Good Luck Chuck!

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 03:26
VIEWED: 2842
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008 4:54 AM


Good luck Chuck

No, this isn’t about the movie ( although I’ve seen the movie and it’s pretty good) This is about the tv show “Chuck” which entertains Adam Baldwin as a secret service agent for the NSA. Chuck’s second season begins Monday the 29, September and if you haven’t tuned in yet give it a whirl. I think you may like it.

Now for everyone that wished me and the family well during hurricane Ike I deeply thank you! Browncaots are the most caring, thoughtful individuals on the planet and I am proud to be considered among the browncoat population. Except for some tree damage and some minor roof repairs, all at the Z house is fine. I hope and wish all the best for the many, many ppl that went though the storm. Now on to CHUCK.

As a fan of Firefly and everyone that was on the show I have also become a fan of AB which leads to the fact that I am also a member on the CHUCK board. It’s been a while since I’ve visited and posted there but I hope to soon be back aboard posting away about all the goodliness of that program on the NBC network. The CHUCK folk appeared at ComicCon to tout the shows second season and sure enough Mr. Baldwin was there and got thunderous applause from the crowds at the CHUCK panel. To see the vid go here,

The first season of CHUCK is out on dvd, came out Sept.16, so if you’re looking to catch up you can.
“ Secrets are not my concern, keeping them is!” I know that’s a line from the operative and our BDM but it’s also one that could easily be used by Casey (Adam Baldwin) in reference to Chuck Bartwoski . If you've seen the video above and listen to the writers and producers you’ll see what I mean. Anyhoo, I really like the lady that’s at the podium asking the questions. She seems to be a true FF fan herself and a very witty host. Adam comes across as being a little nervous and shy and humble with all the fan applause and very sincere in his joy of the fans. Gotta love the guy.

Anyway just wanted to put up a post that I’m back and tell everyone that I appreciate all the post on my last log. You guys are the greatest!

Welcome all the newbs, stay loyal and true, hope you enjoy as much as I do. That’s about it for now.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008 6:46 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Great news that you and family are alright, z.

I just finished watching Chuck's second season premiere, titled "Chuck vs. the First Date." It's available free through's Video on Demand, and I think also on hulu and maybe nbc.

It was very good and I'm glad I got the opportunity to watch it early. Now I don't have to worry about which to watch next Monday, Chuck or TSCC.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:20 AM


Yes. this is the best show ever. everyone should watch it.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:24 AM


'Chuck' is awesome!

mostly because of the awesomeness of Adam Baldwin

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 12:29 PM


First of all, glad you only had minimal damage. I've been through several hurricanes myself here in coastal NC and even if there's no damage to the house the no electricity for days and yard clean up is no fun.

The season ender for Chuck was on last Saturday night. It's an awesome show and much, much better (IMHO) than The Big Bang Theory at truly portraying us geeks. But then we don't have all the information of a top secret computer in our heads and nefarious spies chasing us.

And AB is great. I'm convinced that Major Casey is a better educated ancestor of our favorite mercenary. And every once and a while a Firefly reference sneaks in (Casey's relationship with his Crown Vic Police Special from the first season for instance).


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:56 PM


Really glad you and yours are safe after that
nasty hurricane!

Also really glad there's another season of
Chuck, and the wonderful Adam in it. Can
hardly wait for it to start.
Trying to decide about buying Season 1.

I can get a really good Adam fix by cranking
up my copy of Independence Day. May be old,
but lots of Adam, looking beautiful in blue,
and filmed to show how tall he really is.
(And doesn't blink when shooting!)

Frisky Browncoat


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 2:59 AM


Ah Chuck! I'm lucky enough to have friends who know Zachary Levi and this August, since I was in LA, I was invited to go to the set...most amazing experience of my life. I met Adam. I was totally intimidated, the man's probably the most gorgeous human being on Earth, no kidding. We chatted a little bit and he even asked for my contact info! (I run his friend Tommy Howell's website, who knows maybe one day I could be his webmaster too!). I don't know if it was because he was on his "workplace" so not really in the mood to entertain guests, but I found him to be a bit "hard to handle" I mean he was very nice to me, but I noticed that most of the time he really just wanted to stay alone, wandering around the Buy More set (he couldn't stay still for a moment!). Adam's very imposing, he's really tall and big, one would think nothing could hurt him , but unfortunately in the middle of an action sequence he had an accident...hit his back hard against the corner of an iron shelf. Poor thing ran away from the set howling the unspeakable. I wasn't even sure he would ever come back...but when he did he was really in a bad mood, almost spitting fire, and didn't really want people approaching him. Believe me you don't want to see him upset is not a nice experience...
Anyway when the shootings were over he stopped to say bye to me. It's been a great privilege for me to have the chance to spend a whole night on the Chuck set meeting all the cast and being so well welcomed by the director, producers and the entire crew. Anyway I hope to meet Adam again one a different occasion...when he'll be more was kinda heartbreaking to see the big guy with the ice bag on his back, laid on a couch, hidden in a corner of the Buy More, looking at me with those killer eyes saying "I just want to be left alone".
The episode they were filming must be the eigth of the second season. I almost ended up being an extra as a Buy More , but the production couldn't let me do it when they found out I didn't have a working visa (I'm Italian). Can't wait to see the episode, it'll bring back so many memories!!!



Wednesday, September 24, 2008 3:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Glad to hear you and yours made it through the storms okay Z.

I really like Chuck. I missed the first three episodes, but got caught up online after hearing others here rave about it and watched the rest of the season when it aired on NBC. Great show!

Been picking up the comic book mini series (which is up to issue # 4 coming out today) and have been enjoying it, but I am really looking forward to the new season.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company






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