Entertainment Weekly Interview

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 14:49
VIEWED: 6340
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Sunday, May 16, 2004 12:40 PM


Today i was at Barnes and Nobles and i was reading the Entertainment Weekly (that i'm too poor to buy for myself) and i stumbled across an interview with Joss, well of course the topic went in the Firefly direction and Joss mentioned that Fox spent millions of dollars on the show only to not believe in it and place it in the death slot and EW said something along the lines of: They spent millions on a show they didn't like, only to cancel it later, why? and Joss' response was ROUGHLY something like: Because Fox is a badly run network.

Upon saying this EW asked Fox for Comment and they said "We were sorry that Firefly could not find an audience but hope to work with Joss in the future"

While reading this, if I had been chewing gum i would have swallowed it from all the scoffing and gagging at the crap that Fox said.


just thought you out to know...

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 12:51 PM


lol. Don't you just love Joss' openess? Gotta wonder where his next TV series will go whatever it is. I don't think he would touch Fox anymore and he doesn't seem to happy with The WB right now.


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:19 PM


1) Don't shop at Barnes & Noble, shop at Borders. They're the bomb.

2) Joss is gonna get himself in trouble one day, but I give him MAD props for telling it like it is. A few years back, when the WB refused to run the second half of "Graduation Day" (because they were worried about the Violence-at-a-School-Event theme, even though it was demon violence, which as we all know is OK), it still aired in Canada. Fans were posting their taped copies on the internet, which the WB was pi$$ed about. Joss tells them: Bootleg the %#&$er.

3) Fox IS a badly-run network. Duh.

4) Fox has a first-look TV deal with Joss, that runs through I-Forget-When. Ergo, they passed on Buffy once upon a time, and said Yes to Firefly because they knew it'd be good, but didn't know what they had once they got it.

Then, of course, they moved that season's break-out hit, "Fastlane" to Firefly's old slot, where the ratings dove and it was canceled.

The Fox Network. Putting the "F" on Fox since 1992.

--------------- (Qs)


Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:21 PM



Originally posted by DarkHood:
lol. Don't you just love Joss' openess? Gotta wonder where his next TV series will go whatever it is. I don't think he would touch Fox anymore and he doesn't seem to happy with The WB right now.


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.

the problem with that is that i think M.E. has an exclusive contract with Fox so unless they pass on the project or pimp it out to another place like Buffy with UPN...

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 3:40 PM


What was very interesting about the interview was the WB approached Joss about a possible Buffy/Angel movie but he's not sure there's a market for it now. It sounds like he's pretty much into movie mode right now, but loves TV and is open to do another show. A pretty good read, really worth checking out if you haven't already.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:58 PM



Originally posted by Quicksand:
1) Don't shop at Barnes & Noble, shop at Borders. They're the bomb.


They're both evil! Shop at Waterstones! (If you live in they Uk that is.)


Monday, May 17, 2004 3:39 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Guess I will be heading to Barnes & Noble this afternoon to see if I can find a copy of the mag to check out the article.

Thanks for the heads up HowdyRockerBaby1.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 17, 2004 9:12 AM


I don't live in the UK. But if I'm there, I'll look them up. ;)

--------------- (Qs)


Monday, May 17, 2004 9:56 AM



Originally posted by Quicksand:
I don't live in the UK. But if I'm there, I'll look them up. ;)

--------------- (Qs)

Sorry. I work at a Waterstones and I've got a bit of a thing about borders since they set up in our town and seduced everyone with their nice new building and coffee shop. Bribing people with coffee it's just not right.

I am having issues though since they set up a chess club on a Tuesday lunch time in their coffee shop. It's taking me all my will power not to go along.

Not that their books are any better or their prices any cheaper but chess and coffee sounds like fun...
... and they do have a better buffy section.

But apart from that. Evil.


Monday, May 17, 2004 10:15 AM



Originally posted by DarkHood:
lol. Don't you just love Joss' openess? Gotta wonder where his next TV series will go whatever it is. I don't think he would touch Fox anymore and he doesn't seem to happy with The WB right now.


Mal's on the ground, about to get speared by Crow. A shot rings out. Crow is kneecapped.

Mal: Nice shot.

Jayne: I was aiming for his head.

Joss only works for 20th Century FOX and has never worked for WB. Just because his show is on WB or any other network doesn't mean he works for them. He works for the studio that hires him which is 20th Century FOX which is where Buffy, Angel, and Firefly were made.

