 20, 2008 8:51 PM


Ivy looked to one side of her and she saw a package of grapes strewn across the floor. Frozen ones at that. She didn’t remember having any grapes, but she didn’t remember lying down on the floor in the hallway either. She must have fallen somehow and gauging by the amount of pain she was in, she landed hard.

“Owwwww!” she said as she sat up, shaking the fuzziness out of her head and rubbing her right shoulder.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"You all right? You don't have a concussion do you? What are you runnin' from so fast that you knocked me clean off my feet for?"

Startled, she looked up to find a rather large man seated on the floor a couple of feet in front of her. Ivy’s eyes widened in fear and she tensed up, but it was replaced quickly by something much calmer. Someone much more confident.

“A concussion? Not likely,” she confirmed. She looked at him intently. “I wasn’t running from anything. Just going downstairs. Do you make it a habit of knocking people to the floor?”

“Me?!” he exclaimed. “I was minding my own business and you came barreling around the corner!”


“You had to be near running if you had enough oompf to knock me off my feet,” he smiled at her, then lowered his voice to a whisper while leaning in towards her a bit. “And you might not believe it, but I’m not a small guy.”

“You think?”

They chuckled softly for a moment. She reached over and started picking up the grapes.

“Sorry about your snack,” she said as she handed the remnants back to him.

“I have more.”

“Your name is Pain,” she said. "How very appropriate."

He smiled again.

“You’re Ivy right?”

“Yes,” she answered, nodding. “But, as I said last night, you can call me Tommy.”

“That a nickname?”

“I suppose.”

“Strange name for a girl.”

“Makes me memorable,” she quipped. Pain stood up, now towering over her. She extended her hand toward him. “You gonna help a girl up?”


Sunday, September 21, 2008 8:50 AM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“You gonna help a girl up?”

Pain took her hand in his, smiled and asked, "Are you goin' to knock me off my feet again, Tommy?"

"No." replied Ivy, as she looked into his eyes.

"Then yeah I'll help you up." he said, pulling Ivy up on her feet. Letting go of her hand, Pain dusted himself off and added, "Course if you had said yes to my question, I would've helped you up regardless."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, September 21, 2008 6:05 PM


"Liar," 13 put in, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Shadowy, the guy was. Like a shadow, or perhaps some kinda wraith...

"Big men aren't fans of being knocked down by relatively small girls," 13 informed with a knowing nod, tying down a struggling grin.

"Especially ones named 'Tommy'."

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Sunday, September 21, 2008 6:47 PM


“So I can knock you off your feet again sometime?” she asked coyly.

“Just make sure it’s somewhere softer,” Pain clarified.


“This hallway floor here was a little harsh.”

“That it was,” she said smiling at him.


Originally posted by 13:
"Liar," 13 put in, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. "Big men aren't fans of being knocked down by relatively small girls," 13 informed with a knowing nod, tying down a struggling grin.

"Especially ones named 'Tommy'."

Tommy looked at 13. He had been with Pain before. Once when they chased Ivy and again back at the weight bench. He was still an unknown and therefore, still a threat to Ivy. He didn’t look like much, but looks can be deceiving.

“Tommy’s just a nickname that some of my friends call me,” she told him.

“Can I call you Tommy?” 13 asked.

“No,” she stated firmly.

Pain smirked at 13, who looked like he was going to pout.

Tommy moved her shoulder a little and winced in pain. “Owwww…”

“Have you met all the crew yet?” Pain asked.

“No. Just a couple,” Tommy replied. “You, River, John and Kaylee.”

“Hey!” 13 retorted. “I’m standing right here!”

“I have someone else for you to meet. His name is Simon.”

Pain guided her downstairs towards the infirmary, leaving 13 in the hallway.

“When did I become invisible?” 13 wondered as he made his way towards the galley.

When Pain and Tommy arrived in the infirmary, Simon was attending to another passenger who was unconscious.

“Simon, this is one of our passengers. We sorta had a collision. Shoulder is bothering her,” he said as he caught sight of Aiko. “What’s wrong with her?”

“Not sure. Aiko is her name. She had some kind of… episode,” Simon said as he started to attend to the painful shoulder. She winced a couple of times as he poked and prodded. “It looks like a simple sprain. A little ice and a mild painkiller should help you out.”

Simon gave her an ice pack and then went to the cabinet to fetch some Kepraftin and was surprised to find the bottle completely empty.

“That’s funny…” he murmured. He was sure it was nearly full when he did his last inventory. He shrugged a bit and gave her something else.

“All done?” she asked.

“Yes. You’re free to go.”