Now he is working with Universal on the Firefly movie.

And I don't think this was an attack on 20th Century but on the FOX TV Newtwork which are two totally different companies under the same Corporation.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:37 AM


Which EW is that? I thought I had the current issue, but I didn't see the interview in there anywhere. Is it the one with the Brad Pitt/Troy cover?

DDP: Damn Double Post

"I'll be in my bunk."


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:37 AM


Which EW is that? I thought I had the current issue, but I didn't see the interview in there anywhere. Is it the one with the Brad Pitt/Troy cover?

DDP: Damn Double Post

"I'll be in my bunk."


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:49 AM


I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly. The interview is in the May 21st, 2004 issue, on page 47-48. The article is titled: "The X Factor." Below are the quotes where Firefly was mentioned:


What's a writer to do when his three beloved TV shows--'Buffy,' 'Angel,' and 'Firefly'--are off the air? If you're Joss Whedon, you move into movies and mess with Marvel's comic-book mutants.

JW: ...(talked about WB cancelling Angel, and then how there is no one with vision.) Even though Fox invested millions of dollars in Firefly, they ultimately didn't believe in it. They scheduled it in the death slot [Friday] and let it die.
EW: So they invested millions in a show they didn't like, just to kill it? Why would they do that?
JW: [Bewildered] Because Fox is a bad network that makes bad decisions. [While The WB would not comment, a Fox spokesperson said, "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again."]
EW: About Serenity: There were rumors you were asked to make some changes to your screen play to accommodate Universal's vision for franchising. True?
JW: Absolute nonsense....Obviously Universal does see this as a potential franchise-springboard marketing vehicle. But none of that matters unless I make a movie that not only people who loved Firefly will respect, but people who never heard of it can walk in and have a wonderful time.
EW: Are you losing any cast members?
JW. Every. Single. Member. Of. The. TV. Show. Is. Back. I wouldn't have done it without everybody.

You go tell it like it is, Joss! "Fox is a bad network that makes bad decisions." Hah. No one could have said it better.
Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Monday, May 17, 2004 8:04 PM



But apart from that. Evil.

Hey, in the States, Barnes & Noble is the evil one, and you know this because Starbucks is Evil, and by extension, so is the Bookstore that has Starbucks within it.

You'd much rather work at a Borders, though. You are getting sleepy........

--------------- (Qs)


Monday, May 17, 2004 8:55 PM



Originally posted by Quicksand:

But apart from that. Evil.

Hey, in the States, Barnes & Noble is the evil one, and you know this because Starbucks is Evil, and by extension, so is the Bookstore that has Starbucks within it.

--------------- (Qs)

My point precisely - cos guess which coffee shop is in our borders ....Starbucks. I knew there was a reason borders were evil.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Monday, May 17, 2004 8:56 PM



Originally posted by heb:

Originally posted by Quicksand:

But apart from that. Evil.

Hey, in the States, Barnes & Noble is the evil one, and you know this because Starbucks is Evil, and by extension, so is the Bookstore that has Starbucks within it.

--------------- (Qs)

My point precisely - cos guess which coffee shop is in our borders ....Starbucks. I knew there was a reason borders were evil.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood

This sounds like a job for Tyler Durden!

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Monday, May 17, 2004 9:55 PM


Thanks, Gunny, for the opening to spread a post from a different thread to one further up the list. I'm waiting for a collective "Wow!" for being the first to notice that Mal's 'space monkeys' is an echo of Tyler's 'Space Monkeys' of Project Mayhem. ("I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection . . .")

You wrote:

This sounds like a job for Tyler Durden!

...and here's my regurg:

"I read the linked article, unlike others, for the first time. (Gawd, as I write, Darth Hayden is now whining about how he slaughtered the Tuskans!) (Sorry for the disjoint; I'm watching SWII:AotC on HBO Family, whilst writing)

Since the author brought up Brad Pitt and "Se7en" -- and since my brain is full of twists and culs de sac -- I'll take this opportunity to hijack the thread briefly.

Before becoming an apostle of Firefly, I was an avid proselytizer for my favorite Pitt film, "Fight Club", likewise directed by David Fincher. My acquaintances and I would trade 'clubisms' in the same way we now deal out Fireflyisms. You know, laughing knowingly as we instruct the bewildered waitress to bring "clean food, please" or just snickering annoyingly because the soup of the day is clam chowder, and chanting "His name... was Robert Paulson" mysteriously, whenever we heard someone coming up the stairwell. By the way, Pitt refers to the new recruits for Project Mayhem as "Space Monkeys", first time I'd ever heard that term, and well before Mal's use in Firefly.

For those who haven't seen the movie: Do. Just heed the following warning, as found on :

After the copyright warning, there is another warning on the DVD. This warning is from Tyler Durden, and is only there for a second (NB: So you'll have to pause the DVD at just the right moment). "If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all who claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think everything you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told you should want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned.......Tyler"

I'm not an anarchist; I've got kids and the collapse of civilization is contrary to their well-being. But what I value most about "Fight Club" is that -- while it's only a thought piece -- the spirit it embraces scares the living bejeezus out of rich, powerful people in the real world.

Anything that scares the elitists in Washington D.C., on Wall Street, or in Hollywood is fantastic, in my book... As Tyler says to the police commish,

...Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we drive your ambulances. We connect your calls, we guard you while... you... sleep. Do not... fuck with us.

And if you're looking for a tie-in to Firefly, to get back on track, how about this for a BlueSun analogy:

When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks.

Was it monkeys? Terrible, horrifying space monkeys? Or are Reavers simply carrying on Project Mayhem?



"My God... I haven't been fucked like that since grade school."
Helena Bonham Carter, 'Marla Singer', from "Fight Club"


Monday, May 17, 2004 10:03 PM


Hello Zoid...

Good summation! Sorry about the Attack of the Clones though, hope you didn't do too much damage to your eye sockets trying to get the eyeballs out.

I think that Mal in his darker moods could definately be a Tyler Durden for the 'Verse. I mean some of the stuff he says at times is very Durden-esque, for example when he's talking to the Captain of the Alliance cruiser in Bushwhacked and comes out with the poetical,"Things blacker than the space between stars" or something along those lines I seriously said,"Woah Durden moment."

A lot of what the crew does could be compared with Project Mayhem too. Like Mal saying he'd do the Trainjob for free because it made the Alliance look all manner of stupid. It's not as plotted or...sinister(?) as Project Mayhem but if Mal had the chance to make the towers tumble down you can't tell me he wouldn't take it.

I'd like to see some of Mal between the War and when he picked up Serenity, I think in those years he did some very bad things for what he thought were very good reasons, and essentially beat himself up.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I see some of Durden in him, I think if we would have seen him about a year after the war he would have been almost indistinguishable from him. For some reason I have in my mind that Zoe's his "angel" so to speak and she's the only thing that back then kept him from slipping all the way into Reaverland and now is keeping the Durden in check. But that's just me.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 9:06 AM


"Gotta wonder where his next TV series will go whatever it is."

Actually, I've heard he's shooting a movie right now. Something with a $35m - $50m budget (depending on who you listen to)? *laughs*

If (and when) this movie pulls its weight in the theatres, Joss will not have time to deal with television series. He'll be pulling down The Big Bucks writing and directing feature films.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:56 AM


don't you people see?
Entertainment weekly is RIPE FOR THE PICKING right now.
it's time for a campaign...we need to find an email address to send in to EW and FLOOD THEM with messages about Firefly and how Fox is a horrible broadcasting company who doesn't know how to reap the benefits of a huge audience.
Firefly's audience has done nothing but grow since the show went off the air...tell me one other show like that in the HISTORY of tv?
so c'mon folks...we NEED to campaign EW to let them know how much Firefly is really loved...
I'm gonna go look for an email address to send to right now.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:02 PM


Pselus, my (wo?)man, you are absolutely correct! Now is the time all good Browncoats should be writing letters to the mag. After they run a story, the Letters section in the following issue will run at least two or three reader comments related to a story.

Just remember to keep 'em short, to the point, and civilized (lets zoid out of the boat) if you want to get yours published. If we send 'em a couple thousand letters, they may even have to include one of those "due to the overwhelming response" kind of statements, which would be very cool, IMO.

Atta... person, Pselus! Find that addy and post it here. You lead, I'll follow.



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:32 PM


I'm a man (23 year old to be precise) is the email address for letters about articles.

the more letters we write the more chance they'll print something...
and if you must be insulting to Fox try to be nicely insulting...we want them to know we don't like Fox but we don't want to look like a group of 10 year olds who just learned how to swear.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:34 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly. The interview is in the May 21st, 2004 issue, on page 47-48. The article is titled: "The X Factor." Below are the quotes where Firefly was mentioned:


What's a writer to do when his three beloved TV shows--'Buffy,' 'Angel,' and 'Firefly'--are off the air? If you're Joss Whedon, you move into movies and mess with Marvel's comic-book mutants.