She jumped off the table and exited the room with Pain following her. She turned back to him.

“Well, I guess spotting you on weights is out of the question for a while,” she told him. “I’m bored. What else do y’all do for fun?”


Sunday, September 21, 2008 7:21 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“I’m bored. What else do y’all do for fun?”

"There's Hoop Ball." Pain replied with a smile. "But that requires two unbruised shoulders to play." He gave some thought of what the two of them could do that wouldn't be painful to her shoulder, then said, "We could play Tall Card. It ain't too physically taxin' and you might be able to beat the pants of me. Who knows, right?" He grinned wide at her and added, "So you up for a game? I've got the cards in my room and I'll let you pick what we're playin' for. Sound like fun?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 22, 2008 9:18 AM


“Tall Card, huh?” she told him. “I’m sorry to say that I’ve never learned to play.”

Really?” Pain asked.

“Really. I know a couple of other games we could play.”

“Can we bet on them?”

“I don’t seem why not.”

“You've got a deal.”

Tommy followed him upstairs, past the galley to the door of his bunk. He kicked it open and effortlessly climbed down to fetch the deck of cards. Tommy peered down into the hatch.

“You live down there?”

“Yep. It’s quite cozy.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

He climbed back up the ladder and they went back to the galley. 13 was sitting in the common area, watching them. A slight smile played across his face. Tommy took the cards, shuffled them and dealt them out.

“Are you sure you don’t mind playing this?” Tommy asked him. She knew this would be a great way to get a sense of what Pain was about. She was quite interested on how he was going to react. Plus it would be fun to watch him squirm.

“It’s… ahem… it’s been a while,” Pain admitted nervously, shifting in his chair.

“Are you ready?” she asked. Pain nodded slowly as he shot a nervous glance back at 13. Tommy smiled slyly. “Do you have any plums?”

“No…” sighed Pain. “Go fish.”

Across the room, 13 burst into laughter.

“Oh! And what are we betting?” she asked. “Since I ended up picking the game. You should get to pick the bet.”


Monday, September 22, 2008 12:54 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Oh! And what are we betting?” she asked. “Since I ended up picking the game. You should get to pick the bet.”

"I get to pick the bet, huh?" mused Pain, as the wheels started to spin in his brain.

"I believe that's what I just said." replied Tommy, looking at him and then to her cards.

"Hmmm." said Pain, as he began to think up something.

Pain was in a pretty iffy situation right at the moment. Usually when he played an one-on-one card game with either Ertia or Fly, it was pretty simple to think up something for the winner to get or for the loser to do. However since both women that he had loved very dearly had left Serenity, betting on a card game with a woman he didn't know all too well, was something of a gamble.

He ran a calloused hand through his short brown hair, puffed up his cheeks, and blew out the air between them as he pondered on what to bet on.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, he said, "All right here's what we're playin' for." He gave Tommy a smile, then proceeded to tell her, "Whoever loses has to make the winner a decent meal, nothin' five star mind you, just somethin' that's appetizin'. Whoever wins gets to have the loser do whatever they want. Sound fair to you?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 22, 2008 6:19 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Whoever loses has to make the winner a decent meal, nothin' five star mind you, just somethin' that's appetizin'. Whoever wins gets to have the loser do whatever they want. Sound fair to you?"

Tommy’s throat closed up so quickly that she dropped a couple of cards and began to cough uncontrollably. She set her cards down and motioned towards the sink before getting up to grab a drink. As she prepared one, she had her back to Pain.

“Are you nuts, Tommy? Whatever they want?” Ivy voice boomed through her head. Tommy was sure that near everyone heard it. “This has to stop here. Dinner is OK. Just agree to dinner.”

“I’ve got it handled, Ivy,” Tommy whispered.

“No you don’t! You yourself said he could be dangerous!”

“I’ve got it handled, Ivy,” Tommy whispered again, trying to get her other half under control. “I have to see where this goes. I won’t let him or anyone else ever hurt you again.”

“Better not,” Ivy warned as she faded back out of the picture.

That was different. Tommy thought as she downed her drink. Ivy had never questioned her like that before. Ivy had given her a command and it had been given forcefully. Tommy smiled at the development.

She set her drink down and turned to regard Pain. He seemed deep in thought, fiddling with his cards. She had him a bit off balance, but then again, he had her in the same position. Funny thing is that he didn’t quite seem as dangerous as he had been just a half hour ago. She knew she still had to be wary until she knew for sure. She glanced over to the side where 13 sat. He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Strange fellow. She walked back to her seat and sat down.