JW: ...(talked about WB cancelling Angel, and then how there is no one with vision.) Even though Fox invested millions of dollars in Firefly, they ultimately didn't believe in it. They scheduled it in the death slot [Friday] and let it die.
EW: So they invested millions in a show they didn't like, just to kill it? Why would they do that?
JW: [Bewildered] Because Fox is a bad network that makes bad decisions. [While The WB would not comment, a Fox spokesperson said, "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again."]
EW: About Serenity: There were rumors you were asked to make some changes to your screen play to accommodate Universal's vision for franchising. True?
JW: Absolute nonsense....Obviously Universal does see this as a potential franchise-springboard marketing vehicle. But none of that matters unless I make a movie that not only people who loved Firefly will respect, but people who never heard of it can walk in and have a wonderful time.
EW: Are you losing any cast members?
JW. Every. Single. Member. Of. The. TV. Show. Is. Back. I wouldn't have done it without everybody.

there's your pertinant information folks...get to writing

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:54 PM


my email (probably WAY too long):


Subject: Firefly, a lost treasure...

In your latest issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine you published an article entitled "X-Factor" in which Writer/Director/Genius Joss Whedon was interviewed. In this article Whedon mentioned his opinions about Fox broadcasting company and a reply from Fox was quoted as saying: "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again".
That statement enrages me. I am a newfound fan of the series Firefly. I heard of the series from a webcomic called Player vs. Player. ( After watching the show on rented DVD's I immediatly went out and bought the set of DVDs. In the last 2 months I have watched the entire series 6 times through and spread the joy of the series to 9 other people. Not yet has anyone who watched this series on my recommendation disliked it.
If Firefly were still on television and NOT under the control of a broadcasting company like Fox I believe it would be the most popular show on TV. Firefly has done nothing but GROW in fanbase since it was taken off the air. With the release of the DVD set the fanbase continues to grow exponentially and (as you know) a movie is even in production for this show which Fox claims to have no fanbase? If Firefly were a proven "flop" as Fox seems to think, why would a group like Universal Studios be willing to make a film based on the series?
There is no show on television these days that can claim to have what Firefly does. It is witty, dramatic, heart-wrenching, exciting, scary and even hilarious. The show has elements for ALL audiences. It has a great "dry humor" as well as more obvious humor; it has action, adventure; elements of science fiction, western, comedy and drama.
Please let the readers of Entertainment Weekly know that Firefly is MUCH more than Fox believes it to be. The numbers don't lie. rates the Firefly DVD set as number 71 on their list for DVDs. 71 out of some thousands and thousands of DVD's available. And this is supposed to be a show with "no fanbase". Simply put, Fox has no idea what it is talking about.

James Wright; a Firefly addict

even though we all love the series IMMENSLY...some people need to write small letters in...once I get going I can't shut now it's up to all you.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:05 PM


Starbucks is in a... Borders, where some people are? Where I am, Starbucks is strictly B+N. Just goes to show you... ALL corporations are each other's WHORES!!!

I was replying to a note several replies up, and the replies in between were rather interesting. To the champion-er of the Movie, "Fight Club," I'd encourage you heavily to read the book. There are certain, little differences, and it makes for good conversation.

Even if it does mean we're breaking the first two rules of Fight Club. Tsk.

--------------- (Qs)


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:08 PM



Dude, again great idea, and sorry about any confusion over your plumbing (there wasn't anything on your Bio page).

I've written my letter. Here it is:


Reader Comment on Article from May 21, 2004 issue, "The X Factor"


Joss stated that Fox TV is “a bad network that makes bad decisions”. Fox TV responded, "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again." What was left unsaid by the network’s mouthpiece was that Fox thought so highly of Mr. Whedon’s work that they: 1.) Failed to air the 2-hour movie at the start of the series, as was necessary in order to introduce viewers to the characters and setting; 2.) Moved the start time of the weekly episodes and skipped weeks because of baseball and football coverage; 3.) Showed episodes out of order, which scrambled the plot arc. I believe it’s obvious that Fox TV had no appreciation of the art Joss had created, and no respect for Mr. Whedon himself. If Fox TV had made some concessions for the fact that Firefly’s poor showing in the ratings was due in majority to their own mismanagement of the property, their statement would hold more weight. In that light, their spokesperson’s statement sounds more like an impersonal boilerplate rejection letter than anything like a heartfelt attempt at reconciliation. Yet another insult from those ignoramuses, and proof positive that Joss’ analysis of their practices is accurate.

Anything y'all can think of before I mail it?



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:26 PM



Originally posted by Pselus:
I'm a man (23 year old to be precise) is the email address for letters about articles.

the more letters we write the more chance they'll print something...
and if you must be insulting to Fox try to be nicely insulting...we want them to know we don't like Fox but we don't want to look like a group of 10 year olds who just learned how to swear.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."

You tell 'em! Remember that when the character and quality of our statements is as remarkable as our discussions here are, they reflect the distinction held by Firefly, which was far above the bulk of its televised peer group.

gotta get back to my letter!!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:26 PM



Originally posted by Pselus:
my email (probably WAY too long):


Subject: Firefly, a lost treasure...

In your latest issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine you published an article entitled "X-Factor" in which Writer/Director/Genius Joss Whedon was interviewed. In this article Whedon mentioned his opinions about Fox broadcasting company and a reply from Fox was quoted as saying: "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again".
That statement enrages me. I am a newfound fan of the series Firefly. I heard of the series from a webcomic called Player vs. Player. ( After watching the show on rented DVD's I immediatly went out and bought the set of DVDs. In the last 2 months I have watched the entire series 6 times through and spread the joy of the series to 9 other people. Not yet has anyone who watched this series on my recommendation disliked it.
If Firefly were still on television and NOT under the control of a broadcasting company like Fox I believe it would be the most popular show on TV. Firefly has done nothing but GROW in fanbase since it was taken off the air. With the release of the DVD set the fanbase continues to grow exponentially and (as you know) a movie is even in production for this show which Fox claims to have no fanbase? If Firefly were a proven "flop" as Fox seems to think, why would a group like Universal Studios be willing to make a film based on the series?
There is no show on television these days that can claim to have what Firefly does. It is witty, dramatic, heart-wrenching, exciting, scary and even hilarious. The show has elements for ALL audiences. It has a great "dry humor" as well as more obvious humor; it has action, adventure; elements of science fiction, western, comedy and drama.
Please let the readers of Entertainment Weekly know that Firefly is MUCH more than Fox believes it to be. The numbers don't lie. rates the Firefly DVD set as number 71 on their list for DVDs. 71 out of some thousands and thousands of DVD's available. And this is supposed to be a show with "no fanbase". Simply put, Fox has no idea what it is talking about.

James Wright; a Firefly addict

even though we all love the series IMMENSLY...some people need to write small letters in...once I get going I can't shut now it's up to all you.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."

EXCELLENT email, Pselus. You've said what we've all been thinking, and you've said it in a very eloquent and thought-provoking fashion, as well.

Let's hope that it'll catch their eye...


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:31 PM



Originally posted by zoid:


Dude, again great idea, and sorry about any confusion over your plumbing (there wasn't anything on your Bio page).

I've written my letter. Here it is:


Reader Comment on Article from May 21, 2004 issue, "The X Factor"


Joss stated that Fox TV is “a bad network that makes bad decisions”. Fox TV responded, "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again." What was left unsaid by the network’s mouthpiece was that Fox thought so highly of Mr. Whedon’s work that they: 1.) Failed to air the 2-hour movie at the start of the series, as was necessary in order to introduce viewers to the characters and setting; 2.) Moved the start time of the weekly episodes and skipped weeks because of baseball and football coverage; 3.) Showed episodes out of order, which scrambled the plot arc. I believe it’s obvious that Fox TV had no appreciation of the art Joss had created, and no respect for Mr. Whedon himself. If Fox TV had made some concessions for the fact that Firefly’s poor showing in the ratings was due in majority to their own mismanagement of the property, their statement would hold more weight. In that light, their spokesperson’s statement sounds more like an impersonal boilerplate rejection letter than anything like a heartfelt attempt at reconciliation. Yet another insult from those ignoramuses, and proof positive that Joss’ analysis of their practices is accurate.

Anything y'all can think of before I mail it?



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard

Callin' them 'ignoramuses' is a bit harsh, but...

Aw, it's the truth, I guess. I can't believe that they cancelled Firefly when Buffy and Angel are so popular, and I don't even watch those shows. So, send it, Browncoat, send it.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:49 PM


well Desangro

"Big Damn Heroes sir."






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