“You OK?” he asked her.

“Just fine,” she answered as she rearranged her cards. She looked straight into his eyes. “So the loser has to make dinner and do whatever the winner wants?”

Pain nodded.

“OK. I’m in.”


Monday, September 22, 2008 6:47 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“OK. I’m in.”

"Shiny." replied Pain, giving Tommy a smile. He looked at his cards, then to her, and asked, "Do you have any peaches?"

"Nope." replied Tommy, looking at her cards. "Go fish."

Pain selected a card from the pile between them, looked at it, and said disappointed, "Didn't get it."

"Do you have any apples?" asked Tommy.

Pain looked at his cards and sighed deeply as he placed two cards face up on the table and slid them on over to Tommy.

"Do you have any peaches?" she asked again.

Pain shook his head and replied, "Go fish."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 22, 2008 8:01 PM


"Do you have any dragons?" Pain asked. Tommy slid three cards over to him. He smiled. "How about a phoenix?"

"Go fish," Tommy answered. She looked at her cards carefully. "Do you have any Unicorns?"

Pain slid a card over to her. The pile between them was getting smaller as they garnered cards from each other.

"What if there is a tie?" Pain asked as he eyeballed each of their piles. "Do we need to play Go Fish again?"

"There's always Old Maid," Tommy casually answered.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 4:01 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"There's always Old Maid," Tommy casually answered.

"I suppose." replied Pain. He glanced at 13, then back at Tommy, grinned and said, "But what does 13 wearin' a dress and a cheap wig have to do with cards?"

"HEY!" yelled 13. "You promised never to speak of that!"

Pain eyed the ceiling as he thought it over, then shook his head and said to 13, "No. No I didn't."

"LIAR!" snapped 13.

"Cross-dressin', cheap wig wearin', date crasher!" Pain shot back.

"You take that back!" demanded 13.

Pain ignored him and turned his attention to Tommy, smiled at her and said, "I was on a date at a nice restaurant on Londinium with my ex about eight months back. Everythin' was goin' well until that doofus..." He shot 13 a look before returning his sights on Tommy and continuing, "Rolled in on a wheelchair and sat at our table, wearin' that hideous dress of his, that cheap wig, and enough makeup to paint a house." He grinned wider then leaned over and whispered, "I've got a capture of him in that getup if you want to see it."

13 gasped and said, "How DARE you show a woman who barely know THAT picture!

Pain turned to 13, an elbow on his chair, as he said, "Shut it, Clem." Turning back to Tommy, he smiled once again and asked, "Now where were we?"
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:25 PM


Tommy let out a giggle, which caught her by surprise. She just didn't giggle. Ivy giggled, but not her. This day was getting stranger by the minute. She cleared her throat, looked up at Pain.

"That's something I would have liked to have seen," she said.

"What? 13 in a dress?" Pain grinned. "Believe me, it wasn't pretty."

"No. You on a date," she corrected, a smile gracing her face. "Do you have any apples?"


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 6:03 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"No. You on a date," she corrected, a smile gracing her face. "Do you have any apples?"

"You'd be surprised how well I can clean up and act civilized." Pain replied, giving Tommy a smile. Looking at his cards, he continued, "Go fish."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 6:38 PM


"I do seem to recall you shooting me later that day, Pain," 13 put in from his seat, voice leaning to grumbliness. "Never mind your cleanliness and airs of civilized behavior."

"It was quite the scene, Tommy-gun. I was wanted by the entire Londinium police force, and I brought down a shuttle with a sword!" Face glowing with the memory and associated pride, 13 added, "And I didn't even break a nail."

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 6:52 PM



Originally posted by 13:
"I do seem to recall you shooting me later that day, Pain," 13 put in from his seat, voice leaning to grumbliness. "Never mind your cleanliness and airs of civilized behavior."

"Well that's what happens when you ruin a man's nice, expensive date with a pretty lady." replied Pain, looking at his cards.

Originally posted by 13:
"It was quite the scene, Tommy-gun. I was wanted by the entire Londinium police force, and I brought down a shuttle with a sword!" Face glowing with the memory and associated pride, 13 added, "And I didn't even break a nail."

"Yeah. Don't know how you managed that." replied Pain, rolling his eyes as he waited to see if Tommy got her card or not.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 7:08 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Yeah. Don't know how you managed that." replied Pain, rolling his eyes as he waited to see if Tommy got her card or not.

Tommy reached down and drew her card. She smiled and looked deviously at Pain.

"A match," she said as she laid the last two cards in her hand down on the table. "I guess that means I won. Now what should I claim as my prize..."






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